PAC. THE CAADIAN TATESMN, BOWA1931L SALE.M Master Douglas Cator, who lia been staying with bis Ïrandparnt for nearlY two years. lias returnef to Toronto .. Miss Ella Collacott EUngaton, Miss Oladys Cann, Tor onto, spent the holiday at thei homes here.. Rev. J. W. Buriner R>YA L. FRI. - SAT. - OCT. 16 - 17 Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 p. ni. East meets West - On the trail of mystery and romance ini Wyo- ming - a hard-riding, bard- fighting hero and a girl Worth fightmng for. 1 ""A HOLY TERROR" With George O'Brien, Sally Eilers, Rita LaRoy and James Kirkwood. MON. - TUES. - WED. OCTOBER 19 - 20 - 21 Matinee Monday at 4 p. ni. Here lie is ! The New Win Rogersin "YOUNG AS YOU FIEEL' Based on George Ade's celebrated stage comedy. With FIl i Dorsay and Lucien Littlefield. Modern as a niglit club' Funny as a family album. Silverware Wednesday Night Bowmanvifle, conducted the Suda TYRONE L C SO KM.AThmoan duh afternoon service .... Our teacher, oIAAf.KM~ .Tono n agie f Mr. F. Blackbur-n, attended teacber's Buao nw vrUcrdio a ascnetina saw r n The Women's Institute and Lad- Misses Beilman, Bowmanviile, vis Scotch gospel singers, wil bave ts Mrs. Arthur Welch entertained their les' Ad wil meet in the vestry of ited Mr. and Mas. N. S. MNally.. charge of the program. Everyone 15 't, grandchildren, while Mr. and Ma-s. thie churcli on Wednesday, Oct. 21. Miss Laura Bafley and f riend, Pet- invited ta enjoy a real treat.. Ma-. Savea-y attended teachers' conven- at 2 p. m. Roll cail to be answea-ed erboro, Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- and Ma-s. John Orchard and Marion, Stion Miss Sybil Hockin, Toronto, by hot suppea- dishes. Hampton Laughlln and Mr. Ernest McLaugh- and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orchard, lr wsaTakgvn Women's In.stitute will visit us and lin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Laverne, Elva and Velma, and Mr. r, sitr as hs vstrwt irrovide the pa-ogram. Ail ladies are Bailey and family and Mrs. N. Henry and Mrs. Robt. Fewster, Toronto, down wits. hMa. Pwar Poollrd h oated Wmn is pn una i r.adM-.spent Thanksgiving at Mrs. Elsie inviteu aatn.. oe' Ms pn una IhMr n .Heddon's oubs - lo snt theMholiday t ome.dwh sionary Society are asking for don- Fred Bailey .. Mr. and Mrs. James '~Clsbs als se __th ________ hmè ations of fruit, vegetables and eggs Moody, Oshawa, spent Sunday with to be lef t at Mrs. A. W. Annis' be- Ma-. and Mrs. Chas. Venning. ENIEDfore Oct. 23a-d. These are ta be sent Misses Eva Parr and Marjorie Mar- COURTICE ENeIELD--to the Victor Home, Toronto. Mr. low, Toronto, spent Sunday at their Mackenzie, Toronto, spent the week- homes here Rev. Dr. Whittakea-, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Penfound and Miss Elane Palnier, Tja-onto, has end with lùs sister, Ma-s. Willhs Stew- Ma-s. Whittaker and dauglitea-. Miss tresnTrno pn h ek bee vsîîngatMa. E Omiton. rt Ma-. Levi Annis, Toronto, Mabel Whittaker, spent Tuesday as end witl Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miss Palmer is a very welcome vis- spent the weekend at home Ma-. guests o! Mr. andMa.ThrsPnond a-.AetRule1 ito inou- cmmnit a sh Uiialyand Ma-s. Da-yas Yoa-ke, Ma-. and Mrs. Smith.,Ma-s. Wallace Marlow vis- vstn thrsnEmr iTr favors us wth a solo at Sunday ser- Everett Yoa-ke and Claude, Keswick, ited in Lindsay aecently Ma-. J ete nat asoeng mrom he Tra- vice Mr. and Mrs. Alber-t Niddea-y spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and G. Marlow visited fraiends in Ome- cenL iiuness . Miss Lyla Osborne andi family, Toronto, visitedi at Mr. Mrs. W. F. Park Mr. and Mrs. mee Regular monthly meeting of ania Ma-. Gordon Osbor-ne, Toronto, J. Hepbua-ns Mr. and Mrs. White, Lorne McCoy, Baooklin, Miss Ethel the W. A. o! St. John's Chua-ch wiIl were home over the weekenci ana Tor-onto, Mr. Shaver, Oshawa, visit- Skinnea-, Toronto, Mr. and Ma-s. Levi be held at the home o! Ma-. and Ma-s. holiday Ma-. and Mrs. Minte and ed at Mr. S. Page's Ma-. Wallace Skinner- a.adMs.HaodSi- Clarence Para- Ma-s. J. Maa-low Miss Catharine, Ciarkson, wea-e week Pasoe.Baussls viite a L.C.nea-adLod. spent Thanksgiving visited Ma-. and Ma-s. W. Mua-kea- on end visitors at Mr. Arche Muir's Pascoe's Ma-. and Mrs. Weia- and with Ma-. and Ma-s. N. J. Woodley.. Thursday Ma-s. Fred Philp. Ma-s. Ma-. and Ma-s. Empringham, Toronto, Miss Elsie Bowman, Listowel, visited Ma-. and Ma-s. A. W. Paescott, Ruth Wilbua- Malcolm, Ma-s. Haa-old Pa-- spent the holiaay with Ma-. and Ma-s. at Ma-. T. Bowanan's Miss Ida and Hea-bert, Enfield. Miss Viola teous and Ma-s. Wallace Maa-low. Arche Muir.1Ma-. Jas. Hancock, McCulloch lias been at Woodstock Shoatt,' Plevna, spent Sunday at Ma-. motoa-ed te Toronto on Tuesday te Guelph, was home ovea- the holiday. attending the f unea-al o!flier cousin, Robt. Bua-gess Ma-. and Ma-s, attend the Canadian Aa-my Medical Ma-. Ronald Courtice, Toronto, Ma-s. T. West A goed congrega- Theooe Down spent Sunday at Corps Auxiliaa-y bridge held at the spent the weekend at homne Ma-. tien were eut Sunday to welceme Rev. Andaew McLaughlin's, Gaafton. Royal Yoa-k. Misses Eva and Fler- and Ma-s. Chas. Webstea-, Misses El- Rev. H. Wilkinson, Halibuaton. who M-.Cara Byam, Bowmanvilîe, ence Para-r stdM-.J n lds e-no e- paeached hea-e on Sunday On visited at lier son's, Ma-. F. L. Byam. Sunday ,Ma-. George Caawford guests o! Ma-s. A. F. Rundle ovea- the Tuesday. Oct. 6th, Ma-. and Ma-s. Messr-s. Hara-y and Faank Hath- spent Sunday in Toa-onto. Messr-s. weekend. Ma-. and Ma-s. A. J. Gay Frank Page, Ma-. and Ma-s. Aathur- ea-y, Dixie. spent the weekend at John Smith, Oliver and Rober-t aeturned home after a deliglitful twe Page, Toronto, Ma- and Ma-s C. Bran- home Ma-. and Ma-s, W. J. Bradd Smith attended the îlowing Match weeks' trip te Atlantic City and ton, Oshawa. and Ma-. Floyd Page, and family, Oshawa, visited at Ma-. at Petea-boro A number fraom other Anieracan cities .Ma-. and Enniskillen, met at the home e! Ma-. James Dudley's .Ma-. George and hea-e attended Presbytery meeting in Ma-s, S. J. Courtice, Leamingten, and Ma-s. S. Page to celeba-ate their Miss Greta Peaa-ce, Ma-. and Ma-s. Newcastle and ail report an intea-- Miss Iva Courtice, Toronto, Ma-s. Idiamond annivea-saa-y - thela- 60th Norman Wilcox and family and Miss, esting and lielpful time Ma-s. Powers and Miss Helen Powea-s, To- wedding day. The happy couple Madge Moses, Bowmanville, spent M-.Duncan MacLeod o! Formosa aonto, and Ma-. Stanley Ceverly, Port wea-e paesented with numea-ous bou- Sunday at Ma-. Thes. Tabb's Ma-. ga,,ve a ver delight!ul account o!flier Hope, were weekend visitea-s at quets, a wellfiIIed pua-se and manY and Ma-s. F. L. Byam and family husband's and lier own woa-k in that j Reeve G. F. Annis' Ma-. and Ma-s.j othea- paesents. spent Sund*ay with faiends at Can- little Island Ma-s. Fr-ank Stinson L. J. Courtice, Miss Louise and Mas- nington on Sunday- A numbea- o!flas aetua-ned toalier home aftea-'tea- Donald, visited at Ma-. Chas. the ladies attended the Women's spending a !ew days witli ler mo- Wight's and took in the thank-offea-- HA PT NMissionaa-y Society Convention held thea- Ma-s. Wm. Nixon. img service in Trinity Chua-cl, Bow- H M T Nat Newcastle last week Miss Jean manville, Sunday Ma-. Geo. Gare Pollock attended Teachers' Conven- aahoiyvstra M .A.F Roast Goose Suppea- wUl be held tien in Oshawa and spent the week- MAPLE GROVE Rundle's. Recent visitors at Mr-. on Wednesday, Nov. 4tli, in Hamp- end with faiends at Brampton, and Ma-s. L. J. Shoat's wea-e: Ma-s. J. ton United Churcli. Watch for par- Ma-. and Ma-s. Cecil Sergeant, Ma-. I.Hcs .Caec ik n ticulars. and Ma-s. Gordon Seageant, and Ma-. "The Homemakers- a play given dauglitea- June, Toa-onto, Ma-s. Albea-t Ma-s. H. Everist, Ma-. Fred and Miss Thomas Sergeant,' Toronto, visited by the Young people of Pickering on Cooper, Fordage, Ma-s. Bean, Pal- Milda-ed Eveaist, Miss Maa-gaa-et at Ma-s. Laura Viatue's Don't for- À'aicLay evensng, Octobea- 23rd. More measton, and Ma-s. Bride, Noath Tor- Lathani, Sçarboro Junction, spent get the Mission Band concert and paa-ticulaa-s next week. onto--. Congratulations to Mr. and] Thanksgiving witli Miss Edna Rey- bazaaa- on Friday, Oct. l6tli. Oa-ono M8S Dora Eames and Ma-. John Ma-s. Will Bickle on the araival cf nolds Ma-. and Mrs. W. G. Wil- Mission Band is expected te give the Catoa- spent Sunday wlth friencsisni anothea- son...Ma-. and Ma-s. Mar- bua-, Ma-. and Ma-s. Jno. Cowling and pa-egrarn .Ma-. and Ma-s. McEach- Torca-ntoe.. Ma-. ana Ma-s. T. E. Plew- shaîl Soules and family, Ma-. Rae !amily, spent SundaY with friends at ea-n and dauglitea- Kitcliener, spent mian and f aniily, West China, who Brooks and Miss Aura Brooks, Toa- Steuffville ,.Ma-. and Ma-s. R. Met- the weekend at Ma-. Russell Wriglit's are home on furlougli, aecentiy viit- onto, wea-e holiday visiters at Ma-. S. calfe and f amily, Base Line, Ma-. and called on othea- faiends Sun- ed Ma-. and Ma-s. F. Swalow. .Ma-. S. Ba-ooks', Congratulations te Ma- Frank Taenoutli, Oshawa, and Ma-. day moa-ning the Sunday school lield and Ma-s. Fred Twist and baby EUl- Haa-old Muir on wnning Ist paize Ross Trenouth, Belleville, visited at theia- annual Rally Day service with een, Toronto, spent the weekend in the ploughing match at Boys' Ma-. A. Taenouth's Ma-. Wallace a vea-y large attendance. The pro- witl i 115 othea-, Ma-S. L. Twist. Training School, Bowmanviîîeae- Horn, Kingston, Ma-. Fred Biilett, gaam was followed on the Rally Daty Ma-s. Twist and baby aemained for a cently Miss Mabelle Walter- and Ma-. Tom Sykes, Toronto, Ma-. Fr-ank sheets and a short adda-ess was giv- visit. Misses Nellie Snowden, Lake- Miss Lyla Osborne called on Ma-. Hastings, Guelph, spent the holiday en by Rev. A. M. Woctton. League hua-st, Annie Laird, Young's Point, Melville Staples, Orono. on the hlli- at their homes liea-e. Miss Mary pro-graa Thursday evening was in B. E. Souci and Ruby M. Ba-agg, day. Jebsen, R. N., Bowmanvie, spent charge o! Miss Laura Davey. Read- spent the holiday at their respective Sunday with lier mothea-, Ma-s. J. ing, Miss frene Camea-on; vocal solo, homes. Misses Vera Ta-unble, Jean Jebson ..Ma-. Ivan Stepliens, Tor- Rev. A. M. Wootten: a lettea- was Stinsen spent the weekend with the onto, visited lis mothea-, Ma-s. W. G. aead fa-om Rev. Chas. Allen Claa-ke, formers parents, Ma-. and Ma-s. R. D. Stepliens .Ma- and Ma-s. W. Bailey, D. D., o! Korea, by Ma-s. W. Taylor: Ta-amble, aise Ivisited Ma-. and Ma-s. Kitchener-, visited at Ma-s. C. Hoa-n's. vocal duet. Ma-s. James and Ma-s' John Snowden.. . Ma-. and Ma-s. Ma-. and Ma-s. E. Jamieson, Floyd Dudley. A ta-ee contest was Harvey Swallow, Toronto. visiteci Mfessr-s. Elmea- and Roy Jamieson, then enjoyed by al. Oua- League 1s theîa- cousins, Ma-. and Ma-s. Fa-ank Toronto, spent a few days with Mr-. invited te visit Orono Young People Swailow, on Mcnday, Miss Greta T. Saltea- Ma-. Hubert Smaa-t, To- on Oct. 27th. Munday, Peterboro Normal, spent railla, spent the weekend witl Ma-. the weekend at home Ma-. and Raymond Bur-ns Ma-. and Ma-s. ----- Ma-s. J. H. Munday, Ma-. Wallace M'ilton Slemon and sons, Haydon, AUCTION SALES Munday, and Ma-. and Ma-s. E. W. Mfiss Nancy Johns, Toronto, spent Foley visited their brother and sis- Sunday with Ma-s. C. Johns .Ma-. tea-in-law, Ma-. and Ma-s. Milford and Ma-s. E. Wood, Bcwmanville, vis- The undeasigned lias aeceived in- Wilkins, Oshawa, on Sunday Ma-. ted at Ma-. S. Williams'. Messas. sta-uctions fa-cm the Executors o! the Wilson Rower, Ottawa, is visiting ae- lara-y Cowling, Toronto, and Pea-cy estate e! the late latives Ma-s. J. D. Stevens is vis- îcxwliday atowtheir hoe, he Ma-s T. J. COLE iting hea- brother, Ma-. F. R. Feley, ialida at thir hom here Mrs.St. Catherines Ma-. and Ma-s. John ..... DJoins is spending a week with ta sell by Public auction on Hopps and baby Lorraine, Toronto, - ier, Miss Nancy Johns,Lo2, adM-.Fe roronto Miss Lilian Phillips, Ta- 19, Con. arMrnLondvisited Ma-. S e ente. spent the holiday with lier at Maple Graove Corner on thfe White and dauglitea- Geatrude, Osh- 1' ister, Ma-s. W. Ca-aig Ma-. and Higliway, on awa, spent the weekenci with lier . S L la-s. G. Davey, Port Pea-ay, visited F1CO E 3d parents, Mir. and Ma-s. J. D. Stevens. -- iti Ma-. and Ma-s. H. Peters Ma-s. FRDAY, OC OB R 3 . Ma-s. B. J. Gay and Miss Evelyn -d * 1. Armour and daugliters aecentîy the follewing Faa-m Stock, ImpIe- Gay, Oshawa, visited the foa-nea's / ' isited Orono faiends Ma-. and ments, etc: sistea-,A-rs. W. J. Snowden, on Sun- [as. J. R. Knox and two daugliters GIdings., 9 !aimai day Ma-. and Ma-s. McEacherm and- isited Ma-. and Ma-s. R. H. Waa-dea-, Iy:r,.gî ,r dauglitea- Doa-otliy. Waterloo, Ma- and.( lowmanville, on Sunday and at- CATTLE-1 Mack iow,6 yaso1i, ,Ma-s. Stuaa-t Mor-ton and two child- nded annivea-saa-y services at Tai- -1 ',ll',a..a ow r.'daeCbu- y Curci Te . C T.1.. hld ;';~ I ciî.n (0 2Yas Irm pren, Ma-.gvisited the lattea-'s. Ly Church The . C.iT. U hel Parents, Mr.and Ma-s. Tr-uman Pew- . he menthly meeting on Tuesday at Mi.2~ lSH ~ v ir îrml er, on Sunday Miss Whitty, Col- r~* he home off Ma-s. C. J. Keaslake, r .I on ApiXr -c 1R, lins School, visited with Miss Vera ;ith 25 ladies present. Miss L. i 2 y i:rs, biriI Air 2 Pwr n atn3 .sCn S y'arlîrîlPoawer12andFarrîa 'owsTeach-,rs' Cn Leeves, president, paesided. Ma-s. J. 1 iîNizîhorOaIu. , yasj,.aa-- vention in Oshiawa. Miss Doaothy Buans adchage ! he ev- 2S:,.r, 2'î',îs oi.2 1,frs 2 ciI~S Belîman, Consecen, and Miss Marion ýonal. Ma-s. Kerslake, treasurea-, ae-a 'r 1 'î j 1i ,Imcod Bellman, Town, visited their grand- orted a balance cf $18.78. It waSteMs. JiB.ilvi'>.nd h I - ecicied ta send for Temperanc unrmhr fnr vtr l.mte andMas. J.MB. Wad and thejR.a- ides te be used in the Young aIu,ý to far- ano un, a. ndM-s R . eople's meeting. Miss Katea-son ralcist. 12 Store Pîgm *9 :'oke on the werk cf the medal con-- POULTRY~-,.Io1-- - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. OCTOBER 22 - 23 - 24 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. The screen's smartest comedy! He's up-to-date! Ariiss answers the wish of the world for an Ar- liss picture of today. Answers it witb bis f irst comedy! Earl Derr Biggers' dellgbtful tale of a mil- lionaire wlio took time off f rom resting to have some fun at work! Made convincingly human by Booth Tarkington's dialogue! You'll love it! George Arliss in "THE MILLIONAIRE" Wlth David Manners, Evalyn KnaPP, Noah Beery and James Cagney. Furst and Foremost Your Druggist is a Skilled Chemist No other meaclant bears sucli vital respcnsibility te lis cern- munity . . . neother mcachant is aequircd te qualify for lis woa-k as is youa- dauggist. Consult youa- doctor aegulaaly and co-epea-ate with hlm by hav- ing youa- prescriptions propea-ly compoundcd. At oua- store ycua- Prescription will be paepaa-ed by a professionally taained pharma- dast. Next time an emea-gency arises give prompt delivea-y a taial by Phoning 78 jury &Loveli Whcn we test eyes t h done Properly Durham County Junior Farmaers ATTENTION I The Annual JUDGING COMPETITION will be held at 13LACKSTOCK in TOWN HALL Tuesday, October 2Oth, 1931 Beguuxing at 8.15 a. m. Trip to Toronato Royal Show for ten highest boys, 16 Years old and under 21. Tbree Silver Cups: Cash Prizes in each class cf Live Stock. Banquet will be held at 6.30 p.m. Tickets 50c. For fuather particulars Write or phone E. A. SUMMERS, Atricultural RLepresentative, Port Hope, Ont. aI c c h si w q vi Iv Bi it: th th wi Rg T. ti( PI de SU: pe 612 test in t-he Sunday-School, and prýe-: sented the following pa-oga-a:Chr -.-. --.... rain ifler: i1Dî'rinEr Dise S(,.,i Drill; Mis±onaa-y progaanwas given lit Ireading by Ma-s. A. zPeters, Mixang (1 î.'rosî & Wo0d (i'uiiivaîor;ij Deering theclcose ci tac aunday S&nooi ses- Ithe Signais"; Ma-s. H. E. Rundle gave 'îi1iîv;îî,r ,.%%- 1 ss'-îmri .io. in Ma-s.t a a reading, A B tt mes ug;1faseaarJ Ç rÇ îUi r. t e M ssnNi~,~ t aeading, Ma-s. S. J. Williams, 'Why 1i1-8; 1 aFmrrners Friendl iiîing Plow, . . eanMisnsesdOk, ow - e W Orgarlize"; aeading, Miss Katea-- 2-furrow; i ln-rt. Stee and W.: iOu,.- anvail, spen -.son, "Haa-d Tumes". Pleased te have horse Sieuffir; 2 Good Farmn Wagons:teWeedwt Set Good Wagon Springs; i set Sleighs; tLilir parents, Ma-. and Ma-s. Wesley writh us a numbea- of ladies fa-cm i tr: i fluggy; i Drcocrat: 1 S5-zal Oke ...Ma-. W. G. Robolins, Bow- Zion as they are anticipatang oa-- Power Sprayer: 1 IIay Fork Complote: nianville, Ma-s. £evi Robbins, Hamp- ganizing a Union. Next meeting, 1 Jet 2000-lb. Scale9, Wood as new: 1 o iie n Nov. lth, at Mrs. A. Peters. Tri bDri: Other articles too num,-r- toviiecter brother, Ma-. F'rank ilmi to m'ýntion. Rcbbins, wio. is sick ... Rev. H. W. BEES--2s iiiv-s orf flics: Qiîantity of Foley, Selby, will preacli here next fiee Supplies. bunaay evening ..... Mr. and Ma-s. DARLINGTON HARNESS-.1 Set flreeching liarnesq, Loine Grîllin a8nd Jean, Mr-. and Ma-s nî:irly ne.1iSet flreicaing iRarns", J.Wotten and amlPreHi, niî;ii9 ea irass moîînaî.î 2Sets -.fniy u-i il Report cf Base Line No. 3, for Ploiigh l-larness, i1Ss-t Single Harnf-sa. ViSited at Ma-. Win. Ga-lfins who is Septembea-: FEED-1îo Tons M\lHmiy: 1200 bus. uncaer tic doctors care. Hope for Sa-. IV-*Grace Truîl 81, *May 2l'u.l(irain. 1 avin .%langolil., 3ý acres a speedy recovey-y- Ma-. and Ma-s. Stea-ms 78. (atiining Corn Fodfliar; Ensilage. 'tanley May, Toronto.Ma-s. Mary Jr. IV-*Elsie Flint 77, Hazel WOOD--ýQiiaîiiv 4i-,]ar, sufiîll for, Miss Mabel 'Beecli, Hay- Flint 73. i;,r. Qmniîî ilî "ii'l'osts; don, visited at Ma-. E. C. Asht.on's Mi4o i i'ra18S trivi.eoo Sa-. III-*Be-niece Rober-ts 77, HOUSEHOLO FURNITURE and Fu Ma-. and Mas uiAnsSona Louise Folcy 73, Helen Rundîe and nisîiulu, ifleîliflng f1B Cd q . îîh- .vsited at Ma. . M. Slemon's, Maurice Merpiy 71, Hazel Trull 69. -, t', Ma-. John Slemon visited bis son. Hazel Roberts 63. tSammy Van- Farim of 175 Acres-will be ofiea-ed Dr. C. W. Slincn, on Monday Camp 59. for sale, subject te reserve bid. The Ma-. and Ma-s. J. A. Stainton and son Jr. III-Vea-a Gibson 56, tEddie terms made known on day o! sale. Cliffora, Toronto, Ma- and Ma-s. C. Forsyti 55, tArthua Feasyth 54. Sale at 12 noon Sharp. W. Souci, Hampton, visited ait Ma-s. SrInI an .lf8, eg J. Pyc's Mass M. E. Viatue, Tor- Sirùa-.I- Jan66c. 8,Pe See bills for tea-ms. onto, witi lier aunt, Mrs. Phylina Sa-. I-Eveline Gibseai 91, *Goa-- J. D. Hlogaath, Elmer Wilbua-, Mountjey Rev. and Ma-s. H. Wil- don Ta-oh 81, Viola Roberts 68, Clea-k. Auctioneer. kinson and Doa-othy, Halibua-ton, Marie Rober-ts 61, Milton Storms 58. --------wea-e guests cf Ma-. and Ma-s. W. J. Sa-. Pa.-*~Madelane Metcalf and Stainton Rev. H. Wilkinson, a 'Gordon Metcaîf iequalD, *Glenn ~ody Oct. 19th. -Having ae- former pastor, prcacîcd a very in- IMetcalf and *Louise Forsyti equal> ceived instniactions f rom Burgoyne spiaing and lielpful sermon on Sun- Jr. Pr_-Alvin Metcalf, *Make and Parevost te selI by public auction day evening; oua- pastor. Rev. J. M. Bonk, *Kenneti Power,. 'Donald 0on Lot 9. Con. 4, Township of East Wliytc, taking annlve-saa-y services Metcalf, 'Sammy Bonk. Marion Er- Whitl;y Fave Points), 24 hcad o! at Haliburton Dr. H.- Fea-guson nest. CattIe tonsis!ang off 4 new milkea-s, and sons Allan and Donald, spent ~-onas;t-alu-eo tta. 2 duae about Oct* 25th, 13 dite in Thanksgiving day witi lis parents -Hoors t-ailre n ttal Marci or lst of Apa-al. 14 o! these at Uxbaidge .Ma-. and Ma-s. Elwood Ruby M. Ba-agg, teachea-. are Well ba-ed Hoîsteins, 2 Jer-seys 4 Rahm and family, Oshawa, with tie -wt'll ba-ed Ayashres. 4 Durhams anid fea-ers sistea- Mrs. J. Sblackelton. OLD RESIDENT PASSED AWAY Jerseys. These cattle are ail be- Miss Elsie Moore and Miss Mua-- _____ tween the ages of 4 and 7 yeaa-s. iel Moore, Toronto, visited the for-- Ter~; mothson ppaoi.edjoint m rers brother. Ma-. W. H. Moore O n O ctober lst, 1931, at the age o! notes . b earing inte r s t 6 p r 1 M . W C . S a n o , T o t , vi te 86 ear, M. Smul Glbet o Ge _annîm Sale at 1.30 p. m. Edgar- his father, Ma- Jas. Stainton. at Mrs. cat, Halibuaton Co., passed te the Glovea- Clerk; Elmer Wilbua-. Auc- H tvn' Ma-. and Mrs. Wilbert Great Beyond. h s ..i g- ti.necr, TautnP...H Sees land and camýe w th b e antn P .0 jSmith and !amily, Oshiawa, visitcd Canada at tha-e ' eaa-s b He ______ is parents' Ma-. and Ma-s. F. W. Jmaaried Isabella Thompson. no de- Smlith Ma-. and Ma-s. C. A. Stain- ceased, and they spent their young- Tuesday. Oct. 20th-Ivan M. Law ton and babe vlslted his sistea-, Ma-s. ea- days in the vicinity cf Hampton. will sell on Lot 23, rear Con. 2, Urane Lamb Miss Gladys Page Four o! a !amiîy cf six survive,: hitby township, f arm stock, in- spent the weekend with lier grand- James c! Dominion City, Man.; Ma-s clulding herses, cattle, pigg. liens,' Parents, Ma-. and Ma-s, S. Page, En- iHenr-y Hogg (Maagaaet, Minden; vegetables, apples. and implements. field. Mrs. John Hogg (Isabel) and Alex- Sale at 1 p. m. Sharp. Sec buils for Young People's meeting wIll be andea-, bath o! Lodilin. particulars. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. beld on Tuesday evenlng next when liornsi and RPocks. liens 7.7, T,g IMPLEM EN-aS, Etc-i Deerin g Corn †orinlcl S<l. Good Baking Seils Despite general business conditions, our good baklng ia steadily bringing us an Increasing number of satlsfied customers. You ta-y our baklng arnd you wili be baek for more. Be sure and see our advertiseanent in next week's issue of The Statesman. It wlll contain some news that wil be o! intea-est to everyone. Watch for it. BOWMANVILLE BAKERY Thiis is Coat Week ChiUy days and cooler nights have baought us to the tune when we have to get prepared for the winter with a new coat. Be sure and sec Oua- complete stock before you bay anywhere. We are selling more coats this year than evea- before which proves that Smart Shop Coats are making more and more satisfied customers. Coats are from 10% to, 25% lower an paice this year, too. The Smart Skop Cowan Block Geo. R. Mason, Manager Style Uppermnost You can take quality for gI-ant- e( ihere You can take extrem value as an establisheci fact. We've bujit up oui- prestige and patî-onage on these two factors. ALndlme make style so ohvious ........... ............ n these suits that you'll take to them immediately. Ready-to-Wear Suits $153 00 .Up iMADE-TO..MEASIJRE SUITS $22.50 up with underlying quality in tailoring and fabric These topcoats are smait... unusually smait and dî'essy. And what maintains their smartness throughout a long l)eliocl of Wearing set-vice is the fine fabijes and fiî'm finished tailoring we've p)ut into thern. and up Directly Opposite T D (ll.jI"fh Phone 61 Rank of Montreal lTeLB. ' uILCHmuUIST Bowinnv3ille h ~*. .' t q4 ié~ 'y 1~i ~ 4 's ~ .1' .~ "e-, 4 Q 1 mi ............ THE CANADIAN sTATZSMAN, BOWMANVnja, TRIURSDAY. OcToiaLm isth icqi GOOD NEWS NEXT WEEK aie E= ENNISKILLEN $153 00