PAGE TWELVE H AAINSAEMNIOMNCLE HRDY OEBR1,13 B. H. S. HISTORY 25 YEARS AGO W. ILi. S. THANK-OFFERING _____ MEET[ING IN SI. ANI)REW'S I eac wek rnnig nws tem of2i rhere was an unusually large at- years ago. Perhaps some High tendance ai the meeting on Monday School and other reiiniscernces f rom c'ening in St. Andriew* Piesoyterian that period may ierest you: Uhuii. AMiss r'lora Galprsith, pres-TH laent oi thé Vv. M. S. presicaed, and T U Bowmanville High SchDol opened was assisted in the opecnîng and fothe f90a.l trm nTus tclusing exeicises by the Mitnster. NEWCASTLE AND DISTRICT 411, 190r. Nothîng as dfun ht Three ueautiful antlieis were IIONORED WAR DEAD dayfo i ws ada 0 îouring9 renacered by Knox Chiurch Choir, in the town, the funeral of Mr. J. B. Oshawa, and a hîghly descriptive ON REMEMBRANCE DAY Fairbairn, postmaster and beloved and inspirîng addrcss on a Mission- chairman of the High School Board. arys experience of the West was de- 'Memorial Decorated and Impressive The other members of the board livereui by Rev. Duncan Munro of Service Hld in CommunitY Hal were: Ed. Bounsali, C. M. Cawker, Oshawva. W. B. Couch, James Gale, D. B. Rev. W. J. Todd, ini a few well- CadafitRenrbiceDy Simpson, Dr. A. S. Tilley. They met cîsoseîn worîls, spoke of Ltse devotion île ihîrteeirstannîvcra0f Amis on TUesday, Sept. llth and elected andi loyalty of îhe onen, and ac- thîc ten, îang ime cse o! of stîi- W.r. Couch ais the onew clairman. knowiedged the woindersul services ities betwcen Great Brîlain and her Mr. awkr i th oul meberof lscy aie rendcring iaIl parts of allies and îhe Gerilian-Au.strian that board flow living. the church. In Miss Galbrath they group on the elevenil of Novemiber' The members of the staff were: hau ail able and inuch respected 1918, was gcnerally observed as a John Elliott, principal and mathe-1 leader. and tise2 Mision Band wislied holiday by th business and prof es- matics master; A. R. Camieron, clas- t0 this evenîing make her a life soa oko ecsl n h a sîcal master; both neivly appointed; îinuber' oftIhe XWonns Missionary zsitona 1 f Nwcstlzensandethema and Miss E. A. Allen. modemns leach- Society. Miss Eileen Hately read 'ausries of herkdheissa dNecathe cm; and W. G. Capenter, science a nîcely worded address; Miss Pat- auspicers of Ctae and Nle castle master. rîcia Wilson lianhled over the tram- oenr f the BinLomnviflte Brnch The enrolmeni for tle firsi week ed cerlificate lu Miss Galbraith»isu hEme anadin Legu !e, rit-l was 90, îhe next week it wý,as 92. It and Miss Alice Lee pre,ýentecl 1er but Empre Sierico Leaguseravipe was below 100 for the year. i %vih the gold pin. hdi the Comînunity Hall f rom il Fift yers ao, 881,Mr.Wm. Miss Galbraith vas completely to12'o'clock i h oeon h Oliver was the principal and the at - tip em areceived thermuise for planned and ah arrange- tendance was 75. depeoii.Si eevdtemnsfril made by Coînrade Geo. Mr. Arche Tait was mayor o! îhe gifts Irons the Mission Band with Maos ersnaiefrNw town and tle ministers of the nmuch appreeýation. and assured t ecadsîladCe isttictforN ewe-I clurches were: Methodist, Mm. Em Young people and their leaders, Mrs.eui othBwmnlebrc, ory DscplsMr.Cama: -onre D. F. Henry and Mis. F. 0. Mcllveen ecuhte afble owmeaniolleanchs or;DsipeM. ana: ogethat she loved iheir wurk and would v.i l Iec-oeainm s gational, Mr. Hipkisi; Pesbyterian, be onîy 100 happîy tolu lp ilium in sitne0-ord ev. F .Ms Mr. Munro; Anglican, Mr. Carrol. any way she could. on, Rector of St. Georges On Thursday, November l5th, Tetakufrn usiue A parade was formed about 10.30 prayer meeting night, a union meet- record in tle hisiory o! St. Andrew's wihutîe Wolrha regIentabyAndt ing was held in the Presbyterian Chuîrch. Mis.Todd offered tle ded- wiil îlserWoJfcu ls, lediby sst.k chumch in connection with tle ar- cîr ryr cumse akEso nu ae rangements for taking tîle cur Mrs. J. R. Stuti înoveui a earty hmet îhle t~s, he pbl Piciand census f tle tuwn the next day. voie f thanks to the Mînister and pals cools, a gralled heycPric- Choir of Oshawa Church, for their pas Cyn au Roge, athenr London, Ontario. . E. Elliott. splendid help, and this was seconded peroeMildd ckUpMib Stetwad ____ y Mrs. R. E. Logan. King St. and tle Community Hall. At le los 0fîl metin luchPrincipal Coyue, an ex-service man Everything cames if a man will was seîved and a very happy tîme and a member of île Legion, escori- only wait.-Beaconsfield. was speni._ ed the girl pupils, and Principal Oiginality is simply a pair of HEA.D COLUS Rouiger, also ail ex-service man, the fresh eyes.-T. W. Higginson.___ boys. At King St. members of the1 A cold in île ileaa is certaînîy a Legion resideni in Newcastle and1 Reserve Friday, Nov. 2711, for nuuisanice. emuin aPei.soisai exptrîeiice farîus parts uf Clarke Tp., fal mu Bazaar and Supper ai St. Paul's we ail know wiaî wiscumforc i behsnd the baud which halted îm-i Church. cue~ nss eaealaxos~ meBdiatey in front of île hall. 1 cauesanc sowe re il nxius o B thslime îhe gailering lad High School Commencement will , reetîilon oi trie uxperieimce. 'grown to large proportions and oc- be held Thursday and Friday, Nov. ieaui colas aie mole ilsan a nuls- cupied île whole area from îlhe hall 2611 and 27t1. 39-tf dluceuIieY are sersous fur certain outrance and widening ouitu îlte î'easiîs. ±ncy are tre greaiest sin- sidewalk and onl 10 tle sireet. AUl The man wbo complains of tle gle cause of absence iroiin worK and sound ceased and a reverent hush crumpled rose leaf very o! ten las lis scilool, cosîýsequenLiy, more inali any camie over tle assemblage as Comn- flesh ful of ihoris.-Chesterton. ()Lle" One lu liiiofS îhes, b îey are rade Geo. Meadows placed upun île _________ esjolsiole sur lc)-Lt'llme, wnlcn smn- memorial tallet inside île main plies lost wages and lacÉ o1 progress doors a large wreail of î'emem- _____________________ ai t school. brance. Followed, île placing of a ývîîaL appeais to be anl ordinary wreaih in tribule ta île heruic dead colains Lime Iseacs may be île begmn- ly Clerk H. C. Bonallan on behlf ilnrg ci bone serwous iliîness, sucn as of the Newcastle Municipal Council. pneinolia JuL bca" somany and a similar weatl -rom Durham cumu(ls ao lit au tO ally more ser- Lodge, A. F. . M. by Comrade E. bus dofuitioii, we are api to thsnk C. Hoar, P.W.M. Li tiyaie oi îbu hîue Inport. A two'minutes' silence in hionor o! laice.liweýr, ecusewe av thsewlo feli u' the Great War TAKE CARE OFurîselor0tunate su tue pasti ssno; and in grateful appreciation off île TAKECARE0F eaaoii for us Lu count on escapmng. services of those who participated inj Y O UR E YE S sCius resuits in thie future. thal great struggle but returned -I is a gooci and sensible idea to do alive, was broken ai two minutes Our ùest to escape coicts. The f ir-à past eleven by Baudlmaster M. J.c Theeye th mot dlictethe step n thie prevenion of coulsîs Tamblyn sounding the openîngr Theey, lemoi dliat, he tMe maintenance of Îîeaitîn. xe sîrains o! île Lasi Post.c most important of all e special shoulid eaîtrele rîght kinuis of food Then followed île service in the asnd sleep wîth our beciroom Windows1 hall auditorium presided ovem by Organs, should le île firsita re- sunticîently open lu îueep the rooîn Reeve W. F. Rickard wlo stated ceive attention. Witl île ex- cool ana îhe air in genîle motion. ihat this first Rememîrance Day Alults xequire about egnî lours service in this locality was for and ception o! îhe leart, no portion sleep, andc hidien need more sieep was being pariicipated in by resi- o! îhe lady is called upon for as than aaitlts. dents o! Newcastle and île wlole o! 'Ile bady is to, le kepi dlean by Clamke Tp. including the more pop- much service as the eye, and it reàular baîhing; tle bailhf misled ulous centres of Omono, Newtonville tlemefore bebooves us to give it With coldi water and tollowed ly a and Kendal. He understood that in brisk rub wtls a rougn towel. A reg- tle future such services would be proj)er and intelligent came. llar buwel movemeni is ta le secur- held altemnately in Orono and New- ed each day îlrough a regular toilet castle.f habit, poper food, and exercise. It Seated upon tle plat!orm were îhec ,nnessary to exercîse the big mus- four active clergymen, resideut o! 1 G. M . Bosnell oIes af the body n wînîer lusi as and minisîering 10 île spiritual t much as in stalnier. needs o! the people o! Clarke and1 OPTOMETRIST The feet must be kept dry; if the Newcastle, and cach lad a part ina Offceovr loo'sStre sloes arnd stockings get wet, they 1îte service. Rev. Thon. Wallace,m Offic ove Flod's tore shoUld le dhanged for dsy ones a!- Newtonvmlle, îead a passage ofd Port Hopeter île feet have been given a good 1Sorîptume from Revelations 7, de-b Por Hpe olwth a rougI iowel. We sold scriîîng île abode, condition and n Phone Nunîber 248 dress accoring Lo the thermometer, appearance o! the Blessed Dead.o Office Hours: not île season of île year. Too Rcv. F. H. Mason led in prayers; I 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. mi. much cloihing causes Perspiraion Rev. W. P. Rogers delivered the ad-o WEDNESDAY ecd week whilch may ltiad to chîllîng, and dress; and Rev. W. J. H. Smythe,A Should themefore le avaided. Out- Orono, pronounced the benediction.C Toronto Office: door clothing shoulci not le worn in- A mast impressive part a! île ser- l 2143 Danforth Ave. doors. This is a ladt habit a! many vice was the reading a! Newcastle s women, causing tlem 10o perspire and Clamke's Honor Rail. Wlîle tlea _________________________and later ta le chilled wlen they Wlole assemblage stood with bowed IV go out 0f doars. lîeads in meditation o! île tense and Ir People wlo have colds slouid le fateful four years o! tle Great War y O ALavoideclbc-cause colds are spread and in rememîrance of those w~ho l OYA foni oe peron toanother. The made île supreme sacrifice, eiher e lands are ta le washed le! ore meais ai île front or in training for ser-ci and before food is touched because vice, Gea. A. Coyne, a war veteran, i W INTER they lecome soîleul, are api 10 lave now Principal o! tle Newcastle High i Picked Up îhe germs o! disease and School, read, slowly and distinctly, e( FAIR so slould noltauch f ood wich goes tram a pepared list, their names a i tle mauth. as fallows: S A person wlo suffers f rom repeat- Orono District a NOV. 18- 26 cd lead colds should lave lis nase Donald R. McDonaîd, George Op- li and tîroat examined. Alnormal euslaw, Robert E. Patton, Frank ti conditions ini île nase and tîroat Shipway, A. M. Stuart, Oscar Snow- ié may le responsible for île recur- den, A. Malcolm Stewart, H. Roy rence a! calds and should le correct- Simpson, George Clarman, Lyness 0 ed. A. M. Henery, Jas. A. Little, Wiif red 1 U The cammon head cold is a men- G. Hay, Claytan S. Andrus, Arthur 10 ace because a! tle discomf art wîicl Barnard, Lionel Bawen, James i causes ànd île serious esulîs ta Brown, Flecher A. Cain, Sianley  v >dr9 hil ess d t îe C n dinM-ca o ne, R wad1.W-e, Fe na:n atcn. eve ryune as!re or, lecalIeng ,,to uty mandI 5r- Il PINSLP.spcud tîl, remainder of tIe evening vice. While h I rlnhti inàIfitiing ta IROYAL COLISEUM ln 11151 île same way as if le or sIe flay trîlute ta tle dead aud banor TORONTO 1lad sîîPled or taken tea ai lame, totahase wha rPlcecI ail. blicamp I JlUwavRate: I Far Reîrn SPper was aver, tle ladies a! St. hack alive. mauy weakenedl lai RBDUCED BUS FARES George's lad prelsareci and served maimed and Inraparitnt rd for lIte. je ______________________il, and were now washing tle dishes. il is mucl mare aur duty ta accepi b wcastIe Inde rRSDAY, NOVEMBER l9th, the challenge flung to us from their talhing hands, to keep xaith wlth thein and apply ourselves with ail our capabilities to the task of fiînish- ing what they set out to0 ao. Anc one of these tasks îs the ending of ail war and the prevention of war in the future. [n concluding his earneA aaddress, the speaker sound- ud a warning againsi a danger which iai too reai, the danger while we are honoring the solcuer, we giorify wartor much more in this day thar when Gen. Sherman characLerized it, War is Hel Throughout the o hole week there stood on the table provided for the purpose in the Meinorial Library a lovely large bouquet of artificial. poppies, mixed with unthreshed oats, in meiory of the war dead. It was arranged and placed there, as are otlsur trîbutes fîfty two weeks in the year, by Mrs. Matthcw Brown, Glen- wood Cottage. NE WCAST LE Miss Grolle o!f\Veslun spemît lasi wveek wsml Mm. and Mrs. P. F. Le- Gresley. Mr. Fred Anderson o! île Customs Depi., Windsor, motuîed to New- casule on Monmiay ta vîsîl lis par- cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Wv. 1H. Anderson. Attention Everyomie-All inieresied are mus mied to île Lake Shore Sclool au p.m.. \Vednesday, Nov. 25ih. to lear Prof. J. Bucnasian, Disructor of Extension, O.A.C., Guelph, wlo wîll spuak ou a lîve agriculioral top- mc. Musical programnimi coniieciomî. bilver collection uu de!ray expenses. Newcastle mixed quartet, Mes- srs. W. is'. Ihickarci aiu R. C. Ailisi, Mvis. W. i.). Lragg and Miss Hate iviasun, wmth Mrs. C. A. Cowan, ac- c;ompasa:st, lias accepted an mnvit- aioni, cnveyed by Rev. Wm. Ster- ling ta sing ai the Coîbomne United Church anniversary services nexi Sunday. Mr. Fred Treleaven, we under- stand, las purclased trie remaining property ai Newcastle- on-lthe-Lake, of Mrs. Lemgh-Mallory, Bowmianvmlle, bemng tle sauthwest corner o! the orclard boundud by Arthuor St. on île easi, Bouliosi on île sooth, Park on île west, and Clarke on the nomil. The othur thrce ownums and summer resîdenis o! tiîs pmoperty, !ormerly belonging to, Mss. Leigh- Mallory, are: Mr~. Geo. Bull on the souln-east, Mrs. Fidîci on the north- wesi. and Mm. Bart Jackson on the noril-east. High Sclool Commencement in- ciodsng île psresentation o! prizes, supplemented by a public speakmng cusîtestins which six siodents wili conîpete, also a gooci dramalic and musical program, will le hbld lu île coîîsmunmty hll tîls Friday ai 8 p.m. Arthur Lockhart, fornîerly o! île Port Stanley public sclool and star popil o! île NewcasleeRugh Scloal, now takîug lis senior matrîculation course ai Bowmanville Hîigl Sclaol will deliver the valedîctomy address. Rev. Gea. Mason, Presideni o! îhe Men's Canadian Club, Bowmanvîlle, will present île Club's Canadian Hisiory prize. Lasi Fmiday evenîug ai île Public Schoal Commencement Exercises, île big auditorium was filled s0 early, ilai people wlo were a liitle laie !ound difficulty in se- curing seais. Motta,-Camie Early tiîs Friday evenmng. On Saturday eveuing, Nov. l4th, ai île home o! Mr. George A. Tren- wiil, Churcl St., a very uni oyable dinner party was given in lis hanar ly lis daughler. Miss Louise Trou- with, it beisîg île 85ih anniversary o! lis birthday. Sosue members o!f lis family wlo were preseut tram oui o! iawn were, lis son, Wm. D. wi!e and daughter Miss Lomna, o! Clarkson; lis daughier and son-mn- law, Mm. and Mrs. Jarvis Richard- son. Caledonia; Gcu. Jr., Toronto; also Mr. George Cooper, Toronto. ~uMr. Trenwitl came tram Cornwall rnany yeams ago and spunt severai veams mn South Amendca wlere he leamned ta speak Spanisl very !lu- enily. Aftcmwards le became a resl- dent a! Toronto, and some tew years ago le retired ta Newcastle. He is nasi eniertaining and well-informi- ed and one eau spend many a pleas- mi boum learing tales o! ilree lemi- spheres. Ris daughter Miss Louise and grand-daughter Miss Darothy live wiil hîm, and bath take an ac- tive pari in clurel and school lite. Among île imary visitors tram outside points wha attended the United Clurcl anniversary services on Sunday, heard Rev. C. W. Bar- reti preach and spent tle noontide and afiernoon witl relatives and friends weme; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rawe and children, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carvetl; Mr. Lewis Barrett, Ringwaod, Mrs. Huichinson and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Finlcy, Ta- aunto, Mrs. Fred Haney, Idem, with M!iss Minnie Barreti and Mms. John Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Tauntoni and Mm. and Mrs. Lew. Cryderman, Hampton, witl Mm. and Mrs. Gea. H. Jaîl; Mm. and Mrs. Erie Pearce, Claremoni, witl Mr: .nd Mrs. H. R. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs.1 E'. H. Clemence and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Mr. W. T. Baker, So- ina, witl Mm. and Mns. H. R. Peance, MIr. and Mrs. Richard Wood and MIiss Allie Woad, Orona, wiih Mr. and Mis. J. W. Glenney; Mr. David Stevens, Lindsay, siil Mn. and Mrs. Vm. N.- Buckley; Mm. and Mms. Eg- e'ion Hancack, Orana, wiih Mr. and tIrs. J. R. Ilancock; Mr. and Mrs. Rtssell Colwiil and chldmen and Mr. and Mms. Milton Shaw. Toronto, w'ilh Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce; MIr. andl Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Omano, and Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Snawden, tlaple Grave, witl Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase: Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clem- ene: Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cryder- omn. Slaw's, miss Jean and Master Gordon Hanna, Bavslde and Mr. and tIrs. Ewart G. Clemence, Oshawa, wiil Mr. and Mrs. A. A. ColwiIl: Mr. and Mrs. G. Davidson. Oshawa and knows only two portions of it lave NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH been utilized in îhe pasi, ihe knoll i ai île soutl wesi cornes and île United Clurcl-Rev. W. P. Rog- ,,>p e d e ntmise o! land to the nomil wesi. The ers B. A., Pasior. Sunday, Nov. 22: un f riveway aruund île soul- nî-Sunday Sclool; 7 p. m,-Even- 1931 ast sctionwhere are îile greater ing Service. 191nussîbelrof graves. Oun Salurday, Nov. 21st, île Gold- The Brc Head Cemeteiy is con-! en Rule Mission Baud will bld is r BOND IIEAD CEMETERY trolled by îhe Rector and Churcl autumii tîlk-offering meeting ,: * 131PROVEMENTS %Vaîdens uf St. George's anîd atIl e S. S. rooms ai 3 P. M., Wh~ Ij ____preseul Mmr. R. R. Ardagl is man- menîbers o! île W. M. S. wiil aa- _____ager. Mm. Ardagh lias gone to To- uress tle baud members. à A ig sep tward theacc m onta for île wintcr scason 10w- At île Y. P. L. on Monday even- A plig eteofploas rthe faccom- ever. so île burden o! direciing and iîg. Rev. w. P. Rogers spake and led ripisîment o! lanscafor andleu- supervising the wark on Tuesday a!- a discussion on "Wly Denmark S impraomntf BandHagd eau-er ternoon !ell largely upon île Rec- Leads." Mr. Rogers reviewed in part wa tîiaion o on Td HacI emeryn tom. Rev. F. H. Mason. wlo suitably île auddress on ibis subjeci wlich was take nm Truesda afes no, aîeifo is ccson ,reieDr. D. M. Solaudi recently delivered e lnanme amr wih vocle enaun handling île man's'Jai a laymen's meeting in Part Fer- teacus. scrapers and plows, and v'il- end o! a team scraper and shovel. supeetn li ilifra Y lagers wiil slovels held a bein tc the ers doing ihis same kind a! woinforma- othrs oig tissaie kndof or,. inn and data le lias gailered for 1cemeiory and, takiug tle top carth, were. Mr. Howell Rowland and Mr.1 hilliself. Many adulis were present Ifrom île unîssed kuolis. !illed up Chmis Law. Farmers wlaioaok or! sell as Leaguers ta lear some- and levelled the roughi. unkeinpt seul teamis ere: Reeve W. F. Rick- lis m aotDemr'sporesv eholiow that travursed île middle of ard Cotîncillor A. O. Parker, Messrs. educational system. lier lighly de- Sle grounds !rom east to wesýt. This J. H.Jose, Howard Pearce. Allert velopedi and success!ul ca-aperatives 1depression witl ils weeds and damp- Pearce. Wnî. Rawlqnd. Merkly Clark i anu i er agricuîîuraî supremacy. niess and coarse grass las long been adW.Lk.Arpr !îelreyatne an eyesome ta everyaue and a wor n-Wn.Lke _Arpotofte____y tene ry ta many who hke bu see île resi- Chdîannmvrsary ser-vices o! île church igplace îl te dead inim, beautiful Cle days are coming. Fartity1 and île inspiriiig messages o! île and pleasaut la the view. As every- your beal i with Creani o! Baîrley ilusacimer. Rev. C. W. Barreit, will one wla lias visiied the cemetery, breakfast food. appear next week. To tIîe CIuidren of Bowmanville and District Ages CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS NELSON'S STORE TOY FACTORY BOWMANVILLE, ONT. NORTH POLE Very Pleased with the Receptiori You gave me Last Year -arn starting South very shortly. Tell ail the Kiddies I will see them at Your Store very soon. I arn bringing a -Big-Sl'eigh Load of Christmas Gi1'ts f'or Young and Old. SANTA CLAUS HATS Ail the Hats in the store, including velvet and camaline 9 feits and velours; values to $3.98; ........... Every Dress in the Store Values to $9.,95; travel tweeds, canton crepes, wool crepes, light weight woolens, etc............ . 9 Every Coat in the Store HALF PRICE Underwear for the Whole Family We guarantee to beat city prices. Every garment lst quality. Prepare for the cold weather which is now long overdue. 3 Big Pre-Christmas Specials 12 doz. Ruched SiIk Cushion Covers,35 Iovely colors, each...............................35 10 dozen Kapok Cushion Forms to fit25 above cushion covers, each........................25 3 dozen Fancy Silk Pyjama Bags,79 lovely pastel colors, each..........................79 Watch for Next Week's Big News Item. Nelison Stores WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT BOWMANVILLE AND PORT PERRY FOR BIGGUE AND BETTER BARGAINS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1931