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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1931, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATIUiq. EOWILAIqVflLE. THTTRAflAV nrnu~ .+s., ¶ o~i - - - ------ -, ~ *00& j., r TERMS TO SUIT ing Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono. LocalAgentspent the weekend i wth her mother, L4DcalAgentMr-s. Walter Foîey, andi brother, Mr. W. . HALISE-. W Foley Congratulations to W.oJ. 29 ALfor Base Line Schooî on winning 3rd Phon 290forplace in the rural school contest Iast Deinonstratlon Frlday evening, there being 7 schools __________________________in the contest. SALEM tives and friencsis n the neighb< ___hood_ . Mr. andi Mrs. Davis, ML Mr. Leslie Welch and Mr. Nelson Leslie Plunikett anci little daught( Wllkins attended the Junior Farm- Peterboro, visiteci Mrs. A. Wilkins( ers' banquet given at Genosha Hotel, Sunday. ..Mrs. Archie Noble, E Oshawa, by the Kiwanis Club on sex County, a former resident in th Tuesday evening... Mrs. Carswell, vicinity, in company with her sc Manitoba, was a Sunday visitor with anci wif e andi Mr. anci Mrs. Orvil Mrs. L. Richards. Sunday School Hencierson, Toronto, rnotoreci dom~ Rally took the place of the usual andc spent Sunday calling on frien( service on Sunday a! ternoon. The landc renewIng olci acquaintancesi program by the school was well ren- the neighborhooci. Glaci to see Mr dereci andi the principal acicress was Noble so hale anci hearty - M given by the pastor, Revr. A. M. anci Mrs. W. J. Cainn spent Suncia Wootton, but the attendance was flot with friencis in Oshawa. as large as we would like to see. Mr. Willie Cator motored over from Windsor anci spent the weekenci with BACSTO4CK bis parents anci on returning home - tooli theni as far as Toronto to vîsit On Sunday evening, Sept. 27t1 their daughte.: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Bowies Neweil. infant sono Welsh andi family visiteci in Newton- Rev. F. W. anci Mrs. Newell, wa ville on Sunday., Mr. Neil Stewart baptized by Chancellor Bowles.. anci sister, Kendal, attendeci the S. Mr. andi Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Bow S. Rally service andi were guests of manville, andi Mr. Merle Fergusoî Mr. anci Mrs. F. L. Squair. Other Toronto, visiteci Mr. andi Mrs. Ceci Sunclay guests at the Squair home Hill recently . Congratulations t( were Mr. and Mrs. Yeo andi Miss Mr. anci Mrs. George Bower on thi Mullon, Bowmanvifle, Mrs. M. Prout, arrivai of a baby girl, Misses Ret Toronto, Mis. Carswell, Manitoba. andi Janet Swain visited their aunt Mrs. Carswel also visiteci other rela- Mrs. Clarence Marlow . Mr. Aiber Rose, Toronto, spent the weeken( with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Galbraith . .Mr. Norton Vancamp, Elmira visiteci bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W a ni e orA. Vancamp. . Mr. ebHo5 was severely injureci when he feL Jasm i e forfrom the front of a wagon betweei the horses. The team ran away, At time of writing the extent of his 9 0 injuries are flot known. Mr. Ceci] ,HgHycie receiveci a severe shaking up Thanksgivwhen he feli from the Peak of Mr. Tha ks iv ng Fred Willan's barn, whlere hewa No odour so sweet as Jasmine . .. Mrs. R. Lansing, Toronto, speni Sunday with her parents, Mr. and no face powcier 50 celicate a.s. Mrs. George Hooey. Miss Demp- Jasmine . . . no package will sey spent Sunclay with Mrs. John grace your boucioir like Jasmine Forcler, Miss Laura Bailey spent ..then why flot make it a Jas- Sunday wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey Mr. and Mrs. mine season and just look at Patterson andi daughter, Mrs. John these Berry, visiteci the forxner's daugh- ter, Mis. H. A. Galbraith Mr. anci S P EC I L SMrs. Percy Philp, Nestleton, visiteci 50c Jasmine Perfuine nn Ferguson. Mrs. Leslie Lansing, $1 Jasmine Face Powder " Nestleton, visiteci Mrs. W. Crawford. 50e asmne CeamCongratulations to Mr. Byron $1c Jasmine Fream Q O 10 Hylanci on winning the Pontac sedi- $1 Jsmîn Fac Powerwan at Lind.say Fair, also to Mr. J. 35e asmie TacuroSmith andi Mr. Anson Taylor on 35e JasmieTauff 39C winning the first prize ($25,00) in horse-shoe pitching. 25c Jasmine Soap25 25e Jasmine Fer! ure 2cCOURTICE 50e Jasmine Fer urne $1.25 Jasmîne Body $1'2 Mrs. A. F. Runcile is spencling a Powder few clays in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webster ... Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, Misses Patty and Dora, Toronto, were weekend visitors at ffLb Mr. F. W. Runcile's Mr. and Mrs. lqit n fflKerr and son, Toronto, visited Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wolfraim on Sunclay 1IRev. J. H. anci Mrs. Stainton, Pick- ering, this week Mr. Keane, Tor- Jury oveil onto, was a weekencl visitor at the Parsonage andi Mrs. Keane anci Miss Whenwe esteye itIs oue Frances retumnet home with Mr. Whenwe esteye itIs one Keane aller spending two weeks Properly here. Mr. andi Mrs. Gus Oke anci family, Toronto, were guests of bis father anti mother, Mr. anti Mrs. _______________________Arthur Oke, Sunclay Miss Annie Allin anti her niece, Miss Elsie Allin, Bowmanvîlle, spent the weekenti at Reeve G. F. Anrîis'.. The -Sun- beams' Mission Bandi met on Friday S afternoon at No. 8 school for the first meeting after the holîdays. Big 2 Spe ials Master Raymond Barber presideci. Hatie nudenandtheWatch Towe healdsresonde asfollows: Misses Edith Essery, Ethel Wilkins. Real Leather Hand Bags Marie Salt, Doris Wilkins, June $1.O ad $.OOWalter anti Ethel Walter; Miss $1.00and 2.00Pauline Antill gave an interesting readîng; Master Alan Trevail playeti Key Rings, Change Puss the mouth organ andi was heartily encoreci; Mrs. Jackson gave a short License Holders, BjU Folds talk on the new stucly book, anti the 25c and up. meeting closecl with a hymn andi MizPah beniediction Among those who attendeti the Missionary Con- 32 Piece Sets gress ini Toronto last Thui'scay andI English Dinnerware Fîiday were Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, Messrs. Clar- $6.65 ence Penfounti andI W. R. Courtice. Suntiay momning our pastor, - Lending Library - Rev. H. C. Wofraim. gave a very New Fiction fine adcIiess on the life of Dr. Ka- gawa. In the evening the three ciel- 3c a day. egates, Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, gCPen- Agents for Langley's Dry ports of the cifferent sessions of the Congress. Mrs. G. F. Annis sang a Cleaning solo very sweetly at the evening ser- vice Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wil] be helci in the morning service. Je.W. JEWELL MAPLE RV Young Peoples League openeti on Big 2 Bookatore BGwmanvilIe Monclay evening, Sept. 28th. Offlc- ers electeci are; Hon. Pres.-Rev. H. C. Wolfraimn; Pres.-Johm Cator; --- Vice Pres.-wmn Lairci; Christian Feliowslsjp Convener-Ernest Twist; Missionary Convener-Dora Eames; Citizenship Convener-Iva Foîey; NO W a 7-tube Literary Conven'r-.Ruby Adswnrth- Horsts great nove- "FIVE AND TEN" With Leslie Howard, Richard Bennett, Irene Rich, Kent Doug- Iass. MON. - TUES. - OCT. 12 - 13 Aduits 35c, Children 15e Matince MondaY at 3 P. m. Aduits 25c, Children 10e Neyer befone such a wistful ro- mance! Girls shy bachelor anti wide eyeti waif. Love came to him onrecognizeci andtiato er frnm a lover unknown. You'Il laogb anti cny anti laugh again at "DADDY LONG LEGS" With Janet Gaynor, Warner Bax- ter and Una Merkel WED. - THURS. - OCT. 14 - 15 Aduits 35c, Ohfldren 15e Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. Adults 20c, Chlldren 10e Elissa Landi and Charles FarreUl in "BODY AND SOUL" Silverware Wed. and Thurs. nights of this week. stretch , including black and gunmetal, a r'eg. $1 9 value for ............79 Imported Socks 15 dozen Men's Imported English Worsted Sock.s, reg. 75e value 9 fori..................... 9 aniu io good w( qualitiei o-CADMUS PURPLE HILL HAYDON er, Service was conducteti Suntiay by Mr. and Mms. Gordon Henry andi Mrs. A. Grant, Mrs. F.1 onRev. Mr. Scott, Bethany .. A numn- f amuly are visiting bis parents, Mr. Miss Mabel Brown, Toro:i E-ber *froi this vicinity attendeti the anti Mis. Wm. Henry. .Mr..D. at Mr. A. McNeil's on Mc i singing competition at the Boys' Cherry, Oshawa, visiteti bis cousin, latter remaining for a vis le Traming School Friday night. Why Mr. Dave Cherry...Mn. anti Mrs. anti Mrs. Harry Johns, Ta are so many opposeti to the teach-Wmn. Henry spent Suntiay with Mr. iteti at Mr. J. Crossman's, cis ni f lmsi in schools after listen- anti Mrs. Lorne McKee, Messrs. Bradley anti Miss Rema Bi în t tewontierful program by the Lloyd andi Bill Byam, Millbrook, iteti at Mn. Wmn. Neil's, Or indifferoentschools Miss Mamie visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. J. B. Grahami. Mr. Harry Milîs anti Miss Er. Arhenti Miss Glatiys Cobbledick Our young people hati a weîner Puslinch, were Suntiayv spntth weekend at Mr. Norman roast on Frîday night anti ail spent Mr Theron Mountjoys ayEdgerton's anti attenieti Markham an enjoyable tume Mr. Wm. D- Vanstone, Mr. anti Mrs. %1 Fair on Saturtiay .Mr. John Bail- Arcy attentiet Millbrook anti OronoanissntMrJiM ingaîl anti Miss Helen Fowler spent Fairs. His team won several prizes. an on vsîttia t th J e Saturday evening in Bowmanvîlle Mr. anti Mrs. Wiîbun Vance anti msr.RihraniA Mr. anti Mrs. A. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Wm. Vance motoreti to Tor- 1r.'ani Mhrs. oran .V Hampton, visiteti at Mr. W. D. Fer- onto on Suntiay r. ss Mrsj.^QuetNor.aEdg h, gusons on Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Toms, Misses Ruby anti Jean, Toronto, anti Miss Ruby Ci of Alvin McGill anti sons. Mr. anti Mrs. motoneti to Port Hope on Sunday. te iîeia r .Ae as Everarti Sanderson anti family visit- tEdwariÏd tM.CAvr eti at Mr. A. E. McGul's on Sunday. Ewr Philps is spendirl V_ Mr. anti Mrs. Oscar McQuatie, ENNISKILLEN adysiss ba rs.r i, Mr. W. B. Ferguson, Mr. anti Mis abl ro il W. D. Ferguson motoreci to Mark- frientis in Newcastle on Tui 'oha onStrayatateetth W. M. S. anti Ladies' Aid wîîl holti Mr. anti Mrs. Austin Lai fa air r an Mrs. idneytMc a quilting in the basemnent of the babe. anti Miss Irene Gral ie fir Mr an Mrs SineyMc-church on Wetinesday, Oct. 14 at keton, were Sunday visitci a Quatie calleti on Mr. Etigar Gibson's, 2 p.m. Bales of clotbing wiil be A. Beech's., League pic t, sonanda ughtead r snt erntaya- packeti. Lunch wil be serveti. Let Tuesday nigbt was in char ci tson a atsnclS n ati Mr every laay help.. Mn. Jas. Stain- vice presitient, Miss Lorna ýd trnon athisuncl'sMr. nd rs.ton is visiting bis tiaugbter, Mrs. son. Bible reatiing, Miss A i. Edigar Gibson's. H. Stevens. . -Orvîlle Ashton con- devotional, Miss Viola b'veyeti the school chiltiren to Bow- reading, Miss Ursul McNet manville to the Boys' Training titi address by Mn. Eugeri yHAMPTON Scbool Fair. Mr. anti Mrs. Rus- Enniskillen; chorus was swe il sell Gilbert were calleti to Toronto by Mrs. E. Bradley's S. n Roast Fowl Supper wil be belti on on Suntiay owing to the accident to piano solos, Mrs. A. Hare iW clnestiay, Nov. 4tn, in Hampton Miss Tilly Gilbert wben ber foot was Renia Bradiley. s Uniteti Cburcb. Watcb for partîc- badly hurt. iss Muriel MoorM d ulars. b as accepteti a Position in Toronto. P Miss Cassie Ruse, Toronto, is vis- .Miss Vera Sbackeleton, Maple SOLINA ..) ting Mrs. W. W. Horn...Mn. anti Grove, spent Suntiay witb ber par- s Mns. W. G. Wilbur spent Suntiay ents, Mn. anti Mrs. J. Sbackeîton, 1 wîth finientis in Orono... Cburch .Mn. anti Mrs. Wesley Oke atten- Eltiati Harvest Home ser tservice Sunday was helti in the tieti Markbam Fair anti spent tbe Roast Fowl Supper, Oct.1 Imornîng, anti Baby George Shaw, weekenti Witb fnientis in Malvernn 21st. Pull particulars next son of Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. Shaw, anti Pickering_. Mn. anti Mrs. 0. Mn. anti Mrs. Dave McKer was baptîzeti. ,Mn. anti Mrs. Jno. E. Jeffrey took Miss Myrtle Jeffrey umbus, visiteti Mn. anti Mn Cowhing spent Suntiay with Bow- home to Scugog on Sunday anti vis- Hobbs .Mr. anti Mrs. Ro *manvîlle f rientis .Mn. anti Mrs. W. iteci fnientis.. Rev. H-. Wilkinson, maici anti family visiteti at W. Horn, Miss C. Ruse anti Miss R. Haliburton, a former pastor here will McGill's, Enniskiîlen .I *Johns visîtet i wth Rev. anti Mrs. pneacb Thanksgiving services next Mis. Jas. McKenzie, Miss Jno. R. Totten, Myrtie, on Suntiay. Suntiay, at 7 p. ni. Mn. anti Mrs. Columbus, were recent guest -Mn. T. Saîten anti Mn. F. Kens- Elmer Boyti, Toronto, Mrs. E. Ste- J. T. Rondes Mn. anti 1 1lake bave each lost valuable honses. yens, Hampton, Miss May Storks, White visiteti at Mr. Clarene ..Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Johns anti anti Miss Luella Stevens, Oshawa,, Maple Grove Mn. antiMr f amily visiteti frientis at Long Sauît visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. H. Stevens on Hogarth, Oshawa, Mn. ai on Suntiay .Mn. anti Mrs. N. Coles Suntiay. . Dr. Fenguson anti sons Lauren Hogarth anti Miss b ave retunneti to Wheatley after vis- Allan anti Donald visiteti at Mr. Eci- Hanmony, visiteti Mrs. R. Pa itmng ber sister, Mis. T. Wilcox .... win OrmiSton's Saturday...Mn. Mn. ant ivMns. O. Living and Mns. Jos. Clatwonthy anti Miss Ruby Mn. anti Mrs. J. H. Fneeborn visiteti Bownianville, visiteti at Clatwontby are witb Mrs. W. B. Cun- Mn. Leslie Grahami, Blackstock 1 Bush's, Miss Launa Wicke ninghani, Cameron, who is if ....Mn. anti Mrs. S. Rotien, Toronto, awa, Miss Etiith Peartion,B Miss Jessie Hogarth helti a birtbtiay spent Suntiay at Mn. J. Bradley's ville, visiteti at Mn. A. L. Pi party on Montiay anti entertaineti a ,Mn. anti Mns. J. Ciarkson anti, Mn anti Mrs. W. J. Reynol number of ber girl fnienis ....Mn. famuly, Lang, Ont., visiteti at Mn. anti Arthur, Miss Audirey Chas. Pascoe, Toronto, bas been vis- anti Mns. T. McGill's. Mrs. T. spent Suntiay with Toronto iting bis sisten, Mns. A. Tnenouth.. Page anti Lorreen attentieci the Dia--, Miss Margaret McKes Much synipatby is extentiet to Mrs. inonti Weclding of Mn. anti Mrs. S. visitirig at Mn. Jini Reynolc W. H. Ruse in the tieatb o! ber bus- Page, Enfielti, on Tuestiay .Mr. onto.. Mrs. W. Pollanti, S banti. Mn. Ruse Was laid to rest on anti Mns. J. A. Werny, Dr. Fenguson, visiting ber niece, Mns. Ro: Montiay in Bownianville Cenieteny. Rev. J. M. Wbyte, Mn. J. Siemon, maiti ..Mn. anti Mns. H.: .1.On Saturtiay evening, Oct. 3rti, Mrs. R. Ormiston. tielegates, atten- Miss Evelyn anti Mn. Bruce, the faniily anti some fnientis gather- tiet the Missionany Congress helti in L. Pascoe, Mn. anti Mrs. Hari eti at the home of Mrs. Thomas Toronto, .Mn. anti Mns Thos. Mc- coe anti Ray, Mrs. R. J. Mc Pascoe to celebrate with ber ber 9lst Gill anti Reva visiteci fnientis at Cen- Misses Margaret anti Ruth, birtbtiay. Thle tining rooni table treville on Saturtiay Miss Annie Pascoe, Mn. anti Mns. J. T. was tiecorateci in pink anti wbite, Oke visiteti ber oncle. Mn. Jas. Oke, Mn. H. G. Pascoe, Misses E whie in the centre stooci a thnee-1 Clarke Union Mrs. J. Pye ne- Inene, Mn. Luther Pascoe spg stoney birtbtiay cake tieconateti with ceiveti word of the tieath of ber untiay evening with Mns. Th cantiles. The evening was pleasant- cousin, Mn. EcI. Stephenson, Oshawa. coe, Hampton, who was cel ly spent in a social way, at the close of wbich lunch was senveti Miss-_ ______ Margaret Pascoe, Mn. L. T. Pascoe anti Misses Manjonie anci Etitb spent Wetinestiay in Toronto Mn. anci Mrs. L. V. liogarth anci Miss Don- othy, Harmony, were recent guests at L. T. Pascoe's. Hampton Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Sykes, Mns. W. W. Horn, presicient, presitiing. Meeting openeti with Instîtute Otie, f ollowed by Lorcis Pnayer repeateti in unison. Minutes were reati anci appiroveci. School Fair coinmittee repoiteci proceecis of bazaar anci ne- fneshments, f ish pond, $51,67. Hamipton W. I. are to visit Tyrone brancb Oct. 21st. $25 was given re- lief funti to use as neetieti. Solos were rentiened by Mns. K. Cavenly anti Miss Elinor Sykes, anti a splen- titi paper was given by Miss AunaN EM Runtile, R. N.. Bowmanville, who al- NWM s0 answereti many questions. Corn- înunity singing folloxvec by National Antheni closeti the meeting. Next meeting to be helti at Mrs. W. Chap- spe i ly P i e n man's. Attentiance 45. Lunch waspe ilyP c d an C seî veci by East group anti a social__ Remember the Thanksgiving Con- Oct. l2th. Program to be given by I Oshawa talent. AUCTION SALE50 Fniday, Oct. 23rd. -Execu tors of the estate of the late T. J. Cole, E gi Maple Grove, will sell by public auc- M en's Fine HoseEn l tion al of bis fanm stock, impie- nients anti bousehoici effects. The ]BI farm will also bie offereti for sale 20 doz. Men's Silk & Wool subJect to a neserve biti. Sale at 12 P. ni. sharp. See bils f or ternis. Socks, a 79e value 59C Exta . for .......................... fine qu. while th R~~Y/~Lper pair THIJRS. - FRI. - SAT. OCTOBER 8 - 9 - 10 lebrating M Publo, and )nto, visited :onday, the ,sit ..Mr. lronto, vis- ;s .M r. E . Bradley vis- Drono .. ýes Martin, visitors at Mrs. S. Vm. Hobbs oNeil, Tor- brother's, MecNeil.. Nelsh and gar Cooper, Cook, Myr- ry's .Mr. ng a few A. McNel vn visiteci îue s d a y . . armer and tam, Bur- ors at Mr. Sogram on irge of Sth ia Thomp- %ia Beech; Bradley; eil; splen- ne Beech,, eetly Sun 3. S. cilass;j Sanci Miss rvices and 18th anci ýweek. enzie, Col- rs. Mervin Zoy Lang- tMr. Roy Mr. and Nesbitt, sts at Mr. Mrs. Geo. ice Tink's, rs. Henry and Mrs. ;Dorothy, ýascoe, .id family, Mr. S. kett, Osh- Bowman- Pascoe's lds, Ruth Cowling f riencis. essock is cis', Tor- Salem, is oy Lang- .E. Tink, ,,Mr. A. Lrold Pas- IKessock, LMrs. R. '.Runclle. EIva anci lent Sat- 'os. Pas- er 91st brtbtay.... M. A. L. Pas coe, Mrs. Alan McKessock ant isl Nora Wery attencet the mssionart convention in Massey Hall, Torontc S..Church services this Suntay wil be helti in the morning. Snda: school at 10 a. n. followed by quai. terly meeting service at il a. n. About 25 members cof our Women' Institute visiteti Brooklin Instituti on Wenestay afternoon whenE very enjoyable tume as spent This Turstay afternoon our Wo- men's IÊlstitute are entertaining th( Newtonville Institute in the Sunta: school roori. Ail iîenbes be pres- ent Division meeting in the Sons' IN CELEBRATION 0F THlE À40TH ANNUVERSARY lAVA N N IWE S of (TA-VAN) \VÀ\\llr C WI111A IE S OUR SHOW-WINDOWS ARE FEATURING A SPECIAL OFFER- INGO0F IMPORTANCE TO YOU! See Our Display Windows Today i THE GROWTH F TAVANNES FACTORIES IO VU IHISUCCESS OF tAVANNES You can min a superb Tavannes Anniversary Wath. Estim-_ ate hOw rany Tavannes Watches Made since 1891. Ask us for entry blank. Two Special Tavannes Annmversary WatChes--one for win- nig lady and one for winning man, wli be awarded as prize in Bowmanville and district cont.est. Contest closes mid- night, Friday, october l6th. J. R. Moore, Jeweller Phone 463 Bowmanville TAVANNES TIMES THE WORLD - SINCE 1891 ERCHANDISE .ut Priced for Bigger Business Pr. Imported ish Flannelette èLANKETS arge size and extra ality; a $2.79 value; ,ey last$21 3oys' Hose 'nglish Worsted Hose à, heather mixtures )vat shades, extra Tearing59 ýs, pair .......59 Peter Pan Travel Tweeds The kind that you can't fade -an ideal fabric for child- ren's school dresses, etc. Haif Pri*e,39 per yard ............ 9 Wool Lined Ties 15 doz. New wool lined Silk Ties, can't c2rease, 59 $100 value,......... A Fine Ladies' Hose 25 doz. Silk and Wool Lad- ies' Hose, that seIl regularly for 79c pair. A special pur- chase permîts us to seil these at 9 per pair .......... .5 9 Yamna Cloths In stî'ipes, figuî'ed and floral designs, suitable for pyjam- as, dressing gowns,..29 etc., per yard ... ... NELSON'S STÔRE FOR BIGGER AND BMfER BARGAIN3 BOWMANVILLE WALK A BLOCK &ND SAVE A LOT .4 %ý e s- H-all this Thursday at 8 p. m ... ss First regular League meeting of the ,ry season was held in the Suflday . school rooni Monday evening and il was in charge of lSt vice president, y Miss Vera Baker. Miss Vera Baker ,-was appointed delegate to the Lea- lgue convention lin Oshawa, Oct. 23- s 25. Devotional period was in charge' te of Mrs. Mervin Hobbs. The topic, a "What Jesus Means to Me" was abîy taken by Rev. J. R. Bick. Piano D- solo, Mr. George Werry; bible read- àe ings. Misses Jean Millson and Mar- lygaret Scott and Messrs. George Wer- s- ry. Percy Westlake, Jim Galbraith, Js Bill Nicol and George Leyland. 'f ic I c - Paon FOUR TES CANADIAN STATI:alg«, BOIVSÉANVnj.& IHURADAY. OCTOBER Ath- lgRl . À

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