AGE TWO TE.5 UAL'<RLJLfT ASMN . .LÂ J 3 W. - -, --V Business DirectoryI LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL.D. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, BowmanviUle. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE k3arrister, Solicitor, Notary Sc,:citor for Bank of Montreal IonLy to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontaro. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanvflle - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office, DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmanvflle. Office liours 9 a. M, to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS TIIEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLE'Y Honor graduate of Toronto CollegE of Chiropracties wll be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday. Thursda: and Saturday evenings. Phone 141J1 Residential calls made durlng fort- faon. ACCOUNTANT R. M.COTTON Audting - Accountlng Books writtefl Up daily. weekly or monthlly. Monthly and annual statement an( Income Tax Returns prepared. P. O. Drawer E. Phonles 611 & 32 INSURANCE Fire Lif, C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSIJRANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Thço. M. Siemon Auctioneer Parm and House Sales a Specilty Terms moderate. Enniskillefl P. 0 Phone 383r3. 1-ti TE ACKSON Licensed Auctioneer For Durham, Ontario, Victoria and Feterboro Counties I specialize in Pure Bred Live Stock Qýeneral Farm Stock and Imnple- ments and Furniture Sales. Sales conducted anywhere - NonE too large or too small - Termns moderate. Phone or write Port Perry 38, for dates. 35-26t' FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phones 10 or 34, Assistants, 59 o39,BOWMANVILLE LOOK AT THE BRÏGHTER SIDE per cent to farmners. making provis- 0F THE PICTURE ion for safeguarding the small and needy investor. A very practical and conînon 4. Immiediate and substantial re- sense editorial in the form of an ad- titction in the cost of Goverient. vertisement appeared ini the news- 1 5. Approval of the suggestion papers recently' on that mnuch dis- that somte 0f the fonds for unema- cussed subject of business depres- ployrnent relief be expended for ex- sien which we consider worthy of tension cf rtural Hydro-Eleetrie lines. reproduction for the thoughtful 6. Finaliy. a challenge te the rur- consideration and actioni of our ai people of Ontario te organize readers. thoroughly. se tlsat bs' cireful and While thousands of Canadians intelligent stuciy anti unîteti action are eut 0f enîployment-anti maîsy thes' may achieve what is necessary. businesses are at a stantistili and Governments are courageotisly RURAL-URBAN FELLOWSHIP planning to osake work to relieve coming winters tistress-there is Last Friday aftemnoon several another-and brighter-sitie o! the hundreti chiltiren from the rural picture. The problens is being sehools of Darlington Township were tackled-somebotiy is 'doing some- entertained by tise Bewmanviile Ro- thing about it." Better times are tary Club at the Royal Theatre. To nearer than j ust -around- the -Corner the young guests this was one o! the -they are in sight! biggest events of the year anti since For every one person who is un- Inspecter Snider announced that the employed-there are scores who project had his blessing the pupils have jobs-pay envelopes-salaries had been eagerly awaiting the day. - incomes - stipends - dividends. It was net however the treat of see- Saving- deposits in Canada are ing a delightful picture as 'Skippy' J greater by $40,000,000 than a year or the ice cream coîses that followed. ago. Canadian Firmns in Sep- that is the subject of this editorial. tember paid eut over $15,000,000 in It is the spirit that prompted this Dividends. And even though many aet of rural-urban f ellowship that firmns are net piling up the profits is s0 worthy of mention. By this ac-_ of 1928-9, thousands of factories are tien the country children leamn that working. Stores are buying-rail- there is ne essential difference be- ways are hauling-places of amuse- tween the resident of the town and Lment are thronged-raios shoot thse resielt of the farming country. f romn every heuse.1 They learn tee, that while thse town Somebody has money-somebotiy bas te offler the many modern lux- is spending. unies of lu e it has te subsist on thse * The fact is. if commodities are products o! the soil tilied by the bought, someene must receive wages parents of the rural schoel chilti. fer making them. . . . someone thus They see the necessity of ce-eper- bas money te spend-has mones' te ation between tIse dwellers o! coun- boy things. When commodities are try anîd town. anti thes' lose that ýe bought. someone must make themn- feeling of distance which bas in late l- someone must receive wages . ears crept betvee:î the to-«n andi y, r well, there we are, right ins the cir- country resitient. dle again). As they grow eider tises wili re- The two boss 'Bs of Boying anti alize more readils' that the tewn - Business must be twins! people are net eut te get the farni- Did s'eu ever stop te figure eut ers produets at the bowest possible the wages you create when s'eu buy price but are willing that the farm- a piece of uphoîstereti funiture ifor er receive a fair price, comnur- instance>. Whoe cuts the lumber- ate with the work applieti anti the whe niakes the glue-the springs- profit that shoulti accrue for bis- the fabris-the moss-the fibre- produet. In return the country' the fet-the ctton and silk mater- dweller realizes tee that the town ials. Men anti women! Who carts nearest them is the best place to id ail these te the factory-whe makes purchase their neetis and the two the motor trucks-the truck's tires communities' welfare are of neces- 2. -who supplies the gas-whe serves sity wrapped iin each other. The e ut the lubricants. Who prints the furthering of the rural-urban fel- catalogue-who photographs the lowship at an early age 'is worth- - chesterfield-who makes the paper while anti that is why apart from -ink-and who bintis it. Who selîs the vers' great pleasure the children .e the Furniture te the Retailer-types deriveti from the show at the Royal the order. Who makes the tiress the Theatre on Frîday they learneti9, typist's wages boy. Who selis the lesson that will be of use to thern machine she uses-ribbons-and re- ini later life. pairs. Who sorts the letter n the E Post Office--delivers it. 'Who seils IAPNS the furniture te you-vhr delivers IAPNS 'V it tWe'll be mentiening mter car In das's of fnancial depressien ih -tires again, if we tionît watch otît!)c s well te remember that happînesm Who makes the sales slip-pencil- does net depenti altogether, nom anti tags-the st ring-paper--c rates. chiefîs', upon possessions of wealth. - Whso pays rent-emplos's windew Happîîsess is a state of the einti dressers and wndow cleaners. anti ail the influences that affect 1I t makes one dizzs' te think of ail if e contribute ta it. One who is Y. the people anti wages involveti in the strongis' socialistie f intis ne happi- D. purchase o! any commodits' . .. art- ness a part from c ompanionship. one tf ists anti artizans-manageis anti wio is piilosophical or meditative Imechanis-drivers anti drovers- f intis happiness when alene. Somu lerks anti clergymen. Multiply bs' fînt joy in nature, some in music ten thousanti transactions anti the some in sport. Probabîs' the high- total PUSH is staggering in its force. est happiness is founti in contribut- Sureis' those who are able-those ing te the happiness o! others, oi k, who possess the money-these whe as the olti saying has it, 'The wa: - have steady employment shoulti, te overcome unlsappiness is te Min- e RIGET NOW. get-out-of-the-bus, ister te the neetis of someone who i! and PUSH! more unhappy stîli." The vers' worsi So if s'eu neeti any Commotiity or thing one cao do is te envy thos( r Service-anti possess the menes' te who have wealth. O! ten the anx. t*purchase it-bus' NOW--anti PUSH! ities due te wealth are a cause oi -- extreme misers'. A CHALLENGE TO ONTARIO jMs' neighbor bas se many things. RURAL FOLK Whîle 1 have almest none at ail. A chllege a Otari rual olkRugs, chair~s, andt tables fit fr kings A chllege t Onari rurl folk She bas se many lifeless thinga. te erganize te try and solve the fun- Perhaps thats why she neyer sings tidamental causes of the depressien Anti neyer hears the thrush's cal] andtat relieve the pressure of econ- Ms' neighber bas s0ansany things. I <me conitionsswas the imeans o0f Sh hasno hv, iess t all i9 2 1 NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Successors te Alan M. Wiliams Klndness - Courtesy - Service Private Ambulance Phone: Office 58; Residence 523 or 58 REPAIRS ROBERT PAWSON BOOT AND SIIOE REPAIRER Boots sewn byi Goodyear welt systemn Neat job guaranteed. Third deer north on Silver Street Bowmanville. 38-5* DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunworthy Wall Paper at specia? prices. Qet your ortiers in earlY. Estimates given f ree. Geo. Pritchard phone 489 Om rStIan malOffice k bringing a representative group of0__ United Farmiers of Ontario officiers andl inembers to Toronto last week jUNIOR FAR.NER MIOVEMNENT for~ an emergeflcy îneetýý;g. The IS GROWING f ollowing program for imm.i-diate re- ief was agreed upon and is sobmnit- The junior farmer movemrent in ted to the farmn peuple of the pro- Ontario continues te grow in im- vince f or earnest consideration. portance as will be seen by the part Other than farmers might well delve thiese young Durhama farmers will be into the contents of these rcsolutions taking in the Boys' Training School for the sooner we ail realize that Fair on Friday. The work which the farmier must first be put on his the Departmeflt of Agriculture is feet before good times are here doing among the boys and girls of again the better for ail concerned, the province is a worthy one ai The recommiendations reaci: the money investeci in training the 1. The provision of unempley- young people wvho intend to spenti ment relief funtis by the consýip- i heir lîv-es on the far-m will pay' di- tion of surplus wealth through Spec-i videntis in the future. ial steeply graduateti incoine andi By (_ eatingi the youthful mndt inherîtance taxes, or even the iun- ani interest in ail things agricultural, mediate expropriation of srlstht- uriior fairming movement has wealth held by the few. îplayecl aii important part in instill- 2. Disappreval of the present 1119111far-mers< sons andi datighters policy of unemploynieft relief. be- l a love for- the landi that has been cause the wages offereti are greaterib e means of kveping maîmy youing than farmers can afford te pas' for people on the farmi who otherwise hireti help, and as a consequence w ould have deserted the land for will attract men from farm work in-I the cits'. te relief camp.j Si ore assumjng offce as Minister 3. An immediate reduction of in- of Agriculture, Hon. T. L. Kennedy terest charges to not more than 4 has taken quite a keen interest in >r is t- le 1, PA Th( Ai think happi tree f alîs; pluck EDITORIAL NOTES Le world is fuill0f wiliingpel. se willing te work-and those ,g to let them! pessimist is a man whe alwass ks that the w'orst is g oing te son-to others. who sleeps beîseatb the pbura must be cunteuit with whatj he who climbs the lacider ks tihe ehoicest fruit. Bowmanvllle Btm'hscss MciVs As- sociation when organi::et lat, March was severels' erîticîseti f rem ssse i cuarters for its actions iiimJO.ii5 tIse selling ef tcke's. .e:; dîna- tiens andi solciiis advertismng for programs anti catalogues 'in theI stores anti offices of its imembers.j Such action bas been the mcar.s of eliminating an almeat tiails' nenacee aleng our main street, anti yet the business men witheut solicitation have continuedti t give genier-.uslyI anti with commendable loyal sup- port to all worthy local causes andt institutions.-- LET'S ALL START PAYING UP By Walt Mason The f irst o! tise month arrives as sch,ýduled by the almanar. andt tisis. to save the accmmt .cI tue Up the street andt baclc Ecat ed by the village banti. I climb ai) Main Streets aspîsaît hilîs. antid mu my cheque book in niîs' lu1ant i :a F OR ECONOMY FUEL BUSINESS -PROPOSITIONS your Farm and your Bank TOAthe up-to-date farmer considers his farin as much a business proposition as the manufacturer aoes his factory. The bank likewise is a business organization-its principal funtion is the uying and selling of credit. It buys credit froil s depositors. To these people it owes its existence, and te them it owes its first duty -the protection of their savings. The hank's further duty is te those of its customers to whom it seils credit. The Bank of Montreal is always glad to receive, from the fariner and the business man, applications for loans. It welcomes these applications as a matter of every day business. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Bowmanvilie Branch: F. O. Mcllveen, Manager. 1 OA1SST NECES0 70,OO 1 1- tne movement. In aiatidress at up ali i în onthis bill. Peterbore recentîs' Col. Kennedy It's goodt t sec zhe Druggist's facej saîd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,le thtegt-fv1e et fte airive -,:-th cheque onî talp; saidtha eihtyfiv pe cet o th i tsgood tu sec tlae glai aîiiles chase îm f h ie:utî.t fwbc I Lhemselves ar is is baýgard map. is the head. is tpent edlîca',:-Ig Andt frm iithie b-ctch.~ furrowed theboy an gils n te farm ad brow tlie shacies of trouble fiee theboy an grlson away, - vhen 1 would pay hinm for seventy-five per cent otf its n~ieythie cow I bought ini fragments. day on paying for educat:on 0of the jun- by day. The weary baker. too. ior famr.seen.s quîte gay and i eaves noc more farmers. is heartsick sighs. svhen 1 invade -We are,' hie said. bnln all bis inart cid say. -Ii las you fori our energies to train t imcse junior th-ose concret,, pies." Oh. many farmers. We are not only trying te 1books have tDli Ous how',tg make giv thm siattrig o knvIediethe vçorld a b ter, specd give~~~~~~ thmasatrn fkoldethe Otmi-nt>it pio-x. and 1ight Up but also to instil in themi a lOve Of every mourning face. farming. \Ve want te teath tiim a Andi doubtless ahi suc', schemes love andi admiration for farming are fine. ,încm olvn . tmuch and tell them that beeause thes' are rssbuI ntni hs sclieme of mine wvil ail lise other s hcse sur- firmers they are it outcasts, but pass. 1 inight in-.acie the isecchant's working at a job d. serine fuil lion- store andisa,; a lot of funos' things. or and the highest respect." and ihe wo: 'i-Dne as a borie, andi It souli beponed et t:.t throw a lot )f b' uks andi things. It souldbe o'ntd OL th', :-!:s lbeart ,. I ek 0. h gr,evc ci s voes. large ineasure cf the succss of the bis tradc- :5ssck. 'ios neediîsu cash: junior fariner movemrni is due te ani sunahýiie ' cd a9lnispois like the splendid work cf the Durbain those appeai- taIisin as tawdmy trash. But when I say -Bs heek. ý'toce County Agricultural Flepresentative. your bill-l'il pPm-ýit :ili' e A. E. Sunîmers. who bas. pid par- promptly falîs îipon my :seck. anti tieular attentions to conthing thse plants a kiss tîpn my brow. What budding farmers anditesre a a man. great deal of credit for wbat bas been acconîplisheti. One feature of the work bas been the sehool fairs which are held throughout tCetn ty anti in which there is general i- terest. THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst. 1931 mý" 1:t()WMANVIIýLE. USE TREATED » TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $750,000,000 « IPocahontas Coal IT IS DUSTLESS AND COSTS LESS For Furnace and Range IN STOVE SIZE -VERY LITTLE ASH Try a ton of this coal and you'll be back for more. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Depot Bowmanville - - - - - - . ýý L a AOU JMur% Lffl -Emm-