TECANADIAN 1STATESMAN. B3OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JULY Mh.1931 JIN THE REALM 0F SPORTI FRONT STREET RETAINS LEAGUE LEADERSHIP 1,sily De! eats Public School ln Postponed Game on Monday Front Street retained a good lead la the sol tball league when they easily defeated Public School stud- ents in the first of a double headen Monday night. High School losing to Goodyear in the next game made thein chances of winning the sched- ule even better. It was flot a game that anyone careci very much about seeing and most of the fans were glad it only lasteci seven innings. Dave Osborne was faced with the necessity of play- ing about five new men on bis teamn, the rest of bis own team apparently showing poor sportsmanship, not caring to play wben they have no chance at league honors. Frank Bottnell sunprised everyone when he called Smith's attention to the fact that the rule book provides that the latter could not make use of resin on the bail. It was about the flnst time the fans knew such a rule ex- istéd. However, penhaps it was for the best for Smith turned right around and struck out thirteen men la the garne. It seems funny that it took fourteen games for the sof t- bail experts ta flnd out about this technical erron. The final score was 15 to 2 and a four and a seven run innings pro- vided most o! the fun with the Front Street. Public School with thei mnixed up teamn were not able to do much. Dave Osborne pitched fairly well but had litte support behind him. Then be fools a little too mucb ta m rake the game interesting from a Pitching standpoint. Stew Cand- ler scored a borner in the fourth farme on a long drive to the fence that went rigbt past Sheehan. Cul- ley also scored a nice borner away out to right fleld in the second inn- ings. That was about aIl there was ta the garne. The tcamns were: Front Street - Smith, p. Hoop- er. c; Jamnieson, lb: Cole, 2b, Hall, 3b; Bates, ss; Candler, rf; Adams, cf, Cuiley, if. Public Schol--Osborne, p. Read-j er. c; Williams. lb; F. Mutton. 2b; Fletcher, 3b; J. Mutton, s; Raby, nf; Sheeban, cf; Wisemnan, If. Umpires-Bottrell and Colweil. Rev. C. W. Dernille, pastor o! Cen- tral United Church, Stratford. a for- mer pastor o! King Street Church, Oshawa. bas been elected chairmnan of Perth Presbytery. A BEAIFU AND OF "6RITZIE" P£ARL IN oWr BOX GIVEN FREE SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDIN( Standing in league to Mondi night: Team Played Won Los Front Street 8 6 2 High School 8 5 3 Goodyear 8 5 3 Whiz 8 5 3 Public School 7 1 6 Business Men 7 1 6 GOODYEAR REVENGCE DEFEAT BY TURNING TABLES ON HIGH SCHOOL TEA Ormiston Takes Colwell's Place um Pitcher's Box - Score 5-2 Goodyean nevenged themselves their defeat o! a little more than week ago when they turned the tat les on the Higb Scbool ta, the tun o! 5 ta 2 la the second o! the doublE header on Manday night. On Jun 26th, Higb School running up te runs la the first frame de! eate Goodyear 14 ta, 2, sa that Goodyear' win o! Monday night did flot ge cjuite the nevenge that was comin tbem. The game on Monday was clos enougb, too. Had the f ull nine inn ings been played the Higb Schoc would probably have beaten then for the second tinie. Goodyear wa not making any better attcmpts a getting on bases than were the stu dents, and the latter got on thirg base more times than did the rub ber men. A f our-run lead in thi finst innings and rctained almos throughout the game gave Goodyea: the victory. Ormiston was pitching bis fins garne for Goodyear but he was nc impressive. He pitches a nice bal] well over the plate but apparenti not bard ta bit. Ace Richards fai the scholars pitched another goo. game and stnuck out balf a dazer men. Ormiston struck out one. Tht game lasted a little more than ha]i an hour and there was really no- thing spectacular althougb it wa interesting. Adams was the oui: man ta score a home run and thai in the second frame. Teams were Goodyear - Ormiston, p; Mc. Munter, c; James, lb; E. Colwell, 2b; Hobbs, 3b; B. Colwell, ss; Simmonds rt; Moonraf t, cf; Goddard, if. ams, c; Colmer, lb; Siemon, 2b; Wight, 3b; E. Bagnell, ss; Muttan r!; Rose, cf; Hackney If. Umpines - Cameran and Wther- idge. NARCISSUS PERFUME AND FACE POWDER Manufacturer's Introductory Offer ONE WEEK STARTING THURackge79c. BeauifulGif PacageConsistlng of $3.00 Size Bizares Narcissus Perfume and $2.00 box of Narcissus Face Powder and a beautiful Strand "Ritzie" Pearis. Mail Orders add 15e Postage. JULY 2 - JULY Il Jury & Lovel Whcnne ctest eyes it Is done Properly Gl lay st a Le en Le Dn ed et " BUSINESS MEN SPRING i, SURPRISE DEFEAT ON [Y HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS )r ýd "Goosey" Osborne Pitched Briant ýn Garne to Strike Out Ten Shlr Le if 'Goosey'> Osbonne is apparently e- f ull o! surprises. First be surprises ýs the town by wnaning the badminton ýy championship, and then be shows Lrernar.able skill on the tennis courts, and lastly he leads bis teamn o! su! tball enthusiasts, masquerad- mng unden the name o! Business Men, ta victany over the league lead- ers, 111gb School, in a pre-holiday game on Tuesday, June 30th. It rnust have been a sad one for Man- ager Frank Williams a! ter golag al -th way ont to Camp Tuacis at Scu- gag Lake ta brng a number o! bis stalwarts in ta play. It was flot as - though Goosey had a f ul team . eÉther for he had to make up a team f rom what was available. Tweedle, Brough, Luxton and Little wene al playing and none are regulan men. However it was not so mucb the team that won the game by a score o! 8 ta 3 as it was the badminton champion bimself. His steilar pitcb- ing, five stnike-outs la a row, the bagblight, was what won the game and put the students ta mont. Frank Williams and bis gang bave a good excuse anyway, by. saying that the scholans were not at their best after slugging away at math- ernatical conundrurns for the bigger part o! the month previous. Most o! thern apparently wene trying ta flnd a Greek word for softball or a French word ta describe a strike-ont, so rnuch were their rninds affected by the necent battle a! the bramas. Except f or Osborne's pitcbing the game started out with four stnaight innings witbont a score. Tweedle came haone in the third wben two men were down, and a borner by Os- banne birnself alsa brougbt Cniley safeiy home, giving the Business Men a tbree-run lead wbich was only matcheel by the High Scbool by the time tbey reached the final stage o! the garne. Bagneli, Rich- ards, Adams, Hackney and Harold Calmer went in and out ta bat la succession for stike-onts in the second and third frarnes. In tbe sixtb innings Herb. Calmer gat a walk and campleted tbe circuit for the scholars' first run' Ris brother added the second in the elgbtb, while Adams came borne in the last when two men were down. Tue Business Men meanwhile braught thein score up ta 8 with Cul- ley coming borne la the 5th, Rus. Brown in the 6tb, and Tweedle, Rus. Brown and Jack Brougb in the 8th. Ace Richards was not himself dur- ing this game and be falled ta pitch acnoss the plate as of!ten as is bis wont. Maybe we can hazard a guess that bis pltching arrn bas been aven- wonked a littie pltcbing bay very necently. Ris record showed anly one stike-ont and two walks, wbile Osborne showed up wtb ten stnike- auts and five walks. The teams: Business Men - Osborne. P; Lit- tle, c; Brown, lb; Tweedle, 2b; Mar- tyn, 3b; McKnlgbt, as; J. Bnongh, r!; Culley, cf; Luxtan, if.1 Higb Schoal - Richards. p; Ad- ams, c; Herb. dolmen, lb; Hackney, 2b; Willilams, 3b; E. Bagnell, ss; Harold Calmer, rf; H. Wgbt, cf; W. BagneW,* If. Urpire-Frank Bottreil. PIGEONS FLY 344 NMES Bawrnanville Homing Pigeon Club7 flew their nlnth aid bird race on Satunday, JuIy 4tb, f rom Montpelier, 0hio, 344 miles air Uine. Pollowhng la the resuit: F. Bottrell 9 brs, 57 -ina, 18 sec. F. Battreil 10 brs. 0 mine, 23 sec. I. Hobbs .10 lins, 3 mina, 48 sec. L. Richards .13 hrs. 47 mins, 32 sec. b W. J. Martyn and Wm. Wallace no report.L Rev. J. L. Alexander, Hamnilton, 7 wbo was bere on Satnrday enroute J ta Orano ta attend the funeral o! bis cousin, the late Mrs. Wm. Coi- 5, ville, Orono, vlslted tbe Misses Stephens and other aid f ienda. Brooklin United Church wtll hold its annual Sunday scbool plcnlc at Crearn of Bariey Camp, Bowman- IM ville, Jnly letb.n Township af East Wbitby granted the Ontario Shore Gas Co. a 35-year 8 franchise for the distribution of gas in that mnuniclpality. The company IR now has franchises granted by Osh- awa, Bowmanville, Whltby and East 61 Whltby. CLOUDS Molly Bevaiý The Blue Bell Poetess Deep in the meadow grass I lie, Face upturned to the summer sky, Watching the great cloud animais go, Lazily, clumsily, to and fro;, Or the chiselling wind, for pure de- light, Fashioning castles of marbie white, Haunting faces. and angel wings, Unbelievable, transient thirigs; Changing to windy wisps of lace Veiing the evening's lovely face. This when sunlight ruies the day; But I climb a bill when the skies are gray, To see the cloude like old ails flap.. ping, Wiid and ragged and overlapping; Eager, wind-worried clouds of queut, Hasten ing on to the distant west, Storm-staunch shipe on a misty. main Cargoed with shirnmering strands of ramn. Jr. I to Sr. I-Helen Ashton, Olga landerson. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr. - Alvin Page, Ralph Virtue. Figures denote percentage; Paua,I 60%; Honours 75%. N. L.McCUJJteacher. BuyYour Suit at GiIcI'rist's Thursday - Friday - Saturday1 SILVER WEDDING Mr. Mnd Mm W. J. Found Presented With, Silver Tea Service FOUND-LOTT - At Courtice, Ont.. by Rev. J. R. Butler, on June 30, 1906, Mvr- W. J. Pound and Miss Ada Lott. A happy gathermng of 20 relatives asscmbled at the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pound, Concession Street, on Tuesday, June 3Oth, to celebrate the Silver Anniversary of their marriage and ta, enjoy a pleas- ant evening together. On behal! 0f those assernbled an address was read by Master Ralph Found while Misses Fay and Muriel Found presented the happy couple with a silver tea ser- vice and a number of other lovely gif ts on behaif of the relatives pres- ent. The good wishes and gifts were gratefully acknowledged by the bride a! ter which a Most pleasant and sociable time was spent. An excellent wedding supper was served on the lawn and ail joined heartily in congratulations ta the bride and groom with good wishes for future anniversaries. The foIlowing verses comPosed by their niece and read on this happy occasion were enjoyeci by ail: June 30th, 1931 To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Found: We are gathered here to-night, As a family, happy and gay, To honour the bride and groom On their silver wedding day. As to-night we ailllooki backward O'er the years that have passed away. We think of the year nineteen hun- dred and six, And June and the thirtieth day. We will now turn back the pages, Of the Statesman, guarded so trUe, And read of that happy marriage, And ail our memories renew. At the Methodist Parsonage, Court- tee, On Saturday evening, at eight, LAnd the thirtieth day of June, Was the place, the time, the date. The blusbing bride was Ada Lott, r The groom was William Found, 5The parson was Mr. Butler L Who tied the knot around. The bride was very attractive In ber dress of Alice blue, TriMmned with embroidered net And dalnty laces, too. After the .wedding was over And they were mnan and wife, They le! t the Parsonage happy, And have been, ail their 111e. TheY enjoyed a pleasant holiday, And then they settled down, In their very own bouse on Con- cession Street, In dear old Bowmanviile town. They have lived there twenty-five years In happinesa and content, And on beautifying their borne They have always been earnestly bent. So Aunt Ada and Uncle William 1 We corne ta wish you God speed, And ta bring silver gif ta o! remem-D brance Which we hope will be use! ul in- deed. We wish you wealth, we wish you health, And rnany years together, We wish you lucli, we wish you joy, And always sunny weather. Signed on behailfof the family, Mary C. A. Found. SHAWS SCHOOL Results of promotion examinations at Shaw's School, S. S. No. 1, Dar- lington; names in order of merit; *-honours: Sr. Ill to Jr. IV-*Murray Wight, Ruth Cobbledick. Jr. III to Sr. III-sabel Clem- ence, Louise Cox, Elford Cobbledick, Brenton Rickarcl. Sr. II to Jr. III-Jimmy Lovekin, Bernice Wight. Sr. I ta I1-Ferne Webber, *Mab- el Clemence, Ross Cobbledick, Aud- rey Webber, Dentzel Anderson, Gor- don Allun. Sr. Pr. to I-*Donald Cox, *Billy Webber, Dick Lovekin. Jr. Primer-Jean Hanna. MAPLE GROVE Report of Promotion Exarninations of Maple Grove lichool; names in order of menit; figures indicate el: Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Thelma Freernan 83, George Poiley 73, Jean Stevens 67, George Thrasher 67, Helen Met- cal! 60. Sr. III ta Jr. IV-Evelyn Evans 84, Gordon Jarvie 84, Lyra Freeman 78, Douglas Gower 77, Robent Bothwell 74. J2r. III to Sr. III-Bobbie Snow- THE PIONEER Hail woodman's axe! Four pounds He cleared the land a.nd, worn with of steel, toil, Forged by a smith (naine lbt to Passed to bis rest uflkflowflto NIo tap of druin nor trumpet's sound ken), faine. Heartened the rugged pioneer. It shaped f ull well on natlon's keel, Another age now tifls the soi, Nbo friendly hand to clasp, he found A mightY aid to gallant men! He gave a lifetime to reclaiml. The forest's moan his only cheer. Day after day bis axe fiashed higli, No cenotaph was raised for hlm., Like knight of old, with axe in hand, In every stroke full strengtb was No wavlng fiags nor trtimPet tones- On battlefield be met the foe, thrown, E'en rnemory of bis naine grows dlim. Whose countless thousands bld the As years crept on reward drew nigh, A grave neglected bides hie bories. land, A home he'd won, and 'twas bis His was the task ta lay thern low. own! Toronto Nelson Rynold. a MM% I M A Great Merchandising Event NELSQN'S Rleorganizatioo Sale Bowmanville's Biggest Shopping Event in a decade Starts on Thursday Next JULy Watch next week's Statesman for full particulars. Hundreds of bargains priced sc> low that our shelves should b. cleaned to tihe wails. Store!Closed ail day Tuesdyac ensa To make preparation for tis outataning merchandising clearance. Nelson's Store WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT BOWMWANVILIJ BEI-ER BARGAMN FOR BIGGER AND if 5~ f , H' I ~& - à 50' O F the 40 drivera wbo started En the 500 - mile Indianapolis Endur- ance Race, only 17 survived the gruel- Eng test and every one of them ws equipped wlth No man has ever won the Indianapolis Race twlce in successilon, but thia is the tweifth consecutive year it han been won on Firestone Tires. The 'winners chose Hi-Spced tires hecause of their Extra Strength-thefirestone Guaim- ,,Ting proceos givea 25 to 40% extra strength admilcage. Extra SeCUrity-th, new Double Cord Breaker gives 26% extra protection against puncturea and blowouts. Extra Speed-the Fireatone method of Balanced Construction allows the tire ta rol amoother and easler and holde it on the rond at high upeede. Buy your &et of HI-Speed tires. today. l:Y ceat Do more than ordinary tires and right now pffe«. are the lowest In hi. tory, Se. your neareat F1restoxIV D"Jer. "%, .'~,., The black Speedster Swimniiing Suit, Aberley quality, the popular choice ..........$2.95 each Men's Flannel Trousers, ail kinds, at big reductions. Be sure to see the suit specials as above for this week-end - value plus style. Directly Opposite TP O Rank of Montreal TuB. GILCHRIST Ponevl 1 MEN'S SUITS, VALUES TO $27.50 FOR $19-50 Tweeds, worsteds, navy blue serges, etc.; this spring's newest models, your choice, values up to $27.50, for only Ifl l to clear.................................. $19.50 MEN'S SUITS, VALUES TO $35.00 FOR $27.75 Including such well known brands 'as Taîkie Town, Cambridge, and Society Brand Clothes; fancy tweeds, worsteds, navy blue serge; the smart suits that the young men desire; ail shades; your choice Thursday, Friday and Saturday; values up to $35.00, ~.Fo on sale for only ........................... 2 -5 PALM BEACH SUITS A new shipment of Men's Palm Beach Suits for the warm weather, your choice, to clear for ............... 16,50 t I r pArim q9mm m SWIMMING SUITS 16 th