Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1,931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5e a Copy No. 39 Bowmanville Mercliants' Twin Dollar Days m Friday and Saturday WVILLIAMS CLAN HOLD RE-UNION AT CREAM 0F BARLEY CAMP Descendants of Richard Williams Who Landed ini Canada in 1850 Enjoyed Splendid Picnic on Saturday In 1850 Richard Williams lef t the old land and af ter a stormy nine weeks' trip across the Atlantic Oc- ean in a sailing vessel landed in Catnada, ittent on makmng himiself and the mnembers of his family use- fui citizens of the young country that had at that turenefot reached the stage of confederation. *Last Saturday descendants of bis f amily to the number of over 150 gathered at the Cream of Barley Camp for a family re-union. Descendants were present f rom Bowmanviile, Oshawa, Cartwright, Hope Township, Hampton, Darling- ton and Port Hope. The afternoon was spent in a real old time get- together with old acquamntances be- ing renewed and family affairs be- ing discussed. Gray-haired men of 80 summers and infants in arms formed part of that gathering, al there to honor the family naine and commemorate the f amily bistory. During the afternoon a gaine of softbafl was played between the maie and f emale species of the tribe Which resulted i a tie, the gaine remaining unfinished when the sup- per bell sounded. 145 sat down at the long tables to a sumptuous sPread that cornbined the culmnary arts of ail branches of the family. Durmng the supper, speeches were made. Eighty-year-old Dr. J. D. Whbite, Port Hope, one of the oldest niembers of the family, retold the f amilY history. He told of the per- ilous .iourney across the Atlantic and the landing of the Williams fay,.. comprised of father and mother, four sons and four daughters, in Canada. The family settled in Hope township but poor land and crops forced a general move into West Durham, and Caesarea became the location where many of the family settled. Froin that family has grown the large number that was present on Saturday, in addition to about 50 more who were unable to come. Plans were made to make this an annual af air and it was generaily agreed that no fmner place could be found for the rendevous than the Cream of Barley Camp. Election of officers resulted in ;Ex-Reeve Silas Willams of Hamp- ton becommng president; George Wiliams of Osbawa. secretary; and Wilniott Prouse of Port Hope, sec- retary. MUSICAL FESTIVAL The preliminaries in connection with the Music Festival open to pu- plis in Coi. E. E. Snider's inspector- ate, will be held at the Boys' Train- ing School1 in Ferguson Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 29th, commencing at 2 o'clock. So numerous are the en- tries for the festival at the B.T.S. Fair on Oct. 2nd, that these piclim- inary contests have been necesstat- ed. Dr .G. E. Resman. superintcnd- ent of the school, bas issued a cord- iali nvitation to the general public to attend these preliminaries. The events on Tuesday are for the solos oniy and they are scheduled as fol- lows: 2 P. m.--Jurnior boys, vocal. 2.30 p. m-Senio)r boys, vocal. 3 P. m.--Junior girls, vocl 2.30 p. m.-Senior girls, vo10cal. 4 P. m.-HarMonica classes for soloists. These prelimlinaies are the fore- runners of the main contests being held at the school Frlday evenlng, Oct. 2nd. Special Judges have been engaged to .iudge the events f rom the Canadian Bureau for the Ad- vancement Of Music, of which Capt. C. P. Atkinson is the director, and will be present. THE CHURCHES ~St. Paul's United Church Anni- iersar4' wlll be held Sunday, oct. The choirs Of Knox Unted Church, Peterboro, and Trinity Church, Bowmanvllie, exchange next Sunday evening. Be sure you hear the visitors. Rally Day wll be observed by Trinlty Sunday School next Sunday at il a. m. in the church. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, past0r, will give an address on "Bread." St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector. Ser- vices on Sunday: Holy Communion, 8 a. mn.; Mornlng Prayer, il a. m.; Sunday Scbool and Bible Class at 2.30 P. im.; Evenlng Prayer, 7 p. m. AUl services on standard Urne. St. Paul's United Church-Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., Minster: il a. m.- The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- p)er Wlll be observed: 2.30 p. m.- Remarkable Industrial Strength of Bowmanville ReFlected in Current Edition oF the Canada Year Book Grosz, production of Bowmanville industries is nearly as much as Port Hope and Cobourg com- bined - Average wage is les than $1,000 per annum. The strong position held by the Town of Bowmanviiie in the com- mercial and industriai 111e 0f the Province of Ontario la reflected in the pages of the Canada Year Book for 1931, issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa, and which bas just come to hand. The remarkable strengtb 0f Bowmanviile industries when compared witb th-,se of nearby centres shows the town to be in 31st place as a man- ufacturing town among the tawns and cities of Ontario. If it la to be conceded that the old adage 'figures don't lie"' la true, then Bo3wmanville bolds an enviable position among the towns and cit- ies of the province. For the sake 0f comparison and also to reveal to the residents 0f the town the financial strengtb 0f the rnunicipaiity we are giving corres- ponding figures for Port Hope, Whitby and Cobourg, ail towns nearby, and each having a popula-' tion around tbat boasted by Bow- manville. The followmng figures show the number of industries or concernas in the four towns and the amount 0f capital employed in these industries. Industries Capital Employed Bowmanville 19 $4,608,370 Port Hope 30 3.600.872 Whitby 8 790,588 Cobourg 25 2,650.434 These figures plainly show that whlle Port Hope and Cobourg have more industries in their towns there is more capital employed In Bow- manville than in any one of themn and there la as much in Bowman- ville as either of Port Hope and Wbitby or Cobourg and Wbltby put together. The ensuing figures show the number of people employed sud the amount paid in wages ta the four towns: No. of Salaries Employees sud Wages Bowmanville 675 $647.472 Port Hope 665 879,701 Whitby 223 245,759 Cobourg 418 43342 These figures provide foo o tbougbt. Bowmnauville la empioying; the largeat number of men sud yet1 la the smailest in population, lu addition, and rather regrettably the1 figures show, tbat Bowmanvllle bas1 the iowest scale 0f wages in the four1 towns. Each 0f the other three av- erage out weii over $1000 per em- ployee per annuin wbiie Bowman- ville averagea out considerably less. Wby tis situation exista la bard to tell, but tbe above figures show thia very forcibly. The remaining set of figures are perhapa the most surprising of tisose pubiisbed concerning Bowmanville. They give the cost of material used in Bowmanville industries sud the gross value 0f the goods manufact- ured in Bowmanville factories: Cost of Gross Value Material 0f Goods Manufactured Bowmanville $1,860,218 $4.069.339 Port Hope 765.611 2.384.062 Whitby 433,349 808,335 Cobourg 1,131,534 2,330,6461 The above figures show Bowman- ville lu the lead in the amount of capital employed in industry, the largeat number of employees, the second largest amount paid in wages and salaries, sud by far the largeat value 0f goods manufactured lu the four towns. The huge suma of money that are invested in these four townsansd the huge suma obtained through their manufacturing plants la seen better by these totals. Total number 0f industries, 82; total capital empioyed, $11.660,264; total number of employees, 1981: salaries sud wages, $2.206,352; total cost of materials, $4,190,712; total gross value of gooda manufactured, $9.592.382. nearly bal! 0f the latter being obtaîned f rom Bowmanville factories. Members 0f Trlnity Sunday Scbool are asked t,) assemble next Sunday morning for Rally Day service at il a. mn. Let every member f rom the Primary Class to Men's Brotherbood endeavor to be present. List oF Bowmanville Mendiants Taking Part in Big Selling Event Practically every branch of retail business represent- ed in list of Dollar Day merchants. Below are listed the Bowmauvllle merchants taking part sud co-op- crating in tue Great Twin Dollar Days selliug event, Friday sud Sat- urday: Rice & Co. Bill Clarke Harry Alun R. E. Logan J. R. Moore R. J. Rovan J. W. Jewell F. W. Nelles W. P. Corbett Royal Theatre Nelson's Store Jury & Lovell Waiker Stores F. R. Iersake T. B. Gilcbrist W. Len. Elliott A. & P. Stores F. F. Morris Co. Knox Shoe Store The Hydro Shop mhe Smart Shop Cox Motor Sales Scotty the Clesuer G. A. Edmondatone Bowmauville Bakery C. M. Cawker & Son Dustan's Cash Hardware Blue Bird Beauty Parlour Dingman & Edmondatone Couch Johuaton & Cryderman Watch for the window signa show- ing thse "Dollar Day Stores." WILL TOU HELP ? The ladies of Trinity United Church wish to Inforin tue members of the congregation that alI desir- lng to belp with relief for the west- ern sufferers may leave parcels at Mra. W. C. Washington's, Division Street. There la need for clothiug, new or old, but usable, for men, wo- men sud children, Including coats, suits, sweaters, dresses, underwear, stocklngs. socks, boots, layettes for babies, housebold blankets, sheets, quilts, al"o yarn sud materlal for msking warmn clothing. If you can- not send your parcel, phone 269 sud tsomeone will call for It. Durham County Liberal Associa- 1tion convention at Orono ou Oc- tober 7th. B. H. S. NOTES With achool once more well under way the offlccrs for the various soc- icties must b. elected. This week the two atbletic societies have been orgauizcd wth the followtag stud- ents lu office: Girls' 4thlettc Association Presldent-Elinor Sykes Secretary-Jean MilIson Treasurer-Marlon Siemon Representatives for: Basketball-Evelyn Rickard Basebal-Anule Wilkins Hockey-Evelyh Minus Form Representatives: IA-Florence Courtice LB-Margaret Irelaud Il-Helen Mason Ifi-Doris Collscott IV-Yvonne Tlghe V-Bernlece Bellman Jr. Co9mmercial-Marlon Houey Sr. Commercial-Grace Weish. Beys' Athietie Soclety Hon. Presldent-Mr. C. J. Scott Presldent-Bradley Honeyman Sec.-Treas.-Newton Hackuey Form Representativea: lA-G. Campbel lB-R. Willilams Il-R. Richards II-W. Bagnell IV-J. Wright V-D. Adamns Commercial-Bill Ingram. Field Day Neut Monday mhe aunuai field day wUll be held ou Monday a! terucon, Sept. 28th. at the Cream cof Barley Camp when events for girls sud boys will b. run Off. HAMPTON W. M. S. meeting was held at the cburch ou Sept. lSth. President Mrs. J. Colwlll in the chair. Meeting was opeued with a hymu sud pray- er. Ater tue business, Mrs. Colwill, in the absence of Mra. C. J. Kers- lake, frok charge o! the program. Devotional leaflet was rend by Mrs. E. H. Cole; Mrs. Colwlll then read several questions ou "Challenge o! the Un! inished Task", Miss Reeves. Mrs. Petera. Mra. Curtis. Mrs. Wil- bur, Mrs. Bick sud Mrs. Horn read- ing tue snswers; Mrs. E. H. Cole gave a piano solo. Meeting cloised with Mizpah benediction. RECORD ENTRIES RECEIVED FOR ORONO FAIR Street Dance Features First Night- Comedy Production the Second Evening Orono Fair, West Durbam'a iarg- est Fair, will be held Sept. 29th and 3Oth. From the number of entries received by Secretsry Adoiph Henry at Orono at the present time, tbings point to one of the most successful f airs in the bistory of tbe Clarke Agriculturni Society. Wlth the ces- sation of the West Durham Fair at Bowmauville most of the exhibitora bave trsnsferrcd their alleglance to, the Orono Fair sud it is probable that the West Durham Society and the Clarke Society wlll loin forces at some future date to make Orono Fair the biggcst sud moat successful fair in this part of Ontario. This ycar's Orono Fnir off ers a variety of entertalument. On tue f irst nigbt (Tuesday) a gigantic street dance will b. held lu the vil- lage, catering to both round and square daucea. Two orchestras will supply the music. On Weduesdsy the Fair will open properly. Horse races wlll be s f eature of the day as will also a Baby Show. lu thse ev- ening tue comedy "A Pair of Spec- tacles" wili be prcscnted lu the op- ers House. On another page there appears a program outlining the at- tractions at the fair. NEWCASTLE MISS DOLLAR On Friday WILL PRESENT COLLEGE FLAPPER IN OPERA HOUSE Cast of 150 to Take Part in Comedy Wo Aid Junior Hockey Club "The College Flapper," au up-to- date college comedy, guarantecd to produce more lauglss than snythlng that bas been produced here in ycars, will be staged in the opera Housc on Wcdncsday sud Thurs- day, Sept. 3tb sud Oct. lat. under auspices of Bowmauville Junior Hockey Club. Prom the cast selcct- cd. thc production promises to be the blggest event of the season. The cast tacludea 150 local people. Bowmnauvilie's favorite comic char- acter on the stage. Bill Oliver, will take the lcading role as Jerry, the star football player of Bula Buis Collcgc. Others are C. H. Dudley as thse coach; Reg. Harding as the tramner; Marian Pickard as Jean, Jcrry'a girl; Ted Southey as the Big Butter sud Egg Man f rom Om- abs; Bcruicc Bagndl ns Nellie, the f reshman girl; Sam Glanville as Professor Gaddis; George, portray- cd by Newton Hackncy; Cliff Samis as the coilege preaident; sud Mrs. A. D. Adams as bis wif e; the two freshinen, Bill and Brick, played by Alex McGregor sud Jobnny James; sud Mrs. Wm. Adamns as thse special dramatic reader. Big f estures of the show include a baby show lu whicb 50 local cidren take part, costumed chorus- es composed of Higb School girls, aud thse bit of thse show, th'e Flapper Chorus, who portray college girl types, aIl taken by well kuowu local ' us~iness meni. Miss Edith Clark sud uncie, Mr. Noble, 0f London, have been enaoy- ing a month's visit with her mother. TRINITY S. S. RALLY DAY Mrs. W. H. Clark, sud f amily. They expect to remain for another fort- Special Morning Service for nigbt. Scholars and Aduits The Allin Family descendants of the late Wm. Allun. Newcastle, beid Trînity United Church-Rev. E. P. a picnic sud f amil.y re-union at Armstrong, Pastor. Sunday ser- Creain cf Bsrley grounds last Sat- vices: il s. m.--Sunday School Rali- urday af ternoon. Those preseut ly address by the pastor, subi ect, f rom a long distance were Dr. sud "Bread"; musical services lu charge Mrs. Ernest Alibu sud Mr. sud Mrs. of Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Arthur Allun, Los Augeles, Calif. sud Senior sud Junior Choira; Rally Others preseut from outslde tee Day offering. No afternoon service. Newcastle - Bowmanvllle ares were 7'P. M.-The pastor wlll preach; Mr. sud Mrs. Irwin Allun sud f am- subiect, "«iMe's Detours",; choir of 11Y, Ida; Mr. sud Unr. Norman iKnOx Church, Peterb,>ro, wll fur- Downsansd f amlly, 1ast Whitby ul nsh the musical service. Public Mr. sud Mrs. W. G. Robbins, Zion. cordially welcome. mhe annual meeting of the Wo- men's Memorisi Library Aid was 136TH BATTALION beld in the Coundil Chamnber ou BE-UNION HERE ON Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. A hearty STRA IH vote of thank.s wss tendered the re -______IGH turing treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Beman. The annual re-union of the 136th for ber efficient work in the past. Battallon C. E. F. will be held in the The followmng officers were elected: Balmoral Hotel o)n Saturday even- Hou. Pres.-Miss Drummoud; Pres. ing, September 26th. The former -Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler; lst Vice war buddles will parade at tue botel Pres.-Mlas B. McIntosh; 2nd Vice at 6.30 p.. m. standard time, sud Prcs.-Mrs. J. C. Haucock, Treas.- beaded by the bugle baud wlll par- Mrs. C. T. Batty; Sec'y.-Miss Cors ade to the Cenotaph whcre a wreath Butler. wili be piaced on the monument in Arrangements were made to cater memor3i of tbose who did no3t returu. for a Masonic banquet to be beld ou Citizens of Bowmanville are cord- thse evening 0f Frlday, Oct. 9th. A ially invited to attend this ceremony canvass of the village wlll be made at the Cenotaph. Followlng the ta the ucar f uture for donatirns for decoration the veterans wlll mnove this banquet, sud wc know every off to thse Balmoral Hotel again family will respond lu its usual gen- Wbere a banquet will be held and erous way. old tîmes wlll be recalled. $10300 $10300 «"BILL" DOLLAR On Saturday Bowmanville Business Men's Association la offering $5.00 on Frlday and $5.00 on Saturday fo3r the capture of the Mysterlous Miss Dollar and ber brother "Bll"~ Dollar. Miss Dollar wiil hold the stage on F'rlday afternoon, and she wlll be ln the business section, in and out of the Dollar Day Stores, from 2.30 p. m. until 6.30 p. m. For ber capture the one who apprehenda her will be pald tbe, sum of $5.00. "Bull" Dollar, her mystertous brother. will visit the town on Saturday afternnon, and will be ln and out of the Dollar Day Stores from 2.30 p. m. until 5 p. m. and from 8 p. m. until 10.30 p. m. Should he be captured lu the afternoon be wili not be at large in the evening. Should the hunt on Frlday afternoon fail to find the Mysterlous Miss Dollar, the sum of $10.00 wlll be paid to the finder of Bill Dollar on Saturday afternoon and evening. In the event of the Mystery Lady or Mystery Man being caught on their respective days the contest shahl end for the day at that time. Remember Miss Dollar and Bill Dollar must be caught ta one of the Dollar Day Stores snd not on the street. The finder must say to ber, "You are the Mysterious Miss Dollar of the Bowmauvllle Business Men's Association"; and to Bill Dollar, "You are the Mysterio)us Bill Dollar of the Bowmnanvllle Business Men's Association." If you bave chosen the rlght one you wlll be awarded- the $5.00. YOU MAY WIN THE $10.00 REWARD Town Council Meets Tonigkt to Discuss Program oF RelieF Work For Unemfployed oF Bowmanville Mayor and Aldermen meet in committee to draft up works - Fur-ther meeting of council on Monday wiIl ratify works - Delegation to Toronto Tuesday no urgent work to be uudertaken. unlesa it la ou the suggestion of te James Proctor, Redferu, Co., who were called in duriug the water shortsge during the last summer and made a report of the situation, urging the installation of a larger system. As far as streets are con- cerned there la very little work that can be done, and even if there was the money would be mostly expend- ed on material for rond building ai not, as the coundil wouid wish, on baud labor. Last year there were two major proJects whlch provided considerable work, the erection o! the equalizer tank at Salem and te clearing and levelling of Rotary Park. Mayor Elliott la confident how- ever tbat the unemployed of the town wiil be well taken care of this year. So)me kind of work will have to be found sud as many as possible will be empioyed at a living wage. many other local business men, that business in generai msy show a de- cided increase over lat wlnter wlth the logical result that there would be more employment outside of re- lief work. It la to be hoped that the Mayor and Business Men's op- timlam will be rewarded wlth a gen- eral brightening of prospects. At the present time, and since the Ex- hibition, industries ail over the Do- minion bave reported increased as- tivities and it la expected that these activities will b. reflected on local industries. Town Merckants Stage Huge Twin, Dollar Bargain Days Fni. and Sat. WOODEN WEDDING Business Men sponnor fail Mr. and Mrs. Stanley May were opening selling campagn very pieasantly surprised on Satur- day evening by a few of tlieir re- here - Unusual oppor- latives and friends, at the home of mte pren d for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. uies p sntd fo Ashton, Enniskillen, it being the early buying. fifth anniversary of tbeir wedding. Tbe company was right royally en- tertalned by Revs. Wbyte and Stain- Bowmanviile's Dollar Days Winl be ton, Mrs. Stainton singmng in ber Friday and Saturday. The States- usual pleasing manner. Mr. and man, in co-operation wlth the gow- Mrs. May were the recipients of manville Business Men's Association. some very useful glfts and after Mr. is announcing and helping forward May bad tbanked bis friends for a great co-operative movement to their klndness. an abundance of ice brmng t'> the business district of cream and cake was served, after Bowmnanville a great host of people wblch ail returned to their respect- with dollars to spend, but Who WIU ive homes just before Sunday morn- in retwrn, get the blggest amount for ing. one dollar they ever got in Bow- manville.- Be in town on Friday an d Saturday, stay ail day and Pro- COMING EVENTS ftfrom the offerlngs ofB1owmn- High SchoolCommnencement will Many readers probably ask "Why be beld Thursday and Frlday, Nov, la Dollar Day?"' The answer ta 26th and 27tb. 39-tf neither difficuit or Involved. Ma- Reserve Prlday, Nov. 6th. for Fowl merchants have bere and there Supper in St. John's Parlsh Hall, tbroughout their stores many Ulnes under auspices of Rebekabs. 38-2 of goods wblch they are anxious to Frlday, October 9th, St. jolins dispose of, flot that these goods are Sunday School Fair from 4 to 8 p.m. inferior in qualfty, but for various Sale of work and bome-made cook- reasons, due to seasonal change, ing. the merchants are anxious to clear Reserve Thursday, Oct. lSth, for them out. It may be that some are the Chlcken Pie Supper ln St. John's Odd sizes, some are the result.s of Parlsb Hall. under auspices of the very wlae buying, and again some Women's Qulld. Admission 50c. are manufacturera' cdean ups and so on and so forth. By marklng On Tbursday, October lst, at 8 these at the popular price of one p. m. a mass meetng of women wlll dollar or the multiple of one dol- be beld in the scbooi room of Til- lar, the merchant entera into the ity Cburch, in the interesta of Uni- spirit of Dollar Days and makes 1esa Disarmament. The meeting speclal price reductions for the two is arranged for and the program days. provlded by the Women's League of Nations Association. They bave Every Dollar Day store advertls- provided a speaker and wilU put on ing in this issue of The Statesman a short dramatlzed sketch. The will have remarkable off erings on meeting wll be short and should be Frlday and Saturday, and maany of vital lnterest t' ail women who stores wlll fairly brlstle wlth things bave suffered thro war or may suf at one dollar. Acceutuated by price fer tbro war. Disarmament la prob- wars, depressions, lack of demand. abl th oustadln sujet in the and a score of other reasons, prices ablythe utsandig suJecare the lowest today since the out- thoughts of ail men and women to-brek0f the Great War, and with Sie da.ollectoaimeorwen. Dollar Day offerlngs on top of these Silve colectin. 1w prices, a feast of bargains that Bomanvie Women's Institute may neyer again be repeated will b. wlll meet on Friday. Sept. 25th, in offered. By bringing the progress- the S. O. E. Hall at 3 P. mn. Pro- ive stores of the town together In gram in charge of Mrs. C. Mutton's tlis great selllng event, Dollar Days group. A good program la belng bave resulted. prepared. Members don't forget to No matter -where you tur ta te brlng an answer t'> the roll cai- business section on Dollar Days you Name of a plant or shrub, etc. Re- will find Yo<ur dollar will go further member the sale of bulba and seecls and will have a mrater purohaslng and be there to help. power than ever before. The event meets the popular approval of both R.ev. Dr. Holltag, of Flrst United the shopper aud the buyer and no Church. Lindsay, was in Orono Sun- buyer whri bas prevlously taken part day where he lntroduced the new ta the thrlllng hunt for bargains hymnary in Park Street United on Dollar Days should miss it. Wlth Church. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Or- the Mysterious Miss Dollar at large ono, preached In First Unilted both Friday and Saturday, pleasure Church, Lindsay. wiil be combiued wlth business in Iu an exhibition football game et search of the elusive miss, but the ithe High Scbool grounds on Satur- finder will be well rewarded when Iday nlght betweeu Bowmanville and he or sh. Is made the recipient of a e t. Mlchael's, Toronto, no score wa crisp five dollar bil. Itabulated ai ter an bour of exclting _____ Ifootball. It la hoped that arrange- Iments can b. made for these two Cream of Barley brings you baokid temto meet again. Bat more of It. 4 -Z- Capture Them THE MYSTERIQUS tee an With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News To discuss a probable program for the relief of unemployed during the commng winter, Mayor Milton J. El- liott bas called a committee meet- ing of Town Coundil for to-night (Thursday). At this meeting sev- erali mportant projects will come up for consideration and the varions committees will draft their plans to b. presented to an open council on Monday evening. When asked if the delegation ap- pointed by council bad been to Ti- ronto yet Mayor Eiliott stated tbat endeavours were made to secure an audience with the Mlnister of High- ways for this week, but Hon. Leo- poid Macaulay was out of the city. The delegation will probably proceed' to Toronto ,>n Tuesday and in the event of the Minister of Highways being able to assure the delegation tbat the C. P. R. subway will go tbrough this year the council wil have ain alternate relief plan ap- proved the night previous and wbich wiil be presented to Mr. J. A. Euis, the commissioner of the Unempioy- ment Relief Fund. Mayor Elliott pointed out that the town council is faced with a most difficuit tssk of finding work about the town for the large number of unempioyed this year. Even should the Trans Canada Higbwsy work take care of ail tbe single men, there will be as msny married men to care f or during the winter as tbere were unemployed lat wtater. The Mayor added that there is reslly