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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SMX ECAAINTAEMN WMqTL TUDAJL2d,13 1IN THE REALM 0F SPORT I I j I. f ams. c; Colmer. lb; Siem'non,2b; Williams, 3b; E. Bagne]], as O-1 FRONT STREET RETAINS SOFTBALL LEAGUE LEAD IN DEFEATING WHIZ Bard Slugglng Featured Moeiday's Scheduled League Tilt Hard sluggmng by Front Street men and only fair pitcbing f rom Rovan gave them an easy 16 to 8 win over the Whiz Lubricators li Mon- day night's softball fixture. Despite thse fact that tisere was a lot of in- te1resting plays the game turned out to be one of those laggmng games without any overdose of excitement. Smith with thse aid c! bis usual res- lI managed to pitch a real hard gamè. If he did flot strike bis man out he made them bhit Mfes and in that way gave tbe Whiz littie chance to Pull ahead. Goddard batted first, taking James' place on the Front Street team. He got home and was followed by Jamieson and Hall, glv- ing thse Front Street a three-run lead at the end o! the i-st imings. Whlz batted but were unable to fhid thie! feet and were beld score- less until the fourtb frame when S*~mour came home on a forced run when Smth walked Large wltb thse bases fui!. Front Street steadily lncreased thei- score and the game began to get a little more interest- lng when Hooper sluggdd a bard one to le! t field and came home without a stop. Red's supporters dlaim that he ran f aster than they have ever seen bim. He certainly dld swingt around those bases in style. having to take a seat to regain bis usual composux-e when It was ail over. Cameron dld the same trick for the Wh)lz li the sevtlntb innings when t he batted to the east fence and Goad-P dard hestated to tbrow i gving t Scotty ample time to get home. It e was a nicq bit and deserving of aP run. Cowle surprlsed everyone witb 6 bis bitting. making a tbree-bagger t one time and getting on bases more n times than usuai. When Large went hi to bat i the lust frame and scored on the opening bit it Iooked as t thougis the Wbhiz might bave a break 0C but that was their last van. Despite 92 tbed crabbing of one or two of the tl Whiz players, Geo. Campbell of Osh- ar awa umplred a real good gane. ar Practlcally everyone was pleased in wth bim but like the local fellows a be bad to take a lot o! crabbmng from some of tbose wbo have a bard M time losing a game witbout gettig made about ItL Smith pitched a great game i the first part but came migisty near playing out towards the Bc end. The teams were:a Front Street - Smith, p; Hoop- er, c; Jamieson, lb; Cole, 2b; Hall, 3b; Bates, ss; Candler, r!; Goddard, cf; Culley, If. n Whiz - Rovan, P; Cowle. c; Cor- ini den, Ilb; Seymour, 2b; I. Piper, 3b: a G. Piper, ss; Knigbt, r!; Large, cf; Ty Cameron, If. W Umpires - Geo. Campbell, Osh- w1 awa; R. Sudds. Tu sid HIGH SCHOOL STUBENTS co DEFEAT RUBBER MEN W( W( Scholars Sprlng Surprise in Frday's th( Mixup Wth GoEMymr th s8f To use the slang of the bail field, ani tbeIhgh Scbool students handed tbe arc Goodyear "an awful boner" wben tr tbey defeated the rubber men and te sent tisem down to third place i tl tbe league on Friday nigbt. A ten- eari i-un lead inithse fi-st frame so shock- der ed the Goodyearites that they neyerKi really recovered and thse game end- bar eci witis the students well up witb a1 score o! 14 to 2. Colwell wh iso - n ed bis usual game lost out becas nGo be did not get supot.Bir Things did not look anytbing outjo o! tbe ordinary wben Ted Bagnel Jo went up to bat flrst and got forced Hal Out on second base. Slemon camema next and tisen ai ldown the lit ev- r eryone got home, Slemon and Col- CON mer repeating thse trick in thse same JoJ innings. Bagneil got out a second Neg time wben be came up to bat and Bill Bagneli got out immedlately A ai ter Colmner took a long shot to the Hr east fence maklng a borner. borî Goodyears were flot i any way dismayed bY thse lead, probably osi agreeing wtb most of thse fans that It was a fluke. But apparently thse students were every bit as good i tise field as tbey were at bat andBo they beld thse Goodyear scoreless inB their fi-st trame. Hobbs managedinI to get home In thse rubber mens ec ond inlings and 'Stu, James was tise only otiser man to get borne hn e tbe rest of thse Goodyear side of tbe Stri gamne. MeMurter manage<i to reach third base. ed E Goodyear tigbtened up on the 8e1, fielding in the second and successive Di frames and it was not until the eal !ourth tbat Richards came ho me af- Ne ter a three bagger bit te star t him ber Off. Promib ten on until the 8th H. trame It was just a matter of thi-ce Miss or four Up and three out. Thi-ce defe, innîngs went by wth on]y two men E. getting on bases. Luck changed in__ thelas bu on-"nsng an .ome LY CATCHER Gethte fly evay tm:' Everyone Is Invited to Attend the borne. rf; Hackney. cf; W. Bag- Ineîî, If. Goodyear - Colwell, p; McMur- ter, c; James, lb; E. Colwell, 2b; Hobbs, 3b; Roach, ss; Simmonds, r!; Murphy, cf; Goddard, lf. Umpires--Cameron SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING Teani Played Won Lost Front Street 7 à 2 Higis Scbool 7 5 2 Wisiz 8 5 3 Goodyear 7 4 3 Public School 6 1 5 Busiess Men 7 1 6 BOWMANVILLE RINK SCORES OUTSTANDING BOWLING SUCCESSES Rink Sklpped by J. D. Carruthers Loses Only Two Games in Four Tournamenta Entered A Bowmanvlle rinik of lawn bowl- ers, skipped by J. D. Carruthers, and witb M. G. V. Gould, A. H. Moorej and F. O. McILveen as members,j bas been bavlng remarkable succesa on several greens tis summer. was awarded the consolation prize of sweaters wben they won five straight games after losig the fi-st. At Lindsay thse saine rink was pi-e- sented with military bair brushes and combs when they won ain games but lost thse ft-st place on points. They ftnished bowever li second place. At Whitby, with I. G. Hefkey tak- ig tbe Place of Albert Moorete team came Wltbin one shot of fi-st place, but were not awarded any- tbing. Mi-. Gould and Mr. Carrutis- ers, Playing i Scotch doubles at Peterboro recently, played agaist 62 other rinks, won every game and ;ied for f onitis place. For this mag- nificent work they were awarded a handsome pair of silver vases each. In ail four of these tournaments the rink bas lost only two games, one game by one shot and another game by 2 Poits. This is a record bhat tise rink can well be proud of and an2y rink playlng bei-ei the *nnual tournament on Civlc Holiday an August is goig to be up agait atougis proposition. NIANY LOCAL BOYS ARE ENJOYING OPEN AIR LIFE AT CAMP TUXIS 3owmanville, Newcastle, Hampton aud T.îrone Represented at camp oui Lake Scugog Shores Stevcnson's Point at Lakce Scugog iear Port Perry is the hsappy hunt- ng ground this week o! more than Lscore o! boys from Bowmanviile, rrone, Hampton and Newcastle vho are attending the Camp Tuxis hich is bcmng beld there. Camp ruxis is a camp for older boys re- ding in Central Ontario and is moducted under the auspices o! tise Vest York and Ontario County Boys rork Boards with tise assistance o! he Ontario Boys' Work Board. A plendid week is being vpent by hese boys in Playing volley bail, ftball, atbietics, swimnming, bikes, id inspiring worship services round the camp fire. Overnigisi ips are made by canoe with par- s o! 12 to, 15 campers leaving ev- ry afternoon for an ovei-nigbt mPing-out trip. The camp is un- er the direction o! E. Devitt o! itchener who is assisted by an able nd o! leaders. Those f rom, ibis district attend- 19 the camp are: Archie Wood, ordon Campbell, W. Bagneli, Alex irks, Oliver Bradt, Alex McGregor, ihn M. James, Don Willilams, John d Chester Jury, A. Adams, Jack all and Roy Lunncy, ail o! Bow- anville; Fred Thompson and Loi-ne nnis o! Tyrone; Bill Bruni, Fred :wan, Ed. Hancock, Doug. Wright, hn Rickard, Jamie Wrigbt, all o! ewcastle; John Stainton, Hubert derson and Gerald Balson, of ampton. Tise boys left for camp iSaturday and Will retui-n to their aies on July 4th. HAWA SENIORS DEFEAT LOCAL TENNIS OUTFIT Osbawa Tennis Club de! eated )wmanvllle 5-2 i a league fIxture Bowmanville on Saturday. Bow- inville captured both men's doub- li raiber bard fougisi gameg. le resulis were: Sngles-Vesey (0) de!eateld W. R. ike 6-3, 6-3; Rainer (O) defeat- S. R. James, 6-0, 6-3; Miss Fisi- gh (0) clefeated Miss F. Wcrry, 1,6-2. Doubles-W. R. Sirike and M. A. ,a (B> defeated S. Alger and Fish- gh (0), 3-6, 6-2, 6-4; Misses Fui- rand Lick (O) defeated Misses Osborne and M. Aines. 6-4, 6-4; .s London and Mr. Jamieson (0) fated Miss A. Vanstone and Dr. WV. Sisson, 6-3 6-4. M en s Association Cream of Barley Camp RRC)EGýRAy 12.30 p. m.-CALITHUMPIAN PARADE. Parade will form at the Publie Sehool grounds and wiIl leave at 1 o'clock sharp. Route-Wellington to Scugog, to King, and east to Cream of Barley Camp. Parade headed by Canadian Legion Band, floats, decorated cars, bicycles, clowns, girls' fancy costumes. Valuable prizes. 1.30 p. m.-PROGRAM 0F SPORTS, Races and Contests. Open to everyone, young and old. Prizes will be awarded at t'he end of each race. Races started by Alfred Shrubb, famous runner. 2 p. m.-HORSESHOE PITCHJNG CONTEST. Valuable prizes. Entries close with Herb Jamieson, Saturday, July 4. 3 p. m.-SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT. Entries close June 3th, with Frank Williams. , Winning team presented with $5.00 sweaters. PICNIC JuIy8 ( Daylight Saving Tine ) 6 to 6.30 p. m.-SUPPER HOUR BAND CONCERT by the Bowmanville Canadian Legion Band. Hot water provided for making tea. Plenty of tables and seats. Bring your 7 p. m.-LEAGUE FOOTBALL GAME. 9 P. m.-S3TREET DANCE on King Street, between Temper- ance and Division Streets. Scotty's 9-piece orchestra and a fine time assured. Round and Square Dancing. 10.30 p. m.-PRESENTATION 0F PRIZES by T. A. Dustan, president of the Association. First presentation wiIl be the Plymouth Sedan, followed by the Radio, Walnut Cedar Chest, and other prizes. Li.4t «>f Evertý dani d PrLze- 1.-Boys, 8 years and under, 40 yards- lst, Runnig Shoes (ClÏaude Ives), 2nd, Garden Tools; 3rd, Eversbarp Pencil.1 2.--Girls, 8 years and under, 40 yards- isi, hManicure Set; 2nd, Eversharp Pencil; 3rd, Bail. 3.-Boys, 10 years and under, 60 yards- lsi, Mouthorgan; 2nd, Eversharp Pendf, Srd, Bail, 4.--Girls, 10 years and under, 60 yards- Isi, Box Chocolates $1,00 (Mrs. Editis Scobel); 2nd, Cisocolates 50c; 3rd, Manucure Set. 5.-Boys, 12 years and under, 60 yards- ist, Watcb 75e (W. Marzjoram>; 2nd, Belt 50c; Srd, Jaoknlfe. 6.--Girls, 12 years and uxider, 60 yards- lit, Bathlng Suit 75c; 2nd, Choco- lates 50c; 3rd, Manicure Set. 7.-Boys, 15 years and uxider. 100 yds- lit, Steel Flsbing Rod (Rice & Ca.); 2nd, Camera 75c; 3rd, Flasbllght. 8.--Girls, 15 years and under, 100 yds.- lst, 5-lb, box Cisocolates (Peter Lam- brose); 2nd, Beau Brownie Camera (Jury & Lovell): 3rd, Value to $2.00 i store (Oco. Mason). 9.-Boys, 18 years and under, 100 yds- lit, Sweater Coat (JT. E. Mi); 2nd, Universel Varnisis and Brusis (J. H. Abernethy); 3rd, 1 gaI. Motor 011 (C. A. Bartîcit). 10--Girls, 18 years and under, 100 yds- isi, Tennis Racket (Mason & Dale); 2nd, Boudoir Lamp *3.50 ((lus Boun- salli; 3rd, Hat (Dingman & Edmond- stene). 1.-Boys, open, 100 yards-lsi. $5,00 al- lowancc on purchase o! Suit o! Clothes (R. Scott); 2nd, Auto Roi-n or Lamp (H. Clemens); 3rd, 25 lbs. Flour (R. Holmes). 12.irls, Open, 100 yards-lst, Leather' Bag and Kid Gloves (Walker Stores); 2nd, Silk Rose (Clarence Mason); 3rd, 1-lb. box Chocolates (J. Inf an- tine>. 13.-Three-Liegged Race, 15 years and un- der, 40 yards-lst, Statlonery (W. J. Ber-y); 2nd, Manicure Sets. 14.-Three-Legged Race, boys, 15 yrs and under, 40 yards-lst. Neekiies: 2nd. Flashligbts. 15.-Three-Legged Race, girls, 18 yeart and under, 40 yards-lst, Prizes do- nated by Dr. w. H. Birks, $1 cacis winer te be Purcbased; 2nd, 1-lb. box Chocolates (Fred Mitchell); 3rd, 1-lb. box Cisocolates (Fred Bate- 16.-Three-Legged Race, boys, 18 years and under, 40 yards-lst, Eversbarp Penis; 2nd, Neckiies. 17.-Three-Legged Race, girls, open, 40 yards-lst. 1-lb, box Chocolates (R. M. Mitchell & Co. and Roy Dllllng), value $1.00; 2nd, Boxes o! Statlonery. 18.-Three-Legged Race, boys, open, 40 Yards-lst prises donated by L. W. Dippell; 2nd prises donated by A. H-. Bounsall. 19.-Balloon Race, girls-lit, Pienle Bas- ket, value $ 1.75 (W. C. Caverly>; 2nd, Cisautauqua Ticket (Statesman). 20-Balloon Race, boys-lit, Book of Bus Tickets (T. A. Gsi-ton); 2xid, Choi- tauqua Ticket (Statesman). 21.-Wbeelbarrow Race, boys, 15 years and under, 40 yards-lit, Basebali Bats; 2nd, Jacknlves. 22.-Wiseelbarrow Race, open, 40 yards, (boys)-lst ,Eversbarp Pencils; 2nd, Suspender Braces. 23.-Maried Men, under 30 years, 60 yds. -isi, Smohced Ham (Alex Edmiond- stone); 2nd, Thermatlc Jar (F. Ker- slake); 3rd, 1-1b. box Tea <Harry AI- lin) . 24.-Married Ladies, under 30 ycars, 60 yards-lst, Carvig Set <T. A. Dus- tan); 2nd. 1 doz. Aylmer Peas (Ceccl Osborne); 3rd, 4 lbs. Roasi Bec! (W. 25.-Married Men, over 30 years, 60 yards -lIt, %Aa-ton Coal (R. Laibrope); 2nd, Auto Repair Kit (Kemp Bros.); 3rd, Smoked Ham (T. W. Cawker). 26.-Mariled Ladies, over 30 yeai-s, 60 yds. -isi, Copper Boiler $6.00 (R. E. Lo- gan); 2nd, Veranda Basket $2.50 (Gco. Humpage); 3rd, 2 lbs. Royal Tea (F. Coulter). 27.-Fat Men's Race, 50 yards-lst, 500 Ibs. Coal (Sheppard & G111); 2nd, Fittlng Plumbing or Siove Pipe Work value te $3.00 (W. Clark);- 3rd. Leck and Chain for spare tir;e Russeli 28.-Fat Women's Race, 50 yards-ist, Jaspe Linoleum Rug, value $.(.W Nelson); 2nd, Fruit Bowl ani ooi Ca me and have a Real Good Time T. A. Dustan PRESIDENT. Jar $5.00 (J. W. Jewell); 3rd. Mlk Tickets $2.00 (Glen Rae Daiy). 29-Glgglee) Race, open, 20 yaxds-list Ciautauqua Ticket (Statesman); 2nd 1-lb box Chocolates. 30.-Broad Jump, under 15 years-1st, Watcis 75e (J. Rowe); 2nd, Flash- lght: 3rd, Nektie. 31-Broad Jump, 15 years and over-Ist, ountai Pen (J. Moore); 2nd, Polo Shirt value $1.50; 3rd, Suspender Grarters. 32.-Hop-Step-Jump, under 15 years-lst, C. H Dudley Prime, value $2.00: 2nd, Gym Shirt; 3rd, Bect. 33.-Hop-Step-Jump, 15 years and over- lt, Sweater Coat $5.60 (oarls Transport>; 2nd, Shirt, value $2.00; 3rd, $1.00, te be purchased. 34.--Softball Tournament, open te Dar- lington, Cartwright, Clarke, Newcas- tle, Bowmnanvlle - Sweater Cbats, value $5.00 aci, for eery mani on tiHoseswlonlngteam. "rnmetop en te residents o! Darligton, New- castle, Cartwright, Clarke, Bowman- vlle-lst prie, Motor Rugi to a cac mna on wnning teamn; 2nd, lectric Irons toeacis man; 3rd, Flaslgits toe acis man. A special prise o! an incer tube giv- en by Herb. Jamieson te tie man making the mosi ringers durlng hoi-sesboe pitcblng costest. A speclal fi-st prise li same event, 2 pair pltcbing isorse shos *3.50, te winning team (Cryderman & Moi-- row). 36.-Football Qame (ILeague)-PSnlskil- len vs. Bowmanvllle. 37.-Largest Families on Grounds-hlt, $10 in Qiocres (A. & P. Stores): 2nd. $2.50 value in nursery stock (Brookdale Nurseries). 38.apture of Mystery Woman-$5.00 hi Bread Tickets (Corbett's Bakery). 39.--Catching Gi-easy Pig-pig te become propei-ty o! thse one who catches same, value $10.00, donated by Orono Packing Co. 40.-Business Men's Wives Race-lit prize only: Wall paper suppled for romr 12x12, donated by Oco. Pritchar~d, labor in putting this paper on don- ated byeW. J.nRichruds-hi o 41 te .-Ol P.sPManorusChai do If It Rains JuIy 8th Picnic wiII be Helci JuIy l5th Lawrence Mason 42.-Oldest Woman on Gi-ounds--Moor Lamp donated by Nortiscuit & Smith. 43.-Tug-of-War-Box Cigars to wining team. Particulars next week. 44.-Special Prize donated by Wm. Bag- neil, Radio Table, value $7.50, to thse winner o! tise radio itee lucky di-aw contest. Parade Prime 45.-Manufacturer's float - lot Shled donated by Bank o! Montreal, value $5.00; 2nd, value $3 te be purcbased; 3rd, value $2 te be pui-cbased. 4.-Rural Float-lat, Shield, value $5.00 (Canadjan Bank of Commerce); 2nd, 5 gallons Gas (T. A. Gerton); 3rd, Auto Tube 29.440 (John Hately). 47.-Float, open-lat, Silver Cup, value $10.00. donated by Dominion Stores;, 2nd, 5 gal. Motor O11 (Art Cole); Srd, Bide Breakfast Bacon, Maple Leaf Brand (Guxin's Ltd. Toronto). 48.-Best Decorated Auto-lit, Motor Rug (Royal Bank); 2nd, $5 allowance on any hisrance police taken out (J. J. Mason & Son); 3rd, 20-lb. pal Lard, Copaca Branid (First Canadiais Co- operative Packing Co., Barrie). 49.-Best Fancy Dressed Max-lit, $3 Fountaixi Pen; 2xid, Groceries $2 (F. W. Nelles); 3rd, Yardley's Shavig Soap $1.e,. 50.-Best Comic Clown-lst, Box Cigars (P. Cowan); 2nd, Shirt (Coucis, 51.-Besi Decorated Bicycle, by boys un- der 16 yrs.-lst, Oent's Batblng Suit, value $5.00 (T. B. Gllcisrist); 2nd, Bicycle Lamp (Thos. Knight); rd, Bicycle Bell. 52,-irls' Best Fancy Dres, under 18 years-îlst, *2.00 Theatre Tickets (C. T. Ross); 2nd, SU H ose; Srd, Propelig Pencil. 53.-Oldest Antique Vehicle li parade- Pli-st prise only, Motor Rug. 54.-Besi Fancy Dressed Chlld ini parade, 10 te 14 years-îst, Chautauqua Tic- ket (Statesman; 2nd, Propelling Pencil; 3rd, Fancy socks. 55.-Th-ee Mile Race, open te Darington, Clarke, Cartwrghst, Newcastle, Bow- manville-lît, Sweater, value $5.00 (M. Minns, Balmioral Hotel); 2nd, Fountain Pen, value $3.00; 3rd, Polo Shirt. SECRETARY. a usso h wmanville Business I l M s. " COMMUNITY Wednesi TMI CANADIAN STATESMM. BOWMANVMLE. TEMRSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1931 As Guests of the m at the Regular league I - I

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