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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1931, p. 12

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OF r4 ÂAGx TWECLVH THE CANADIAN BTATE4.N. BOWMANVILIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER lat. 1931 DO YOIJ WANT MONETY? SOUTH CARKE SHO A Knit socks for us at home witb StandNECS E COLFI Knitting Machine. We sum.ply yarn Thse very !inest of weather favor- and buy your work. Write todny for ed thse scisooi fair isere on Wetines- information. Absoutely no obligation. 1 day and in consequence thse attend- HOME KNITTING COMPANY 1ance was especiaUly large !mom thse 75 Oundas Street East - Toronto six outside scioolsections inclUded castle, the presence and uterest o! wisose scisool chiltren and adult citizenShip can be taken for gatd O:wmng Vo thse Scisool Fair Assoc- Iiations big a=t-,hûmsng been wreck- led by a wmnd anti rain stomus a f ew days previousiy, the vegetabies,t f lowers, f ruit, home cookmng anti sewing, handicrait anti scisool cx- hbits, etc., wee shown in the base-j cent of the commtnity hall, whilei the community green or park was1 the scene o! a]l the other features HAVE~'ouTRIE THE o! the f air. Anong the exhlbits by HAVEYOU RIEDTHE pupils here wcre classes o! dairy anti IMPROVED SHELL GASOLINE? bcef calves, lambs, White Leghorn anti Plymouth Rock poultry, the en- tries iîn the latter o! whîch were We would have you to try a tank very numlerous. Mr. E. A. Summers, f ull o! hs splendid gasaline, as Agriculturai Representative for Dur- we feel confident that you. ike ham, manageti anti superintentiet other wh/ havetrîc the fair in a very systemnati dxt othrs ho avetritiit, will be farce! ai way anti maintaincti strict deligltet with the higli anti- ortier among the crowds wliere knock, Quick starting, anti splen- chiltrens întcrests required it. Col. « did ilege ou ill eceve rom E. E. Sniticr. I. P. S., of course con- tit mîeag yo Wil rccie from ducteti the purely sdhooi events-the its smooth Performance, anti it 'parades. the singing, drills, f irst aid seils at popular prices. tiemonstrations anti physical train- ing exercises. Thc race for school Let Us Drain and F'îjl Tour Crak chiltiren, teachers anti trustees anti other sports werc mun off before dmn- Case from this Selection of High ner, marking a departume f rom the former practice o! having them late Quality Ois in the aftemnoon. A new f cature anti one which Castrol j ukrSae-Mbli commentiet itself Vo the spectators - Qake Stte Moilol ,as showing the co-operative spirit Veedol - Sîcîl - Penzail jof thc schools anti the uni! orm training the pupils receive, whether or Fineroil l00'7' Penn. i in large or smnall schooi, were the exercises in unison by the whole seven schools combineti, preceding the competitive events. These cx- _ ercises inclutiing singing, prayer, the ~~Jff~q~ ~ recitai of the 23rti Psatm. anti the t,>tschoal pletige, were conducted by ~ __ ~ Principal Thos. A. Rotiger of the PHONE 110 KIGS. AT Newcastle Public School. KING 5 EASTSix schools competeti in thc schoal BOWMANVILLE parades, the only anc noV takîng ______________________part being Brown s, No. 5, the en- rolîcti attendance being at present very.5 small, the pupils liaving been passeti on into the Newcastle Higli School at a faster rate Vlan begin- ~YI Iners are bcing sent Vo school by the The « ilky»W .Y esdents o! thc section. Col. Lamne T. McLaughlin. thc jutige, awartied t~wF II~.ILIIfirst prize ta Newcastle, second ta to He ltb ewtonviile. anti thirdti o Port Granby. Mm. T. W. Stanley, Supt. of Music, Port Hope Public Schools, jutigeti Vthe singing, anti awardet f irst prize ta Newcastle, traineti by Miss Hattie IMason. Sup. Mus.; second ta New- tonville, anti third ta Port Granby, traineti by Mrs. D. Robb, Sup. Mus., Iwho teaches a number o! schools Ithroughout Clarke township, The ules af the competition requireti that ail singing be in two parts anti certain pupils, generally Vhe altier ones, in ail but anc school sang the alto. Following the competition another pieasing feature awaiieti the outtioor audience when at the request o! Col. Snier Mrs. Rabb Vaok the combineti A jias ofgoo mik eerydy sclioois in hanti anti conductedt heir Ls a glass of health. For yon large chorus o! chiltiren in the sing- and od there's nothing more igO Sme onn. wholesome and beneficial. in- Coi. McLaughlin also jutigeti the sure a generous daiiy supply of physical culture exercises. awarding Pure, clean milk by having it the prizes in ortier ta Cowanvilie. delivered to your home f rom Craok Creek anti Lake Shore schools. Our sanitary dairy every day. Alice Fail, Crooketi Creek. anti Put Your family on the "Milky Kenneth Stephenson, Brown's, were Way" to 900d health-Phone the only competitors in the im- 446 or 703 and place your or- promptu speaking contesi, lst prize der today. going ta Alice. IN BOWMANVILLE WHOLE Nine girls anti boys took part in MILK DAIRY the recitatian cantest, ist prize go- Plane 446 or 703. ing ta Morice Powell, 2nd ta Jean Holmes, anti 3rdti o Ada Hollings- W. H. BETTLES, wrtl. Principal Oea. A. Cayne o! Proprietor. thc Newcastle Higl Schoal anti Dr. J. A. Batler were the jutiges, anti *The Newcastle Indel Tf{URSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 19 NEWCASTLE Friends were pleased to see Mr. Steplien Perrin in town on Thurs- day visiting Mr. Sam Bonathan and taking in the big Rickard-,Allin sale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allin went up to Toronto on Wednesday even- ing to hear the famous St. Hilda's Band play to a crowded house in Massey Hall. United Cliurch-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, October 4th: il a. in. Mornirlg WorsfliP; 2.30 p. mn.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.- Eveming Service. Miss Elizabeth Hancock, who is teaching in St. Catherines, played the weclcing music at the Edwards- <.oyne weddmng in Oshawa on Sat- urday, Sept. 12th. St. George's Churcli-Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, Oct. 4th, Eigliteenýth Sunclay after Trin- ity: il a. m.-Morniflg Frayer and Hoiy Communion; 7 p. m.-Even- song. Rev. W. P. Rogers was in Toronto last Wednesday and Thursday at- tending the aîuîual meetings of the Alumni of Emmanuel College anc the dechcatiofl of the new college buildings. Mrs. Percy Ranson and Mrs. Ray Carr, Belleville, were nere on Ousi- ness iast Tuescray weeK and visîteci tnieir aunt, Mrs. Unas. Couiter. *1ney aiso attencidtnle Lunerai aI tnie late iMrs. k'rank Benn.ett. Mr. anca Mrs. W. N. Buckley and Mr. andi Mrs. J. W. Ulenney motor- eui ta Brooklin on Tlluîsaay to at- Lena the fanerai of their sîster, Mrs. iloutiey ,whose deatti occurreci quite suctueniy about a week alter Lire de- stroyeu tne barns ont trie 1outiey iariiu about a mile west or Brookiin. .iieie wl be a sectional rainy ai Llvi 'VV. MV. b. Ii i t unitea uliuriCîI ..A vvecanesuay, Oct. 'Ira. Morniflg session at to.izo, ana aiternooilut z..j'. flot cianner will ne served in trie S. S. rooîns at 3ac a plate. L'e reguiar meeting or the local brancrn ,hal De lielci in tne S. b. hll on mInursaLay, Oct. ist, at 3 p. in. ±rîincipal Thos. A. Rodger of the puuîic sencol îeceîved a message on Micionay lorenoon while lie was at scnooi tnat lits mutiler liaci pa,5eci auvay aL ±ýIYLfle, Cunty air iuran. At noon ne aismissecitas ciasses anai liasteneci away witn Mis. itociger .i orîîy alter. Tne schooi flag was raisea ta hall -mast in tolnen or tie symnpatriy ol teacnig stanl, PaPas anu board orl ýQacaii0n. iMr. ftau- ger expecteutiutareturn îor scinoui 0on *î nursaay. Mrs. i-ercy Hare was in Toronto Saturclay week ana cailed to bse Mirs. tioriana, an active worKer or trie oL. Clair Ave. Umitea Cniurcli, anuaa lady well andi Iavorabiy anown in Newcastle turougli ler irequent vis- its lieie in past years, oiten as a gucst orl Rev. E. B. ana Mrs. Cooke. i4ewcastie Iriends and acquaintances are sorry to learn of lier present af - iliction, the total loss or lier eye- siglit. It ns noped liowever tnat specialists may effect a cure. Mr. J. Jacobs, wîth an eye to gooti business and exercîsing foresîght, assunung that there wouid be crowds af People Ili the village on Wednes- day-scnlooi f air day, andi on Thurs- atay-eickai.d-Allin sale aay, went to Grimsby with his truck and brought ir. back heaped Whl with luscious peadhes fresh from tie or- chards in readincss for the crowds which did materialîze on both days. By Tlihursday night wîth no effort to speak of on his part the truck was ernpty and ahl the peadlies disposed of. An enjoyable and colox fui social event last week was the afternoon tea given by Mrs. Grace at lier coun- try house opposite BroWn's school. known for many years Past as tlie Chiandiler Farm. Ansong the severai Newcastle ladies and gentlemen present were Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gal- braithi, Rev. and Mrs. J. Scott HoI(w- ard, Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Mason, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mrs. Cecil Horrocks andi daugliters, and several others. Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb pour- ed tea. Major Grace anti Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler and family were also down fromn Toronto. Sup- plementing the many beautiful flow- ers fromn Mrs. Grace's own gardens which decorated the rooms and tables were some very handsome and mucli adrnired dahlias sent by Mrs. Matthew Brown with her compli- ments. Mrs. Grace lias employeti a number of men ths summer in making alterations and in renovat- ing the house and outbuildings and in modernizmng the water andi heat- ing system, and the house and farmn is in every way a credit to Mrs. Grace's good traste andi Judgment and a fine asset to the community. Mr. Quantrili, who with Mrs. Quan- tiill and family. camne down f rom T®ronto about the first of Septem- ber, is farm foreman. He has a son anti daugliter now attending New- castle High School. Mm, Cayne prefacedtihîe announce- ment o! their ticcisions anti regaleti thc bystantiers witl a righty f ish yamn inasmuch as île efforts o! bath thc impromptu speakers ticaît witl !ishing expedtionis. 011cr jutiges a! île faim were: Mr. Jas. D. Brown, live stock anti potataes; Mr. Clarence Aluin. poul- try; Mm. Gardon Ashton. vegetables anti fruit; anti Miss Hamilton, cook- ing, sewing, sclooi wark. etc. Ross Allin las the distinction a! winning the mast points on exhibits, af any Newcastle pupil. ant i ncid- entally over tîrce dollars prize mon- ey. In other senses the faim was profitable Va ail, chiltiren anti grownaps alike. As cantiacteti it was entertaining, enlightening anti cdu- cational. The Women's Institate of New- tanville secureti the batl conces- sion for île afternoon anti diti a profitable business selling re! resit- ments af many kintis, incluti!ng itamematie pie anti cake. A number of Newcastle ladies are member fo île Institute anti took a leadlng part' In îhe management, noiably r.J C. Hancock. Mrs. Robi. Orarn, Mrs. Clarence Turner, Mrs. Wm. Jaynes, and otisers. Mr. anti Mrs. Ira F. Pearce, Bow-' manville, visited their neplsew andi niece, Mr. anti Mrs. H. R. Pearce. on Satumtiay. Mm. J. E. Atkinsan anti his son, Mm. Jas. Atkinson, Toronto, were in Newcastle Thursday calling on Mms. Robert Gibson. Mrs. W. W. Atkinson las return- cd f rom Orillia whcre she attendeti thc f unerai a! lier brother-i-law, Mm. George Murray. Mrs. H. W. Dutiley, since hem me- tan f rom Orillia, lias been visiting hem cousins, Mr. anti Mrs. Waybring anti family, Riochester, N. Y. Mm. anti Mms. H. S. Britten anti1 son Nei retumeti on Montiay f ram a motor trip through Wester~n On- tario as far as Samnia, Port Huron anti arounti by DeVrait. Mr. Fred Rowe, Chie! Engineer o! thse big miik cantiensery at Sydien- ham, is here on a week's holiday. Everyone can sec lie las last a littlc flesh-himty otit pountis, anti now weigls anly twa huntireti anti six- teen.1 Miss Winnifreti Rickamti anti Miss Eleanar Antierson, after much un- certainty, are naw enrolieti in the Peterboro Normal Schooi. anti Miss Helen Lycett in the Toronto Normal, Scliaol. Misa Marion Rickarti icaves this week ta resume hiem studies at Toronto University. W. A. GROUP TEA !'ie home o! Mm. anti Mrs. Percy Hare, C. N. R. station, was thrawn wîide open iast Wetinestiay evening, a! Ver the school faim, for a tea untier thc auspices o! Mis. Fred Grahami's group o! the W. A. o! the Uniteti uhai'ch. Fram about 7.30 ta 9 p. m. close on ta 80 ladies anti gentlemen calleti anti partoak o! an exquisite tea o! sandwiches, pickles, olives, inarshmaliaws, biscuits sO cVe cherries on stem, date confectiounsý and sugar confections, cake too. Mms. Edinunti Thackray anti Miss Dunrealli Dudiley servedthetI guests is reiays a! about ten f rom the tas- tifully decarateti table in the tiining moom. Mms. îRev.) 'W. P. Rogers graceti anc endi o! thc table, pour- îng coffee. whsîle Mrs. John Dougias adorinedthet opposite enti. pouming tea. Ouests were treatedtitanai infamm- al pragram, the numbers occurrmng at intervals anti consisting o! vocal solos by Mrs. Percy Brown, Mrs. C. R. Carvetl anti Mrs. W. E. Purtiy, readings by Mrs. Hare, anti piano inistrumentais by Mms. E. C. Fisher, Miss Loreen Bar.ty anti Miss Audirey Brown. The guests were atinitteti by tic- ket, which on entering they placeti on a tray presiieti over by Mrs. TIs Brown, sister-in-law o! Mrs. Doug- las. TIc tea was a fine social suc- cesa anti lelpful financially Vo tIse group. DEVITT'S CORNER (Crowticd out lasi week) Mr. andi Mrs. John Hallaren and daugliter Velnîa, of Pontypool, visit- ed at Mr. Norman Lathangues on Sunday . Miss Flora Henderson spent the weekend with hem Parents at Janetville Miss Thelma Fer- guson, Blackst.ock, spent last week with lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hyland Mr. Norman Lathangue was in Bowmanville on Monday .Mrs. A. Argue and son Gortion, Winnipeg, visited Mrs. John McKee. The latter returned home on Friday while Mrs. Argue is stay- ing with lier sistcr-in-law a whilei l9nger . Mr. anti Mrs. Isaiah Strong, Bcthany, visiteti Mr. T. F. Bruce's recently A number f rom here attended the C. W. A. meeting at Mrs. Will Fallis' last Tuesday. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment makes the finest blister known. Invalu- able for stock. Leaves the hair roots in natural and healthy condi- tion. Hair comes back. N#3 scar remains. SHERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTHUM- BERLAND AND DURHAM TO WIT: Fierî F.a las issud out of His NiLjestY'b Coulktt>' Court of theUt' nte.d Countî..s of North uilaherlan 'l aundIDuham,.tu nie i irct td in ;an action whtreili E. 1'. Il'il iy, Ailniin istiraor of the' Estate of iPr. A. S. Tiliiiy, diceeased. Piaintilf, andU J1ame n.s.ilaCn alt.,Df. ndan t, i1ihave. s. îzeîi a ndi taiun in exeu t ion ail tIi,» s tat-, rglit, titI, int'rest, claini, lpro- hi-rty,. îlîniand and leîjuity of reîiîîîion of tiie above nia ni ii .1alnies Ml.ccon - nacuIiîî,in to anîl out of ail andl sijigular, the 'fol iow ing Liniandl irt' nises sittti Iying andI being ini tii.. Town of 110w- inan viliin iithe'Cou n ty of Durham ndi beiîug coniios,-tl of a piart of origi nal Towan sh ip Lot Numhti.,r Evni n thie F"îrst Coucessioni of the T'lown rsip of I arliin gon,*fili thie i ou nty o!fiDurhiam, wh i pa rci'i is known ias a piart o! Lot Niiint)tr i"our itn Illick iNumnier Five fronting on King Street 111 S.Lii Town as .slown%,lon tihe îplan o!fitie sajî 'Townî of Ilowmnanvlie on file in th.' ltîgistry Ollice for the' tegistry Divivsion ofi.lei WVest Itiding of Oie County cofiDurham ainiS mnt'le de.scribeîi as !ollows t'in- niencing i the Norti'' ny angle' 0f the, said Lot Four, thetîce runiîtng Westeriy along the Nî.rthî-riy imit of saLILot Sxyfv'fe,-tt i, 'ici' rîn- nirig .oultheriy li a liii.. î,zralliel wth W. sten>' houndary of siiî Lot Pour, iw au liins an.di fty iliks ior.' or less t,, tIi.- Sou thi-riy houn ifflry of sa dlt ~ Fouiîr; thencv i' rîîning Eisteriy lonrg sîlîl Southerly bounilar>' of salîl Lot, f.t s,'vî'n inclus mor' or i--s. t0 the SOI]t h-îast,ri'î'angle' o! 4all iii. herce runn i ng North.'riy alon g tiie b. ivlotunar'.' o rsali Lot Four. two i liins a ndl fîfi>t i lis tour" or i i's t. th,- Noîti-eastt'rly anigle'orfsiiil Lot wh c i s th e place't of hi.gun iiiing. Thi. land liîr,'ini toîveYi'iiort'intii'tili'i 50 1-1.s s il orfslî[,of Four, î~.iithe' \stiysixty- four fuît !lve iciiis of Isaim.i soli!an.d con ve'yî'îl y Latira ( rawe forîl and il Iarry Wallacei.'Cri wforul 1< cru < ru'Il înry Sou cli ly ij niluiir.eux a- n gklt t-,lic- t .'n ty - siýVnth1h;l'Y ofrMas', 1912, wiiich was reLzIsteredIn saldltel- isitrs Officeî In Bock 17 for the T'own cf Itow inanvilli' on th e Ulu t a>i.! 11 of~ 1912. ais nurnher 6210. iltif whilh1 shialioffu'n for sale ' rb>' ltuie miction t my office 1TI VItorlia Hall, In the Town cf(Cobocurg, on Frlday. the Twen- ty-thirîl lay cf Octoher, 1921, at the' iîoîr of 2.30 o'cicck In the' afternoon. FDatc.! a! Sheriff's Office, Cobourg, Jiîly 16th, A. D. 19311. 0. J. NESBITT, 39-4 Sherlff U. C. N. & 0. pendent * 931 HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY t Jack Kimbail Winner o! Rogers Cup The second annual higli schoq, f ield day inaugumateti by Rev. W. P.î Rogers with Vise support anti co-ap-E eration o! Principal Caync anti the( Board o! Etiacation, was helti an the( community green on Mantiay a! er- noon. The weather was fine, the air invigorating anti the underfoot- ing thse very best. The day anti conditions coulti noV have been more favorable for~ the event lad they. been expmessly ortiereti for the pur- 1Pose. There were sixteen contest- ants hs year for the Rogers Silver Cap for the best ail round athlce as compareti with seven last year, showing how mucl more interesi las tievelopeti in athletics among Vhe high school boys in anc year's1 time. Rev. W. P. Rogers conducteti the vaiaus tests wtl Principal Oea. A. Coyne as chie! assistant. Major H. W. Dudley, chaîrman o! the Boarti o! Etiacatian, Cauncillor J. E. W. Philp, Dm. J. A. Butler, Wmn. E. Pur- dy, T. W. Jackson, H. R. Pearce, secretary o! the Boarti, Rev . F. H. Masan o! île B. o! E., Jas. Toms, schoal attentiance officer, anti others lent tîcir assistance as neetiet. The higl boy o! the day was Jack Kimbal o! Kimbals Cave, a second lamn'î stutient anti an ex-pupil a! Part Granby public schooi. He will be presenteti with the Rogers Ath- letic Prize, a silver cup, at the high sdhoal commencement exercises. IV wîll be remembereti that Bille Brunt wha also matie a splendid record yeam, won titis prize last year. Foliowing île officiai competitive events Principal Coyne candacteti a c cuple a! entertainîng stunts for tise benefit o! île galiery a! citizens, cx- students anti nan-participating pup- ils o! île public anti higli schools. The f irst was a loop race bctween te two basebali teams whicl since tIc lst o! September are playing every Tuestiay anti Thumsday even- ings on these samne groundis. The captains o! the two teanss are Wal- t er Blackburn anti Fred Cowan, anti in this hoop game Fretis teamn won two oui o!filirce trials. The second was calleti a double shuffle. Each boy chose a girl patner andtihîe contest cansisteti in the girls run- ning f rom their Uine ta île boys' uine, dlianging coats, running again anti changing again. Owenny Williams, Jack Hares girl pannrer, was quick- est anti fleetest anti first Vo finish. The conclutiing feature o! île a!- temnoan was a softball game untier VIe direction a! Miss Switzer be- tween present anti ex-stutients o! île hîgh scisool, tIse former winning by a small margin. Magaret Toms o! thse higli sdhool caugist for the ex's who were somewhat deficieni in numbers. Ruby Shaw pitcheti for the altier girls, while Annabelle Hen- tiry dit the isurling for tise youngcr set witis Florence Spencer behint tIc bat most o! the trne. Gbb6ard SoIid Walnut i n 1 . - Ml 11 fn A Bedroom Suites Now on Display in Our Show Windows 4 piece, guaranteed solid walnut bedroomn suite, composed of bed, dresser, chiffonier, and vanity dresser, in exquisite design, beautifully finished, and priced far below its regular value at $ 185.00)O Otmer Suites Including Gibbard solid walnut dining room suites, bedroom suites, and odd l)ieces at equally attractive prices. You wifl miss the opportunity of a life time if you do not drop in and see our display. SOLID AND TRUE, WALNUT CLEAR THROUGH Ail Gibbard Furniture is solid and true, walnut cleail through. It is desiglled to be in good style for years to corne, beautifully and durably finished, and buit to give genuine ser- vice. It has many features, such as, dust proof divisions to keep clothes clean, guides to prevent drawers sticking, cedar lined bottom drawers of dressers, and ample cupboard space in bu.f- fets, hand carved decorations instead of composition ornamen- tations. Now is the time to buy. We have the best values in Gibbard Solid Walnut we have ever had. Gbbardl Solid Walnut Furniture F. F. MORRIS CO. King Street i Cornein TOMOR ROW Sée and hear the NEW PENTODYNE RADIO This Handsome Mantel Model TheSelkirk Special Terms: Bal5n00 iwn 10instalments of $5.58 mnhy Evy Snr oe!.gWaranteed and every set wt rand new tubes, 'Jeqaled for selectivity, fidelity and ricliness of tone by any other make one-third to one-haif greater in price. Ask about Sonora's Foctory-to- User Plan tlw* cretmff this aensaional value. SOLE AGENTS Dustan-'s Cash Hardware SONORA DEMONSTRATING CENTRE R.ICKAED-ALLIN SALE r The Rickard-Allin sale o!f furni- ture anti household articles on Tliurstiay a! ternoon drew one of the largest crowds ever seen at sucli a sale in this village inrnany years. The tl-rongs o! people together with all the furnishings and equlpment o! two houses on tiisplay along thse north side of King St. and the east side o! Mill St. gave the occasion !dùmwWpt of a country f air, anti IV 'Vas edsyto think o! Mr. Jos. Coul- son, heati auctioneer, as chie! spiel- er o! the mitiway. Being a combin- ed sale it was a big sale anti Mr. Coulson, the chie!, liat need, with the shifting and chattering con- course o! humnsarty around hlm, o! thse quartet o! aides, assistants and lieutenants about him in the persons o! Geo. Jamieson, Lyall Moore, Ormn Parker and Bill Coulson. If Joe's voice faltereti a lîttle, George took Up the strain; they all helpeti anti f ive pairs o! eyes were better than one anti five pairs of ears were bet- ter than anc in tietecting the winks or gestures or audible bitis o! po- tential buyers. Antique dealers were present from Port Hope and Oshiawa and being connoisseurs in their line, grabbcd Up most o! the walniut anti several other fine olti articles. As for more modern furnishings the sale provitieti a splendid opportunity for present anti prospective young couples to atit a little to, their own equipment for kitchen, pantry, hall, dining room, bedmoom, cellar, attie. at reasonable prices. To withstand the rigors o! the coming winter, eat Cream of Barley. CONCERNING THE OUNCE 0F PREVENTION You May need glasses y-# ..e unaware of that need. OnlY a thorougli examination will dis- close the true condition. But such an examination would be eye insurance that would enable you to properly conserve your vision for years to corne. May we serve you and your eyes ? G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST ,Office over Flood's Store Port Hope s Phone Number 248 Office Hours: 9.20 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. WEDNESDAY each weck Toronto OfRrie-: 2143 Danfortli Ave. THANK YQU I Havîng salti my Reti anti Wite Oracery Store Vo Mm. R. D. Sherwin o! Balsam, I wisl Vo take thls oppor- tunity a! ihanking ail my cusiomers for their patronage tiuring îleuie I have been in business andtiaV be- speak for Mm. Sherwin a share o! yaur patronage in île future. NO0T 1C E Ahl accounts stili owing Vo me previaus ta tIc change o! ownership must be paiti immediately. I would ap- preciate île co-operation o! ail those wisa have accounts due me if they woulti arrange ta seutle them af, a,.ice. As this matter must be setileti ai once iV is lape i tat no accounts will have ta be put in other hancis f -r collection. Sincerely yours, PhoUV.9 BomNvieI WeDelve "Quality Aways Higiser Than Price" izi i We Deliver Phone 599 1 - i Bowmanville

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