PAGE SIX Çumr Holcis Up Traffic1] KOOLMOTOR GASOLENE Fre from valve-stikdng gum When gum sticks your valves...a your motor labors a. a pick-up in Iraf fic is slow... power su is lost ... gasolene is wasted. Avoid the 1 menace of gum. Keep ail your valves 0 free-moving, increasing speed, power end get-away. TryKOOLMOTOR today. L CITIES SERVICE PURE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Cties Servce o;u Company Limted Cties Service-one of the ten Iargest industrial orsanizations on the continent broadcasts Fridays, 8 P.M. (E. D. T.WEAF and 37 stations on N.B.C. including CKGW, Toronto. 1854 We French clean and press lady's dress, F OR gown, suit, or long coat, or gent's suit or overcoat. SmaU extra charge for pleating. S H ER RIN 1S $ DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. W. Toronto BOWMANVJLLE AGENTS THE SMART SHOP Phone 633 Cowan Block When Your Wif e Drives 0f course the modern woman is every bit the equal of the modern man-even to driving the family car. But there is the chance that somebody might accidentally remove a fender while she is driving. Protect her-and your car, incidentally, by insureing your car. It is the modern method of protection. You can't buy bet- ter insurance cheaper than we seil. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville TE CANADIAN STATZUMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSlDAY, AUGUST 2th., 1931. ORONO Miss Marlon Dickson spent a few days at Paint au Baril, Geargian Bay. Kendal L. O. L. Na. 405, wîll bolti service in Harvey Jackson Memaorial Park on Sunday, Aug. 23rd, ai 2.30 p. M. Mr. anti Mrs. C. Graham ici t on Monday last mataring on their re- turn trip ta Winnipeg, aiter a couple mionths' enjayable vîsît With f rientis. Dr. Leslie Leitch anti Dr. Antirew Saunerville, Toronto, spent the week- endi with the latters parents, Mr. anti Mrs. T. W. Somnerville. Mrs. D. T. McAinsh, Islingtan, spent the past week at Mr. George Mitchell's. Mrs. Thompson, Toron- ta, was also a visitor at samne place. Mr. Wallacc Sisson, accompanieti by lus inother anti Miss Epps, enjoy- cd a motor trip lasi wveek ta Peter- bora where they visiteti ai the home of the late Frank Sheppard, anti at Lakefielti visiting with Mr. anti Mms. H. Junker. Mr. Thos. McComb receiveti hear- iy congratulations f rom frientis on Wedncsday, August 12tb, the 8th anniversary oi bis birthday. Thomas bas been a resitient ai Orana more than hall a century. Mr. Thorntan Wilson matie a bni visit ta tawn, bis tiaughtcr, Miss Anna, returning with barn ta Ot- tawa. Mr. Harmy Lewis bas purchaseti the laie Jane Carscatiden resitience, North Mill St. This was originallyI the Dan Whitney residence. Rcv. Vctor Walker, wifc anti fan- ily, ai Janeiville, wcre visitons last week at Mr. A. A. Ralph's; also Maj- or Cowles ant i sster, I14rs. Blcwctt, Toronto. Mrs. I. L. Evans anti daughter, Katbryn, oi Caldiwell, N. J., are heme on a vîsît wth Mrs. Evans' mathen, Mrs. Beamish, at the boume af the Misses Waddell. Miss Florence Gamisby, icacher at bier home schoal ai Stratton, Rainey River District, havmng comipleteti a summer course in Toronto, is spenti- ing a lew days witb bier aunt, Miss Ida Gamsby, anti other f ientis. Kecp Douglas' Egyptian Liniment always in the stable, rcady for im- mietiate use. Remaoves prouti flesh anti inflammation, Thnush or Hoof Rat, antinmfection af cows teat. Mn. Edgar Hughes anti daugbtcr, Miss Evelyn Hughes, af Las Angeles, Calif., who arrîveti last weck on a vîsît ta bis father, General John Hughes, Bowmanville, are spending a few tiays at bis sisters, Mrs. A. Henry. Orano Telephane Ca. arc instaîl- ing a 52 pair cable, replacing the wîres on Church Street. It is 1700 il. in length, reaching f rom the cen-j tral office ta C. N. R. station. Mr. Edigar Steplcy, Hamilton, is visiting ai Mr. Len Gamsbys. Mr. AIlf McKeown, Peterboro, well known bantisman, is expectedt t vis- it Orono. Durham Regiment Band f urnish- cd music Decoration Day at Newton- ville Cemetery. Mrs. Cutteli bas about recavereti f rom the injuries sustaineti recently wben she f ell frnai the gallery staîrs at the town hall. Mr. anti Mrs. T W. Harper anti son Grant, from Toronto, visiteti over the holiday ai R. H. Allen's anti enjoyeti the trout streams on bis uncle's iarm. Mrs. Isaac Winter visîted at bier brotber*s, Mr. Ben Farrow, Victoria Harbor, and relatives at Severni Bridge anti Orillia anti reports a most enjayable holiday. Miss Marjarie Tamblyn. wbo bas just completet iber third year train- ing at Oshawa General Haspîtal. and classînate, Miss Matige Mc- Whirten, are spentiing their holîdays at Mr. Fred Tamblyns. Mrs. W. L. Cobbledick nelurneti home Sunday ai ter several weeks' visit with relatives in Western On- tario, spending saine lime with the Elliott iamîly ant iber brother Herbs iamiîy at Windsor anti Detroit. Mr. anti Mrs. R. J. Mclsaac anti twa chîltiren, Alice ant i Jm, spent a couple ai weeks sith hier parents, Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Leigh. Mn. anti Mrs. Steele anti Miss Margaret, Hamnilton, wcre alsa irecent visitai-s at the samne place. Mr. George Seymour receiveti in- juries ta bis beati anti necit anc day wlien hie steppeti on a baose board, precîpilating hlm imb the excava- tion for a new cislci-n. Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Grady anti family, Hamilton, visiteti over the weekcnd ai bier mnothers, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong, enraute by mnotor on a vacation ta the Kingston district. Their daughter, Miss Ruth, wha bas been visiiing ai Mr. anti Mrs. John Armsirong's, accompanîcti tbem. The picnic hcld by the Women's Association ai the park on Tucstiay afiernoon was a real success bath socially anti financially. Mr. anti Mrs. Siti. Hughson anti son Glei), of Toronto, are spcnding a week or two ai bis fatbem's, Mr. C. J.1 tire ai the late James Dver svas pre- senleti by Auclioneer Thos. Cawan to th Ie Township Cauricil ant i l]] finti a place on the walli. the caunicil chamber. Il was for many years a cheisheti pictiire in the home af bis daugblem, Mrs. A. Cal- lander. b et te r in warm weather WHEN the days get hot- keep cool by eating Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes. Crisp - easy-to-digest - gooti to eat and good for you. A taste treat always because of their mnatchicas flavor. They have just enough bran to be mildly laxative. Serve these better bran flakes ta the youngsters. En- jay them yourself. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. w oPEP BRAN FLAKES CLARE TOWNSHIEP COUNCIIL Clarke Township Council met on August 4th, with miembers ail pres- ent, Reeve M. J. Holman presiding. The minutes of last meeting were reaci and on motion w ere receiv~ed and adopted. E. L. MacNaclitafl. Counties- Clerk gave notice of the admission of Win. Flintolf as a patient to Oshawa Hos- pital on July 16th, 1931. S. R. Hart & Co., wholesale sta- tioners, were giveni the order lui' Assessinent anti Collecor-s Raills for ensuing year. J. '0. Chaters discusseti wîth council certain landi assesîmints within the village of Leskard, and during the noon recessa menibers met with Mr. Chaters at the above place. R. F. Duck made caînlaint i re- ference to the service as ta cutting weeds opposite his property. Mr. Lovekin gave notice that at the next regular ineeting of counicil hie would introduce a bylaw to ap- point a collector of rates andi taxes for the yeiar 1931. Mr. Tlios. Cowan presented count- cil with a picture of the late James Dyer, who in the earlY 111e of Orono conducteti a woolen mnill. The pic- turc will find a proininent place among others on the walls of the council chamber. Reeve Holman receiveti a letter f rom Elva G. Tucker which contain- cd a cheqjue as a refund of cash granteti under resolution No. 590 amounting to $100. Mrs. C. A. Fairbairn sent ber cheque for $10 in payment of a pool table license inf ull to June 30, 1931. The following bylaws rccived three readings and were passed, signed, scaled andi numbcred: No. 946--To assess the rateable property within the limlits of the police village of Orono for the year 1931. No. 947-To raise the nccssary rates ini the Township of Clarke for the year 1931: County purposes, 12 lil1 miuls; Townshiip purposes, 6 1;10 mi.lls; Special Bridge purpas- es, 1 mnul; General Schaol purposes, 6 4110 nulls. No. 945-To appoint a member of the Board of Health ta f ill the unex- piredte trn of the late John H. Pen- warclen. Mr. Cecil Robinson recciv- ed the appointment. By resolution of counicil the Clerk was instructed ta forward letters of synpathy ta the famnilles of the laie Dr. M. M. Tucker and John H. Pen- wartien, bath recently deceaseti. The former acted as treasurer for a per- ioti of 46 years, resigning through iii health in thme year 1927, and the lat- ter an active member of the local Boardi of Health, he being a member at the time of his decease. Resolution Na. 876 granted a let- ter of occupation ta Wilfred McKay of a certain part of the highway ad- jacent ta the village of Newtonville until the councîl nmay require it at a rental of $1.00 per year. The follawing bills were passeti and paiti: E. L. MacNachtan, Treasurer: 50% maint. Thos. Wilkin- son, ta July 25, 1931.. $ 35.25 50'," maint. Florence Cot- ter, ta June 29, 1931 18.38 50% maint. Louise Bald- win ta July 31. 1931,. 23.25 Variaus Bond Holders, re 1926 issue of tiebentures S. S.12 .. . .. . . . 715.56 R. H. Waood, caretaker. 10.35 A. J. Staples, office rent anti supplies 44.31 Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, monthly payment R. vs F. 48.00 G. Langstaff, sheep diamages 4.00 Cecil Brown, sheep damages 22.00 Norm. Allun. sheep inspector 3.00 Ellsworth Caswell, trucking indigents goatis ta Toronto 13.00 Clarence Smith, trucking indigents gootis ta Toronto 20.00 F. B. Lovekin, auto service indigents ta Toronto. 8.00 M. J. Holman, expenses in interview with Highway Dept. 4.05 Jno. Henry, Roati Supt., voucher No. 8: Roati Supplies for July , 108.88 Roati maintenance 1009.59 R. H. Wood, weed inspectar 65.25 Council adjournedti t meet again in the Cauncil Chamber, Orono. on Tuestiay. Sept lst, at anc o'clock for the transaction of general business. A. J. Staples, M. J. Holinan. Clerk. Reeve. Reatiy-matic Metiicine.-You neeti no physician for ortiinary fils when you have at hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. For coughs, coltis, sore throat, branchial troub- les. it is invaluable; for scalds, burns, bruises, sprains it is unsur- passed; whilc for cuts. sores andi the like it is an unquestionable healer. It neetis no testimonial other than the use, anti that will satisf y anyone as to its effectiveness. Magistrale Alan Campbell on Mon- day anti was fineti $10 anti costs, when he was faunti guilty. To have the chiltiren sounti anti healthy is the f irst came ai a mather. They cannot be healthy if troubleti wîth wormns. Use Mather Graves' Worm Exterminator. NAWJE 0F NEWCASTLE RAS PRACTISED MEDICAL PROFESSION FOR 53 YEARS Dr. M.alcolm Staiker, Medical Officer of Health for Walkerton, Ras Unique Record A typical f amily physician of the olti and now almost forgotten school, Malcolm Stalker, M.B., F. A. C. S., of Walkerton, ex-reeve, ex-mayor anti first anti present M. O. H. oif Walk- erton, is entering upon his 54th year ai practîce-the oldest practicing physician anci surgeon in Bruce Counity. Past the three-quarter century mark, Dr. Staîker continues ta Cen- jay perfect health. He kept abreast ai the timies in the ativances af the science ai bis profession. Upan graduation f rom Trimity College anti the University ai Toronto ini 1878, he entereti prac- tice at Newcastle. Durham County, near bis birthplace, but he wcnt ta Walkerton, f rom Ripley, five years later. in spite of the demantis ai a large practîce, Dr. Stalkcr foundtitmie ta taite a practical intercst in munici- pal anti educational affaîrs. As flrst health officer ai Walkcrton lie ad- vocateti the installation of a modern waterwarks systemn, anti, resigning that position, entered town caundil in 1890 anti saw lus ambition real- izeti the following year. He became reeve ini 1893 anti again in 1897-98 bc helti that office. In January of the nexi year lie was elevatedti t the mayors chair, anti serveti for two years. Dr. Staîker bas been medical officer of health at different times smnce. He now is discharging these duties for the tenth successive year. Continuously since 1901 Bruce Cauntys veteran doctar has serveti on the Walkerton Higli Schaol Board, anti for the past 12 years he bas been uts chairnan. He bas been active in the wark ai the Urban Trustees' anti Ratepayers' Associa- tion of Ontario, anti they, in 1929, electet i hm as their president. Dr. Stalker was praminent among' thase wbo were instrumental in meeting the neeti for a county bas- pital anti a bouse ai refuge, anti be was a member of the trustee boardi of the former institution for a len- gthy perioti. Be bas been identifieti with practically evcry mavement for community betterment in Walker- ton. In 1918 Dr. Staîker was matie a Fellaw oi the American College ai Surgeons, andi two years aga be was granteti a life nembersbip in the Ontario Medical Association. Twa tof bis sons-Dr. G. Berkeley Stalker oif Hanover, anti Dr. Mal- coin E. J. Staîker oif Lontion, Eng.. have fallaweti in bis footsteps. HAMPTON (Intentiet for last week) Hiampton Womnns Institute helti the annual picnic in the Park on Wedncstiay, Aug. 5th, Mrs. W. W. Horn, president, presiding. Regular business was canducteti. It was tic- citictita hclp buy sweaters for girls, basebaîl club. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orano, District President, was witb us anti gave a short atidress. It was decîicti ta help finance girls going ta Coaching Class at Newcastle. The sports' committee then toak charge anti the following events were helti: Girls, 5 years anti under - Fraync Johns, Jean Cawling, Kcith Peters; girls, 8 ycars anti under-Beriha Ar- mour, Marion Johns, Florence Run- dle; Boys, 8 years anti under-Freti Payne, Lewis Truli, Harry Martin; Girls. 8 ta 13-Betty Knox, Ruth Colwill, Muriel Scott; Boys, 8-13- John Virtue, Jimy Adamisan, Don- aldi Adcock; Boys' Hurtle-Mervin Cryderman, Jackson Wrey, John Vrtue; Girls' Hurdie-Helen Knox, Ruth Stevenson, Jessie Knox; Pencul on liP-Ruth Stevenson, Donald Ad- cock; Grantimothers'-Mrs. Twilcb- cIl, Mrs. Gay. Mrs. Clark; Fat Wo- men's-Mrs. Runtile. Mrs. L. Trull, Mrs. H. Salter; Kicking the Sba- Mrs. Runtile, Mrs. Trull. Mrs. H. Salter; Driving the Nail-Mrs. Run- tue, Vera Kerslakc; Battle Drinkirig -Mrs. Johns, Olga Cawling, Helen Knox; Tbrowing Rolling Pin-Mrs. Trull; Marricti Women's Race-Mrs. H. Salter, Mrs. Runtile; Cutting Ham-Hclen Knox; Baby Show- Ray Cawling; Yaungest baby-Baby White; Over 1 anti under 2 yars- George Allin. Supper was then ser- ved ta about 175 people-members, mathers, grantinothers, chlldren anti visitors. FOUR INJURED IN MOTOR CRASH BellevWfe people adnitted to local hospital when car crashes into telegraph pole (Intentiet for last week) Bowmanvillc Hokspital bas,;been The start, the five-hour ten-mile struggl., the finishing sprint- most draznatic thriller la Women's sport enacted right before the eyes of ___Exhibition visitors. Aue .Prit/e r Benoiit, p rizt feinneir in jeral u'oten', ra Mhons arn0e o 0h (tars "ray to go"on Friday. Right: Margaret Ras jor, attractiî e World cham Pion womena. M ar"a- thoner u'ho ti/i <rideat ourtIo retain ber laurels. First Concert, Friday. 2.30 p.m., St. Hi]da's Band, cach member a bronze, silver and gold medallist.- Artraction.s and exhibits more appealing thaxi in any previaus year. DOWNTOWN OFFICIAL FREE INFOR- MATION BUREAU. List of approved j rivate homes available ta out-of-town x hib iti on Visitors: 5 Front St. E., Telephone Waverley 4453. Leab Rfy New Yourî Cit, rea to match herr k/Iagainst tht field as demomîrard in tht Lu* two Exhibition Mara"b su-onu. SAM HARKIS, PresideStL H. W. WATERS, General Manmu j H. D .CLEMENS, Proprietorj Phone 188 Bowmanville-I The G, reat English Preparatý'. ook's Regiilating LCompound ones audii gIorates the ,'ý.,I, *0 ncr~u~ ~~tr. maes e-w ~ÎoA #qf., ratiabla "uiW.# tiervos %ystm, maes nrwBIG 0Medi.cine. Sold in tredi in old veins. Used for Nerv. r- f treathNo 1,Sl Jilebility, Mental and Drain iI",,-of¶40. 2 63: No. 1. $Ilprhz tiespondençy. Louof Enerr .Palpitatioun " Sold jvyaat druggi et&. ;f-r the Heart. Failing AMemor>v. PrieeS2 >-peou don reoeipt o S, for $5 SoId by ait dnsggisis, or majli n pIar6 ?roep&Mphlet. Addruif p&g. onmreeippr i ce.Now pauhW naYHE COOK MEDICNC Il ~ . -w Mail !réj&atiùj a: once/for "OR IENTIA ",&ariourouosrpectacle o th# mystic Last-nieb/.y graned,trnd pageant; aio for thit four concert.,h orOfrnationa!/j jamota EXlIIIBIION 2,000-V ICE CHORUS ino th, Coliseum. GRANDSTAND PAGEA.'lT" ORJENTIA " -Opening performance Mond.ay, Aug. 31. Reoried seatf $1.00, Box seats $1,50 each, (5 or 6 chairs ina each box.) EXHIBITION 2,000-VOICE CHORUS- Openirag right Sat .eug 29, Thurs., Sept. 3; Tus., Sept. 8 and Sa:, Sept. 12. Groundjýor, Zo.ra'to 75c. Box chai rs, $1.00. Wky Delay Your Building Plans Planning on building or repairing your home ? Then begin now when prices are lower than ever before. In our yards are the finest grades of lumber and building mupplies-just the kind you want for your home-and all at the lowest prices in aur history. You can build economicaly by building now. Sheppard & Gi Lum6er Co. Ltd. (FORMERLY McCLELLAN & CO.) 1 ING ST. EAST F-4"&a Keep your car in gooti shape anti ht will always be ready to, take the lead on the roati. Gooti gas, gooti ail anti gatit grease mnean longer 111e anti smootbcr i-unnlng. Drive in bere where you can get tbem ahl anytime of the day or nlght ai the best prices in town. Sec us anti your car will be always right! Repafr Shop Open 24 Hours Dally WEST END GARAGE EXHIBIlON. Starts Friday, August 28!h ADMIRAL 0F THE FLEET EARL JELLICO, distinguisked British Naval Hero, to set in motion 53rd Year oF World's Largest Exposition Following Opening Day Luncheon WQ MEN' S CAPOS MARATHON SWIM~ Starts et Noon on Opening Da y I PHONE 15 BOWMANVILLE