PAGE MORT THE CHANGING ARCTIC AND ITS FUTURE (Continued f rom page 1) currants, saskatoons, and blueber- ries grew in abundance. These places were about the same distance north and were used to show the difference in sections of the country. Speaking of the Eskimo. he called themn the purest and most virile race of people in the world. Very few of their numbers, about 7000, had much contact with the outside world and while many were pagan and uncivilized they were neverthe- less entitled to every rigbt that the white man was. Taking the Eskimo the world over, about 75 per centt liye in wooden shacks, but it is true of the Canadian Eskimo, the speaker asserted, that 80 per cent of the Canadian Eskimoes stili live in TUE CANADIAN STATPE8MAN BOWMÀiNVI=.r THURSDAY, AUGUST 2th., 1931. Speaking o! Ibein religions lI stated tbat the Eskimo was ci ally pagan, living a religion of »* PWER;wbile now. tbnciugh the missio f tbey bad been taugbt Christt based on the love o! the Eternal not fear.» Tbey Iearn very qu and be urged the igbt tneatmei the Eskimo as the only mcan o o xhich the development o! the 1 ,nient be accomplisbed. The 91 est wealth o! Canada lay ir noî-ch with its great cre strata coal and its oil, and the Eskimo Q UA L the whole key bo the situation. was tbe only cime who knew coiuntr~y and ils treacheries QUALITY IS OUR tbnougbh lim the white manc cinly hope Ici make the nortt WATCH WORD greatest commercial value to Dominion. In a brie! and nicely wordeda We believe the Sbell and Super address Rotanian Cbarlie Mascir Sheil Gasaline we selI will please pîressed tbe keen apprecialion cil you y it for the speaker's enlertair you y It quaity.remarks. Visiling Rotarians at club were: P. H. Smith o! AmbE QTJALITY MOTOR 01L Mass.; R. F. Downey o! Peterlc K. Hodgetts o! Port Hope; Gle: Yciu wiil also flnd quality in the Stnike o! Ottawa; Frank Johnst fallciwing Motor Qils wbich we ROY Bennett. Newt. Johns, G. willglady suply ou-Bird and E. F. Richardson, Oshi willglady suply ou:Additional guests included Rev, SheUl - Quaker State - Vedo R. Spencer, recton o! St. jol Castol Pezoi - obioil Cburcb. and Dr. Gibson, minister Castol Pezoi - obioil Cooke's Pnesbytenian Cbnrcb. 'T or 100% Penn. Motor Oul. o0b. Goodyear Tires are famous for their quality. Caîl and see these MA EGR V bigh grade tires. A L R V B Miss Vera Power bas relur. ý0 TLf Ir Jfhome a! 1er a very pleasant mot trip ci tbe Coast School ope S Tuesday, Sept. Ist., at 9 a.m. (S. T 1,- IbMssB E. Souch, teacher, ~ l~7l~Ç~~charge ,mrs. Will Worden, a PHONE 110 KING ST. EA daugbten Verona, Tynone, visit BOWMANILLEber motber-in-îaw, Mns. B. J. Wo ~OWMr~4ILL den, on Monday Mn. and Mi iîcd Lee, Kedron. Mn. and Mrs. R. Scott and family irpnovis eci tteir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H.g Freemian on Sunday Mr. ai ,Mrs. A. Tnenoutb, Hampton, M M ore Health Fran Trenouth, Miss Mrh PER QUART boro, vsted theformrnns daugbîe IN BOWMANVILL.E WHOLE The«sýypat'hy ci! this community MILK DAIRY extended Ici Mn. James Clark an family in the Ioss o! bis brother, m~ David Clarke, East Wbitby, Who ws known by a large circle o!fienc 1wben in bntchering business aIt t town line, nowý known as "the hous that Jack bilt." Mn. and Mn R.L.siorden and Mns. J. B. Wor de vst ed tbe former's brothbc Mn. Morley Wilkins, Ebenezer,0 Sunday Congratulations Ici ml and Mrs. Raymind Snowden on Il anivalo another daugbter Rev John W Bunnen, Town, will occuî: thepupitonSunday .Mn. an( ie. j Mrs.Frank Hanford, Bloomfield, N f J, ae vsilng bier parents, Mn. an( MsM.Munday Sr., and other re. lativýes Mr. Ray Snowden, Tor. Onmo, is holidaying with bis parent. AU o th heithgivng ro- and other relatives Mn. D. H Ail i! he ealt gîmg ro- Coates and Dr. L. H. Coates. Brant« Perties Ihat's Possible 10 fond. motcined down on Sunday and secune thnougb proper cane vstdMs otswoi ihb andt!eed ingthci! a ersey brother, T. J. Cole, Who continues contlne inIbenlc Jesey very poorly Mr. and Mrs. Earl mllk we sell. The cream Osbone,Prvdne iied e line tels the story o! greaten parntsMn. eneMrs Tedrua fod ale ..its taste Pciwertson Sunday Tbresbing is speaks volumes for punity Ibhe order o! the day Mr. Gales, and wbaîescimeness. Serve -m Leonard Gales and aur illkaI il tines !aiy Cerrywciod, visited the for- mers daugMtnMrs. Ivan Law, on Phoe 46 o 70. Snda1 Mis Mavis Garlon. Bow- H. ETLE, anville, spent Tnesday witb Miss W.H.B T LS Phylls Trimble Mr. and Mms Proprietor. George Stevenson. Oshawa, visitec ________________________theiir niece, Mrs. R. D. Trimrble, on Tuesday. Care Will Save Your Car NEED AN ACCESSORy ? WE'VE GOT IT! The mnost complete, most fairly priced stock of motor accessories in town ! If we haven't what you want we can get it for you. That's the ser- vice we offer our Customers-and that's the rea- son we are gaining customers so rapidly. What do you need ? Drive to our place to-day. "Care Will Save Your Car." We are ready to give it the care it deserves. Wasbing and Poliahing - Oiling and Greasing Tire Repairing - Parts and Accessories General Repair Work - Gas and Oi New Ford Cars - Used Car Market and in ta Iheir lage o! ve Ibis y living lent on )e built snow bouses in the winten lents in the sumnmen. Il was1 advantage and ta tbe advani the country ta bave them il way and not in sbacks. By in movable structures like a1 a snow bouse tbat couîd bi anywhere tbey could always to wbere thein hunting was profitable and were mot, conf: setîlements Ici the deîniment, fur trade. In addition theý keeping more ta tl4epselves ai o! some o! the 1*1hiuences white race. The speaker also gave an of conditions as tbey existed nonth when be first went thei the progress tbat bas been among the Eskimo and Indian ing the Iast few years. Exti inleresling were the reman. made on the Eskimo language many lerms o! il to illustral *TIhe Newcastle Independent* THURSDAY, AUGUST 2Oth, 1931 'ined to of the NEWCASTLE Master Jack Hare has been visit.. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL y' were ing friend.s in Toronto. tnd out Miss Hilda Rowland is visiting Middle School Resuits of the Miss Violet Henning is visiting her uncle, Mr. Frank Rowland, First Grade Proficiency, 75-100; hier aunt in the city. Kingston. second, 66-74; third, 60.65; credit, outline Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bonathan and Mr. and Mrs. John Lord and Mr. 50-59. in the children have returned from Wasaga Howard Cryderman, Shaw's, were Alldread, Charles T.-Eng. Lit., C; re and Beach. Sunday guests of! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Can. Hist. 2; Alg. C; Physics 3. made Miss Betty Montgomery, Napaneeaoe Batty, Louise B.-Eng. Comp. C; idur- is visiting Misses Dorothy, Evelyn Mrs. Wm. Bonathan fractured ber Geom. C. armn so badly in a faîl Sunday mox-n- Blackburn, Walter W.-Can. Hist. xemely and Jean Rickard, The Grange. ing that she was taken to Toronto 3; Alg. 3; Geoni. 2; Pby. 2; Lat. ks hie Mr. and Mrs. ooke, New York, are to have the broken member attend- Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C. ,using visiting bis brother and sister-in- ed to by expert surgeons. Cowan, Frederick I.-Eng. Lit. C; te bis law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Mrs. Frank Branton, Muriel and Can. Hist. 2; AIg. 2; Geom. 2; Pby. Misses Beatrice Bragg and Vera Orville, Oshawa, are camping on the 2; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Comp. 2. if e he Powers arrived home Sunday f rom Lakeview grounds, Newcastle-on- Hendry, Annabell-Can. Hist. C; rigin- their motor trip to British Columbia. the-Lake. Tbey were joined over Alg. 3; Geom. C; Phy. C; Lat. Auth. ffear, Miss Marion Rickard entertained the weekend by Mr. Branton and C; Lat. Comp. C. onary. very delightlully last Tbursday ev- their eIder daughter, Miss Evelyn Lockhart, Arthur J.-Eng. Comp. ianity ening in honor of!lber cousin, Miss Branton, Kingston. C; Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Hist. 1; Alg. 1; l and Helen Baker, Solina. Interest in the Men's Bowling Lat. Auth. 1; Lat. Comp. 1. [it f Rcntvstnsa ryadMs Club bas centered largely in -the Pearce, Albert-Can. Hist. 3; Phy- n yP. ONeils were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scotch Doubles compctition and the sics C. N'orth Grass, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass games bave reached the stage wbere Rowland, William J.-Eng. Comp. and abyandMissMar o!Nap pairs, Geo. Janiieson and Chris C; Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 2; Alg. 2; great- anee. yadMssMr fNp LwadWlerCote n Thos Lat. Anth. 1; Lat. Comp. 2. a th e L a , anna leer o v h e n .s, itsd Mr. and Mrs. Horace Walker and Moffat, are the ony ones lef t in the Shaw, Ruby M.-Eng. Comp. C; helddaugterHaze of elcme sentprimnaries. baving sent al other Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. C; Anc. Hist. Hed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. competitors into the consolation 2; Alg. 2; Lat. Autb. 3; Lat. Comp. 2. He ancckwit whm teirnepewclass where there are stili six or Spencer, Florence-Alg. C. vthe Daoalk, w is oidayhing.ew seven pairs to contend for the lead. Toms, William H.-Can. Hist. C. and Moadster srice a om uin Owing to the regrettable i]lness o! could lastr arc n o un r rwhrtefnlgm si-NTC 'h 0f n returned to Toronto after a visitMrCrwbrtefnlgm isn-NTE tewth Misses Mary anîd Ellen Breen, dfntl eae.Svnlmm teand their uncle and aunt, Mr. Pat- 1bersof therLadies' Club are engag- Unemploye!d marnied and single rlck and Miss Annie Kenefick. in f a tournament at Port Hope on men of the village of Newcastle are af ter Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ranson and 1F'riday afternoon. reqnested to register at the clerk's rex- 'children, Mrs. Ray Carr and dan-1 Misses Helen and Muriel Baker office on or before August 3lst. fthe ghter,.Belleville, and Mr. Jas. Doug-1 Miss Margaret Scott and Miss Vera 34-2 W. F. Riekard, Reeve. inng las, ootwr ekn usso Kerslake, Solina, wbo motored to the Mrs. Chas. Coulter, The Towers. Newcastle on Friday to take part in erst. Newcastle girls competing in the the Domestic Science and House . oro, domestic science and home furnish- 1Furnishing competition, spent the n .ing iudging classes bere on Fridayeayevng and had tea at Mr.I ton, were Misses Maretta Law, Hilda ana Mrs. H-. R. Peances and after I T.Rowland, June Brown and Ruthwaswettseasm brsf awa. Holmes, rural softball teani the game on the C. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, nee Missi Commnity Green between Zion and hnsElizabeth Sanderson o! Wroxeter, a ,Newcastl, in which the local girls, ýr f former teacher in our bigb scbool, under the management o! Mr. Geo. Tor- called on Mrs. Gao. P. Rickard and Crowther, won an easy victory. So- Mrs. Bragg, enroute to Belleville on lina girls were accompanied by Missj theirboneyoon.Marion Rickard, Sbaw's. Speaking 1e'v. John Bonathan, B. A., Mon-i of sof tball by tbe way we note inj treal, who was visiting bis parents, 'last week's Statesman under Hamp-i Mr. and Mrs. S. C.Bta. ton news an item congratulating the prece inSt Gerges Bonrch on Hampton team on their victory over *ned Sunday mornng and was greeted Newcastle on Monday evening. Aug. tor 1 by many Newcastle friends. lth. At the saine lime the New- r>n Miscrty Gbo, d u he astle teami and their manager come T.,Mis. T. W.hGibs a ondueo f horne and report that they won the and ston, where she has accepted an ap-gmesmeftespcaosayi ted pomntment since Aug. 151 as head was a draw, who is igt? 'or- dietitian of the large Roman Cath- CELEBRÎATES BIRTRDAY [ns. olic hospital tbere. A. A squadron o! eighteen aeroplanes 11.Gog ibc' ihyfut it- fïying westward and filling the air brhGeorgs elbaek'se *mda-yr Gý wth the combined humn and droniebrtaywscebtdSndy ido! their engines was one o! the in- August 6th. at Pioneer Cottage. Ur eresting sights and sounds aîong- Newcastle-on-tbe-Lake. cbe lake shore Monday forenoon A. picnic supper. carefully and Untd h.rhRv .p.lg tastefully prepared by Mrs. Eilbeck, ter, ers B.APso.SnaAgs as servedi on the porch o! the cot- 23rd: 10.45 a. m.-Sunday School; tg hc omnsabodve is1.30 a m.-Morning Worsip; 8 P. of the lake. ,nd m.-Evening Worship. Mr. G. L. The entire family was prest14it vir.Wagr, MA.,Bowmnvile, illconsistÏng of four daugbters, Mrs. ;rs aga r M.A., Bowmanevice. S tinson- Toronto, Mrs. Kay, Mm. as againerechubohseve. F. H. Haffrier and Mrs. Turner, of New B A L I St. Gerge'sChurc-Rev. York; tw1to son&. Murray, Port Col R N L I he Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday. borne, and, William, Toronto; twoL XT IE ise August 23rd, Twelfth Sunday aftez grandcidren, Mliss Frances Stinson T IE MTrinity: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion,'U r-9.45 a. m.--Sunday Scbool; il a. m.~ and Masti,^r Jack Eilbeck. There r- nîg raer 7p.m.Evn-were also Mn. Albert Gendron of A STRAWBI e,-Mornn ryr .m-vn Toronto, stter of' Mns. George Eil- onSong. Ibeck, and busband,. Mrs. Wmi. Eil- I. Recent visitors with the Misses beck, and A[,r. W. IL Turner, Jr. S R I E ie Dre etr Mr. George Hayes o! Earlier in he erkthîe EIbeeks S R I E DeriMich., a cousin of Mr. Ed.- were visted by Mrs.Je Stoufr v.Hayes, on whose fainily lbe also caîl- are ian eyr s nyvd. oferA TI >y ed; also Mr. James Pennose o f Wind- a~e n e o:Dvd obo A A A T id sor, whose wif e was a Miss Monîarty East Lansing-, Michigan. ido! Port Granby. e Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and Mas-Pi rter Jimmie Keech, accompanied by GLASS SEALERS-CrowU EBr... Mr. and Mrs. J. Deshane and dau-M .5 ghter Helen o! Napanee. Mr. and RUBEER .Ri N GS.'..... ..... Mrs. Percy O'Neil, Belleville, and ZINC RINGS............... dcousin, Miss Victoria Vincent, mot- PAROWAX.................. idored to Musselman Lake last week- r end and wene guests o! Mr- and Mrs. PRICELESS HERITAGE ýsRussel Grass, MA.nlcam. S e ll rl Some 46 girls frorn iail parts o! How wonderful it is that the S e il PAN BII ýr Durham County, vieing with cine an- eye, tlx>ugb n oeinch in THIS WEEK-END ON onyoe A Quaîîty Product Fromn . other in a Domiestic Science and lengtb, develops. its own. pictures A & Pi Sunflit flakertes......... ts Home Funnishing. judging conpeti- Stion in the Commnanity Hall Fniday, and percelves aWbects &L varions .was the explanation focr su many distances and in various pos1i- - cars being parked ti the vilIage. and tions - witbout. approaching or nthe presence o! so. many lov1r dam- m -sels as weîî as a !'ew young marns oving away and. withot ciîang- EIGHT O'CLOCK S The stcirk made a double visiît to,îng the angle o! the beaid or the MiI1d and 90 Newcastle in the early hours of object. Such delicate co-ordin- Mellow ....... 9 Monday, Aug. lth, callirg before ation is a picel s; heritage that 1. daybreak at the homes o! Mnx. and sbouîd beý preserv-ecl.taiomy coet. F Mrs. Harvey Matchett andL Mr- and ER ',EI Mrs. Geo. Gray, andi leaving a boun- Only those poQE uniartunates cing baby boy at each and noksrng wbo baving once enjoyed good AN S the doctor, nurse, Rowland and sev- vision and tbrouW ngIect, diBA ANA erI thrsfrn&thiraferbeauty ease or iniury, have lost it. canOR NS sîeep. truly aPPm-teiate just hms prec-OR N E Newcastle Apple Growens' Assoc- ious It is. iation received last week.. as a boan (.ENUINF 'NEW S'5NSRN f rom the Ontaro Departnnt ofl A- -G.M .G riculture, a large elecîni.cally driven G .M o n l E4o apple polisher. It is vaineti at over - -1 il gave the men at the C. P.$50R.dasItweruitei IOOb O~ffice over Flood's Store bouse some guessing and liard wcirk 1%rt Hope HIETCS0FTNEA& in getting it f rom the car into the CHOCES CUS O TEDERA fruit bouse.Phn mer28] Wednesday even-ing, Aug. 121h. Office Heurs: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mattbew 9.30 a. M. te 9.30 P. M. Aldread was the scene of! a happy WEDNESDAY each week10 A S I occasion, when a large number o! Toronto Office:i relatives, f iends and neighbors as- 2143 Danforth Ave. sembled 10 present Marlon Aldread ________________ AVIES OLO witb a number o! beauitiful an use b p SMOOTHL SKIN 3 Cake. 18Se RRRY AVLMr 402 JB35 QUALITY 0o. a 5 X DOMSTIC 5 'Tias 24 A BROWN AN ATTRACTIVE .fl*P .27 R'iESBRiNG ITEMIS .Doz. Pints 98e PICKLING SPJCES.-Wbole .......... lb. Se )o Quarts $1.09 MUSTARD-Buk ...................b. 48c ....Dz. 6c VINEGAR-Binded or Spfrlt.......... Ga. 40e ....DOz.lit5Malt ......................Ga. 49c .....pkg. M2e CERTO ......................... Bottie 29e ISCUITS ANN PAGE UNE C0FFAE RirO RED CIRCLE BOKAR I RieN, and l . xIquisltely Aoi-l . ' ra and VEGE2'ADiEis SCIENTIFICALLY RIPENED IN OUR OWN MODERN PLANT M. .50 GOOD CALIFORNI z LAMB LGS L TN ES -lb.,26. LOINS ................. lb. 19e RACKS ................. lb. 15e BREAST ................ icJFRONTS .............. b. 13e P QUALITY SEF r S PRIME RIRS lb. 19e rs RONED and BOLLED lb. 230 ]RUMP ROAST - - lb. iLg. IENGLISH CURE FAMIOUS THE WORLD OVER BACON l.8cIBACK-sllced........ .............IL M .. l. 0c SIDE-SIced............... 35o 3c1FORE END-SUed .................. . 27e TUSE LB. 28CIBRSE FRESIS BOIL- MCE DS25 BIKT ING BERS LM. 7C 2 B. 5 BOILED HAM TIIINLY L.39 SLICE> B-3 *WN IPRESIi COHOF KG.'STE4K0 SALMON SEcc 2..0i STAKS260e YTUElb. 2j4. rI1Iai ~Meat manam. :G. Mccýoy. W. Delive-Extra Ch&rge 100 Phono No. 83 Bow n.wrn NTIC & PACIFIC TIFA CO. ;LfMITO F CANADA t,.-. J gi -~ L 1 Makes Your Mouth Water for More Motbers bave no trouble aI aIl makmng their chîldren eat ibis bread. Its nxch, fresh flavon wins the appraval of young and old everywbere - tbey taste il once and they wcirit have any other kmnd. And tbene's a reason -it not only tastes gooti but it's full o! health building vîîammns that come fram the best milk and the best flour. It must be good, :1 is good-try il today and you'll fînd ont ! Il is easy ta gel-a wagon on youn street every mornng. j Silverwood's Ice Crearn - Canada Dry Ginger Ale PIRONE 3 BOWMANVILLE MOI11