wi. :3 k?~ ~ l= CANADIAl! STATESMAN, BOWMAN4VLLE, TURSDAY. OCTOBER lst. 1931 PAGE TEREN BY-LAW NO. 1244 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN A By-Law of the Corporation of O OMNIL the Town of Bowmanville to provîde By-Law Number 1245 for the submîission of certain By- Laws for the assent of the qualified A BY-Law to provide for electors of the Town of Bowýmanv-ille. borrowmng $71000 upon de- and to appoint a day on which to benture to purchase theI take a vote thereon, and to niame electrical distribution sys- the places where the votes are to be tern and business known as tdken, and to appoint Depuýt Re- 'The Bowmnanvjlle Electric turning Officers to take thevoea System" and to authorize a every such place. certain agreement for the purchase 0f the said elect- WHEREAS the Municipal Council rical distribution system of the Corporation of the Town of an buies Bowmanville deem it advisable to an buies submit to the vote of the electors of WHEREAS the Corporation of the the Corporation qualified to vote on Town of Bowmianville in the Countyî înoney by-laws, a proposed by-law of Durhiam desires to purchase the which is entitled "A By-Law to au- electrcial distribution systern in the thorîze the purchase of the electrical said Town off Bowmianville, in the distribution systemn in the Town of said County of Durham, and also Bowmanville. and to provide for the the business of the distribution of t borrowing of the sui off Seventy electricity in connection therewith,E One Thousand Dollars ($71,000.00) (herein referred to as "The Bow- for that purpose"; manville Electric Systen"> oni thes AND WHEREAS The Municipal ternis and conditions set forth in aa Counicil of the Corporation of the certain Proposed agreement between r said Town of llowmanville deem it the said Hydro-Electric Power Com-1 advsabe t s bmi to th voe 0 Imission of Ontario and the Corpor- a the ealetors f the orporationtquai- ation, a copy 0f which proposed 1 thied ltosvotete ron raoey oynLwsa agreement is hereto annexed andt question as to whether the s i ee -J1 a k d s " xSbt 1 tors are in favor of securing a sup- AND WHEREAS for the purpose f ply of electrical power or energy of purchasmng the said "B3cwmnanvillea froin the Hydro Electric Power Coin- Electric Systein" it is necessary ton mission of Ontario. borrow the sum 0of Seventy One f AND WHEREAS the Municipal Thousand Dollars on th-e credit ofe Councîl of the Corporation off the the Corporation at large and to is-0 saîd Town off BowmanviUle deem it sue debentures therefor, bearing in-, advisable to submint to the vote off terest at the rate of four and three-a the electors off the Corporation off quarters per cent per annuin, whicha the Town off Bowmanville,la question 's the amount of the debt intendeda as to whether the said eectors are to be created by this By-law; E in favor of entrusting the control, administration and management off AND WHEREAS the amount of the electrical distribution systeinin the whole rateable property of the s the Town of Bowmanville to a coin- Municipality, according to the iastE mission to be known as "The Publice eie aasiet oli $.6.6 Utilities Commission of the Town of AND WHEREAS thce amount of tc Bowmanville." the exsting debenture debt of Lthe 0 NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation texclusive off local im- i evuncil of the Town of Bowmanville PrOvement debts secured by special et enacts as ffollows:- rates or assessinents> is $326,387.12 and no part 0f the Principal oýr ini- h 1. There shail be submitted to terest is in arrears. se the electors of the Corporation, of quialified to vote on money By-Laws, NOW THEREFORE the Munici- le tne proposed By-Law cntîtled "A pal Counicil 0f Lthe Corporation of wv By-Law to authorize the purchase off the Town of Bowmanville ENACTS ti the Electrical Distribution System in AS FOLLOWS: ai the Town of Bowmanville, and toCrar provide for the borrowing off the 1. That the purchase by the Co- sui off Seventy One Thousand Dol- poration of the Town Off Bowman- ta lars ý$7l,O00.0U> for that purpose," ville off the said electrical dstrîbu- M a copy of whch proposed By-Law is tio systeni and business icnown as.- hereto attached and înarked as Ex- h-ie Bowmanville Electric System M hibi "A an foms prt herof. on tie terhns and conhidtionis setfi hîbt A and lur a p rt her of. f ortii in the saîd proposed agree- TI 2. That the following questions ment is hereby authorized. by be submiitted ta the electoîrs of mte Ciîporation qualified to vote on, 2. That the Mayor and Clerk 0f er moiuey by-laws, that is to, say: Are the Corporation ai tie Town of PF you in favor off securing a supply of 1Bovnianviile are hereby autliorîzed, v.( electrîcal power or energy from The empoiveî'ed and required to execute t Hydro Electrical Power Commission the said agreement on behalf 0fLthe t of Ontario?, saîd Corporationî and the Clerk is 3, Tat he ollwingquetio behereby autliorized and requîred to i 3. ha th fllo in qu ston e attach the Corporate Seal to thce subînîtted to the electors off the Cor- said agreemnent.a poration, tiîat is to say: Are you in n.m lavor off entrustmng the control, ad- 3. Ail necessary by-laws, acts, muiistration and management of matters and things necessary for the the Electrical Distribution System in Performance off the said agreement Wh the Town of BowmanviJ.le to% Coin- on thce part 0f the saîd Corporation mission to be known as "The Public are hereby authorized. Utilities Commission of Lthe Town of Bowmnanville"? 4. That for the purpose afore- L 4. Tiat the ote 0f he aid said there shall be borrowed on the 4. Tat he otesof he aidcredit of Lthe Corporation at large Electors shaU be taken on the said thce sum 0of Seventy One Thousand Question at the ffollowing Limes and Dollars and debentures shahl be is- places and by the Deputy Returning sued therefor in denomnatios of e Officer and Poli Clerks, hereinafter n tls t aS.0.0 ec, ern na-ned, that is to say: The voting uo esta 100 ah ern sha ta e p ace on atu day th ti te iest a u Lth e rate off four and- W.t 3îst da ay Oct ober, 1931, f rom 9 nree-quaiters per cent per annum, me 31s da ofOctber 191, roi 9semni-annually, and havmng coupons wi a. m. in thce forenoon until 5 p. m. attaciieat hereto for Lthe payment of Ru in the afftei-noon.Li nest1 '"Polling Sub-Divisions 1 and tici 2 West Ward at the Councîl Room in 5. The debentures shail all be thE the Municipal Buildiîng, and ',v e s. oated as off the First day of Janu- w& Percy shaîl be Deputy Returning Of- ary. 1932, and shall be payable in bu' ficer and T. Hamiltan shahl be r'all Lwenty annuai instalîments on tie ing Clerk. lst day of July and January in each hli --B" Polling Sub-Divisions 1 and af the year 1932 to 1952 inclusive, We 2 North Ward. at the Puirp House aiid the respective amounts of prîni- a1 on the North side of Church Street cipal and interest payable in each T. and between Temperance and Divis- ai such years shahl be as set forth !1e ion Streets, and F. Pattinson shall in Schedule -C" hereto annexed. to be Deputy Itetui-ning Oflicer and 6 h eetr st oh30t Robt. West shall be POli Clerk. 6 h e etr s t oh in "C" olli g S b-Diisi ns 1 and principal and interest shall be pay- "C" Poling Ub-Dii Scon 1 oon able iin lawfui mioney 0f Canada at o 2 South Ward in the Public Sho the principal office of thce Bank of ML, on Victoria Street between Ontario Montreal iii the City of Toronto or pli and Duke Streets, and H. Westaway at the Office off the Municipal Treas-He shail bc DePuty Returning Officer urer in the Town0f Bowmanville atNi and A C. Fewster shaîl be POli Clerk. holder's option. Ni. 5. A True copy of this By-Law eri shahl be published in The Statesman 7. The Mayor of Lthe Corporation D newspaper as follows: October Ist, shall sign and issue the debentures OUh 8th, and l5th, 1931. and the saine shaîl also be signed by san thce Treasurer of the Corporation, ied 6. On the 30th day of October at and the debentures shall be seaied reci his office in the Council Chamber on with the seal 0f the Corporation. 0f% lemperance Street, in thce Town Of The coupons shahl be signed by the of1 Bowmanville, at i1 o'ciock in the Treasurer and his signature thereto au forenoon, the Mayor will in writîîîg may be wrîtten, stamped, litho- seri signed by hlm. appoint two Persans graphed or engraved. the to attend the final summing up off gri Lthe votes by the clerk of this Cor- 8. During twenty years, the cur- grci poration, and one person to attend rency off the debentures, the respect- veîi each polling place on behalf of the ive sums specified in column 2 of persons interested in and desirous 0f Schedule "B" hereto, shahl be raised the answering of LIce said question annuaily for the payment of Lthe A.PI in the affirmative, and a like nuin- debt and LIce ipiterest thereon and ber on behaîf of the persons inter- shall be payable out of the revenues estee in and desirous tcf answering 1Off the said Bowinanville Electric t h e a d q u s i n i n e l -c e a i e . S s e - 1a t- d d c t n o t a i p w e yea s. y- aw a. 24 w h ch passed its anct The yearly installment af both f irst and second readlng at a meet- now principal and interest in each and lng af the Counchl of Lthe Corpora- every year amountlng ta $5,577.08. Lion of the Town af Bawmanville YearlY instailments on debenture held on the 28Lh day of September, m' debtt) be pald froin revenue of Elec- 1931. spen trie U>ystem. John Lyle, Cierk. Mrs SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY HELD AT TRINITY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY Rev. E. F. Armstrong Preaches Ef- fective Sermon on "Bread"ý- Peterboro Choir at Evenmng Service Trinîty Sunday ScIcool observed Rally Day at thce moi'ning service on Sunday when the school and con- gregatian held a jaint service. The hYmnis used were thce ones chosen by the O. R. E. C. committee and the regular choir and organist led in Lthe singing of themn. Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, pastor, Dr. J. C. Devîtt, sup- erintendent and Mr. W. R. Strike, assistant, presided and led in thce varlous opening exercises. Miss Ada Clark sang a solo very sweetly and the Prîmiary and Junior Classes each sang a selection. Pastor Armistrong chose as hIs subject, "Bread" and had on dîsplay as an object lesson four boaves off nicely cooiced bread. Four boys-- Williamn James, Bert Johnston, Don- aldMasn ad Geo. Morris assisted hlmn by cutting the loaves, finding ini thein a bail, mouth organ, oe and bookc offProverbs Mr. Arm- strong based his remarks on thce four sYmbols--play inusic, money and the bible, as LIce four sources off flOurishnient needed and received from bread to produce a weil-round- ed 111e. lI his introduction lie sPoke of the use off bread and tlie different ways off balclng it througIcout the ages. The address was quite inter- estiflg and enjoyed by old and Young alike. The offering for the Rally Day work was over $60. In the evening Rev. Mr. Arm- strong tooic for his subject, "Life's Detours"- showing the purp'ose and resuits off Oach being ways off safety and discovery and strongîy urged ail to take Lthe King's HîgliWay for 11f e On which are no detours, but which if travelle<j will lead Lo safety and eternal 111e. The congregati1i was pleased to have as Lheir leaders in thcemuica ervie, noxUrnited Church Choir Of Peterbor.0 with their organist and leader, Mr. Wm. Potter. The choir was about 25 mnembers strong and1 they sang with much acceptance two .nthemis "Oh Worshîp Lthe Ilg nd'ow the Day is Over,"I Mr. H. adord and Miss Margaret Hill taking the solos in thce antheis. fr. Chas. Clark sang splendidlyi OpeÇ the Gates off the Temple.",j fi'. Alex. Rbertson rendered a very fie violin solo, "Nearer MY God to 1 'hee," accompanied on the organ 5y Mr. Potter. The tuo latter rend- Ired a fine ifltroductory programn Previous to tIce opening Off the ser- vice. The ladies served refreshneuts to 'e visitors in the school roon at1 :e close off the service and a social me was enjoyed. Trinity Choir and leader enjoyed 1tnip to Peterboro and furnishedi iUsic for Knox congregati0n. &OINEN'S INSTITUTE TO AID SCHOOL CHILDREN 0F HALIBURTON SECTION jocal Branch 'V'U Visit Victorian Institute on Wednesday Next Btcwianville Women's Institute ild an uîiteresting mieeting -in the O. E. Hall on Fnîday alternoon, îth thce president, Mrs. F. C. Col- er, in the chair. Meeting opened ;iLl comniunîuy singng led by Mrs. tuby Danieis au Lthe Piano. Business consisted off an invita- 'n frorn Victorian Brandi ttc visfl l.em on Wednesday, Oct. 8th, whlch 7s accepted; request f rom Hiali- irton for school children's cloth- g, ages 5 ttc 15; anyone who can elp leave articles at Mrs. Ctclmer's, eingtoyn St, as early as possible; kxnly otewas read f rom Mrs. C. Jewell, a shut-in member; ýstleton Brandi are to be invited )visit Bowmalîville Friday, Oct. tIc; Provincial Convention meets 1Toronto Nov. 24-26. Mrs. Alex. Colvilie sang "I hear :u calling me," accompanied by iss Evelyn Oke; Roll caîl on seeds, lnts, etc., was conducted by Mrs. ewston, after which Mrs. A. L. ichoîls gave a very Interesting pap- Son the "Early History off East mmhm" which we publish in an- ,er issue; Mrs. D. J. Chambers lg«Come Sing ttc Me," accompan- I by Mrs. Danieis; Mrs. W. Hall cited "The Old Scrap Book", ail which was mucli enjoyed. A sale plants, seeds, etc., was conducted Lthe close, and refreshinents were ved by Mrs. Chas. Mutti>n's group, lformer presiding during the pro- 'arn. Next meeting in charge of 'up 5, Mms. A. W. Pickard. con- 1er. PPLE GROWERS OBTAIN SPECIAL LEGISLATION FOR HAITED APPLES ;have suffered a very heavy f in- lal IOSS. The halled apples are wbelng marketed at a fuir price. MusaMlldred Lawrle, Toronto, mt thce Weekend with her mother, a..J.. Lawrie. UNDERWVEAR F ocr thge WAh oIe -F ameitIly 'I .59 per pair..........' short sieeves, sizes, pair......... each.............. B o y s' Merino Combinations, sizes 24 to 32, per pair ................4 c Boys' fleeced lined Combinat. tions, sizes 22 to 32,Y8 per pair ................98 Boys' Wooitex Combinations, 24 to 34 ,9 Ct 12 pair.... Men's Merino imported Coin- binations, 34 to 44Y 9 per pair ................79 Men's fleeced lined Combina- tions, ail sizes, d 2 per pair ...............$12 Men's fleeced lined Vests and Drawers, Penman's best grade, ail sizes,7 9 per garment .............79 Men's Penman's Merino Coin- binations, ail sizes, Men's Penman's Merino Vesta and Drawers,88 per garment ............8 c Men's white winter weight Com- binations, al5 sizes ................... $1.5 Men's al wool Vests and Draw- ers, a l d ' sizes ................... $1.3 Men"s al wool heavy rib Pen- man's Combinations, $ al sizes, pr ............ .29 Girls' heavy feeced Bloomers, ail pir..................... 39c Girls' Wooltex Vests and Draw- ers, priced according to size. Girls' Wooltex Combinations, warm, 1d < al sizes,..79C Lo $1.29J Women's York knit Vests, al per garment............... 49c Women's Silk Stripe Vests, no0 sleeves and short7 sleeves, al sizes .........79 Women's heavy fleeced Bloom- ers, al colors and59 New Fal We want you to know that our new Fail Coats represent the finest garments that can be purchased anywhere-at the lowest possible prices obtained any place-Trimmed with a lav- ish supply of rich f urs; styles copied from the world centres of fash ion; mater ials that are the acme of imported fabrics from the world's finett looms - is the reason why you should choose your coat from Nelson's - also our prices are lower. Note the following prices: Children's Broadcloth Cuats, fur trimmed, 6 to 14 years ..$9.75 Ladies' Chunga Coats, $19.50 value ..........................$14.95 Ladies' Broadclath Coats, $22.50 value ..................$16.95 Ladies' Chunga Coats, $25.00 value ................$.......... 19.50 Ladies Chunga Coats, $35.00 value ......................$24.95 Dresses TImat Would Look Ador5A dble rbep eD r sesiikJ ers e yits ,two-p ie e ef-W o oiD ress es ss n ip edOt O ttnai- th a lee es weet es ,in i th en e es stle sa ani eabriea a llystl s y cr t i o n s . . . . . . .$.. .9 5.$. . . . . . . s m a r t a n mr t r e.. ... .. . $ . 5 $1 0FatC trep e press es e,aSiik J e erse yWo olJ ersse y 3S-lk Wol a & d Ail W ond olJ ero ver- l y r anggeoffne $4 98 p i c e S its , ve iy n e-.5s0syyD res s ses,n i n5 a r k sty esan co or ......$ 4 9 8 blev b al co ....lor5 c lsad sis . ...Wo ...m en9 's eslarge sizeD ress ses t,to T wa ed Dreeds rsee si, ik& Wol M ixtu retw ed Ts uit hs t t eout ladie s , pe ffe d ts, the$7.u' l arve ry p pun g. - 12,5 0for50 fof .......... .95 hegh o fs hin ....t$.9 lstyles .......... 7 5 NEsNELSO....... R a Women's medium w e igh t Bloomers, al colos- and sizes, pair ........ 5 Ladies' Non-Run Vests, Bloom- ers, Step-ins, al sizes, pair ...............49c Women's Non-Run Silk Slips, al colors > and sizes ...............8 C Women's heavier Non-Run SiIk Slips, al sizes $ 1 2 and colors ..........$12 Women's Flannelette ILNighties, 1 PAGE TEIM Coats m 1 FOR BIGGER AND BErMR BARGAINS WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT