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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1931, p. 9

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STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1931 Absolutely m FREE To Every 10'ý Competi"tors To each Group of 10 Farmers taking part 0 ~ IN 1 in rizes See Your Neighbor Now Ml-IS CONTFST $100 B E A u FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED Make Your Application Early WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO lst-Fill in the coupon below and mail it at once to Jury & Loveil, Bowmanville, for full details of the contest. 2nd-Or you may obtain the full particulars by phon'ing Bowmanville 78. 3rd-Or you may eall at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store and full particulars will be furnished. W HAT YOU GET IF YOU ENTER THIS CONTEST The proposition in brief is as follows: We will make you a. present of $30 worth of the famous Flo- glaze Paint, which is enough to paint any ordinary sized house 2 coats. You may have your choice of colors. The only condition attached to this offer is that the contestant shall agree to beautify his home surround- ings with flowering shrubs, sm>all fruits and flowers, to the extent of at least $100. (See easy term of payment). To each group of ten farmers entering this con- test we are offering $100 in cash prizes as follows: lst prize,,$50; 2nd prize, $35; and 3rd piize, $15. We will also give to every contestant who does not win one of the big prizes, two climbing roses fori his porch or verandah. The competition will consist of improving and beautifying the exterior of your farmn home. In short, our proposition is this: We will give every contestant $30.00 worth of paint absolutely free. 3 out of every group of 10 will get cash prizes totalling $100.00. In addition we offer you the service of an expert landscape gardener free, to give you advice in planning your flower beds. SPECIAL PRIVILEGE Should your house require more than $30.00 worth of paint, you may take $5.00 less in flowers and get $5.00 worth more in paint. If you require less paint you may exehange the paint foir extra flowers or JURY LOVE, CHERISH, PROTECT APPLY FOR PARTICULARS B E A u SUMMARY 6 Gallons Flo-glaze Paint .............. Shrubs, Flowers, Small Fruits, Apples, Pemas, etc........................ Services of a landscape architect ........ Total Cost to you, only................. $ 30.00 $100.00 .$ 10.00 $140.00 $100.00 You save............................ $ 40.00 And you may win the $50.00 prize. MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE &LQV.ELL - - 1881- 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS - 1931 It lu Just 50 years ago that Mr. jury, tie senior parter of the. flrm of JurY & Lovell, began business hi Bownmavli M inhe cpat Six Or seven months we have been trying t. decIde on smre practial way ln wbich to celebrate the occasion and at the smre time to do more- thlng that wil be of real benefit to the fariners who have »s generously aupported us iail these yeams We have declded t. start the competition outlined on the firat 2 Columns of this Pane among the farmeft of the. district between Whltby and Newtonvlle, and eltiier north or south between these places. Tii... farmers wiilbe dlvîded Int, groupsanad each group willi b. eligible for $100 iprimes. In drlvlng wlth Jack miner f ront Bowmanvilie to Oshawa, a few yearm ago, h. pointed out a farm bouse and) made. the remark that $100 apent ln sbrubs and flowers would Increase the. value of tbat property by at least $1000. Nearly ail real estate men who sell furma daim thnt the money spent ln paint gand flowilea wlI Increaise the value of amy faim many times the cost and) will make the. faim more saeable. Any furmer who owns bis faim may enter this contest k lIo oui deaire te b. helptul and we wili tiain every effort t. give yen both pleasure and satisfaction. If you are rentlug, try to induce.your landiord te compete. EASY TERMS 0F PAYMENT You make a cash paynient of $25 when delivery or the. fiast sup- plies lu made te you. The balance to be pald witbln one year on ternis te suit Yeu. Tii. Department of Agriculture bas approved of this competitioni and has kludly agreed te ailow smorn f the Prof essora of the Agricult- ural (Joliege at Guelph te do the ju<lgig. hn maklug the. awardm photo- graphs will bc taken of the prernises before the competitloii starta and again at the. close of the competition, and these two photegraphs Win b. presented te each owner and the award wlll be given te tthe fariner showing the greatest Improvement lu the surroundinga of bis home dur- lug the yeai. Try to, get ine of yOur nelghbors te loin with you I this f riendly competition and don't forget that there la $ 100.00 hi cash prizes te b.e divl4ed amont every group cf ten farmers. Don't wat, Do it now. If a reasonably large number of groups enter Inte thua competition, as additlonal prizes w. wiII give eaeii member of the. group showlng the greatest improvemnent $10.00 worth of Fruit Trees or Elow- ering Shrubs of their own selection. PHONE 7 8 IAOE NIN3 $100 ,%eà1a A-b ࣠St art a Group in Your District in rrizes JH. B. JURY Jury & Loveli King Street Bowmanville, Ont. Gentlemen: Please forward me full particulars of how I rnay obtain $30.00 worth of Flo-glaze Paint FREE. This application places me under no obligation, but 1 arn interested, and may try to inteî'est a group of my neighbois. Name.......................... Address........................ TUE CANADIA.Nj fflu 1 i , -~ - -Y",-.' 1 You Can't Overlook This $300,OO Wortk oF the Famous Flo-glaze Paint vAGE NM AL %,*Iq

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