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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1931, p. 8

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PAGE EGT FOR.1MER 4 LMMPTN BMN la KEPPE;i TOWNSI1' PIONEER (Co,ýitnued from page 1) hlm.H) transi erred bis wagon shop tram lampton to Kemble, where a number' of the citizens of Hampton had settled, among them being Wil- liam Bunt and bis wl! e. Mr. Bunt took up land at Bass Lake, wbere he remained for eight years, when be moved to Kemble, actuated by the almost impassable condition of the roads betveen Bass Lake and Kem- ble, three miles or rock, corduroy and ruts. Mr. Bunt speaks in the hlghest terms of the people of Bass Lake neighborhood. Prior to the building of the wagon shop by Mr. Vanstone, the village consisted of a log school bouse of which Gavin Shaw was the teacher, a rough cast cburch, afterwards used as a public library, and a few houses. In 1882 having purchased a fanm from James Smith, Mr. Bunt settled there and is stilil operating It FOR GOOD PICTURES Use VERICHROME FILM T1%e greatest dfisovery in film history. There are six technical points of superiority over ail other films, but these simply mean that you get better pictures f rom Veri- chrome film, pictures that are clearer and sharper. pictures that you will prize and want to keep. The new film is only flve cents more expensive: Vest pocket size, No. 127. 30e No. 2 Brownie size No. 120 .30c No. 2A Brownie size No. 116 35e We heartily recommend ibis film to everyone. Bring your films to us for quality developing and printing. We specialize on prompt service. Jury & Loveli Phone 78 - We Deliver YOTJR EYES mhe eye obeys exactly the ac- tion of the mind. When a thought strikes us, the eyes fIx and remain gazîng at a distance. At the mention of an unfamiliar name, the eyes wnk. mhere is no nicety of learning sought by the mind whlch the eyes do not vie in acquiring. Poor eyesight Is a handicap, in social 111e and business. The squint becomes a scowl, the scowl a menace that repela those who would otberwise be glad to meet you face to face. Takre care of your eyes as you would any other precious possess- Ion. Have your eyes examineld at least every year. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 Office Rours: 9.30 a. M. to 9.30 P. M. WEDNESDAY each week Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. with the zest of a man bal! bis years. Kemble has a good school and churcb and la an especially fine place for the bringing up o! a fain- ily, due to such men as Mr. Bunt. It is said that William Vanstone, when be purchased the site o! Kem- ble village declared tbat there should be no tavern licenses issued on any land sold by him, and due to goad fathers and mothers, the prohibition bas been malntained. Mr. Bunt bas not to any extent taken part in fraternal circles, the only organisation he joined being Good Templars at Hampton. He confines himseif to the raising of horses and sheep in addition to bis other fanm work, it being somewbat of a hobby wlth hlm. In politics he jis a Llberal and in religion a Pres- byerian. On New Year's eve, 1873. he mar- ried Mary Ann Vanstone, and to them were borni tree sons and one daughter: Walter Henry Bunt, prin- cipal of the Jesse Kitchener Scbool of Toronto; Alfred Manley Bunt of Owen Sound; Howard Smith Bunt of Owen Sound; and Edith Rose, Mrs. A. Bannon of Toronto. Mr. Bunt is a brother of Mrs. mhos Knigbt. Bowmanvllle. who lived for many years on Queen Street, but latterly bas resided wiih ber daugb- ter. Mrs. G. R. Collacoti, Saleni. TYRONE Mn. Franki Harliness anti Mr. Non- mnuBraitbwalte, Cavan, necently visiteti Mn. anti Mis. Byron Moore.. .Miss Florence Gardiner, Oshawa, speni a f ew days ai home...Mn. Levi Skniner recently visiteti bis tiaughter, Mrs. Larne McCay, Brook- lin. . Mn. anti Mrs. W. J. Tape, Sr., Mr. aind Mrs. W. Tape, Jr., Miss Matilda anti Mn. Breutan Tape, Bidgeburg, spent the weekend witb the formeras sister, Mrs. R. Haiber- ly, anti other frientis. ..Mn. anti Mrs. Richard Sutits anti babe, Bow- manville, speut Sunday at Mrs. Laura Virtue's. . Mn. anti Mrs. B. F. Gardinuer, Mrs. Tom Barr and Douglas, Misses Florence anti Annie Gardiner, spent Suuday witb Mn. anti Mrs. J. Hendricks, Trenton., Mr. anti Mrs. Horatio Hilis, Mr. anti Mns. Albert His anti family spent Suuday with frienda at Brooklmn.ý Mn. anti Mrs .Lorne McCoy. Brook- lin, recently visiteti ber parents, Mn. sud Mrs. Levi Skinner.. Mn. anti Mrs. Taîberi Fndley anti family, Thoruhili, Sundayeti witb ber fath- en, Mr. Edward Vtue . .-.Mr. Levi Anuis. Toronto, spent the weekend at home Churcli service ou Sun- day eveuing was well attended when Rev. A. M. Woottou preacheti an ex- cellent sermon, cboosing for bis suli- .ect "Sons of the Tabernacle," taken f rom Exodus 33:11.. . . Churcli ser- vice next Sunday morning ai the usual hour .when Rev. A. M. Woot- ton will conduci a communion ser- vice. We hope there will be s gooti- ly number oui .Mn. anti Mrs. Don- ati Davey anti Keitb, Mrs. R. Mc- Cullougli, Sundayeti ai Mn. C. D. Hadgson's, Bawmauville. . Regular meeting o!filie Wamen's Mssionary Society will be lu the f orm a quar- terly tes in the Sunday achoal rooni on Thursday. Auguat 6th, ai 2.30 p. mn. A gooti prognan ish being pre- pareti by Mrs. H. Skinner's group. Ail ladies o! the commuuity are in- vited to attend, On Saturday a!- ternoon, July 25tb. the Sunday School belti us annuel picnic on the public achool grounds. Races anti ail kintis o! sport were enjoyeti by olti anti young. A bauntiful supper waa serveti to a large number sud everyoue enjoyeti a good turne, .: Miss Aune Douglas, Miss Evelyn Stepheus, Mn. Arthur Stepheng. Gar- ie, vistedtihie latten's uncle, Mi. N. J. Wotiley. See 'Home Ties', Hampton, Aug. 3. SOME DAY By Arthur L. Salmon, In "New Sanie day we meaut ta travel fan, Before the glow o! noontide faileti: But yontier sblnes the evening star, Anti-yet we bave not saileti. We loitenet ildly on the quay, Watcbiug the tides thai ebli anti flow; We saw the boats set f orth ta ses; Anti yet we diti not go. Magic o! many tales was bnought By inavellers anti the travelling wint- New worlds a! deeti, new worlds a! thought; Anti yet-we stayeti behind. Anti still the dreani and tilt the caîl, mhe boats recede with parting bail, Shadows o! coming night-time faîl; And yet-we do not ssii. Keep your car in gooti shape anti it will always be reatiy ta take the leati on the roati. Gooti gas, goot il anti gooti grease mean longer 111e anti smooiher ruuuiug. Drive iu here where you eau gel iheni all anytine o! the day or night ai the besi pices in iown. See us anti your car will be always ight! Repair Shop Open 24 flours Daiiy WEST END GARAGE H. D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmanville nu«EAATLANTIC & PACIFIC TUWA CO. __________________LMITO F CANADA Ontario track finals for school on Young Canada's Day, MondaY, boys are to be run on Openlng Day Auguat 3lst. at the Canadian National Exhibition Amber glass, indirect iIghtlng and this year. other novel innovations ta, prevent Over 750,000 school chlldren of glare on the finishes o! motor cars Ontario have received invitations to, are being utllzed in the Autamotive attend the Canadian National Exhi- Building at the Canadian National bition as guests o! the management Exhibition. *The Newcastle Independent* THURSDAY, JULY 3th, 1931 NEWCASTLE Miss Margaret Toms returned last weekend f rom a two weeks' visit with relatives at Burlington. Durham Regimental Band will again play ai the beach Newcastle- on-ibe-Lake, next Sunday f rom 3 te 5 P. m. Local gardeners are coaxlng along their vegetables and flowers for the Horticultural Society's annual Aug- usi Show. Principal Oea. A. Coyne of the hlgh school and son Jimmy have gone on a trip te British Columbia and the Pacific Coast. United Churcb-Rev .W. P. Rog- ers, Pastor. Sunday, August 2nd: 10.45 a. m.-Sunday School; 11.30 a. m.-Mornlng Worsbip; 8 p. M_. Evening Service. Qet your supply of stationery, drugs, face powder, shaving cream, tootb pastes, etc., at the One Cent Sale, Mellow's Drug Store, this week- end anti Manday of next week. St. George's Cburch-Rev. P. H. Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, Aug- uaL 2nd: 9.45 a. m.--Sunday School; il a. m.-Morning Prayer and Holy Communion; 7 P. m.-Evensong. Pleasure with profit--Come to the Baseball Tournament and also tbe One Cent Sale ai Mellowls Drug Store, Thursday, Friday and Satur- day ibis week, also on Mon. Aug. 3. Everybody come to the Bazaar on Wednesday, Auguat l2th, Commun- ity Hall, auspices af St. George's Church. Sale of fancy work, etc.; afternoou tea andi supper. Admis- sion free. 31-2 Mrs. Bannerman, Taronto, la vis- iting ber brothers, Mr. J. W. andi Mr. Howard Qlenney. Mr. andi Mrs. Archie Glenney and daughter, Lind- say, were also weekend visitons ai the Glenney homes here. Two Big Evenis--Newcastle's an- nual Basebaîl Tournament and the One Cent Sale at Mellow's Drug Store, Tbursday, Friday and Satur- day this week and continued on Monday, Aug. 3rd. Come te botb. Dr. and MrS. Ernest Allun and Mr. Lyall Moore arrived by motor f rom Los Angeles lasi week and are lisp- Pily meeting again iheir numberless relatives and friends througbout and round about the place of their birth. Rev. aud Mrs. Hanna and family, of the China Inland Mission, who are home on furlough, returneti to Toronto lasi week after a fortnight's visit wiib bis sister, Mrs. E. E. Over- end and famu]y, Barkum Hall, ýiew- casile -on- the -Lake. Mr. Frank Gibson, lu the employ of the Municipal Council, ha making good progress in the building of the new shed and refreshinent bootb on the community green, the village park, the bahl grounds, tbe aihletic field, Or whstever is the officiai andi proper termi te designate the former fair grounds. Another week of picnics! Miss Dor- Othy Ricksrti's Sunday schoal class of girls Picnlcked ai the Creani o! Barley grounds on Tuesday afier- noon; the Ricksrd famiy picnic took place ai the saine place on Wednes- day afiernoon, anti the Unitedi Church Sunday Scbool is holding uts annuai picnic by the creek lu Tbompson's woods on Thursday a!- ternoon. Messrs. Chas. Brown anti Chas. Gardiner, Toronto, are camping for the week on one a! Cauncillor Bran- tou's lots in the village. The former is a nepbew o! Mrs. J. E. Fenniug, Toronto, who witb ber sistens-in- law. the Misses Feuuing f rom Eng- laund, wene necent visitons with Mn. anti Mrs. Brauton. At present Miss Sybil Tuif, Toronto, accompanieti by lier frieuti, Misa Grace mhompsou. la visiting ber uncle anti aunt, MnD at Mrs. T. F. Branian. COACHING CLASSES IN DURHAM COUNTY Domestic Science Judging Campeti- ion WIll Be Held At Newcastle On August l4th. A domestic science judglug coni- petition for girls will be belti at New- castle Community Hall ou Friday, Auguat l4tb, startiug ai 9 o'clock, standard unme. Five girrs will ne- calve a free four tisys' trip ta the Royal Winter Flair anti suitable cash pnizes will be given in each class. while the high girl in the compeli- tien will be awanded $5,00 lu cash. Three bigli girls wlll represent the county ai tbe Canadian National Exbbiition compotition. Atiditional information may be obtaineti fran E. A. Summers, local agrcultural represeutative. Coacbiug classes will be helt f nom 10 a. mi. ta 5 p. ni. ai the follawing centres: Hampten-Auguat 6th, ai Memon- al Park. Onono-August 7tb. Centre Street Church Sunday achool rooni. Nesleton-July 3lst anti Augusi 1th. C. O. P. Hall. Catau-August 41h, Comnmunity Hall. Millbrook-Augusi Sth. Tawo Hl Council Chamber. Mount Pleasant--August 3rd and Augusi llth, Womeu's Institute Hall. Canadian National Exhibition Park la 350 acres lu exteut. St. Hilda's Baud of Englauti. five limes world champions, each mem- ber a bronze, silver antigalti medal- li, will be a feature baud ai the Cauadiau National Exhibition, Ton- auto. Ibis year. Cavallo's andti hirty other bauds also wiil be heard in contiuuous concerta. Long Standing Asthma. Many have suffereti se long f rom asibina anti have tileti soenany so-calleti remedies they thlnk that there la no neal help for theni. They shoulti reati the leiters neceived by the man- ufacturera o! Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- thina Remetiy froni hundretis o! cases once as tiesperate as iheir own. Even lu loug-neglected caes ibisl famous preparation brings prompt help. WEDDIING Spinka--Burus Ou Friday, July 24tb, Mr. Asa Spiuks, Nesiletan, anti Mis. Jane Burns, Toronto, were marled ai the manse, ai Janeiville, Rev. V. Walk- er officiatiug. me bridai party were afierwarti entertaineti ai the home o! Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Hanna, anti later le! i ou a houeymoou trip to, Niagara Falls anti other points. VETERAN EDITOR IS 91 YEARS 0WD When company calleti to congrat- ulate J. B. Grahami, o! Grandview, on the attainnient o! tbe age o! 91 years, July 18th, he was fount i wth a scythe busy cutting weeds and cleaning up the roadway. Mr. Gra- barn was born lu County Down, Ire- land, lu 1840. In 1847 he came witli his parents to Stneetsville, Ont., anti at an early age be entered newspap- er work anti until retirement lu 1915 was sssociated with various papers, eiher as a member of the staff or owner. He served on the Hamilton Spectaton, Fergus News-Record, Ow- en Soundi Comet. Bowmauville Statesman, Hull Ativance, Uxbritige Journal, Qu'Appelle Progress, Bran- don Mail anti Sun. He owned (wiih bis sou, W. J.) the Melita Enterprise, and Carnduf Gazette, and had other interests. A short turne ago Mr. Grahami cel- ebrated bis 60tb year of entrance into the Masonic Order, having join- ed the A. F. & A. M. Zeredaiha Lodge, tJxbridge, Ont., lu 1871. He is also an active member of the United Churcli and ranely misses a service. Mr. Grahami is also an ardent bantisman, having comrnenced play- ing lu StreeisviUe in 1862. He took pari wiib the Grandview band lu the receni celebration anti sports day.- Gazette-Post-News, Carnduff. Sask. FARMERS OWN STREAMS ON THEIR OWN FARMS A Toronto man wbo was outinl the province trout-fishing one day last week got into a bot argument with a fariner across whose place a fairly witie and rapid sireain rau, and be asketi The Toronto Star to back hlm. up in the argument be made and publisb the "lacis." The Star is unable to do it. The fariner was, accarding to theni, entirely witbin bis rights lu ordering the angler off bis place. A man caunot 115h on another man's place wiihout Permission. This, it was thought,~ everybody knew. ht is inherent in the pnivate properiy systein. The point in dispute between the iwo men was as regards the streani and the bed of h.* The augler en- tered the atreain where ih crossed the public bîghway, be wadedti he bed of the streain and wben the farmer ordereci bim. off the place be refuaed te go, claiming that the fiowing water belonged io na one Person anti be had thee nght to wade the bed o! the sireain as long as be did not go ashore. If, he argueci, be came to a place wbere be could wade no f uriber then he would bave to turu back, sud regain the public highway without trespassing on the fanmera land. The fariner insisteti that the beti af the streani was as much part af bis fanin as the landi on both aides of ih. He was quite right, no doubi, anti bis negistereti deed would show it. Many Persans, anti city auglers perhapa more than others, confuse sireain witb navigable sireams. If a mian seaied inl a canoe could ride a sireani over a considerable dis- tance, a fariner wbose property the streani crossod might lau luinai- tenipting to forbidti iis, for the can- oeisi would be ridiug public waten aud not touching private land. mhere coulti be. ai auy rate, a keen argu- ruent about It, but not wbene a per- san wades the beoth ie sireani, for the bed of the strearu is land owneti by the fariner. He controls the waier wbile it crosses bis Place, be caunot turn the sireani from is bed; ho muai let ht run; be cannai diventi t or prevent il going its way. Hfe cannot pollute the streani; he cant Put in nets or Wires ta pre- vent fial igang dawn or up. But above the water he may erect fonces ta shut lu cattIe or keep theni oui, aud lie can post notices designaieti ta warn auglers te keep off the Place. He cannot catch a trout oui of season ou bis own farm non per- Mit anybody else to do s0 wlthout the offeuder being hiable ta a fine as auy ailier vialator of the flsh and game regulations. The besi course for a city man or anybody else, who goes oui afien trout lu the country, is te, avoiti an- gumients wibh farinera, mhe Ontario farmer la a bard man to beat lu au argumient. He is a sound reasoner aud a ready debater. He knows bis grouud. bis huntireti acres anti the wrater whicb flows acroassIL Civic Holiday Aug. 3 The Community Hall are putting on a moving picture THE DUKE STEPS OUT featurlng W. Haines. ai 8.30 p. ni. daylight savlng. Prices 25c and l5e. Afier whlch a D AN CE will be held, starting, at 10 P. nm. dayllght savlng. LIntoa's Orchestra, PrieeS 5h a couple. WEDDING Goddard-Payne A quiet wedding was solemnizeti ai the United Church Pansonage, Mill- brook, on Wednestiay, July 22nti, ai 7.30 p. mn. wben Idia Luella Payne, tiaughter o! Mn. anti Mis. Robent George Payne, Pontypool, was unit- et inl marriage te Lawrence Douglas Goddiard, son of Mfr. and Mis. Fred W. Godidardi, Bawmanville, Rev. W. W. Joues, B. D., pastor o! Saint Au- tirew's Unitedi Church, perfanming tbe ceremony. mhe wltnesses ta the signing o! ibe regiaters were R. G. Harding o! Bowmanville, anti Mis. Elsie Noel Pugmire o! Toronto. Mn. anti Mis. Godidard are well knowu lu Bowmanville anti we loin wih their msny f ienda lu wlsbing ihein years o! bappy marnied ife. Swlmnmers frani tbe four corners o! the world will seek the worlti championship at the Sixtb Annual Marathon Swlm ai the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. I CHINA & GLASS If yoii need a set of dishes, let us show you oui new patterns, most neasonably priced, open stock. Aima aur Une of Glft China and Glass. Special barga.ins in dlscontinued' patterns. J. W. JEWELL Phono 30 - Ring Street 131g 20 D3ookstore Dowynanville Someone Suggest a Pienie for the .Holiday! Expenlenced meat buyers and butchers will teU you noa. Tour own family wMi tell yen se when you serve tbem A & P Meata. And A & Fs money-back guarantee proves IL. A & P buys oniy the fInest grades of meat.. . and eRs only ane quallty. . . the begt. SMOKED SUGAR-CURED Whole or Bals lb. 29e RAM SMOKED SUGAR-CURED BREAKFAST j&CON By the Plee Ml. 19 A & P QUALITY BEEF S o le lb. l'De BLADE M l. 120 ROASTSSHORT RIBR M lb ~e FINEST QUALITY BOILED RAM LbC . 45o P-FRES Fr&fà1 - FRESH LAKS NIPIGON WHITEFISH 2 ma. 25e SEA HERRINO 'b.ILle lb. 23o mb. 25e A5SFtT% CHRISTIES, WESTON'S OR MOCORMICK'S BISCUITS FINE GRANULATE SUGAR 10 Ibo. 50e FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF 12W. 16e SWEET MIXHO 38- &. 33e EMERY BRAN» PICKLES -00 FR» UITS AND VEGE TABLES P- DELIVERED DAILY TO ALL A & P STORES-FRESH ALWAYS GEORGIA-GROW PEACHE 6-Qt. Basket C IP?3 ibs. i17e DANANAS ORANGE S2 Doz. 430 YOUR NEARBY A & P STORE OFFERS A TEM I, l,iE' F INE BREADS ANI ZAb c- OUR OWN o.NN PAGE FULL TII*S WEE!K-END DRZ D 24-0 dIACAKE .i Il C-MESTI CAKE lb. 270 eat Manager: G. McCoy. King Street 'q CHICKEN HALIDUT Gracery Manager: È~. lTUlansa. Mes W. Delive-Extia Charte 10o THE CANADIAN 8TATESMAN, BOWMANVILL. THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1931 phone NO. 83 Bowmanvme WHERE ECMOMY imwmu

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