TUB CANADIAN E8TATE83UN, bOWBUNVULE. THURSAY, JULY 30Lh, 1931 1403 THP * Wky Delay Your Building Plans Planning on building or repairing your home ? Then begin now when prices are lower than ever before. In our yards are the finest grades of lumber and building supplies-just the kind you want for your home-and ail at the lowest prices in our history. You can build econoniicaly by building now. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. <FORMERLY McCLELLAN & CO.) KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 BOWMAINVILLE il IBeware Pre-Burned 01l CITVES SERVICE OIL ""K eeps ts Youth" Mtorist,be carefuil Someoils are scorched ... rebum.d in, roimnsto extract extra gasolene. Such ails soon lose their vutalïty end lubricatins body. Cahies Service Oil... relin.d at Iow temperature... su is prot<cted in the. mahine aoainst scorchi .earetains its *"Y@uth" ta fig t f riction, wea ___ end heat. Be sure, witla Cities Service 01l... drain end refl today. CITIES SERVICE PURE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Cities Service Oil Company imited CNes Seryke-om ofedte tn largest Indstril organizations on tbe contiment bro.asts Frdys, 8 P.M. (E. D. T)-WAF end 37 stations - r N.. C. Including CKGW, Toronto. KOOL MOTOR GASOLINE 80W iN BOWMAMNVILEAT KEMP BROS' GARAGE OSITE a &h]p STORE PONE 93 pointa, Alfred Henry, 92 points; John Enghli, 91 ½ points; Reglnald Nesbitt, 91 pointa: Clark Wilhlams, goy4a pointa; Wm, Samells, 89 points; Oeo. M. Marlow, 87Y2 pointa. competitora scorlng 85% and ov- er: Stanley Malcolm 86, Frank Nes- bitt 85%,~ J. W. Bradburn 85; Austin Beacock 85. Judge-R. B. Crosby, Markham. l«.. Byeu Sec.-Treas. UNIQUE SERMON ON THE MOUNT AT ENNISKILLEIN Bey. Milton Sandersn, Toronto, Preaches to Large Crowd on HM-TOP At eventide on Sunday, July l9th, ini a very unique auditorium, the great outside, Rev. Milton Sander- son, minister of St. Cuthbert's Unit- ed Church, Toronto, preached an ex- cellent sermon ta bis camp of thirtY Young boys and many of bis old f riends and relatives who knew Milt as a boy around home who gatixer- ed to hear him. on the loftiest peak on the cattie ranch owned by Mr. Wesley Oke, EnniskiJ-len. The Boy Scouts had built a pulpit out of broken rails and decorated it very prettily with wild ferns and mnaple boughs. The music was sup- plied by two Boy Scouts who played very ably on violins. Mrs. Milton sang a very pleaslng solo, "In that Beautiful Glarden of Prayer." Very appropriate hyrs were aelected and sung, such as, "I will lit Up mine eyeb tinta the his", and "AIl thmngs bright and beautiful." Rev. Sandersan gave a very fine address, extalling the virtues of God and the beauties of Nature that aUl around us lay, f or indeed, one could obtain an exceeWdnt view of wild countryside, dotted liere and there wihwoods and golden fields of grain fast rising to maturity, and in the distance, the shining waters of Lake Ontario glittering in the last rays o! a gorgeous sunset. A collection was taken Up by one of the camp leaders, and at the sug- gestion of one o! the boys, the pro- ceeds were devoted to buying a new United Church Hymnal for Doreen Banks a little cripple girl who is very fond of music, but, who un- fortunately has been conflned to her bed with infantile paralysis. TIhis motion was seconded with enthus- iasmn. The meeting was clased by sing- ing another hymn and the popular vesper "Taps" useci by boys' camps and C. 0. 1. T. groups. Ahl departed homeward with the feeling deep in their liearts that God seem.ed go much nearer to them than before on that; lonely hiiltap that perhaps neyer before in its ex- istence witnessed a meeting of wor- ship to God Almiglity. But tliey trust it will not be the last, and al wish a very happy and pleasant va- cation to that group o! boys f rom the dirt and grime o! the clty, same perliaps, who have neyer seen the wonders a! Nature before. EVERSON - COURTICE FAMILY REUNION Over sixty attended the Everson and Courtice f amily picnic held on Wednesday, July 22nd, at Ellott Memorial Park, Hampton. Relatives f rom Lindsay, Leamington, Toronto, Montreal, Bawmanville, South Dar- lington, Oshiawa and Courtice gath- ered for this happy occasion. Mr. George Bray o! Toronto, president of the plcnic cammittee for this year, was master of ceremonies. Hie was assisted by Miss Ethel Skinner, Tor- onto, secretary of the committee. Many novel races were introduced this year by the sports cormmlttee. Tliree o! the oldest members o! the two familles are, James K.night, Brooklin, T. H. Everson, Oshawa, and Levi Skinner, Tyrone. Many ex- pressed their delight at having Mrs. James Courtice o! Bowmanville, and Mrs. S. J. Harris o! Oshawa, with them at the family reunion. Bath Mms. Courtice and Mrs. Harris have been seriously iii durlng the past winter. While ail were seated at the pic- nic supper table, letters and tels- grams f rom relatives tof ar away ta be Present at the affair, were read. These came f ramFort William, England, Hartford, Comi., Montreal, Chicago and Detroit. Harold Gay of Oshawa was elect- ed president for the 1932 plcnlc; Lawrence C. Mason a! Bowmanville, vice president; and Miss Louise Courtice o! Courtice, secretary. The sports next year wlll be in charge of Charles Wighit, Providence, Robert Courtice, Courtice; and Eber Snow- den, Oshawa. GOLDEN WEDDING Sunday afternoon the home of Mr. and Mms. Jonathan A. Keneer at 30 Victoria Avenue South, Lind- say, was the scene of a happy gath- ering when they celebrated the gol- den annlversary o! their weddlng. During the day over a hundred friends and acquaintances cafled and Pald their regards, and many beautiful gifts and floral tributes were sent to, the bride and groom. Bath o! the celebrants are in their 7lst year. Mr. Keneer was borninl Newcastle, county o! Durham, In the -year 1860, and his wl!e, wliose maid- / ' ,1 ý Brisk and cheerful. She always féels fregli, shCe mplains,'becausc ahe keeps ber mouth fresh. WRICLEY'S :ahewing Gum te- freshes the mouth and reniovesa al trace cf cating and smoking. WRICLEY Safter cvery meal- he mark ' of refinementp efficiency. < to qet in catcher wfth the pu* pnanmd lSaer and wider ribboa. Aeroxon lufreaistible to se@c because the glue t, fragrant and sweeFm »Ilwi not dry- godfk3 S weka srvic.. Atdxu, os, -a * fb, NEWTON A. H-ILL 56 Front St. East, Toronto AERXON FLY CATCH.ER 0. G cvtefyeytièSý WESTWAED HO WITH NEWSPAPER EDITORS <Continued from page 1) that fime, fao. the heat wave had started in Southern Ontario, but it was not comparable ta the heat in the rockbound north. When the train roiled into Whiite River the 1thermometer staod af 100 degrees in ethe shade with not much relief promised until later in the a! ter- noon when the shores o! Lake Sup- erior were reached. Twenty miles yfurther on f rom White River at a dplace named King the thermnometer had reached 106 in the shade, but this proved f0 be the climax, and as kthe train sped westward the air grew less sultry and when Lake Superior was sighfed ta the south a distinct 'change was noticeable as the cool tbreeze from the lake blew fhrougli 1the train. The next divl.sional point -at which a stop was made was 1Schrelber where considerable repair 2work is done ta engines and rolling tstock an the railway. One of the Vmost beautiful siglits along theJ 1route was at Jackfish Bay. o Bmore than fifty feet ta the south the swaves of Lake Superior beat agnlnst the shore and ta the north of the, track a solid wall of rock more than 100 feet higli raises itself inta flie air. If was a good example o! what the engineers who built this railway liad ta contend wlth in passing >through Northeni Ontario. 1 At midniglit the train drew into flie station at Port Arthur and a f ew jminutes later inta Fort William. jThese fwo cities' are only a short Idistance apart and, indeed, the same street railway served bath cities. It is here, tao, that some of fthe largest elevators in flie warld are lacated,i rand if is from here thaf the slips! Lply their way easf fhraugh the1 Greaf Lakes, the Welland Canal and1 an ta Montreal. Boats which hadi been loaded at Fart William and1 Port Arfthur may be seen quite af!-j f en passing Bowmanville away ouf in fthe middle a! the lake. Mudli o! the scenery bctween Fort William is missed as one sleeps and when the dawn again breaks acrass the sky, the ruggedness o! Ontaria lias given away ta the prairie a! Eastern Manitoba. Here and fliere, liowever, anc occasianally gefs an- ather view a! the rocks and small lakes befare the actual prairies lands are reaclied. Once beyond Kenara the country stretches away for miles 1in every direction with liardly a tree1 .naticeable. Here tao are apparent fL te conditions as described in lasf week's issue a! The Stafesman. About 9 a. m. the train slows down at Winnipeg, the gateway o!flthe prairies la reaclied. Winnipeg is a vcry modernCity and anc gets a fine vîew of the splendid buildings and the city parks as flic train slowly pulls Inta flie magnificent depof. The party sfapped in Winnipeg about thirty minutes whlch gave tlie fravellers Jusf time ta take a short walk lInflic city before tlicy sped on again for Regina and flic Conven- tion. The trip from Winnipeg ta Regina was onc fhqt amazed flic average ed- itar from fthe easf. The conditions as described daily In the press were even worse flian Most had plcfured fliem. Only one stop o! any lcngth was made between Whlnnpeg and Regina and that Wus at Brandon. When Bowmanvlllc was sweltering under tlie liet o! -a sem.l-troplcnl day on July 1sf, flic members o!f thc Fourth Estafe arrlvcd la Regina, the Qucen City o! the Plains. After the dust f tfli prairies it was plensant ta clean Up and rest af the palatial C. P. R. Hofel Saskatchiewan, where tlie Convention was being held. Here cvcry modem convenlence thaf could be Incorpornted Into a modernliotel was featured and a royal welcomc awalfcd fthe delegafes from the east. M M. Last Tiiree Days Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the last three <laye in Nelson's Re-Organization Sale and a general clear-up of ail odd lines in the store will fMature this clouing. The sale has been, an outstanding success fron every angle and those who have flot taken advantage of Nelson'& lowest prices in ten ylears shoulci flot lose this last opportmiity. Monday ail goods on sâle wilM revert to the former prices which are in most cases 30 to MOId~ hkiher than the sale pgïces. Do inot mise this lait chance to double the buying power of your dollar, as the pptuiywili flot present itself for some time to corne. WIDER SELECTION - GRIEATER VALUES THAN EVER BEFORE We have made unusually interesting plans for these last three <laya. If you contemplate getting stocked up for somei time to corne, you cannet afford to mis this sale of sales. Ladies' Bloomers 50 dozen Ladies' Bloomers, val- ues to 79e,15 per pair ................15 Piece Goods Thousands of yards of piece goods, values to 79e and $1.0 pari yard, Last 3 Days, per yard...29c Silk Lingerie Hundreds of silk lingerie gar- ments, for these three last days only, including vests, blomers, and stepins, ail guaranteed non prganment .............. 37c Hose Specials Hundreds of pairs of women's and misses' and children's houe, value to $1.00, '19C per pair ................ Ladies' Dresses 10 dozen ladies' guaranteed tub fast and sun fast Dresses, mostly small sizeg, regular $1.00, fo;n ........49c Jaspe Linoleum Rugs Clearing balance of Jaspe Liný. oleum Rugs at Haif Mill Prices. HUNDREDS 0F OTHER ODDMENTS AT RIDICUIOUSLY LOW PRICES AND FAR TOO NUMEROUS TO ENUMERATE 'HERL. Nelson's Store FOR RIGGER AND SEflER BARGAINS WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT The tinat duty affer a rcfreshlng for liglits ouf whea the clfy halln ______________ niglit's sleep was te register at thee dock sounded that heur. convention bureau la the hofel, and On flic second day a! the conven- sharp at 9.30 a. m. on July 2nd fle icolnflic mornlng was devoted te convention gof under way whca the genenal business, flic election o! aew Opening Ode soundcd a cali ta busi- oficers ,when S. J. Domnan, editar o! OW ness and the session apencd wif h the Almeda Despafeli, became the fthe singing a! "O Canada." During new president. The big event o!f his the forencon many use! ul papers day was flic banquet tendcred the were given whicli plainly demonstra- newspaper men at flic hotel by the ted that flic weekly acwspapcr mcn Govcrnmcnf o! Saskatchiewan and0 o! Canada anc widc awake faeflic af which tfli Hon. Howard McCan- opporfunities o!flice country and lan nil, K. C., was cliairman. During addition thaf a depression a! this flic scrving o! dinner an orchestra kind lias not flicm daunted, but, rendcred several select Ions. The indeed, fhey look !orward taeflic fut- dliairman delivcncd flic address a! ure wifh a determinafion fliat thcy wclcome while flic ncwly clcct cd will play an important part lanflic president rcplicd on behalf o! the refurnio! pnosperity faeflic Domin- Association. E. Roy Sayles, flctheT 1 U ion. managing director o!flice Associa- Q A IYI U At noon a group phofograpli was tion, also replied taef lis addrcas. faken outaide o! the liotel and a copy The main address o!flice evenlng was WATCH WORD a! this phofagnapli will appear la dclivered by Hon. J. F. Bryant, K.C., nexf wcck's Statesman, lack o! space and if was inspirlng ta note thnt la W. believe flic Shdfl and Super !orbiddlng its publication this week. spite a! ail fle icdsfrcss apparent in la flic affemnoon flic ladies were flic fli wesf a spirit o! optlmjsm per- Shell Oas ,hine wc seU wll plense guesfs af a receptian given by Miss mcnted fthc wlole addrcss. Appan- you by its quallty. Nellie MacBcth af lier beaufiful cntly while flic western farmer mny home an Albert Street. Drives be down leie l neyer ouf. anound fle iccty, fa the Parliameaf At 9.30 p. m. fhe delegates bld QUALfTY MOTOR OIL buildings, fli cdit y hall, and oflien adieu ta Regina and procccdcd as Yeu will also flnd qualily In the prominent buildings was a feafure guesta o!flice C. P. R. fa Banffand o! flic affernoon besides flic regulan Lake Louise lanflic Canadian Rock- followIng Mator OUa whicli we sessions o!flice convention. The dcl- les. wl! glndly supply you: egafes wcrc flic guesta o!flice Regina Anoflier feature o!flice final day Board a! Trade at a dinner intheli was flic Judging in flic better news- Shell - Quaker State - Veedo ballraom o!fliceliatel af flic close o! paper compefif ion la whicli The Castrol - Penzoil - Mobiloil flic day's sessions. Statesman wns awarded founfli or 100% Penn. Moter OI. Af this dinner flic chic! speaker place. The wliolc conventîpa was a was Hon. James G. Gardiner, former splendid succcss and Regina certain- Goodyear Tires are famaus for premier and now leader o!flice Lib- ly gave flie newspapen men ance ofliceir quallfy. Cal and sec these cmal opposition for Saskatchecwan. flic greafesf wclcomes o! any cify la Mr. Gardiner la an oufsfanding or- which tlicy have been cnferfanad. higli grade tires. ator. lie uses gcod language and a Anaflier article telling a!flice trip ringing sanorous vaice whidli las flic te Banff, o!flice scenic beaufies O! B e n Y knack a! making flic lisfencr feel flic Rackics and o! Lake Louise and Lb1 thaf cvery word fliaf cames fram lis o!flice Calgary Stampede will lic moufli is certainly wontli whilc. told in flic next issue o! The States- Speaking an a Canadian subject as man. he was, lic was riglit at home and his address liad a ring a! sincerity The cosf a! staging flic Canadian PHONE 110 KING r. EAST and conviction. Mr. Gardiner is an National Exhibition annually Is $1,- BOWMANVI LLE Ontario man being born about 18 225,000. ______________ miles wcst a! Sf. Marys. Worms la dhildren work havoc. Af 9 o'dlack fliaf evcning flic con- These pestsatatack flic tender llning ________________ vention was flic guests a!flice Warld's a! the intesfines and, if le!t fa pur- Grain Show and Canference at a suc their ravages undisturbcd, Wi New million-dollar Hanse Palace dance in flic ballraom o!fliceliotel. ultimafely perforafe flic wall, be- The ballraom was appnapriately dcc- cause fhcsc warms are a!flice haak will lie opcned at flic Canadian Na- arated for flic occasion, flic Fount h varicfy fliat dling te and fecd upan tional Exhibition this yean. The facer Estafe and flic Grain Show being inferior surfaces. Millcr's Worm area, will lie ciglif acres. VlrtuaflY flic motifs o!flice decorafive sclicme. Pawdcrs will not only ext erminate allich materlals belng uscd arec aa- The convention program called fonrfliese worms, o! whatevcr vaniefy, adian, lacluding 2,000,000 bricks, 29,- "liglits ouf" at midniglif aad mosf but will serve tea repair flic injuny 000 cublc feet o! dut atone, and o! flie delegates werc rcally rcady thcy have donc. 1,700 tons o! structural steel. m lomwoimw