THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TH uRDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1931 Can you afford to be wealthy? W EALTH, like many other thmngs... a house, a car, a suit of lothes. .. ia oomething that must be paid for. Somietimies it can be boughit at bargain prices. Buti if v~ou liavedn't the price to pay for it, VMI - '- op1urlunity of acquiring the L , .i' f failure to be so poor fît ' - -en.iffHord to be wealthy. X"n:î ~ 0,ý r 1--urjdu[S of your incorne, 'eIini a branchl of The Cruî ':r î,nk of Commerce -will build Up a io un q'riu-iri n-g wcalth at a bargain pr:cu %ý heui tht' opp ortiifity offers. Yna %\ il i inic zil' mu s a depositor at any OneC oth î.nl of TL' 1t-NIiAN BANK Cf .J'MERCE i:tp 30 MXIii!:Dollars CAS 4 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH: A. J. WHALEN, MANAGER 'BELUE C(AL' ri:tNE:UJ CC)DAL It cornes from seams that have been mrned for over 70 years in the best lpu~re Scranton An- thracite (hard coal) fields that have yet been dis- covered. You may have been buying this quality coal for years, but you could neyer be sure of al- ways getting this coal until now. At last a harrnless blue dye lias been dis- covered which color-marks every l)ieCe of "blue coal," and does not affect the burning qualities in any way. Now you don't have to burn coal to test it. Just look oveî' the Ioad before it cornes into your ceilar. If it's blue-rnarked, you know that it is the D. L. & W. Cornpany's farnous Scran- ton Anthracite (bard coal), and that it is positive- Iy guaranteed. We can absolutely recornrend "blue coal" and stand ready at any time to carry out this guarantee. Place your order now and know what "blue coal" comfort means. The Color Guarantees the Quality WOOD FOR FUEL - LOWER IN PRICE If you prefer wood for fuel we want you to be sure and see us first. We have in stock the fin- est fuel wood available and the pi)ce is lower than usual. This wood should be seen to he fully appreciated. Trv a load. Sheppard & Gi Lumnber Co. Ltd. FORMERLY McCLELLAN & CO.) KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 BO %-NVILLE ,5'190 S.AitOneSt., Montreal ~ 7jut send -50 0,-;0Cube Red WaPPers The 011 for the Athiete.- In rab- bing dawn, the athlete wili finI Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011 an excellent article. It renders the muscles and sinews pliable, takes the soreness otit of thernansd strengthen 's thein 1 for sirains tîsat may be put upon tbem. If stan:ds pre-eîninent for thîs purpase, anîd attletes wha for yeacs, have been using it can testif y ta its value as a lubricant. A prt',ae -erm t:e Was conducted ai tohth(usC by Ri J. i-t. btt±C, ler pastor, wlso mas abssteci at i U' church by i-fev. J. M. Wlsyte, Luine,- kîlien, llev. Dr. A. P. Brace anùý Rev. W. R. Clemients, TorontLo. Mrs. JohinI B1aker vety syîs:pathetmcally sang --cici Shail Vîpe Every '1?ar." -cenids kitmly îespeccdthe ccquest1 Lu omnit îiorai rbutes but there %vere beautiful bloomis f rom the immne-diate je1-stîveu. anti ne:ghbors, S0unia Foot- ball Club, and Eldad Aduit Bible Ciass. Fiower bear2rs were Messrs. C. A. Biancb.îrà, Sid. Hockaday. Chas. Shortrîige, Chas. Smith, Har- cy Grooms. Russell Vice. Isaac Har- dy, H-,î-ey Hardy, W. T. Baker, Baker, B. G. Stevens. Among the' friends attending I rom a distance were: Mr. W. Bassett, 1 Mrs. J. M. Walton, Miss Huiitet', Au- :oa r.A. R. Wickett. Mr. A. E. Heys. Miss Ada Pascoe, Miss Irenle Biay, Mr.s. WainssleY. Mr. Albert Luke, Miss Olive Luke, Mrs. Leslie K(ith, Mir and Mrs. W. D. McLaugh- lin and Verne, Tioronto; Mi. Sol H. Hancock. Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pom«er. ,Ltadsa:ý: Mi'. and lOjrs. \Vîl Ciare",. Il. a' ' -vMis. 1Vill Tremneer. misses Lia ana Lensa Ircý- me-ar, Ltte Brîtalin; Mr. and Mrs. IWili Elford. Oakwood: John and Thtomas Elford, Mary aind Katie El- lard. Woodivilie. The Sons of Temiperance were ce- pr4sentced by: Past Most Wortby P atr'iach Jesse M. Walton of Aumora; Past Most Worthy Associate Fred C. Wacd af Toconto; Past Most Wor- tby Patron W. A. Tîce af Toronto; ,Most Worthy Chaplaîn Rev. Dr. A. P. Bruce of Toronto; and Rev. W. R. Clements, B. D.. Grand Chaplain af Ontario, besicles scores of members of the Sons of Temperance, past and prescrnt. I jj; is. A. L. Pascoe, Sollna Mrs. Pascoe, whose maiden name was Della Werry, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. WerrY, was born January 8th, 1870, at the fam- iiy bome-stead, Roseiandvaie, near Solina. Her schoolmates remember her as the mnost vivacious and com- panionale attendant at the schooi. At thirteen years of age she wvas the victim of a very severe type of typhoid flever which macle serious inroads on bier physical and nervous asr at nd ieft b( r anl easy preY fo-- l;,,'onîhý,v aîeîac es of heaU' bChle te: eUe ,cî tir iath- Va. Hler .a:atc:î inv.a hree tb'a'j. br f'il-, Gel tho re-utual 1 love cf famiy cnt: frîcaicis. amd a ami.hnieni(ýr. Bebind thrsie mài ali:311( ca11i' q1 'vill and a Plrî r oinnc ']'îîl"cci cheer whlch fece1: el ýfor lber wher- ce-r" *'.e~ im d her home a relem'mCfor the loaely as mell as lier ù" irce o f rltm~and fir cal, TIr r ztri' i lt durin"r ber sc)ioira in Bowmnm nifl Hspt, ,as larti-ilv lymark",d. 'Or) atur- clay 5'-b" ma-,1) nmaainffor lber e- tura blone P.but Coci pinna"l otber- and 'olSiav morala" He callel ber te her lbe'mveni borne. Mrs. Pa 'co' vas tînitec in amai- riee'e wifh Arthur L. Pascoe,.Amî'itst 24tb. 1911. 1jin"ii on the farin near Eldat Churcb Two 'Jars a'ro la t s:~rn" i. c ~ tarrd the fari- o"%er 1tu his -"a Herolci A. Pasco(e. mm-ile b" an!' Mr. Pqc -ooeretirel la s.u ~~,ua, .~ ..u t.c la Liit .Llliyp,0L .11 naiptoilCea ULvry. ilue o We.~me i X I." epil- CWOCioecevlall.enaitu UL!Urge Xv or~, ' ~ a..c(u, Ain Xc..-2b o., alla os)-'u ,~uLL:Y, - ,ýlu.elrCl ut lunr(-ai, ki. %V..iolaîu- o.ul Ush..bI. U, and S un Lî iiL tl i oiiiesLteao. faric a- zü, W. pie lür :ue kît.-tec by L1... wmo,îuc. uit «trýete oft opcU anc aîlc dols expiI eýuaDy 13the large, iiiptlLt. ea cdaiiuu at the t Ltitct ai, extra s- -attuiig La(ccommio- dation otnueîqI-(uceu :in11tie cinurch arid very many were cm en su not auie tu gct isie. Big Hankie Special 25 Dozen - an advŽ,ince Xnias shipnîent : ail hand embroideïed ; cornes ") in abo an extra special inducernent to bu~v Xrnas ifts early; 29 Giant Broadside Sale Pr'ce, box ........29 Terry Towels Cornes in f arev checks r)i stripes: in rose, mauve. bine. g'îld, etc.;: a nici buv: Giant39 Boari- -' 2Sal- PîlIce. p'-",pair .......... 9 100 Pairs Flannelette Blankets 70 x 90 - Extra big, extra good - Through an oversight this wùe'vlexas ornitted last week. Rernember this is a-,%a *v 1l--s tthn city or catalogue prices ; white or î.îrev; note- the big size, 70-,,90; Giant Broadside Sale Price$2 NELSON'S WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT New Fail Hats 10 Dozen-Ail thie-iiewest shapes andi stldes; a real super value: lots of black, also ail the new c olors; ail sizes; r'eg. value S2.9.5 Giant BroadIsid Sale Price. . . . 1.197 Boys' Golf Hose .Ail wool quality - a seasonable bargalin - a special purchase: in the new~ fawn 49 or grevs; 7s to 10s; per pair.......'9 Pure Linen Lunch Cloths 52 x 52 inch Pure Linen Lunch Cloths, at nearly haîf pnice. This is a real saving andi the quantity is lirnited - Blue, Green or Yellow Borders; Giant Broadside Sale Price59 each ............................. 9 Silk and Wool Hose A flrst qualitv Hose, made to seli foi' 50c a pair. We have 25 dozen we xill sacrifice profit on foir our final tlavs' sale. AIl new Faîl tones; al sîzes. Giant Broadside Sale Price, 33 Per pair..........................3 c STO RES BOWMANVILLE AND PORT PERRY SURPRISE AND PRESENTATION ýHaze1 Saînis, N. G.; E. Gibsan, V. G. Andrew Welch, Broadview, tMcs. Fred Baker pcesented theni ___ Manyold riens i Daringtn 3r. and Mrs. Otto Bragg Given mith a set of bed inien. M. Bragg, mn mil regret ta bear of the passing of Address and Linen on e15 f r. Bragg and bum- self. iii a veî-y fittîng and appropri- Mi'. Andrmm Welch of Bi'oadview, A î'eîy pîcasant eî-enilig n msi ,aie speech. thanked the members. Sask.Th he Epressinsays: sew oîg andlrecitatioiî a en yedat!A m-niy daint3' lunch was then servedi Welcb, mhhohoedesodden. aadbisr . w S b_ the ladies.e Wecwode ucel rhsBr'agg, Sbaw's, on Tuesday, 'October - -uu farin sotth of town on Thursday. "Otii when mernber'. of Beenive Re- AII)RESS A.ND PRESENTATION " pb Oct. 3th, Bi'oadview ai-d district ýeka'h Lodge gatherc-d there as a ,Io,,,,, ne ofl is ,ms t rspected citi- surprise ta Mi'. and Mrs. Otto Bragg~ days afno etîd1 the hag uerlo uge ni hononi' af their recent imariage., Raglan Friends Hoid Party in lionor BD NSO da atilît on este o hehueAter the gathering mvtîs brought ta of Mis. Roy Webber G J i~ ctntjj f sen in mhcb the de- ordei' the followîvng adi-ess ma., îead_ _ Y P ceasedi gentleman was held. by Mî's. F. J. Spî'y:I His deatb came as a blaw ta his 1 w ll OiA vei'y pleasaisu e'ening wmas spc-nt daumhter.s. relatives and fi'iends. - Mr - l, Ot.20 1931 in Raglan hall on Thuî'sday evenîî g ___ He bad guise out as asual ta lus ac- Mr and Mrs. Otta Bragg: October 2211d, when Mi'. and Mis. îý-ustonsiedi work, but the hay fork re- Dear Friends:-We, yoar lrîeîîds. iiluy Webber. Bowmianville, (neceLa- îsaîned niitLb" by and Andrew have gatheî'ed iii yoar hoine Ibis ev dia Maure) eî'e presented with a Weich bal passed on, a stîdden heart Cninuif infvited but with a sinicec'rc osiiscellaneous shower friom their atack and speciai purpose ta 5show sou tîsat ýmany friends and acquaintances. Dm,-eair ci mas on:e of the ceai aid we have a deep and kîndly îî:teîest ýThe gis were numeroas and hand- iiler.H a on al oia- ial tîsat concecas youî' weiîare. Asanie foi' which tise bride anmd groom viles. l.,i 154mu d asbs t arraîie iiendship exists between those who 111 a f ew mell chosen words thanked mile. Ont Whitmi 7o18 and musmcidhave known and worked togetîser foi' al present foc their kindniessm The taHasimmWhtein188 r 87, m a lengtb ai lime, and you Oto w eaindei' af the evening was spent fl ofmlhiis uniosn îfour daughters hv were un ilig . d in.,iica ndgms fe bor, lornc an Lell a 1.ewhatever we have asked of yau. whicli a dainty luncheon was sec- The CANADA STARCIH He-iriett a EdIwarmk ,andîAi :se Me- %wh' tlsor for iodge dalles or iii sang. ved. 'Iagga-t, deceased. His wfe pre- At Limes we realîzed itlmas nat al- Th1 olwn dresma edb 1cdeceasecIiihlm abo iltthirteen ears 1\Yi cnei h-floigades a ed agoca. sint for- you La perforin IMiss Greta Br'own and tIse gits wCir -__ ago. , ~~~~~tlîen yet you neyer hestaiel in giv- cr'idlsabkeadp-eetdy Re"cae 'wl-st ini 1882 t" Winnipeg lisp as ai youa'basse. Bedassurel thai. and clfronî tberc' r clvelledi 1)3'oveart ech of1)1us rejoice %ih 3'omian i-MssDri î-y cuina tebîîe, KEEP YOURSELF sot o w.pri l ' o non.the 1fer 3-ii or heartie-L eont.-miulations egom in uMrlnStecuisa LTI i or a vury happy mîriimt-cl ifo As H-Mc-mAM-sWebe' m)ili-'tm mhuas ha nd '-imîlti-cft lt-Mi- -eiuuk Jawn the strt-aînof î,.c mme Dear ii .-andThe lot of most people Io imuch nousi vi-Cliîi n th e in dil sut' nsaiy yeai's Ofîs tliesandti IL is a pleasure to imeet bere ibis indeor work and Bte real ex. 'OmîLi' r-,. HF servcI fo)r illany gea rs j-c-rc foi' you. A nemu day bias ('enilig La spend a femm boucs mith ercise. That's why it's sensible, on te- 'eaciw Let scool i dwîed aîsd may tise settîîsg of you on ibis most happy occasion. every so often,to give the system andtul a-a tos the couniol of the Ririal eîiî a ea rpttnlli s ihal 0 elaigarcn-a pentle, thorough cleansing Nýliiimî Inty iii litmcs lb' mas ai th11e limning mvms. NîmI for nier-iiîmînty mue hope you will keep us ni1 w'ij 1t h Dr. Carter's Little Liver ai î t' m':c o.frmr lite Lral pl \> î)'mmi îls la0mme wish ta expr ess oaur besi kîlîtlîeînenbraisce and wil lake ad- PUis. Ail vegeable. 60 vears Feeoy(01'W ishes but in soîictlîiîgigluclm:si -vîittrge ai emery apportunity ta ce- in use. l -< t l ofi mltht ffr-i lî id s t -- -e,' trcscfc lcl- îcsîcfImt-scs ci p.suw ask you taacl t ibistain and thus keelp the lamp of 1 eand f i pssn wthgnun t it as aî sînali tokeîî af our besi li'mtffdshil) briglîtly buî'ning. May 25e & 75c red packages emrel flspasir. iiweîîîs xishes and tr'ust. youî nay enjoy il you eîjoy a lonsg aîîd happy lufe is e uea a efoitet. o.,etbeî' for many years ta came. the sincece wish afi ah your friends. Ask your druggist loi rUnited Cbuî'ch on Sanday aiternoon, Signed on bebali af the menibers1 Signed on behaîf ai your Mount TE 'SITTUYWU Rev. W. H. Black officiating."' af Beebive Rebekab Lodge, No. 125,1 Carmel and Raglan f rlends. WE THANK YQU We are pleased to realize that the buying public of this district appreciate the big savings offered on good dependable merchandise. At the request of many of our friends - some who were flot ablcŽto get in - and others who bought to their spending limit, but would have liked to buy more - to CONTINUE THIS Giant Broadside Sale until Saturday, November 7tIu Sonie of the lines offered LI-re. of course, completely sold out, but we are addin, sanie big super-values that should crowd the store the closing days of this big value-givirig event. ~UOR 72IGGEP\ AND JI'ET-FER B \RGAINS LI G iE MONE PAGE FOUR i 4. 4* 4* 4. ê. 4. 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4. I.. 4* 4* 4* 4* *4 4* 4* 4* 4* 4. 4. 4. *4 4* 4* 4. 4* 4. .4 4* 4.>* 4. 4* 4* .4 4* 4* 4. I v