PAGEVV Tas CAMADIAN WIATMAUNIBOIbANVILLE TRURBDAY, JT3LY Seth, 1981 LOCAL and OTHERWISEI Public Library wil be closed f rom Aug. 4 to Aug. 18. Miss Elsie Carruthers la with Miss Christa Olsen, Barrie. Mrs. Frank Bennett, Toronto, is vlsitlng her sister, Mrs. Geo. R. Mas- %Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pollard and Miss Greta Poilard are attendlng the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Ueo. Lane at Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Mason and sons Garry and John, Toronto, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. R. Mason. RC(D)vA L THUR.S.- FR. - BAT.' JLILY 30- 31 - AUG. 1 Matfnee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. CLARA BOW in "KICK IN" With Regis Toomey and Wmne Gibson. A new Clara in an entlrely diff erent role. MON. - TUES. - WED. AUGUST 3 - 4 - 5 Matinee Monday at 3 p. m. "CHARLIE CHAN CARRIES ON"Y With Warner Oland, John Gar- rick, Marguerite Churchill and Mariano W.hite. By Earl Den Biggers Charlie Chan says: Careles sheoberd makes excellent dinner for wolf. Silverware Wednesday Night b: Mr. Harry Cryderman spent Sun- day in Toronto. Miss Clio Anderson spent Sunday witb friends in Toronto. Miss Marion McDougail, Toronto, is visiting at Mn. John McIntyre's. Miss Margaret Rowland spent Sunday with ber parents In Toronto. Mrs. E. Cox of Vestal, N. Y., bas been visiting ber daughter, Mis. E. P. Bradt. Dr. Bell's office wiil be closed until Sept. 6th duning bis visit to the Old Country. Mn. H. J. Hooper, Detroit, Micb., la visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hooper. Mns. Muriel Simmons and sons are vlsiting Mn. and Mis. W. H. Sim- mons, Welcome. Miss Jessie Dawson, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. T. C. Jewell. Mr. and Mis. G. Kellog, Welcome, spent Sunday with Mis. Muriel Slm- mons, IAberty Place. Mis. R. H. Westaway bas returned from. visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Ward, Owen Sound. Master Ronald Hooper la spendlng bis vacation wih bis cousin, Donald Hoaper, in Toronto. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Ferguson at- tended tbe Decoration services at Blackstock on Sunday. Miss Frankie M. Galbraith, Buf- falo, N. Y., is visiting ber brother and other relatives bere. Mis. J. Wickett and Miss Greta M. Wickett are visiting tbe former's daugbten, Mrs. R. T. Hoskin, Sinscoe. Mns. S. F. Hooper and son Donald, Toronto, bave returned borne after a pleasant visit witb Mr. and Mis. J. T. Hooper. Master Grant Ferguson and sisten Thelma, Blackstock, have been visit- ing tbeir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson. Dr. Mabel Bray, Hamilton, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Smyth, Toronto, wene weekend guests o! their uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, 'Norwood Place", and called on other relatives bere. dame-.1 FIVE QNLY DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE THIS PRICE GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Tam6our Mantel Clocks ln Wanut and Mahogauy - Regular ffle« $16.50 This Week $1050 See them lu our wlndow. J. R. MOORE, Jeweller Si Don't Leave It Too Late Monday, August 3rd, bas been declared a Clvic Holiday by Mayor M. J. Elliatt. Do flot leave it too late and ho without bread and cakes over the holiday. We are baking an ample supply ta carry over the weekend, as we f eel that our drivers should be given a holiday. Bread - Cakes - Bu=s - Plus - Candim Bowmanville Bakery 4 i! IT'S THRIFT TO BUY THE BEST By buying only the best is the surest way of saving money. One only gets in this world just what one pays for. Buy the best and be satisfied. Haxry Allin sells only the best. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Pandora Orange Pekoe Bulk Tea, lb .........75c American Beauty Shrimps ........................23C Chateau Cheese.................................... 19e Heinz Sandwich Relish ............................24c McLaren's Stuffed Olives, 4 oz .........2 for 25C Pure Gold Peanut Butter, 14 oz ..............25c Muffets..................................... 2 pkgs. 25C Chase & Sanborne's Coffee ...................5Uc Bodley's Fancy Biscuits, assorted lb. box ....25c Assorted Fruit Drinks, Crosse & Blackwell's, 33c Kelloggs Corn Flakes ..................2 for 19C Pienie Supplies - Papexr Plates - Paper Cups Berry Boxes - Fresh Fish for Friday Spratt's Oval Dog Biscuits - Ful-O-Pep - Chick Grain - Chick Coarse Grain - Growing Mash HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer P130NE 186 DOWM[ANVH.L -1 Mn. Gould Thurstan, Toronto, la bolidaying with fiends bore. Mn. Harold (Bud) Rice spent the weekend at Wabasbene Beach. Miss Jane Eyres, Hamiltan, was recent guest of ber cousin, Mrs. E. P. Bradt. Rev. Geo. Mason la spendlD.g a short holiday at Sandy Cove, Lake Simcoe. Rev. Geo. Mason supplied for Rev. P. L. Jul lu Brooklin United Cburch on Eunday. Mr, Charles Gooding, Toranto, spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock. Mn. and Mis. M. A. Neal and fam- ily beave on Fiday for a vacation at Arnold's Park, Iowa. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Tape, Matilda and Brenton, Fort Erie, spent the weekend at Mr. Elias Strutt's, Ty- rone. Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Misses Sadie and Laura Virtue, Toronto, are holidaying in Ottawa and other eastern cities. Mn. A. H. Denzler and Mn. Baron C. Hupe of Union City, N. J., were recent guests of Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Roe, Port Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Neal, Misa Olive Neal and Miss M. 0. Wood, Buffalo, N. Y., were weekend visitons wtb Mn. and Mrs. M. A. Neal. Mn. and Mis. Malcolm Galbraith, Kansas City, Kansas, are bolidaying witb bis mothen, Mrs. J. K. Gal- braith, at Port Bowmanville. Mn. Fred E. Hughes, Eugene, Or- egon, visited bis aid fiend, Mn. Rosa Stutt, and is now visiting Mis. Viola Smith and othen old frienda in Ty- rone. Mn. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg and Mayor and Mns. M. J. Elliott spent tbe weekend at Huntsville and took the boat trip through the MVuskoka Lakes. Dr. and Mis. H. E. Day, Misses Alice and Bessie Day, and Miss Win- nifred Rutledge, Kirigston, wene guests o! Mrs. W. C. Washington this week. Mnr.and Mrs. Leigb Laidley, Orne- mee, and Mn. and Mrs. Norman Laidley and son Bille, Winnipeg, Man., were recent guests o! Mn. J. T. Hooper. Mn. and Mis. W. Watson and fam- ily, Deerbunst Park, Kenimore, New York, were necent guests o! ber cousin, Mrs. Aibent Belman, King Street West. Mn. Norman Clemens, Hampton, and Mn. Alvin Dowson, Providence, neturned borne on Monday after on- joying a week at Summer School at, Oak Lake Park. Thene will be no Infant Welf are Clinic at the Town Hall during the montb o! August, wblle the Public Healtb Nurse, Mis. Glen L. Martyn, is on ber vacation. Mn. and Mis. C. J. Mountjoy, la- lingtan, and Reginald Mountjoy, grandson o! William Mountjoy, Ho- ward, Sask., called at Mis. J. E. El- liott's on Saturday en route ta the Mountjoy picnic. Mr. and Mis. S. J. Courtice atten- ded tbe Courtice-Eversan picnic, and after spendlng a few days with rel- atives bere, bave returned ta Leain- ington. Mn. Ted Mason accompan- ied them for a visit. Almee J. Lamontagne, alleged bandit wbo la held in connection wth robbery and kidnapping of a unlformed constable at Mitchell was a former resident of Bowmanville having attended scbool in this town. Rev. Dr. and Mis. Lorne McTavish and daughter, Saskatoon, Sask., re- cently vlited their old frienda Reeve and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers. Dr. Mc- tavish la supplying for six weeks at Westminster Central Churcb, Ton- onto. Members of Bawmianvlle Women's Institute will please not that the an- nual picnic wiil be beld on Friday at the home of the president, Mis. F. C. Colmer, Wellington St., instead of Mms. W. B. Pollard's. Corne and bring your baskets. Mr. Irving Clemens, wbo for the past four years bas been a clerk lu Jury & Lovell's Store, bas moved ta Toronto where ho la employed lu one of Tamblyl's Stores preparatonY ta going ta the College of PharMacy this fail. His place at Jury & Loy- ell's bas been taken by Mi. Ken. Morris. Mis. Livingstolle, Miss Carnie Liv- ingstone, Miss aina Dure, Toronto, Mms.Rab Brown, Mrs. Stuart Mc- Farlane, seagrave, were weekend guesta o! Mrs. <Rev.) Geo. Mason. Mi. and Mis. C . R. Lytle and daugh- ter Miss Ruth, Toronto, also Miss Mabel Lytle, Kirk! beld spent SundaY witb Mr. and Mns. S. T. Dowson, Providence. sameoiho of a deformed f ramne of mnd bas beon shootlng Pigeons lat- ely ,owned by the newly f ormed Juv- enfle Pigeon Club of the tawn. The' boys take an interest lu pigeons and are learning mucb that will be of use te tbem in later 111e and It seems bard when tb,.ey have gone ta, the trouble and expense o! securing high class birdis that sarneone bas ta shoot tbem. The Criminal code provides a penalty-o! $25 for any persan found shoating these birds, so it rigbt ho found advlsable te refrain from doing so. Mn. F. Conley bas nesigned from the teacbing staff o! Bowmanville Central Public Seboal, and a ne-ar- rangement o! staff was made by the school board at a special meeting on Friday night. Miss M. Coflacott bas been transferred ta the Central Scboal f nom the South Ward ta take the place of Mn. Conley wbo bas gone ta Oillia. Misa Banton bas been engaged to f111 the vacancy le! t by the nesignatian of Misa McGregor at the South Wand Scbool and the board Is advetislng for another teachen ta f111 tbe vacancy made by the trans! or o! Miss Collacott. The services lu Cooke's Cburch, Toronto. on the last two Sundays, were conducted by Rev. W. J. Todd o! St. Andrew's Church, Bowman- ville, wbo bas frequentlY occupied that pulpit, and made many fiends lu that historic churcb. It la sur- IMig but pleasant, ta fInd such nàge congregations lu a city church lu the holiday season and te witness the beautiful spirit of f riendship whicb prevails amongst the mem- bers. Mr. Todd's services were mucb appreciated, and ho had the pivil- ege o! meeting rnany f rienda from Ireland, and of renewing the f nlend- ahipa of former days. 31-1 Cterk of Cartwright. Notice to Creditors In the Eutateofa Charles Stanhouse Ahl persans having dlaims againat the Estate o! Charles Stonhouse, late of thse Village of Hamrptan, deceased, who died an or about thse 23rd day cf May 1931, are hereby notifled ta senS in ta thse undersigned Solicitors ror thse Executar, on or before the l9th day of Âugust, 1931, full particulars o! their ciaims. Immnediately after the saiS lSth day o! Atignst, 1931, tihe assete of the Seceased will bo istributed amongut thse parties entitled thereto, having regard ony to dlaimis o! which tihe underslgned solle- itors for Use Executor shall thon bave notioe. Dated at Oshawa thîs, 25th day a! July. 1931. GONANT & ANNIS, Barristeru, &c., Oshawa, Ontario. 31-3 Slilcitors for the Executor. U. R. INVITED ta vist Kingsway Now oreat variety of and othft FPoenla IN BLOOM Gla&oIslm Open Eveningi On Highway 2 fllocks E% of IAbertY. FILMS For The Weekend Kodak regular Verichrome Kodak Gaevert Get your favorite bore and lot us develop it for you. RoUa of 6 developed for 10c. KERSLAKE'S THE OEPENABLE DRIJO STORE PIGEON FLYING RESULTS Bowmanville Honilng Pigeon Club held its eleventh old bird race on Saturday, July 25th, from Danville, MI., 528 miles air line.' While the weather was fine bore, the birds must have flown into a storm as only 3 birds were reported in race tine, as follows: I. Hobbs..14 hrs, 32 mina, 55 sec. F. Bottrel .. 21 hrs, 30 mins, 52 sec. F. Bottrel .. .22 brs, 46 mins, 45 sec. The junior members of the club flew a training race f rom Whitby on Saturday, July 25tb, with these re- sults: D. Little ........ 34 mina, 38 sec., J. Purdy .......34 mina, 49 sec. R. Dillng .......34 mina, 58 sec. W. J. Martyn ..... .35 mina, 10 sec. D. Little ....... .35 mina, 46 sec. I. Hobba ........ 36 minrb 4«sec. Pete Tomilinson .. 37 mina, 13 sec. E. Hunt ...... 37 mina, 59 sec W. J. Martyn ... 38 mina, 43 sec. Pete Lambros ... 40 mins, 30 sec. I. Hobbs...... 41 mins, 18 sec. J. PurdY...... 45 mina, 55 sec. E. Hunt ....... 47 mins, 13 sec. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Qilfiflan and f amily wish to thank their many friends for the kind attentions sbown the former during ber ilness in Bowmanville Hospital. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Ten acres cf land with good bouge and barn, situated t Ty- rone, Ont. Apply on the premises ta Mrs. Jags-es Storie, Tyrone. 30-3 FARM FOR SALE-50 acres, being lot 22 con. 5, Darlington, on which are brick -roomed bouse with modern conven- jences; bard and soft water. otuiil- inge in good repair; 3 acres orchard. For partieulars apply on the îremlses to E lgih. Hampton, ont. 24-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Frame 2-storey residence, containing 7 roorns, pantry and closets; 1/ý-acre land; good barn, garage, and hen house; gond neil; bouse wired for electric lights; situated on the county road non being Paved. For trms and particulars appiy to F. j. Groat or C. W. Hastings, Hampton. 31-3 Money to Loan MON EV TO LOAN-On your automo bile; cars re-financed; paymentýs reduc- ed; additional cash given. Teris reas- onable. Motor loans and discount. Suit, 2, 14% King St. E., Oshawa, up-. stairs. Phone 2790. Open evenings. VOTERS' LIST 1931 MUNICIPALITV 0F CARTWRIGH4T COUNTV 0F DURHAM Notice la hereby given that 1 have complied withl Section 7 o! The Votera' Lista Act and that 1 have posted up ait my office at Nestleton an the Twenty- second day of July 1931, tihe list of ail persons entitled to vote In the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that sncb lust rena4ns there for Inspect- ion. And I hereby call upon ail votera ta take Immnediate proceedings ta have any errors or omrissions3 corrected aocording to law, the ast day for appeale being the lth day of Auguet. 1931. Dated at Nentleton this 22nd day of Jnly, 1931. FOR RENT - Thre apartusonts, $5, $10, $15. Apply ta W. F. Ward, Barris- ter, Bowmanville. Phone 102. 38-tf HOUSE TO RENT - On Teinpenanoe Street, Bowianville, 6 rooms beaides bath and pantry, 8 bedrooms; canyon- iences; wired for electric stove: garage and uaîal gardons. Apply ta W. Cald- well, 76 Elgin Street, Oshawa. Phono 2867W'. SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - At Willams Point, Lake. Scugog. For fur- ther information apply to A W. Piokard, King St. ,Bownianville. Phsone 185. 23-tf TO LET-3-roomed apartment ln Caw- an Block, moadern conveniences, ulectric stove; possession July l6th. Appiy ta Mrs. Percy Casean, Bowxnanville. Phone 270. 26-tf "rtcles For Sale FOR SALE-Fonce poste, 25c esois. Appiy F. Foley. Bownsanvifle. 25-tf FOR SALE-Largo size 4-burner eloc- trie atovo with high aven. Phono 161. 27-tf SHETLAND PONY FOR SALE--Quiet. Apply ta C. A. Avery, R. R. 6, Bawmazs- ville, or phono 320r14 for particulars. FOR SALE - Two-door Ford sedan, late madel, good paint Job, tires in goed condition. ApplsrTIt, Qhas. BsaiIngu% Hlampton. 3- FOR SALE-Aasall WiliUams piano, standard keyboard, latent style-would look Weil In any living roons. Canvon- lent ternis. $160. Fred Mitchell, Bow- manvilie. 30-tf STOVF, FOR SALE - Comodoroe cock stove, practlcally new, fine baker, in splendid condition, spare graben, oheap. Apply J. E. Miller, King St. EX, Bow- manville. Phone 30. 31-tf FOR SALE--Cordwoad, solShI corS- wood length or cnt In stove length; de- livered on short notice. F. Foiey, next bouse West of Creans of Bably Camp, Bowmanville. Phono 717. 22-tf FOR SALE-fi-roomed brick bouse on Queen St., near Liberty; modem con- venienoos; goad gardon; garage andSlhon bouse. For particulars apply ta C. L. Hooper, Box 485, BowmanvIlle. 28-tf FOR SALE-i aval front show case, 44"x27"xl6'i", aak trim; 1 sloplng front show case, 4S8"YM"x12", nickel trim; 1 amal show case, 27" hlgh x 165"x16l'; 1 cake case, 30x20xl8. mirror in door: 1 cheene cutter, in goad condilion. The above articles for sale by A. D. Fortier, cor. Manverj; Rd. anS Concession St., Bowmanville. 31-1' LATJWDIRYWANTMI AIl kinds of litundry work donc prompt. 'v. omtbfrtartly and et resonnnhbls pr".. '" P. ngt orna. ep o'r 12, or esîl Mr@ 'V Ntpriorani. Kinw Rtreet iait. Dow. manvll Phnne 478. CAP.TrINGAND Tit CIMU IAl hindeaof Cartimg, TraWa sa NMvils; kxl a Slong dintao.. 1 " M. UomeARo phono. «0 quft et.., wmamwUS An Amateur SwIm of one and a hall miles for boys, and of 0one mile for girls, for Canadian Champion- shlps, are carded on the Canadian National Exhibition aquatlc pro- gramme. Admirai of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe, accompanied by members of the British Empire Service League from ail parts of the Empire, will officiate at the Openlng Day Ceremonies at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Friday, August 28th. PHONE 153 This wlll be the 53rd conwSetivO year of the Canadian National Exhi- bition, Toronto. Standing roosa in the paddock at the Canadian National Exhibitioni grandstand accommodates 8,000. Exhibits from Great Britain, France, Cuba, Bermuda, Mexico, Inl- dia, South Amenica and United States will be prominent at this year's Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. BIRTHS LEASK-In Bowmanville Hospital, an Tuesday, July 28th, 1931, -to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leaak, Taunton, a daughter. DEATHS LANE-In Oakwood, on July 29, 1931, Agnes Poilard, widow of the late Geo. Lane. Aunt of Mr. W. B. Pollard, Bow- manville. MoLEAN-Ifl Oshawa, on Sunday, JulY 26th, 1931, Norman Alexander MeLean, beioved husband of Susannah Young, ln his 47th year. TREMELLING - On Thursday, June lSth, 1931, at Southall Middlesex, Eng- land, Louise Miriam Tremelling, sister of thse late Mrs. Wcber of Port Bowman- ville. McCOWAN - At portage la Prairie, Man., on July 27th. 1931, Margaret Law- rie, widow of the late William McCawan. fornserly of Scarboro 'townshiP), in ber 86th year. OSBORNE-Drowned at Frmechnian'O Biay, on Thursday, July 23rd, 1931, Ken- net.h Pennington, second son of Mr. and Mns. H. F. Oabgrne, Courtice, aged 18 years, 1 month. LYLE-In Peterbaro, on July 18, 1931. Mary Beal, widow of the late Charles Lyle, youxtgest daugister of thse late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beall, ColUmnbus. In- terred at Bowmanville. HOCKEN-On July 23rd, 1931, at hie late residence, 38 Indian Traill, Toronto, Henry Hocken, husband of thse late Lu- cina Soper, aged 92 years. Interment Prospect Cemetery. Father o! Mrs. Chas, Z. Pollard, Bonanville. REYNOLDS-At the Private Patients Pavillon, Toronto General Hospital, on Monday, July 27th, 1931, Samunel Henry Reynolds o! Windsor, Ont., beloved hus- band of Annie Aldswortb, and father of Beatrice and Harold Reynolds, Mrs. A. J. Ellernent, Mrs. Harry Pingle, Mrs. Ed. Randail, Mrs. Ervine Foster. and Mrs. O. N. Sanderson, Mrs. Russell Smith. In- terment Boçw manville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM WEBER-On August 5th, 1923, at Port Bowmanville, Mary Maude Weber, be- loved fiend of M. Boylan. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." Floral Designs Firet class9 work for ail Occasions. Wreaths. Sprays. Pillowvs, Brides' Bo.~- rjuets, etc. Also permanent Wreaths for tiie cemetery ;n beautifiil floral eff ct. KîNGSWAY 'NURSERIES On Hîghway 2 streets east of L!berty St. Phone 144 Bowmans,âîe Lost or Found DOG LOST-Collie dog, answers to name of *'Brownie.' Send Information to phone 203r32. 31-1 WATCI4 LOST-Gents wrist watch at or near Bowmanville Tennis Club, Mon- day evening, July 27th. Reward for re- turu to Cecil H. Dudley, Bowinanville. 31-tf Wanted WANTED-A str<mg, Intelligent ocun- try girl, quiet and steady. Apply Mrm. F. Law, Clarke, Ont. 29-3 WANTED-A girl or seomen for gen- erai housework. Âpply ta Mrs. Soutb-' ey, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 30-tf WANTED - Competent man wanted for aperatlng a steam engin. for tihe syndicate. For particulars apPly to W. J. S. Rickard, President of Syuidicate, R. R. 4. Bowmanville. Phone 111r14. 30-tf REPRESENTATIVES WANTED - If you are unemployed, or can't stretch the. budget ta caver ail expenses, why not write us about our Sales proposition in which your earningis ame only limited by your own Industry, application and ef- fort. The wark cari caver your own la- caiity and dstriot. Write us with full Information about yourself ln firet lot- ter. The Maple Grave Nurseries, Win- ana, Ontaria. 30-2w To Let Thur .-Fri.-Sýat. Buy Your Suit For Civic Holiday 3 Big Values Special No 1 at $14n95 Tropical worsteds and fancy tweed suits of ex- ceptional quality and styles, former values to $25, On Sale for $14.95 to clear. SpeciaI No. 2 at $21.50 These are real good suits of high class niakng and trimnxings, at pre-August clearanxce pzices, values up to $30.00, On Sale to Clear $21.50.9 Special No. 3 at $2 7m45 These suits represent Society Brand, Taîkie Town, and Canmbridge models, ail this season's newest styles and patterns, former value $32.50 to $35.00, Pro,-Amgust Sale to CIe., $27.45 Te B. GILCHRIST Dietl posite Phone 61 Bank of Montreal Bowmavih ai1 BumiLEs' SUrPLIES BOW79ANVMLJZ 'IjT PAYS tàBa« Yo,<r /)j4iL/ That empty bin lu your cellar might Just as wefl be paylng your rent. The money you can save by buylng your coal now wili mean a Worth wbile profit ta you--enough ta psy your rent. Remember-you can't use that empty bin for anythlng elue: it woulcl Justas woll bo put ta use. Phono us taday for an estimate on the coal your bin accommodates. You'll not only ho ready for cold weather, but youll be much kinden ta your bank aScunt. T Imwamtou By-prout Coe J. A. HOLGATE & SON Men Onlyl1 -A Suit Sale