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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1931 H-AMPTON MAPLE GROVE TYRONE Mrs. W. H. Ruse is visiting f riends Miss Eddie Taylor, Port Hope, is Mr. Levi Aunis, Toronto. spent tie in Toronto. x.isting friends. weekeîid at home..1 Mr. and Mrs. w. McCarthy andi Miss Ruth Armstrong, R. N., who Miss Jean PollocK spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. R. Morgan visited Miss lias been home lor over two months, end with f riends ni Cobourg. L. eev. as returned to Toronto. Miss Grace McKay, Beaverton, Mr. w. W. Horn is enj .oyîîîg a visit' Little Miss Helen Siioi, Tr pette eknnt M.aî witl f riends in We,terii Ontario and On1to. 'isited ivcciîtly \Vith her grand Mrs. Theodore Dowîîs. Buliao. N Y.parenits, Mr. and Mis. R. R. Stevens. Mlr. andi Mrs. Clarence Woodley, Bufal. aNn . . uletSoi- Mr. A. R. Stone. icturneci miiSon- Edithi and Joyce, speiit Suiîday at IIr.anuMrs.W. urn t Souff friii apa. xil seak Sn- M. Hrou. Sco)tts, Oroîo. ville, recently .isiteui witn Mýr. and day in the interesc ol the M. &M. Mr. Robt. Jewel. Misses Minnie Mrs. Jno. Cowlg. adf und. and Ida Jewell. Oshiawa, recently Mr. anu âis. EioY Creeper n Mr. El-nie Laird anîd Miss Lauira visited at Mir. Albert Haw'Rey's. daugitelr -arbara, Tomît.vstd hloiîîpsoiî, Toronîto, spent Sunday Thaiîk-offering service of thîe W. at Mr. J. COlwills. with the formiers parents, Mr. and M. S. was held on Suniday, Nov. 8tli, Mr. ad %Irb. Cyrîl Jeusoii and, Mrs. A. Laird. % oiheeae t heli an address on Komea was giv- daugliter, Lonidon, sPelt Suiiday Quite a number frmhr r ot n by Miss Prestoîî, Toronto. Two withlu hs nother heme. teniding the Training Sehool lield in well iendered vocal solos were sung « Mm/i. and Mms. JH. E. Tink and Miss Trmîity Unitedi Churcli, Bownîan- by Mrs. AlFX Colville. accompanied Eveiyn 'lina, Soliiîa, spent Suniday ville. this week. by Mrs. H. D. Clemiens, botli of Bow-1 wîîîi Mmi. U'ilias pascole. Misses Nellie Snowdeni, Lakeliurst, manville. Mr. and Mis. Tneo balter and Mrs. Vera Trinible. Lîfford. Greta Mmi- Church service on Sunday at 10.30 ilton £'etems and Keitli speîîr a f ew day. Peterboro Normal, spent the a. in. On Sunday evening the choir days wîtilî friends in Coldwatei'. weekend at their respective homes. are taking charge of the service.i Mr. Wallace Hlornî alîcl Mr. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Special music by tlîe maIe quartet Thomas, Kingston, spent. the week- Mr. Howard Cryderman visited the of St. Patil's Church, Bowmnanville,1 end at tlie jormer's home liere. latter's sisteIr, Mrs. Harry Jose, on and also by Tyronie choir. Mrs. Plus-1 The Young Peoples meeting is be- Scuiday and attended the annivers- seîl Wright will givo a synopsis of ing withîdrawfl tinis week in order ary services at Newcastle. thîe Passion Play. We hope to see a that ali may attend the class i Mrs. Trunman Power received word goodly number out. Bownanvile.J on Stinday that lier sister, Miss Em- W. M. S. met in the Sunday school Many of our people are ma Souci, Toronto, was ill in St. room çwith Mrs. A. W. Clemens, the Teacliei Traiing Classes which Micliael's Hospital. Mr. Truman president, presiding. Af ter the busi-1 are being held in Bowmaniville each Pow~er and Mr. George Souch took ness, Mis. Jas. Dudfloy's group gave evenng tis wek.the f irst bus to Toronto and found a fine program. A talk on "Theo Mr. andi Mrs. Ernest Clarke and hem somewhat improved. Stewardship of Prayer" was givon1 daugterLillanMr. nd rs. ar-by Mrs. H. J. Werry. Enniskillen: duMooteLlanM. and M r s. HaTr- SALEM Mrs. R. Ormiston. Enniskillen, gave1 ont ooendAuistier ElwieToi-r a wll-rondered solo; Mrs. W. Mill-1 anto, sentArmisticelDaltli Mr.___a er. Bethesda. gave a roading on The an Ms.HaryHlwlltn lada Mrs. F. Honey was a weekend Ltf e of Kagawa; Mrs. Dudley gave1 goodti turne guest with lier cousin, Miss Barrett,atoprneedg.tbegth Our syrnpatb.y is extendeti to Mi. 1 Newcastle. qatePry t ea lnh was seingod e Afredi Hogarth and f amily in the Salem Sehool Christmas Concert ______telnc assrvd death of Mrs. Hogarth whio passed will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd,t away on Tuesday of last week. Shle at 8 p. m. Admission: Aduits 20c;, COURTICE was laid to rest on Friday in t he children 10c. Union Cemetery, Oshiawa. Several men from oui vicinity Rev. C. E. Dyer andi Mrs. Dyer, The League meeting on Friday ev-i were guests at a social evening wod er ecn gets0 enrng was in charge of Miss Ruith en by tlie men of St. Paul's cogre Inglewod eercn usso 1 onr- Rev. and Mrs. H. C. WoIfraini. Johîns. Devotional was led by Mr. gation on Monday evening and were Laveifle Clernens, and the topie was entertamnec i rglt royally. Mrs. S. S. Brooks spent a weeki ni splendidly taken by Miss Florence The pastco e.A M ote Toronto wth relatives. Burns. The music by Mrs. Will Wil- occupied the pulpit at tlie afier- Mr. and Mrs. Smitli, Brantford, bur, Mrs. G. Barron, Miss H. Knlox, noon service and delivered a very are witb Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce.p Mrs. C. J. Kerslake and Miss N.1 fitting sermon for sacrament whicb Sorry to leain of Mrs. Smith's ill-t Xerslake, was mucli appreciaied. was adniinistered at the close. Next ness there and trust she rnay soonA The monthly meeting of the W. C. Sunday Rev. A. S. Kerr of St. Pauls recover. t T. U. was held Monday at thie home Bowmanville, wWl conduet the usuai Mrs. L. J. Short is visiting rela- of Mms. Alvin Peters, witli Miss L. service at 2.30 p. mn. tives ini Toronto and Palmerston. Reeves presiding. Devotional period About f orty friends and neiglibors Mrs. Archie Muir is with ber mo- was in charge of Mrs. J. G. Burns, gatliered at ithe home of Mr. and ther who is very jUl in and issKatrso ha chrgeOf Mis. Lloyd Richards on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Usher and prograrn. Mrs. J. R. Bick gave a spent a very enjoyable evenmng. amiyGatn ptAriic talk on '"Peace and War"; readings, Progressive euchre being in order, aywitb Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Wol- Mrs. Clatwortiy, Mrs. Peters and witb a dainty luncheon served at the fraini andi hati one of the family]9 Miss Katerson; piano duet, Mrs. C. close. During the evening Mr. and baptized. J. emlkeandMis Mry etes;Mrs. Richards were made the recxp-. On Tuesday last about thirty lad-d 20 ladies present; Mrs. Ashley spoke lents of a very pretty fernery. ies met in the horne 0f Mrs. L. J. i of the good work the Union is do- (Received too lat for îast isue) Short when a most interesting meet- ing at Oshawa. Meeting ciosed witli Mr. Eugenè Beecli, Ennhskillen, rng of the W. M. S. was held. lst j ,National Anthem. Next meeting at conducteti service on Sunday ani Vice Piesidont, Mms. Blake Courtice, Mrs. Hiltcn Peters'. tielivered an excellent semo. presided and the meeting was mn Hampton Women's Institue met at Mi. and Mms. J. Newman anti charge of Mrs. Blake Okes group. the home of Mrs. W. Chapman on family spent Sunday the guests of Bbesui a ae yMs ae Wednesday, Nov. 1tli, witli an at- Mi. and Mrs. Hanna, Newcastle. Rundle and read.ings were given as tenanc ofsixy.President Mrs. Miss Annie Buttery, nurse in f ollows: -His Example" by Etigar W. W. Hoin presitied. Meeting op- training at Bowmanville HospitalMang redsEdr Guest, by r.RC.Pacan eneti by singing O Canada and May speni Sunday with lier parents and "Maiss Aur O srEdgMr. Basoi0fe Goti Preseive Tliee Canada, follow- attoqlded afteinoon service.MisArObon. r. acmf eti by the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. F. L. Squair and Mr. Law- Whitby gave a very enthusiastic ad- Minutes of last meeting were read rence Sijuair visited wth Mr. John dress to the ladies. Mrs. Bascoi, V and confirmed. Letters of tianks Stewart and famîlY at Kendal on wlo was treasurer of the Presbyter-b for fruit and floweis sent to the Sunday and attended anniversary at lal last year, in lier remarks con-a sick were receiveti from Mis. W. Newtonville in the evening and re- gratulated our Auxiliary as stand-c Ruse, Mrs. M. Robbins and Mis. Job- port a very fine service. ing the highest in the Presbyterial son. Thie annual convention was Master Douglas Pollard lias just in systematîc gîvîng according to ourn announced to be held in Toronto at arrived at bis grandparents', Mimombership. Af toi the meeting a i Royal York Hotel on Nov. 24. 25 and and Mrs. C. Pollard, after travelling %dllhtful lunch was seîved and soc-a 26. Delegates appointed: Mis.* L. alone alI the way from ils home in most hospitablediostes.Shr aaE Trull and Miss Edna Reynolds. Boston Creek. Master Douglas will oT h attnane at teserieso Comniunity singing, "Spread a Little spend the winteî months bore and hunawna good chensderingeo n Glatiness"; Roll call--Exhibition of attend sebool. we Snae wil was nsdigeeab , Inexpensive Xmas gits: Mis. A. B. Our astr, Re assaev.H C l Crytierman gave a splendid paper, Ou atr Rv .C ofaîm,p "Danger of Luxury in Modern Lii e"; NNISKILLEN preached an eloquent sermon in thev instrumental duet, Mis. C. J. Kers- moining. and the S. S. session in 1jg lake and Miss Mary Peters; short Mr. MeLean of Toronto is iîî at thIle-onbd ag ted readings, Mis. Sykes, Mis. C. Kors- Mis. Andîew Sharpe's. ance. Next Sunday evening will ho g lake Mrs A.Petes, iss nox; Mr.and rs.C. A. Stainton and in charge of oui W. M. S. wlien Mis. d piano solo, Miss N. Horn; National babe, Oshiawa, visited Mi. O. E. Jef- (Rv. Sonmtin usi will adoa Antbems of different countries. f rey. destemeig ui iIb i December meeting is to beho hlt at Mr. and Mis. H. Slemon and Miss furnislied by a ladies' choir and we S the home of Mis. c. Colwill. Me-Gea ootvstt r .Se hope to 500 the churcli filIed.C Meet GrtaTornto vistedMr.J. le- A number from bore are attend- ing closeti with National Antliem. mon. igtoTale iiigSloli Refeshnets er sevei atia sc- Mi. and Mis. C. E. Ralin and Bowmanville tis week. Jl tinie spent. famiîy visited Mr. H. Stevens on MiWlnLwenetie i _____________________Suntiay. numerous f riencis to a party last Mr. and Mis. C. N. Tamblyn, Tliumday eveming in Goodell's Hall. Woodbiidge, visitod Mi. W. Stainton The evening was spont pleasantly In Y( and other fiiends. LotHbaddncniniatr Dr. H. Ferguson, Allan and Don- waîs lur n acingaed oaIl er D L A bMt. Albert on Wdedy M.adMis. Edwin Ormiston antid ______________ K u W JN GMr. and Mis. R. Ormiston visiteti G RO W IN G f rionds at Bobcaygeon on Sunday. i J Miss Reva McGill, Toronto, Miss BIGGERMyrtle Bruni and Mi. Frank Mc- Bit f 131G G ER Gîll, visited Mi. Thos. McGill on J Sunday. fhil Every week we are adding to the The sympatliy of the community goods that are prlced LOWER is extendeti to Mi. H. Ferguson and MIrs. Alfred Hogarth, Hampton family in the deati 0f a loving wife ___qt making your dollars buy much and mother. aseitretoTuda moe sOn Novomber 24th at 8 P. m. in Themer ioîi.. alier six months' Pure Olive Ou., 16 ozs. 60e the basoment of tie churcli a play ilibO, arion Williamson Telf or, A ontîtled "Miss Adventure" will ho t b0 i.Afet o a Russian Oul, 40 ozs. $1.25 gîven by Bowmanville Trinif y Young beloved ieo r lrdHg r Bath Saîts, large jar 49e People. Admission 25c and 15c. of H e s ampton, irber 77itheear. Bath Saîts, big botile 25e Enniskillen Lodge No. 141 15 toho Dec ametis a agiTeel-f e b Florosa Soap 3 for 10e congratolated on winnîng a prize o larisnJae ado Mlnsho iler hibe c $50.00 for the largesi increase ?inboîn in he ftoewsp Esi W in These are just a fow 0f the many membeîsiip in Eastern Ontario the oe o ube fyas e we wil show yo- wlinyo core l-t yoar. At their meting o e o ume fy MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL A OTUNS M Real Estate - Insurance - Iflvestments Mi. R. H. Ferguson anti family, toi Enniskillen, wîsh to express their 1 Phone 189 Bowrnanville deep gratitude f0 fliei neiglibors an anti frientis for thohr klntiness anti as _________________________________________________ expressions of sympatliy in their sEti cul -bereavement. o ENFIELD TIN7 CANDIDATES ____ QUALIFIED FOR Ladies' Aid At Home was belti ai OLDER BOYS' ELECTION tic home of Mr. anti Mis. Fred L Smith. A bountiful fea was serveti kred (owan, Newcastle, and WNr. to thirfy-five. Tuhe remainder of Plilhps, lyrone, in the Rface - the evening was spent in gaines. A Albert L. %7o000 iî Not delîghtful evenîng was enjoyeti by Mi. anti Mis. Peîcy Lacigmaiti antid flemnice, Oshiawa. Mm. anti Mis. Fred j clie aiiùo.-aeiiuîiL iasL wu"a oc Robbins. Mr. Myron Robbins. Mr. lie iiOuiiiiiaLO;IS ltieuidem cîî.' anti Mis. Rossel Robbins anti Ruth. ±",.iiii,ent i. LWiC CXC,it Zion. Mr. anti Mis. Ted Hagg.M tiiýLat 1i1uV- ... nuia oi Cuuftce %%Iu Hampton, vere at Mr. anti Mu.s. Frecl n foiiîiiiiateu J,. i uca ciuahîîy aici L. Smifli's Saturday anti enjoyeti am Pii Bdiip l 'io.ycu m 0110as also appotizing dock dinner. iluOiiiidLn.iu aiîa liuie late to ihave Miss Ida MeColloci. Mr. anti Mus. been îîicijtu.iîieiî in iit issue. 'l'ieO Fred L. Smith visiftd ai Dr. Me- race îîoo iles oietweeiî Fîcti Cowaîî, Culloch's, Orono. on Sunday. Newcasue antii Bi ±>hullips. Aiý the time i getting very short SOLINAais ooys entîtiot o vote are asked to S OLINAmake soie fiai their naines aie on MissHeln Bkerspet tc wek-the voters' lisi by Satuutiay Iof this MissHeln Bkerspet te wek-week. To ho olîgîble to vote a boy end wîth Miss Ada Allun, Providence. nmost be over 12 years anti untier 21 Mr. anti Mis. Chas. Howsam anti antimnust have atteniet at leasf baby Mary visiteti wmi Pouf Peiry 25 percent of bis Sonday School frientis. meetings. Every boy entîflet 1 vote Congratulations to Mr. anti Mis. is aiso, urgea to exercîse thai iighi Jack Reynolds on tlie arrival of a on polling day, Nov. 28thl. Thîe can- baby girl. didates tis year represent a very Miss Evelyn Tink spent Suntiay fine type of Canadian Youtb anti with ber grantimother, Mis. Thos they ame now both busy aîiendîng Pascoe, Hampton. andtiatitressing meeting oach even- Several from here are atfending îng ici support of their plaffoini. The the Teacier Training course ini Bow- candidates' platiorms follow: manville fis woek. Mis. Terwilleger anti Mis. Arthur Platforrn of Fred Cowan Drew, Oshawa, visiteti Mis. Join 1. To co-operate with leaders of Pascoe af Mr. H. E. Tink's. Tuxis andtihte Tuxis boys f0 foster Mis. Ada Burk anti Miss Ruth a greater spirit of followshîp ici West Buîk, Rochiester, N. Y., are visiting Durham. the former's brother, Mi. James 2. To fori inter-squame compet- Moorey. ition lu sports on a larger scale. 1 Mrs. John Penfounti las returneti woulti especially encourage softhaîl f0 lier home ini Oshawa after a foi the sommer prograin anti enliven lengfhy visit wi h lier tiaugliter, Mis. the games by having fbern ativert- W. T. Baker. ised to induce botter crowtis. Misss Vera anti Mi. Wil1 Baker 3. If electeti I wîll do rny best t o spont Sunday af Mi. W. J. S." Rick- co-operato wifh fie Boys' Workj ard's, Newcastle, anti attntieti An- Board to enliven olti squares andi niversaîy services fiere. stimulafe a new inferest in formingi Mr. anti Mm. J. T. Runtile enter- new squares wbere ever possible. taineti a nuniber of their frientis f0 a . 1 ar n favor of fthe Bond Sel- paîfy on Tuesday, if being their liug Campaign as a source f0, gef thirty-fourth wetiding anniversary. money for carrying on Boys' Work. Oui sympatby is extendedti 10Mi. 5. The last, but not least of my Alfredi Hogarthi anti faniily, Hamp- planks is that if electeti, I will do rny ton, in their recent bereavement. best 10 bring f0 West Durhiam thie Several from. bore attenuedtihfe 1tievelopments reacheti in the Elev- funerai at fie family resitience, enfli Older Boys' Paîliamenf. Not Hampton. only thaf, but I wlU frY f0 make fhe' Divisio was a goocUy attenclance at best of my oPporfunifies. Diiinon Thurstiay eveming. Ai- William Phillips Platform fer the business a short program was 1. 1 pletige myself to an intensi- given: piano duet, Misses Helen fied promotionî of: Count y Camps, Baker anti Evelyn Tinik; reading, New Trail Ranger Prograni, 3 C's Miss Etina Reynolds; an impromptu Campaign anti New Citizen. tiebate "Resolveti that girls are more 2. To make oui Suntiay Scliool intelligent than mon" was thon en- Program. more inteîesting anti help- joyeti. Everyone hati a chance f0 ful to boys, (a> by encouraging Bible spoak anti many interesting points Sfutiy Tests; (b> by enclpuraging wore brouglit ouf. A vote was taken Temperance Instruction Courses. anti the affirmative won. Next meet- 3. Tiat we again use tbe Bond ing fie 2nd. Tiursday ini December Campaign f0 finance oui will ho election of officers. work for tbe coming year. League meeting Monday evening 4. My higliest ideai is fo show was ici charge of fie Prosident, Mr. forth the real spirit of Tuxis by dis- W. R. Wostlake. Dovotional was tak- couraging Racial Discriination. on by Miss Ileen Balson; Piano Solo, 5. To encourage a dloser co-oper- Mis. Everef f Cryderman; Topic on ation botween C.S.E.T. andi C.G.I.T. 'Educaf ion anti rural citizenship" for fie puipose of spreading clieeî was well taken by Miss Lillian Dear- anti belping neetiy causes in fiese born; Mi. Maurice Baker reati an tiays of stress anti unemploymenf. article on thie lii e of Washington 6- I pletige myseif tf0 do my ut- Glatiden, author of "Oh Master lot mosf that fie boy life of this Prov- me walk witli Thoe" affor wiici fie inceO may ho Traineti for fie Baffle hymn was sung. A game was enjoyeti of Peace; (a) By Fellowship with on '"What do you know about Can- undeisfanding; (b) By Faifli or ada?" Meeting closeti with Loague Trust; (c) By Co-operation. Benetiict ion. So fellows get ouf anti boost Boys' Insfifufe meeting Thursday ait or- Work in thle coming year anti in s0 noon was helti in fie S. S. room wiîî doîng malce If a Plienomonal suc- thie Presitient, Mis. Jas. Moorey, cess. Be sure tii vote on Sat.. Nov. piesitiing. Mis. John Baker was 28tb. ippointoti delegate tf0 fie W. 1. Con--_____ vention fo bhleltinluToronto nexf ,veek. Roll caîl was answerod by If us goodti 0 jesf. but nof to make Inoxpensive Christmnas Gi!fts. Pro- a tratie of jesflng.--Queen Elizabeth. tram was given by group one: Piano Colder tiays are comning. Fortif y foot, Mesdames Everef f Cryderman your heaflih wifh Crearn0f Barley and Albert Balson; vocal duets, Mes- breakfast foodi. dames Haroldi Pascoe anti Charles Smith, accompanieti by Mrs. Evereftt Cryderman; reatiings, Mrs. John Kivell, Mis. N. C. Yellowlees, anti BAILJFFS SALE i(rs. Jas. Moorey. A tiainfy lunch vas serveti anti a social finie enjoy- Tuesday, Dec. lst.-I have recelv- ,ti. instructions from R. M. Janieson, Coltier tiays are coming. Fortify bailiff, f0 seillfie livo stock, imple- Youi healti wifh Cream of Barley aionts anti chattels of Thomas Tay- breakfast foodi. loi, Lot 22, Con. 5, Darlingfon, af the lafter's premises on fie above ~OVE NMEN TOdate. Terns cash. Sale af 1 p. M. GOVE NMEN TOT. M. Slemon, auctioneer. 47-t AID BY BONUS 0 SHEEP BREEDERS Breeders of Botter Stock i This District WilI Benefit Uniler" r New Plan A new bonus policy f0 improve thie tarmo aîîd Dominion Departments ofi Agriculture. This plan providos for a bonus on the purciase of a gratiet ran paiti oqually bof ween ftle two .eparfmnents, amdîtif will, no doubt, e the moans of improving fie gn cral qualify cof many flocks of sheep in the province. Ini a loffer f0 The Statesman, Mi. ohn Baker of Solina ouflinos thus' plan. The govoînnient sentis aqual- oent are John Baker, Tiïos.- Baker titi Roy Langmaiti. aIl of Hamp- on, R. R. 1.I The regulaflons governing assîsf- ~îmce ~in 5rcas Oc r-beranis G ii i i i S isuedby he Dparmen ofAgri-i G ch st C uluemaY ho procureti froni any fite above local breeders. QUALITY FOOD Pl AT LOW PRI RODUCTS ICES With every pound of Chase & Sanborne's Coff ee at 51c lb., you get this week one 8c package of Tea FREE. 1 Figs, good eil.ean cookers.........Oc lb. Stoned Dates ..................... 2 îbs. 25c Heinz Cî'earn of Tornato Soup....... 6 tins 49c Castile Soap) ................... 10 bars 25c SPECIAL-Robertsýon's Peanut Bai-s. . .7 for 15c Chateau Cheese, plain our pimento.......... 17c I3 Minute Oats, large package ............. 23c Austî'alian Seeclless Raisins.... .. ....2 lbs. 25c FOR YOUR CHRITMAS CAKE Raisins .................. 2 Ibs. 25e Currants ................... 15c lb. Cut Mixeci Peel............. 20c lb. Lemon and Orange Peel........ 20c IL Citron Peel ................. 30c lb. Scalded Cream and Pouîtry HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWM1ANVILLE Cood Furniture For Less Money That's a bold statemnent to make, but we ami backing it up this week as we launch into big business fou' Christmas. Here's a sample of the values you will find at our store: 5-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE $97.75 Beti, Dresser, Chifferobe vanity anti Bondi, lategitidesign, anti gooti work- manship, specially priceti for tis weok only; no neeti of buying out of town $ 7 7 when we tieliver riglit f0 your borne for $ 7 7 USEFUL C'HRISTMIAS GIFTS Come in anti see the newest in gif f pieces--Smokers, End Tables, Tea Wagons, Lamps, Etc. A small deposit will holti any article for tielivery at Christmas. NORTHCUTI & SMITII (Successors to Alan M. Williams) ]FUNERAL, DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS West of Bowman House Phones 58 or 523 Bowmanvle <e Anotmer Drap HIEAVY WOOL SOCKS Well known and dependable HANSON BRAND 4 PAIR FOR $10 ýs in Leather Coats 1 rÉ: MEN'S LEATHER WINDBREAKERS Extra Special at $6.75 :ials at $19 .85 and $24.75 Directly Opposite :IotIuing StoreBank of Montreal t PAGE SIX

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