TECANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1931 LADIES' AUXILIARY ~/ ~ The Ladies' Auxiiiary to the Can- jadian Legion turnied out in large nuinbers on Wedinesday evening, October 28th, to bid goodbye to their president, Mrs. E. R. Oliver, who is leavmng Bowmnanville to live in Tor- it?&~T05d Ionto. The meeting was of an in- formai nature durmng which Mirs. IThos. Hamilton, the lst vice presi- On Sunday, Novemnber 8th, the dent of the Auxiliary, who will f iii Canadian Legion and ail ex-service the unexpired term 0of Mrs. Oiiver's irien are invited to attend Divine office, read an address in which the Service at Trinity United Churcli. services rendered by Mrs. Oliver as Service starts at 6.45 p. m. Thxe first and only president of the Aux- Canadian Legion Band and Parade iiary were outlined. Mrs. Oliver, will f ail in at the Town Hall and Mrs. Hamilton stated, had been one Iwill mai-ch off at 6.30 P. m. sharp. of the hardest workers both in the The Goodyear Choir will sing at tis formation of the auxiliary and in service. Wearing of decorations is its work since that date. She had optional, but ail members are i-e- had a most difficuit task in making quested to wear poppies. An invita- the first year of the auxiiiary a suc- tion is extended to aUl to spend a cess and had succeeded adnirably. social hour in the school roomn at the Mrs. Hamilton then called on Mr. conclusion of the service. R. M. Cotton, president of the Bow- On Remembrance Day, Wednes- manville Branch of the Canadian day, Nov. llth, the Canadian Legion Legion, to make a presentation to Band, ail members of the Canadian Mrs. Oliver of a beautiful kimona Legion, and aUl ex-service men, to- and a pair of gloves. Mr. Cotton ai- gether with members of the Ladies' so mentioned the splendid co-oper- Auxiiiary of the Canadian Legion, ation that had existed between hlm- are requested to meet on the public self as president of the L2gion and schooi grounds. Trustees and meru- Mrs. Oliver as president of the Aux- bers of the Boards of the high school iiary and stated that hie thought and public schoois with the staffs that hie expressed the thoughts of 4ind aUl students and pupils are in- both the Legion and Auxiliary in re- vited to parade to the Memorial gretting the departure of Mrs. Oliver -Plot to attend the Remembrance1 for other fields. Day Service. Parade will march off Mrs. Oliver, who was taken coin- f rom the public schooi grounds at pieteiy by surprise, muade a very suit- 10.45 a. in. sharp. Major W. J. Hoar able reply in which she thanited the wil be in charge of the parade and1 members of the Auxiliary for their on arrivai at the Memorial Plot will kindly aid during her term of office ailot each section a place for the and especially to the officers for srice. Foimof service has been i their support. She regretted very Pprinted and wiil be distributed on~ much the separation that was about arrivai at the Memorial Plot. I to take place. At 7 P. 'm. the samne evenmng the Rev. C. R. Spencer. speaking in annuai Armistice Day Banquet wili the dual capacity as rector of St. be held at the Balmoral Hotel. For John's Churcli of which Mrs. Oliver the' first time the fathers, brothers, w'as a member and as padre of the wives, mothers, sisters and daugh- Canadian Legion, eulogized the high ters of ail ex-service men will be spirit of service which Mrs. Oliver seated at the tables. A splendid had exempified. She had been a prograru bas been prepared. Tickets worthy president of the Auxiliary for the banquet are now on sale. and had aiso been a good church These are going very fast and every worker and one whorn the churcli member of the Legion is asked to get would miss very mucli. tickets as soon as possible so that After this part of the prograru proper Provision can be muade. games were indulged in and refresh- Rev. John Kelman, President of ments served at the conclusion of the Tuberculosis Veterans' Section, the evening. A musical prograru in Ontario Command of the Canaclian which ,ail members of the auxiliary Legion, wili be the speaker at the took part was also a feature of the Armistice Banquet. Mrs. Keluxan evening. wili accompany hlm. Mr. Keiman-_ ____ has had great experience and has GV given splendid service in hiswor for the hundreds of tuberculousvet- erans,eand wiil have many things of By Grenville Kleiser tereLt st to tell theru.1 Give, give, give, give! eBand is arranging for a1 con- Give of your substance, freeiy give. to be held at the Opera House Give to the sick, give to the poor, day, December lith, the pro- Give to the stranger at your door. rom the concert to be donat- Give from the fuiiness of your heart, the Poppy Fund and to the Give a kind thought, give a fresh ioyed. Be sure to keep this start, n mmd and help the good work 'Give to the sorrowful, weary and a . worn, - Give a new 1if t to someone f orioru. DURHAM CLUB Cilve a fine gif t of sweet surprise, ______Gi\ e to bring luster to some one's The first meeting of the season of . eyes. 1931-32 was heici on Thursday, Oc- Give w,ýthout stint. give of your best. tober 29th, at the residence or Dr. cUve of Your treasure, give with a James L. and Mrs. Hughes, 47 1i.)ul Oheswth oigWrdadsie donald St., Toronto. Dr,- Hughes Give froruayour purse a gndt worth presided over this annuai meeting iîe.o orpreagf ot when the following officers Were el- G ie egbr gv odce ecte: Hnora-y resient-Mi- R.Give of yourself each day in the year W. King, Controller W. 1). Robbins, Give to the ionely, give to the blind, Messrs. M. A. James, E. Fielding andGieitagnrusadadmd S.~~~~~~ R.Wcet rsdn-ra mes3 Give to brighten some shut-in life, L. Hughes; lst Viei--Dr. Goggin; Give to bring respite from. daily 2nd Vice-W. H. Ciemes; 3rd Vice- strife. T. E. Washington; 4th-E. T. Brit- Give in the spirit of unseifed love, tain; Secretary-Wallace Maas; Gv fYu onysn onfo Treasurer-J. D. Keachie; Auditors ive. orbut etdw o -D. W. Armstrong, S. H. Jeffery. Give to a foe and make hiru a friend, Af ter the business the liowing Give of your joy and new happlness excellent prograru was rendered by îend, Miss Dorothy Banger, Mrs. B. G. Give of your counsel, give of your Stephenson formerly Miss Rachel pi-aise, CoPeland, Mr. Harrison Schell, Mi-. Give to make thîs the happlest of George Neil, Mr. J. D. Keachie. Miss days, Clemes and Miss Marks were the ac- Give of your peace and good will to companists. Mi-. Keachie is still go- men, Ang strong, he did particulariy well. Give and stili give, agaîn and again. tC0I. Fraser Hunter gave a very in- Give of your faith in God supreme. terestlng talk on India and Russia. Give and make giving your daily The Club was pleased to have with theme. us Mi-. Fred Bowen, M. P., who also Give to the utmost, though thanks gave an address. Mrs. Hughes serv- be few, ed i-etreshments during the socialG hour. A vote of thanks was given Give because Christ gave ail for you! to the host and hostess and the tal- ent. The meeting closed with sing- Crearu of Barley served daily ing. makes sturdy healthy chiidren. The Gas Range oF Your Dreams - A McCLARY -New Beauty -N wEfficiency From Factory to The Legio*n Corner A Departmuent of Notu ofalut-toethelb.Ww Vatwran.of1 owniavII. md Dbiethl Trade in your old Fui- Coat on the purchase o! a new gai-ment A liberal allow- ance wili be muade - a writ- ten bond o! two years' guarantee goes with every coat. TWQ DAYS QNLY earer An Array of Beautiful FUR r COATS Yau owe it ta yourself to see these off eringo befoaie choosing La coat elsewhei-e Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6 and 7 Semni-Fitting Coats and Huge Luxurious Collars From Factory to Wearer In this event you have a selection of f urs that is second ta none, and every coat is muade in a way that promises long service and satisfaction. Corne in - examine- compare. We'il warrant that you have neyer seen se rnuch fur coat value bef are.. perhaps you'll neyer see so much again--so * don't delay. RESTYLING AND) REPAIRING We give very special attention ta the restyling of Fur Coats. Have yours cut over and be "up-ta-date."1 If you are unable ta comte ta the store, a phone caU wiI bring a representative to your house. 'We wilI DisplayPersian Lamb Coats, Russian fine quality, medium g1ssy curl skins. Self trimmed, also with KolinskY, Mink, and Alaskan Sable at factory pices. YOU SAVE 25% to 35% BUYING AT FACTORY CLEARANCE Hudson Seal Coats - beautifully fashioned from special quality Rice Lake peits, Lynx, Koiinsky, Persian Lamb, and self trimmings - Buy Can- adian Furs at factory prices. A large selection of Canadian Beav- er, Mink, Muskrat, Raccoon, and Kol- insky Coats, ail prime peits, at factory prices. IA reasonable depoit wliI hold your purchase tili required - and no charte for storage or insurance. FOR BIGGER AND SETTER BARGAINS À.N iL1 We wiIl Display I Northern Canadian Muskrat Coats -newest f ashions framn soft, Pliable skins. You can save f rom 25%7ota 35%-/ at this factory display sale. '17 We have been very fortunhate in making arrangements with the Regal Fur- Co., one of Canada's f oremost f ur bouses, to bring to oui- store on Frlday and Saturday, November 6th and 7th, a representative display o! theix 1931 model coats. This f ir is one of the most reliable f ur bouses in Canada and we can f ully recaru- mend them to ail our personal friends and customners as they handie only fui-s of the hlghest quallty and f uily guarantee every garment they seli. There wlll be an expert furrier, a representative o! the manufacturer in charge. who will be pleased to give you advlce regarding styles, qualities, values. Terrus and arrangements can be muade wltlx the factory representative. .Logwood Alaskan Seal Coats, plain and trimmed with Kolinsky or any other trimmin'g. Beige and Black Caracul Coats, trimmed with Squirrel, Fox, Self Trim- ming. NOTICE - The Canadian Govern- ment is stopping ail importing of Rus- sian furs which will mean a great shortage and a large increase in price. BUY NOW. Direct f romt the manufacturer and nowhere ln the worid couid you sei- ect fromt greater aaartment. NELSON'S STORE Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is un- parts a rare chai-m and beauty to pi-eclate the subtly distinctive chai-m Asthma Victirus. The man ori rlvalled for speedy relief in muscular the complexion. Fi-agi-ant and vel- achleved by the use of this magical woman subject ta asthma is lndeedi rheumatism, lame back, inflamma- vety smooth. Neyer leaves a vestige lotion. a vlctlm. What can be mare teri tion, burns and felons. of stlcklness. Swiftly absorbed by One of the cammoneat complaints fying than ta suddenly be seie Persian Bairu Is a sheer dellght ta the tissues and stimulates the skin. of infants is worms, and the most wlth parozysins of choklng which use. Cools and relieves irritations Persian Bala i s the peerless tollet effective application for theru la seem ta f ai-ly threaten the existence caused by weather conditions,.In- requisîte. Evei-y woman wlll ap- Mather Graves' Worm Exterminator. o! hf e ltseIf. Fi-rn such a condition .1~ NOTICE! IAGE NIN£ 1-i '-~ g'. WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has bi-ought many ta campletely re- stored health anid happinesa. It lu known and prized in every section of this broad land. Cream of Barley served dally makes sturdy healthy cblîdren.