THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, bOWMANVILL, THUR.SDAY, JULY l6th, 1931PAENl <fras7. "~My mather toid sme about tise medicine iaat summer. Since toit. ing it 1 uter lois and hit isregulat. lsme. "My color is normal and 1I bel like a différenti womin,' writes Mss. David Thomsons, 37-9th Street, N. W., Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. Wan't you ery a bottW? -0 CADILLAC . Ovelr 60 modois availabie, mnging fromn the Cadillac V-8 et $3520. te tse Caëlillac V12 et $5130 and up to the. Cedillice V-l witls customn bodies for $15000 and more. Ail Pnce, aet factory, taxes extra. Ti world'a finet cars. '-wg 'General Mêlera Cars" fea h. addvess ef the nearést dealér JJ I MODIJCIU eIIau.40 ~4..I ~ ~ YVI EIs~1I.h h iI t'] I~. [E~I'I:~ Vil -f ente. of advanced but son tl opeiwt h boit of Canadien craffsmanship and maéerials. Fisher Bodies are appointed and uphol- efered to a degr.e of Iuxury fiat acdes te evlue and enjoyment of your car. You may be confident that your cars fine performance wIlI continus to match ifs beauty. Gênerai Motets glvea witil eéoh car a broad Owner Service Policy LA GMAID - BROOKS manville; Press Reporter-Florence Ashton, Bowmanville; Provisions- FAM LYPINIS ICNIC HELD AT Mrs. G. A. Langmaid, Oshawa; CREA OF ARLE Coutice; Sports Com. - Mr. R. EDYWERRY PICNIC BLACKBURN-HARDY PICNIC M.- Pearce, Ebenezer, Mr. H-. Grooms, ____M._Cas Allin Elected President Toronto; Prizes-Mrs. H. Grooms, Af ter a f ew gatherings in the Park The Blackburn-Hardy annual pi- FrToYa em-Jlnc Trno ai. Hampton, the Werry Picnic was nie was held July lst at 'Higblield Was a Grea.t Success Thi.s was foilowed by a splendid cntertained this year by Mr. Jabez Farm," Darlington township, the program of sports under the very Wright and Misses Annie and Eff a home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy. Saturday a! ternoon, June 2t.cpbedrcin0 r osPac Wright at the fine homestead of the At 10 a. m. the cars began to as- members o! the Langmaid - Brooks and Mr. H. Grooms, resulting as T. Albert Wright family, Blackstock. semble until about two hundred re- Clan assembled at Cream o! Barley follows: Children, 6 years and under As it was orîginaily the custom for latives had gathered. They were Camp, Bowmanviile, to celebrate -oga agad eclbx this f amily gathering Wo be lnvited met by the genlal host and hostess their annual f amily reunion. The -oga agad eclbx to Prîvate homes for their annual who gave everyone a warmn welcome weather condition bemng ail that Jack Langmaid, pendi. Children, 7 picnic it was indeed a pleasure Wo to their beautiful home, prettily dec- could be desired members o! the two years and under-Douglas Lang- revert to that customn and many orated with fiowers and flags for the familles gathered from various maid, pencil; Jack Langmaid, pendi feltit It be a real home-comlng, occasion, points Wo meet once again and renew box. Childrefl, 10 - 12-Jack QUALITY IS OUR having enjoyed the picnic at Lieu A bountif nI dinner was served. old frlendshlps. Grooms, pencil; Velma Pearce, pen- Villa on prevlous occasions. consisting of meat pies, salads, pick- The a! ternoon was pleasantly cil box. Children, 12 - 15-Doris WATCH WORD After the intense heat of the week, les, pies, cake, etc., whlch everyone spent in social necus adGro ,prfm le Gom, the cool breezes and dellghtful shade thoroughly enjoyed. The tables games. A game of basebail was Pen knif e. Children, 15-Wes. Wer- provided by the many trees about were set n the orchard. Thje large played by the men relnforced by sev- ry, pencil; Roy Ashton, pen knife. We believe the Sheil and Super the grounds were especlly enjoyed. trees provlded plenty of shade on eral members of the fairer sex. The Spoon race-Mrs. Jack Brooks, van- Sheil Gasoline we seil 'wll please One could scarcely imagine more sucli a very warm day. Beautifu slildes and swings proved a great at- ity case; Mms. Norman Aflin. Put- you by its cuality. ideal weather conditions and f ew ffowers deCorated the wel-laden tab- traction for the children.- ting the Shot-Ray Brooks, bill fold. havegrouds o wel aapte tose- es.Peanut race--Velna Pearce, vanity hav grund sowei adpte W c- es.At 6 P. m. ail gathered round the case: Douglas Langmaid, pencil commodate the large company. Two Immnediately a! ter dinner was ser- festive board where the culinary art sharpener. Button contest-Mrs. QUALITY MOTOK LOIL hundred and fifteen reglstered and ved the people assembled at the o! the ladies was spread in tempt- Ed. Wer, salad set. Siamese Twins YouwW lso fid ualtin he a s many more would have had am- house where a photograph was tak- ing array and with keen appetites race-Mms. Claronce and Mr. Ed. Yo wllalo ndquiiy n he ple room Wo enJoy themselves. en- This was the first picture that ail dld ample Justice Wo the good Wer, letter cutter and cuif links. folowlng Motor Oils whlch we It is Interesting Wo note that just had been taken silice the annual eats. After ail had done iùstice to Colar and tie - Mr. and Mms. E. will gladly supply you: one hundred years ago, the limst Picnic was inaugurated eight yeams the good thlngs the minutes o! the Mountjoy, shavlng soap and scissoms. Shell familles of the nine brothems and a.<O. Although the heat was in- last meeting were read by Mrs. E. Shoe race-Bernice Langmaid. per- Sei- Quaker State - Veedol sisters Who came Wo Canada between tense the picture was exceptlonally Mountjoy, secretary, and adopted. fume. Shoe race-Mr. H. Grooms, Castrol - Pensol - Mobiloil 1831 and 1845, settled in Darlington good. The palatial home made a Offlcems elected for ensuing years cuf liniks. Largest family on the or 100% Penn. Motor OIL township. splendid background for such a are, each office being 2 yeams' dur- grounds--Mr. and Mms. W. C. Ash- GoyaTiear aosfr Mrs. Ueo. vice, Oshawa, bright large group. ation: Pres.-Mr. Chas. AlUin, Bow- ton, flower vase. Gooyea Tiesarefamus orand active-the only living member Foilowing this a football game their quality. Cali and see these of the second generation-was pres- was plaYed. The captains were Mr. high grade tires. ent on this occasion, but the flfth Gordon Hardy and Mr. Howard AI- generation was much more largeiy lin. The former's teamn won. A B YSwvwvj. represented. s0f tbail game was Played between 113 _ When ail had partaken of the mridmnadsnl e viands on the Prettily decortd< captais were Messrs. Harvey Har- rt ing tables, a program of sports wasdY and Farewell Blackburn. The held on the lawn, whlch g ain s single men were the wlnners. The mnterest. While in som aoited cn men and women thoroughly enjoyed PtION E 110 KING3 ST EA$ es the competition was smail, others a om ho pthig ornmet P BOWMANVILLE were more keen and caused more The sports comMittee conducted a ___________________ excîtement. The prize wlnnems were: PrOgran Of sports consistlng of Little Wots' race-Wlnnie Swain. neeldren' a race, oa t race, laes Boys' and girls' race, 4, 5 and 6-- nael-dracn, contrest and lathers,o Los, Stmson. ni-rvn ots n tes o Boys' race, 6 Wo 8-Roy gUso which suitable prizes were awarded. V~' i W a1t d Bys,9 12 --Orval Stinson. Mr. Alfred H. Hardy, president, foll a te Girls, 7 Wo 9-Helen Werry. cailed the assembly Wo order and Girls, 10 to 14-Marlon Stinson. asked the secretarY-treasurer, Lela Young ladies' race-Mms. Clarenoe Knight, Wo give the financlal report. Bring In Your wool and gel Marlowe. Af ter ail expenses were de! rayed HIGHEST CASH PRICE Young mlen's race-Keiineth Wer- there Was a satisfacWory balance. ry. Speeches were made by Messrs. w. Dont sel your wool UnI you gel Minute race-Mrs. Harry Drew. C. Blackburn, R. C. Webster and J.COP R our prioe. Relay race-Mr. Charles Werry H. Rarle. The two former men are MARTYN'Sand Miss Elva Orchard. both octogenorians and are both(f l M RT NSHomse race--Mr. Elton Werry and lookng forward Wo the next plcnlc. Y U i E Mrs. C. Marlow. It was moved by Mr. Norman AllUn Y U L BOWLING ALLEY The hoop race between ladies and and seconded by Mr. Chas. nght ~'J 'L W. j. MABZTyN gentlemen was very excltlng, but, that the following be the officers for Phon 36 Bw>anille strange to say, the gentlemen proved 1932: Hon. Presldents-Mr. A. M. W ITH H S more supple. Hardy, Mr. P. S. Blackburn, Ex.- An lnterestlng game o!f50f tbail PreS.-Mr. Alfred H. Hardy; Pres.-_o11wr re was Played between Darlington and Mr. F'rank Aflin; lst Vice Pres.- «~~P E heb not rm tS Cartwright, score being 23-17 in fav- Mr. Mark Blackburn. 2nd Vice Pres. ý2. 0or of Darllngton. -Mr. Isaac Hardy; &ec.-Treas.- %A i e sado, u*Sdei lg r et A!ter supper the picnîc group was Lela E. Knlght. A hearty vote o! thePA4TEfINDER Test the&r weakeumd cailed Wo order bY the Prtsident, thanics was tendered Wo Mr. and 1n' A N S Mr. A . B. Werry, and the followlng Mrs. Hardy by Mr. Russel Rarle and mroSse aiflt t.hc sturdy SupertwW «r= offlcers were re-elected: President-. seconded by Mr. Geo. Aflin. Mr. NO ieterwhthr t s Mr. A MB. Werry, Courtice; Secretary Hardy made a suitable replY, ex- came of the Pathfinder. You'l ume*h nfl ache or a big pain, no -Miss Eff a Wright, Blackstock: Pressing their Pleasure at entertain- y~j~muJhv afne ral o .mn tt er bu D.Me Treasurer-Mr. Abert W. Wrght, ing the large gatherln . The presi-dhaePthide ma c mia~ aaraJa Backtok;Commjttee o! Manage- dent, Mr. Hardy, announced that "fey. And the avng ini their prise wl un mty prâe c wV. ment-Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Phîip, Mr. and Mms. Truman Power had ex- UNI or fr.m a oeldZIJTOO Nestleton, Mr. and Mms. W. G. Wer- tended an invitation for 1932. A <ufVon eu.Ol TABLErS .5 'milesa. n rY, Bowmanville. candy scramnble made much excite- » bt dbwpuA short prograni !oilowed, consist- ment for bath old and youxig.Co e umlpreyo .s YwlIb MoMWleomom m 19 ig o! cOmmuitY singing, led b# 'At 5.30' P. m. a8l Pa -o0f a .pid à» tbmd mle a Voe Mr. R. L. Werry, Montreal. An hn- sumptuous supper o! salads, sand- Mpid oklPue promptU SPeech cOntest by elght wlches, cakes, pies and an abund-A Young People caused much mnerri- ance of! be cream. ~I' A J I ~ ~ E ment, Mms. Meredith Moffatt and Guests were Present froni Newcas- M.Elten Werry belng the prz tle, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Lindsay, * * wlnnems. Then Mms. Clarence Mar- Peterboro, Fenelon Falls, Orono, C .BRLT Slow read the first edltion o! the Pi- Omemee, Uxbridge, TorontW, Oak-9 nie paper whlch consiste<1 of ediWor- ville and Victoria, B. c. is that insplred thought, Jokes Time Wo depart arrlved ail too BOWMAN VILLE ONTARIO, tat caused laughter, and poetry o! soon. Just as the shades o! even- q LenN~ded what was pronounced one o! ed, sorry tW part but looklng Wo meet Pogh>isder Tubesam G.odyear qmaliay Sk the most enjoyable Plcnics ever held. next year at the home o! Mr. andfoS Catharnes, Gaît, Brampton, Toron- , to, Fenelon Falls, Cambray, Oak- U9 Uà~ wood, Cannlngton, Sunderland, IE I N ILindsay, Oshawa, Bowmanvulle, Dar- ............ w Lettems and messages o! regret were received from Mr. L. A. Werry, À M 11) E M WII Grand Rapids, Mich., Mr. W. G. stal City, man., Mr. Osmond Sonley, One pad kili. files ail day aud evoey Goderich; Mr. M. A. James, Bow- .. ........ day for 2 or 3 weeka, 3 Pad&i cc manville; Mr. P. W. o. Werry and peees.No praing noutiki1*4a Miss Emma Werry, Toronto. - . no bed odor. Asà yossr Draggl Goeyor Gemmai Store 10 CENTS PER PACKET BEACOCK FAMILY REUNION * CHEVROLET- WIIY PAY MORtE? modols listing fromn $610 f We TMWà F LY PAD M, Hmho. m About 150 Guests We'e pregent At fcoy ae xr.Temi ou « Capita4's Park at Bobcaygeon beauty and smoothnes, it combines '. . ~'.».. "1: R op'iating Me," she~s.ys The seventh annual reunion o! the rigid economny.. ,. s.. s, Beacock !amily was held in Agricul- urdaY, July 4th, wth 150 guesta "A fine car, à modern ce r, a Ge0neral present. Prizes were awarded to Motors velu.". 6 models, listing from :" .. Mms. William Nicholson, Pontypool, $875 to $ 1,015 et factory, taxes extra. .sla~ «4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. the oldest lady present; Wo Mr. and >1 Over 40points of rubber insulation in - Mm. Arahan Beacck, Bwman-the châssis ebsorb angine vibration,. ~ ' ville, the oldest couple; Wo Mr. and noise and rood shocis. X'~. .>. Mms. William Beacock, o! Seattie, for'à -for Quick Action use the New-IMPvved CyclIo 1No1 -nck MotorF"w MAD9E IN CANADA a"d RED INDIAN MOTOR 0118620 ft he ps o provide assurance of coninuousysafi&- factory operation. Typical of the. elght clauses of fi? PolicY Is on. whlch enfaies you to fre. inspoeion and adjustm.nts et 500 miles and 1,500 miles. Furth.rmore. file Gênerai Motors Owner Service Policy offers yoma Ifs valuable protection wherever you may drive. Every on. of fthe fhousands of General Motors dealers in, Northl America stands bock of the policy's compre- hensive terms. Se. the nearest Gênerai Motors dealer today. You wiII find him an able business man willing te serve you. Through G M A C. you can convénienfly f[ Le in the cdassifled paoseof yeur telephoeébook under f PAGE Nnm 1 1 Off like a Shot! omis-40