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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1931, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVXLLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER Sth, 1931 PAGE SEVUI IMPROVE YOUR A P P ETIT E Feeling indifferent to food? Out ci sorts? DepressedStiniate '~ooedigetivzra wlth Dr. Ca= e'.Li1eLver Pilla. AU ueeable. Gende but thorogb. Th'ey'll gel ridofbdpoon that cause 1nietkGs tc., and give you a new im.. teesin food. 25c & 75c red package. Asic yotu d"egut for m IPllLS1 RESTFUL SLEEP for FRETFUL, FEVERISH CHILD - With Castoria's regulation When your chilci tosses and cries out in hi-, slcep, it means he is flot fomfortable. Very often the trouble is that poisonous Nvaste matter is flot t~eing carricd off as it shoulci be. uowels neüI help-inild, genile help -ut effectiv e. Just the kinci Cas-. toria gives;. Castoria is a pure vege- table preparation madle slpecialIy, for children's ilments. It contains no harsb, harmni l rugs, fo narcotics. Doni lt Ic vur child's rest-inci vour own-hc interrupteci. A prompt close of Castoria -wil1 urge stubborn litile boesto aci. Then relaxeci confort. anci restful sleep! Genuine Castoria always bas the name: CAS TC)RIA 4 MORE ACTIVE GAYS iicranips ahuosi KiIIed me" wHAT a tragedy! Every rnonth **those avs fuI pains. She suf. fered so ... nearly doubled up with cramps. Why don't you trr Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Conipound during these rying limies? Slip a box of the new tablets i your bandbag ... keep themn handy onyor medicine shelf. Their ronic ac nmakes you feel so much ber. ter, on days when you'rc "not well." Just ask for Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets. W : i i ule how us-.nn de f om- u tiq quima. - W franc Ux tu a istheaulsu EVEY- &dm and plU wains y U MEA hommui.te W. Pen O I B. T. S. FALL FAIR IMAKES NEW RECORDS (Continued from Page 1) Baker, Mrs. J. Brown; Clothing- Muriel Baker. Ada Allun, Norma Hooey; House Furnishings--Sadie Muir, Maietta Law, Margaret Gray. Prize Giving At 3 o'clock Ferguson Hall was f illed with an interesting audience to witness the annual prize giving. Hon. H. C. Scholfield. M.P.?., acted as chairman. and forinally opened the Fair. The address of welcomne was delivered by Andrew Hansel, president of the Boys' Fait Fair Board, and was as f ollows: Adldress of Welcome Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentie- men:-As president of the Faîl Fair Board, iL îs nmy xery distinct pleas- ure to extend to each one of you a x ery hearty welcome to our fifth an- fluai faUl fair. We are indeed de- lighted and highly honored to have with us on this occasion so many distinguished guests and s0 many of our loyal f riends. Our sehool has enjoyed a rapid and remarkable growth. Froin a single farm house we have expanded into our present pretentious size ana importance, al in the space of six years. This ex- pansion however, has only been pos- sible by the constant support of tke Ontario Government, and the gener- Oua donations in time and money by the service clubs and interested in- dividuals. To each of these sources we would express our gratitude. The work that is being carried on at this achool is indeed worthy o! al this support. Good habits, good morals, the backbone of our empire. are gently but f irmly implanted in the boys' minds in such a way that they will neyer forget. Clean living, dlean thinking. and dlean sport, are three vital points in the building up of good characters. which are ad- vocated aiid insisted upon at this school. On behalf of the staff and boys I would again like to welcomne you Lo inspect every phase of our work which is on display." Dr. G. E. Reaman, superintendent of the sehool. welcomed the visitors on behaîf of the staff. He outlined veiy brie! y the systern used at the school and told of the splendid spirit that prevaileci Lhrough the use of the Boys' Court that set the stand- ards andi judged the boys of the achool. He lauded the service clubs foir the part they had playeci in the building up of the school and asked for the continueci support. This year lie characterized as one oif ad- vaneement. one in which the goal the achool was strîving for was com- îng into siglit. Reeve W. H. Carruthers, in the quadruple position of representatîve of the West Durham Agricultural Socîety, Junior Farîners, Junior Ini- stitute andi of Mayor Elliott, made brief rernarks on behali of these or- &anizationa. Hon. W. G. Martin, Minister of Public Welfare, gave the main ad- dress of the afiernoon. He did not strive for brilliant oratory as fa hia wont, but gave a brie! easily under- stood address expressly for the ben- et it of the boys thenaselves. The standards of the achool set by Hon. Ci. Howard Ferguson, the speaker said, were beîng well maintamned. As long as thie achool continues ta turn out the ciasa and quality of the boy it has Lunîied out in the past the atiairs of the city, the town, the iarmi andi the country are ini good hancis. He urgedi the boys Lo apply tneilielves to whatever task they icaai in hanci. In the B.T.S. they had -i~1 i1esL sciool of iLs kind in the .iuilci. 'l'here is always room at the wp l) e reîn.icded theiu, so .îust go ncaanti cio your work .iust a littie .,ctîer inan the next fellow. The mnen who reached the top o! the Xidder were not the mnen who always liaci the best opportunities, but the men whio seized every opportunity iat placed itseif vthin tneir reacli. '%r. Martin also feelingly remarked on the splendid wvork of the Rotary andi Kiwanîs Clubs whose kîndly in- tereat was helping to f mci for the boys the proper groove into whîch they shoulci fit and then givîng themn the opportunity to apply theinselves in the trade or profession which their accomiplishinents made them mnost suited. Hon. H. C. Scholfield theli pre- aented the foliowing prizes: Academic Dept.-Mr. Davidge's Room: Silver Medal, Robt. Harrison; Bronze Medal, Lloyd Stirling. Mrs. Densemas Room: Silver Medal, Abie Edson; Silver Medal. James Smith; Bronze Medal, William Sîmcoe. Miss Galbraith's Roona: Silver Med- ai, Frank Middiemiss; Bronze Medal, Reg. Quigley; Silver, Arthur Denike. Miss Montgomnery's Room: Silvei Medai, Robt. Roberts; Bronze Medal, Max Easterbrook. Agricultural Dept.-Silver Medai, Robert Campbell; Bronze Medal, Fred Cotter; Graduates Silver Med- al, William Syîne; Graduates Bronze Medal, Edward Hamilton, L. Hom- fray Irving Silver Cup for Besi Gar- denPlo.1 Wllim'rmce; . Eto Muât-ton. on oe, Ada Allin; Spies-Bert Mutton. Elinor Sykes, Laverne Clemens. Canned Vegetables-Murlel Baker, Lorna Hooper. Mary Rundle. Cakes-Helen Knox, Florence Ash- ton, Muriel Baker. Tea Blscults--Lorna Hooper, Ei elyn Sanderson, Elinor Sykes. dandies-Ada Allin. Evelyn Sand- erson. Elinor Sykes. Cocoanut Macaroons-Lorna Hoop- er, Elinor Sykes, Margaret Gray. Collection of Vegetables-Lorna Clark. Leslie Taylor. Ernest Hocka- day. Turnipa-Aiberi Rundle, Garnet Rickard, Ernest Hockaday. Mangels-Lorna Hooper, Ernesi Hockaday, Wesley Yellowlees. Barley-Harold Nesbitt, Howard Wight, Garnet Rickard. Qats--Ernest Hockaday, Elwood Gray. Wheat-Wesley Ycllowlees. Albert Rundle, Ernest Hockaday. Potatoea, Dooley-Margaret Gray, Norman Clemens. Laverne Clemens. Pota tocs, Irishi Cobbler-Maurice Baker, Bert Mutton, Laverne Cem- ens. Barred Rock, pen-Ernest Hocka- day, Elwood Gray. John Ashton. White Leghorn, pen - Nol-man Clemens, Laverne Clemens. Lorna Hooper. Rock. Utility Hcn-Elwood Gray. Leslie Taylor. Ernest Hockaday. Leghorni. Utility I-en - Ernest Hockaday, Laverne Clemens. John Ashton. INEIV GAS SYSTEM FORMALLY OPENED (dontiiiued fromn page 1) Fred W. Bowen, M. P., speaking brîefly stated that nie was present because what was good for Bowman- ville was gooci for Durham dounty. "I will be only a success, lie said, just as mucli as thie citizens are be- nind it. IL lias meant a lot of cm- ployment ai a ime when empioy- mient was badly needed. In conclus- ion lie expressed lius taith in the company ta f orm a very important part of the community. T. A. Dustan, an belialf a! the Business Men's Association offered bis congratulations to the company on the way iL liad carried out iLs promises ta the letter. The promise had been inade to have the gas ini- atalled and umed on befare the anow flew and that promise liad uceen fîlled ivell ahead of acliedule. Lts promises and contracts had been maintained 100 percent and hlo0k- cd ta the coînpany to become one of the moat important services in the own. The work had giveni employ- ment ta 86 men -who also dîd their parc iii keeping the work on sched- uic despite the tact that many of the men hiad neyer before liand.led a pick and shovel. Speaking of the Hydro vote on October 31st, Mn. Dustan urged the property owners ta vote for iL and stated that the purchase liad thce approval a! prac- tically evcry inember o! the B.B.M.A. Gordon Canant, director and counsci for the Ontario Shore Gas Ca. was the final speaker. "Toniglit", he saîd, "the town o! Bowmanville i naugurates a new utility. No daubi in the past, witliout any reflection on your public mein, you have had plenty of bot air, but in the future we will sec that you have plenty o! gas. The installation o! the service ,.as one of whîch the company miglit well be proud. All has been accomplished in a very short time. IL was on Aprîl l3th when the coun- cil xas fîrst approached with re- gard ta a franchise for tlie sale a! gas in Bowmanville and on May 9th, the electors gave iheir biessing ta the project by a 14 La 1 vote. On Auguat l'7tb the firsi sod was iurn- ed in Bownmanvilic giving work to 86 men, and on October 3rd the gas was urned on. Up until that ime 108 citizens o! the town have made application for the installation o! gas, eiiber for domestie or cominerc- il use." The speaker stated that if the town w.antecl the full benef it o! sucli a plant citizens ahould miake full use o! the gas. He asked has hearers to give it a trial andi added that the price depended upon the quaniity used. The company had decided ta stay oui o! the merchandising aide o! the business and liad le! t ibis en- tirely in the liands o! the local mer- chants wbo were demonstrating their stoves in a special teni in the park. Mr. Conlant drew bbe atten- tion o! lis hearers La a statemeni made by Hon. J. R. Cooke, Chair- man o! the H.E.P.C.. which was gis'- en in lasi week's Statesman. show- ing that tbe bydro did not fear any competition ai al !rom gas compan- ies in Ontario. In conclusian the speaker stated that wibh gas now in- stalled and turned on Bowmanviile was in a position to compete wiih other iowns for industries wbicb liad ta have gas to carry on their busi- nesses. A BOUT two hours afier eating 1Lmany pecopie sufer froin sour stomaclis. Tbey call it indigestion. IL means that the stomach nerves have been over-stimulated. There is excess acid. The way ta correct it is with an aikai. which neuiralizes many limes ils volume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Mlilk of Magnesia-just a tasteless dose in walcr. IL is pleasant. efficient and harinleas. Resuits came almosl in- stantly. IL is the approved meihod. You will neyer use another when You knorw. Be sure la geL bhe genuine Philligps' Milk of Magnesia prcscribed by physicians for corrccting excess acida. 5Oc a botle-any drug store. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy guins is Phillipi' Dental Magnesia, a superiar ooth- paste that safeguards against acid- mouth. (Made ini Canada.) Warning to Citizens1 of This Community When you read public statemeîîts concernnig Dr. Fienclis NU-ERB, do not confuse ibis new scientîfie remcdy wîtb ailier so-called *'herb*' and "vitamin" tonica. This prepan-t ation la sometliing distiîîcily dfer- cnt. In NU-ERB you wii Iînd ex- actly those pure medicinal ingredi- cuis whîch Nature says you muait have if you are to be well and to enjoy a hiappy, vigarous, rabusi lîfe.iE No matter baw long yau have su!- f erec f rom indigestion, constipation, nervouaness, loss o! sieep, poor ap- petite. rlieumatism, neuritis or gen- eral rundown condition, if your trouble is the resuit o! dîsarders a! the siomacli. liver, kidneys on baw- els, iben you can be aune thai NU- ERB wiii bave a beneficial effeci. The secret o! the amazing relie! which NUt-ERB gives ta suff eners froin disorders o! the stomach. liver, kidneys and bowels la witbin theC reacli o! ail wba read ihis printed t advertisement. Simply go ta Jury & Lavelias Drug Store and purchase a fu11 size baiLle o! this remedy today.2 Take a full tabiespoonful bet anc2 ecd meai. Very soan you will sec ample evidence o!fis truc wotb.c Do not bcsiiaie-NU-ERB la recoin- mended by thousanda o! usera every wbere. Bladder Weakness Getting-Up-Nights QuicklyRelieveed! Pleasant Home Treatment Works Fine; Used by Doctor For t Many Years What a wonderful coinfortt h 15 10 sleep ail night and not get Up onceN tram Biadder Weakneas and Irrita-t tion.t The daiiy annoyance. rcstiess1 nights o! misery, backacbes and1 nervous irritabiliiy that resuli f romï functianal Biadder Troubles aref wrecking the lives o! thouaands who1 might otberwise be in the best o! healili.î To be ai your beat, you muai haveE peaceful. heaiih-giving sleep andc freedorn tram daiiy irrita tion-ihat's( wby Dr. Southwortb's URATABSî give sucli wonderful satisfaction. Made tramn a special formula and used by the Doctor for many yars- URATABS. naw obtainabie tram your druggist for inexpensive hame use, bave braught quick help and comtant to many ihousanda. No matter what your age may bet on liow many medicines you have ý used witbout succes. if yau wantt to forget you have a Bladder and enjoy the rest o! peaceful. unbroken1 aieep, try URATABS today. Your1 druggist wili re!und the amaîll cosi if you are not well pleased I FOR GAS, IACID STOMACH, INDIGESTION Bisurated Magnesia Is Safe and Reliable If you are a victim o! Stomacli Trouble - Gas, Sounnesa, Acidity' Pain or Bloating afier eatiing Bs urated Magnesia is made for yoý0u.s At the neareat drug store, geL a boutle -powder or ableis - ake a littie and geL instant relie!. Keeps your siomacli sweet and strang-digestion perfect. h warks like a chai-m. As a vermicide an excellent pre- paration is Moiber Graves' Wormn Exterminator. IL lias saveci the lives o! caunileas children. NEURAICIA? A throbbing head will neyer make vou sufer v'ery long, once you learn la rely on the prompt, conîplete relief that cames with a little Aspinin. It is a blessing 10 w'omen who suifer f rom regular, systemic pain; to men îvho rnust work on, iin spite of eye-sîrain or headache. Gei;uine Aspinin tablets with the Bayer cross, lie this: SooEVISH Chlldren ODSpMOSPHODINE- Thec Great1 Engluh Prepara i., Tonci and invgorates fthe whole pervous system. makes new 130-1 in old Veini. tlsed for P.erî.î.. Ë L)ebility, Men alp iain ', Pespo)nden 1.Lous o Ener a lpSitaio <b "ot il ing Meffor>. Price $p. ho X. fat r1 bIoId by atldrugeis, or ma:icd lit C ,,o'> reîr,i 1 ptopce. New pumPhi,t mi ! ,re*. TE WOOD WVDICINE CO-ZOftOWTCi.'w. ýook's Regulatlng Compound A -afe. çsiabte# gudm gndsine. soId bien d çof trntb'-No. 1. Si; 2,8;No. a. 95 per box Soir &l druggiata. or @ente VTCM ceqit of pria.. mcr Addrem:i T'HE COOK MEDICINECO. - % 14 OIUTO.omL(LihO(=.yWidUI1 DURHAM REGIMENT OFFICERS HELD ANNUAL DINNER AND DANCE AT BALMORAL Ladies Were Invited to Event for First Time - Major itie.blahon Welcomed Guests Officers a! the Durham Regimeni, their wîves and lady f riends, gath- ered Frîday evening at the Balmoral Hotel at a dinner and dance. The affaîr was characterîstically colon! ul and the officers were well represent- ed. IL was the tirai Lune that the ladies liad been invied ta the din- lien i preparation for the annuai negimentai dance but the custom is ta be contînued. Major W. F. Me- Mahon, Part Hope, president o! the officers' mess, weicomed the ladies and enthusiasiicaiiy endorsed the new departure of inviîng the wamen f oik. At the conclusion of dinner, the menu for whicli was n'îost appetiz- ing, a short business meeting was heid by the officers at which iL was decided ta hlcithe annuai regimen- tai dance in the dammunity Hall ai Newcastle an November 27Lh. A ihree-piece orchestra f romtQOsh- awa suppiied tlie music for dancing and the crowd werc well pleased. The party finally broke up about anc o'clock. WELFARE MINISTER WAS SPEAKER AT ROTARY INTER-CITY MEETING (Continued tramt Page 1) is in trouble, but amidst this troub- le she remamns îîever wincing, and head unbowed as iLs people retrench witliaut ever a ihouglit a! failure. The situation in the world to-day in unparaiieled in wanid history. The confidence of men was shaken afier the war. Russia fa governeci by a Communîst Gavernment, Italy by a cictatar, Germany iurns republic. Ail were expericncîng difficuities wîth democracy untîl one is caused to wonder, is democracy stili the besi farm o! govenient. IL is MY honesi opinion.,ithe speaker added, thai democracy is still the best government in the world. IL la the finest, f reesi, and purest foaim o! de- mocracy, ihat o! the Britishi Empire that gives Britain tbe steady irand and head in these liard Limes, that gave the mailher country thie knack o! meeting emergencies with an un- conqurabie spirit which has domin- ated iLs people chroughaut tie ages sa that taday there la no passible dîsintegration o! the empire. Each o! us has a part ta play. Unempioy- ment like an ugly monster bains in our midst, but we o! the Ontario Governmeni, backed fully by the people o! the province, are resolveci ibat as far as in our power nobody shahl suifer through iack o!flielp this comig winter. Wliat are we going ta do as Ro- tailana ýo beip out the situation? the speaker asked. We muai cut out the uselesa expenditure on luxuries and practise constructive economy. Thene can. bowever. be too mucli holding back o! money whcn it could be spent on warthwhîle things that wouid provide work. The imprisan- ing a! the dollar bill in the proverb- ial stocking is not going ta bring back gaaduimes. In certain fields, whule practising economies, i-e- irencliment is impossible and among those filelds is iliat o! Public Wei- tare. This work among the youth o! bbc province must be carried on at ahl times and I challenge the Ro- tary Clubs o! the Province to aid us in this wark. Rotary empliasizes the sublime spirit of independence, 'Service Before Self.' We need to express this in aur daiiy lit e outside of Rotary activities by serving those in need o! our ministry and beip. Let us carry aur ideais out tram our Rotary meetings and bring into the world the heaven lighted torcli o! brotherhaod and service. In the B. T. S. we are working ta break down the bulwarks o! present day evils. We have reached a point in Ontario as a resuit o! our education tacil- ities for higlier education and voca- tional and teclinical education where IL la not necessany for any Young man La iead a lite o! disability through lack o! training. We are fasbionîng in our achools of to-day the leaders and workers of tombe- row. In my recent tour of the United States I naticed that every effort is being made ta break the wave of criminality which exista. This is be- îng done by reducing the juvenile delinqueiicy to a minimum. Every dollar iîîvested in ibis wvork repre- Lciited tihe fînesi investmeni the na- tionî couici make. lin conclusionî may I issue th;s cali ,,o the ser~vice clubs ta carry on the gieat %w.oilc conimnceci. thcat wve ,:oight go forwand ta direct Lihe foot- teaof youch a:oiig tihe higlîwaY o! tr:iten aad nobler cîcizunshiP, ieach- :nig thein ta du a task -,.id do it %veli, andi sowinig thai seeci o! ehraler. ,of wili îpower andi o! detenmîîiaîon chat niakes goodci ctizeica. ivc 1 toour fellow accu la o ui'aim nc i effectively iliat no traces of worms can be tound. The pests are mac- eraied in the stomacli and pass away in the stools wltbout belng percept- ible. Tliey make an entire and dlean sweep o! the intestines, and nothing i the shape of a wormn can flnd lodgement there when these powders are in operation. Nothlng could be more thorough or desirable than their action. MPA Shreddd Whoat" "Better order two boxes. They don't last long, when you and Daddy and 1 ail eat Shredded Wheat every morning. Daddy knows everytbing and this morning be said, 'Whole wheat and milk supply everything that we need to live on and grow on, and that's why Stiredded Wheat is so good for girls and boym'." THW CANADIAN SI1REDDED WHEAT COM¶PANY, LTD. SHREDDED irH EAT WITH ALI THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT When Your Wif e Drives 0f course the modem woman is every bit the equal of the modemn man-even to driving the family car. But there is the chance that somebody might accidentally remove a fender while she is driving. Proteet her-and your car, incidentally, by insureing your car. It is the modern method of protection. You can't buy bet- ter insurance cheaper than we seil. J. J. MASON & SON Real Esatate and insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanvillc Wky Delay Your Buikding Plans Planning on building or repairing your home ? Then begin now when prices are lower than ever before. In our yards are the finest grades of lumber and building supplies-just the kind you want for your home-snd ail at the lowest prices in our history. You can build economicaly by building now. Shepparci & Giui Lumber Co. Ltd. (FOàMRLY MoCLELLAN & CO.) KINO ST. EAST PHONEC 15 BOWMAUNVULH z - LZRW PAGE sjsvm THE CANADIAN STATrMMAN, BOWBIANVILLZ TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1931

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