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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1931, p. 8

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t. '~w',r .~fl, ' ~rwrry~ '..., r.'.." ~ ~'~y t .r'r' * n'1s.' fr.AWTTA TI'AN T "A 9aSMRA. BCUM ANUI .T. Lf.ltfNI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1931 PAGE EIQHT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL HOW TO TRAIN A Screech Owl Staff 1 INLTHUB D Trie folowing students have been By E. L. Livingstone appointed to trie Screecri Owl Staff Aplge oEminfrtlig- for tris year: Consulting Edtor- Aooist mail o eln C. I. Ogden; Editor-in-Chef-Paul- how she trained her husband Caleb, ine Wagar; Associate Editrs-Piy- and how ta train a skinflint hus-_ Ris Criallis, Chester' Jury; Business band. Manager-Donald Williams; Assist- "So Susan, you want to know how ant Business Managers--Bradley 1 came ta marry Caleb when I knew H1oneyman, Novelda Berry; Adver- just what kind of a man rie was, tising Staff-Aleck Birks. Elinor and hoW rie treated Nancy his f irstW Sykes. Hilda Brown. Mary Jewel wif e? Well aow l'il tell you al i Circulation Nlanager-Harald Hart- about it."O ley; Secretaries-Leari Bell, Violet -Dan'l, my husband, lef t me poor- Nicriols; Student Activitic-Mar- ly off when rie died. I had two lit-n jonc Brad ; Al m ni- arot y Ri k le ch ldre a an' w hat to do, I didn't ' ard; Wios Wro-Oscar Jamiesoii, know. Trie mortgage was due inia Newton Hacklie3: Exchiange Editor year. After ie died, 1 sent trie -Leonail Wilson: Girls' Athletics- childrcn ta my brother John ta go t( Evelyn Rickard: Boys' Atrletic- ta school. Brother John wanted me I Nelson Osborne; Çriuckles--Douglas to give them ta hum tW take care af w Adams; V-.Jean Millson: TV-El- 'em, I was medtating on it, but f ord Cox; III-Evelyn MacKinrion; awful lotri ta do it. But what cisc & fl-Jamnes Sisson: Senior' Commerc- could I do with thcmn, if trie old farm il ial--Gordan Adams: Junior Comn- was took away f rom me. One mon- tE mercial-Mariofi Glanville; IA- ing wrien trie mortigage was about j( Tom Dustan; IB-Maniofl Jewell. aue, I wpA out rioin' aloagside trie s( làtray ScityElection fence joinin' Caleb's cornficld. I r Literry Soietytell yau, Susan, I neyer f cît bluer in Trie election af oficers for Lite r- my born days. Id allers' livcd an' ary Society is being carried on now worked on a farm and couldn't do but trie result will not be known till no otrier kind of work; 50 wriat was Thursday. Nominations are: ta become of my two crilîdren, It Honorary Pesident-Mr. W. G. didn't know." Wagar; President--Stanley Rickard 'prpet od thcn o (acclamation); Vice President- green .inî,» zsmbd vrti YvoneTiri, Mril akr;Sec- lence. "Yes" sez I, 'Ive donc t] retary-Margaret WightmanNeli enough of it since I was lef t alone. Kirkton; Treasurer-Murray Bulr Practîce makes perfect, we used ta Donald Hardstane; Pianist-Criarlie 1 write in aur copy books when we C Cawker, Phyllis Challis. were children at school," and IC On Monday marning at Assemblylrieaved a sigri.9 these students were called upon ta I"Wall, Emmnaline," sez rie, -you A make short speeches. in which they nIsAmt eI ti aef x o promised to do trieir best for the n' eeamanta do in our sae in' auN' school, if eiected, and suggestingsirn need a wman t e o r ec t aL sucri things as a Halloween Party my housn'I e, an' f ou'l arc. e'toll and laer on play.hitcri rorses an' work in double har- ness. I can't find no hired help can t CHURCH SOCIETIES do as Nancy did, "What say you - - Emmaline?"t Trie regular meeting of St. Paul's I cidn't say anything for a few t W. . S wa hcd o Tusda, Ot.minutes. It ail flashed over me in ap 20th. at trie home of trie Misses Al- second what an unfeeling man ied lea, Beecri Ave. Mrs. W. Adams, allers been. Pon Nancy hiad ta do President, presided. Mns. A. L. Nîcri- ail trie rousework, and other work f olls gave a very interestiflg accaunt rie ougrit ta have donc, and besides of " How trie Bible came ta Korea." rie was stingier than7 any old miser Mrs. A. Colville contrîbuted a solo, too. I knew, too, rie was a smart which was mnucri enjoyed. At trie man in many ways, and able ta live conclusion of business a very pleas- in much better shape than ie did.t ant social hall hour was spent. Sez I ten myself, if rie is a mean Trie Atemnoon Tes and Sale held ikinflint of a man, he's better thanc by St. Paul's United Chureri ladies nonle i My condition. An' I sez, on Saturday afternoon was a very -Caleb, we've been neigribors for plcasing affair. An appetizing tea many a ycar, I knaw your failin's an' was scrved at smail tables daintily spose you know Mine an' so if youc decorated with flawers, while atten- says so, ail rigrit, we migrit bth dof tive waiters senved. Trie sale of worse." Well ta make a long stony1 home cooking was also Weil patron- short, we agreed ta have trie busi-c ized. During thie afternaan solos ness donc right off. Caleb said itî were sung by Mrs. Alex. Colvîlle who was stylish ter go on a weddin' tour1 was accompanied by Mrs. M. A. Neal, nowadays and as rie wanted ter go and a piano solo by Miss Elsie Car- cv)w11 ta Bangor ta sec about sellingf ruthers. Autumn flowers and leaves his wool, and as Sara Jane Curtis made trie roomn look very inviting. who used ta work for hum, lived Tri metig o tie lie Jck about hall way we could stop there,t son Mission Band was held Oct. 14 and flot cost us anything, bath ways, in Tiniy Scoolroom Metingop-an' make a visit too; s0 that suited ened witti singing and prayer by ma rte onlvsteeto Mrs. Ives. Scripture lesson was read you kncw, and I just madc Up myt by Jean McMulen; reading, Don- mmnd ta, bring riome trie crijîdren. othy Bnadt; sentence prayers werc An' sa I did, but Caleb was orful offereci by f ive girls and Lord's pnay- set agin' it. '0f course, they can' er in unison. Watch tower was re- came and make a visit." I let hlmn portcd by Betty Edger, Dorothy triink so, cause I wasn't quite ready Bradt, Dorotriy Wight, Jean Mc- ta have words with him yct. We Mullen; piano solo by Margaret were away about a week, an' got ta Woods; reading, Jean Rundie; vocal ris home late in trie afternoon. Trie duet, Veda Purdy and Gertrude next moriiig I woke Up pretty early, Wagar; rcading, Betty Edger; in and went ta sec how trie crildren strumental solo, Rutri Ives; vocal had rested. They were still sleep- duet. Ruthi Purdy and Dorotryiy ng, so Was Caleb stilîl snoring wrien Smalp; reading, Dorotriy Richards. I returned, but f inally whea rie1 __________see'd it was getting daylight, rie nudgcd me an' sez rie, "Wake Up, Emmaline, its broad daylight, come, I came, get up, or we won't have any N ews for The 1 tcrdayy It B usy Farmer ngmy eyes, I sez "Gota odfr _________________I______________ any f ires, Nancy allers' built trie fines." "Did she," sez I, Buy Cloyer Seed Now cool as a cucumber, "Sa did Daniel.", I turned aven and pretended ta go Farmers anticipating trie purchase ta sleep again. Well, rie wiggled and of claver and alfalla seeds, would be turned and twisted, but didn't try ta Weil advised ta, do sa naw. Trie sit- get Up, but I got my feet Planted uation is that triere are many On- agin' trie wail an' MY back agin" tario growers who are in need of ris; I gave a migrity heave, an' rie ready casri, and who will acccpt sac- landed Plunip on trie floor. rifice pnices. Obviously, then, tris I dont 'member all rie said, buti would seem ta be trie timne ta, buy ie bult trie f ire, and was a long1 claver seed, rather trian wait tili time about it. There was't na spring whea prices may be consid- kindlirng nor sticks Of Wood and rie1 erably higrier. tiad ta skinmish round lively. Ii In trie purchase and sale Of small didn't hurry none, let me tell you,1 seeds, trie Dominion Seed Act re- I was most dead lyl' in bcd so long,1 quines that sucri seeds must be sold but I sez ta myscif, "if I make trie1 by grade. Trie Dominion Seed fîres now, l'II probly have tii do lit1 Brancr i wll examine samples f ree 'la cOld weather an' I wan't do it for! of charge. any man. He was terribly suilen ahl day, but I didn't take no notice of1 him. Towands nigit rie knda thaw- Grain Show Postpened cd out. T'he nex' day rie was ta be- Owing ta geacral conditions in gin riayin' and rie had six men terj Westrn anaa, he wrlds gainhelp hlm. I had ta do alI trie house- esbtionadh a trie avd's rainxcrk' take care of trie milk aad exhiiin, Riainwas2tahave been churning an' it was no fools job,.1I . eodtinegiunai 1932, Ths eenitell you. Came time ta get dinner1 pospoeduntl 93. riedeisonan' triere wasn't a îve f w ples for commercial purposes, not Calebi looketi like a thuinder cloud inclt.cing trie apples solti in boxes. ready to hurst. "Wriat dors tris hampers andi in otrier fonîns," stat- sez rie. "It means lit wriat cd Hon. Mn. Kennedy. '0f tris YWIsc. sez I. 'youî said yesterday amount about 250,000 barrels wll gu voi ridn't want b rie callecj from ta trie Biitisri markcet, as compared trie fieldl unless for vit taIs an' riere with only 87,000 barrels last yeari. thUeYai-(,." "Nice shape to,." sez ie. Ontaia's apple crop tris yean is trie ,"Wql antc00wtiotwo finest in trie province's ristory. n'idy to buirn," sez 1. Due credit for trie splendid showîng la Bitan isals giea t Mn An With thuit ail seven of 'cm stant- drew Fulton, fruit growers' represen- ed for trie waod yard and neyer left tatîve overseas. that wood pile tlll It was ready for *The Newcastle IndepenclentM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1931 NEWCASTLE Miss Dorothy McLeocý, ToiXnto, was Thanksgiviflg guest of Miss Dor- othy Rickard. C. N. R. and C. P. R. sectionmen 0oW have Saturday afternoons off with a corresponding reduction in pay. Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and Mas- er Jimmie Keech visited Mr. anîd /Irs. Jas. Standen, Lindsay, over the w'eek-end. The mnembers of Mrs. Percy Hare's group of the W. M. S. held a quilt- ing bee at her home on Tuesday af- ernoon and attained their day's ob- ective. Their leader and hostess served a refreshing lunch in con- nection with their labours. Mr. W. F. Rickard has sold his whole apple crop to Mr. Norman Ir- win, Whitby, who has been down to Mr. Rickard's twice within the past two weeks in his aeroplane. The ap- ples are being put Up inl boxes con- aining one and one fifth bushels, supplied by Mr. Irwin who has them rucked away when they are f illed. John VanDusen presided at the Publie School sr. room Literary So- ciety on Friday afternoon. Trie pro- gram consisted of: a recitation by Audrey Brown. reading by Dorothy Aldread, Louise Hancock and Hazel McManus, moutri organ solo by Lloyd Hancock and a contest jumb- led letters of pupils naines, by Kathi- een Spencer. Victor Garrod won thé contest with eleven correct out of twelve. Prize- a nickel. There was a good attendance at rie Golden Rule Mission Band on Saturday afternoon. Evelyn Allun )resided and Muriel Shaw read thie scripture lesson. Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler, the superintendent. read from and conducted the discussion on the mission study book "Korea." Numbers on thie program were: A solo by Emma Jean Harris. accom- panied by Gladys Pollard; a reading by Lilian Burley; and a story by Mirs. C. T. Batty. The Meeting con- cluded merrily with gaines with Gladys Pollard at the piano. Trie Woman's Association of the Ujnited Church met in the S. S. Hall on Thursday afternoon last with the first vice president, Mrs. W. j. S. Rickard. in the chair. Plans were completed for trie holding of a baz- aar on Nov. 4th. Mrs. w. j. S. Rickard's group reported a success- ful afternoon tea held since the last meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. C. Wright and Mrs. Fred Graham's group an equally successful evening tea at Mrs. Percy Hare's. Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers contributed a reading and Mrs. C. R. Carveth a vocal solo to trie programn. Mrs. F. B. Lovekin superintended the service of lunch. Mr. W. J. Hockin received Word on Saturday that his step-mother, Mrs. Win. Hockin, had passed qui- etly away in her sleep at trie home of her son. Mr. Fred Hockin, Maple Grove. She had been a helpless in- valid for several Years. Mr. Hockin and family were up on Sunday and attended the funeral on Monday af- ternoon. Others of trie family con- nection who attended trie funeral from here were Mr. and Mrs. Buck- ley, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenney and Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Many relatives were also present from Orono and vicin- ity._ trie stove. I neyer was bothened fan wood again. Some time after I wanted some moncy putry bad. I wanted ta scnd Jorinnie and Nellie back ta school and I was bound tlicy should have some clothes fit ta, weam. I ast Caleb a numben of times ta let me riave some but rie made ail kinds of ex- cuses. One day along cames a pedier that bot butter an' eggs. I hati con- siderable on hand that Caleb was intending té) take into trie city when rie had tume. I sold every pounti of butter, every single egg I hati in trie house. I got nigri on ta, twenty-five dollars for 'cm. Whea Caleb came hMme I told him I had sold trie but- ter an' eggs. "How mucri did you git," sez rie. I told i hm. "Where's trie money," sez rie. "'ve got it," sez 1. "Wall," sez rie, "Nancy allers gave me ail trie money she got for butter an' eggs." "Did she?" sez I, "and s0 did Daniel." He gat tined 0f holding Nancy Up afore my eyes, fan I would ofset hrie with Dan'l every time. He found 1 was powenful set in my way, and found it was better ta let me have my own way, and so he has. I don't mean ta be ugly, but I won't be tnod an- by nobody. When rie wouldn't let me have what maney I wanted. I'd sell sometring every tume. I sold two tons 0f hay anc time, whea I knew rie had only enougri ta wlnter ris critters, so rie found )ut I wasn't afnaid of hlm, and rie has behaveti quite decent. 1 told i hm awhile ago that he was gnowing quite cleven. "Clever" sez rie, "I'd rathen you'd caîl be a dog-ganed fo>ol than cv- cm." I notice reie s improvlng ah trie time, an' I lay it ter trie trainîn'. ADVERSITY Is a mirron that reveals ta every marn ris strength and weaknesses; Is a fatal illness ta some men; Is a tonlc ta men 0f courage; Is a sto)rm ta treaten trie fearful man: Is a tide ta sweep trie determined man ta victony; Is a challenge ta some and trie tolling of a bell to otriers. COLLACU'rT COACH LINES TIME TABLE Leave Bowmanvuiie Leave BowmanvIlle (Westbound) lEastbound) 8.0 i l . .0a. m. ii < ni.Ui a. mn i1S i . .1 .05 p. ni. .2() p. mý 5,05 . n 9.5-J p. ni. 7.05 in. 12.1-,1 a. ni. I mid'ight) 9.45 p. m. Oaylight Savlng Time Arrîingerntnt.s have i)ccf made wlth the i,roî,rietor of théc. Balmorail Iltel for wniting room conv,-nhînes. For ail in- formation regardlng arrivai and depart- ure of oiir coachee Phono 322. UNITED CHURCR Mrs. Harry Smith and chijîdren are over from New York State vis- Reports of Great IMIssionary iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ConfeenceRobinson. Gonfeencein the list of prize winners of Newcastle Public School published At the marning service of trie last week, the first prize for writing Llnîtea Cnurch on Sunday, Rev. W. was awarded to Camilla Brown. e. Rogers, Mrs. Rogers, Mr. J. E. W. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. elup and Mr. Frea Liraham, deleg- Mason. M. A.. Rector. Sunday. ates to the great missionary Con October 25th. Twenty-first Sunday gressi n Toronto on Oct. lst and 2nd after Trinity: 8 a. m.-Holy Com- orought to thie local cogregation in munion; 9.45 a. m.-Sunday School: teresting anci informative reports. 1.1 a. m.-Morning Prayer; 7 p. m=- Ti'ney co'ýered thie two days* progralni Evensong. in such a way that they would nat mn thsfr hi eio overlap and repeat one anotner in Aong toe rome itrnation their reports, aithough attending plwo at ne he iternationalt perhaps nearly every session. Botr itplowing atneafolktero. i t Mr. and Mrs. Rogers gave vivid word tos nsyind f 01k onthrned t et pictures of the large concourse of tw ncneto hrwtwr sixthosan eaerandpuroseulMr. and Mrs. M. Wight and sons, sin thand ena e n prpsofulP. W. Bowen. M. P.. Howard AI- mae anwoetongr iest;0flin, W. J. S. Rickard and Garnet. Masseiy; f hali el crowdis uien Allan Clemence. H. R. Pearce and trie basement and in thie new Met-Alet ropolitan church. Mrs. Rogers spoke United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- of Dr. 1'oyohiko Kagawa 0f Japan, ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Oct. 25: one of the greatcst living person- il a. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 p alities of the present age, tounder of m.--Sunday School. Evening service the Kingdom, of God movement withdrawn owing to Clarke anniver- which is sweeping a big part of the sary. A double quartette f rom thE world and a human dynamo of tre- Newcastle choir will sing afternoor mendous energy and power. He, al- and evening at the Clarke Churcli though small of stature, with many anniversary services to be conducted physical disabilities, was the out- by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M. A., Or- standing figure at trie congress. Mrs. oflo. Rogers gave a brief sketch of his _________________ early if e, his educational attain- ments and ris main charcteristics and also gave a gist of ris mnspircd and earnest addresses at trie con- gress. Mr. J. E. W. Philp gve a synopsis of trie address of Hon. R. B. Enn Prime Minister of Canada wv a fimed that trie grace 0f God per- meating trie lives of men and wom- en was trie only that could put trie world at right again. Mr Graham reviewed trie address of Dr. E. H. Oliver, trie Moderator, and in doing so called trie congreg- ISTABLISHED ation's attention once more to trie 5 privations and dire want of trie peo- ple in trie drougrit stricken area of rWHERE ECONOMY RU.KS-) Soutricrn Saskatchewan and trie challenge which trieir pligrit constit- utes and continues to constitute to SMOKED SUGARC-CURED their more favored f ellow beings in otrier parts of Canada; And it is gratifying to know triat those who can do anythîng to relieve trie nec- DC essities of their detiue dlo beings in trie Great West are nobly E EA E meeting trie challenge. Newcastle E N A ] United Church rias sent trirougri FINEST QITALITY TEND] Rev. John Coburn, Organizer of trie National Emergency Relief Commit- tee seven large bales of clothing; St. Gerge' Philp entione t by w ain-dO A GMre hrch has sntoent swaoe and oformation, when rie was giving his ONELESS PEAMEALED report that trie railway riad already taken west 34 carloacis of clothing, sent trirougritrie church.C FL I G I Rev. W. P. Rogers briefly reviewed 1 o t i trie challenging addresses of Dr. Richard Roberts, Dr. James Endi- FRESH CUTS 0F YOUN( cott and Dr. R. B. Cochrane. MASONIC BANQUET AT NEWCASTLE fflTrie eception and banquet ten- dered to M. W. Bro. W. S. Herning- ton, K.C., Grand master of trie Grand Lodge of Canada, in trie province of Ontario by trie Lodges of Ontario District on Friday evening, Oct. 9 was trie outstanding event of trie week preceding Triaaksgiving, Trie ladies of trie Memorial Librany Ald of which Mns. (Dr.) J. A. Butler is president, served trie banquet in trie comrnunity hall wriere about twa hundreti and fifty mnasons sat at tables attnactively laid and decon- ated with caadles and vases of many vanieties of autuma gardea flowers, trie latter of whicri wene largely pro- vided and their arrangement sup- erlntended by Miss Dnummoad. Trie menu consited of Potatoes, meats, salads, jellies, relishes, etc., and fan dessert, fruits and pumpkin pie with Whipped cream. Coff ce was senved as a beverage. At trie conclusion of trie meal trie banquetters tendereti trie ladies their heanty thanks and their appreciation of their skill, gooti taste and efficiency as caterers. M. W. Henington of Napanee, trie rionomed guest 0f trie eveaing, was accompanieti and intnaduced by Rt. W. W. M. Logan of Hamilton, Grand Secnetany. Rt. W. E. F. Farrow, Osh- awa D.D.G.M. and W. J. L. Cny- derman, W. M. of Durhamri Ladge wene among those prominently seat- cd at trie heati table. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FACTOR Whateven youn business, whateven your job, 'YOU are trie blggest factor ln it. Andi your value depends langely upon your pensonal efficiency, Your ability ta sec clearly, think clearly and act sen- sibly. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRJST Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 Office Hours: 9.20 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. IVEDNESDAY each week Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. Kr pjarn Trie Young People's League neap- ened witli a social evening Monday after trre and a haîf montris' vac- ation. Plans were f ormulateci fan trie annual Hallowe'en masquenade n-ith refreshments and pnizes as usual, ta be held in trie CommunitY Hall On Triursday evening, Oct. 29th. De erie Bath Saits in botties Bath Sait Cubes and Bath Powder Bath Brushes Vinolla Castile Fly ColIs, 49c 49c Sl.00 and up 10 bars 25c 2()c for 1 dozen1 Mode"s, 15 i package 2 for 85e Kersiake 's THE DEPENOABLE ORUG STORE BEWAdà4RE orFBLIND-o FOLDED FOOD BUYING Sec wbat you buy and know what you buy. Remember that 10w pries do flot always nican big values-Bar, do high Prices alwayi mean fine quallty. A & P Food Store, urge l'au te, buy foods withi our eyes open-to compare prices and ta, compare quallty. Learu how muc you save when you sfop yourselt-iow many doUars differenco It makes when you psy cuhhand carry your parcels homO. BREAKFAST STYLE I SLICED N lb.190 ?IEWE lb. ~17. ýD BACK LB. 2MC PIEff RR, JWJCY A h P SELECTE» BEEF 1T S % LRR NMC l-b.25 'G ROASTING Shoulders lb. Butte lb. J4 bFRESH CUT 10 iRYLAN d MZA MAI ath 50 FRESHS CAUGRTf SALMON TROUT l b. 1 5a 450 lb. ftlnt 90 3Nîm8sý 25a 20-LB.L PAIL $1»8 OIR IODMZE 2 A Pure, Miid, Mol- loW Santas. Sala at au Our stores Lt this new Iow price.. LA"ic 21. psi.150 I27la lb.25@ Combination Offert Purcmaaa ,3 cakes Palmolive loup for' 210 and recoive FREE ~ ~*Palmolive Beadi to rc lcpg ,FR UIfTand "VEGE 'mTABE FANCY ICEBERG LETTUCEn LAIOZCRISP Ha 0 Sw eet Potatoes NlsVU.To.cig 5b.. 25. EiGS BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ATALA P [----STORES IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE OR CASH. Grocery Manager: P. WilUams. Mleat Manager: G. McCoy. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10o Ring Street Phone No. 83 Bownianvllle TRGREAT ATLANTIC PACIFIC TEA CO. ___________LMITED 0F CANADA_________ I NLY the BEST is Good Enough When you consider your children you naturaUly con- sider only the best. That ls why s0 many turn to Bow- mianville DairY MiIk when they want the best. SPlen- did T. B. Test stock, clean barns, good f eed, hyglenlc methods, anci pasteurization ensure for you purity i Bowmaflville Dairy Whole Milk. Phone 446 or 703 fer our delivery wagon to cal! Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLE, Proprietor. PORK PIES YOUR CHOICE OF ATLATIC OR BANQUET BRANDS FLOURPASTRY 98-LB. BAG $1.19 CHOICE QUALITY TOMA&04,TOES COLUMBIA-STRIKE ANYWHERE MATCHES GOIDERICH SALI CO. SALT BRZOWN LABEL BLACK SALADA TEA a o'Clock Coffee TUE CA-NA 1 1 DjkvlEs, PURE LARD

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