PAGE THCURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1931 r. III(F a Inut' (lii l i' F5t Q S , iàflutsa md be ln W DSPHOSPHODINU- .;;ir u fl'ni5;ju. al rFxr 1 00)0 nsuad e ms AL rh <reai 1n I nL 'i 'r ' ;. ii 1 'PiCUI e '"il lixMs'.(7ibson Md MUby Ommn* a E U FF'nF~'yterr)n, akes rri . ; i! uit' ha te, aind t his vumur 1 filý. unutadd d IV2 n n idFiVins. t sertfor ",FIviIl<r '< nt' 'Fi foît h comn g i . He-t "MM . ci )eblî ly, Mental and lirain l " 1 (i' ' 11,;F ical ib i sg 1loti t icS Ii', .'FCV 3I o <f knerry. PalpitaFrtio lr I tlse, ;ul' part tfOir the )iu .u PMmry.Pce $2 pc' ,K.ion< hpse u 120hur.frA 'or i5 y Sui y 0druggis,or maled m>F L eno 120bi'*Iýfo-A CîS unrert' o î'ce New pamphie*imarieS W 'iii11 ",e.tNE W0013 mrblCINE COJTORONTO.ONT Mm. GibSon vaq tuitý,or omti k..T Avoid Ti Put Winte MOTOR0 In your Cai BEFORE W Minter dror northi, prepare for il present oit with RED INI RED INDIAN ,\otor prodtîct whtr.h, be';ider, lubricating quaIifies. special vdast": -~as to, the outcome of the sao' fl..lim ~,o nt"operations, and felt that later on in Duha ythe season wth better pricesan wth an adjustinent of thse excisange rate, a highly profitable return A ppe urvey would be secured for thse crop. We mnentioneci the service being iFroin The Oshawa Timnes) rendered by A. Fulton, thse Ontario r(Ii..1)l !The apple i king. ln sorne sec- goveriiiei1t representative in Great tion of urba, Nrthunberand13itain, to thse apple growers of thse and Ontario Counties, scores QI f ar- inou t Ivls wsupi igts nd mers wiso. years ago had sulcient i u ivl a le i an vision to plant out large orchards of âmaie up as a mil doîng a splendid the popular types of apples, are to- job for ituase lue represents. Thse day reaping their hiarvest. Tiley are groxwerb look ta lis weekly letters on >.r G radecheerful and optiiiriistiC as they look appie coiitiitiofls overseas witli keen Graderd to thse winter, for luthas il1Leet. Indeed nost af hswo and while in thse early part QI thse these letters as a basis for- their mar- year it vas bard ta seul apples at a , eting and shipping aperations. It ý [CD good price, coliîcitiuns haxe iînipr'ov- is ititerestiilg, in1 ie\v out ths, and eu, anti there is a ready mnarket in vîexx of thse large crop of apples eitniur iiînîiîedîately ax asiable, or grown in Northumnberland. Vurliain OIL îouuilig up iii thse near future to and Ontario counties. w 1look over taKe tare of ah tthe trop. Acrobss ue crie of these lettis-tisat for last oceaii lies Great Britain and Bel- w'eek, and cuil fim lu a fe\w of bis grain, t'xýo excellent mnarkets for, comrments on1 the situation. ICanadiali, and especially Ontarioa Rcputation Established apples. and, n spîte oi the rate aif0One nutîceablu, paiagrapb calîs excliaiîge being againa.,t tbe Canlau- attention te, the tact thiat O.ntaria ian gromer authtie pre.ýeit tîule, of- apples have establisised a reputation r N OXV ! ficiai reports uroin thee auner sicof for tbeiselves averseas. It 5ays: tise Atlantic are encuuraging. "lise grading of Onitario apples Our represeiltative bas uetiu sa- tisis seasouî bas beeni excellent and ps clown from the journuîig un the apple belL oa ile1hu bas been highly cirnented on by taunities, iiterviewiflg graxxers, taik- buyers. The Non alk and Big -(' ýt by replaciiig your unig to apple packers as tbey storcdj brands are becorning weil-knauvn foi [)IAN winter grade. away tile fruit of thse orcbai ik1ii1 tistir unit uri quality, and aiý appies ta be shîpped odirect Lo I lese tanding the depressed market con- Oil is a superior liiarkett5' and ta shuppeis as they dîtions iaxarably, as they are stîli hax'ig flc higest iadeLl ansd paciued appleSicir thse tiiiiiafltiing frii$4~.4î ta $5.53 fo liavind fie highst ,-.lg journey to Anitwerli. Fuoii tiîs goud quality Iruit, accoruuîng ta van-1_ lithe ftlwigîur ofthtie apple coulitry, one learis iCtY. as cumpared with uotiier marks h.~ fo1own~tisaitthe gruwcrs are ni a cheeritul Mwluthi are ruceix ing luss than ý4.25. traîne 0of mini. Oîne gîouýýer in pa- This is a splendid opportui y t 1 tîcular vhuo happeniei to hav e udOù ibu"io nP a reputation for- our ou- jbarrels of apples ,tore 1 ayn lstai'io brandat, and to becoilne xx'ii 'O DPODTtain, rernarked thi eI isuran xxniio e.stai Shsedu for anioiser seasan. It is f poý iid a go urcharci tiîiu yean xas oîuy a matter of shiort uLime wheni pnwer rlirough iua gua oï lanLie ai itb buYers xMILibe îreeiy askîng for- tiese corlo inth abarii ful af lix e stock, m eiarks, wbicb is botiîd ta resultui meant every word aof u, tic. prcnruîn puices. It s îny exper'eisce I Provides Errploynft tliat buyei's are all willîng ta pay a G MI This apple iisustry is quite a ttw shillings more for a depeciabl' Joiiorus u large feature of tiifatimnIe of tlii rice5 wouid turge that every IonorUe ~sýctiun af thse Ontario countrys itie. packing bouse in Ontario kceps Ul) But tisis tall it bas praven ta be evua Lhe gais wark and growinig reputa- A WAX mare tisais tiat. lutlbas been an oui- ticil in spite of present prîces, as it lut for imucis of tise surplus labar af xx >1 be ta their advantage ultîmate- om siicking and Whitby. Bawmanvxille and Oshawa .' odging. and ather cornmuniities. One applie The possibîlities ai thse future packer and shippes', foai instance, bas maket for appies are aiso dealt wîtb r bais a tatal af 75 nien working for in this letter, wbich canitains thie fol- imati tempr- liini tissougliotut the appie seasoli. lowilig paragrapb. mtie teper Individual grawers lhave liad ail the ForWard Buying ctvey.way frant six ta ten men, draxvn1 "During the lasi two weeks there f ram the ranks of thse unernpiayed I as been saine activity in forward of thse urban commnru'ities warking buying for Ontario appies. Tiss as it wilI give you betterI for thein for thiree, foaur and f ixe been principally on account of the , no remim prce F weeks, gatberîng tri the fruit of the reputation that we are developing. I no pemîu prce I I rcisards. Payiug froua $1.25 ta $2-00 have already canfirrned two goad tat which you can with a day xith ineals far tis work. thbe sales of Ben Davis and approximate- ED INDIAN station or apple-grawers bave tisus provideis a ly 120 cars of Baldwins. It is îny INDIAN motor oil and nice littie incoine fart tiose men who cantention tisat wiile une prices are oducts . . . . in your have beeli willing ta tackie thse job.. not higb, We St least kuuaxvwisere we Ilav yor crnk-aseaid in tise mass, tisere must bave are at by selling for dollars. Na one lrgae yofuREDcrDank-case me biudreda of thens at if. can f oresee, at tierse nt maoment, r grde o REDINDIN ¶railic for Railways wisat sterling is likely ta do in tise driving satisfaction in I Iurther, tise shupping oi thse apple future. It is truc lutlbas been hsold- crop bas, providied trafle for tise ing fairly steady araund $4.25, but rairways. Tise C. P. R. agent at it s very doubtful îîif i ii stabîlîze Bowinanvulle volunteered tise unfor- at a hîgher figure. In any event, 1 muation tisat Up ta tise end of Oc- arn frînlY af tise opinion tisat as tabei' b. had sent aff 32 carloadts af growers and shippers we have apples ta Mantreal. for expart or for enougis ta contend witis witbaut storage tisere. Since eacis car aver- speculating un finance. Tiserelore, Gy anadians ages lietweeîi 155 ta 200 barnels of any forward sales tisat I arn able to bYapples, tissisucicates that anywbere secure sbould be carefully consîder- 'ENAC rdc fronui 4,6000 to 5,000 barrels of ap- cd by tise packers befare turnung prouctples bave been sbipped from tiîs thern down. Remember. we are not Point aluîue. Even a largei' quantiîy warking under normal canditions." bas been slipped f rainithe Gibson1 Otiser items of advîce given in tiss 7iC fruit packîng statian, between Baw-I lettes' are ta tise efleet tisat a de- mamuille and Newcastle, tisrougb mand is springing up for Greenings. wich, bef ose tise season is oves,, it saine isaving been sold at $5.98 a _____________________________ s expected tisat oves' 20,000 barrels bai'rel for Na. 1 quality, wif l doines- a1 apples wilh pass. Last year one of tics runing f rorn $4.03 ta $4.47. tise partueu's in this packing plant Anotiser nate urges siippers of Ben informed us 58 cariaads af apples Davis apples nat ta be over anxious jwere sippeis, but the crap bas been ta seîl. "It is -Y opinion." says Ful- sa mucis larger tis year tliat that tan, "tisat wc xill be able ta get rid nuniber will be lef t fas' bebind. af tisese apples ai ter Christmnas un- lu was nteresting ta discuss tise der muse favorable selling conds- apple situatian witus W, Ji. Gibsan ftions. I woulis strongly recomrnend anui D. J. Gibsan, txva partners su storing tise balance oi the Ben Davis ibis slifPpilng aîud packiiig statian.1 that are not already sald." The otlicer partners are Fred C, Huai' i One tani reatlily understand box'. E., J. Osborne and Eoer Crago. w'. I fhis funti ai marketing information ~~~barrels, e or ,0 arl.F. <To be cantintîctiu Crag a ligtly inalerquan< ity. GonplaBlgu n t.Bilious-Thanks Wlie wearrveu thregradung e talPis Ben I unie. Every nmelicine 1 tried isiled DaVs aPls ws eilg ac-edta go to bring relief th .de first udose of your Lo nLerp Bigill, tisbesîug tise wondlerful ('urter's Little Liver Pis \.-"ictYniot faoret onthecoritun- gave nie great relief."-.Nrs. C., Leigh. en.T1i Mr vs eudtisraugis Dr. Carters Little Lîver Pilîs are no ana n w hA.Fuitois, oxerseas representative of ordinary laxative. They are ALL tne Ontario apple gnoxvcrs. appoint- VGTllEadhv 'r 1m cd y is povncalgo erame ievaluable toijo ,,action upon the Plntabutfiten enwee ni kts l teGibson ion,Acid'tyHculaces,PoorCoiiplex- 'Junor id wrryme.It iplayed, griu:g tise apples by ineans_________________ bVs ard to get him to eat of a grating nmacine, wbucii sorted vas thecm out unito variaus grades and ny breakfast until I gave sizes, aîud msade it Passible foi' tise I l im Shredded Wheat--and defectîve apples to be pîcketi out T i ? low hecannotget don to, very rapidly. One feature offitssn 1@ 81c 10W b canot gt don to machine xas tliat it also palisised CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Reguilar mseetiug of tise Cauncil. membes's all presen, Reeve N. Green presidiisg. Minutes of hast meetinsg read anti adopteS. Tise falhowing communications xvere seais irons Col. Boggs, selectors of Jurors isad performed their dut- les; froma Registry Officer tisat plan of sub-division ai part of Lot 23 baS been negisteî'ed; irons Counties Clerk that townsip was liable for F. Wil- san's msaintenance in isospital. Abave receiveti and iyied. Fram Mrs. Putsey requesting isill cut down and road opened west ai Caesarea. Osn motion laid on table fili sorne future date, Wesley Campbsell, president of tise Agricultural Society, asked fai' grant af $25,00 to tise Society and tise Presbyteî'ian Cisurcîs becames tise propent y of tise townshsip. A deputation of residents near Elbo Hill appeareti befaî'e tise caun- cil for information ne condition tise roati xxas gaiîug f0 be lef t in. Quite a lengtisy discussion touk place but e%'et'ybody xvent away witis a smile. On motion A. Bailey was to be paid for pulley. Ortiers signed as follows: R. Aunger, 119 rotis xire fente $ 29.75 R. W. Pbilp, selecting jurom's 2.00 W. Beacock, selecting jurors anti lamp 4.00 D. W. Bratiburîs. roatis, etc. 1123.52 J, Byers, gramat ta Society 25.00 Adjourneis ta meet Dec. 7tb. at W. Beacock, Cleî'k. Alx',, ys Reatiy amui Reluable. Piai tically alI painss aru.sing irons us- flaunsauiomi can15)be rousoveis xitls Dr. Tiias Ecleýc't ris' Oi. Simoply rub ih oms Ihbu' re spat ansd it is qîuickly a;P oribeu by tise skin. Its bealing powver is coisxcyed tu tise ini- finec!ti u'wxvit'l is quickly soatis- eti. Tis f us ineod 'enedy is also a sîe'fcfor .Jl aansi r i fcuts, scs'a;clse. bt'uises anti sprains. Keets a bottle isaisty alxxays, AcID STO MAC H E XCESS acid is the commnsu usi of indigestion. It resslis in ii îimandî sourmuess about two iiouirs tfte'r calt ig. 'The quick corrertivis ;kn aikali %v il 'l, h eutralizes suidu. The'luu' su't corrective is l>Iiillilus' Nillît <fNc- nili. ItLihas rem;ujuul dstandard liFl l 2uysi cians in tflic ytt r'.îs .iir'i' il'. invention. On1e sîuoonfuI <of iu N lilk <-i Mvagnesia nrutr;iizu's iwm'tariu limuix Limes ifs xvolumne inii uuu. i and tasiciessand iSyet ils atii' <i s quick. Von viii neyer rel\'o<Fui i <rie methods, once Nvois iari ivýl',', îkis this rnethod surfs. Bc sure lu, !ýtthle genu n i. The iticai denifric'e fotir F teeth andi lealtuy Muns is Ihllips' Dental Magnesia. a superluar toolli- paste that s.ifejpard:.a ..gairA icid- mouth. (Made n C:uuii.5 'I What wiIl it be To-day ? That qucry may be a famliar one. but wie'n we use it it's backt'd by gasoline and ois that positively cannot be beaten for mualify and lbu priccs. Naturally there is no use huviimg inferior grades.. yuu don't like them; ive doni't like lu landile tlîern. Regardless of thse joîb uc are ready and equipped to undertake the repairing or overhauling of any make of ('ar. And incidentally satisfactory mork includes a reas- onable price. L et us prove il. WEST END GARAGE 1..D CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 183 Bowmanville Woi'uis,lowver genedtcS.aie expelled. No better preparation for fount inutise digestive tracts wbere flsss purpase tan be baS than MI-. tbey set Up disf urbances det îimeîstal leî"s Wou'm Pawders. They wil imu- t<tsieatsatieîsl.Tle' îllsdaîely clcstroy tise worn's and c an be no comfort for tise little ones correct tise conditions thaf were fav- utnil the hurtitul imtîuders bave been oable to their existence. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIHE Bank of Mnra was founded in 1817 inl order to fil the need for a commercial bank in a yourmg and growing country. -~1~ The Bank owes its success to the fact that it has alwavs k-ept pace with the growth of the communities it bas served and, in every way consistent with the principles of sound banking, has constaisdly en- deavoured to, be of genuine assistance te, its customers. BANK 0.F MON T-REAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS 0F PS50,000,000 L3ovmanville Branch .F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager. </ Preventimi loFss rof accîumu ulati ionof under ligs peeds. 3 FRtEu)Or- FROM Keepng x.îl-,e.ufroi oil s;'stern fruum clr 4 LOW POUR TEST Withstanding clir ature chsanges effer Regardîess of the fact thati lubrication than other ils, asked. The cost is the lowest safety buy oil. There is a RI dealer specializing in RED I' ocher McColl-Frontenmc prc locaiity. Visit it today. Il refilled with the proper winter OIL. It wUll mean added i the montha ta corne. Made in Canadab a MCOLL-FRONTE ! * y: r t ".4 N ew Furniture at New Low Prices You WiIl Be Requiring Somne New Pieces This Fali After having sold off practically ail our foirmer- stock, we are replacing with new goods, bought at present low prices, and Furniture which has not been rushed in the making. We can off er you now well made Furniture at very low prices. Let us show you our Novein- ber offerings. A Sani-Buit Chesterfield Suite, three .ic s . . . . . . . . . . . .$90.00 Walnut finishied Cedar Chest..$8.00 Solid Oak Dinirig Room Suite.. .$75.00 F. F. MORRIS CO. Furniture and House Furnishings King Street Bowrnanville SHREI THE CANAL)IAN SHI-B oo0k9s RegulatIng Compound3 * A saé. r iable rguuiun gedeîne. Soldin atir"' de- grcs o tigil-N'r. i, i' 'o. .83; No' , 85 p-r ltri SIid by al druggiâts, ,rr I prpad on receîpt of i1r C'. Fee pamph]et. Addrrne: THE CO>OKàMkEIClNEC#3., J7 ot2NTO.ONT., orc,l]' inda IP --M-