PAGE NIGET T!~ CANADLDIN STATESMAIi, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1931 Rida lu body and deilcate Better to eat YOU'VE NEVER really tasted the full deli- ciousness of bran flakes until you try Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes. Here's a whole-wheat good- ness with the famous flavor that only Kellogg can give. Taste a mouthful. And you'11 vote them the best bran flakes you ever ate. Better f or you There's healtb in every spoonful too. The rich nourishment of whole wheat and just enough bran ta be mildly laxative. Great for a cooling lunch on warm days. Ideal for chil- dren at bedtime and after school. In the red- and-green package. Made by Kellogg ini Londof, Ontario. -0%, PE P BRAN FLAKES PEP BRAN FLAKES *ALL ROADS LEAD TO Millbrook Fair One of the best Agricultural Fars in thc Province Thursday and Friday, October 1lst and 2nd, 1931 ,,3000 in Premiuins Show you Stock. Pouitry. Grain. Fruit. Veget'sbies. Fancy Work. Fine Arts. etc.. etc.. and secure your shaue of the prizes. Open to the province. Speeding in the Ring - Good Purses Horseshoe Pitching Contest for County Silver Trophy. Meet youi friends here andi have a reai days enjoyment. R. 0. LARMER. J. N. 3McGILL. President. Sec.-Treas. eacb pad wil kili flics ail day eut, bira. The -mail -was -carri ed .ta -an cvery day for three wceks. opef wagon, with passengers, the 3 pails in eaeh parket. Passengers usualiy sitting in the 10 CENTS PER PACKET wagon while the mail was changed, it beif g passed through an open ai Dru ggisls, Crocers, Gencral Stores. window for that purpose. Omn one WHY PAY MORE? occasion, it is said, the mail came THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HamhltoD, Oat. through witbout the ceremony oif Hi story of Early Settiers of --Town of Bowmanville and Vicinity inistallment Number 4 Fletcher, Esq.. in pi esence of Fran- Icis Lghtheart, of Darlington, Wi- Just bef ore, and immediateiy af - iiam Maxson, and John Stevens, of ter the deciaration of the war of Whîtby. 1812 by the Amnerîcan Congress. In speaking of the scarcîty of was a period of great peril to the oeaiontherlstlrte Canadian People, -and required, not oeaontherlsttrte oniy ail the skill. bravery. and tac- piesent Mr. Richard Lovekili îîar- tic. o osh he ivi ad mîîtryrates ail incident whicli occuir 'J leaders, but aiso a great portion somn, e alterte goar. Beîng a Crui the wveath of Canada had to bec alehdt g oSîh re made availabie. in arcier to sustaîni to tihe Roll Cail on tîî,-iiiiig day. tihe 4th of junie. and conciudcd tlice country against ail invading foc: t take a pack of furs, these being nor svas this ail that had t.o bc con- tended wîth. Maliy persons who the only comnsoclîty for nioney, xv.tni had lately settled in the country hîmii. it was a very hot day, ana ais he trudged along witli bis pack on were froin the United States, and hîs back. thinkîng of this primnitive naturali retained a warm regard mode of transporting fui, lus re- foi- the Anerican Governmeîst aind flections upon the products of the its institutions; but f rom the gen- country, miiitary operations, and erons polîcY of the Governoir Gen- jthings in general. were flot of the eral. la granting, 200 acres of land Mos gratifying nature. He wvas not to ail maie settiers. in the bour of sure wvhetbeî- lie could i-each there peril the majority of these stood in time to answver is name, with- f irin for the cause of their adopted out abandoning his pack. However, land. whiie others required soase- lue finaily reacised Smitb's Crcek. thîng more than gentie words to in- covered with perspiration and very duce theas to corne forwai-d in its mucli fatigued. Having performcd defence. bis miiitary duty, he soid his fur. in the correspondence of Colonel receiving amongst the money. a Baldwin twho wxas then on miiitary Dubloon. sixteen-doilar gold coin. duty in New York) to bis friend, M. wbi heh kept foi- six or eight years Richar-d Lovekin, hoe repeatediy bof ore ho could find a person able urges upon him the necessity of re- to change it. At iast this was done quiring ail pel-sons who had taken by Mr. Mclntosh who came to Dar- goverisment grants of land to take lington and opened a store many the oatb, sayîng, that those wvho re- years afterward. fuse to heip defend the country MiThmsLvknrltsa should in fair justice forfeit tîseir iMr. *T hoas ovrek in 1re5atea Thids smeasure, odoba tehad invited some f riends to a corn Thismeaure nodout, ad he uskîng bee, and upon repaîrîng to saiutary effect of enabling many to the field for that purpose tbey sur- decîde promptly in favor of the pie nodba h a oe Canadian Governasent. Stili there sprîsed tan oad bea who lhad or- were a few persons, even in th~e loyal tied trnohem an acousit.yhe Townsbip of Dariington, who under- inPrtyhng doghs ow account he too toshik he espnsbiltybycanines attacked the bear and amid fieeing to the swamps where tbey tihe confusion ansd uproar it escaped engaged. or prctended to be engag- totewos.Sm oftepay ed. n te mnufctur 0fbasetsgave chase, while others went for and shingles. Thcy were, however, guns. Mr. Lovekîn saw, with some interrupted in tbese industriai pur- chagrin, tisai bis husking party was suits, brougist back, and after being a faiiure for tisat nigist and deter- heartily laugbed at, joined with mined f0 have satisfaction fîom their neighbors in the defence of Bruin; procuring his rifle and foi1- tbe commonwealth, and afterwards îowing through the xvoods lue came remained honored and respected upon and shot bim on tise brow ofi citizens. the hiil, where the Bowmanville In another letter from Col. Bald- Cemetery is now situated. He had win, in reference f0 the death of tbe skin, iich was a large one, General Brock, whicb occurred at dressed and made into an overcoat. Queenston heights, ho says: Telt aulS imto DearRichrd:Clarke settled in this country ai an I have only time to say that we early date. He was born in the have gained a mosi decisive victory State of New York, at a place called over our invadei-s, though we have the Nine Partners, in the year 1795. deeply ta deplore tise loss of our His father, Lemuei Wimot, emigrat- brave and worthy General, and Mr. èd ta the province of New Bi-uns- McDoneli. It is now supposed that wîck, and there settied with bis fam- not iess than 400 of the enemy f ell, iy. The late Mr. S. S. Wiimot re- in kiiiod and drawned. Tbere were 1mained with his father untîl he was not more than 700, in regulars, mii- I121 years of age, when he înîgrated ta itia and Indians, opposed ta 1500- Canada and settled is York. He We took upwards of 900 prisoners. tisere became acciuainted with the I wili, at another opportuusity, write late John Steigman, a German, and ta you tise particuiaîs, but have not surveyor by pr-ofession. Mr. Wiimot time now. God biess you. served bis time wîtb him as a sur- W. W. Baldwin. veyor and after a tîme marricd hîs At tise terminatian of this war, daughter. He thon engaged wîth which was settied by treaty, signed hîm as a chain bearer. They wore at Ghent on tise 24tis day of Dec. einployed by the Governiment ta 1814, the finances bath of Uppei- and survey the main road leading f romn Lower Canada were very much cx- Kingston ta York. This road was hausted. It had. howevei-, the cf- eut four rods wmde and grubbed two fect of deveioping ta a vcry hîgh de- rods, it was cansti-ucted by Captain groe, the patriotîsm and loyaity of Danforth. and though being the tise provinces; party spirit was main Post road. was a vei-y inciffer- hushed, and the people svere ce- cnt one; during summer, after very mented together for generai good beavy rains, it wvas aimost împass- and the prospcrity of the country. able. The f irst mail carried over Money at thîs time was very this raad was taken an a mule, and scarce among tise settiers, wisa as a arrived every two weeks f rom Kings- generai thing, anly raised produce ton to Darlington. e'nough for their own coîisuiiiptiun. On the 3rd 0of April, 1816, Mr. S. But neîthcî- bard tinses or wai- ap- S. Wimst moved f rom Yongo Street, peared t0 doter theas frio engaging Troronsto, ta the Township of Clarke, in matrinsony, as nsay be seen f romn having purchased 400 acres of land the foiiowiîsg taken froas tse nsar- l5ow kriown as the Wîlmat Haine- niage record of this early poriod. (I stead, f rom John Hamtwell. At the miglit iscre say for the benef it of btîme Mr. Wilmaot moved to Clarke tisose wishing ta sec the original the Danfi-tis road wvas imipassabie re-îstei- that it is in tise keeping of trui ircadDmlntni Mi. James P. Lavekin of Clarke.) the fali and spîîng and good travel- Thii-d Mai-ch, 1807, nsa-ried, ling wvas anly found during the - Thomas Conat, oif Darlingtori. t.) ter by sieighs. Hainnah Stoner. Present, Peter lsadaykp yhma h Stoneî-. ber father, Abel Conat,tImeathe settesthen liing onthe Poiiy. bis wife, and Phoebe Light-tmain rhad in Driitn isoosh iscart. fatincluadeinpern wion iiv d ote Twenty-first April, 1807, married, nlake shore> ere s wfa iveontcom John Carr, of Dariington, ta Betsey lk m e enngfr test: oStecoins, Woodruff, oif Pickering, witb the Tecn rmtews:Sees writteis consent of ber father. baos. Powers, Solomon Tyler, David Present, Narrîs Carr and wife, James Stevens, John Burk, Squire Fletcis- Bukandwif, ad Mr Wodruf,8er, and John Borland; in the Town- Busonni.,ad r oorW ship of Clarke were, R. Lovekin, J.P., Twenty-eigbth December, 1807, Avery, Bates, Blair, and Hartweil. married, John Burk, Junior.,tif Dar- There were no settiers forth of the linton toJan Brsbi, o Whtby 1main road if Clarke or Darlington. intonta Jasn oBrisistbyandIt was a dense unbroken foresi, in- brother-in-iaw. Present, John Burk hbtdol yIdasadwl Senr., David Stevens, and David animais. Burk. The land known as the late Bow- Third October, 1811, married, Wil- man Estate and which comprises the liam Piekel, of Darlington, ta Nancy principal site of the town oif Bow- Wilson, oif Whitby, being f irst duiy manvilie, was first drawn f rom Gov- pubiisbed, in presence of William ernment by Mr. John Bu.rk, who af- Smith, and Waterman A. Spencer, ter having built a grist and saw miii &c., &c. upxn it, soid it to a Mr. Purdy; but Twenty-eighth October 1811, mar- after a time it again came into the rred Jme .Btes, 0f C1ar-e, ta osSssion of Mr. Burk who -oid it (To be continued) Wormns cause fretfuiness and ro>b the infant of sieep, the great four- isher. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator wiil clear the stomach and intestines and restore heaithflness. as -Ro on s lu lUs flavour "VAT Afl having the windows opened, taking the glass and some the sash along with it. I do flot know tihe precise time that this xecurred, but the laie Mr. Wm. Glover was then mail car- rier. The first person who con- tracted to deliver the mails ai Dar- ligton Mîlis was a Mr. Odgen 0f Clarke. About thîs time Mr. Simp- son took the census 0f Daîhîsigton whisch amounted ta 118 persons; only aise bouse was thon erected îuortis 0f the muain road. Mr. Faîrbaîrîs, afteî retirîng fri-ai tuie Bowissai business., vas succeed- cd by Mr. Johns Lester, uho cois- ductcd tise aifairs of tise iii foi, jîve or six s anîd tiscîsV.;u ît business Sur lsiîîiself on tise iîlws of tise creek. 11r. Geo. Sinart msoxt took charge of the l3owman Estate ansd business. ansd about a year afterwards was accidemtly thrawn f romu a hsorse and kiled. Af toI- ir. Smnart's deatis, Mr. John Siîsspso)n, theis a young issaî cîgisteen years of age, took upon bumîseif the responsîbiîty of traîss- actinsg the businsess oif the fiin. Tise businsess 0f Bowmaîs &Co. 150w Lx- tendcd us proport ion to tise iîscrease 0f tihe population. and fram the goîs- erous systein adopted by tbomn us tîseir business relation towards faî- niers gencraily, but nmore especiaiiy f0 those who with lmmited means isad lately arrived to settie in tbe coun- try. To such as ibese, the Co. ex- teîsded ais almssst unlimited credit, thus aff ording thein tise necossaî-y means ta prosecute theiî daiiy ava- cations and agî-iculbuî-al puîsuits. During a long continued business. embracing hall a lifetime, this f irm rarely or ever resorted tia legai meas- uires ta adjust dlaims. Theîe are nsany persomus now living in easy and affluent circumstances xvho can trace the founidation of their pros- perity ta ibis cause. In a record kepi by Mrs. David Burke, widiow of the late David Burke, ol Darlingion, t is shawn that ber ancostors along - witb a number of other families omigrated f ront Hamburg. Geî-many. un 1794, under the guidance of a persan named Boursey. Instead of taking them t,) Canada, as he agreed ta, he broughb them ta Gemsesee Valley. N. Y., where they remained two years befoîe making the discovery thai it w-as flot British territoîy. Being dissatisfied, tbey thon applied ta Gav. Simcoe who gave them grants of land in Markbam and compeiied Mr. Boursey to fuif il bis agreement. He conveyed tbemn by ox-sleighs, during winter, around the lake. GILSON "Jones i3 like that. Stili thinits he's living in boom times. rve bougbt a Gilson Magic Blower and cut my fuel bis. 1 can burn cbeap, small-sized coal-and save $65.00 in a winter, and l'Il bert my bouse is warmer than Jones' place." MWAGIC BLOWER FITS ANY FURNACE A Gilson Magic Blower is just the thing to ait running expenses of the bomne. Easy ternis let it pay for itself. It's silent, safe and automatically controllcd. Nothing ta, get out of order. Fuily guarauteed. Only takes a few bours ta instail. No changes rîeeded. See us and save fuel nloney. 3 WM. CLARKE Telephone 665 - Bowmanville Also Gilson Furnaces, Gas Fittings, Etc. TEA 'Fprsh f£mm the gardeuV A f ire engine dashes by the corner, a child steps into the street-such exuergencies cali for good brakes in first class condition to insure your safety and the safety of others. Be always sure of your brakes by ba-img them tested once a month by us. Our experts will adjust them, reline them if nec- ssary, at 10w cost. GARAGE OPEN NIGHT AND DAY WEST END GARAGE Il D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmanville Listen in on the 'blue coal' hour 5.30 to, 6.30 every Sunday afternoon, over Station C. F. R. B. Toronto. TEE CANADIAN 19TATZSMAN, BOWMANVnJiM TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1931 PAGE XIGIET