THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTL.L, THURSDAY, AUQUST 2th., 1931 PAGE T *WO- WHY THE DISCREPANCY IN BOWMANVILLE'S POPULATION ? it is interesfing to note the growth of Bowmanville according, to the figures in the Dominion Census announcement made lasf Week.' Ac- cording to fhese figures, which are publishcd on another page. Bow- manvilles population has incrensed from 3233 in 1921 to 4083 in 1931 or an increase of 850 or 26.29 -,. One wonders where the discrepancy in f igure creep in between the of - ficial census figures and the town asscssor's figures. The populat ion as given by the assessmcnt roll in 1931 as 3,468 which is 435 less than fthe governmenf census. Either citi- zens have withhcld certain informna- fion f rom the f own assessor or the census enumerators' figures are in- correct. That is where the question o! the dscrcpancy coînes in. Ap- parently something was held f rom fhe town assessor that was given the government enumerators and one wonders if citizens are aware that information given to an assessor must of necessify be every bit as correct as that given f0 a goverfi- ment enumerafor. Apart from the discrepancy how- eveir, if is interesfing f0 note that Bowînanvillc is enjoying a healthy growfh in population. At the rate if has grown in the last 10 yenrs the f own should have a populaftion of well over 5000 when the next census is taken in 1941. Fifty years ago the population of the f own wns about the same as if is today, but if has receded a great deal between the fwo dates. If does show that there are some progressive citizens in fthc fown who are keenly inter- ested in the towns welfare, and il is f0 be hoped that a substantial growth of a like nature will take place in the next decade. If nîl vac- ant lots lad dwclling erected on them and fthe population grew to f ill this accommodation the taxes would of necessity be lower through a higher as'se sment of the whole. school or no school" is f0 buckle dow,ýn and fry again. The f urther educaf ion cannot do any harm and the time spent in bettering ones OP- portunities is neyer wasted. Some will in turn say that many great men have reached the heights of fame wifhouf an education, but how inany more have reached these heights t hrough education in youfh and flot in fhe hard grind of every- day if e? If school is in any way proving a benefit f0 a student by al means continue, for gaining an cd- ucafion and experience in fhe regu- lar walks of life is fwice as difficult a fnsk as gaining if in school. Our final advice is f0 forget f ailure and go f0 school again wifh that deter- mination to make the mosf 0f ev- ery effort so that when a trade or profession is considcrcd later a back ground of nccessary knowledge of basic problems is already in place as a shield and a force for the future. ABOLISH SHARP TURNS ON SCUGOG ROA) Dr. L. B. Williams of Toronto brought f the nofice of The States- man recenfly fhe fact thaf residents of the Scugog Rond and others us- ing this rond had failed f0 ur~ge thej abolition oif the bad corners that cxist on this rond. Dr. Willams 'Worst Governed City' is Now One of Two Best in United States This is the second of a series of Dressman, writmng in the "Rotar-ian articles favoring the city manager Magazine." "Streets had f allen into council system of Governmetit for disrepair. Policemen and f iremen the Town of Bowmanville. The were underpaid. Their departments story appended f0 this arficle tells were undermanned. Parks and play- the story of what can be done under grounds were neglected. Social ser- this system by a city which was vice work practically was abandon- once considered fhe worst governed ed. The morale of the city was at in the United States. To illustrate 10w ebb." the trend to this formn of Govern- Col. Clarence Sherrill, flow vice- ment the following figures given us president of a large chain store or- by the Citîzens Research Institute ganization, was the f irst city man- of Canada. at Toronto, are up tc, ager. He put methods info city ad- date. On Janunry lst, 1931, there ministraftion that business hnd were 425 municipalifies in fhe Unit- found successful. He increased the ed Stafes, Canada and Ireland o! pay in some instances, so as f0, give f icially recognized as working under men and women a living wage. Em- this sysf cm. In addition there were ployees were retained on the merif 181 other fowns and cifies working system and relievcd of the fribute to under a system somewhat similar. political campaign funds that had in Two Ontario cities are now working the past taken two and a hall per under this system and bot h are cent of their salaries. among the mosf progressive cities In fhree years under the new reg- in the country. They are Chathami ime, Cincinnat i built more street and Niagara Falls. The lafest city mileage than in the ten years pre- f0 join the forces of Manager forma ceding. Street build*.g economies 0f Government is the city o! Cal- in 1928, for example. saved the city gary in Albert a. The Citizens Re- $263.000 over what the same mîleage search Insfitute has furnished us would have cost in 1925 under the wif h the papers on fhe Council City old administration On one street Manager form o! government which alone by reducing the grade planned we propose f0 publish in fhe near by fhe former regime, the city man- future. ager has saved $637,000 Sewer con- struction costs were cut 38 per cent. Branded fwenfy-five years ago "as New gas and electric rates were sec- the worst governed city." Cincinnati ured that saved consumers $750.000 now shares honors with Berkeley. a year. Calif., for being "the best governed With confidence restored, cifizens city in the United States." In less voted bond issues knowing fhe mon- than fîve years. Cîncînnatî's repufa- ey would be used wisely. New York tion has changed f rom -corrupt and interests built a 48-storey skyscrap- contented' tf0 'dean and efficient." er, and new businesses moved in. In 1926 an aroused citizenry oust- The unemployment situation was ed fhe political machine t haf for foreseen fwo years ago. and a plan pracfically f orfy years had dominat- is now operating f0 correct the si t- cd fhelic îy hall, and instnlled a city uation that the Hoover commission manager. Condiftions werc in a de- on unemploymcnt urges other cýities plorable staf e. comments Elmer te adopf. drew to our attenfion the fact that__________________ it would have beeri an easy and not costly proposition f0 have rcmoved the turns af the signboard corners and af the bad furns in and justJI TH M an north o! Enniskillcn village. We agree with Dr. Williams that 25 YEARS AGO this matter should have been hrought f0 the notice o! the Coun- From The Statesman, Aug. 15, 1906 ties Rond Commission or the Gov- First page has fwo pictures 0f Mr. ernmcnt engineers, so, fhat these James McGill's palatial house boat, treacherous curves might have been !Pocahont ns.___ý eliminated with the laying 0f paved ronds. If is surprising fhnt those who live along fhis rond and use i so0 often have not brought the sub- ject up for discussion and action. To those who know fthe rond these tr os do nof present the same prob- lerns as f0 those who are not thor- HUMANE WORK IN T;OWN DE- oughly acquainfed wif h if.1 SERVING 0F VOUR SUPPORT Before fthc next issue o! The Statesman if off the press flic an- nual Rotary Carnival will be history and on ifs resulfs will resf fthc wcl- fare 0f many cripplcd and other- wise liandicnppcd childrcn in this district. This humane work, car- ried on quietly tliroughout the year, is a cause which must touch the hcarfs o! many. Tînt if hs worfhy o! support is neyer doubfed and doubfless 1931, like prcvious yenrs, wilh sec fhousand.s turn ouf to the event at fthc new Rotary Park on Wedncsdny evening nexf. Work nmong the crippled or flic sick ni- ways hias an appeal on all classes and fthe sympatiy 0f flic community goes out to those whosc bodies are mis-shapen thîrough no human fault o! their own. Residents 0f Bowmanvillc and district will have an opporfunLity 0f expressing their apprecintion of the work among crippled children in fthc community by entering wholeheartcdly info the spirit 0f the cvcning and being gen- crous in their financial support. The words f rom tie 40tli verse of the 25fli chapter of Sf. Mat tlcw's Gospel secm appropriate for such a worthy cause, -Verily I say unt o you, inasmucl ns ye have donc it unfo the lenst of these my brethren, Ye have donc if unto me." TO CONTINUE SCHOOL OR NOT IS TIIE PROBLEM With fthc publication in last wceks issue of The Statesmian o!fie Mid- dle School examination results. cornes the enîgma of tic student, whther f0 continue at sehool or flot. To these wio dîd nef do as well as tiey tiiemisclvc.s cxpccted, and as no doubt they f mîcd te do. this iresents anl unusually hard problem foi a young iind te con- femplate. To sint, the feeling thiat furfici' schuoling n ne' .i ot whilc lias become apparent, anid they will turn ticir minds te the seeking o! a positionî as lucrative ,ýa. theîr educa- fion Wîll 1permnit. The sccking of a Posît',en is a dîllicult tif se day %ith thousands o! skilled imen in ex cry rade and profession eut (,f emiloymcent. In inost cases fie p)arents wil prob.îbly advisce ent inuation at sciool but young blood in tuis mo--) cmn ema h liard to convince anîd ticy xnay quecstion fie words o! ticir eId- crs. Tic safesf guide for any ste- dent centemplating 1 Ie cessation o! education, as far as sehool is con- cerneci, and tice entrance into tic broadcr if11h'oe!tic professional worîd. is te scck the advice o! tio'se who have donc what tlcy ticmn- selves are contemplating. The solution o!flice prolilem o! those who have failed and whose mlnds arc !accd wltli fli question o! FEE GRABBING Witli fli above heading fhe Ren- f rew Mercury makes this comment: In the Ontario press stories have been printed o! petfy graffing in connection wit h fhe fining of mot- orists for spccding, charges having been made f lit some constables and fcc magistrafes lad been making rake-offs. As an example o! 10w far these tlmngs inay be carried n press des- paf ch f rom flic cify o! Memphis, Tenn., reveals teflictc that since January 417 hobocs chnrged wifh trcspassing on railroad propert y lad been sent f0 flic county workhouse t0 work ouf court cosfs and fines at $1 a day. Under the system. flic counfy pays flic magistrafes whcn prisoners xork ouf their fines and cosfs and if was estimatcd thaf fe miagistrates lad nveraged $50 a week f rom tînt source and their depufies more flan $40. The Mcm- plis newspapers in showing up flic graf f charged that most o! the ar- resf s lad been made by rnilroad special agents, who turned flic Ires- passers over f0 the justice o!flice pence courts, nîthougli thcy could ha ve been turncd o ver f0 flic cify Dr. J. C. Devif t and Mr. Geo. W James of Bowmanville footbal team witnessed the match in Toronto on Safurdny befween Corinthians of England and Al-Toronto feams. Oshawa Vindicator says: We have no fault to find with the Oshawa bowleirs for beafing Great Brîtaîn. Port Hope or any other great coni- bînations, but if were better neyer to have bowled at ah flhan to sufer defent at the hands of a country village like Bowmanville. This is worse flan Oshawa basebal lenîn lowering ifs colors f0 Court ice. Miss Amanda E. Bond 0f Oshawa is visifing her grandfather, Mr~. John James. Church Street. Miss Bond has recenfly returned f rom Sf. John's Hospital where she spent five weeks affer a crifical surgical operafion. Leskard: B. G. Carscndden, our popular merchant, lias quite recov- ered from his sudden illness.. . John Morris took in the Barnum & Biley's Circus at Toronto.. Isaac Clapman and wif e are seriously ill. Newcast le: A. A. Colwill repre- sented Newcasftle Lodge at the Grand Lodge S. O. E. at Chafham. .Mr. and Mrs. Marks and daugh- fer have been fhe guesfs of Rev. Scot t Howard.. Everef t Joîl, W. Kinsman and several others le! t Fridny for the West. Tyrone: G. W. Jamieson, Princi- pal 0f Mount Pleasant Scliool. Van- couver, B. C., Dr. J. A. Jamieson and wif e, Arcadîn. Mich.. and Mrs. C. W. Kelly, Ogdensburg, N. Y., have been visiting their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. Jamieson. Enniskillen: Wm. Herring and Sydney Trewin have gone on the Harvesters' Excursion f0 Manitoba. 1T. B. Hoidge, our late feacher, has commenced duty in Manitoba. Hnydon: D. Graham and sons are doing n rushing business, threshing. Mrs. W. Legg, London, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. John Rundle. Born: Humphrey-In Bowman- ville, August lSth. f0 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphrey, n son. Married: Quick-Robbins--In To- J DISTANT PASTj 50 YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Aug. 12, 1881 The Primitive Methodist Sunday School held a picnic at the lake un Wednesday aiternoon and had a pleasant afternoon. We understand that Mr. A. Buck- 1er intends erecting two storey brick block in place of the frame build- ings, the brick end of which fell out iast xveek. Azi elderly crippled gentlemen at- traciud some attention on Wednes- ciay, arivmng up froîn the station in a small gig drawn by a dog. The cOog macle very goodt time, keepmng Up %vt the bus. On Friday Thos. Westlake bound on the farm 0of W. Elford, near So- lina, 5',2 acres of wheat containing 237 shocks, of 10 sheaves each, in 9 hours. About 4 sheaves a minute. Next ! On Tuesday Bowmanville Cricket Club played ifs first game with an outside team. Bowmanville teain were: McDowell, Brodie, Collins, Lyle, Climie, Jury, Cubif t, Mitchell. Borland, Peckham, and Keeler. Hampton: Matters are moving along slowly but surely around these Parts. The weather is hot here as in every other place and the farm- ers have hard work to get ail the hands wanted in such a busy tim-e. The crops give promise of more than an ordinary yield. The stores are not crowded with customers but the future will undoubtedly bring along better days. Newcastle: The moonlight excur- Sion by the Norseman Tuesclay was a most successful one. A party of 61 was got Up consistîng of, anîong others, Rev. Canon Brent, G .A. Jac- obs, F. Pope, W. Foster, R. Fother- gil, Wm. Mclntosh and A. Mc- Naughton, who all expressed them- selves much delighted with the ex- cursion. Our worthy butcher has managed f0 keep a horse for more than a week without trading. Prob- ably fhe livery man having been sick might have had something to do with it, although we hear that the latter. though unable f0 gef out, traded one horse for f wo, wîth the tinkers. fhe other day from his bed- room window. A Few Church Dont's: Don't go f0 sleep. Don't bring the baby with Police court, which is not on n fee î'onto. at Victoria Presbyferian YU iJibsngiyudotkw system.Churcli. Auguat lSth, by Rev. Geo. o. D01't sit down oni your new sytc.Pidgeon, Mr. William Quick o! Bow- silk haf. Dont put countefecit coins _________manville and Miss Mary Gertrude on flic Plate. Don't stay home on Robbns o Oshwa.collection Sundays. Dont rend Your EDITORIAL NOTES Rbis0 saa book during flic service. Dont go in - late if you have squeaky boots. OSHIAWA HYDRO RATES Dont fake a sneezing fit if you can Iview o!flice need o! sending fo REDUCED AUGUST lst. help it. Dont fry fo make childrcîî Oshaa lat Suday or dagg-ngait still as Egyptian mnummies. Osuiawn lasf nda fr rging Every Nearby Town lias Now Re- Dont be an active taiker in chi,ch cqupmef henRcinnd ry was ceived Rate Cuts Since Purchase matters unless you arc an active drowned flic Town Council should o! Local Distribution Plants worker. Dont keep your religion in imniediafely gef in foucli wifli 0f- theflic kef of your Sunday coat. tawa wîth a view f0 laving life sav- Further evidence tînt il pays f0 Dont thînk evcrybody went b purchase flic local hydro distribut- chutrol iiist f0 sec what you got on. ing and dragging cquipmenf insfaîl- ing plant is the aninouncement made Doivf plill a pint o! peanuts ouf o! cd heire. A few wceks ago flic fown in Oshawa lasf weck b fthc effecf your pocket wif h your liandkechief. o! Whifby made application for this thnt a reduction in rates amounfing -____ cquipmenf and flic town is now in in ah f0o about 10', l ad been made. ANNIS CLAN REUNION recept o it.Thc domcstic charge îs 33c per recepf 0 if.monfli service charge, which h flic The lth annual picnîc and ineef- sanme as Bowmanville and the cur- nofteamlsofheAn Cn Dr. . S MaDonldTorntoren rat is3ý_c pr klowtt ourAssociation was hcld on Augtîst 4th. Dr. . S MaDonld.Torntoas compared wif h Bowmanville's at Lakeview~ Park. Oshawa, and 'vas school inspector, and native o!f130w- 4112c for flic firsf 40 kilowatt hours aftcnlded by about 125 îicembcrs manville, who rcceiv'ed lis educafion and 1!2c per kilowatt hour flicre- froin Winnipeg, California, Torounto, at B. H. S., is slafed, according f0 affer as coînpared wif h Bowman- Oshawa, Lindlsay, Scarboro, port Toî~oto ppeîs f0 scceelMr.D.2D2'2c per kilowatt hour. Thc Union. Tyrone, Whitevale and otiitîi Moshier as Chic! Inspector of!thesang m ade tic Oiad b ite, ns.p""'es.Affer variotîs gaines and a fli ca b plîny senandby li Pim~I oiî'ifilsupper. Mr. Levi Annîs, Toronto Publie Scliool sYstcm. His diase o! the B, wmanville systni hro~'as elecfcd Presidejîf and DîihamCouty rieda cornes flic only nicans by which thuiÎ)l* M. B3. Annis of Lindsay, chair- imany DuhmCut red iltewn will secure flic biiîcfît o!foxcrn nO!th(c cxccufive commlitte,,' hope thaf this promotion will mn- rates. Tic date fer- thc vote on thii;Ti feature o!fleic eeting was tic tciaîizc. . rat fer is expccfed f0 lbe announced iÇuia~nadsl !a10pg _________ St flcandet mcl effot ht' t OWîî b r contaîîîiîng flic arly history o! ceucilan evry ffi~twil lc niit' , anches o! the Annisfnil Do*.-i n nPicton thce'isers of Hydro t,) cive a faim chanice for cvei'v rate- frero163 91 an by c idliy POwcm a W111 receive a relate o! one - ,OC f ctîithmcf fhrefrMr.Levi Annis o! Scarlioro. sixi e 190 hlligsfli Pulicwill flic facts surrounding flic pur--___________ sixt of 930billngs thePubihase. So many cîtizens could not Utilitie'-, (ommission announccd. as bixlir've fIat flic sysfem paid for it-o! The Statesman fIat flic bylaws for flic purchase cannot lic defeat cd. a1 meýS11t o! a Icitcî from flic, Hydro- self onf o! ifs profits without mak- A Xlie rvosyfi u~ Electric Pow%,r'r Commlyiss.,ion ofOn- ng onc cent difference 10 flic fax A xlie rvosytepr .. rate fiat f0 this xvas attribufed fi hatohei yr wudhven I tarie in Toronto. Tic Commission defeat o! lasf year. Most citizena effort on flic gas supply here nor alsor confirma a schecile o! rates who have flic welfarc of the town af would fie gas supply lave any tiI c!- whercliy power isera ieccive a re- heart. who wnnt to sec lower ciomes- Eect on flic hydro. Evcry townl in (11ein nth frt n scodtiindustrial adpwrcagsti district. încluding Port H-ope. ratsioate fodirsti and scondand who by this neans wannfs tf0 eePeterboro, Lindsay, Oshawa and rats. ate f0domsfi an cOi ,a beffer chance for industries f0 lo- Whitby, lave cxperienced rate rc- mercial users remain fthc sanie. A 'cate liere shoulci acquaint fhcm- ductions tîrough fhe purdhase o! similar relate was made two years selves wifli fli truc facts and once fîcir i iuig plants during flic ago. acqualnfed wlf h flese if is flic belle! past fcw years. 1' These FashioniableSummrer Dresses are Irresista6le Bargains It has always been a policy of this stone to off er important values at ail times. Now hoWeven, prices are at a new low, bringing these lovely Summer Frocks down to an astonishing pnice. Ail georgette and silk crepe dresses reduced to neanly cost ... Some are pniced as low as ..............$7.95. Dainty Voile dresses for house or street wear - $1.95 SUMMER COATS Just a few Summen Coats left and we will sacrifice these to make a cleanance. See them and name your price. HOSIERY A neg. 79e hose, specially pniced for quick sale at 59c. SUMMER HATS-HALFPRICE Summer Hats at practically cost, and some even below. Hot weather hats, and hats suitable for fail wear at Half Price. r--;ýJWhen Johnny Goes Back ta SCHOOL HERE'S THE SUIT THAT WILL SET HIM APART FROM THE CROWD We have the answer to the yearning of every young man for a suit the fellows will admire. It's just what they want- three button coat and everything to make a suit look like "the berrnes." And, by the way, Moth- ers, it's made of the best wearing woolens we have ever carried and has two straight eut trousens- pair' of trousers. Ready to Wear and Made to Measure - Your Choice Priced from $6.00 to $15-00. Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman IMMTED ACCOUNTANT R. M. COTTON Auditlng - Accolintlng Books wriffen up daily, weekly or monthly. Monfhly and annual stafement and Income Tax Refurns prepared. P. 0. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Suniworfhy Wall Paper af specla2 prices. Get your orders in early. Estimafes given f ree. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Statesman Offce COLLACUTT COACH LUNES TIME TABLE Leave BowmanvilIe Leave BowmanvIlll. (Westbound) (Eastbound) 8.10 a. ru. 9.20 a. mi. 10.50 a. ni. 11.50 a. mi. 1.50 p. ru. 3.05 P. nM. 5.20 p. mi. 5.05 p. mi. 8.50 1). ri. 7.06 p. mi. 12.20 a. ni. (midnight) 9.45 p. ru. Daylight Saving 'rime Arrangeme2nts have been muade with the proprietor of the Bailmorai Hotel for waiting rooru conveniences. For all In- formation regarding arrivai and depart- uro of our coaches Phono 322. Wool Wantedé Bring in your wool and get HIGHEST CASH PRICE Don't selI your wool tiUl you get Our price. MARTYN'S BOWLING ALLEY W. . MTYN. Phone 36 BowmanvUle Hav Yr*Eye xm Consult our Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL -- Latest Methoda - Modern Instruments - .M.Mitchell & Co. Druigista - Optometria Phone 92 AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Speclalfy. Terms moderaf e. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-ff ELMER WILBUR AUCTIONEER Farm Stock Sales a Specialty Also Furniture. Phone Oshawa 1648r24. Ternis Moderate. 34-4* SIGN PAINTING H. COULDERY S ignsa Tin - Wood - Brick - Cotton Wlndow Signs - Prîce Tickets - Sale Bills - Trucks Leffered and Sfrtped Landscape and Seascape Decorations Lessons given in 011 and Water Paintlngs Phone 135 Queen St. Bowmanvlle FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phones 10 or 34, Assistants, 592 or 392, BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Successoî's f0 Alan M. Williams Kindness - Courtesy - Service Privafe Ambulance Phone: Office 58; Residence 523 or 58 CARPENTER William Cunningham CARPENTER Jobbing and Repair Work Alterations Scugog St. - Phone 661 Bowmanville 34-3* REPAIRS ROBERT PAWSON BODOT AND SHOE REPAIRER Neat job guaranteed. Thilrd door norfh on Silver Sftreet Bowmanville 34-5- LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicifor, Nofary Money f0 boan on Farm and Town properfy. Royal Bank Building, 17,owmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solcitor, Notary Solicifor for Bank of Monfreal .Ioney f0 Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrisfer, Soliciftor, Nofary Money f0 Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: B].eakley Block. King Sfreef, Bowmanville. Onfario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrîster, Solicifor, Nofary Loans - Invesfmenfs Bowmanville - Nexf f0 Royal Theafre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentisfry, Toron- to University. Graduate 0f fhe Royal College of Denfal Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King Sf.. Bowmanville. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipmenf in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant- Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East: Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduafe of Toronfo College of Chiropracfics will be in the Bow- manvîlle office Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings. Phone 141J. Residenflal calîs made durlng fore- noon. INSURANCE Fire C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THFE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability Life e + Business Directory*+ 1 -. - - m'me% 1