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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1931, p. 5

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CO-OPERATIVE PACK1NG -S f ive miles away. but will receive PLANT MAY BE STARTED the saine value for is material. IN THE UNITED COL'NTIES ltThe Counties have been divided into zones, and cach member o! the Wil Use As Example Plant at Barrie Committce will act as zone captain. Which is Unden Direction of and will appoint a team of canvass- à1n. Thos. Olseil. es ork with him. The Zone quI Captais and their districts are: Dr. 1Durhamn Counîy farmers are urg- j. B. Reynolds-HI-ope, Darlingion, eti to taie more ihan a passîng In- Clarke, Cartwright, an-d Manvers; teresi in the proposeti Co-eperative R. E. Drepe-Cavan, South Mena- Packing Plant te be e.ýialîsiieci ai ghan, and Hamilton; Thomas Bates some suiabie location %vithin thec -Haldimanti; J. S. Atkinson and WV. bonders of ithe United Ceuiies o! A. Atkinson-Alnwiclk. Percy, and Northumberlandi anti Dunham. Tis ~Scymiour; H. Gi. \lon-Murray, j will be along somcwlasaiisînilar lines IBrighton and Cramnahe. These min- to the co-opeiatixe planiio0\ runi- bers wili welcomne volunteers for ning s0 successlully ai Barrie under fiîeld wonk. thc capabile managemnent ci Thomas Co-operative Packinig s an all im- Olsen, f onînerlîy o! Darlîngien Town- potant sîep towards solving tic ag- ship. rîcultural dificuliies, and it is the Since thc public meeting iin Ce- hope o! tiec ceimitiee tiai the ce- bourg less than iwo weeks ago. tic operative spirit will preî ail during Commîitice, appoînteti ai that meci - ilis canspaign. and that building inig, have met iwice. On Satun-day operations can be comnmenced earlî' there was a f ull attendance o! then ithe new year. Commiiitice ai thc Britsh Hotel, Ce- Varîous locations are unden dis- bourg, and erganizing arrangements .cuîssion as being sutable for buid- wcrc practîcally completed. ing tic Plant. These will be dis- Tic capitalization o! thc Company cussed sith membens during tic wll be $35000000, o! which $50,000. canspaign, tic result of which will will be available fon tradesmen, and b epu otecnnitei hi the public as prefenence siares*e final decîsion. ingno-vltng ad eain ites Pe Tic drive fer membership la cx- ing7 n'n-.oThe galandcearsing te est peted to start on Monday, Novem- o! membenships o! $15000 caci. 1_ber______ Tic plant will be on such a scale Employ tiy time wcll. if iiou as te take cane of Hogs, Lambs, meanesite gain leisure; and, since Calves, Poultry and Eggs. Each thou art not sure o! a minute, throwv member will be under agneement te net away an heur. - Benjamin supply al ils produce te tic Ceni- Franklin. pany over a period o! ten ycars. Tiche_____ plant wîll be modemn in cvery way, MAILS CLOSE and aîl refuse, etc., wll be îeturncd ___ to tic fariner in tic form o! fentil- Withitic reversion to Standard izers and tankage. In faci. tic Time, mails ai Bowmanvillc Posti members will get evrytiing return- Office have ciangcd te tic following cd to them but the squcal. sciedule: Evcny effort is bing made by tic Out Going Mails Close comîittcc te arrange financing se To Ws-l p. m., 6 p. m., 9 p. m. ,tat fi will be made easy for faim- To East-8.30 a. m., 9 p. m. crs who are feeling tic cfects o! tic For Port Hope-i p. m. present 10w marký,t values, te lie- For Couîtice. Hampton, Enniskil- corne members. len and Tyrone-9.30 a. mn. One important f cature lias been Incoming Mails Arrive embodied in tic nules wiich has re- Prom Wst-l0 a. m., 2.20 p. m.,. lation to tic dlivcry o! maienials. 7.30 p. m., 10.15 p. M. Tiecco-operative trucking sysiem P rom East-10 a. m., 7.30 p. mn, will be put ie force, wiitic ne- Prom Courtice-12 noon. suîtthlaitich farmner who is twenty Prom Tyrone-9.30 a. m. miles !rom tic Plant wll no b a rom Hampton and Enniskllen- a disadvantagc with ticefarme _wh14 p. m. NEW STATIONERY at the IlBIG 20 " If yen want someihing in Statmoneiy thai wll make an ideal gif t on afford real pleasure for your own use, sec our NEW "ROYAL WINDSOR" in Lnen and Vellumn. Quire Paper, Papetries and Correspondence Cards 25e and upwari. Stamped Needlework for Christmas. Worked Models for sale ai cosi. J. W. JEWELL Ciearance Sale -oF ALL BARGAIN M ERCHAN DISE For some weeks past we have been conduct- ing a bargain section on our second floor which has met with great success, but now~ we mnust dis- pose of ail merchandise ieft on this floor to make way for Christmnas goods which are constantiy arriving. These goods xiii be cleared at unheard of prices for quick sale and wilI be arranged in three sections at 19c, 39c and 69c. Corne and get your share. We Will aiso have many other specials throughout the store. Ineluded in these are: LADIES' SWEATERS 12 ladies' puilover style silk and wool Sweaters; these are odds and ends f rom our sweater department and were formn- erly up to $4.95; $ 0 Clearing at each ............ .0 WOMEN'S JERSEY DRESSES A splendid wearing Jersey Dress in coi- ours of green, blue, grey and faxvn; sizes 38 to 44; reg. $3.50 value; $~9 Speciai at each ............$19 FELT HATS Friday and Saturday we are featuring any ladies' felt hat in the store at great reductions; ail new styles;89 any hat at....................89 YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 164 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS BOWMANVILLE Lockhart of Toronto. WEDDINGScf the bazaar was given. Roll caîl col WE DIGSwas Sing, Say or Pay, and brought t out many amusing stories. Program i Lockhart-Speflcer was as follows: Readings by Mrs. 0O Edwards, Mrs. J. Watson, Mrs. P.- Wiih palms and ferns attractively Philp and Mrs. C. Wilson; Rev. and arranged about the altar and chan- Mrs. Newell were preseni and Mr. cel, St. Johns Anglican Churcli wvas Newell gave a fine talk on the sub- the scene of a very pretiy weddiflg jeet of "The Ideal Christian Home," on Saturday atternoon ai 3.30 stressing the need for refinement o'clock when Thelma Florence, sec- and culture in the home. Mrs. Ed- ond daughter o! Rev. and Mrs. C. R. wards conducted a contest. Lunch Spencer o! Bowimanville was united was served and the meeting closed. marriage with Mr. Douglas Burritt Locklîart, youngest son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. Lockhart CADMUS o! Toronto. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Thomas Ridler spent Sunday Mr. Selby Spencer,1wore a travelling with Mr. Leonard MAIls. suit o! navy blue covert cloth trim- Glad to see Mr. John Ballingal med with grey fox fur. She carried able to be out again. a bouquet of Talisman roses and lily o! thîe valley. The bridesmaids, Miss Miss Bessie Edgerton visited Miss Dorothy Lockie o! Toronto and Miss Birdie Gibson on Friday afternoon. Jane Mason o! Bowmanville, wore Miss Chrystal Fallis is visiting lier gowns o! rust colored chiffon. Their aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Regtnald Nesbitt. hats were the fashionable turban Miss Susie Hyland and Miss Della styles and they carried bouquets o! Lethangue spent Wednesday in Osh- bronzed mums. The groom was at- awa. tended by Mr. Gerald Strickland o! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edgerton Toronto, while Mr. Graeme Stewart and Mr. Edgar Gibson spent Satur- was the usher. The ceremony was day in Blackstock. performed by the bride's father. Mrs. Smith Frguson and daugliter Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector of St. Collette, spent a !ew days with her Johns, assisted by Rev. M. Clarke parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGlll. Wallace o! Birchcliffe, brother-fn- Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and law o! the groom. Mrs. J. A. Gunn Miss Helen Fowler attended the presided at the organ and played the funeral o! the late Mrs. Harry Fer- wedding mardi f rom Lohengrin as guson o! Enfield on Sunday. the bride and attendants came down The !uneral o! the late Mrs. C. the aisle. The choir o! St. John's Marlowe was held on Wednesday. Church sang during the signlng o! Nov. 1 lii. interment being made at the register. Nestleton. The sympathy o! the Iinmediately !ollowing the cere- community is extended to the ber- mony a reception was held at the eaved family in the loss o! a loving Rectory where about 50 guests at- mother. tended. Receiving with the bride Our !owl supper and concert on and groom were Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Nov. Ilth was a decided success. Spencer, the latter gowned in a There was a large crowd, some com- handsome f rock o! black chiffon. ing !romn Toronto, Bethany, Oshawa, with a corsage bouquet o! Talisman Port Hope, Orono, Bowmanville and roses and lily o! the valley. Mrs. G. Janetville. We hope that everyone C. Bonnycastle poured tea and the enjoYed themselves. Proceeds $165. tea assistants were Mrs. Dudley Ol- iver, sister o! the bride, Miss Dore- thy Bonnycastle, and the bride's two BLACK.STOCK attendants. Among the guests !rom out o! Mis. James Marlow visitect !riends town were Mr. and Mrs. Reginald ini ToroIta Lockhart, Miss Johanna Lockhart, Mr. andi Mrs. Howard Bailey visit- Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson Lockhart, ed in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. M. Clarke Wallace, Mi. and Mrs. H. A. Gabraith vis- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee, Mr. Justice ited in Peterboro. Hodgins and Mrs. Hodgins, all o! Mrs. F. A. Bailey visited Mr. and Toronto. Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin, Toronto. The gif t o! the groom to the bride Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, visited was a beautiful hand engraved hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pari. sterling silver toilet set, while the Mrs. Patterson, Orono, and her bridesmaids received purses, and the sister are visiting Mi. and Mrs. H. best man and usher tobacco pouches. A. Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow At the close o! the reception the spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. W. bride and groom le!i on an extended Joncs, Pontypool. honeymnoon trip to points east, a.nd Mrs. N. H. Marlow is spending a on their return they will reside ai !ew days, guest o! Dr. and MrsJ C. 93 Sherwood Avenue, Toronto. Maîlow, Toronto. eV Previous to the ceremony the bid- Mrs. Davis, Mrs. H. Stone and al Party attended Communion in St. Miss Grace Davis, all o! Port Perry, Johns Church at 8 a. m. at which visited Mis. R. Mahood. the brides !ather was the celebrant. Messrs. Oliver Smith and Murray BYers le!t Tuesday morning to at- Hennlng--Coole tend the Royal Wlnter Pair. ______Mrs. Wilberi Werry and little son A vey prNeil spent a week with her parents, A eypetty wedding was solem- Mr. and Mrs. Harkness, Cavan. nized by Rev. T. Stannage Boyle, Mrs. Joseph Forder Jr.. and dan- M.A., D.D., D.C.L., at thc îectory o ngteLueadMsEmaR- Satnday Oct 3lt, wen ean ud-ledge visited relatives at Bancroft. rey, only daughier o! Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, ac- Geo. Coole, Cobourg, was married to companicd by Mrs. J. G. Marlow, at- Elmer Henning. son o! Mr. and Mrs. tended thc funeral o! their cousin at Fred Hennîng, Wcsleyville. Omemee on Monday. The bride looked very pretty in1~ Mr. Lawrence Allun and Miss Cole, becoming gown o! brown crepe with Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. beige lace, brown velvet hat iith Galbraith and attended the roasi beige feather, and brown hose and fowl supper ai Cadmus, Nov. llii. shoes. She canried Ophelia roses, The bazaar and goose supper held and was attended by Miss Leota in the Town Hall, Wednesday even- Meehan, who wore navy and gray ing, Nov. 4th. under the auspices o! with matching accessories and car- the W. A. o! -St. John's Church was ried roses. Mr. Horace Hennîng wvas a decided success. Procceds $160. groonisman for his brother. United Church service Sunday After the marriage the wedding morning was conducied by Mr. Clar- party returned to the home of the ence Ferguson. and the evening ser- bridc's parents, whcre the reception vice by Mr. Merrill Ferguson. Both was held. onty nean relatives being stressed the great need in the West. present. The rooms were charming- Dr. and Mrs. Whittaker spent the ly decorated with mums in auturmu weekcnd with Bishop and Mrs. Luc- tints with the table dune in Hallow- as, Toronto. On account o! the ab- 'en colorings with orange candles. sence o! the recton on Sunday the Mr. and Mrs. Henning le! i later services werc venY ably conducied by for a trip toe estern points before Messrs. Percy and Fred Hamilton taking up residence in Cobourg. Thc and Cecil Hayden. bride received many beautiful gifts A fine service was held at Si. showing the high regard in which Join's Churci on Thursday a! ter- sic is held. noon when tic Rector, Dr. Wiit- Among the out-o!-town gucsts taker, presentcd the following five werc Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Coole candidates for confirmation-Mrs. and child, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaugilin, Miss Marion Ar- Patterson an-d Miss Henning, Tor- gue, Robert Smith, Donald and Ray- onto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henning mond Graham. The service was and members o! their family. Wes- conducted by Bishop Sweeney, Ton- leyvllle. onto, assisted by Rev. T. A. Nind, - Port Penny, and the Recton. A very impressive service was held NESTLETON id the Memorial Park on Remcm- -- brance Day. Service at ten minutes The November meeting o! the Wo- to eleven o'clock. Dr. Whttaker men's Institute was held in the gave the addness and Rev. F. W. C. O. F. Hall. Presldent Mrs. M. Newell led in prayer. Three very Emerson opened the meeting. Busi- appropniate hymns were sung. A ness conslsted of paylng bills, send- wreath f rom the Victonlan Women's lng a donation to the Institute for Institute was placed on the monu- the Blind, and discussions regandlng ment by Mns. A. L. Balley; one f rom the maklng of sevenal quilts. Mns. the Platoon of Port Ferry by Mr. S. F. Ferguson was named as dele- Mitchell*, and one tram Premier ATLANIC -FEISH-W sTEKs lb. 1140 PAGE F'IVE nnx ewAITM rA7P.qMIAN. BOWMANVILL. . THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1931 MARRIED AT ST. JOHN'S CI 'IURCH, BOWMANVILLE Miss Thelma Spencer and MNr. Douglas B. Lockhart Whose marriage iook place in Si. John's Anglican Church on Saiurday afternoon, November l4th. Miss Spencer is a daughtei' of Rev. C. R. Spencer. rector of Si. Johns Chuîrch, and Mrs. Spencer. and Mr. Douglas B. Lockhari is tne youngest son of the lat-c Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. OBITUARY Mrs. David Brnmt, Enniskillen Mrs. David Bruni IneLvn c Cullougi, ife of David Bruni, En- nislcillen, Ontario. died at her homne COD BOWMALNVILLE TROOF BOY SCOUTS S. Terry, Scoutmaster 1ST BOWMANVILLE PACK 1S OMNf LEPC WOLF CUBS L. C. Wilcocks Cubmaster. Robt. Mcleod Asst. Cubmaster. 0: Fauey Blue Rose Zib& l 2. 25e SUNLIGHT rso" i'0"».Sic QUICK OR REGUA QUAKER OAT S m20o CHESEPîIOPERLY AG.ED ~~lL~LOLD lb. 19e NEW Mb. ILC FRUITS and. VEGE TABjLESt ORANGES NESHIET 1% sDA D>z. 217e CELERY Large Ccl.p Buneh IL0O CHOICE CUTS FRESH YOUNG ROASTING PORK 44*. VIMY LEAN l. 1L P ORK Shoulders . .g FINEST QUALITY A & P BEEF-SELECT A ROAST FOR THE WEEK-END TOUR BEEF CUOXCE SOPT-MEATED YOUNG LAMB BAObd~SCDlb IC b LEGS m-. 22e BV THE îh PIECE 12. EGGS BOUGRT AT BIGHEST MARKET PRICES AT AYLL A & P STORES IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE OR CAS.Rj GoeyManager: P. WiUlams. Meat Manager: G. Mffcy. We Deliver-Extra Charg 100 Kng Street Phone No. 83 BOwm*nvilk Tm RE ETATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. I L~~~IMITE»OF CANDA_ ________ RICE RAISINS SULTANA SIP.LOIN STEAKU AfN RonS l ROUND AS M..I 7 PEAlMEALED BIE b BY TIIE SAUSAGE Vies Country sty-e lbs. 25 ;a 011 [îa an of En an gr Fr GE Stý fko HE toi Bi ai sI Iriusnay LJLOUL ~LI* ~Ned Rehder -ot illiress. The laie Mrs. Brunt Ast cumster Meet CnrlPbi Ls 57 years ci age. She wvas the School - Tuesda3 s Iest daughiter of lMis. Marina Mc- at 7 -P.m ullougli and the late Joseph Me- 3Meet at Central Publie iflougli. Smce lier inariage slue School WednesdaYs Thpaked twekym tg as tesicled in Darlingicto ,\)ns1ip. a p .Tedakeveînilsopekmg etintg She is survivecd byliîc.- husoand t7p . Tedyelnnoeigwt h .d eigi children, Mr. Cecii Brunt Grand Howl, followed by gaInes and Burketon. Mr.. Je. ,e Jones 0, n Rmembranice Day the First Thrk paor star ests. tuat i iwnanville. Mr. IHarold Brui tof Tepcnhsbe oruaeI rnîsilln. r.~ Frnk cwel ~Bomrnanville Troop marched in the j securïng the assistance of two old hnll. an rLo. Frar.Deyo parade f rom Central School and Scouts, Mr. Ken. Morris and Mr. i HelendatLodoMay ise thre part in the service at the Ceno- Harvey Joint. ndcHelden.a oe:as taph. The pack has been re-organized The paîl bearers were Messrs. At onc o'clock about thirty Scouts on the basis of tests passed as fol- *ank Couîter. Aliec:t Gilders, under, Scoutmaster S. Terry hiked lows: "orge Reid. Thomas, McGill. Edgar oui. the Scugug Road to the woods Grey Wolves--Sixer, Don. MasOfl aples. and Allail Stainton. The where ihe folloxwîng Scouts passed Second, Clair Wakelin. lwer beairers were Mes-srs. Clarence tests: Second class f ire-lighting and Brown Wolves-Sixer, Dick Camp- Icçullough. Clifford Kcrr. Hîlliard cooking-Tommy Gatcheil. Edward bell; Second. Arthur Living. leasman, Harry Hamilton and Mi,- Hooper. Alfred Millson. Edward White Wolves - Sixer, TheodorD on Stephenson. Milîson. Fred Neale. Eric Swindells; Lambrose; Second, Hayward Moody. The interment was mad0 aý First, class cooking-Ralph Ames and Red Wolves--Sixer, Charlie Hoar; lampton Cemeiery on November 1lst. Cliffor*d Hall: Tendeî foot -Bert , Second, Harry Conners. Jolinston. After these tests were Yellow Wolves--Sixer, Lawrenlce passed. the Scouts enjoyed a hearty Wilcocks; Second, Blain Elliott. CARD 0F TIHANKS i lunch and a game of stalking. At The following Cubs have gone for- six c'clock the boys returned to ward to, the Scouts: Ian Bell, Fred The family of the late Mrs. Lavina town. The regular meeting was flot Neale, William James, Eric Swln- 3runt wish to tlîank their f riends held because of the hike. delîs, Bert Johnston, Tommy Gatch- -id neighbors for their kindiie-q and -I ell. ympathy during th-.Mr recent sad The !ollowing boys have jomned the )reavement. Can wealth give happiness? look Pack: Donald Venton. JimmY Clark, - -'round. and see Paul Symons, Albert Rehder, Bobby From labor býealth . f coi health What gay distress! What splendid Evans. ntentinent spniig.-Beattie. misery! On Oct. 2Oth the first Cubs to be Self-confidence i:s the f îrst requis- Whatev'er fortune lavishly can pour. awarded their !irst Star were Don te to great undei akings.-Samuel The mind annihilates, and calîs for Mason, Lawrence Wilcocks, Dick Johnson. more. -Young. Campbell. M«ORE FOOD mmDETTER FOOD FOUR 1839 Uuxewi housewlves uho shop ait A & P fIi tiefr food ioDin woeili uoh more than bel ore. Tremendous buyhig power euables us to place before you bigest WUR!kOO'W MI qualy merchaxdle ait priceuso low that no matertai mvlng San be maieby purcbaaing the Infertor produet. Doet miu this opoetity teake your fooddioUmi buy more. BTTER M._23o A & P TEA DLENDED INDIA îb.37c

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