"r-a,, u s PAGE EMORT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1931 WINTER FAIR I NOV. 18 -26 IN FULL SWING ON OPENING DAY Tenrh commemorative year at the Royal Fair. A super show pulsing with the new opuimism. New fea- tures. new vigor. Ters big shows in one. INTERNATIONAL ARMY TE ANIS from Europe and Ainerica in spir. iîed contesîs ot daring horseman- shîp. Specil Fcature Evcrirs for each days program. ROY AtL HORSî'- SHOW - rt.OWER SHOW ,- DOu, SHOW - CAT SHOW -15,000 NEMAL-S AND BIRDS- BEEF AND DAIRY CATTI! B--SHEFFP, SWXINE, PO!3LTRY. PET STOCK. DAIRY PPr'IDUCT-S. FRUIT. SEED AND VEGET.\ELES. ZACCHTNI. THE HUNIAN CANNON BALL-SHOT [RC-4 A GUN TWICE DAILY JUNIOR r.' R tiUDGING COM. PETITIO>.S A,\P THE (NADIAN HORSESHOF PI r-CH'-NCCHA. ip:ONxSHIPu ROYAL COLISEU31 TORONTO Railwav Rates: Ili Fare Rcîurn REDUCED BUS FTARES ONLY the BEST is Good Enough When you consider your chlldren you naturally con- sider only tise best. That is why so many turn to Bow- manville Dairy 31iIk when they want tise best. Splen- did T. B. Test stock, clean barns, good f eed, hygienie methods, and pasteurization ensure for you purity in Bowmanviile Dairy Mhole Milk. Phone 446 or 703 for our delivery wagon to cali. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLE, Proprietor. GASOLINE HAVE YOU TRIED THE IMPROVED SHELL GASOLINE? We would have you ta try a tank full of this splendid gasoline, as we feel confident that yau, like others wisnhave tried if, wili be deligbted with tise higis anti- knock, qulck starting, and splen- did mileage you wili receive from Its smooth performance, and if seils at popular prices. Let Us Drain and FIII Your Crank Came froni this Selection of High Quality OMIS Castrol - Quaker State - Mobiloil Veedai - Shell - Penzoil or Fineroil 100% Penn. PliONE 110 KING ST. EA5ar.-. BOMNIL Trry Lydia E. Pinkha's VeetableCopound The calendar said "NO" Fcar of cran psmnade lier refusclIif shc ~vudtyLda E. Pinkbam's \'egetabl e Copud, she could 0O any day in the ýmo. . .neyer have to d1rad tht calendar. ANNUAL HOSPITAL BRIDGE A SUCCESS 1Proceeds of Hlospital Auxiliary Fane- tion Net Over $100 for Hospital Work The annual Bridge Party held un- der the auspices 0f the Women's Hospital Auxilîary in the Badinin- ton Hall on Tuesdlay. Nov. 3rd, xas a very successf ul aff air, both l'rom the attendance and the financiai standipoint. The hall was brilliant- ly lighited for the occasion and scores of caird tables were spread ovci' the entire floor. Mrs. V. H. IStorey, presîdent of the Auxiliary, together witb other miembeirs, re- ceîved the guests. About 150 people attended the affair which is appar- ently gaining in popularity eacb succeeding Year. Mrs. Oco. E. Chase was the win- liner of lie ladies' bridge prîze. while Mr. Walon Todd was the winner of the gentlemens prîze in this class. Mr. and Mrs. Coyle xere the minei-s of the 500 prizes, while the lucky prize was awarded to Dr. G. E . Rea- man. About il o'clock inembers of the Auxliary served dainty refresh- ments of sandwiches. cake and cof- fee. Proceeds after expenses are paîd will probably amotint to ap- proximately $115. The Executive of the Women's Auxiliary wish t0 express their thanks to ail those who helped by contributionî of prizes and refresh- ments and ail v:bio helped to make the evening such an outstanding success. -- - IF NOT, IVHY NOT ? Written Specially for Thse Statesman By Adam Fakir B. H. S. Rugby teain should play exhibition gaines ail the time Af- ter being defeated by Peterboro in- their two final gamnes 0f te1 ea son, they visited Wbîtby on rda and whitewashed them 13-0. The team piayed perf(,ect football, run- ning lîke deer and generaiiy playîng 1 over their beads, or maybe we shouidJ say -up to form." If they had piay-I ed lîke that at Peterboro, the score migh have been dîfferent Al of which goes to prove the ups and downs of sport. One day a team is perfect and the next they are in a slump. The points were earned on three kickns andi two touchdowns. Jamie Wright dîd the final deed to gain the two touchdowns, with Bill Bag- nell and Adams plunging 40 to 50 yards t0 get the bail witbin scoring distance. Bearcat Williaîns was ai- so a big factor in the game. plough- îng through the line often for yards. 1Wbitby- bas a teain that would haýve been a real thrcat if tbey had entered the league this year. They are heavy on the kicking and mon- nîng. with their line fairly weak. We certaînly hope they sec fit to enter tbe league next year. The forward pass bas taken Can- adian rugby storm this year. Four ouf of five passes on Friday were coînpleted. This feature of thej game is certainly opening the game tip so that thei spectators are able to sece what is going on and protjiues a method of gaining yards in thel quickest time possible. Vairsity were defcated on Satur-day by the samne forward pass ini the dying moments of the gamne. It looks as thougis it is heîre to stay. Last week in givîng the personel of B. H. S. rugby team, we were very carcful and thougbt none were miss- I d, but as usual there was one we unintentionally lef t out, so we shall give hîm bis just dues here and now: Oliver Bradt-We certainly regret missing out "Del" because lie bas improved as much as any o i teain mates. This tahl, not toc ra lad sith the dark hair bas tackled well ail season, bas put bis best into1 the game and has stopped many a man wbo was almost away for a gain. Del will be beard of more next year. Carpet Bail League An intcr-iodge carpet bail league bas been formed wth the Oddfel- iows, Orangemen, Sons of England and Sons of England Juveniles tak- îng part. Other lodges are expected to joîn the league. The f irst game was played on Tuesday night wben the Orangemen met tise Juveniles, thse latter wvnnîng by a 94 to 52 score. Tise next game will be play- cd on Noveniber l8tb wben tbe Odd- f ellows and the Sons of England meet, and the following Tuesday, the 24th, the Orangemen wîll meet the Oddfellows. Ail gaines take place in the S. O. E. Hall or the Oddfellows Hall. Jseriou-s aci d e n t o c ui-irýed -amon g the 14,100 boys who attended the 588 Boy Scout camps held in various parts of the Dominion. Insfead, tbc Scouts were ciudited witis several resbues from drowning and numer- ous cases of effective f irst ald. TROUT EVERY EGG GUARANTEED EGGS JAM LARD I - *TIhe Newcastle Independent + THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l2th, 1931 NEWCASTLE SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT W. A. BAZAAR A treat is in store for you at the The W. A. of the United Church Newcastle Public School report p. S. Commrencemnent Exercises 'in edapoiblbzarndt i appears on page 7. the Commnunity Hall on Friday ev-hedapoiblbaaradtai Mr. John Giibank, Haydon, has ening, Nov. l3th, at 7.30 o'clock. the S. S. roins last Wednesday af- been visiting his brother, Mr. W. E. Songs, drills, oratorical contest, har-I ternoon andi evening. The six groups Gilbank, Shaws. monica bandi. presentation of prizes. had been assigned a departînent miss Ivy Foley, Maple Grove, was1 each, thus when a patron entered a weekend guest of her cousin, Miss BURNING CORN STALKS the prettily decorated rooms and Bessie Blackburn. looked about he or she found Mrs. Miss Hilda Rowland wvas in hos- CAUSE 0F FIEE W. H. Cooke and the ladies of her pîtal in Oshawa for a few days over group in charge of a home-made the weekend undergoing a minor op- An earnest effort to carry out the cooking and candy table; Mrs. F. B. eration. instructions ol the Ontarlio Corz Lovekin's group îith Mrs. îRev.) W. W. A. of the United Church meets borer Act in rega- d to diisposai of P. Rogers and Mrs. Middleton as, on Thursday afternoon ttoday) in corn stalks, resuited in the burning chief assistants. conducting an ap- the . S Hal. rogrin nd enuFriday aiternoon oi an outbuilding ron, towel and hankie booth; Mrs. tn h rg S. S. Hall .. am ad en and its contents belonging to Mr. W. J. S. Rickard s group. withi Mrs. inhrgeo Ms W .S.Rckr' Edmnund Thackray. Mr. Thackray's W. D. Bragg and Mrs. E. C. Fisher grop.son, Charles, hacn durmng the fore- as head clerks, selling miscellaneous Rev. W. P. Roger~s, B. A., of the noon been gathering up and humn- articles; Mrs. Fred Grahami's group United Church, delivered an address mng the garuien crop of coin stalks superintending a groceteria; Mis. J. on "Elements of Great Preaching" rll, which the cobis bad been pick- W. Glenntys staff of ladies busy in at the meeting of the Ministerial As- ed off. At îîuon lie xent into dîn- the disposal of ruminagewvare and sociat ion in Bowmilanville on Mon- nei, leaving a hcap of charred re- in catering to dabblers in the f ish day afternoon. mains, anc tbînking the f ire liad pond; and over in the wvest wing, St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. burned îtseli out. However, while IMî's. J. C. Hancock and egru Mason, M. A.. Rector. Sunday, Nov * Mr.* and Mrs. Thackray and Charie servîng tables in the tea roo. Lad 15th, Twenty-fourth Sunday 'after were in the house a passing motor- ies in control everywhere; but at the Trinity: il a. m.-Morning Prayer ast rushed in with the information very last tbey found it advisable and1 and Holy Communion; 2p.i- that one of their outbuildings xvas profitable to secure the services of Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evcnsong. on f ire. It proved to be a small Mr. T. W. Jackson as closin g out Ini our report of the Y. P. L.« Mas- building used as a store-house prin-I auctioneer. Needless to sY' Mr. querade on page 7 we omitted to cîpally, and dircctly south of the IJackson's vocal talents and per- mention that Mr. Donald Robb, Or~- .oarn and garage. Willing nieighbors suaviveness soon found prhsr ono. who in full Highland costume, with water buekets and other means for wbatever articles had peiul kilts, plaids, etc.. contributed the en- worked gallantly to save the other remained unsold. tire vocal entertainment of rollick- buildings and were, after a hard______________________ ing, humorous songs. lîgbt, successful. As it was they had Mr.H.Brreonthe wind in their favor, otherwise- Mr. . Beretn 0 thegrondsnothing could have savcd the larger Club, and Mr. Asa Clark. have been hs ar Hw hee Mr. Thackra in aCu a t e ie-surfacing and levelling the green fern quarter the bouse wouid wvith the idea and hiope of making iti have been endangered too. are fmothr nnd greeeradhetr Someone. nobody seems to knowJ greenfor nxt sumer. sent a phone cail ta the Bow-' Trs l RngeS are meeting regu- manvilie Fire Brigade, which ire- larly on Tuesday evenings with theiir sponded ia quick time witn engine Mentor. Rev. W. P. Rogers. Present and fire reel. But on their arrivai, officers are: Chief-Jack Hare; Dep- the members oit'the br'gade found uty Chief-Bert Quantril; ial- the fire aiready under control and Clarence Clark: Cash-Harold Deu- soon returned. The main contents~ uine: Sergeant -Maijor-Nort on Cow- o f the burned building were the ESTABLISHED an. bouse storm doors and windows 15 Newcastle Mîxed Quartette, Mr. along with miscellaneaus articles, W. F. Riekard, leader, Mr. H. C. AI- al 0f which were totaliy destroyed. in, Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Miss Hat- WlRE ONNfY RULL¶j* ti e Mason, wîth Mrs. C. A. Cowan, accompanist, sang at the dedicatory YOUNG 1'EOP2LE'S LEAGUE services of the new Newtonville Un- ited Churcb Sunday, and again, with Good attendances have marked BEE a suitable change of repertoire, at the Y. P. L. Monday evenîng meet- ÎETQATYG ER the fowl supper on Wednesday ev- ings sînce they were resumied a f ew FNS ULT OEN ening. weeks ago and at this week's meet- Locl Ctboics comuncans * expiessed his pleasure in seeing 50 St. Johns Chuich, are elated wvith aypeltRv.WP.ogr tiP.tnuhttnu . L ,flW bog1 oPc-te-in0fts manvîlle, and St. John's, Newcastle,' Leaguers the plans tbat bave been now for the first time. have a resi- nmade for holding a Standard Train- dent priest in the persan of Rev. iîng 'School in Bowmianvilc this sin- Father James McGuire. Next Sun- ter and stressed tise beip and bene- day, Nov. iStislbu ,vil hold mass at lttoeaînigtesbo ol St.~ ~ Jonsau0? n iefloigtndoubtediy derive f rom its courses. Sunday at 8.30. Incidentally. tise H. R. Pearce spoke on the tapie. publicenîay be interested 10 know i-Tise program, presented by Miss that Rev. Father McGuire bias ac- Vr Power, lst vice president, ns- cepted an invitation and signified sumed concert qualîties and propor- hls wiilingness f0 act as anc 0f tise fions and consistcd 0f violin solos by judges of tise Higb Scisool oatorical Mm. Manson S')uch. witb Miss Anna- colîtest in connection with the H. S. belle Hendry playing the chords on Commencement on Friday evening, tise piano; a rcading f rom Victor Nov. 20f h. Hugo hy Mm. Gamnef Riekard; mouth United Church-Rev. W. P. Rag- organ solos by Miss Velma Brown; crs, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Nov. 15, recitation by Miss Reita Cooke; f oh- Anniversary and Thank-Offering. lowed by a solo in Gaelic by tise Rev. W. C. Barrett, a for-mer New- samne Young artist; and a sacred vo- castle and Clarke boy, now of cal number by Mrs. Percy Brown, Brighton, ivili preacis at il a. m. and accampanied by the League pianist, 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. Barretf had tise Miss Bernice Gilbank. bonor of being eiected tise f irst pres- On the Monday evening previous, ident of the Bay of Quinte Confer- Miss Hilda Rowland, missionary vice ence of tise United Cisurcis of Can- J president, having cxcbanged even- ada. Heaîr and meet himi at bath îngs with Miss Powers, presented a servicef. Tise choir lias selected set of some 80 slides depicting tbe speciai music for tise ncr'asioa and is work of United Cburch college stu- practising fwo nights a week. In- dents on tise various mission fields cluded in the service of song will be served by tise churcis. Tise sldes selections by a double maie quartet whicis weme also sbown ut Sunday and a double mixed quartet. Sun- schooi tise afternoon previous and ex day sehool as usual at 2.30 p. m. plained by Mrs. N. L. Riekard. were - most interesting and instructive. MAPLE GROVkE meeting was a lit fie play by Gladys ______Pollard, Loreen Batfy and Dunreatis Miss Iva Foley snent the wekn Dudley. wîth býer cousin, Miss Bessie Black- huma, Orono_ Miss Greta Munday, ileerboro Normal, spent Sunday at home Mr. aînd Mrs. Sidney Green- bain, Miss Nelhie Greeaham, Bîrcis Cliii, spent Sunday with their bro- ther, Mm. Charles Greenham Mr. and Mms. E. W. Foiey spent Sunday witis their brother, Mr. Milford Wil- kins, Oshawa, and other relatives Mrs. Tisas. Baker, Soina, is vîsit- îng hem daugister, Mrs. L. C. "noW- oen Mrs. Roht. Armstmong bhas returnecd home aller a very pleasantj vîsît wtb hem sister, brothers, twoJ sons and other friends as far west as Alaska Mr. and Mrs . Macklin, Cobourg, are visiting their daugister,I Mms. Saîmuel Snowden Mm. Noble Metcaif and Mms. Burk motored ta Listowcl lasI Frîday and are vîsiting Mm. and Mrs. Ben Falconer, aiots latter's 51.5er, Mrs. Scott, Moomie..d.. and other relatives Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono, spent the wcek- cnd with lier mother, Mrs. Walter~ Foicy Mm. Theodoic Wî4kins, Osis- awa, spent Sunday with bis cousin, Mm. Edward Foiey Misses Mar- jorie and Dorothy Stevens speîît Wedinesday wif b tbeiîr sister, Mrs. Ray Snowdcn, Toronto .Mr. J. D. Cator bas ienfed a store in Pîcker- inig and will carry on bis nîceat busi- Iiit5 there. Mm. Wni. Laird, who has heîî w th Jack Ibis summumr, wîll carry (on lhre as usual A full cliorcis greeted Rcv. J. E. Whistham, Cas an, 0on SundaY and Ile Ivuciwith great interest to a splendid seirmonI On -The Woncrs of God:" Mi. Whithaîn wili he welconse agaîn any 1 linie. Triecqîiarfet coîisisting of Mr. A. Laird Si., Mr. XVin. Laird, Mr. F. SWallow anad Mr. J. D. Cator, îuîsid- Peud sfîienclidly "The Way.sîde Cross" Mr. P. Swuliow I aking tise solo parI, Mis, Eîleen iliockin acting us ac- conupaîsîst. Mr. uand Mis. H. W. Steeves, St. Catherines, recenfly vis- ited at bei fatiier's, Mm. John Alds- \vori h Miss Ruby Ald.'worth andI Mr. Wiifred Alsxorth and Mr. and MrS. H-. W. Stee'ves sp1enlt Sunday Wifh friicsds ils Sunderland. Miss Ansnie Mountjoy, Who bas been in flic Womuen's Coluege Hos- Pifai. 'Torontîo, for two months for~ tmcetmuîît, bas rturned ta lier sis- fers, Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Concession St. We are glad f0 report she is somewbat imipmaved in isealtis. TYRONE Mr. Frank Pel. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peul, Jr., Mm. and Mrs. Bert Pitcher, New Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Irons, Ponfypool. Sundayed at Mr. Elias Strutf's Miss Stella Strutt bas returned home after spending a week witb friends at New Toronto. He tisat defers bis cbarity until be is dead is. if a men weighs if right- ly, rather liberal of another man's goods than bis own.-Bacon. EVER THINK 0F AN EVE EXAMINATION Wben you Plet those dtîll, nauseating beadaches, or when tle print flees af fer you read nwbiie ? Statistics p)rove tbat seven out of ev- ("'Y ten badaches are catîsed bY eYe-strain and can be e.liininafet! by pî oper fîtting glusses. We would bu lleased to cx- amliine Youîr eyes and advise yoîi if glasses aie necdcd. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 OfIRce Ilours: 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. mn. WEDNESDAY each week Toronto Office: 2143 Danfortis Ave. JU& At -ab- IAMS "ACON MQTORISTS à IATTENTION!! Here's Good News for You SINCLAIR GAS............. 24c GAL. IMPERIAL GAS, 3 STAR ...... 26c GAL. ETHYL PREMIER GAS ........ 28c GAL. MARVELUBE QILS QIL, by the quart.................. 30c For QIL CHANGE............... 25c qt. Buying by the car Ioad we are able to make these îow prices. C-arton's Garage Next to Balmoral Hotel Bowmanville 'MATS Dame High Qualitv at New Low Prives SMOKED SUGAR-CURED 10 TO 12 LBS. AVERAGE ISALF OR WHOLE HAM BREAKFAST STYLE SMOKED lb3. IL7c BLICEM L3 SAUSAGE lbK . Canton 22e. PORK LOIS BACON SMOKED15 BACON BREAKFAST STYLE COTTAGE ROLLbeaoeled o B ln POUND 2 lnm. 25e liTr b. IL4c FRESH CAUGHT IRESU YOUNG ROASTrNG PORK STEAKS lb. 1 70 TOUR CHOICE Doz. 30 STOiIAGE AYLMER BRAND GREEN LABEL SYRUP TOUR STRAWBERRY CHOICE OR RASPBERRY CROWN OR BEEHIVIE BRANDS 40 (IZ. 4I JAR29 2.lb. Tin 1 4c BWIFT'S JEWEL BRAND PR&.i 9c 0 0 20-lb. Paulie1.8 FR UITS and VEGETABLES PiRM CRJSP L4.ROB L T U EICEBERG 2 HEADS 11 GRAPEFRUIT EGGS BOUGHT AT IIIGIIEST MARKET PRICES AT ALL A & P i STORES IN EXCIIANGE FOR MERCHANDISE OR CASH. Grocery Manager: P. WillUams. Mleat Maiànager: G. MeCoy. I We Deilver-Extra Charge 10o Kih StetPho o. 3owmanvme ILMIE 0F CANADA k' TEXAJ SEEDLES £ or 20o 1 0.0FISH o FINNAN HADDIE ;TOCK YOUR PAINTRY AT TRIS LOW PRICE-NOW MADE WN CANADA Campbell's TPO6 Tns45e Shortening MADE 0F CAREFULLY SELECTED RIPE TOM ITOES KETCHUP lHeitiz 2BOTLEs 37o a These typical A & P sale price. are Iow-the Iowest lni many yeams But don't Judge by price alone-in. A & P Stores or anywhere else. Judge by quality-and remnember that A & P quallty is backed by a satisfaction or money back guarantee. It takes far botter than average nieat to justify that klnd of a guarantee. ,F WEEK A IrA&P qMENT AND MUNICIPAL INSPECTED BEEF T S :frRST R18. il PORK LOINS