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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1931, p. 6

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PAGE MIX Ro«:y5l 'hqeetreà, Dollar Day Specials - Friday and Saturday Nights OnIy - 4 Aduit Tickets for $1.00; Single Admission 35c FR1. - SAT. - SEPT. 25 - 26 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. m. ROBERT MONTGOMERY in "SHIPMATE-S" With Dorothy Jordan, Ernest Torrence, Hobart Bosworth, and Cliff Edwards. MON. - TUE. - SEPT. 28 - 29 Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. "6 CYLINDER LOVE" With Spencer Tracy, Sidney Fox, Edward Everett Horton. Thrill a second . . . Laugh a minute . . . Funnier iban a family in an Austin! Silverware Tuesday Night WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY SEPT. 30 - OCT. 1 Matinee Wed. at 4 P. m. Whien Romance Is Real THE PRINCESS AND THE PLUMBER A mavietone camedy based on Alice Ruer Miller's siary. With Charles Farrell, Maureen O'Sallvan, H. B. Warner Firsi he made ber horse shy. Then be made ber beari gai- lop. A comedy of young love. Please Note - Commencing Monday, Sept. 28th. Evening at 7 and .9 p. mn. jSaturdays and Holidays continuous from 7 p. mn. Standard Time. ]BIG $$$ VALUES YOUR DOLLARS WILL MAKE HAPPY AND SATISFIED CUSTOMERS AT DUSTAN'S Here's a few of the rnany articles we are featuring for Dollar Days at $ 1.00 each: Size 2 Galvanized Tubs ...................$.00 W. O. D. Dust Mops with extra mop cloth, $1.00 Galvanized Wash Boilers .................$1.00 Green Bread Boxes ..............................10 Large White Granite Dish Pan ............$.00 7 Quart Alurninum Potato Pot ............$.0 5 Quart Alurninum Tea Kettie ............$1.wo Assorted Granite Tea Pots .................$.00 Lunch Kits with Vac Bottie ...............$.00 Colored Granite Water Pails ..............$1.00 Mirrors in Colored Frarnes, 12"ýx24" ......$1.00 Rubber Floor Mats .............................$1.00 Wicker Clothes Baskets ...................$1.00 1 Quart Varnish ................................$1.0() 1-Burner Hot Plate ...............................$.oo VACUUM CLEANERS $15.00 AND UP Re-conditioned Guaranteed Vacuum Cleaners $15.00 and $21.00 $1.00 down and a dollar a week payment. THE NEW MERCURY RADIO During Dollar Days corne in and hear the new "Mercury" Radio - Consul Model $115 to $169. AIl makes of radios repaired prornptly. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWNARE WE SERVE YOU WELL BOWMANVELLE Dollar Discount Sal Joining with the Bowmanville Busi- ness Men's Association inithelr Dollar Days merchandising event WE OFFER $1.00 DISCOUNT v.-, I~1~MJ off any new seasan's dess or coat in the stame. Ail new goods ta select from. HOSIERY A regulam $1.50 uine. reduced for Faiday and Saiurday anly; full fashioned service weîgbt; $1.00 Speciai per pairL.V LINGERIE Several 3! aur besi line', marked dawn f rom 30 ta 50%,~ for this sale, per garment $1.00 The Smart Shop Settint the Style at Reasonable Prices. THE COWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager THE CANADIAIq 5TATIM<N, BOWMANVHALE TURSDAY, 8EPTM!BER 24, 1931 CADMUS UHIOKEN PIE AT MAPLEr GROVE FEIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th. Service was held Sunday mornlng las usual witli a good attendance. The ladies of Maple Grove Church Rev. F. W. Newell took for his text will hold a Chicken Pie Supper in Acts 8:35. . Quarterly tea of the the church shed on Friday, Sept. C. W. A. was held at the home of 25th, comniencing at 4.30 p. M. Mrs. W. H. Fallis last Tuesday un- standard time until ail are satisfied. der the supervision of the blue Bowmanville Canadian Legion Band group. Mrs. Geo. Johnston liad will provide music while supper is charge of the program. It was de- being served. Tickets: Aduits 50c; cîdecita have the annual fowl sup- children 25c. 38-2 Per on Armistice Day, Nov. llth. Mr. Clare Fallis as the proud pas- sessor of a qwilt made by Mrs. Ed- PURPLE HILL gerton of Nestieton and donated ta ___ the C. W. A. There was a large Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stone. Colum- crawd and everyone enjoyed them- bus, and Mr. and Mrs. James Strong selves Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fallis 1visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 and son Jack spent the weekend at Leith Byers on Sunday A number Mr. C. H. Fallîs' Mrs. Norman f rom this vicinity attended Oshawag Phalp has been visiting her parents, Fair Mr ' and Mrs. Walter Robb Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fallis, Mr5. (nee Jessie Hunter) visited with1 Smith Ferguson and Collette, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. James Strong recent- manville, are spendîng a f ew days Iy * Mrs. Fred Gibson was in Osh- wath Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill . awa on Monday visiting her bro- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and ther, Mr. Clarence Graham,-. family spent Sunday at Mr. W. D. Threshing has been the order of the Ferguson's Mr. Lloyd Tbnmpson day during the past week, Col. visited f riends 'n Haydon on Sun- E. E. Snider, Port Hope, paid his day. semi-annual vîsit to Purple Hill schoal on Tuesday Sunday school T YRONE services were held as usual on Sun- day. Next Sunday is Rally SundayE Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart, Mr. and we hope ta see a large crowd 1% and Mrs. Ronald Scott, accompanied out-. by Miss Hazel Morrison, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.EN SKL N MacDonald, Cobourg. Miss Morris- N IKLE on remaxned for a few days with Mrs. MacDonald, Mr. and Mi-s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orchard and Russell Vîrtue, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- daughters recently visited friends at dore Down, spent Sunday with Mi,%Little Britain. C. G. I. T. met int Grace MacKay, Beaverton. . Mr. the basement of the church on Sat- l' Earl Byam, Bowmanville, spent the urday, Sept. l9th. Miss Annie Oke, i weekend with his brother, Mr. F. L. vice presîdent, presided. The de- s Byam Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tay- votional was taken by Miss Elva Il lor spent Sunday with his brother, Orchard. Miss Lena Taylor, SaUina Cd Mr. Ceci Taylor, Keswick.. Miss gave a very helpful talk ta the girls.,t( Ruby Virtue has accepted a Position Misses Helen and Muriel Baker, Sa- W in Toronto.. Church service next lina, favored with a piano duet. L Sunday at 10.30 a. m. . ý. Mr ad 1'Miss Elsie Moore gave a vocal so. X Mrs. Henry Hooper, Pontypool, spent The girls served candy at the close CE Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Storie , f the meeting. The meeting closed n~ Mrs. H. A. Stevens, Mr. Carlyle Stev- with taps. Miss Vera Baker, SaUina, e( ens, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stephens, was a guesi ai the meeting. . Mess- 'r. Arthur and Beverley, Toronto, vis- rs. Wm. Clarke and Norman Smith, g ited at Mr. R. Burgess'. Several Sonya, mnade a business trip ta Mr' t] from here attended Oshawa and Frank Orchard's on Saturday Petrboo Fir lai wek r.Mr. Fred H. Ellis spent the week- W Edward Virtue is sPending a few end in Fenelon Falls- A very good t days with friends in Toronto. Mr. congregation was out Sunday een and Mrs. M. Cuminings, Ottawa, 'ang and our pastor, Rev. J. M. Pi Mrs. Clara Byam, Bawmanville, re- 1Whyte preached an excellent ser- w cently visited Mr. Luther iHooper mon on Christian Perfection.. Mrs. Jas. Starie spent a few days Dr.. Ferguson and sons, Allan and at Mr. David Hoaper's, Orono. Donald, visited friends in Zepher on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ash- SOLINA ton and June visited Rev. J. H. SOLIN Stanton eP' erin, onTuesday, Mr. .and MS. C. W. Souch, Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mackenzie, ton, MIrs. K. Caverly and family, vis- Columbus, visited ai Mr. J. T. Run- ited Mrs. J. Pye. Mrs. G. Preston dle's.. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Awde spent the weekend with friends in and family and Miss Ada Pascoe, Oshawa. Mrs. L. Lyle, Mr. Bob. Toronto, visited at Mr. H. G. Pas- Preston, Midland, Mr. Gardon Pres- coe's . Mr. C. W. Hughan, Van- ton, Oshawa, visited Mrs. G. Pres- couver, B. C., Mr. WiUi Hughan of ton. Mrs. Ellen Hancock, Co0ust- Toronto, Mr. Jihn T. Fee, Bowman- ice, is spending a few days with ville, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Bragg and Mrs. Levi Bruni Mr. and Mrs. family, Providence, visited at Mr. O. E.« Jeffrey visited friends at Scu- John Baker's, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. gag, Miss MYrile Jeffrey returning Itundle were recent guests at Mrs. home wih themn for a vîsit Con- Samn Rundie's, Ebenezer. Mrs. gratulations ta Mr. Gardon Werry John Baker and Miss Vera Baker and bride on their recent marriage. visited Miss Edna Reynalds, Hamp- Mr- and Mrs. Levi Annis, Scar- ton Mr. Alan and Miss Margar- boro, visited Mr. Jas. Staintan at et McKessock spent the weekend ai Mr. W. H. Moore's Miss Alice Mr. F. A. Smith's, Tbamesford. Prentice, Miss Reva McGili, Toron- Mrs. Alan McKessock accompanjed 1tO, spent the weekend with the lai- them home after spending a week ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. wîth ber parents Mr. W. J. MeGill Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Br'agg, M.P.P., of Providence, is vis- Grimfn and babe spent Sunday at iting at the home of bis daugbier, Mr. Russell Griffin's Mr. and Mrs. John Baker Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Simmins and farnily, Roy Langmaid and famîly visited Weston, visited Mm. and Mrs. R: fmîends at Lindsay and Bobcaygean Price Miss Elsie Oke, 'Toronto,. on Saturday. Remember the Div- Misses Helen Knigbt. Gertie and ision meeting in the Sons' Hall this Wînnifmed Oke and Mm. O. L. Met- Friday evening at 8 p. m. Everyone cal! e, Bljwmanville, visited ai Mr. came It is hoped there will be a Wesley Oke's Mm. and Mrs. Jas. good attendance at aur Rally Day Bradley visited ai Mr. Alymer Brad- service this Sunday a! ternoon at ley's, Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Ver- 2.30 P. M. A special service is being tîl McMullen and family, Janetville, prepamed, Sa corme and bring same- Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams and one with you Our openîng meet- family, Nesiletan, visited friends ing o! the League will be held next bere Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Pbilp, Tuesday evening, Sept. 29ih. in theJ Burketan. Misses Esther and Lena Sunday school raam. The rally Elford, Woodville, weme mecent cali- pragmam will be fallowed and the ers af Mr. and Mrs. G. Reid Mr. speaker a! the evening will be Rev. Miltan Virtue, Detroit, Misses Ida, E. Harston a! Simcr>e St. United Bertha and Mabel Virtue, and Mrs. Cbumch. Oshawa. Everyane camne. Osbarne, Tomonto, visited their aunt, Mms. P. Mountjoy Mr. and Mrs. W. Tbampson, Mr. J. Bartley, BLACKSTOCK 'Mms. W. Freeborn, Toronto, were 1ons emetn g 0fsior a Mm. and Mms. Wclls, Detroit, visat- S. w's he metiin o the eeiWMh ed ber brother, Rev. F. W. Newell, SMrs S Tewinanthe arge Af ter recently. Miss Gladys Newell, wbo r.STewnichg.Atr hasbee vsitngMr.andMr. Nw-opening hymn and prayer by Miss has eenvistin Mr an Mr. Nw- E. Soucb, minutes were read and eil for some trne, returned ta De- 'rall caîîed. Mrs. j. PYe gave a read- troit with Mm. and Mrs. Wells ..i ing "'The torch ligkited church"; Masses Margaret Swain, Susie Van- deVotional by Mrs. W titn cam, OiveVanam an Frnce [the Study chapter was well taken Mountjay speni Sunday witb Mrs., by Miss Annie Oke; also a solo by John Farder Rev. R. P. Bowles Mrs. L. Ashton was enjoyed. Sev- wîll conduci the services at the Un- eral letiers were read by Mms. R. ited Churcb next Sunday evening. Gilbert telllng af the great need ai Mr. andMs Rutledge, Bianc rft present in the West. Meeting clos- Mr.Wil Rulede, etritandMr.ed with Mizpab benediction, afier John Rutledge, Toronto, spent Sun- hh roots of perennials were sold day at Mr. Norman McNally's . owl h ud, n h olt Cars.gJ.t Byienrs, ita lle o as asking for as many blocks as can t~amwribt rieds ecetly Mrs. be made for quits for the needy John Jabb has returned fromn North Jaseph Wbyte, sonn0f Rev.yJ.%M Bay qaccnmn-i-1 by-ber san,_. Wye a enatnigCl vening, Sept. l7th, the W. A. o! St. Consuli aur John's Church was entertined by JelsceOpo trt Wrs. Samuel McLaughlin, Nesileton. eitrdOontrs 'here was a large attendance of R. M. MITCHELL nembcrs and vi-sitors. The fallaw- - Latest Methods - ng pragram in charge af Mrs. 'S. E. - Modern Instruments zraham. was given: Readlngs by Jrs. T. Smith, Mrs. A. L. Bafley, R diss Ethel Thampson, Mrs. W: . M IîI 1 'rawford: a piano) solo by miss R .M th i o loncePir n d cOmmunity I)ruggttB - Optometriats ngng At the close af the meet- Phone 92 ng mefesbments were served. __________________ SALEM Mrs. Randail, Port Hope, visited' wih Mrs. F. L. Squair hast week.. Rev. A. M. Wootion occupied the PUlpit ai the aftemnoon service on Sunday and gave a very practical address based an the texi, "And ihey follawed Him afar off." Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cator and baby daughter, Toronto, Mr. John Catar, Maple Grave, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Catar, an Sunday . Mr. W. G. Werry and Mr. Leslie Coliacoit have been prize wmnners on fruit ai same of the re- cent f airs .,CoDngratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coambes an the ar- rivai of a fine baby son, Mrs. G. R. Coilacoit, Miss Marjarie Colla- calt and Mrs. Jean McGregor ac- campanied Miss Elia Collacait and Miss Margaret McGregor ta King- stan ibis week where the iwa latter are eniering Queen's University. Cream o! Barley brings yau back. Eat more af it. COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Saules, Toronto, were Sunday visitars ai S. S. Brooks'. Mr. Otis Worden and Mviss Patty, Toronto, spent the week end ai F. W. Rundie's. Mr. and M1rs. Oea. Gardiner and Mrs. Frank iHorsburgh, Cleveland, are visiiing ai A. F. Rundle's. Mr. and Mrs. Keane and babe, Toronto, were w'eekend visitars ai the Parsonage. M'rs. Keane is spending the week there... Mr. Gardon Osborne and Mfiss LYla Osborne, Toronto, spent the weekend ai home . The Mis- sion Circie wiib a large atiendance met in the home af Miss Allie Wor- den when a Meeting o! unusual in- eresi was held. The bible lesson was read by Miss Beth Gay. Miss Louise Courtice gave a reading and Misses Sadie Muir and Hazel Run- dle a piano duet. Mrs. Kelvin Bun- ner, missianary from Africa, deiight- ed ber hearers witb a masi interesi- ig address. Tbe girls were indeed grateful to Mrs. Bunner for giving bat much af ber urne for the bene- it af the Mission Circle and sbe will be weicomed bere again any me in the future. Afteî-wards re- ýeshments were served and a bap- ýy social haur spent. Miss Worden 'as an attentive bostess. Cream af Bamley brings yau back.j rai more oi h. Exceptional Bargains from Every Dept. Men's Chambray Work Shirts, worth $1.50, on sale ...$1.00 Ca. Men's Cotton Tweed Work Shirts, reg. $1.00, on sale ...79c Ca. Men's Cottonî Tweed Work Pants, reg. $1.69, on sale ..$1.0 Pr. Men's HeaVy Blue Denirn Work Pants, $1.50, on sale .... $1.00 pr. Men's Heavy Wool Work Sox ..........................4 pair $1.00 Men's Ail Wool Auto Knit Sox, 50c pr .............3 pair $1.00 Men's Fine Silk andi Lisie Sox, 75c,.................2 pair $1.0 Men's Combination Balbriggan Underwear ..........$1.00 suit 5 dozen Boys' Pure Wool Sweaters, Pullovers, V-neck and high neck with collars, regular $1.50, on sale for ...........î...10 Boys' Cotton Ribbed, also Pure Wool Worsted Stockings, al sizes, black only, reg. 50c pair, on sale ............3 pair $1.00 Boys' Wool Golf Sox, regular to 75c,...............2 pair $1.00 Men's Clothing 25 only Men's and Young Men's 3-piece Suits, including navy blue, fine worsteds, and fancy tweeds, in single and double bî-easted models, snappy smnart style in high grade clothing; values up to 25.00 - A Dollar Day Special foi- only .................. ..................................... $18.75 to clear. 50 Men's and Young Men's Suits in this lot, of exceptional fine quality, including such makes as Cambridge and Society Brand, in aIl the new leading style models, tweeds and worsteds, single and (louble breasted, regular values to $35.00 and $37,50, Dollar Days only,......$26.75 to clear. Top Caats at Less Than Mf gr's Cost 1 only Top Coat (tweed), reg. pi-ice $25.00, for only ...$16.95 1 only Top Coat (tweed) reg. pîice $30.00, foir only-....$21.50 2 only Top Coats (came] lot) reg. price $35.00, foir only ..$24-75 Cail and inspect the many barg ains at Our store on Dollar Day. Be sure to inspect our new Suits and Overcoats on Dollar Days. Don't fail to look over our samples foir a Suit or Overcoat, made to your in- dividual measure on Dollar Day for onîy ................................$22.50 or with extra pair of pants for ....... ......................................... $28-50 HERE'S VALUE/I *PHILCOe MADE-IN-CANADA Balainceci Superheterodyne OnIy Philco - the world's Iargest maker of radios could produce sucli a set et this price. It's a balanced Super- heterodyne with 7 tubes (in- cluclinq the New Pentode Power Tube) in a real Hishboy cabinet o!f igurecl Americon Walnut end Quilted iMpiel ScroiI- carved Arch and Plu 9950 7-TUBE HIGHBOY Tmot LuSya.Ara 7 ComfpleWitli Tub«s boy and . wondetful peifooe., COME IN - HEAR IT e EASY TERMS LOCAL AGENT W.e J. CHALLIS Phone 290 for Demonstration - Bowmanvi.lle r ALSd 'T. E3. C;L-CýH RI1ST- Directly Opposite E.ank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville I 'i a FRIDAY

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