c- ~ - . ., ..... ..f - - - - - - -~ ~ -.x~.nt s. - - ~ .s,.ts..t*a~ .rScacO~tWarflr s.,c~yt~q*%jti~~ Tfm rANAITAN T MT's!mAN BoWmANvnILETHURSDAY, OCTOBER 22fld, 1931 A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail fi wih $l for a six weeks' trial subscription ta THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Pubiished byJTiseCHRITIAN SCMRiC Pustisl&HXGBOCx'rv Boston. Massachusetts, V. S. A. In l yen wfll find! the daily good news et the world frow fs ii800 speciai writers. as ;well as deprtments devoted tovooena snd chiidren'a Interests. sports. musc. finance. education, radio. etc. Yeu viilb i e ld te veicume luto yor home se fearless an advocate o pes and prohibition. And dont miss Snobs. Our Dot, and thse Sundiai and the other t etures. Tm, CHIIRTiAN SciEHCE Momos. Back Bay Station, Boston, Muss. Please send me a ix weeks' trial aubcription. I enclose one dollar ($1). 0 s .- (Town) me. pissas vtInt) <Addrua> The Ideal Food For Every Âge As a builder of muscle and bome tissue for the infant, as a source of energy for the growing youth, as a provider of stamina for thie adult, as a vitalizing agent for the aged, good milk has Justly earned the title bestowed upon It by the medical profession . . . Trie Perfect Food. Be included iour early morning milk route tomorrow. P'hone 408 for Daily Delivery GlriReat. Deiry R. R. STEVENS & SON El pays to>E3uy LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE "m. Coal 7ne ati a fis It is distinctly superior - is higher in heat - lower in ash - is Nature's pure black color - and is ail pure coal. Have your bin filled to-day with this superior coal. We also sell Pochantas Coal and best grade of Coke. J. A. HOLGATE & SON BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE 153 BOWMANVILLE Mller's Worm Powders will noV anly expel worms fronthtre systent, but will induce healtriful conditions o! the systent jndcr whlch worms can fia longer tririve. Wornts keep a dhlld i a continuai state o! rest- lessness ah~d pain, and there can be no comf art for trielttle anc until trie cause o! suferlng be removed, whlch can be easily donc by trie use a! these powders, than wlich there ls,,nothlng mare effective. IV will Relieve a Cold.-Colds are trie commonest ailments o! mankind and if neglected may lead ta serious canditins. Dr. marnas' Eclectrit i 01 wlll relieve trie branchial pass- ages o! inflammation speed.lly and thoroughly and wlll strengthen then Iagainst subsequent attack. And as ually stotie cougriobecause IVuaI Itll assoptricg ecIiiation I l- laya trie Irritation itrie triroat. Try IV and prove i. NOTICE TO PUBLIC 1 Ontario Shore Gas Company, Ltci. is pleased to announce for the convenience of its custorners the appointment of MRS. E. V. SCOBELL AS THEIR AGENT IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Applications for service, payments of bis, and other business of the Comnpany will be transacted at this office, or Company's office, Oshawa. MRS. E. V. SCOBELL, King St., Bowmanville - Telephone 189 ONTARIO SHORE GAS CO. LTD. J. T. Milner, V. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Oshawa - Telephone 3300 B. H. S. RUGBY TEAM STAGE FOURTH WIN Retain by Superior Play Unbroken Record o! Wins Continuing ta dîsplay a superiar brand o! rugby trie B. H. S. Rugby Fifteen outclassed trie Oshawa Cal- legiate Juniors ta, keep up trieir un- broken records a! wmns at Oshawa an Saturday. A ligrit rain falhing in trie mornng le! t trie f ield in a soggy condition and in spots was quite mnuddy. A good brand of rugby was displaycd in trie gante and as trie Oshiawa Daily Times says, "The BowmanviUle schaal fielded an ex- ccptionaily fast team and f rom trie exhibition they gave, on Saturday should be granted senior rating next year." Witritrie wind i their backs, BowmanviUle carried trie Play front trie kick-off into trie Oshawa terri- tory. Finally O.C.V.I. stapped Bow- manville's advancement, but when they kicked on trie third down trie wind carried trie bail back almost te trie point where it was klcked. Here B. Hl. S. recovered and booted for their first point. Wth Alan and Cornlsh doing trie bulk of trie plung- ing, trie Oshawa squad made yards twlce in succession, but a fumble on trie Une gave B. H. S. trie baUl. They shoved the O.C.V.I. back Vo their 10 yard lie and they man trie bail over for a toucri. Whcn Oshawa had trie wind wlth thrnt, they lost ntany golden oppor- tunities ta score by fumbling trie ball and trie best they could do was to kick for a single. In trie second rial it was just a parade for trie heavy Bowmanville squad. They scared trre touchdowns. converted one of thrent and !orced Trewin ta rouge to, run tlicir score ta 23 points, while trie Oshawa tcam scored two singles ta make trie final score. B.H.S.-23; O.C.V.I.-3. Trie line-ups: Bow'ville Position Oshawa Hackney Snap Bel Plummer Inside Hern Veale Inside Priec Wlliams Middles Cornish Wright Middlcs Allai Adams Outsides Petersol Oke Outsldes Chappe] Ingrant Halves Trewlr W. Bagnell Halves Maundrel E. Bagnell Halves Thornle Willilams Quarter Andisor H. Clmer Flylngwlng On3 Bradt Subs Jorinstor -Adams Subs Bakegeorgi e Blrks, Hunt Subs Hodgsor d Mcllveen Subs MacKenzit I i s v STATEMENT 0F POPPY DAY FUND EXPENSES Poppy Fonds Have Provlded Aid For A Large Number of Ex-Sez-vice Men When the appeal was made to thie people af Bowmnanvile and District last November for support and don- ations on bchalf ai Poppy Tag Day, the comiittcc in charge of trie ap- peal stated that it was their inten- tion ta make a public statement of trie distribution of trie moncy con- tributed ta thie Fund. A statement is now puolishea showing trie standing of thie Fund as at March lst, 1931, tis date being thie closing date o! the Financial Year af trie Ontario Provincial Command of thie Canad- ian Legion. Sa triat the people of Bowman- ville would know that tris Fund was used only for the purpose for wrich thie appeal was made thie Local Brancri of trie Canadian Legian ask- ed tva wcll ltnown gentlemen of Bowmanvillc who are in no way con- nected ta trie Canadian Legion ta audit thie bookis oftrie Poppy Fund. jA certificate as ta trie correctness a! trie recipts and disbursements ta March lst is attached ta trie state- ment. A statement as ta trie standing of trie Fund as at September 15V shows that ta that date distribution o! re- lief ta transient ex-service men and ta local ex-service men who are flot Legion members amounted to $83.20 and ta local ex-service men who are members of trie local branch of trie Canadian Legian amounted ta $56.46, trie balance of trie Fund on riand bcing $15.32. There is no cost for trie adminis- tration of trie Poppy Fund. Ail trie time required in visiting and inves- tigating is voluntarily given by trie members of trie committee in charge of distribution. Trie report of trie Fund speaks well for trie care and management by thase responsible for its administration. IV is also wortri noting that througr trie gencrosity of those who contributed ta trie Fund eitrier by buying poppies or by direct dona- tions, it relieved trie Town of Bow- manville front many dlaimis for re- lief. Ail relief given was in trie f ormn 0f clothing, food and fuel and al these supplies were purchased f rom trie merchants o! Bowmanville and Newcastle. Committees responsible for thie raising and distribution of this Fund are: Poppy and Memorial Commit- tee: Bowmanville-F. H. Moody. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, J. O'Neill, J. Cairnis, Rev. C. R. Spencer; New- castle-G. Meadows and E. C. Hoar; Relief Coinmittee-Chief of Police S. Venton, G. Humpage. R. Candier, J. A. FrY and D. Alldrcad; Newcastle --G. Gaines and E. C. Hoar. The Poppy Fund is raised by the Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. for pur- .,poses of relief of destitute ex-service Imen and their families. This fund is distributcd impartiallY after thar- ougri investigation. Thie above facts will clearly show that na discrimin- ation is made in favor of members 0f trie Canadian Legion. mhe scason of trie year when caîts made on tris Fund is approaching, and with trie many unemPloyed de- mands for relief arc anticipatcd car- lier than usual and it is probable that thie small amount remaining in trie Fund will be completely exhaust- ed bef are trie annual Poppy Day Appeal. 1 st Bowmianville T roop Boy Scouts S. Terry, Scoutmaster Ned Rehder, Asat. Scoutmiaster meet at Central Public School Wednesdays at 7 p. m. Regular meeting of the lst Bow- manville Troop was held i Central Scriool on October 14th, with a gaod turnaut. Scoutmaster S. Terry was absent trirougri a cold, and trirougri his absence Earl Dancey, trie secre- tary-treasurer, was alsa unable ta be present. Four new members attended a Scout meeting for trie first tirne on tris evening. ahl being graduates f rom trie Cubs. They are Bert Jorinston. William James, T. Gatch- cli, Eric Swindells. Fred Neal. mhe following have passed tests recently: Boyd Slemon, lst class and proficiency badges in swinming, lst class bank account, and lst class First Aid. John Neal rcceivcd trie same badges. Raîpri Ames and Clifi Hall rcceived their cycing badges. Trie meeting was in charge of Ncd Rerider, Assistant Scoutmaster, and trie cvening was spent in regular routine work and gamnes. A statue Vo mark trie assembling there in 1929, for trie World Scout Jamboree, of 53,000 boys front 45 countries, was rccently unveiled by Lord Hampton at Arrow Park, Birkenhead. Last Christmas a small arrny of Boy Scouts operated toy repair shops in 147 towns and cities stretching across tric Dominion from Sydney, N. S., ta Victoria and Prince Rupert, B. C. Trie boys, with trie assistance of trieir Girl Guide sisters, played Santa Claus ta some 75,000 klddies who otherwise would have found empty stockings on Christmas morn- lng. Over 4,000 chldren on farms were taken care of by mail. A numn- ber o! Scout troops are already col- lecting and repairing dlscarded toys, dolls and books for their 1931 toy shops. On his own initiative a New Southi Wales Boy Scout stood guard al nlght lantern in hand, ta warn mot- Soristsofo a fallen higri tension cable. j A new permanent home for head- _quarters o! trie Boy Scouts Associa- stion at Ottawa lias been made pas- asible by a legacy of trie laVe Col. R. yW. Leonard o! St. Catharines, Ont. 0Trie headquarters is lacated near trie Victoria Memorlal Museum. Another census la being taken this montri. It wll show trie world's -population of active Boy Scouts and leaders. In 1930. trie total was re- 'ported at 2.030,000. mhis does not Ifinclude several million who have ytaken trie training and passed f rom dthie Movement. f le Is a e ln )n y )n nl )n :le Sunday School Teaclier: What qualities shauld we pray for as we grow up? Trutri, honesty and wlxat crie? Modem Youngster: Sales resist- ance. A natural aid ta healtri-Creant o! Barley Breakfast food. Wise mothers who know trie vir- tues o! Motrier Graves' Worm Ex- terminator always have it at hand, because iV proves its value. M. A JAMES & SONS ITimes were Neyer Better BADMINTON CLUB TO OPEN WITH DANCE ON FRIDAY NIGHT Maay Imprevements Have Been Made at Club Bomm - More Are Scheduled At the annual meeting of thie Ex- ecutive of the Bowmnanville Badmin- ton Club held recently these officers and committees were re-elected: President-W. R. Strike; Vice Pres- ident-L. W. Dippell; Treas.-I. G. Hefkey; Sec'y.-Alan Campbell; Diretors-A. M. Hardy, W. L. El- liott, D. R. Morrison, J. O'Neill, M. A. Neal, C. E. Rehder, Duncan Smith and Geo. E. Chase; Committees: Property and Finance-A. M. Hardy, I. G. Hcfkey, Geo. E. Chase; House -J. O'Neill, D. Smith, W. L. Elliott, C. E. Rehder; Tournament-W. R. Strike, A. Campbell, M. A. Neal, L. W. Dippeil; Social-Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mor- rison. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike; Membership and Invitation-Geo. E. Chase, I. G. Hefkey. J. O'Neill, A. M. Hardy, E. C. Southey. These com- mittees have power ta, add to their number. The Badminton Club will be for- mally opened for thie scason when a dance will be held at the club zooms on Friday, October 23rd, and trie courts will be opcned for play thie following day. At a cost of close to $200 thie floors have been rcsand- cd and painted and are in f irst class condition. Thie hall has also been newly decorated and extra ligrits have been added. It is thie intention to instail shower batris and ta par- tition the gallery to make a club room. This will be tastefully fur- nished. Membershlp fees of $5.00 which are the same as last year. are now due and rnay be paid Vo the treasurer or other member of the executive. Thie directors are confid- ently cxpecting that all of last year's members will rally ta the club again hs season and that thie same loyal and enthusiastic support will pre- vail. Big Water Bottie Special Purchased from Canada's f ore- most maker at a big discount. This is a moulded bottie which means no seams to leak-guaranteed No. 1 quality; made to retail for $1.25 each -Our....... 9 Special Price......79 79c Liquid Floor Wax Priced 29c We cleaned up the whole floor stock, hence the ridiculously low price. Easy to apply, hence the name O-So-Easy. For hardwood floors, linoleums, cars, etc.-You can't beat it - Our ...29c Special Price, pint. ... Ladies' Corsets Priced 79c, Here's the big- gest Corset valuq 1 e. in the trade. Bought in big quantities and pric- ed to selI lots.- A regular $1.25 line; sizes 24 to 30. Our Special Price, pair. . ..79c Girls' ail Wool Jersey Dresses Three-piece ail wool jersey dresses at a fraction of their real value. Smart styles and colorings. Your kiddies will look smart in one of these oufits Sizes 3 to 6 yeax. Our Special$17 Price ..............$1 9 Travel Tweed Skirts. Made from a Peter Pan fabrie which is a guarantee of colon. These are very popular and corne in nice designs and colors, sizes 14 to 20 - Our *I7 Special Price, each. ... $1.79 Boys' & Girls' Raincoats Made by Canada's leading f act o ry from Ai quality rubber w h ich is waxmly fleeced - I deal1 for school wear, warm and rainproof; ail col- ors and sizes. Our Special Price..$39 No>te this> E3ig SpeciAe 70 x 90 Flannelette Blankets OR $2e39 pair This is a real special - lees than city prices - less than catalogue prices. We bought 100 pairs of these--the biggest blanket made at a special price and have cut the price to the bone-to defy al competition. We anticipate a big demnid for this special, so corne early. Note the size, 70x9O. $23 Regular value $2.79 pair-Our Big Special Price. 23 NELSON'S STORES WALK A BLOCK BOWMAN VILLE FOR BIGGER AND AND SAVE A LOT AND PORT PERRY BETTER BARGAIN PRESBYTERY RETREAT Held i Ebenezer Church On Wednesday, Oct. 7th, a Pres- bytery Retreat was held in Ebenezer Church. beginning at 9.30 a. M. There were about f ifty-two ministers and laymen in attendance. Trie f irst speaker in trie mornlng was1 Prof. Shaw o! Queen's University, Kingston, who led in trie devotional period. Af er some discussion an addess was given by Prof. Carscad- den, Whitby College. Mfter morej discussion trie guest.s adjourned Vo1 trie S. S. roant where trie Ebenezeri ladies served hot dinner. Trie speak- ers of trie a!ternoon were Dr. Pid- geon, Bloar St. United Churcli. Tor- onto; and Dr. McTaggart, President a! Toronto Conference. Trie address given by these splendid speakers brougrit out many points whlch were thoroughly dlscussed by trie Pres- bytery and bath sessions were in- deed help!ul and lnteresting. Trie hing thiat goes trie farthest Towards mak.lng life worth while, mhat costs trie least and does trie Most, Is iust a Pleasant Stuce. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Try Magnesia As a pleasant change in trie usual progrant o! Trinlty United Church for Indigestion Young People's Society, a debate was presented on Monday evenlng, "Re- solved that books have a greater i- People wha suf er f rom indigestion fluence in forming character than usuaily have tried pepsin. charcoal, companians." Trie affirmative was drugs and varlous digestive aids and taken by Mr. Stanley Rickard and got lttlc more than slight temporary Miss Margaret Armstrong, and thie relief--somletinies not even triat. negative by Mrs. C. A. Bartlett and But before glvlng up ta chronlc Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers. Bath sides dyspepsia, just try trie effcct of a prcsented positive and pertinent lttle Bisurated Magnesia-flot trie facts that were hard Vo be refuted ordinary commercial carbonate. cit- and upheld their subi ects splendldly. rate or mllk, but pure Blsurated Misses Helen Cryderman and Elsie Magnesia whlch you can obtain trot Allin and Mr. H. Hartley were trie practically any drugglst in eltrier judges, and a! er mucli deliberatian powder or tablet farm. gave trie decision In favor a! the Tk esonu ftepwe negative. Mr. Wilfrid Hamley was o orTake ts woal o!tre wder f time-keeper. In addition ta trie de- oer four ntab ets lhandttie wata- baVe, solos were sung by Misses Ber- Vifer yurncet smesce twhatina nice Bellman and Helen Argue;dffrnetimaes Vwlh- Miss Beatrice Cryderman read a stantly neutraj.lze trie dangeraus. couple o! short poems, and Mr. Earl hainfiul acld hIthie stomnachi which Byam read the acripture lessan. Mr. now causes your food ta ferment and Bob Corbett, who was in charge a! Saur, maklng gas, wlnd. flatulence, trie progrant. preslded, and trie heartburn and trie bloated or heavy, meeting was dismlssed by Pastor lumPy f eelin.g that seems ta foflow Armstrong. Next Monday evening toit everythlng you cat. Yau can Principal L. W. Dippeil wilU giva an enioy yaur meals wthout a fear of address on triereading a! magazines. Indigestion. t PAGE TE For Spending BECAUSE VALUES ON DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE WERE NEVER BETTER THAN RIGHT NOW We've just opened up these big advertised specials - they are fresh from leading Canadian f actories - bought by us at prices lower than we ever thought possible. Every dollar saved by us is passed to you in these bigger values.