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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1931, p. 5

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LOCAL and OTHERWISL Mr. Max Qulck, Toronto, and bi-n .E McCready bas retunned niece and nepbew, Jean and Gord on 1f rom apilEasn i ttebreo Mrs. M. H. Minore îs visiting ber Kobler, Ottawa, spent Sunday vitb Dr. Jas. Moore, Braaklin. Mns. mother and sister at Taber, Alta. the farniers brother, Mr. W. F. Moore returned home vith ber and Miss Gertrude Alibott. R. N., Fen- Quick. spent a f ew days here. elon Falls, bas heen an duty bere. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ferguson, Prizes which have yet ta lie ai- Buddy and Mary, Meadowvale, Mr. signed ta races at Community Pic- Miss Greta Paflard af Macdanald IGardon Fergusan, Toronto, vere re- flic include 10 gallons af gasoline SInstitute, Guelph, is bolidaying at cent guests of their uncle, Mr. W. C. f rom B. B. Furber and a pair ai ten- home. Fergusan. nis shoes ironi R. J. Rovan. Miss Laura Hartt is spending two Mr. O . Mcflveen, Manager o! Miss Dorothy Robins, Wha bas veeks' lialidays at Smooth Rock the Bank of Montreal, Mrs. MeIl- been enjaying two weeks' holidaYs Falls, Ont. veen and family are bolidaying with with ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Mrs. W. Kelman and daugliter relatives at Auburn, and other places U. Robins, has returned ta, duty at Editb, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. in Ontario. the General Hospital, Toronto. Thos. Lymer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill and Mar- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leiglitan and Beacack Fam.ily Re-union wilii e ion, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fergusan Master Brian Leigliton, Toronto, held an Saturday, July 4th, in Bob- and !amily, Blackstock, visited their were guests of Dr. and Mrs. John caygeon Park. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergus- Spencer, "Dundunn", an Saturday Miss Mary Thompson bas return- an, on Tuesday. and celebrated Master Brian's birtli- ed from. two weeks' bolidays vltb Mr. Wlbert Graham, ledgerke- day. MissGrae Cavfrtb Statboy. er in Bank o! Montreal for sange We welcanie back to, their native Rev. and Mns. J. U. Robins and tinie, bas been transferrecl ta Iro- town Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meatb Miss Marjonle Robins le! t on Tues- quais. Mn. Topplag of Westport who have been living la Ottawa for day for their nev home at Listovel. succeeds him bore. several years. Tbey have taken up Mrs. Chas. Ginvin, Gadericli, Mrs. Ms oob .Lcbr n residence la their bouse occupied for J. J. Ferguson, Mdadovvale, spont Miss Iàllian Holman, graduate nur- many ersbyt h lteW.Bchoci. n last veok with Mr. and Mns. W. C. ses for the 1931 dlais la our local TiiyUie hrl hi n Ferguson, Joyed a pleasant outing on Wednes-1 hospital, have passed succesafuily day aitennoon vhen tbey jounneyedt Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt and Mrs. their departmental exanxlnations ta Wilams' Point, ta the cottage of W. R. Strike recently attended the vhich entitles thoin ta enrollment in Mr and Mrs. A. VI. Pickard, vbere ý Alumni Association o! Macdonald the Registered Nurses' Association of goo(d eats and vanlous gaines con-t Institute at Guelphi. Ontario. tributed ta the pleasure o! aIl. r Prize vinners la the final week o! _____________________________________________ the Royal Theatre cantest whlch1 closeti Saturday are: Mrs. J. Liglit- =mes, Gladys Connars, George Tor- diff, Mrs. Fred Stevens, Betty Gar-0 Fui U at P te'scastle, Billy Tait, Daisy Culley, Enid FOR TEM rod, Nevcastle, J. T.L BrovTwiNe FOR HE OMMUITYPICIC, ULY8t~Mrs. Ueo. W. James leit Monday nightit n comPany vith a party of editans and their vives ta attend the convention o! the Canadian Weekly r Nevipaper Association at Reiina aont JulY 2-3. The Party viii aftervardsa spend a few days la the gloriausd Canadian Rockles at Banff Springs J and Lake LAuise. They vin alsod stop over at Calgary and Winnipeg.e Misses Marlon Blemon, Florencea Heviton, Ileen Hatey, Margaret ] Cole, Joyce Luxtan, Grace Rundle, Isabel Hevatan, Heleb Mason, Joan Delcious sandwiche. thai mak Morris, Alice Lee. Danathy Nichais I and Jean Spry, o! the Senior andf au outing successftul. Pote vil hntermediate groupa o! Trninty c. G.t P«k Yur peutebaske foryou.I. T. are enjoying a veek's outlng atV pae yon lcnc bskt fr PU.the Y. W. C. A. Camp at Stoney Lake I Caîl and sShe . unden auspices o! Peterbora C.GI.T.n Percy Corbett's Mystery Lady vil lie at large at the Cammunity Plcnic at the Creani o! Barley Camp anu JulY Sth. Watch out for lier. Hon OLYMPIA CAFE cpuemassmtigWrh King Street East Phone 686 BoWMVmanvlll. eYrlsi cnetou it OnlY alowed ta question lier lie-b tveen 2 p. mn. and 3 p. m. and lie-a tweei4 P. m. and 5p. m. You must0 __________________________________________ say ta ber the salutation "You are0 Carliett's Mystery Lady", and she vlanswer "I amn" and vil then hII and over bread tickets ta the valueu Th E W IE Stores oil$5,00. S Th I cu & IIILPurpie Guards Lodge, L. O. L. at- s tended divine service at St. John'sV SPECIALS FOR THURS., FR1. and SAT - .YULY 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Anglican Churcli on Sunday evenhng s about sixty strang. Rev. C. R. s FELS NAPTHA SOAP............ 5 bars for 33c Spencer, rector, preached a most ap-B Assorted SUMMER DRINKS, peor bottie........ 25e propriate sermon Irom the text: "If t Fruit Jar Rulilers, Red & White......... 2 for 250 ye do tbese thinga .ye shail noiveru Shrdde Weat(Csh ndCary).. .......2 for 23o fail," 2 Peter, 1-10. A feature o! theg Shrdde What Cah ad Crry .. .service vas the presentation o! -thes Quaker Catsup, Per bottle .............. 100 colors at the altar where they repos-1, Big 5 Cleanser, Per tin ....................... ..... Se ed duflng the service. Aftebn the son-h Sunfiaver Fancy Pink Salmnon, 1-lb. tin ..............l5e vice the lodge paraded, througb thea Aylmr LMBAR PLMS, egay syup .... ......15otovn headed by Fife & Drui Band, t APIeC OKR LESUnSetMS, 30eoz. Jr .........53e fInishing at tle lodge room wvlere s PICLES FaconSwet Mxed 30os.ian.........3ethe lodge expressed their apprecla,-W Falcon Pears, No. 2 tin ......... . ....15o tion o! Mn. Spencer's sermon, andd Mac's Cookies, per dozen .15e..... . .tbe latter thanked the lodge for li Rice Kispies ..-ýý............ ............ 2 Pigs for 290 their attendance. f Sunlight Soap............... 4 bars for 23o The garden party on Fnljday evon- ti ing under auspices o! St. Paul's W.% AYLMER CHIL SAUCE, 12 oz bottle .......... 15e A. at the home o! Reeve and Mns.w FALCON COFFEE,...................a-43c; 3%'i-23c W. H. Carruthers, Scugog Raad, was Our Own Blond Tea, '/2-lb. pkg . ............25e a vol-y pleasant and happy event. N Brunswick Sardines............. 4 tins for 25e Abutndance Of strawberrles and other good things vere served by the lad- Sbartening, 1-lb. package ........... 2 for 25a les, after which a prograni consiat- Red & White Pumpkin, Per tin ............ 10e ing o! selections by the Canadi B Red & White Flour, 5-lb. bag .........1... 7c Legloli Band, solos by MIS, Ueo. F. VANILLA BAR BISCUITS ........... 2 lb.. 25a Alinis, Miss Lena Taylor, Mrs. F. .. SUGAR, Pure Cane Granulated ........ 10 lb.. 48c MoodY and Mrs. D. W. Beat, and a quartet by Messrs. A. McGregor, Wilfrid Carruthers, Donald Wil- p: lianis and Bric Cocines, Mrs, J. A.C W . . AVE LYCale and Miss ionise Osbornel act-a W * C. C VERL ig as accompanists. The grounds t vore very attractlvely decarated and ti We Deniver Phone 62 Bowmaiivlli presented a gala appearance.d ___________________________________ The W. C. T. U. mia ai the haine E o! Misa Petera, Churdli Street, and Thursday afternoon, vlth the presi-M _________________________________ dent, Mrs. L. A. Tale, presig.Mr. i ¶W. A. Buinner gave a splendid reportW O! the World's W. C. T. U. conven- t tion vhlch vas held in Toronto, ilaJ vbich tb0 progressI n temporance la Vpî ~the different counties vas cleanly set d f arth. Mrs. Tole and Miss Peters 0 reported for the coan±y convention t1 whicb vas held at Orono retently. dg ~.~>It wasdeclded thave aserie o W temperance bassons tauglit i thec Sunday sehools i October and the< W. C. T. U. vil give prizds ta the rE boys and girls obtainlng the higlicithi marks in the test questions. The next meeting vil be lield In Sep- ac tember at the home nil Mrs.J.T.m ti Just Look at These Cool Colo rfui Picnic and Outing Frocks They are so attractive in coo and styllng . . . so delightfuUly cool and summery, and they are the ideal thlng to, wear at the Communlty Picnic on Wednesday next, to whlch we extend to you a heanty invitation to attend. These littie frocka are full cut and voil made. Full range of sim es.- varlety of materlala . .. and priced unusually 10w. The Smart Shop COWAN BLOCK Geo. R. Mazon, Manager WOMEN'S INSTITUTE June meeting a! Bovmanvllle Wo- mens Institute vas beld la the S. O. E. Hall on Friday aftennoon. Meeting opened witb commninty singing and after the business, the nev president, Mrs. F. C. Calmer, tbanked tbe members for the honor conferred on ber and asked for the ca-operation o! ail in the vork o! the comlng year. Solos liy Mrs. Ueo. E. Pritchard and Miss Margaret AI- lin, accompanlead by Mn. F. Sutton, added ta the pleasure a! the pro- gramn. Rail caîl canducted by Mrs. F. Baker brauglit forth a number of ways in which we can lielp the In- stitute this year. A contest an ral calîs bas lieen started ini charge a! the vice presidents. Miss Aura Rundle, R. N., gave a very inforina- tlv address an "Pre-natal Care" vhich evenyane greatly enjoyeti. The members greatly appreciate Miss Rundle's kindness Ini glving ber tume and presenting this excellenti add.ress. List a! group leaders and, their membdrs vas read by the sec-j retany, Mrs. J. Thickson, and sev-1 oral memberships vere received. Social time and refrashmnents verei en.Joyed at the close la charge o! Mns. E. R. Bounsall's group. Mrs. Bounsall reported that Nov- tonville Brandi vas the firat to ne-1 spond ta the piodge o! holping dec-i orato the W. 1. yard at Bovman- Vinle Hospital. 1ROTARY ACTIVITIES ARE INHERENT FORCI (Continued f rom, page 1) eration he bad received f rom officers directors, chairmen of comnuittee and Rotarians in general and be. spoke for bis successor that samn loyal support. President Brown paid tribute tc Rotarian J. U. Robins, who is leavinE this week for bis new pastoral charge in Listowel. Rotarian Rob- ins bas been a member of the club for five years and bas been partic- ularly active inRotary Educational work. Ris untiring efforts have won him a higb regard among bis fellow Rotarians and the spirit of service as exemplifled by him bas been an inspiring example ta other members. President Brown laid particular stress on the splendid Christmas messages that Rotarian Joe bas glv- en eacb Christmas. Rotarian Robins in a brief reply stated how sorry lie was to, leave tbe club and bow much lie regretted that na Rotary Club existed ini Lis- towel. He expressed bis apprecla- tion of the kindly belp lie bad re- celved from. feflow members and spoke a glowmng tribute to wbat Ro- tary had meant to bis life ini Bow- manville. FOUR ARS OFFCIALL SERVIICE TO EOTAELY 17 s CLUB 18 EECOGNIZED Chas. HL Mason Prenented i It Hanisome BMet CaseWhea Re iashng Mreasurer's Offce Rotarlan Chantie Mason, for the past two years Treasurer of the Re- tary Club and for two years previaus as the Secretary, had bis services duly recognized by bis f ellow Rotar- lans at the weekly luncheon on Fr1- day. Prealdent Hermie Brown call- ed Rotarian Mason ta the liead table and stated that lie had been im- peached on a charge wlch Rotarlan Rosa Strike would place bel are the .court. The Attorney, chargea Mn. Mason wlth baving performed f alth- f uly for four years arduaua tasks in the mnterest af the Ratary Club and with liaving dlsplayed perhapa mare Rotary pninciples than any other inenber. Rotarlan Strike mentloned la particular that for some years Mr. Mason liad gladly and punet- ually performed the task of seeing tliat one of the club'a crippled chuld- ren, Lucy, gat ta achool on time, and during tbat time Charlie bad neyer Mnlssed seeing lier there on time and brougit lier borne, or if lie was un- able lie saw that sameone else was on the job. On being f ound gullty of these off ences Rotarian Cliarlie was ordered ta accept as a fIne the gift of a beautiful leather brie! case in recognition of tbese services. Rotarian Mason to wbomn the pre- sentation was a complete surprise, sPoke briel! y in reply ta the charge. Wbatever lie bad done as treasurer. secretary or for cripped chidren lie said, was done la the true spirit of Rotary. He was pleased, lie added, bo announce that as lie was glving up the treasurership, lie too, also gave up thie work of taking Lucy to scliool, for this past week she walk- ed, a! ter many years, ta achool by herself to try bier entrance examin- ations. While he, was Pleased that îlirougb Rotary sie liad found new strengtb and a determination ta get reil lie was sonry that bis pleasant daily duty in hler behalf bad ceased. Rotarian Mason tlianked the Club for their fine gift and assured themn tliat lie would always be ready and willing ta do bis share of Rotary ivark at any time. NEW RQTARY PRESIDENT .STALLED AT FINAL ,,,..XUNE MEETING 0F CLUB [Letiing President Hermie Bro>wn Hauds Over Preuldent's Gavel te Ga. W. James Geo. W. James, newly elected presldent of Bowmanvllle Rotary Club, was duly installed into offce at the regular weekly luncheon at the Balmoral Hotel on Fnlday. Ro- tarian Dave Morrison, a Paat Presi- dent, supervised tbhe installation ceremonles aaaisted by Past Presl- dent P. P. Morris and Rotarlan C. WV. Slèmon. The new prealdent was firit lntroduced ta the afficers over vliom, ho vill preside for the next twelve montbs, then to the directoirs and cbairmen of the varlous coin- nittees. At the close of the intro- ductions, and havlng survlved the ordeal of alttlng between an under- taker and a doctar, thie new presi- lent was eaconted ta the liesd table vhere Retiring Prealient Hermie Brown congratui.ated Rotaran George on bis election and tranafer- red the presldential powers wltb the handlng aven of the gaveL President James in lis inaugurai .ddress expressed a keen apprecla- tion of the bonor bestowed on him I conclusionPrsdetJames sald 'f we wlll ail be true, ta the obli- estions of the Rotary Code of Eth- s, and ail do aur duty as Rotarlans, lere wUif h no fear of Rotary slip- Png, and Mfuch good lIn the com- nunity ui ho amemPllahod."P s F fi t s n ti fi il a Il t] p p d d u ti aI p. v: i t' p ri 1 BIRTHS BICKLE-In BowvmanviIie Hospital, on .Monday, June 29th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. r Chas. Biekie, a daughter. e MOORE-in Biiowranvllle Hospital, on S Saturday, Juzie 2701, 1931, to Mr. and e Mrs. J. R-. Mo a daugliter. ae LAW - In liowmanvilie Hospital, on Wilnesday, Juiy ist, 1931, to Mr. and igROACH-lîî IIov.zunvi1le fHospital, on alJuln' 23rd, 1!431, to Mr. and MNrs. E. 0. Itoach, a naugnier (Joan May). MARRIAGES M COX-KITCHEN-At the Girls' Fýriend- W IY SocictY, Spadîna Ave., Toronto, on ,June 27th, 1931, by Rev. W. L. A.rm- Sstrong, Miss Annie Kitchen and Mr. SJohn Cox of Bowmanvlle. S. LYMER--COLWELL - At the, United w Church Parsonage. Courtice, on Satur- LS day, June 27th, 1931, by Rev. H. C. Wol- fraim, Mr. Arthur John Lymer, son of Mr. William Lymer, Maple Grove, and Miss Vera Mabel Irene. only daughter rof Mra. Mina Colwell and the late Albert *e Colwell, Bowmanville. DEATHS * THOMAS - At Toranto, on Sunday, dJune 28th, 1931, Dr. Julia Thomas, ulster of Mrs. Mary J. itedman, of Detroit, and Mrs. John James, of Columbus, Ont. *Interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. VANSTONE - At her residence, 177 Wv'estminster Ave., Toronto, on Sunday, June 28th, 1931, Selena Jane Colo, wI!O of the late Jabez C. Vanstone, of Bow- manville, in her 751h year. Interment at Bowmnanville Cemetery. GRANT-<Formerly Principal of lmtglin- ton Sehool), on Wedneaday, June 241h, 131, at hie late resîdence, 245 Milwood Road, Toronto, William Henry Grant be- loved husband of EnUly Cherry, ln hie 69th year. Interment Nashville Cerne- tery. Brother of Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Bunner, Bowmnanville. Floral Des*gn Plret clame work for all cceetonoe, Wreaths, Sprays, Pillowas, Bride., Bou- quets, etc. Alco permanent Wreatbs for the cemetery in beautiful floral oeff.c KINGBWAY NURSERIES On Nlghway 2 etrsets omet or Liberty al. Phone 144 *owmanville Wanted 2 Hermstltching and picot-edging work 1dons promptly. Bond or Phone order t0 eMrs. Hobbs, Liberty St., Bowmianvine. Phone 661. 24-4 FEMALE HELP WANTED - Women to do plain aewing at home. Good pay. Sewimg machine necesaary. Lafayette Corporation, 353 St. Nicholas St., Mon- tre.W. 26-20 FOR RENT-Three apartments. Ai>- ply W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowman- ville. Phone 102. 25-tf HOUSE TO RENT--On Ontario Street, 7-roomed, brick, modern oonvenlences, hard ood floors downstalrs, garage and goodwgarden. Phone 389. 26-tf FOR RENT -~ Brick S-room smn- bungalow; modern conveniences; good garden; possession Apr lujt J. R. Phil>, Scugog St,. Bowmanville. 10-tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - At Williams Point, Lake Bcugog. For f ur- ther Information apply to A. W. PicIcard, King St. ,BowmanvWle. Phone 186. 22-tf TO LET-l3-rooxned apartment in Cow- an Block, modern conv'enlences, electric stove; possession Juiy lSth. Apply 10 Mrs. Percy Cowan, Bowmianville. Phono 270. 26-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Fence poste, 26ce ach. Appiy F. FbIey, Bowmanville. 26-tf FOR SALE-Large sime 4-burner aece- trie stove with hlgh oven.. Phone 161. 27-tf MUSHROOMS FOR SALE-Delivered. Apply to Selby Grant, Scugog Road. Phone 691. 25-tf FOR SALE-Buckwheat, 50c per bus- hel. Bert Rice, 'ryrone, Lot 6, Con. 9, Darllngton, north of Sauît Church. 23-5 FOR SALE-Second-hand xnower and 2-h. corn cictvator, alao 17 ft. faasey- HMris cultivator. Appiy 10 R. M. Cale, R. R. 6, Bowmanvllle. Phiono 205. 17-1' FOR SALE-Used electrlc radio, con- sole model, aIea ueed battery set, table model, both In first-ciasa chape. Terme If desired. Phone 258 Bowmanvife. 24-2w FOR SALE-i renewed 00w; 5 Hol- stein heifers, cheap for cash; quantity white aah tongues, $1.00 each. John Aldsworth, R. R.L 3, Bowma&nville. phono 133re. 27-tf FOR SALE - One eScnd-hanS et"o raite, 10 ft. ,practically as good as new; one single sulkey plow, hI ood working order. 8. J. Henry, phone reeldence 611 or office 13, BownanviUle. 26-tf FOR SALE - Parinera! Check ni> on yoor hay fork rope and cee how long It lacssyou. C. W. Souch selle roi>. that la lasting froin 10 to 15 years. Ray cars repalred. Phone 382r2> Hamnpton. 26-3 FOR 8ALE--Cordwood, sold in cord- wood length or eut In etove length; de- livered on short notice. P. 21oley, next houce West of Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanvllle. Phonoe717. 22-tf Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-SO0 acres, being lot 22 ,con. 5, Darllngton, on whlch aro brick 8-roomed bouse wlth modern conven- lences; hard and soft water; outbulld- Inge In good repair: à acres orchard. For partîculars apply on the premises to E. Hagglth, Hampton, Ont. 24-tf LAUNDEt WANTED Ail kinde of Iaundry work clone prompt- y, satisfactoriiy and ai reasuxiable price. Write Pont Office Box 12, or calu Mm. W. Maroram, . King Street ALsuat, kluw- ulanvilîe. Phone 478. THE WAY OUT The Smiths vere deep in thoir 1yearly 'vacation conference.' Every- ~one vanted ta go a different place, and no one knew mucli about any o! thein. On Dad'i suggestion, they called several places by Long Dis- tance, and found out what they wanted. It vas easy tlien ta decide. DECORATION DAY Flowers are becoming scarce, We guarantee beautiful ffovers if order is received before 9 P. M. Frlday. Special attention given ta early or- ders. Phone Kingsway 144 or Jury &Loveil 78. 27-1 MOTHER KNOWS BEST Mather vas lncllaed ta worry and wbenever anyone vent away, insist- ed that tbey keep lier posted an everythlng. "It's 80 easy these days,"1 said mothor senslbly, "one la alvays near a telephone, and Long istance ia Bc qulck and satisfactory. 1 don't know what rd do without iti» PICNIC SUPPLIES For the Business Men's Community Picnic on JuIy 8th, at the Cream of Barley Camp Kraft Ham-N-Aise, 8 oz .................... 25c Kraft Mayonaise, 8 oz ....................... 25c Kraft Tasty Relish .........................20c Picnic Brand Peanut Butter, 40 oz. jar ...39c Chateau Cheese ................................ 19c Blue Seal Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon, 1llb. tin...................................... 25C McLaren's Stuffed Olives, 20 oz .......... .47c McLaren's Stuffed Olives, 9 oz............. 27c Weston's Yo-Ho Biscuits, 1 lb. box .......25e Crosse & Blackwell's Orange, Lemon, and Lime Cup, large bottie ...............35c Christie's Fine Biscuits, by the IL McLaren's Prepared Mustard, 15 oz ....15c Kkovah Lemon Butter, 40 oz .............. 49c Lettuce - Green Onions - Melons - Toniatoes Oranges - Lemons - Bananas HARR'mY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 We Can Fit your I 200New CLARENCE S. Little Shoppe w New5 Watdh Our Wlndov We Chiange It 0f ton One door vest etf BOWMCANVUMI Figure oi vitk TI Stock F. F. mon c dPurse 'esses OýSON$S le Large hem 'Tou Are Neye 'Urged ta Di» ris 00. RADIO TUBES AUl kindsocf Radio Tubes nt the new June Pries - Onlp the Best - Quick Service. Brunswick and Temple Radio Reodveru-Oonventent Tenus FRED. J. MITCHELL Phonoe105D.uail ;Fau S. - FIZ. - SAT. - JIJLY 2 - 3 - d Mlatinee Baturday' at 2.30 P. m. Spoiled by bis father's coddling hand, lie f ound love and senf respect in the simple rugged 111e of the North woada. A sparklng comody draina of youth and its yoarnl. YOUNG SINNERS Wlth Thamas Melghaa, Hafdie Abright ad m ntor ~y JIMM" MON. -TUES. - WMD- RLY 6 -7 8 Mathiee Monday at 3 p. M. J <'i M -Bmum A I j j '1 THE CNADIN STTESMN. BWMANflLE.TRURDAY.PAGE 2nIVE~ 1 TIM CANAI)JAN STATEZU", BOWMANVILLE, TUURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1931 IDArliv iorrirm

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