48 Orange Pekoe lu a Iof fresh young laves Vresb fi t Umal - PAI1NS No matter how severe, you can always bave immediate relief: Aspirin always stops pain quickly. It does it without ony iii effects. Harmless ta the heart; harmless ta anybody. But i. always brrngs relief. Why sufer9 ASPlIRIN MRADE MARK REG. FOR Natian-wide Faine. - There is scarcely a corner a! this great Do- minion where the merits af Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oîl fave not been trîed and proved. It is ane of the worlds most efficient remedies for sore tfroat, lame back anti many iother ailments arising f rom inflamn- mation. Rubbed on the 5kin its Uealing power is readily absarbeti, and it can also be taken internally. Help for Astfrna. Neglect gives astfrna a great advantage. The trouble, once it has secureti a foot- Uold, f astens its grip on the bran- chial passages tenaciously. Dr. J. D. Kellagg's Asthrna Remedy is daily bencfiting cases of asthma af long, standing. Years of suffering, Uaw ever. migft have been prevented hati the remedy been useti when th e trouble was in its f irst stages. Do not neglect asthma. but use this pre- parution at once. We French dlean and press lady'. dreàs, gown, suit, or long coat, or gent'.sit or .overcoat. SmaU extra charge for pleatlng. SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. W. BOWMANVILLE AGENTS THE SMART 'hone 633 Toronto SHOP Cowan 131«k SAVE on qour week4,< food ills Here's more nourishment at Iess money for you .. Delicious, appetizing Syrups full of health and energy. Serve them in place of expensive desserts. 71. CANADA ETA1C iàwu oc _ mNtEML ýW -i» --m 1 Ewe'.BENSONS 97Ny NS S 77RS7U; GOLDEN - SYR U:P, ~~WT TECANADAN SHRDDI) T SHREDDED AIL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLEWHA TE CANADIAN .STATESMAN. BOWMArý .h , HISTORY 0F EAJILY SETTL ERS IN BOVMANVILLE DISTýRICT1 . S G i ro St Port Hope I InsltaUIment Number 5 In 1841, the principal part of the village was on the West side of the creekc-A large hatel, twc or three stores, a blacksmnlih shop, cabinet shop, and several fine residences. Had the adjoining real estate been put into the rnarket the town wauld, in all probability, have been built an that site. One of the customs very much in vogue was the Charivari. On the occasion af a wedding, the young men of the nieghborhood, pravîded with horns, belîs, tin pans, etc., al- ways made their appearance, a la masque. This custom first origmnat- ed in the French rural districts. and it is probable that at first it was productive ouf more good than harm, as it was anly resorted to when pub- lic decency was considered ta have been outraged, through saine ill- chosen or disgraceful match. But this feature in charivari companies was soon lost sight of after its in- traduction inta the upper province. No distinction was made between a wedding, every way proper and un- inipeachable, or one of an opposite character. Many af these demon- stratians were indulged in by the early settlers, and there are many holding honorable positions among us taday wha will remember with regret the part they took in thein. One of these charivaris occurred on Laie occasion af tne marriage of Mr. T'- ta Miss HI-. Nathung was abjectionable ini this match, out the company assembieci in considerabie force, and alter navrng demandeci the tee, wlùcf was refused, praceed- ea in thie usual maniner ta malte as mucli noise and confusion as pos- sible. The married couple were 10- cated ain a fouse, the upper portion oi which was unlinisnea. The doars and wmndows below bad been bolted anat barricadiea, but trie windows in the upper story had flot yet been put in. &m)ne of tre company soon perceîved this, and cliîmbing up entered through the wmoaow; they then Iound LIeir way down stairs, uni astened the coor, and let in the crawd, who rusfed itot the roomJ ,,ccupîed by the bride and bride- groom, laidi hold ai Mr. T-, and orought hian, endeshabille, ta the street wfere they placed hin on a rail witU te intention af gîvîng irn a ifree rade. He then consented ta coinply wîth the i nIes ci the coin- pany. The anoney being in tne pos- session af lias wie, he asked per- mission ta, go ta ber room ta get it, whicb request was granted. In the meantirne, some of the party, with a vaew ai rendering lus appearance as rid.aculous as possible, haci blacken- ed his face with lamp-black; but bis ind was so much accupîed wtf other ma iters that nie did not think of this and when released hurrîed ta bis wife's apartment and in a basty and confused manner de- manded the amounit. The lady, whose natural arniability of char-, acter had given away ta one o! hos- tile feeling, did not recagnize ber busband in bis changed appearance. She seized a brass candlestick and deait humi a blow over the eye, wbich produced a very ugly ilesh wound, causing the blood ta run freely, and placed herself in an attitude ta re- peat the blow; he shauted ta ber not ta strike him again-that he was ber busband, lier dear William. Aware 0f wbat she bad done, she express- ed ber regrets in the most piteous tones-toola him in fer ariakîs ed kmii, and called han by thems endearing naines; the whole fo...i.g one of the rnost affecting scenes, probably ever witnessed by a chari- vari comipany. A case of practical joking is relat- ed of twDolad residents, one of wham is stili living in Bawmanville. Mr. G- who had been out shooting, ob- served Mr. S- standing near a field an which a h orse was quietly graz- ing. Having first loaded his gun wîth a beavy charge af buck shot, he approached Mr. S- who inquired wa uk lhe had met with . He re- ple hat there was plenty ar game bu ausfwling piece was 50 weak lin the breech that she would scarce- ly kili. For instance, said he, "I will bet you the liquor you cannot malte that horse look up or~ even wink by shooting at him f rom here." 'Done." said Mr. S, give me the gun"; whereupoa the gun was handed ta hlm, and after taking good am, he f ired. It made a terrifîc report, the recoil of the gun sending hîm to the rigft about; the horse ran a short distance and dropped dead. Mr. G- said, "Yau have won the liquor, I will pay for the wfisltey, and you pay for the horse." This story can be vouched for by rnany residents, and the awner af the horse, Mr. Thomas Hall. There was a certain class among the aId settlers of Bowmanville that had a keen relish for f un. Some of thei had such a high appreciatian af a good joke tfat they considered it one of the beat of Uumaii attrib- Utes ta bc able ta take a joke, as well as ta give it. On one occasion a cfaice lot ai these spirits met ini returned and was agreeably surpris- ed when he recelved the invitation The Central Interscholastic Rugbyi League opened an Saturday withr Port Hope visiting Bowmanvile att the Cream of Barley Camp. Thet lighter Part Hope team were de-11 feated 18-7, in a fast game. Thei lasers turned out a well-groomed or-1 ganization. who knew their plays1 well and who were well handled by1 the quarter-back, Southby, butt whose Uine was the weak spot. With practice in Uine work they should have one af the fastest teams in the league and wîll na doubt be a real threat when the locals visit the fil-1 sîde town. The wmn for Bowmanviile was just the opposite. The instructions were ta, try simple plays and ta let the line do the work. Mr. Wm. Pater- son has been drilling the team on lîne plunging and on general line1 play rather than having mntrcate1 plays that are quite apt ta be faulty1 in the pinches and this certainlyI showed ta advantage Saturday.1 Jimmie Williams, son of Mrs. Alan 1 Wiliams, was perhaps the most con-1 sistent line plunger an the team and1 gained many yards wth bis 180g pounds. It will be remembered that1 ta corne and take lunch with a few f riends to which he readily assented. On joining bis friends he behld a sight lit ta tempt an epîcure, and enough ta malte a hungry man's nvluth water. A splendid roast tur- ltey was laid out on the board, wîth trimmings and extras, and some- thing hot ta wash it down. He pro- nounced the aif air a capital get-up and the whole thing a complete suc- cess. His friends intimated that as he was absent in the fore part of the evening, and therefore flot re- sponsible for anything that bad been dane, he should gîve fis word of fonor to keep mum on the subject. Witf feelings of wounded pride at, their seeming lack of confidence he said he most assuredly would. Everytfmng being thus satisfactor ily settled, and supper waitigthey requested 1dm to take the ado the table and do thie carving wic he did in a very creditable manner. Meanwhile, the party, alter aiscuss- mng the merits and demerits o! the gabbler, his lîve weîgth, dead weight, probable age, and by whom he was raised, became s0 pointed in their remarks as ta leave very lîttle doubt ini Mr. G's mind as to who was the awner of the turkey. He im- mediately arase and said, -You are a set of scoundrels; I believe you have taken my turkey," ta which they replied, -Yes, we have, but you gave your word of honar ta be mum. ' Gentlemen," said Mr. G, after a few moments' reflection, "I arn sold, but don't let this interfere with the enioyrnent of aur supper." tTo be continued) Bladder Troubles Bother Many past 40 Seven Out of Ten Are Victims But Writer Tells How "Uratabs" Brig Swift, Amazing Relief With Renewed Vital Force -Na ane knaws better than I, the forrar of joyless daYs and sleepless nights. There have been imes when 1 f elt hapeless and helpless - and when my weakness caused me the most intese humliatin.gfOnly tortures can possibly realize my great satisfaction w!îen Dr. South- worth's URATABS brauglit me quick relief. URATABS are truly worader- f ui, and I gîve them full praise." Such amazing evidence serves as canvincing proof ),f the power of URATABS ta relieve those distress- ix.g ai]n.ents sao otei a handicap ta those in middle lfe. iOîervoîked sluggish Kidneys, and Bladder Weakness, bring on so znany distressing ailments which so often lead ta, serious diseases that every sufferer f rom Lameness, Pains in back and dawn through groins, scanty but frequent urination. **Get.. ting-up-Night," Nervous Irritability and Lack of Force-should try the amazng value of Dr. Southworth's URATABS at once! Any 'go.xl drug- gist will supply yau on a guarantee of satisfaction or noney bac-: AcID STQMACH E csacid ithecommon cause of idigstin. i reuit inpain andl sournesa about two hours after eat- ing. The quick corrective is an aikali which neutralizes acid. The hest corrective is Phillips' NMilk of NIag- nesia. It has remained standard wîthI physicians in the 50 years sitie i1ý invention. One spoonful of Phiý'ips' Mlccf Magnesia aeutralizcs instantly inanîy turnes its volume in acid. Hiarînfless. andi tasteles. and yet its action is quick. You will neyer rely on crude methods, once you Iearn lia"- quickly this methoti acts. Be sure ta get the genuine. The ideal dentifrice for clean teth and healthy gums is Phillips' entai Magnesia, a superior tooth- paste that satfeuards against acid- mauth. (Made in Canada.) ,tTRSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1931 coollng shaving lotion. Persian Balm tones and refreshes the skln. Maltes hands dellghtfully sof t andi white. Indispensable to dalnty wa- men. A little gentle rubblag andti t la absorbed by the tissues, maklng the akin truly rose-leaf la texture. PAGE NDIE Flavour :ars DeFeat {.S. in .First Game in the latter part o! last year Jun- mie came into has own as far as bucking gaes, and fe is even better tfis year witb a little more weîgbt. Every man on the line did except- ionaily fine work and is ta be coan- mended. The outstanding player was Donald (Dunc) Williams, son o! Frank Williams. Dunc plays quar- ter and handled the teain withaut a hitch. His sensational runs added color to th e excitement and an one occasion when Bfi Ingrain and Dunc made a 30-yard gain on a perfect forward pass the crowd nearly went wild. The higU wind made kicking very erratic and anly one convert was cornpleted. It was made by Emmet of Port Hope. In the first quarter the play was a little baose with off sides f requently losing yards for the afienders. The play had been la progress about ten minutes when Jimmie Williams made nearly tben yards an a plunge througf the lef t wing, bringing the bail on Port H-ope's ten yard Uine. Don Williams took the bail on the next play and tare around the lef t end for ten Yards and the f irst touchdown of the gaine. Bull Bag- nell tried a convert, but the bail was wide o! thie goal. Bowmanville 5, Port Hope 0. Near the last o! the quarter Port Hope threatened the goal line of the lacals but were con- tent to kick over the lUne for a rouge, Harvey doing the kicking. Port Hope 1; Bowmanviile 5. i In the second quarter the visitars ti came anto their own at thie start. b Leonard went around the lef t end u aI thie lime, tbrew off taciders ragbit 11 and lef t and fiished wath a toucli- c down after gaining nearly 20 yards.j Emmet convertect on a well darected kickt. But it was not ta be thus f ory long. Near the end o! the quarter i Bawmanviile brought the bail to tý Port Hope's 3 yard Uine but the vis- f: îting Uine proved a atone wail and a hela the locais witfout a gain until they toolt possession o! the bail. Harvey booted up ta the 40 yard line, ani Bowrnanville started the march again. Dunc Williams went around tue lef t end for a 20 yard gain andi on the next play Jamie Wright went over for the toucli- down, whicn agaîn was flot convert- eti. Bowmanviile 10; Part Hope 7. The thîrd quarter openeti fast and f uriaus. At Port Hape's 40 yard Uine -Dunc Wiliîams atternpted a kick on the third down. The bail was bloclt- eti by Mercer but was recovered by Williams who, by saine fine dodg- ing, gained ten yards on the play. Bowmanvilie then tried an onside kickt whicf went over the visitors lîne. Harvey o! Port Hope caught the bail and ran it out to the ten Yard Uine, making what seemed al- Most a certain point for Bowrnan- ville a gain for Port Hope. They carried the bail ta the f if ty yard line an their three tries, and Bow- manviile gained possession. Don Williams staged the nicest run o! the game evading grasping armas and was brought down with a flying tackle by Emmet, who wrenched fis knee and was forced to retire f or the rest of the game. Williams again took the bull and finished bis run witf a touchdown, not cnet ed. A little later the forward pass received a try-out with Will.iams throwing: the baîl nearly thirty yards into the waitmng arma of Bil Ingrain wfo guined another f ive Yards before fe was laid 10w. Part Hope tried a forwurd pass but In- gram intercepteti and B.H.S. were in possession. On an end run Wil- liamns attempted a lateral pas to, Ingrain, but Port Hope intercepted and ran th e bail down the field for nearly 30 yards before Ted Bagneil tackled i hm. The visitors brought the baîl ta Bowmanville's fil teen yard line, but were unable ta put it aver tUe lUne and the locals aguin started up the field. TUey gained repeatedly until within kiclting dis- tance, when Dunc again kicked over the Port Hope line but Harvey again fooled all tacklers and brought the bail out ta the ten Yard line. Can- cilla next gained ten yards and the quarter ended. Score, Bowmanviile 15, Port Hope 7. The final fi! teen minutes were featured by several attempta at for- ward passes with twa completed by Bawinanville. Port Hope was not taa dangerous this quarter, but I Bowmraaville gained tliree points %%wu'. a aýafety toith and a rouge. 'Ii-le se re ende'd %w:-tl Bowrnanviile 18; Part Hope 7. L'ne-up: -a f'oaope: piiap-ai.cicer; Insides _Austinî, Ca-nca:lýa Middles-1tyan, IMurphy; OuEadcs-Meldr-um, El- liott; Quai ter-Southby; Flying W~ig-Leonard; R-. Half-E net; ICantre hlall-Harvey; L. Half-Sy- irons; Subs-Ropier, Sylvester. Kelly, Lo)ng, Ferguso.,n. aevle Quzcîce QUAKIER OATS. Cooko ln 21/ minutes after the water belle 1922 Hundreds in Bowmanville Begin NU-ERB Treatment Highly Recommended for Indigestion, Rheumatism,4 Catarrhal Troubles, Chronic Headaches and Similar lIs Many local people who have been corpuscles whlch You need to, keep ;uffering f rom. indigestion, rheuma- you from getting thin, weak and tism, catarrhal troubles, chronic achy. headaches and sirnilar fils are now Go to Jury & Lovell's Drug Store using Dr. French's NtJ-ERB, the riew taday and get a bottle of NU-ERB. herbal remedy which is being re- Take a tablespoonful bel are each commended and distributed here by meal and note how soon food begins Jury & L9vell's Drug Store. to, taste better, your sleep becomes When you take NU-ERJB you free more restful and sound and you your system of its over-supply of have strength and energy ta run you acidity which accumulates and rn_ through the day. It is nothlng short tates your starach; surs y u od; jUls ycu with gas; canstipates yo 0f marvelous what NU-ERB will do and rabs your blood of the red for you in a short time. Miens Fr.fov >M Lice WIU Léar Mo.ieEs PuAr F 0» O. OrCRIAU .f.... . ON. ... cmq»k.L ý QELP. O m When Your Wife Drives 0f course the modern woman is every bit the equal of the modern man-even to driving the family car. But there is the chance that somebody might accidentally remove a fender while she is drivrng. Proteet her-and your car, incidentally, by insureing your car. It is the modemn method of protection. You can't buy bet- ter insurance cheaper than we seli. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insuraince Phone 50 King St. E. Brokers Bowmanville Wky Delay Your Buiiding Plans Planning on building or repairing your home ? Then begin now when prices are lower than ever before. In our yards are the finest grades of lumber and building supplies-just the kind you want for your home--.nd A at the lowest prices in our history. You can build economicaly by building now. Sheppaird & -Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. (FORMEEZLY MoCLELLAN & CO.) BOWMANVMM 1 PHONE 15 KING ST. FAST ýý ddmzvýý ?ood Value Economy