PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, JULY l6th, 1931 I NELSON'S JuIy l6tk ta August lst inclusive STORE July i6tk to August 1lst inclusiver This Reorganization Sale will estabhish a new standard of values. Listed below you wiil find a budget of timely rnoney-saving values that should appeal to every thinking persou. "PriCes have scraped bottom"' and we invite you to save as neyer before in this the biggest rnoneY-saviflg event in the history of this store. Rernember its srnart to be tbrifty and its thrifty to share i this $ 15,000.00 offering of clean, dependable merch andise. Ail merchandise converneutly displayed. Corne and share in this Mammoth Stock Slaughter. Hosiery Specials ~~ 15 doz. Silk and Rayon Ilose, aIl good shades and sizes, regular 39e pair, Re-Organization Sale, pair ..............19C Extra Spcial-25 doz. high grade Silva Silk Hose, a fine wearing quality and ail peifect goods. This is our iegular 79c Uine; a lovely color range; mies 8½/ to 10; Re-Organization Special, per pair ....47c Chiffon Grenadine Pure Silk Hose-at big sav- ings, extra sheer, a regular $1.00 hose, sizes Re-Organization Sale, peri pair .........69c Full Fashioned pure thread Silk Hose - we have the best $1 .00 line in the trade-an Orient product. You can buy these during this sale only at per pair ...............79c Every pair fresh into stock and lst quality. Dress Specials Etc. About 6 dozen, including Voiles, Rayons, Fug- ine, etc., values to $2.4,$3 On Sale ................................. 13 Flat Crepes, Silk Pique, Pýinted Crepes, Silk Chiffons, etc., values to $ 12.95; you 5 can buy these if you corne early for QçP9 Batiste and Organdie Blouses, worth 5 $1.98, ail boil-proof, to be cleared ...... 9 White Flat Crepe Blouses, reg. to9 $2.98, to go out at .......................$1.39 Silk & Wool Pullovers, sleeveless, val- ,8 ues to $2.29, to be cleared ............. 8 LADIES' SMOCKS In a variety of designs and styles, al izes ini the range, regular $1.39, Sale Price, each .............................88C Millinery Specials About 40 Hats only left, al new shapes, including Pana- mas, hats you will pay as high as $5.00 for -in the city-we offer you every hat on the racks, at.... $ 2 each ............$12 6 dozen Ladies' Summer Hats in all colors and styles, to be slaughtered at the ridiculous price of each .................19C SiIk Tains - in wvhite and colors,39 regular 79e for .............................. 9 Angora Tams - in white and colors, 4i a real snap, each ........................ 13 36-INCH ENGLISH PRINTS 19c YD. Our well known Extascy Pints-the kind you paid 39e a yard for a year ago; every yard guar- anteed sunfast and tubfast;19 Special per yard .............................. 9 EN(ILlSH BROADCLOTH 19c YD. A fine evenly woven and iighly mercerized quality that will give great satisfaction; al colors and white; 36 inches wide; 19 Sale Pzice per yard ...................19 FOR B1GGER AND BMR r~BARGMINS Big House Furniahing Values 45-inch White Table Oilcloth ...........29c yd. 54-inceh White Table Oilcloth ..........39c yd. 45-inch Binocade and Sanatile Table Oilcloth, 37c yd. 54-inch Brocade and Sanatile Table Oilcloth, 47e y<l. 36-inch Fancy Edge Marquis- ette ................ 0 d Frilled Curtain Muslins, in spot and rayon trim, regular 29e yard,............... 1&cyd. 29c Lace Edge Ciutain Nets ............. ...... yd. 49e Lace Edge Curtain Nets ............... 9 d 69c Lace Edge Curtain Nets..................... 49ecyd. 29e Madras Cuitain Net, 98e Frilled Curtains,..69c pr. $1.39 Frilled Curtains..98c pr. 50 pair Full Double Size Flannelette Blankets.................................... $1.9 pr. 3 doz. Heavy Cretonne Cushions .......19C ea. 25 doz. Heavy Bath Towels, 20x24 ....39c pr. 50-inch Fast Color Casernent Cloth ....29c yd. 5 doz. Battenberg Table Centers and Runneis, regular 98e for ...................................29c 15 doz. Oul Window Shades, reg. 79e for ...59c SPECIAL CRETONNE VALUES 3 designs, reg. value 19e for ...121/c yd. 10 designe, reg. value 29e for .......1 te yd. 4 designs, 50,' wide, value 39e for 29c yd., 6 designs, 36" wide, value 49e for 29c yd. Big Lingerie Specials We offer Silk Non-run Lingerie at the lowest prices in the history of the trade-alI perfect goods. We made an offer and cleaned the maker for cash, and offer as follows: 36 doz. Silk non-run Bloomers f oxi......39c pr. 25 doz. Silk non-mun Vests for .......9....wcea. 25 doz. Silk non-run Stepins for ........39c pr. 10 doz. Silk non-mun Slips for ..........88c ea. Don't f ail to get in on these big specials-buy for future requirements and next Xniae gifts. Floor Coveringa at Lesa than City Prices 36 x 36 Congoleurn Mats, reg. 98e for ....69c 36 x 54 Congoleum Mats, reg. $1.60 for ...88c 1 yard x 3 yard Congoleum Runnexi reg $4.75 for............................................... $298 4 ft. 6in. x 7 ft. 6 in. Congoleum Rugs, reg. ,,,,,.$5.25 for....................................... nu9 Also ail larger sizes greatly reduced for this sale JASPE LINOLEUM RUGS Absolutely the flnest grade Rugs made and we are in a position, throug'h a fortunate deal, to off ex at LESS THAN HALF PRICE as follows: 6' x 9' - regular $8.95 for ....$3.98 71' x 9'-regular $10.95 for ...$4.98 9'i~ 9'-regular $13.95 for ....$6.95 9x 101/2'-regular $16.95 for.... .$7.95 Only a limited quantity Ieft, so don't delay. REMNANTS 0F FLOOR COVERINGS Have you a spare room, hall, bedroom or pantry you want to brighten up? If so, you can effeet a big saving on these ends. They mun froin 4 square yards to 15 square yards. A good sel- ection to choose from; reg. 50c yd. 29 Sale Price, square yard ................ 9 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT I I SPEAKER WAS DISPENSED WITH AT ROTARY CLUB Hot Weather Causes Curtailmeiit of Prograni at Regular Weekly Luncheon (Crowded out last week) Hot weather bas been playmngt tricks wth everyone during the past week or two and even the Rotary Club abandoned the idea of a speak- er on Friday owng to Old King Sol's unrelenting attitude toward man- kind. President Geo. W. James pre- sided at bis fIrst meeting since bis installation and announced that 0W- ing to the beat a speaker had been dispensed wlth for the day and the meeting made as short as possible. vîsiting Rotarians at the club were Rotarlans Ken Hodgettr, and9 Fred Wells of Port Hope. A special1 visitor of the club was Rev. E. F.1 Armnstrong, new pastor oi Trlnfty1 United Churcli, who was guest of Rotarian Irwln 0. Hefkey. The new pastor cxpressed bis a.ppreccation atj belng prescrit at the luncheon and1 cxpresscd bis admiration of the de- finite course of action taken by the club for the public good. Any club1 that was contlnuafly dolng sorne- thing worthwhfie, lic addcd, was surely a distinct asset ta the com-j rnun.lty.1 Rotarlan C. E. Ralider gave a re- port of Scout activities durlng the1 Past Ycar wbidh showed that some 40 meetings bad been held since lat SePtember and that the Scouts and Cubs had attended four dhurci par- ades. Rotarari Tommy Kniglit rcported that the Transportation Coznmittee on Monday ai ternoon provlded cars and a truck ta take the mothers and1 clifdren ai Toronto f rom the sta- tion ta thc Freah Air Camp on thc shore of Lake Ontario veat of town. Rotarlan Roma Stutt stated that Rotarlan John Jury was maklng et- 1sf actary progress and was home again aiter having bis tansils rcmnov- cd in a Toronto hospital. The best vielles af thc club wcre extended ta Rotarlan Charlie lias- on on celcbratlng a blrthday durng the past week. President George advlsed Uic Pub- lic Information Comxittec that thcy vouid be called upon ech meeting ta give a short resume of the clvlc activities golng on ecdi eek in or- der tint tic members may know as vdl as ta encourage a greater in- teret in clvic affaire. LrARE SCUGOG'S BIG MUSEINONGE Dr. LU B. WilliMaTeMle note Good Elsh StorY in order that Uic glory o! Lake Scugog, icad of Uic Kawarthat Lakes. may not bave its former glory fade as floyer oi tic "Muekie" Summer Rcsort fishing (Mulshinof for short). I am reporting Uiec anM on Tuesday mornlng last by hV Herb Reynolds Sr. o! Glecnlmn6 Ave.. Torontu, o! a 26-lb. beauty. This vas some fish andi apparntlY bad been on a diet at that durlng thc excessive lient vave of lest veek for it vas entirely cmpty. Ordin- arily, tuis "lunge,, vould approxi- mate 30 Ibs. In bni. viwen caugit, it had maintained Its glrlisi figure. Mir. Reynolds le an old Cartwrghtt Boy, havlng spent bis boyhood On thc 8ti concession on Uic f arm nov occuplcd by bis cousin, Mr. Thos. Reynolds. I amn at a loss ta cxplaln boy tuis flali vas landcd unles ithose yeare aga young Herb. Reynolds Sr. teti- cred tliis one toan stake and nvnited last Tuesday's glorlaus hour or cIsc thus fisli got wcdgcd vhere Uic lake1 narrove inta Uic Scugag River. He1 denies bath theorles. I looked up this filh's record and nccordlng ta Uic recent census, It vas over fiteen yeare aild and at next election vouid have had a Cartvriglit vote - consarvative, I presume. This fiai vas 50 inches long and vien boned lad a flesi apreati of 17Y2 inces. Tic vnlter made a lot o! noise about a "«mushie" lie and particular- ly bis vif e linçI tado vlUi Iandlng lat year but ve have nov been out- classed. if, Mr. Editar. yau ad liad Uic Scugog Rond already paved lnstead o! about ta be, I Uhilnkve vould have run tlile one out ta tovn for you ta, sec and "maybe" taste, but the road le In no condition for suh lieavy transport. whcn this flai vas cxhlblted and «"velghed in" before Uic Anierican Calony at Uic "Kenosba" Uic cam- eras began ta mcrrlly click, stern- vleaged men and artful feminine facesilurelaya accompanicd Uic finny features and already I pre- sume at lcast tva dazcn beeldes Mir. Reynolds have explalned Uic intrlc- acles ai hov tbcy "eventufly" land- cd i. The Muskinange ftabing this yenr. despite the low vater a! bath last vinter and nov, bas main- taincti Its usual gencrous catch, but aur depth ai vater as dctermlncd by Lindsay locks is qulte inadequate for suci flsh and It ouglit ta be remi- cdlcd. I believe tic present Ontario Goverament le appreclative o! the Knvnrthn Lakes Taurlet posslbilfties, avaits aur urglng and I prophesy that some day Uic fresh vater lakes af Ontaria in taurlet flshlng returns vill become anc af tic greatest rev- enue sources o! tuis province. Truthfully yours, L B. WIfllaaa. Whiz dcfcated Public Scol in a seven innings soi tball game Tucsday nigit. This pulled the Wblz nvnY f rom Goodyear and Higi Sciool and placed ticm alone in second place. Persian Balm le Irresistible. Frng- rant ns summer flavers. Cool as n mauntain sprlng. Wanderfully in- vlgoratlng. Softene nndwvitens Uic hande. linkea 8km soit-textured and youtbiul. Usai by vomn as a powdcr base and as a peerlessalad ta lovely complexians. Used by men as an effective hair ftxative or shavlng lotion. And for hldren, nothlng aoothes sud proteots ticir tender akin like Uic delicatcly Cool Pers"a salm. 1Miss Emma McCleUlan, Bowmanviile Aiter montbs o! intense sufferlng there passed to rest on SaturdaY, July 4th, Miss Emma McCiellan, a well known and iigbly respected resident of Bowmanvillc. Deceascd vas a daughter of tic late Joseph and Sarah Porter Mc- Clellan, and was borni n Darlingtan in tic year 1858 on thc aid licClel- lan homcstead now occuplcd by Mir. C. J. Kersiake, vest a! Hampton. lier parents moved to Bovmanvile wben sbe vas a vee girl, living on Concession Street cnst, nov occupicd by Mir. Ira F. Pearce. Since the deatli of lier parents shc bas livcd In lier ovn home In tawn vicre she f ulfilled Uic duties of a good home maker, a good neiglibor and in lier younger ycars Uic producta aoflier needle won many honore at local Fail faire. Sic bas been a llvclong menbcr of St. Paul's and St. An- drcw'e Preebyterlan Churdhca and a moat falthiul workcr In all tUic du- ferent branches of tic churdh's ac- tivities. Tliough alling. foe som@ ycars she kept Up a brave courage and seldom f nilcd ta show a cheer- f ul countenance. The i uneral took place i rom Uic realdence of lier nephev and nicce, Mir. and lir. J. W. Jcwefl, King et., On Tuesday ai ternoon, July 7t.h, ser- vice being conducted by lier mjnia- ter. Rev. W. J. Todd. Mir. R. E. ILo- gan feellngly sang "HMing lui Tice" accmpaziled by Mur. PRaS tutt. Tic bearers were thrce nephewes ad thrce friands: là. W. Jeveil, j. w. Jewell, Melbourne Wight, and 3. J. Henry, R. B. Logan and J. D. Car- ruthers. lMa and beautIful vae the floral tributes expreslng respect f or thc decccaed and sympatiiy for tic bereavcd anes. Sic leaves ta mourn lier pauling, onc sister, lira. Margaret licClellan, Chicago, Ill., and several niccas and nephews. Among Uic relatives attendlng Uic f unera.l vere: Mr. Thos. Porter, lina Bertha and Mri. Harold ca=, Tor- onto; lir. and lire. John licCillan, Mri. and lire. Walter licClellan, lira. Jas. and Miss Ida licCldllan, Whlt- by. CABDOF THAllES Tic relatives of the late Miss Emn- mn licClellan desire ta tiank ber many frlcnds and neiglibora for Uic sympatliy and kindncss cxtcndcd ta lier during lier llness and for Uic benutiful floral offerings. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Tamblyn Orcujo Early Frlday mornlng, July 3rd, tiere passai ta rest niter five monthslis llness. at the home of lier grandson, lir. Gordon S. Werry, En- nisklilc n, Elizabeth J. Tamblyn, vld- ôv of Albert Tamblyn, Orano, in lier Soti year. Her husband prcdccascd lier tvelvc ycnre ago. In Uic battlcfteld o0 f lc lre. Tamblyn was alvaye found rcsdy ta asslst. Those gentie sympathies, so desirous in a slck rooro, vere arnong thc many features that liclpcd ta make lier a desirable companion whctlier it wcrc mother. sister, bro- tier or neiglibor. lire. Tamblyn was always ready ta give a ielplng liand. Her girlllood days were spent at Zion in Hope township and elle was unit- cd in marriage ta Albert Tamblyn on Jnnunry l9th, 1871. and for many years livcd at Cedar Dale Farm, Or- ono, wherc thcir famlly vas rnlsed. Deccascd was an active member of Orono lictiodist Churcli and scrv- cd lier Master velI and fnitbfully as long as henîth and strcngth permit- ted. Thc f uncral was hcld on SundaY, JuIy 5Ui, and was conducted by Rev. J. M. Wiyte, Enniskllen, and Rev. John Wilkinson o! Warsaw. A large number of relatives and friands fol- lowcd Uic cortege ta Orono Cemetery f or huril. The pall bearera vere Messrs. Blake Cale, Chnrie and John Blgelow, Cliarlie and WIII Ru- therford, and Rager Tamblyn. Tic flower benrers were grandsone. Tic florai tributes vere beautiful including: Wreaths, Tamblyn Pam- lly, Mir. and lira. J. Gaudin and lira. C J. Pnscoe; Baskets, Brown Grand- children, Tamblyn Grandcildren, Mr. and lire. A. A. Roîpli,lir. and lira. T. W .Cawker; Pllow of Roses, Great Grandcbildren: Sprays, lira Mary Lousley and f amly. Women's Association Plark St. Churci, Orano, Graup 9 of W. M. S., Orono, Ennls- killen W.M.S. and Adult Bible Clasa. Mir. and lira. Ccl Carvet, lMr. and lira. R. Sherwin and lira. Clarin Moon, Mri. Alex Rutherford and f amilir. and lire. Russell Aung- er, Miss Helen licEinnon, Miss Mary Tamblyn, lira. F. Cowan and Miss 0<11e Warren.,lire. J. H. Werry. lir. and lire. James Tamblyn. Those wbo mourn Uiche s fai lovlng moUier include: lira. H. J. Wcrry, Ennlskillen; lira. A. J. Knox, Orono; Mri. Charles Tamblyn, Waod- bridge; lire. Wm. Staintan, Ennis- kilien; lir. Frederlck Wm.. A. John, and Milton J. Tamblyn. and lira. J. D. Brown, Orono. Also anc sister, lire. Mary Lousley. lierritton, and one brother, Mir. George Kemp. Wi- arton, wbo vere unable ta attend the f uncral. Her thougits wcre ail so f ull o! us, Sic neyer could forget, And so I thlnk tiat where sic le She must be watchlng yet. Wnltlng MII we corne home ta lier. Anxlous if we are late; Watchlng from Hcavcn's wlndow, Leanlng f rom Heavcn's gate. CARI) 0F THKAlES The Tarublyn Famlly desire ta ex- press apprecintion for thc many tbeautiful floyers recelvcd durlng ticir moticr's illnces and for thc sympatiy and kindncss since lier passlng nvay. Douglas' Egyptian Linmenlt,,al- vnys qulck, alvays certan. Stop blecding lnstantli. Cauterluc voundes ad preventa blaod plosan- Ing. Splendid for muecular rieum- atisin. geae INTERNATIONALLY hâmous for jeu magnitude, beaity of enyhfona=mouiver- ml dispisys, fie buidings and bdIlIIn e.meralnment, the CimadimaNadomal Exhibition "Ouusaum " adc edmimdon. For Fourteen Dftys imd240 thr a constant flow cd mw ddij u ciabsorbing admizme oUpl uad profit. Bxhibits from alrnost vyoun; collections of ancient sudmod eseapieccsof art ia Sept. 12-, "Orientda" grandstmnd spectacle of sperkling brillance de- mysic hamof thae Bu LM MasBod of England (a tomber abronze, silve andW &Il branches of * tlure in woda lugessbowdin&g;MillionDollar Horse Palace ta be offidially oeu this year. Sixth Marathon Svi ewo avents-sport spectacle of inter- national renown. hese are but a few of the feature which enthrail and enthuse. Illustrated literature, will gladly be sent on requeat. Roduced rates by railwa , steamshrp and bus Uaes. Cosut ocal agents. AU.2&ào SEPT.1t« WORDS GREATF.T M4ÂE NT YEAR 00. 0 ISVTE l SAMi HARRIS PoWdm: pn.ud. d me Bigla lemS bk umhl m chiléink. Ea*le Buand -oirm -iid [ýG-=Cte.' Nam Fo dI g .Jm .. What keepa her te freah?- WIIY'SIShe knowa dat if Vou ~ otmouth freah, yo. muThc pure, cool liavai, of WRICLEY'S Chewlag Guse raeshes the MO"ti a.t a"sem oe N e son's Store