- .TFfl~?1~ 1'~ p I I I - Walker's OFFer More Good News For TkriFty Women EXCELLENT YARNS of Reliable Quality - Very Low Priced Scotch 4-ply FIngering Yarn Now Priced Very Low A bright finish Scotch 4-piy Fn- gering Yarn, f ull weght, soit long staple yarn, suitable for ail general purposes. Put up in U~ -pound skeins, in clors of black, white, grey, buff, bro)wn heather, cardinal and brawn. Note the cuality of tins yarn and aur price. An unusual op- portunity, take advantage ofi t. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, per lb... , . . .. 98c Ail Purpose Wheeling Yarn, Fine for Socks, Mitts, Etc. A splendid all purpose Wheeling Yarn, in both 2 and 3 piy; made f rom long, strong, staple wooi, in clars of white, black, liglit grey, mid grey, grey and white mix, scar- let, buff and heather. Particularly goad yarn for socks, mitts, etc. à-b. skeins. Came eariy for tis! DURING THREE BIG 5 DAYS, per lb.,175 Intraducing 'DIADEM" Spo)rts Waol-Remember this name for fut- ure purchases. A satisfactary knit- ting wool for aIl kinds af sparts wear -sweaters, babies' wear, scarves, etc. One-ounce f ull weight. 16 af the seaso)n's wanted colors including black and white. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, 9 per ball 9 OR 3 BALLS FOR 25e NIGHT GOWNS 79c Wamen's Niglit Gowns made af good weight white flannelette; in pullaver, short sleeve and V-neck styles; the higli neck styles with long sleeves; trimmed with contrast- ing colors and fine tucking; womens regular and larger sizes; a usual $1.00 value. DURING 3 9 BIG DAYS, each79 FACE CLOTHS At about Hall Price Heavily napped, 12 x 12 inch Face Cloths; a large variety a! Jacquard patterns and combination calarings, colored stitclied edges. (Substand- ards). DURING THREE 25 BIG DAYS, 4 FOR25 LOTS 0F HEAT We'll Demonstrate fur Vou Electric Heater, 12-inch bowl con- cave reflector; 6-incli metal base; 12 metal %rire guards; rernavable Nichrome heating element, f uily in- sulated; fitted with cord attachment and two-piece plug. D UR IN G THREE BIG$19 DAYS, each $ 9 FLEECED WAISTS 33c Standard quatity, away below usual price. Pure white Waist for children 2 ta 9 years, fine knit ciotli fieeced back; reinforced witli stay-tape; buttoned front, buttons for bloomers. DUR- ING THREE BIG DAYS, each 33c A PURE WOOL TRAVEL RUG A pure wool Rug with heax ly frmnged ends, measures 58 x 72 inch- es. weighing about 31.1 pounds. Suitable for auto. bed caver, etc.; in several attractive plaid designs ini predominating co)lors of blue, fawn. green, grey and black, with colored mixtures. Corne early and take ad- vantage of this rare oppotunity. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, each$28 HERE ARE DURABLE COCQA DOOR MATS Dividcd in three lots for early shop- pers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings. A well-made Coco.a Mat, size 13 x 22 mnches, bound. on edgei,. A quai- ity usuaily sald at about 60c. Corne eariy fo3r these DURING39 THREE BIG DAYS. each 39 LINEN CLOTHS OnIy 98c Ste these! Pure Linen Crash Table Cloths, 52 x 67 inches wth multi-colared wide stripe borders, colors af green and goid with lighter tints in mauve and pink; hemmed ends; usual $1.35 value. DURING THREE 98 BIG DAYS, each98 FLEECED SLEEPERS 69c You wiUl want these soon, lay ina. witrssupply now at tbis worth- while saving. Fine knit plain caiored pink, blue or white clth with saf t f leeced lin- ing; buttoned at back; made wth drap seat; ail seamns outsewn; sizes for children f rom 1 to 6 years. Would be gaod value at 95c. DUR- ING THREE BIG DAYS, 69 per suit .. 9 CUSHION TOPS A Rare Value Metal embossed Velvet Cushion Tops, size 18 x 18 inches; f ive choice patterns, in clors of green. gald. blue. rose and brown; heavily em- bossed in floral and scroll designs; regular 75e value. DURING f, THREE BIG DAYS, each 49 1 ALL WOOL SOCKS 26c Set these! Theres no mistaking the extra value. Men's pure wool wide-ribbed work Socks in serviceable faîl and winter weight; grey and white random kmit mixture; white top, heel and toe; usually 35c. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, per pair26 OR 4 P.URS FOR SI.OO Poegsentin g the Newost MONG 'RlfIL FU-TRMME COAS, PECALL PRCE4 CURTAIN OPPORTUNITY 10c Per Yard You can curtain your windows eeonomically and attractively, too, wth this good quality material-See IL. Curtain Scrim, 32 inches wide, li either white or cream color, wlth fancy waven border; particularly suitable for bedraam, kitchen, etc. Usually sald at 15c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per yard .... ... . 0e ATTRACTIVE NECKWEAR 39c When Yeu se tihem you'il want them Men's four-in-hand Ties, wool lined, made f rom Swiss satin stripe barathea, aiso swivel patterns; an attractive range of color efiects; beautiful new materials made up li the regular $1.00 shapes. A manu- f acturer's sacrif ice of prof its gives you this saving. Quantity liited. DURINO THREE BIG 39 DAYS, each.- .... 39 LARGE WHITE BATH TOWELS, 69e Pair Note Your Saving Extra size-24 x 45 inches, heav- ily napped, very absorbent pure white Towel, hemmed ends wth col- ored striped borders of pink, blue, goid, mauve or green; would be ex- ceptionally good value at $1.00 per pair; secure a liberal suppiy. DUR- ING THREE BIG DAYS, 69 Per Pair.................69 GOOD BRACES just another opportuni t toave on mercbandise libat will give long service. Reliabie ixeavy service Police Braces, made of wide fancy strlped webbing, with cushion back; solid leather fittings throughout, with brass slides. An extra special value Brace, usuaily sold at 50c. DURLNG THREE BIG DAYS, per pair ...........33c SOAP VALUE SUPREME-5c Established beyeiî a doubt ln a clams by ltself at our price. "Waiker's Big Beauty"l Bath Soap -A calte of high quality, containing f ull four ounces. A ligbly satisfac- tory Soap for you to use. A con- tinuai friend-makter for us. Regular 10c cake. Always DURING 3 BIG DAYS, per cake ......-5 DOUBLE WOVEN FABRIC GLOVES 59c AUl perfect goods ! Simplex Double Woven Fabrie Gioves in the correct f ail and wmn- ter weight. A wonderful variety- pul-on, fancy-cuff, saddle stitched and two-dorne styles; colors of mode, beaver, toast, grey and sand; sizes 6 to 8; regular 98e qualities. DUR- ING THREE BIG 9 DAYS, per pair . ...... 9 OBITUARY Mns. W. Davldgt, Weston Tht deaili a! Mis. W. J. Davidgt occurrtd early Saturday. September 26tli. at lier home, "H-umbervitw," Weston. after a lingering ilness. Mis. Davidge, formerly Mary Jane (Mni)Lennox, was born in Tor- ottedaughter o! Mi. and Mis. David Lennox, and waa liersel.! a lxner i tht Bathurst-Harbord district o! Toronto, living there f rom tht time a! lier marriage until about 20 years aga, wlien ahe moved with lier family ta Weston. Mis. Davidge la survlved by lier huaband, Mr. W. J. Davidge, a for- mer Toronto cantractar; a daugli- ter, Miss Minnie Davidge, at home; f ive sapas, W. J. Davidge, Jr., of Tar- onto, Rev. E. Davidge. B.A., a! Card- ston, Alberta, D. J. Davidge o! Wes- ton, Oea. L. Davidge o! the Boys' Training Sehoal Staff, Bowmanville. Rev. P. I. Davidge, B.D., a! Southi River, Ont.; tliree sistera, Mrs. Mar- garet Smith af Hamilton, Mra. Ira Clarke o! Hannon, Miss E. Lennox a! Toronto; four broiliers, Win. Len- nax, Jas. Lennax and John Lennox. ail of Toronto, and David Lennax o! Alberta. Tht funeral service was heid on Tueaday, Sept. 29th, at 2.30 p. m. at lier laie residence i Weston. Mis. J. Whltfleld, Blackstock On Friday, September 4th, Mrs. J. WhitIieid, wife o! the late John Whitfieid, paased away at the home o!flier daugliter, Mrs. John English, at the age of 86 years. Deceased spent tht early part af her marrled life on a f aimli Cart- wight, moving f rom titre ta Poil Ferry where she and hier husban still continued farmlng. Some time later tiey moved ta tht West where they again took Up farming at Swan River. There Mr. Wht!ield ditc and Mis. Whltfield ieturned to Poil Perry wliere ahe kept store until shej bearers were Oea. and John Proutt.1 til the time she left lher humire there. made in Graveside Cernetery. century ago carried on a blacksmith Belleville H-ospital caused much re- came talv ih irdulter in Wm. Beacack. Jas. Foîder. L. Lan-i A brother and sister o! Mrs. Hay Deceased is survived by hier hus- business on Mill Street, north ward, gret in the entire community o! Or- Cartwriglit. The deceased was a 1f e jsn nd Jas. Broakes. survive lier: Mrs. PaulineWod band and severai sons and daugli- in the aid shop wihsilsad. ooaddsrc.I a ere long Anglican, aiways an interested She leaves ta mourn lier bs one cock af Brawn Hill, Ontario, wh i ers.-Whitby Gazette. Mr. John Marris, manager Orono that deoeased had not been in good and wiin elper in anyting per- s ister and one brother, Miss Kate 87 years af age. and William Sma-t Mrs. Rautiey is a daugliter af the Teleplione Ca. had a narrow escape heaith for somne time past owlng ta taîning ta hier church. and Mr. Harry, bath at home. One a! Jacksons Point,,who is 75 years late John Buckley. Orana. and ais- f rom electrocutiori on Monday. He injuries received a few years ago. Thefunraiseviceraviecen bothr nd wo1istrspreecesedai.eFuraauditrswre ivng:tero! rs (Rv.>R.A. elv, LnwasmakngPepirara hecomanyHerdaghtrserelipving:eai Sunday, September 6tli, conduced ler a few years ago. The respLc r.Odn saa r.Jh r.H .Geny ecsiMs n tMi and Princeas Street rive from the West te attend the by Dr. C. Whittaker, assisted by Rev. with wich the deceased was held Treble, Clarke Township; Mrs. Rd. Wood and Mrs. Harvey Curtis, crassing when he came in.contact funeral services whlch wili e held F. W. Neweii, B.A., B.D., and the re- waa evinced by' the large funeral at- Frank Symans, Bowmanville; and Orono. with a high tension wlre (4400 volts) in Park Street Churcli, their f orm- mains were laid ta reat in St.i h~ tendance and the floral tributes. Mrs. William Teble, Orillila. The His shoulder was quite severely er pastorate, Saturday, Sept. 26th; _____.lt Ms onta Tbe Kry waa burned. but Mr. Wallace Sterling, a son who Cemter. Ilsate Mrs. Jana hTeforbyonofORONO ta now li California, wlIl be unable Seleaves ta mourn lier bass two Mrs. George Harvey, Tyrone asoaaghe.Tefusns! At St. John's Churcli, Peterbort>, te reach here. Interment takes daughters and two sans, Mra. John telt r.Hyae er n on Friday, Sept. l8th, by Rev. A. T. place at Orono Cemetery. English, Burketon; Mrs. Frank Rod- On Thursday, Sept. 3rd, Mrs. Thomas, o! Kendal; Hugh, o!fQOli- (Prom The News, Sept. 24tli.) Weîr, Misa Rosa Helen Balson, dau- Youîng People's League meeting on gers, Whitby; Mr. Nelson Whitfield, George Harvey, who had been in awa; and George. o! Peterboro. Orono Pair Septemxber 29tli and gliter o! Rev. and Mrs. E. R. James, Monday evenlng was well attended. Part Perry; and Mr. Teasdaie Whit- failing health for some Uie, passed The funeral was held Friday ai - 30th. formeriy o! Newcastle and Orono, A short worship service was led by field, Burketon. Twa sans, Louis ta lier eternal reward. Mra. Harvey temoan f rom the residence o! lier Communion servIces at Orona and became the bride o! William Edward ttpeiet nldn opeo and John, predeceased lier some waa a daugliter o! the late 'William daugliter. Rev. Tliornby a! Cedar- Kirby churches on Sunday, Oct. 4tli. Maasey-Cooke, son o! the late Dr. thymna, poems by Mluissesaryoulend yeara aga. Reynalds, ane o! the early settlera dale United Churcli officiated. In Mra. Earl Hendrik and son Er~win, and Mrs. Massey o! London, Eng- ai odtlbyM.Srwn Tevrlagfueaateaneo! Darlingtan, and al lier 111e was terment was made at Bond Head Toronto, are vîsîting lier !rîend, Misa land. HzlWotl yM.Sewn Th eylrefnrlatnac pn nta ato uhmCu-Cemt ,Necsl.Laura Ain, vocal duet by Miss Evelyn Hobbs and lovely f lowera teatified ta the st i htpr !Dra Cu- eeey csl. Miss Bertlia Thampson, Newton- Pleased ta receive a caîl on Tues- and Dr. Kersiake, witli Mrs. R. H. love and esteem li which she wasty ville, is spending a few daya witli day f rom a former Bowmanville b,>y, Brown and Mr. Colin Taylor help- held. Pail bearers were John, Ted The f unerai services at the home Mrs. James Routîti, Brooklil lier cousin, Mrs. Roy. Mr. Ted Moses, now a resident o! ing in the chorus, and silent prayer and Nelson Marlaw, Isaac Whitfield, and grave were conducted by the Mrs. M. Brealin has rcturned f rom Kalamazoa. Midi. Ted waa a car- durlng whlch Misa Kathleen Stark John Larmer, and George McLaugli- Rv .M Watnnd were large- Toronto General Hospital with lier ve.i the boom days o! thet old Up- played very softiy. Tapie was taken lin a! Taronto. ly attended by relatives and f rienda Tragedy, thia time o! a more pro- infant son, Edward Jules. Per Canada Furniture Company at by Mr. Colin Taylor, Miss Elsie irom far and near. Many beautiful f ound character, lias for the second Mrs. John Penwarden, Newton- Bowmanivllle. Ris sister. Mrs. Bur- Rowe and Mr. Neli Ralney. Instru- floral offerings were piaced on lier time within a week, made sad tht ville, lias rented lier faim and wiîî ley, at present a resident o! Bow- mentais were given by Misa Edith Miss Crassie Deaton, Caesarea bier. home a! Mr. James Routley, well reside in Oshiawa, the home aoflier manville, accompanied hlm. Truli and Miss Enld Cobbledlck, and Le! t ta mioum n lier lG.. , o...des her knawn and higlily eteerned faim- daugliters. The announcement received early Dr. Kersiake favored us wti an ex- Death again entered aur midst 5oirrowiflg husband, are twa sisters, er o! Whitby Township, iust north M.A .Gmbwala enWdedymrlgo h et !cletvai oo i !wil a and on Tuesday. September 8tli, Mrs. J. Meltan, Seattle. Wash., Mis. of Whitroy. Wednesday evening, in poor healtli for some time past. Mrs. (Rev.) William Sterling at mucli appreciated. Miss Crissie Deacon passed peace- M. H. Andrus. Orono: and twa bro- Sept. i6th, Mi. Routley bastis was taken ta Bowmanvilie Hospital tf ully away at lier home "Caesarea theis. Mr. Jflo. Reyfloids, Wvr barns, outbuiidiflgs, seasaris cîlOP early this week for treatment for Court," Caesarea. Deceascd was a and Williami Reynolds a! Darlingt5n. and some cattie. with no insurance, leart trouble. daugliter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. ýnd Tuesday. Sept. 2211d, Iis wife, Misa M. Adams, Mis. C. G. Arro- David Deacan, and waa barin x 1867 Mis. Thos. îîoy Elizabeth Ann Buckley, passed away stranj n agtrs r.Jme li Cartwright wliere she spent lier ____sudd nly at tlic age a! 71 years. Herso and Miss Jo rmst rn. ate- whole Ilile. Deceaaed was in a matar Mrs. Char-lotte Hoy. wLlo oftht. eat vshsee .i believed. cd the Massey-Cookc-James wed- raccident over a year ago and ince late Thomas Hoy. afi IýendaI, wht aesthe result o! shack sustained as ding at St. John's Churcli, Peter- then lias suffered 111 healili. A f ew passed ta reat at the home a! lier si watclied the valuabie faim bo, Friday. imonths ago she underwent an OP- daughter, Mis. John Ogden, 92 buildingsa, crap and stock f ail a prey Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, pastor o! eration whicli revealed a disense o! Bruce Street, Oshiawa, on Wednea- tl iaeh flames. She got tmp and got Park Street Churcli l attending tlie a very serious nature and o! which day, willi be wideiy mourned. At breakfast, as usual, but shortly a!- dedication o! the new Emmanuel sht was a patient sufferer until tlie time o! lier deatli ale was 96 terwards callapsed wlien seized with College, Toronto, and the Alumni deatli brouglit a weicomne relie!. Miss cars a! age and tht mather and a lieart attack. Conference o! Victoria Emmanuel Deacan was a Ilife long member o! graxidmther o! a very large famlly The late Mrs. Routiey, with lier College this week; also the Unitcd St. John's Anglican Churci o! o! which there are tiglit sons and husband, had lived I tins district Churcli Misionary Congresa li Mas- whlch ahe was a falthful and con- daugliters, thirty grandchlldîen, and for many ycars. The Routley fam- sty Hall. ûe sistent member. She was alsa a six great grandehildien. ily had occupied their preaent farm Mrs. James Rautiey, daugliter o! RD member o! the Women's Auxiliary For the past four years tic late fat eleven years, and priai ta tiat the late John Buekley o! Orono. AV0 for a number o! years. She was o! Mis. Hoy lias made lier home inl time tliey lived in the Markiam and passed away at lier home In Whitby a quiet unassuming disposition. and Bawmanville witi hier dauglter; on Stoufiville district, and also for a township last week. Tht Routîcys fwith lier briglit little amîle and ly for the last month lias she been a time araund Brooklin. A fine neigli- rectntly suffeîed the ioss o! their -warmn hoapitable nature made for great care. Previaus to lier goîng borly woman, wha laved lier home. splendid faim buildings by flire. thersel! a large circle o! lovlng to Oshawa, sic had always îesided Mrs. Rautley's death is deeply re- Members o! tic Buckley !amily at-LIM IrE 1f riends. li Kendal. Rer liusband Predeceas- gretted, Alnd sympatiy for thteflam- tendtd tht funerai. d:oS. tin S.,M tea e Tht funerai service was lield at ed lier fi.!ty years ago. Outside o! lly is wldespread. Word was recelved litre the past - 90S.non tM niU liher home on Thursday, Sept. 10th, lier home and lier family. aie liad Tht f uneral toak place on Thurs- wetk o! tht deati at lier home i. SSfd 50 ffl Cie ed WvIJJCiS aconducted by lier rectar, Dr. C. E. nio great lnterests, althougli she was day a! ternooxi at 2.30 P. M., wth a Lindsay o! Mis. David Stevens, aM jWhlttaker, and tht remains laid ta a regular attendant at tht services service at tht home conducted by former resident o! Orono, daugliter TusO7C XPIM.8A9.IL 3" flOi. treat in Caesar's Cemetery. Pail- in tht Kendal United Church Up un- tht Salvation Army. Imterment was o! the late John Allin wio hlaa v PAGE VIVE i - j, **1 I I. ., ~1 :1 0. ýý ný_