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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1931, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMUNVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1931 PAGE SEVEN the Acid S ICK stomachs, saur stamachs andi indig estion usuaily mean excess acidi The stomach nerves are over-stimulaieti. Toa mut'h acid makes the stomach and intestines saur. Aikali kilîs aciti instanily. The besi farma is Philiips' Miik of Magnesia, because one harm- less dose neutralizes many times its volume in aciti. For 50years the standi- ard with physicians everywhere. Take a spaonfui in waier and your unhappy condition iil probably endi in five minutes. Then you wili always know what ta do. Crude and harmnful methods wili neyer appeal ia you. Go, prove this for your own sake. i may save a great many disagrecable hours. Be sure ta get the genuine Phillips' Miik of Magnesia prescribet b y physicians in correcting exeas acid&s BOIVMAINILLE INSTITTJTE VISITS VICTORIAN Caiiying out the thouglit suggest- ccl at Lne a)isucîct meeting ol an inl- ..rcà1ange 0i Branches, aoout '10 ...îiîeii aii Iiends af Bu,.%Itîafl- I orian z,.anch at Blackstock an WeQLiit.uay afternoon, October 7th, ana enjoyed a vecy pleasant and bociable tîme. The visitors were ce- ceivea by Mrs. N. Mountjoy, presi- cient, and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. 'l'e meeting apened ny singing the l.stitute Ode, wîth Miss Pliair ai. the piano. repeating thse 23rd i-salin and the Lords frayec. The president conclucted the business, atter which the visitmng president, mis. F. C. Calmer, toak the chair, andU presented the prograin wh.ich i openiec with a solo by Mcs. D. J. Cflambecs, with Mrs. Ruby Daniels as accompanist. Mrs. W. Hall gave a recitatisn an Fciendskiip", fol1- ioxeu by a solo by Mrs. Stewart Al- ger, Oshawa, accampanied by Mrs. 1"emng. A paper an "Famous Wo- iien af Canada," prepared by Mrs. -w. J. Challis, was read by Mrs. W. ~.Pollard. Mrs. Chambers f avored vith aiîotnec sala. and Mcs. A. W. iickard and Mrs. R. Thompson sang a duet, and Mrs. S. Alger gave an- ather sala. Mis. W. Adamns gave an excellent talk on '*Women's Moods." A coniest followed. conducied by Mrs. Arthur Bailey, the secretary, which provided a social period for the two branches. An excellent sup- per was served in the basement ai the hall ta which everyone did f ull justice. A hearty vote af thanks, moved by Mrs. Clarence Marlow and sec- cnded by Mrs. Perey VanCamp, en- dorsed by Victorian fniembers, was expressed ta Bowmanville for the excellent prograi provided. The thanks af the viting brandi was nicely cxpressed by Mrs. B. M. Wac- niosi and Mrs. E. R. Bounsail ta the Victarians for their kindiy reception .nd bountiful supper. Men P~e hRslice PUAT P00ECO,. OP CANAnALTE., UEIPU fONT LISTEN IN ON THE 'BLUE COAL' 11OUR 5.M TO 6.30 EVERY SUN- DAY AFTERNOON, OVER STA [iON C. F. R. B., TORONTO 9 There can b. no mistake-the Vbue' identiFies it! Phone your dealer to-day end order with absolute confidence. 9B Walter O'Boyle, Bowmanvile President af the Bowmanviile Bowling Association, member aI Trinity United Chumch Choir, andi first operatar ai the Canadian Pac- ific Railway Station here, Mc. Wal- ter O'Boyle passed away suddeniy early Sunday mamning, Oct. l8tli, ai the Private Patients' Pavillon af the Toronto Cienemal Hospital. Mr. O'Bayle, who was in lis 39th yeac, was the eldesi son ai Mrs. andi the laie Mm. Daniel O'Boyie af Stouf- ville. Early in llue le became con- nected witki the C. P. R. and by of- ficiaIs af that company lie was con- sidemed one af the autsianding men in their service. He came ta Bow- manvilie about 6 yeacs ago irain Cobourg, and previaus ta thai was for some tume ai Perthi where he was one of the masi popular agents of tie C. P. R. in that tawn. Duning the entire time lielias livcd in Baw- manville, Mc. O'Bayle wha was un- inacrieti boarded with Mrs. Thos. McMullen an Scugog Street. For many years lielias been a member of the Bowling Club and was tis year its president. Under kils dir- ection, île club lias this yeac seen anc of is masi successful seasons. Hle was also a faitiful and popular mnember af the Chair ai Trinity Un- itedi Clurdli af whicki cangregation lie was an esteemeti member. On sevecai occasions lie had taken part in stage Productions in tie town. He- lias suffered for saine turne irom. gastric ulcers and had been under the treaimeni af doctors foc saine mantkis. About twa montîs aga lie iad an x-ray taken and rem- edies were applied andi for a cansid- eabie lime he showed lxnpcovemeni. The trouble however gai worse and an Oct. 6i1 lie entered tkie Toronto General Hospital for an operatian. Twa days later lie was aperated on and wllle the aperation was seriaus it was conSidered successful and is condition impraved daily until it was iliaught tliat it would be a matter af only a few weeks until le was back ai work. Complications set in, lawever, andi le cantracted pleura- pneumnonia fcoin whici le neyer ce- cavered. Mm. O'Bayle was also a popular member of Cobourg Lotige, 1.0.0.F., under whose auspices lie was buried f rom lis lame in Stoufville on Tuesday afiernoon. Deceased is sur- vived by lis matier. two brothers and two married sisters in Toronto. Speaklng of lis late colleague, Mm. J. Hamilton Batenian wio lias work- ed witk i hm for saine yeacs, stated on Manday, "«Mc. O'Bayle was tie besi principled man I ever hadth te privilege ai caming inta contact wiili. He was masi consientiaus about is work and is every prom- ise was iulfilled ta tie utmost. He will be sorely misseti by kils former f ellaw workers ai the C. P. R." Mms F. W, Depew, Bowmanvlfe The deail occurreti on Monday, October l2th, ai ter a long illness, ai Bowmanville Beach af a higlily resPected resident in the persan ai Annie Margaret, belaved wif e af Mc, Fred Depew, and daughier af the laie George and Maniha Hall of Dundas. Besides hec liusband and mather, aie leaves f ive slsters, Mrs. Oea. Forbes aild Mis. Wm. Murray af Hamilton, Mis. P. J. Murphy and Mis. G. S. Barker of Dundas, and Mrs. Wm. Davey ai Detroit. Mrs. Depew was a 111e long member of thie Anglican Clurcli. Rev. c. R. Spencer, rectar ai St. Join's Churci, officiated ai île services ai île hbuse and grave. TIe paîl bearers were Messrs. Wm. Murray, P. J. Murphy, RuPert Lambert, Oea. Farbes, Chas. Depew and Guernsey McClellan. Many beautiful ffawers expcessed tlie sYmpatiy af frientis and relatives for the bereaved. A large number af business men ànti neigibors ai- tended tie funeral on Wednesday whici taak place ta Bowmanville Cemetery. CARD 0F THANKS Mc. W. F. Depew desires ta thank is many iriends for the kindness and sympatly exiended ta him dur- ing île ilîness and deati a! bis wl! e. and for île many beautiful floral off erings. Persistent Asikima. A mosi dis- tessing characteristic o! tis debil- itating disease, is tle persistence witi wich recurrlng attacks came ta sap away strength and leave tlie suliemer in a state of almost con- tinuai exlaustion. Na wiser pre caution can be taken than that o! keeping ai land a supply af Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Asthrna Remetiy, fani- ous as the mosi patent remedy f or eadicating the disease f rom the tender air passages. Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery!1 Dally Annoyance, Troublesome Nlghts Wrecking Lives of Thous- auds States Wrlter Whso Tells Wisat To Do For Qulck Reief. Backachea, Headadlies. Pains in feet and legs, Nervousness, Resileas- nesa, frequeni but scanty Urination with bumning and pain, getting-up- nights-are some af the mare troub- lesome signa that shoulti have prompt attention before tkiey reaci a mare serlous stage! No mater 10w stubbomn your case may seem ta be or kiaw many medl- dines you have tried withaut resuits -don't think your condition la bopeless or lie natural consequence ai advancing years until You have tried île amazing value of Dr. Sautlworti's "URATABS." On a strict guaranie ai money back on fîIrsi box purcliased If you do not cecelve swtft anti satlsf ying relief, any good drugglst will supply you wti "Urataba" in sealed pack- ages cantalnlng a ten days' suppiy. If tliey bclng great relief insîde ai 48 louis and a wonderful improve- ment Inside af ten days, you wlll be greatly pleaset-i they do flot help, they cost yau nathingi Ask yaur drugglt today. Mms Emma J. Hockin, Mlaple Grove An aid and kiigkily respected resi- cie.ît oi àtaple Crove, Darlington, jýaibec to rest on Saturday, October ïit,i, in tihe person ol Emna Jane Osborne, widow of theie ate William ilocii.iî, in ber 78th year. Deceaseci was born in Bowmanville being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nictiolas Osborne. About fity-two years ago she was united in marriage with her late husband, William Hockin. They lived in Clarke township until about twenty- five years ago when they moved to, Maple Orove neigkiborliood. For the past seven years skie had been con- fined to lier bed, but the end came peacefully when skie passed away quietly to the rest prepared for those wkio love and serve God. Skie was a life-long member of the Methodist and later the United Churcli at Or- ono and later at Maple Grove. The f uneral took place on Mon- day ai ternoon from the residence of lier son, Mr. Fred F. Hockin. and was very largely attended. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, pastor af Southi Dar- llngton Circuit, conducted the ser- vices. The pall-bearers were Messrs Robt. Jarvie, Frank Swallow, Milton Samis, Alfred Laird, Horace Hock- ley and John Snowden. Many beautiful flowers expressed the sym- patkiy and respect for the deceased and her ioved ones. She leaves ta mourn the loss of a loving mother. three sons, Louis and Fred Hockin aof Maple Grave, and William Hockin of Newcastle; and one daugliter Evelyn, at home; also, four brothers, Thomas Osborne af Bowmanville, Herbert Osborne of Calgary, John Osborne of Lindsay, Robert H. and Charles Osborne af Montague, Michigan; and one sister, Mrs. Geo. Garrett, Oshawa. The interment took place in Orono Cemetery. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Emma Jane Hockin, Maple Grove. desire to thank their many friends and neighbocs for the kindness and sym- pathy extended to them durlng the long lllness and deatli of their mo- ther and f or the beautiful floral afi- f erings. . . . . . . . . . . . CHILD n eedc REGULATI NG? CASTORIA WILL DO ITI When your child needs reguiating, remember this: the organs of babies and children are delicate. Little bowels must be gently urged-never forced. That's 'why Castocia is used by so many doctors and mothers. It is specially made for children's ail- ments; contains no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcatics. You can safely give it ta young infants for colic pains. X'et it is an equally effective regulator for aider chiidren. The next time your child has a Iitile coid or fever, or a digestive upset, give him the help of Castoria, the children's own remedy. Genuine Castoria ai- ways has the naine: C AS TO0 RI1A :CH1 . REN YF0 . .-- - w-u 4M* RE ACTIVE BATS She Dances On"Bad Days"to S HE never watches the calendar ..never bas go *'break" a date. She dances .. . and enjoys it. The modern girl bas Iearned how to ease chose "Miyng cimes". A few days before ... you'Ill ind ber tak- ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Gone are chose headaches.. those backaches .. . chose morbid , stay-at-home blues. Won't you buy a box of the new tablets? They're so easy to cake. and you'll feel so much better. 4*: 1i1 1 Tom Mingay, Tecumseh, Mi. A despatch from Siraiford Lo the Miail ania Empire. Toronto, says: A printer afitre old scuol, aîid a mian wel.l Known .,i b,,at1ua - ý nuînber ai years agu. To.iî Miigay, passeu away at his home inî 'ecam- sdi, Mîch., an Oct. 18th, aitite age af 76 years. Mr. Mîngay was born in Shepceth, Cambridgeshire, Eng- land, in 1855, and came ta, this country at an early age. He learned thie priniing trade in the old Beacon offce, conducted by Buckinghiam and Matheson, starting ini the year 1872. When out aofkils turne at the Beacon office Mr. Mingay went ta Bowmanville where he was part awner af tkie Bowmanville News. Later lie went ta the United States, and for a number af years resided in Chielsea, Midi., where lie conducted the Chelsea Herald. Six or seven years ago lie moved ta Temuseli, where lie operated a newspaper and job printing plant. He was a mein- ber af the Chuclioa England and of thie Masonic Order. Surviving are his widow, Mary Dustan, sisier af the late W. H. Dusian, Bawmanville; one daughter, Nellie; one brother, Fred Mingay, Stratford; and one sis- ter, Mis. Mary Jane Charlton, Tor- onto. Milburn S. Thurston, Dunsford One of Dunsford's mosi highly re- specied citizens in tie persan of Mr. Milbumn Thursion passed away on Sunday, Octaber lili. Deceased liad been in perfect liealtki until eight weeks ago when lie underwent an apecation for appendicitis in the ROSS Memocial Hospital, Lindsay, and despite all that medical science cauld do cambined witli tle most tender careful nursing of kis wife who ail tkirougk iis illness attended him, lie passed ta kis eternal rest. The laie Mr. Tliurston was bocn in Dunsfard on Ju.iy l7tki, 1891, and was the son af Mr. and Mis. Silas Tliurston. For thie past number af years lie and kis father have had charge af tlie seed and feed busi- ness in tlie village and also tlie grinding ill. On Sept. lst, 1927, lie was united in marriage witi Miss Myrile Cale, R. N., of Bawmanville. Deceased nman was a member ai the Dunsfard United Churci, af thie Masonic Order, and af the Dunsford Curling Club. He leaves ta maOurn his lass kis beloved sorrawing wif e and one little son, Douglas, twa years old; kispar- ents, Mr. and Mis. Silas Thurston; three sisters. Mis. Fred Woollard af Toronto, Mrs. Richard C. Grey af Fart Quappelle, Sask., and Mis. Per- cy LowerY af Toconto; twa brothers, Mr. ROSS Tliurstan of New Yack, and Mr. Irwin Thurston af Dunsford. Thie funecal service was lield from thie United Cliurch wltli interment in Dunsfard Cemetery. NESTLETON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Ociaber meeting of Nestleton Wo- mnen's Institute was lield at thie home af Mrs. Herman Samells, Cae- sarea. President .Mis. M. Emerson apened the meeting and the Ode was Sung and the Creed repeated. A welcome was extended ta Mis. J. R. Cooper ai Orano, the district presi- dent. Business, consisting a! cor- respandence and reports of the dii- f erent committees, was discussed. Members were requested to make blocks for a qult. An invitation to visit thie Bowmanville brandi on Oct. 30t1 was accepted. Tlie secretary was authorized ta write a letter af sympathy ta, Miss Editl Hopkins, awing to tkie deatli ai ler mother. Plans were made foc the Institute bazaar to be lield Friday, Oct. l6th. Everyone was asked ta came the previaus evening ta, decorate the hll. Program. was in charge af group four. Misses Isabel and Doris Wilson gave a pleasing duet; Mis. Wm. Beacock read a paper on Tlie Staring ai Winter Vegetables; Miss Isabel Wilson played an instrunmen- tal; Mrs. Coo4per gave an intecesting talk on the Gzirls' Judging Campeti- tions and Fall Fair Work. Lunch was served and tkie liasesses were tlianked for an enjoyable ai ternoon. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Field Day Resulta - IndividuaI Scores Althougli it vwas reparted in a me- cent issue that Jack KimbaUl was hîgli man af the day in the higli scnooi atkietic cantesis, Bullie Brunt wno won the Regers' Cup iast year c-aisy led the field again tkiis year by .-jîx points avec Jack. Billie's total ;ciedîità were 697, while Jacks' wece u9l. However. trie bLys undemstoad ,.a ri e ii'st that any contestant wÂîo had once wuin the aihletic tca- iy was not eliibsc- to win anotier .5 .îfl Li,' e aia c. dJIue iin n2sean- .îaa c.ittSs. idef.oge2,.' Sîîvec hu.p is Lezai a 'îlea tlSiixulua ta .tiiletîc cndeavar- on tic pari of the suuî.ciî0ai boys. '&LwiCc asmany Quantrlll -649, -Harold Die 5ï9, Jack Hare 568, Chinde Brereton 500, McGregor Janes 457, Raîpli Gibson 452, Kenneili Stephenson 106 (diti not compete in any of the jumping events). The boys were graded accordlng to age andi weight andi credits given on the basîs set forth in the Can- aian Standard Efficlency Training manual anti governing C.S.E.T. phv- sical tests. Lovely Chinaware in each package of Qucî QUAIKER OATS marked «"HINAWAREU a What wilI it be To-day? That query may be a famîiliar one, but when we use it it's backed by gasoline and oils tisat positively cannot be beaten for quality and low prizes Naturaily there la no use buying inferior grades . . . you don't like thens; we don't ike to handle them. Begardiess of the job we are ready and equlpped to undertake the repairing or overhauling of any malke of car. And incidentaily satisfactory work includes a reas- onable price. Let us prove it. WEST END GARAGE 14. D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmanville FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE BY: SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. There la, we believe, a certain satisfaction ln knowing that whatever you may need ln thse way of lumber or builders' supplies ean bc had here, and at prices as 10w or lower than anywhere else. Good lumber la oui spedialty, andi by tisat we mean that we carry the f inest luniber and large variety - and save you money on your purcisaes. FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW WIth D. L. & W. Scranton Blue' Coal Shepparci & Gi Lum6er Co. Ltci. (FORMERLY MoCLELLAN & CO.) KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 BOWMALNVLI -e T.- ~ - - PAGE SEVM

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