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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1931, p. 5

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'I., 'J THE CANADIAN STATE.SMAN, BOWMA:NVILLE, THUR.SDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1931 ONLY the BEST is Good Enougli lVhen you consider your children you nalurabby con- sider only the bost. That us why s0 many turn ta Bow- manville Daîry Mibk when they want the best, Splen- did T. B. Test stock, dlean barns, good floti, hygienie mcethods, and pasteunization ensure for you purity in Bowmnville Dairy Whole Milk. Phono 446 er '03 for aur debusers swagon tb cali. Bowmanville Dairy W. Il. BETTLE. Proprietor. HIAVE YOU TRIED THIE IMPROVED SHELL GASOLINE? We ol s h'av îse s'0m.î 1try naîaank bull ai this spiestiti gasaluno. as sve foot confident Ilînt yau. like others wb"u bave trieti id. ssill ho tiligltet ssth the bigb anti- knack, qaick starting. and splen- titi mileage you w'uhi receive f romn ils smaatb performanuce, ai i selîs nI popular pricos. Let Us Drain and Fi Your Crank Case froni this Scection of High Quality Ois Castroi - Quiaker State - Mobiail Veetial - Sheil - Pomzoil or Fiuieroil 100', Poilu Pl'DaiD KING3 ST EA51'- ZOW;'L1 U'ILE Have Your Eyes Examined Consult aur Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL --Latest Mcthods - Modern Instruments - R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists - Optometrists Phone 921 Whe n TEETHING makes HlM FUSSY Olue of t he miost imtport a nt t hin gs ynii e.;litdo t(o, uake a le i î~bib coîîîfortabie is hi set, i bat I l e boa t., do tlîîr %voit of crvn~oIT wa'.te illatt er proiptIv amirLîl.t. For titis uotîiîîg is btter tbaîî (:a- tori:i. a pure tbe prep:îratioui madaISiii<e for llu ziînd chil- dren. Casoria z:a'ts so% get 'vyoi('alil gîte it to y' 1i1i;:tils relieve col i. 'I I ili Si lW effcteiive. for oir bidren, toi. RBiecmler, Cas- toria c'iii ins lu o hrsi drîîqls.rno non otics --is iiîdîtq y hrîlcss. N\*l(Iîeuiour la1 i fetultvth teetd)in r a f(ond iupset. give acns ing t osýt ofCiîstori:m. Be sure voit get genuiine Castoria \\tl the naile: C A S TOR1A IN THE REALM 0F SPORTj iast minute. He aiso will be heard from next year. Ernest Hunt--Quiet and effective. A man of mîghty few words, but actions aiways spoak bouder, any- way. Good line man with a pair of fast hoofs and a fatrly heavy brame. Mare next year. Dick Wright--Stacky, with cour- age. Took plonty of puntsbment. wthaut a frawn. Son of the fam- oas Scatty Wright of hockey fame. Good an theo une anti on the tacklc. He will bo a shinîng lighit next year. ! here is the lino-up. There were a lew others who werc out ta nearly overy practîce. They wiii no doubt make the teain next year. RUGBY HOPES FALL1 A FEW POINTS ABOUT AT PETIERBORO B. H. S. RUGBY TEAM B. H. S. Agaîn Loses W FP.C. 1. The B. H. S. team thîs year bas on Muddy Fieldbeenf comnpaseai of a înîgbty fine \Vitb wot grountds unoorfoaot and graup af athlotes, every ane in gaod clauded skies overhead, Bowinanville condition antci trying is bost ta win hîgh 5chool rugby crnthusia-st. Jour- fairiy. Tise spirit b'as been the best in nieyed ta Peturooi'a neariy crie hani- ea-r. Mr. i. Paterson and NMr. J. aliea stroiîg ta se abîit pi IL)taScat, lbavspentinuch taîte and on- be t.he inost inteiestiig and the niobt ergy out raw inaterial into isappuliLtîug gaine ar tise seasonl. the flnislied product. \Ve wish bere Bath teains ,w ere badiy handicap- ta uffer coi-gualatuiitons ,ta tlie teai poui by theu c. ana \vth t the P.C.I. an thoeir .'picnîi shotving anti re- oitwcighing tii %s îs,o' îlstey bad mmlid tiiaiis tîat althaagh they havec qut ail ad' anta0e. Euti raiL"ýs Wcre beeni deleatet. tbey haat c matie a t: .eiX- to evc:î attCinpl allntiv illue impression n al ers(2-yeain they th. t'lb p:lL tliv litiiUliiteu- lias e imet. 'I ey ha .e guven thoir best a a wt'11i 5tu) a go gain. ilic piay'ou the gaine fairiy. svlneh Petcrbrorettolnb'.' 9-5. ca .etlseir l' i -a. lu itiina timportant thing. ,,înils wa .t a Lïciuiii ýkck andi a W bu vtatfear af contra- - -ldtula. t tiisti ichtta dictioni. tlere l> îîa îeamii. ither ,;en- coi, î e, . 3 .usan t- , ii lotîeri.or ai ni rieial :. iî: tuas district ean: n a touildav;.i a t bat i aiprovûC( aus inion as lbey ileimi. the filal .i:candi the hli.nns at.11e pluîjeers are .ailletha dl"îi' ii W p 'i'e cýi e tin fena ianti spcet. St iansb:p . :hL ' a. x t:.cî i t."a s, :' h n weholt aur .ît a lii! SI 1 ïic. d.:ee- hi a ajkinie Wrnght ,ore ia the :0'aorsýikce a 11ou u t e d ever- lino lcar-lessi" travelling at high I t i. ,t e itî" î'îiet til- Lyd. beatidawts u imeet ah ohstac- 1eulthtcîe aiîïlectIltlt' ifs: Monk Calmier the saune. Ibese Si d 11 sil lu a firill ba., andi ail 1 (7sait ne witb flan' WViliarrs anti s.u 'xeli. iLii Barîîell la itihe hue b arder thaîî Shoýuttii Pftiti" tcgtilit' beetiii Pet- 'lypi:cor in the graap. t' ' took a')-,' 'ion af 1110 bal a:a! i. ii1i "< i..ntla id. Cet - Wec ald lîke hure to give an ne- 'vit ait, c'0ii '.d:suiancL' W'arni- tounit of eac inman ou the teaut: man î booa it: .~ ie pla1et'ieuit for the Harold *,Moii:'"ColiuCer-As rtght w i.t' Monk hIl.. as mach ai. :niore suecti than any man on the tans). Hoe is', i y strang. tith ai- inaost a pere ct body ansd tackles with a stricngth t bat tî'ualiy make bis vie- t it h' Ei ryabout being tack- h 'a hy 1li ai l. .Finle pi ngu'. WVritten especialby for Theî State.suan By.--AdanFakir. \t.hat a gaine a tva.5 as excîtine as the story af Sinbadtithe Sailar or Naolcan Crassing the Delatvare. or tva- t the Alps? Bit the finish was isat s0 ploasant. Pictare i yotîr 'vî.n mnti B. H. S. Rugby tc: svi jth a' cicar scor'e card ail socs s 100lokin' :as tbotiobthey w.'re Cine ,tbr-7 "' for tl,'silver mac. ba . ng c lîttle 5 mt spt'iikleti on their t ail, as it were. w'bta to ganies on nttiitlvgrotintiandt tvalassos un a rats. Tbis dashes ah aour hapes for bis si n'on anti al tv(' eau do nosv is look foiîw'r!id ta a birgcer aind bet- ter next year. B. H. S. stiii foel: that on dry -rotunti they tvould have tefeatet andti couil at any time defeat titis Pvteibaro ni tiubi Peter- haro feels that they waald ho super- toi' on the saute consditions. 50 thoît' - - ~'TnnWw i BillIgrîi of'aitise main- yn r.We don't w.ant anyýonie ta taiys afti i tobm.eil. Bill couidt hink that B. H. S. are flashinig any ala'ays 'obc depeitet an for a goatialibhis. for the ioss. Tliey aie not. gain. Fastail tbe cuti runs. Bill T yail worketi liard ad t certain- Jiî; .a lîîîî't in the aine wîtiî P"terbara ly is titsappoitting ta lace1' out iîust j, îc' 'a lias a 'cadlkm'e frotss lasI ilýi te 1ast. btut suclit b, the itature yoar. His presouice bias put a good of the gainse anit h.vbasal bappen- i eiaof confitiie iiti thet haut that Pde beforo. so let's 113' ta forgct it. is laeking without him. ____ Bill Ba0ni-ell -Anctbe cs atîl hau t w'as a god gainte for- the spec- 1ihafl vbo as speety anti coins a goati istars. There werc 50 nny near (ical () gratînti. Bull ltas beout steady scores andi sa inany spectacilair runs '1 ar wth no0 nuries. A itard and forwçard passes that the fans îackl r aund ais efficient pltutgor. hoe were nearl:v hysterical before the hsa itîtzre in athletics. Bill tvîli came ended anti it was a hapeless bha h tre noxt year. joib ta even attemaPt ta keep tltom Te .. . off the fieldi. Nearly a TeýBagîcýili-Teti lias susotn gc n ents w'ont otut ta see the gamne fram insproveiniî as the season lias gone hero. 1Ialouîg. Ho ts o3itte lîght, but speedy____ 1Iandwith plorit:,'fainttestinal forti- Our opuar oac, Bii Pter on tutle. passihîs' yoti kuav tte charter Traîstai ai Peterboro i'uiicd the Our otvi.usCnt, illPaersnword. îicestrîun aifltegainte. Ho ýtarted Showng eniHowDîne Wlians-We are nat anx- u the 55 yard lino andtiotre aroant ilii.,i score iic geaille. Fiais then ia:îs ta gîve Dune as muacîî hsem oedrightou dd"ti Iekiers haý dîmàiai tne the play îa.s brouît lie tiesorves. If w'e sait or pinei loe a log îybtbt onetendlitelec ù ieoeithou 0opiionstronot anti sent bis cdeats Pound- ail cui i te iel. a te ilir îdhhoie iritt ieedi anallier luitî. but as i ti- dit until lho bu tai] pposi- iieithi e aii ns ssa,)pusitioii at ho is natîirally nsotest \ve von ture a tion in aru'cars anti planttot the bil anl yt llita al .ii s .o:c ofelis- DurL' lias been the back- welbhniBwsun'fo oliuo in hu all13 H.>ý3 t 1)lleoftbetean.As c(:titlriho lias xel _____ gollno douiete u ,ue ie r uai,,. gai stner ilangcti his tbous v :th tiese'kil ai %% a(' y. s ydt ieu tbail in tdhe u \î"'ran iHt i- the ~nicî-st broken The forw'ard pass Ucense paptîlat' a~utîtai e. int d0,5tt'ii tlti ield t uiusu îohsint., district. AIl wss o fre the ont ai the gaine. Dîiîc Icii (Jrt iu tise Feute: 50.g1alii il P'1sihal Say itrthier is tisaI if Dune goos \Villiam's coît'biîtod fir-st vth Monkt tili-'e uiîi"i cea ,ùios. out seUineti 1t1 any c' loge we0 grotiet a crosvu- Coîinir andtihoin w itlî Gord. Adt-ms t oLlia.c.lut tilI l i h uer ma- i1 1 it'frs a.b e'son ta a foi's'cartllicavos andtihte bal telîicuî.111,n. id sil geL tLSa iia- Ii\i)'Oti HP î: îlot 01t1Y a fine resteti on Petrhoro's fivo s'ard lino. 1er~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~b aiis.tititms')iisa teyployer, but a ilgit fine chap. ____ lai, a suoi" , ouatt îhi r 1,0o)0.;. t. t i'_____ ta 'lectti ietiit:,aaout t nasii- ,Nest1Hak'i'. ieîs SiiP0 Ir.' is an imîîartai aine tlub-2 LiteS lu tihe ,t:li a01,ac .tUigiU. Ti:n- Nitoeisi.Hîs pa,ý-Ose arna)fple d bofore the sa ffaticially tui ai PeteOui ourulùoW1.5ile oibil, anill d liuO i.Hs aýesaealws ys emtl.Vctrtust s'oiiha',' not for- yaldu ti ile. torec .,ou! i tise s iglît Imîc'aind lie g't.s bus nui. Newîv. g'a teu that the aitlltal ý 1,, ugiter ho- cnùia umîti cossu ltai lcila u.ite ashOt Wxv 01'tfor :a taîmale ai gaine. btî enkiithe OIt Boys" a- c'l soa tutl kailier Pote: )oat a sewai o.1l :i l va.'a hig' lselp ami bis reduru. ct h rsmtdyshssh: a Ï)i y rtetd theestre.s'jo. lda'iista"tni' but lt 11'U Odit: e t a '; anUIg 'ctanti arlantdPtit fitgbylno mis- , od s y50 .- tîto SraI ilie s asoi'. . terîîumeùtî tagai a ' Vs1'iîiia fair atnouutt of ss'ogbt. poeasuro iniiiaiia'umiiu that Ibis uc i plai., n i:,t'U C. :55 mlo iiiantuete hales in the lineo aten antid pcace 'il takc place on Weduos- Il..~,ume. Ii ino î,'irter-ba"k stoppeti aîsy atautint. aofIosidmî Novembor 1 itit iArmsistice Day I baise 'ut ulimînîs ia cn alling Il' kt mnt'ainloult of puiismnent-.. lite ~ ~ ~ i sini 5cl sn. ctmg~:tt s~qi.The scelle wilbe at the Cream aof cuits. Nots, a ists piai o atdmck t George "Zeke" Veale - Another Barley Camp andthie line 2.30 p. ut. came t ita being. Willaiis .sniapîîct a Th lboswlcaragodel lu' ý ta us.doiîaro.ei Courîi'r foi'ua nd isreatyiy nsîte svnîî alTt lIby iicir otda fo t Jits af caurag eaisdiabilimy. H of a seit inut tiis year's sti*ugglo a thirty yard gain. Alittie inter ais- e aliehs usuuemdais ut- hs lisu hyacu h ik ateriladr aiedmua bessam m ai g gtthohT'ise sobolars hope ta put themin i aîmiîs afGara. Adaîmsai-ud tihe bal oglttact the biue. It may ho black anti bine. me ,ted ami Peterýbaoos thsi'e yard he. Clarensce Oke-A haî'ti svrking' Hall a umiueat mîr and B.H.-S. *sere antieffective lineoisans. Ho is svoh passessars ofai bue ponts. 1'bere weroerý1ýsed inus mothotis ai stoPping bis The buntis taken aI the galessil baiu six short mntdes ta go auîd five mtan anti makuxte hales for plungers ho givon ta the stretcher-bearers Bull Ingu'am caime aos the fieldt taPut an oit lineofa Okes that bave boon pointedti t pick Up the pieces. It f reslislit intth ie teasit. Biltvas ta- promisent in sparts for years. ss'll ho a real slruggle. May the bol- ju.rcdth 1e Satmrtiay previamus and svas ter toani win. nat able ta play tue fulil gausse. but Jausse Wrigbm-One oi the most ___ even bis preseusce svas not enough. intpi'ove'Oinie plungers oi the yoar. Thse gaine duewtot a hoctie close witb His curiy white haur was ahways hit- Now lot us turm ta the hockey sit- the hall sailtng back and forth in ting sanîcone anti sboving thoni back uation. Wo tvoro talking to Omsi beautiful spirals with Pederbaro foi' a gain. Ho made many yards Gamsby the othor day. Ho was cm- hnviusg the wint anti gaining a uitIle bar the teani anti couit always be phatc in bis opinion that someone graunti. The wbistlo bhow, the crawtdoPentiet on ta the pinches. Nat- shouiti write ta the O. H. A. anti en- paurot outo the lielt anti the cbnm- uially quiet hoe 100k aIl ktnds of teavour ta have Oshawa juniors pionship vas last ta B.H.S. for' Ibis puntshmsenl ssihout a grouch anti groupeti witb Toronto. Ho thought year. came back for more. Fairly lighî, that il woult croate more intorosî Lne-uî- but impossible ta stop. Goot tackle. ini aur local centres if the league Petorhoro-Flying svutgs. Glover. vas camposet ai Wbitby. Port Hope, Wau'nnan: baises Wost bye. Trantor' Alan Jtitmy" Willitams - The Cobourg, Orono anti Bowmanvilhe. quarter, Dearbomus; snap, Duncan; 'Big Train." Standing hoati anti Evory toam in the lbague the last iusides, Chesuer, Sodgwick: mittiles, alntost shoultiers above the rosI ai two years hias been tefeatet noarly Wood. Wilson; autsutes. Robertson, tbo teans anti wetgbing well ovor 1'75 es'ery gamne hy Oshawa. This bias lot Mackey: stuhs.. McKauîe, Yeates, lbs, %vo mighl say that bie carrnet a lime iutorost lag anti naw it is hart Weddebh, Parusaîl anti Dau'cy. lot ofl weîgbt aos the toam. Ho coulti ta got gooti crowds at the gamos ho- Basvmans'ille Flyiag ssings, Col- piosv through a lune, wsith hall the cause thoy f001 that there is no mser anti Bagusehi: balves. îngrnm, apposiIsg team on lits back anti still chance fou' the graup anyway. Osh- T. Bagnoîl: quarter. D. Williiams' koep goisg ustil e ho suglît lho hat aw'a witbfilve tiunes the populations saap. Hackuey: insides. Plummer, gaineti euaugb. Jmussuîsy lias heen a cf Bawmanvilbe lbas a larger f ieldt ta Voabe: ututtiles. A. Williams, . ybig usohp ta the teans this seau. Ho,. dmaw from. Thoy have an arganiz- Wriught: outsîdes. G. Adauts anti D'.e Rt1iug",gosis a the atuon that furuishes foot finn'n Adamss: subs.. Jau'kmanu tt Birks ,' business in tise stimnuler' tuie t0 hackiuîg. Thes' hav'e a paiti coach Mcl,'oeit. D. Wright. ' e1 in conditionu. 1He is the type tvio spentis most af bis lime tith Refeee-. MrDonld.Petr- f chap that w'îlh as sous as lise rends the' temmm. They are able ta start baî'o: Uussîire-Alaus Camspbell, Boss'- ' s hpe I get l Ii5trowi toe isail,.ci*er 'actisimtg alreaty. svhereas we are unanvuie. - n.n. lo111o Vl b',1ugtbz .nn ot> 4Ah ik- qh JlUt LUMBAGO? A pain lu tise ower part of your back cati torture you. But not for bong, if vom i kuoss'aboaut Aspiriut I These harmuless, pîcasant tablets take aw'ay the nîisery of lumnbago, rheîuuîaîismn, neuralgia, headaches, tootisaclies, and sstlemsic pains of wonsen. Relief commes promptby; is conuplete. Genuine Aspirin cannaI depress the bîcart. Look for the Bayer cross, tisas: w5itius noxt s'ear. ---- Go:.1."qtuîtt"Ataias---.Oiie af is mc I ckei..m ini the ot'gamiisa- t,î.Ho s fmcl nit usmahîs'about hoi'.t alis ta ronds tise 'ecit'or ua kick. Gord us Ploîsty lîglit, but Sdiuslkuug a gucat dccl af usshk andt ctin, tutabed carIs' i ou'der ;ntagin veigitt . île oilb,2 btter thlais ev-er iscxd yecu'. Doag. "Tarzans" Adaus-2ad camus,- ini ta Gard. Daug's niekuaine wil Pi'ety lywebb describe bis SYMnuetmtcal hadY. He bas beous veu'y steatis'al yeai'. tîttmg a goat dcia poppmbt tise gaisse and datng soute exceptions- alhy goodt tcckliusg. Titis is Domug's ast ycar in the seboal. H:smry Jackuniau-Stibbed aI snap. Light but tmigbty gamo. We shabh beau' uuorel0f hlm uext year. Alec BtrkS-Aus offective tackier anui a liard man ta pass on the lino. He, like the Mountios. ahways gels bis msan. Frank Mcllven-Sbowet groat improveisent tawarts the last. Tackbet biard anti was trying ta the eY ant i stihInat bhoarganzed or hase ire unitl uext usoutb. V bave n,) ýIrgnniz.-itiaus ta geltus stau'te-d. Jack Omît iiis asi' ýtrn'goubld oems' t'enr. Thero is no ustofessionic 'sh Otur :'i'îk is isat as lau'ce as thatt ini Osh- cosuanuithtie resiti,; that oui,' plai'- cu'q re bd lotvhea tbev are on the hts' "e ,.This ite the saisie cittuattous fi'st is pret'alert inl otheu' noiebbot- Th"îs Iis situation bas been isaaging lire for the past fetv years Pud sse shotuiti et somo actions ou if Ibis year. Cobourg te hookimsg borwardti tan ueturus ta bockey with the riuik ho- uîsg reunodebleti andtihie spirit goîs- erahhy impravet. As sve reuientbou' if the spirit of tIse spectators coalti ho uipu'ved a gucat deal wîtbout amsy har'us resuling. Tise ast tinte we Playoti thoro nsarbhes seousedto10 h tis vogue anuithtey badthIe idon Ibat the pbnyers w'ere the targets. Wc are looking forward to Coboui'g's e- tamn taO0. 1H. A. rank, tbougb, anti wisb tbcm every succoss. They shoubti bave lots of material ta work wlth. inany distressing atinsents svhich so ofton lba to 0sortous diseases that every sumferer froin Lameness, Pains in back and down tbrough groins. scanty but friequent urination, -Get- ting-up-Nights," Nervaus Irritability and Lack of Forco-should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's URATABS at once! Any good drug- gist will suppiy you on a guarancee of satisfaction or money back. 1. IF NOT, WIIY NOT? Ist Bowmanville Troop SBoy Scouts S. Terry, Scoutmnaster Ned Rehder, Asst. Scouiniaster Meet at Central Public Sehool Wednesdays at 7 P. ru. The lstL Bomvn.ilÎle Troop heid nt regai eetLing Wecdneý.day ev- ening, Octaber 28th. The meeting began with the regular routine: a gaine. and baif an hour of Scout w ork. While the Troop xvas left in charge af a Scout. a counicîl of t'atrol Leadcrs and Seconds x<as lcield. iii tvhicb i t was decided that owving ta rapta gýrowth it was neccssary ta dit ide the Troap into six Patrols. The officeis are: Patrol No. I - P. L.-Lawrence Rehdner; Second-Harry Taylor. Pani No. I - P. L.-Boyd Sie- mon; Seconid-Harvey King. Patrol No. III - .L.-John Neale: Second-Bob McIlveen. Patrol No. IV - P. L.-Howard McLaughliin; Second-Donald Pugh. Patrol No. V -- P. L.-Clifford Hall: Second-Ralph Aines. Patrol No. VI - P. L.-Tom Dus- Lan: Second-iMul-ray Mitchell. The Scoutmiaster. Mr. Terry. an- nounieti that owing to the rernoval af Douglps Fortior. the Troop Lead- er, another Troop Leaciel woald bc elected at tho beginning af the new year. Healtk Service of the Canadian Medicai Association DOES YOUR CHILD SEE? When a chtld is blind in both eyes, the condition is, af course, recogniz- cd. There are înany chiidren, how- ever, wha have defectîve stght. whtch fact is unknown ta their parents. That this is sa is evtdenced by the number of chiltiren entering sehoal. tvha are found by school physictans ta have defective eyesîght. The gooti work done by the sehool hualth services does not pravide for the pre-sehoot chtid, or for the child who attends a schoai where there is no sehool physician or nurse. A chîli s-,hoult bc a1ble ta recog- nize a picture or abject one-haif an inch squtare at ta'enty feet. Each eye is tubteti separately. anc eyc be- ing cavered v.-îth a carti turing the t-st of the athor. For ncar t ision, a pîcture book may bc used. If there is i:.ny ampreciable defct 'n either vye, whether for near r citstant vis- ion. the fainily ilbysic1aii shaulti be cansuit ed. Ca-vcis a condition whicb ts .ýq:îenely neglectcd because of the .etsipn-iiance as ta its signifi- ',ance. Chiltiren ;vîtbhi., ýcondition Sbould bý' piaced under medîcal care 'tvithatit delay. A cross-eyed rhilt sýecs double. Tbis causes confusion and sa the iiimd trains itseif ta pay attention anis' ta the image that cornes ta it tbroughi the straighit oye. Tbis resuîts in ane eyc's being devel- opedti traîghi use and the ather's beconîîng aseless hecause lit ts ual used. Unless the condition is poei treated carly, the chilti loses the use af anc oye and is actually blinci in that eye. If the chilt is treatpt be- tween two and threo years of age. the maost or aillof hts vision can ho saved: the longer trieatment is de- laved, the nmore vis;ion is lost. Cross- oye is a condition whicb daes not correct itself. Chiidren do flot grow out of it. If the child is placet sttting, fac- ing the parent, an armn's length away. with ane eye cavered by the paront's hand, and is mnade ta Ilo at the parent's nase wtth the uncav- ered eye, the parent will find that. an uncovering the other oye, it ts eîthor laaking at the nase. whtch means that na crass-eye is presoent, or that it maved in ar out. ore- mainod crossed in or aut. which is an evidonce that cross-eye fs pres- ent. Yaur children wiil appreciate, in later yoars. the care you give now te this special argan. Questions cancernhng Health. ad- dressedtot the Canadian Medi cal Association. 184 College Street. Tor- onto. will ho answered porsonaIly by letter. WITH ALL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT s NEW COAL coair For over 50 years the favorite D. L &. W. Scranton Anthracte, now trade markd blue for your proteci on yeur deaer and eidere 78 with confidence FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE BY: SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LT)d. PAGE IVE " ' I.-- ""How do 1 keep My fgr9" "I eat Shredded Wheat but instead of cream 1 use whole milk-just as it cornes from the botti e. 'Aha, kind of meal gives me pep and st-eength. It's delicious and nourishing auid easily digested. Some âimes for variety 1 add sliced bananas or otber fruits, but 1 like it any way at ail." TUE CANADLAN SI4REDDED WHT COMPANY. LTD. 1 SHREDDED HEAT;

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