THE CIANAflTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1931 Man Alive 1 You 've Got ta Have a New Qvercoat Here Are Splendid VALU ES These are bî'isk days, and we 've gotto dispel ail this taik about 'hard times," in addition to keeping you Warm. Here are over- coat values that xiii make you open your eyes, and send you in here eager to buy. You xiii recognize every coat in this group as ranging up to $25.00, for 119385 50 High Grade Coats- Society Brand, Ca mb - ridge, Tailor Craft Coats, values up to $35.00 This Week-End '24m75 Gilckrist's Store - Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Drug Needs A 25e tin Boots Meloids - Free -I With a 50e Bottle of Rexal Bronchial Syrup BOTH FOR 50e $2.00 Malt Ext. and Cod Liver Oîl %1.25 50e Rikers French Balm 39c $2.00 Hot Water Bottle S.49 16 oz. Standardized Cod Liver 011 S.00 $1.30 Scotts Emulsion 98c A 25c tin A. S. A. Tablets - Free - With a 50e Bottie of l'apure Best for Colds BOTII FOR 50e Every Cent you spend entitles you to One Vote in THE REXALL DOLL CONTEST Jury &Loveli When we test eyes It Is donc Properly *The Newcastle Indel THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th,1 SALEM Rev. A. S. Kerr of St. Paul's cburcb, Bowmanville, occupied the pulpit on Sunday and delivered a very fine discourse to a very apprec- jative congregation, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stephens and Mr. Nelson Wil- kins motored to Williamsburg on Monday where the former are tak- rng medical treatment f rom Dr. Locke Mr. and Mrs. C. Billings and f amily, Orono, spent Sunday with E. J. Doidge, "The Maples".* .Mrs. W. E. Pollard is spending a few days with Mrs. Alex Wilkins 11 Mr. K. Bloxham returned to Mont- real on Tuesday after spending sev- eral months wtb Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge Miss Gladys Cann, Tor- onto. spent the week-end wth her parents Sorry to report Mr. Ed- ward Darch stili very ill. Mr. Darch was taken to Bowmanville Hospital last week, Mrs. Darchs uncle who bas been vsiting ber returned to his borne in Orangeville last week iMrs. E. J. Doidge received the mes- sage of the death of ber cousin, Mrs. R. Maguet. Bradford. Pa.. on Mon- day. COURTICE Miss Amelia Lear, Westmount Scliool, Oshawa, was guest of Mrs. A. J. Gay on Sunoiay Miss Aura Brooks "Toots, Lockwood Clinic, Toronto, and Miss Smiths, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. S. S. Brooks Miss Tbompson, Tbed- ford, visited Miss Sadie Muir Mr. Albert Rundle is in Toronto at bis sons. Mr. Elmer Rundie, and is tak- ing in the Winter Fair for some days Mr. Ronald Courtice, Tor- onto, was home over the weekend .Mrs. A. F. Rundie entertained a number of Oshawa ladies to dinner and bridge on Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay and Miss Mabelle Walter attended Royal Win- ter Fair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Emprmngham, Toronto, attended the dance given by ber sister, Miss Sad- ie Muir, Friday evening Miss Anne Hoit picked a buncb of violets from ber flower garden on Friday whose bloom wvas brigbt and pretty as in the summer time On Friday evening Miss Sadie Muir entertain- ed about sixty young people to a Party and dance. Our communsty extends its sympathy to Mr. Dean Pickell and daugbters, Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. Cecil Found, in their bereavement in the death of Mrs. Jack Pickell, Detroit. Jack is well known and bas many friends bere, this having been bis boybood borne. Our sympathy goes out to him and bis two little boys in their sorrow. Sunday services were special. In morning Rev. A. R. Stone, returned missionary f rom Japan, preacbed on bebalf of Missionary and Mainten- ance Fu.nd. He based bis remaries on the customs of Japan wbicb was educative as well as interesting. Ini the evening tbe service was in charge 0f W. M. S., witb Mrs. Blake Cour- tice, lst vice president, presiding in a very pleasing way. The music was provided by a ladies' choir whicb gave mucb inspiration to the ser- vice. The speaker of the evening was Mrs. (Rev.> A. R. Stone, wbo bas been in missionary work in Jap- an five years and with Mr. Stone is home on furlough. Mrs. Stone beld the attention of every one in ber address, speaking witb mucb ease and in a very pleasing manner. She spoke principally about tbe rural districts in Japan and of the kinder- garten work there in wbicb she took a Prominent part, laying stress on tbe fact tbat the kindergarten is one of tbe greatest means of conversion among the Japanese. There are in connection with the W. M. S. fifty kindergartens at the present time. She also told of the ways in wbicb Japan is taking the leaci in con- nection with ber raîlway sel-vice and bydro power. Mrs. Stone said in ahl the rural districts she had visited in the five years tbere was but one vil- lage which had not electric lights. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were just re- cently marrîed and expect touretuin to Japlan to take up their work there. Tbey were guests of Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Wolfraim while bere. The offlering at ouîr W. M. S. service was about $1200. Support a local industry employ- ing local men. Eat Cream of Barley. .1 Cold Weather1 Citizens of Necaîstle and Clarke, Attention A public meeting will be held i Councîl Chainber ini Community Hall on Thursday evening (to-night.', Nov. 26tb, to organîze commîttees andi arrange details foi laading a car of fruit, vegetables, etc., for the West. Notwtistandîng ail the cars tbat have gone tram Ontario carry- ing produce, clothîng and good cheer ta the destîtute people of Soutb Saskatchewan, families in some sec- tions are still unprovîded for for the wrnter. A few more cars are urg- ently needed and it is ta meet thîs need tbat a car will be loaded at the C. N. R. station bere next week and sent west. W. H. and D. J. Gibsan and otber members of the Newcastle Frcuit Growers' Association bave al- ready volunteered their assistance and co-aperatioli and sufficient pro- duce has already been offered ta en- courage the hope that the undertak- ing wîll be a real success. CADMUS Ser-vice was held here Sunday mornîng ,vith a good attendance The C. W. A. meeting was held at the homne 0f Mrs. A. E. McGill on Tuesday, wth 15 preseiît. After business anîd a short prograîn the provîdcd a dainity lunch Mu ýsioni Band wsli eld in the chuîch on Saturday uncler the supervision of Mis. chas. Gîbsoi Miss Glad- ys Cobbledîck spent the weekend autier the parental rouf Mr. Fraîiiik Walter ant(i Miss hirdie 1allis speuit SLIîIîdky %wth Mr.i.and Mr-S. C. H. I'alli. l11r. andi Mrs. Jamnes Nus- i btt aind Mariivî called oniiMr. and Nliz. .Edgar Gibsoî n \eon .da evi-niîk Mr. antI Mis, W. t1). Fer- gulsoni spent Sati day' evenîing in (j. liama Mi. and Mrs. George Fowler anîd M Helen Fuwler at- i ended a br-idIgE paîrty n Black- stock Fridaiy evening Quite a nlunîber from tis vîcinîîy attended the (lance in Lotus Frîday nighit Mr~. Leonard MiIl, and Mr. Tloiias Ridlei spent Friîday iii Oshawa IMr. Lowell Fallis niotured ltu Toronto on Friday Mr. nd Mirs. Everard Sandeison and family and Mr~. Thomas Pedler spent Sunclay at Mis. W. H. Montgomery's Mr. Lloyd Thompson spent Sunday at bis par- ents'. Mrs. Thos. Burkell and daugbter Leone spent Sunday week wth Nor- wood friends. Mrs. Thos. Coucb receivdwr on Sunday of the deatb of ber sis- ter, Mrs. W. T. Elliott, of Lucan, Ont.. The f uneral took place on Tuesday and was attended by Orono and Clarke relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanna recently enjoyed a four days' motor trip through western Ontario, visiting Mrs. Hanna's aunt, Mrs. Richard Colwill, and Mrs. Colwill's daugbter Mary and family. at Sarnia. and Mr. Chas. Colwill and family, Walk- erville. They also visited Detroit. St. George's Church-lst Sunday in Advent: 8 a. m.-Holy Commun-. ion; il a. m.-Morning Prayer; 7 P. m.-Evensong; Young Men's Bible Class at 9.45 a. m. in the Vestry; Sunday School at 2 p. ni. Monday, Nov. 30th-st. Andrew's Day, Holy Communion at 10 a. in. Wednes- day, Dec. 2nd-Day of Prayer and Intercession: Holy Communion. 7.30 a. m. and 10 a. m.; Intercessions and Prayers at 8 p. m. PAGE TEN pendent* 1931 Harold C. Allmn is expecting Mrs. Allin and their daughter, Ruth Eliz- abeth, borne f romn Bowmanville Hos- pital this Saturday. Tbe Young People's League on Monday evening was well attended. Miss Hilda Rowland, who bad spent the weekend in Toronto, very ably took the topic. Miss Dorothy Rick- ard gave an interesting report of the recent convention in Osbawa of Bay of Quinte Conferencé Young People. Miss Phyllis Clemence rend- ered a piano solo, and Miss Audrey Brown favored with a reading. Mrs. Clarence Allin presided. Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Miss A. Drum- inond and Mrs. W. E. Beman ad- dressed tbe imembers of the Golden Rule Mision Band in the S. S. hall on Saturday afternoon. Gracie Powell gave a rectation an6j Reta Powvell a reading: Evelyn Allin, the president, andI Gladys Pollard each contributed a vocal solo. Tbe tbank offering anounted to over $22.00, in- cluding the price of a life member- sbip for Marjorie Lycett by Miss Rowland of Willosvdale Rest Fomie. Miss Helen Lycett, Toronta, spent the weekend with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moffatt. Mr. Alfred Bonathan bas gone tô Bowmaflie to stay witb bis sister, miss Lou Bonathan, during the wln- ter. Mr. Fred Lake, Mrs. Frank G»J- son and Misses Mary and Ellen Breen, spent Sunday with the Misses Hanley and tbeir sister, Mrs. Black- 1er, Oshawa. Mrs. Wm. Bonathan attended the funeral of ber daugbter-in-law, Mrs. Fred Bonathan, at Georgetown last week. Her son-in-law and daiigh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haugb, Tor- onto, motored down after ber and she wlll spend the winter with tbem in the city. NEWCASTLE A. W. Glenney is converting one of the storebouses back of the office into a cbopping mill, tbe equipment ta be driven by electricity. Friday nigbt is the nigbt of the big military baîl in Comimunity Hall. The Baîl promises ta be one of the most fashionable events of the sea- Soli. Franke Gibson bas beaten all otb- ers wbo purcbased wood lots on the Mainwaiing farm, having :already cleared tbe timber from bis whole lot. Several farmers bave not start- ed yet. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and son Francis were ini Toronto on Friday and visited Mr~. and Mrs. Geo. N. Bull. Mrs. Jose and Francis re- nained over ta spend a week sitb relatives. St. Georges Sunday School will bold its annual Christmas Tree and Entertainment on Friday, Dec. 18tb. Bear this date in mind and plan toI spend a bappy evening witb the eilîdren on this occasion. 48-1 Miss Ruth Synions, Welcome, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock over the weekend. hvaing corne up to attend the High School Com- mencement and see bier cousin Ed- win win the 2nd form proficiency prize, the English prîze and the pub- lic speaking prize. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday. Nov. 29~: il a. m.-Morning Worsbip; 2.30 p. m.-Sîînday School; 7 p. m.-Even- ing Service. Rev. Walter E. Milîson, D. D., Evangelism and Social Ser- vice Dept. Toronto, and formerly of Saskatoon, Sask., will preacb at both cburcb services. Howard and Ernest Pearce and Stanley, Garnet and Brenton Rick- ard motored to Hope Sunday and visited Mr and Mrs. S. C. Sculthorpe. Mr. Fred Anderson, Windsor, mot- ored bis father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson, to Peterboro last Wednesday to visit tbeir dau- gbter, Miss Eleanor Anderson. Fred Cowan, Scriptor of tbe New- castle Tuxis Square, is vîgorously pusbing bis candidature for memn- bersbip itbe Ontario Older Boys' Parliament. Fellow Square mem- bers accompanying bim on bis cam- paign visits to tbe several boys' groups througbout tbe riding are Walter Blackburn, Murray Butler and Jamie Wrigbt. Rev. W. P. Rog- ers is deputy returning officer for Newcastle and the polling booth will be open in the basement of the con- munity hall from 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 28th. It is to be boped tbat every eligible vote be cast. At 8.15 after the votes are Icounted and recorded the Newcastle Square will bold its weekly meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coucb have been looking f orward and preparing for some time for a prolonged visit f romn their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Awde of Seneca, S. Dakota. Learning of their in- minent departure from their midst the good people of Seneca tendered Mr. and Mrs. Awde a regretful fare- well and the Seneca local paper re- ports the event as follows: A sur- prise farewell party was tendered Mr. and Mis. J. A. Awde by a num- ber of their f riends and neighbors who came to express their regret at has'ing this fine couple leave. and to present them with a farewell token. Mr. and Mrs. Awvde plan on leaving for Newcastle, Ont., Canada, where tbey will make their home. They will be nîissed by the people of thî.s community. always having taken an active part ini cburch and social af- fairs and setting a fine example by their bright and industrious lîves. 1 NOTICE Hpie Fn.L UYOUR TANK T- WWITH the N EW WINTER GRADE MARAT'HON' C* Made in Canada by MC O1 ~RQNTENAC 011 COMPANY".,LIMITED Fellow residents and former f eflow pupils of the Newcastle Hlgh School are congratulating Murray Butler, wbo sçcured bis Junior matriculation here last year. on winning the ora- torical contest at the Bowrnanville High Scbool. Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball entertain- ed a large number of Port Hope friends at Harris Lodge last week- end, wben Mr. and Mrs. Alf red Bronskill, Toronto, were also at the Lodge with him. On a recent week- end the doctor entertained a number of families f rom Hope, resident in the neighborhood of Revelstoke Manor, the doctor's boyhood home. Mr. Stanley Milis, Port Hope, is now at the Lodge making some additions and alterations to certain out-build- ings. r 'A S ilverware Sale The greatest cut price sale ever presented ..i Values and prices are unbelieveable in SilVer Plated Tahleware, Knives, Forks and Spoons. For Your Home For Your Purse For Your Xmas Gifts DECEMBER 4th and 5th. Reserve these dates and reserve your savings. Any item of rableware makes not only ideal but a useful gift. Most of your Xmas Gifts can be selected from this sale, thereby sav- ing you the usual of "what will I get." Full particulars next week. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE WHEN LOOKING AROUND' For Christmas GIFTS Be sure to make a visit to our store where you will find ail the newest furniture including: Lamps S mokers O ceasional Chairs Cedar Chests Ferneries r' End Tables Tea Wagons Chesterfield Tables Ï11 Console Sets and Other Gift Pieces. SIMMONS BED SPRINGS and MATTRESS Special this week NORTIICUTT &SMI1TH (Successors to Alan M. Williams) FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURMITURE DEALERS West of Bowman House Phones 58 or 523 BowmniavmI l117 everq;lthiÀnq but PRICE