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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1931, p. 10

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Pâm TEK ., .'~YANLIL~VLALM,ÂRUI.OUY, NVME19l, 1931 ORONOal long lines. Mrs. Druxnmond of ORONOToronto, mother of te groom, in a News for The (Front The News, Nov. 12th) black lace gown and bat to match and corsage of pink carnations, re- r 73 Armistice Day services were held ceived witb ber. Tea was served in r at ark St. Curch Sunday or- the dining room, the table being laid BIusy F rm mig with a very inipressive sermoln with a mosaic cloth and etd by the pastor, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. witb bronze and gold munis, which ual sweet voice "The Recessional." oration of the reception room, while Weekly Crop Report Th ae f allen beroes in the on the walls were noticed rnany Livestock men througbout Ontar- Great War, Orono and Clarke Town- beautiful sketches and paintings by o bave benefittecl by the open fail shiP, were read and the Last Post the groom Who is especially talented as many dairymen have been able to was sounded by Mr. John Tamiblyn. as an artist. The assistants were carry their miking herds with con- There was a large congregation. Miss Drumn-ond, Toronto, Mrs. J. J. siderably less grain feeding than us- Orono High and Public schools Gilfillan, Mrs. G. M. Linton, Mrs. ual Ail livestock wiii go into winter took a holiday Armistice day. Kerslake, Mrs. W. H. Rowe, Miss iexcellent condition. Cbeese fac- Miss Dorothy Richards, Toronto, Hilda Gamsby and Miss Ethel Stark. tories report an increase in produc. is borne with ber parents for a i tion over last year. An increase i week's boliday. the number of bogs going to marketCLRETWSI ON L bas been noticed during the past Mrs. M. L. Travelle spent the past LRETWSICUNL Nota nw calweek, but unfortunately too many week at ber cousin's, Mr. Fred Walk- The Municipal Council of Clarke favrie . . *cluded in the offering. Fal weat is Mr. William Cowan, who was tak- Present and Reeve M. J. Holman faorteD.L.casig om cncrn detoha-e suddenly 1, is improving. presiding. &AW.tSrat. ing made a phenornenal growth this Mr. and Mrs. Aylesworth and son Comnctnswr eda fall. My growes are attusnathe Mr. Gllvile ere Mtelnis- follows: F. D. Boggs, Clerk of the soeo h ev o.Mrs. Reuben Werry is confined to eci eeecet h eetr -J ler bd, ler nece0f Jurors to serve during 1932; Rev. bed be niceMiss Robinson of Frank H. Mason, ini reference to Ask A Valuable Bulletin ~~~~Port Hope waiting on ber. hligabifAmsiesriea 5Mr. James Williamson, Cart- hligabifAmsiesriea mr ustinsreardng torefac- wright, and Mr. Thomas Williarnson the Cornmunity Hall, Newcastle, on YourDeaer orequetion reardng he ac-o f Rochester, N. Y., visited at Mrs. Nov. llth, at wbicb service council e tors that inffuence productivity of Sissons'. will be f ully represented; Canadian Buetsin . W364 bs a ut bn min h Oronlo Lodge, L.O.L. No. 409, are Legion was given permission to hold Buleti No 36 ha jut ben s- olding a social evening, Dec. 9tb. a Poppy Day sale of poppies in the tin dealsth .sue. h ibdameta Mr. Norman Reid, Misses ILottie township on Saturday, Nov. 7th. etion s als: Comosu fition0f soîl nd Agnes Rae, and Mr. Jim Gilfil- Persons making application for the functions os:tCoepdifetnf ood lan, Toronto, spent Armistice Day use O! the cernent mixer for private funcionof te dffernt lantoo ith the latter's parents, Mr. and use will be cbarged 50 cents per bour. elmns oesucso ln r.J .Glfln L. A. Dent sponsored for a depu- ME T utietsand use of fertilizers. Much Mr~. R. J. McRoberts wvas in Co- tation of residents on the 8tb Con. attention bas also been paid to thelaetrehd !tbigfo iead ourg .seing on the Grand Jury, for a supply of snow fence, believ- FOR ALEIN OWM NVILE Y: atet mehodof estng or imeandand Messrs. T'homas Patterson, Wil- ing it would be very beneficial wbere FORSAL INBOW ANVLLEBYto recognition in the f ield of the liamn Neal and Gordon Power on the it was proposed to place it. Upon SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. need of lime under various soil con-PeiJuy hsrpsntiocuclisrc- ____________________________________ditions.__ ere a cr stateme0 atrs lefn- Mr. and Mrs. Smith OBrien, Bow- ed Road Supt. Henry to order 500 her a lea sttemnt f fctos e- mnvileMrs. Jennings, Mrs. Carter f t. of fence and 35 iron posts for use sciegnceteathers wtill f d fllad Blackburn and daugbter, Newcastle, on Con. 6 and 8, at 7 cents per lin- sciece eachrs ill indfullde-visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn. eal foot and 35 cents eacb for posts scriptons of the functions o! the Orono Wromen's Institute will meet and have the saine erected forth- varlous elements o! soil fertility. on Friday, Nov. 2th. at 2.30 p. mi. with. S A V E o qouirThis bulletin will be sent to any R,11 cal-Hot Speeches, Subjection. Mrs. Jas. Dickson sponsored for a sfarmer free on application to O.A.C. Legisiation. Programi committee: deputation frorn the Orono Women's Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs. Institute in reference to the use of iv e« o d b lsThe Potato Situation Bradley. Mrs. Blewett. the Town Hall for an entertainrnent Here's more nourishment at less money ent potato situation the Ontario gone to Toronto where they will stitute for the Blind which will be for you.. Delicious, appetizing Syrups Marketing Boardi bas sent a letter spend the winter with their daugh- beld on Nov. 19th. full of health and energy. Serve them cities f Ontaro urging the pur- M. E. W. Jewell. Batavia, N. y-, the aendia n aciic Rilwe alasd in place of expensive desserts. chase of potatoes for relief wvork at nephew of the late Mrs. B riggs, pit to which reference was made at Il cxDA$TrH o.Lidthe present bargain prices. It is spent a couple of days here.. the October meeting a read and Poinited out that many mnunicipali- Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie and persons interested mnay see the samne le ~ties will have to buy supplies to feed Dr. John and Mrs. Chester. Toronto, at the clerk's offce. unemployed this winter and hresent Sunday at their father's, Mr. E.LMaNhanTrs.gvn- can be saved by taking advantage of Mr. and Mrs. A. Townley and fam- tice of the admission of Mrs. Mabel the very low figures. Prices run ah iîy of Fenelon Falls, and Mr. and Wheelcr and baby, c o Mrs. Arthur Ask Your the way from 15c to 50c Per bag iust r.nsWn esTutn ee~ Lockhart, Newtonville. to Port Hope now. Not only should immediate itors Sunday at Mr. A. A. Rolph's. HopalnOc.4h19,asoM. grocer purchasing be of very direct value to MsEv Ali. remar. Kathleen Handzuk to Oshawa Hos- the Relief Committee buying now, rnoving this week to Toronto to be pital on Oct. 8th, 1931, and Henry but it is also stated. such purchasing with bier daughter. Miss Margaret,'riggto t. Micbel'sHosita. To will have an indirect benefit also, as who is attending Normal School. rntO.l9h13. this sort o! tbing should belp the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Junker, son A grant of $10 was made to the farmer and therefore the wbole Fred, and niece. Lakefield, spent Junior Farmers' Club through Mr. country. The Ontario Marketing Sunday with relatives here. Jas. C. Tamiblyn. Board stili maintains there is no Mr. and Mrs. John Cuttell and T. J. Simpson was allowed a re- surplus of potatoes in Ontario if we littie son Donald John. Miss Edith duction of $26.37 in bis taxes due to ___________________________________________________ take into consideration the fact that Cuttell and Mr. P. Rimmel, Toronto. an error in bis assessment for 1931. this Province normally imports a spent Armistice Day with the form- Buis were passed and paid, viz: 1 couple o! tbousand carloads every er's uncle, Mr. S. Cuttell. Mîrs. E. J. Randaîl, monthly year. Mr. and Mrs. Wil!red Duffy and payment R. vs F.$ 48.00 family, Newrnarket, and Mr. and R. H. Wood, caretaker ..... 1.85 Mrs. C. Moat. Toronto, were Sun- Bern'd Cairns, rubber starnps 1.30 Iday visitors witb their parents, Mr. E. L. MacNachtan, Treas., I oIê evie Iand Mrs. J. E. Richards. 50%7, maint. LouiseBad I e lh Sevc Mr. G. M. Linton, superintendent win, Muskoka Hospital to U.Iof Provicial Forest Station. Orono. Oct. 3st... . 23.25 of the 1delivered an address before the For-J. Henry, Road Supt., voucb- J nadian Medical Assoiatio esters' Club, University o! Toronto, er No. il 553.98 Caat Hart House, on Thursday. Milt. Graham, sbeep darnages 10.00 1 mashing street lamps is likely to EwnFro.sepdrae 20 13MUNITY bring trouble to certain o! the ris- Wm. Reid, sbeep damages.. 6.00 ing generation o! the town if the Wellington Farrow, sbeep The word 'immunity" bas corne practice is flot discontinued. i s darnages .... 6.00 into common use, and it would seerncniee eiosofne5 u Florence Eddy sheep damnages 3.00 desirable, therefore, that its mean- it out before trouble comes. Norrn. AllUn, sbeep inspector 9.00 ing be clearly understood. It is for The comiedy drarna "Wild Ginger" Hydro Power Com. light for thîs reason that we are dovoting tbis is being prepared under auspices fli hall . ... .... -- 4.39 article to a discussion o! 'mmunity. h oe' soito kS. Courmdil adjourned to meet in Or- '.~. \ ' It is a matter o! common observa- Uie hrh ono on Tuesday, Dec. Ist next. tH ~ i ion that the person who bias recov- Mr. and Mrs. J. S.Wiluhy ere foman ttckofone of the Mrs. Kirby and Mrs. E. McClellan, A J. Staples, M. J. Holman, H w d d oucommunicable diseases does flot, as Mr. and Mrs. E. Brock and son, Kir- Clerk. Reeve. a rule, contract the disease a second by, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Casselman___________________ tE ime. It is evident that after re- and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Sals g et breakfast covery, the individual possesses cer- all o! Toronto, were udyget tain powers o! resistance to the of Mrs. William Staples. germ o! the disease f rom wbicb be A badminton club is being organ- so q îc l ?"jknown as immunty. resistance is ; Mr. Webb, scrtay When the body is attaclced by dis- Mr. Wyndatt, convener o! court and lWy 'nm serving Shredded c ase gerrns, certain substances are rules comrnittee. Whea, of course. 1 just take developed wbicb are the figbting Cause of Asthma. No one can the biscuits from the package Q forces produced by the body to comn- say with certainty exactly what and serve them with cream or bat that particular dîsease. These causes the establishing o! asthmatic mil; omeims Iad frsborfighting forces de!end the body conditions. Dust !rom the street. inil; soeties 1addfres oragainst tbe gerrns and against the froni f!owers, !rom grain and vani- stewed fruits. If you'd like a Poisons wbicb the germns produce. ous otheîr irritants may set tîp a bot breakfast I can prepare it The immunity present after re- trouble impossible t0 irradicate ex- in ajify: Sreded W eatcovery is due to the continued pros- cept through a sure preparation such crisped in the ovenw-.hile 1heat bodies, whicb, because tbey are pres- edy. Uncertainty may exist as to so me milk to our ver~t. h, nt, Prevent the occurrence o ! a sec- cause, but there can ho no uncer-. l'm a friend of Shredded ond attack o! the disease. tainty regarding a remedy whicb bas .i Wheatl It's ready eooked, Immunity is speci!ic. By this we frcced a generation o! asthmnatic vic- redytoseve ndits us ean that the fighting forces devel- finis froin this scourge o! the bronl-..... deliiou an norisingforoped to meet the germs o! scarlet chiaI tubes. It is sold everywhere. delci us nd nou is ing fofoer give protection against scarlet An interesting event took plce lunch as for breakfast." fever only. Just as there is a defîn- Wednesday, Oct. 28th. at the Par- ite gerni responsible for each o! the sonage, King Street, Oshawa, Re.- COMY,KY LTD secured are for the one defînite dis- John H. Cooper o! this town wereI case which bias attacked the person. united in marriage. The happy I n i u n i t y i s a l o r e a t v e i n1h1y u , - o u l e h ae. .kn.p h er- w0c)' eguai.î Cmpond (11'cinaeindaoc]teoIîItI i-cltbe Watcic'il bneta oo'ReuatnCopud 1<îîub>rciOlhini7aftioll protect eýfs 1* R'( ~'<eIi>t cfle's Fut the Bennett,10t A s. .reliabl, e f' .iao lphbra Here ve bas" borne w1erc-Mr:ýý. J. F. Lorrýitnan an-jjd vIeicne.SOd n tire e- 4KNGIlle ti-s w 01otrol f bee f Ko I . on 1Fred. m d ea o d , 3,d11" O F P A IN " ciseases M s A . D u m n i h l o gre NaOf Sr) lt - o xI . . A.1i i n otiSip tleln a de-. -N l s o .2 L $2; N.g 3 , Or p , r')c- tî n concern ng ealhfb aid- ig tfu l post-n uptia î e e tolu s C ' Fle d ,aldrgît, r~<rssed to the Canadjin M jia day afternoon at hor beaufiful new Freephi ect ofddric:Asotionl 184bCollege Street, Tor- homie. South Main Street. The host- THE COOKNfrDICINEMIco.5wllb answered personally by ess received, weanlng ber weddlng - tR~T.ON(Yomer,'Auidoeletter. gown of lvory satin made on diagon- New Furniture You Will Be Requiring Some New After having sold off practically ail oui' former stock, we are replacing with new goods, bought at present low prices, and Furniture which bas not been rushed in the making. We can offer you now welI made Furniture at very low prices. Let us show you our Novem- ber offerings. A Sani-Buit Chesterfield Suite, three pieces..................... $90.00 Walnut flnished Cedar Chest..$8.00 Solid Oak Dining Room Suite . .. $75-00 F. F. MORRIS CO.' Furniture and House Furnishings King Street Bowmanville What wiII it be To-day ? That query may be a familiar one, but when we use it it's backed by gasoline and oils that positively cannot be beaten for quaHity and 10w prices. Naturally there is no use buying inferior grades... you don't like them; we don't like to, handle them. Regardless of the job we are ready and equipped to umdertake the repairing or overhauling of any make of car. And ixicidentaUy satisfactory work includes a reas- onable price. Let us prove U. WEST END GARAGE Phone 188 Bowmanville qia was worried ... she could not imagine where she had s: bier bracelet-in the hotel or on the journey home. 1can't think what 1 could have done with it,- she kept Aling lier mother. W'hy r.ot týelphon;- to the biotr," mother suggested. "les ftr eighr-rbhirtNv 0w and a caîl will cost a few nagire Nita's joy when the hotel c!c'rk told lier that the rctAct h,îd bîecn found in ber nxrni and would be mailed h ler riglit away. îanks to lier morbczr's suggestion, Nita's anxiety was re. ,ved at once . .. and the cost of the caîl was considerably s than bier taxi fare from the station. 1 - v f --- - Il 1 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. PnWMAPnm.T.V- IrlizrmorAxr .. ....

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