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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1931, p. 1

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Vol 7 MtA.atte man With Which Is Incorporated The Bowm-anville News GolI7VMEACO N CERTS NS P blsTO T h eM A N ILEH uN .,ban dD Y, O V M BRy6th 1 31$2.0l Y arin dv nc 5cal.y o LEGION BAND WILL iia LIBERAI. BANQUET m te Enri IKP O U E P CLNewcastle Community Hall, Dec. th. M rray Bute and Eln ykes W nGvvON YT AID NEEDY 0F TOWN 'C rews Riga d at R tr e tn Mitchell F m. Hepu .pakr B S. Oratorical Contest Honors 0F BUYER'S D LA WeH Known Local Atists Wiâ AssistDurham County Lberal Associa- e.ikoMasSt i n S p le n d i d P r o g r a m in t hs e O p e r a t i n i r a g n o In t r r l yý atCaeadbaqe tNwc l omn Eight Students of High IERDCACHR ment at DurhamsMUJ rdues Ho s n Dsm e l h O A Y S E K RW l n n W i e ty Hall on Tuesda, Dec . 8th . eti -at N w IDelightful Talk at Ladies' 7 p.m. Mr. Mitchell F. Hepburn nrew School Entered Annual - . The Canadian Legion Band is teCu Liberal leader for Otri.wÏ bc GIVENJaEDsCn oCHAhe faithfully practi.sing for the concert Nih WJhLRtryCu the guest speaker. Onktare 75c Ctes i As'-1bl Hall teTrnoMl rd which s being arranged for Decem- IMs htîeotNtdeadh and as the hu.sdy gtheToont MlkProucrs'Asoc ber lth in the Opera House, the limnited you are advised to rnake our onThrsayNig h t -0 ýý.meeting o the Durban ikPo funds of the Poppy Fund and thseSigr Sag rup freeato erl Harold Hartley and Elsie dcers in ew~castleComny Comniunity Welf are Cormmttee. te gog. __ . .in nSecond Place. L aturdampeten,. peîetA is hoped that the public will f111 thejB H S. GRADUATE Alteunyods elo hall on this occasion and aid in te Ladies' Night at the Rotary Club, ~ retary. This meeting washl o splendid cause for which the concert~ tilt one meeting uursng mne yeurx unuualylagauineunL.acoamtpriddwt is arranged. The prograns. as sug- B uWauter Reynolofcontcotanta, aec getd y Prsdet R. M C ton 0 tise sole purpose o RO P RO F SSOf geanttsuagvafet rssu jehanda gtied bLegi il cntai.nMaboto6nboantariails are iviteci to participate,buiesMrJako1 teLgowl otiabu6bad -was pronouniceca a great success on ured the annual High Scisool Ora-. .hd numbers under the baton f Band- toi a o ts n t eSIol A -es a e m r e h m a s t e r R o b e r t L o w e n s . T h e s e k~~~~~~t ý 1 ý î, a y n i g a u t . A b o u t 7 0 w e r e n a t - D r . J . H . E l o t t A p p o in t e d P r o f e s s o r t r c l C n e £ A h c s o d a m e i g o o k M l r d c maserRo ertLann . Tunusua rll l Lfeat-ye o e inoformationor a Toonon tnly Hal e Tmrday niht nnd nd hcraeam o bers All b note ortly for ttelrt lle t progra mis ever staged on Un versty and parents early filled the all to ol si at n venane ndtneyejaendon 0sohMdicl dsor atToonoaiseauiece0f ntreteLstddtskwc he fetiPsed vretain snddimake a pleasgLai es s nt an thse history of thse capacity wisile double the number Durham Producers present threse ti on. Iivoca ddtonlosa k tish du . Dab z H itintern - f c netns as compared no n a d sda u d 0ffca n tier e w di e c a o l o s s kedth " res idtenttGeo. W Jam es presided D . J111Hen y7 lot c nta-ants Inttehours of is a hch hifreelypassed netothh Peardon, figure and folk dancing, - core0fwchtsgussid lge n internai Medicine and former 'the contest... Pr toquatess.cbdA ie hsi ncomesofnacthesigs leduy d president 0f tise Àcademy 0f Meti- PicplL W. Dippeil presided foain fTrnodsrbtn companies; milk truekens hi x Fol hisseven rthe Chroff ieLrng oe ie adiae Mdoiser guests0f vesit 0 eTrntpot ued r. J our giexrae tak is pare sa.teeuie r ch n SreHoptlMrCotnase-anist, tise president lormally wel- 0fistory 0f Medcine at tise Uni- large turnout. Tise four boys and h suig iktst;dfeetasA pressed tie iope tiat citizens w ll c i. Toronis antohe ue ts o H e Ad at icularly desifor th at tfe ise tie evening. Favors were distrib- T. otierington, Who retired last the best orators in tie sciool and . -rs; tie s r a , a og t rto wd, _____________ ued mog tselades cositmg0fJune, t was aflnounced last nîgist. tbey compared very favorably witis - -- - -- - ets;entsed. ice te Poue e H e i s p a r t i c u l a r l y e s i r o u s t h a t ha e d a l y b o e d e s ,f F r n i s t i p e r - f D r . E l l i o t t , W h o w a s b o r n n o r a t o r s p r o d u c e d A n t i s e s c i s o o l a n c i e n h r h view 0ftise wotity cuse and0fetis veOftewrhcasanoftefume. In thiAs connection Mr*s. 0. A. Hampton An tise county 0f Durhsam past Ycars. Two prises were offered Dr1 .EPaoycevs and tierctisecnsue great need for welfare funds at tis s Mabel Crews RJngland Edmondstone recesved tise box con- hand aended inwmedne Higi nsacis casMr, tise. t. Gforabohs don- SGrandueate f oaile Higis fthe omesof oritioIpcitioA season 0f tise year. taining tise lucky nuniber and re- S1lx'the raduteofToAntodiin18fro td y ra.g . Gîrada oiaiT-Sioladltrntlaeronts oes0 oot iies Noted Toronto autisor and lecturer, ceived an additional prize of a book ts. nvrit .Trn.< n17 ono rda~0 omn rije edical researcis worker, wio sa.sJakoasetdiathreAnw pays, andJa ise class 0f reat hin hc whose address "The Perfect Hus- of tickets at tie Royal Theatre. wnmnig tie gold medal and tie igis Sciool, and tie two girls' been appointe<J Professor of -I tory not a single Private sippry HAMPTON band" was received witis great en- Tie president took tie opportunity George Brown Memorial sciolarslhp. pries were donated by tie late W. of Medicine at the Un .e -s;ty of wiere n tie country sndigcra thusiasm at tise Rotary Club Ladies' of congrauatngtisree members of A rcvlew of thse-records disclose tisc W. TarublYn. M. A., a former teacis- Toronto. noTrno ti l e M r . . o o ns n nt rt ai ed ~ t s c ub wi o sa b en re e n ly h o - fa ct t iat ise w as a br Aill an t stu d en t, er o f t ie sc iool. c e m r e f a s r Mr. .Godm n enerane M .ored, Ross Stutt with tieeeto hfieadig bis casa An medicine cacis The winners An tise contet were: and Mrs C Sm rt and Mis A t e eecion of yea . n t heTorono. It s alc elved !ro SmatToont, Ms.Master of Jerusalem Lodge, Herusse I 89year. Girs-.îst, Miss ElAnor Sykes; 2nd, STRAW STACK FIRE anodutier rcnsues at, ise cunr S m a r t , T o r o n t o ,M is E lan dA lMr . B yan dl tMr sr r a yo d u e r r he la t er n t o y 3 0 Allen Parker, Dayton, 0hi, over theYOUNG PEOPLE 0F Brown, as Principal f Palestne fan i1898ge is e M app o ltedButysrcofMissastle ; Boy-îs, HurrayE DA G il'S C URCH erctnd as rsn Mfrise ohs cge Sanatoriu]m. Two years later Hartiey of Bowmanville. The sub- inde teeknd.roms ortn an PRESEJO NTSED UCOMEDY p ita ona r itf heH s e Was one of an expedition sent to Jecta clscussed were widely varied An ENNISKILLEN BAk" profits account for thse other7 Miss Louise Goodman have .îust re- pitST.BoOHN turne froma shrt viit i Toroto. PESEN ED CO EDY ommy Kniigist also receive< tise study malaria and otiser tropical nature and tisey were surpriinl Plown om isus .Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Sheppard, diseases n Nigeria. Since 1907. he difficult for students to delve nto. Sunday morning Bae Brings mn o SeModed advtedoT snst congratltions of tec ntise nio ced advFre ofbl 1 Or Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Snow areAudience Witnesd DeIiuhtfuI attainnient, ~ cu on Noebr1tiseo bas been a <èOnsulting pisysicisu Tise addresses briefly tolci were as Farmers Out to Join Bucket Mr. Jackson for bis very infomtv denn, Ml r. sud Mrs. W . th-on play in the Parish Hall on anotiser mlilestone An a useful flie. hre. In 1908 ise was appointed an follows: Biaermrs esdM.athcnd saa MrsW . T su -n Mndy - Vice-President Hermie Brown als assoclate An nMedicine and clinical Miss Elsie Allun chose an unusuanBigduemrs Ilnrcen bitisdy. t and rMrrtse arosed:tyied isetormtio 0f isee sc- tThe Univetrsetity clledfUSToFrTIVs. XECTIV Roy Metcalf and f amily, Darlington, congratulated tise president on h medcnto tt iUlesty0 o- uje n "Secret Socleties." Sise. spent Sunday witis Mr. and Mrs. A very successf ul program n sd of tis sPart of tie progranite rs becane an assistant piysician at ities since tie earliest of times. between Il sd 12 o'clock on Sunday A. Trenoutis.- .Mr. sd Mrs. H. L. play was staged by tie Young People IMent ntroduced M l Hutchinson, a yhears pag o s b cme a spec.ia x - sereh e rvan iet o curt a t hens orn t am 0f W. H. Harrs, R.fn R. 1,T AT NE Pascoe, Colum bus, M rs. T ios. Scott, 0 S hb's Curc b n tie Parisis director af Toronto R otary Club sd te r A n n ee can e a tse cisl O! se re tseie f o rm ato dn tsp outl En it e au e of W .senHiseH argr asb - xeRt.e CoRtte.! 1,D r R eynold n, e e usa turday M rs F. a udieSlt n greeted edi a splheendid f S e raprograr fo m at on.p w iso isadlle , h en th e lareyarconscntet ve o m mtre-o Kedon, wee g cat cf Mss dn Hal n Monday nigit when a large a well known Durham Cou y b y H gene at the is lversity. In 1912 tie Middle of tie ast centuiy wîen came endangereci tirougis the close bain C oUntY MUalo F estIva u o Rosevear, Mayor of Port Hope, Mrs. Tise feature 0f tise program was a sponsible for tise evening 's prograns, re becarim iyii ttseIODEtiseUiteStatesand was foen roxenty o! th stack ie persi ntion mRue and Bowmaviuon o Rosevear, Mrs. C. Stephsenson. Mr. sho<rt play entltled "Sei gfor tise Melintroduced h ~is Tohoto gustsPrent r ie nle Satssu te o t en iamon- etprms ing th.Res sud egto s cver and Mrs. H. L. Reeve, Port Hope, Heatien," presented under the dir- sd a er some brie! unorous re- o tbs Wltn m o- otier secret societies. She dwelt frous Mayor M. J. Elliott beforethe agts a a e et o ie og w ere Sunday guest s o f M iss L. ection of M rs. J. A . G uni sud w ll tm arks, called on Mi s d ytm a tlc e iPss oy fn it r aedicine and p ri u a l ont e ase sty terruknitiesd o le v t e to n iz t On W ll b sud Sororitie Reeve .The f uneral o! tise late received by tise audience. tlcwortis. Canada's drticso-wlloSisutad hub u- wbis elaynethethe departune otrehston Ineof medici nne sd prtculady o tiUersityFa. trck weay led te eavete fornaionwOf t e ubjted ta ac t Elizabeth Doldge recently af Oshsawa It being tise regxiiar meeting nlgist prano, wiso rendered two very fine Harolon "Trees sud Sisrubtho!seus wasise A tie cancs iereon o0f tise Young People tise meeting OP- numbers. "If WAnter Cornes" and He served wltb tise C.A.M.C. dur- .,spar oeraoveuor n nisleuntyfarmers o! tise su- ovht .ullatt8 p.. ItAn ofecto d ak o k a." H a r o l d H a rtel e y a m p - nw isot h aa smtin dea e v o ti- "ii n e.g rA nntise. BC o mmhe s eut yaH a llet ,N"T ec aatp he. ton Cretr. Orsympathy s cx_ iperiod, after wbicis Presfdent rval- numbers were recelved with gea ieu theenao i u vdte be by far eadeoa , a bucet e n n t.evroscmn i tended to ber brother and sister of don Musson Welcom d tie audience. entusiasm for t s seldon tie club let a t- O fl 5-.ý . 1918. most nterestng of tiose presented. om d asukt i gadtie. f n r ien w ogaiainse a W . G . D o i d geMi s E dsaR e y - jbe rtth e n fvol o w e d n d i n l u df aarno e .e t e l r b m eW e our village, Mms. J. G. Burns and Mr. A short program 0f musical numni s privileged to bear a singer of sucis He was not only fluent An bis seehwterbinesottefres Th e raiiin nolds, Mms. L. Trul and Miss Ruth Ivery clever piano duet by Misses Mr. Hutcbinson then introduced MALFFHACEEGAnobteseargretd itof ter -frence der wetrmdo! wetise arauyar etingday tegd stry Tier Johns are attending tie W om en's IS isotter; an extreniely well rendered the speaker of the evening, M ms. AT LOCAL PO ST OFFICE no tes ha ge ahit odea o !f ti t r c n o ie b a e s d A is s w y h d ts s c n i er b e e ts sa u u Institute Convention in tie Royal Ivocal solo by Alan Knig t; a hum or- M abel Crews Ringland, well crn n ts iso y a u n tru ckfi re un dr on traie sen ie ire ter hes be n dipla eci y il th York, Toronto tis s week Our ious reading, "Levinkys Wedding," wrie cfspcalatilsc il tu - Change of Train Service Wil u AJt m enit.a Peitsaps tiose pomost n oe vle o h ta s ed og nzto ok Leaue ereroyll enertine a wiichbîogit forth gales of laugis- ies and short stonies. Mrs. Ringland Tmes for Sending and Reeving Iwortisy cisaracterastic about bis ad-fo se e hcatl t atmebut adeidn o lanshe arst bountycometet tise Bowmanville Y. P. S. on Mon- ter.b M1rs. Wni .Adams: a splendid is a daugister of Bey. Dr. A. C. Crews Mails at eowmanvlue Post dress was tise iumor ise njected Antl<> use igtise cisemicl othwAt, utad An old til e xfrt CMuayFtiva day evening. O ur Y oung People put '0SlO by M iss Phyllis Challis; w o bas preac bd ere w it b suchsO fc it. e treated tie subject botis c nr lln ie fr ib w t r a ti B w s v.l e t M y i A 11 b on tie program and a social tme nd a vclsl and encore by Mms. acceptance on miany occasions Mrs. Ofc hoeial and amUsingly and e-mdareadiontth ci was enjoyed by ail. Tise Bowman- A. Col%-,ile. Aln ber usual delightful Ringland captivated ber audience Ctzn iol aentc ia evdtiebgetoaino iee h tc as wtbi n vcy feigwDisantheCmuntsu At ast ha teoeth ically vtin fth e mud. tak asa new vryf Draddion tand tis ciiso ville friends provided lunch at tie style. c ompeted that part of tie w 'ith ber address tiat contained not fortierisecon d t ke n otiey J ening at its close.- feet o ! the b a n ti re o y be g w ts tse m s c l a e t w lc t e -4 close f tis progrni Mr Harr proforzîthe suecoordgnal wt inda v ry short room enoug is for a Wagon t e aýs (County bas, a real ighi & ls fai Cowling, Toronto. spent Sunday at Tise kresentatson o! the play ne- butyagreat deal o oo! lepi- fie ae enc_____hor_____"TeRmac f ae nceaig h ar fal atl n borne Mr. L. T. Pascoe, Misses veal!ed a tory which w'as exception- osopisy which went deeply into tish sne d. Tigh for- s etrTied o mae caf aper" An lentisein o!alctead Editis and -Marjorie Pascoe spent a 11 funy and wa3 tild concerniîng I inds o! er earers. er subject, mer change was mate w en dy ight bl ie tracedtise mkn !th is npem ntsAncase tie blae spread aa ef das wthyT ronoiItendTonranadie iAdiendes aonadhursa iTisg P rfeceHuban."rwun'savng ceouadsuntsacursya d in atu beecbmmiltdfnmgtsebertyte ise uiling but wit out any O MI G E ENT attended the Royal Fair Mr. and wich %vas sending clotes to the ularly pporparfr ucth tisentcage oneflI Mrs. Chas. Johns and fainily spent Hottentots n Af rica and neglecting casion. aponaefrsc nO-a resergnitihnge om e tfailn t ppues Wlent inw mtie froni Uic vint tbiowingTey re iabeleve to, re- j -l oner Sunday n Toronto Mr. and Mrs. tise clothes of their isusbands. Some Usually, tise speaker stated, t was ferto cnfo ra ishontise lemand potemenfollweditse gows and.-bavstna te cfrmenteou hestcm-Dec.2n.Rsrets ae vi e -to cofaniat i o tis et an dsr-p apyrsheplant An E gt Pro th a t hventrtss e f ir e onAn s com-ev dC.e 's Scsool Cert d T ued y W. W. Horn spent Sunday sith Pet- extremely funny situations present- tise nen wiso iad tiehe asenertrin o tseuns mpovmetofrug tseagscls-ocainls is cnte ! is sac erboro frien ts M r. Frank Hast- ed them selves and tie cast a ui- ocng t er pi o s An ub c, ut Passing throug b Bowmanville. ng witis a fine description af tie was found to be burning funlcusly Suppot a l clA1sty e n l y A n g . u e l i s s p n t ti s w e k - n d a t e d t h e i s l v e a m i a q it-hos e t a t ein g t i e o r d eiw as u lr , b t O u t g o i n g M a il s n a k i n g o f n e w s p r i n t n a m o d e r n w il e t i e o u t s i d e w a s i a r d l y a l g i t . i n g l c a l m e n . E a t C r e a n s o !a h om e M r. and M rs. G . E dgar an d taking part include ti M iss D orotiy an ti tie ladies w ere to ave t ieir M * t oc t 1 p i, 6 p n. n T sNt r ! i ii a i n i - ondatis e a n as n tis o th ew buicon sth bé held T surl a sud n da ov Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Davies, Oshsawa, Bonnycastle as tise president of tise innings. Tisswould gAve te hetisefc t1 .m,6 .man Te tnif tiseto, df-o tefrn n hels asc m. èedThrdyan rd spent Sunday at Mr. J. W. Wilcox's. Society: M. Geo. Young as ts opportunity o! gettng teir ownIIcu th.40 p . intteretels a e esting .26han 2t. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ranton and iots'fiemein:Ms. Gibbs, back on tie men andtin adio Mails for tie east will close at ca rjs ne, was iandled ex- ~ - Bowmanville Womens Iitt Margaret. Trenton, visiteti Mrs. W.I played by Clara Ashle, a very dca! iig oiinfst 8 15 a. mi. and 9.40 p. ni. tremelY well by George Grahani. will me nS .E alo J. Virtue on Sunday A very n- me be f ie aie' i; r. .sorne i niions a o w t * ails for Port Hope only close He divdeti is subject n tracing te, Mrs. G. H. Bickell visiteti ber at 3 p. i,. pogram n Cha e o terestîng event took place last Tues- M Power, a tblnks ta berto heat 1PM . modern civilization into tisree parts, group 6. Min. cd Baken, convnr day evening after corrpletion of tie district. playeti by Miss Margaret (Continued on page 4) Mails to rural sections, ncluding Saaey, Barbarism and Civilis ille Can vtentin te W me' ' The a ternoon Auxilary o!T0iy* - black base pavem ent on te Scugog Colvile; tie hired girl playeti by Courtice. Hamptn on , E niskillen, and tion, and eacis f tiese e again di- siu e C n e to t htie Royal W. Mf.wI e t n ts cs o Roati. when tise Superintendent, Mr. Miss B. Bagnell; Luella Huggins, tise TRINITY CHOIR OFFICERS oe 93 .vddit he atgv on OMon Te3 ita Bruce Sutherlandi, o! tise Raynor romantic niember, played by Doro- Incomlng Mails Prebensive review o! tise graduaI Manager C. T. Ross caf tise Royal All Members attend. Election o Construction Ltd.. contracters for tby Munipage; Mrs. Clifford Day, a Mails arnlvlng An Bowmnanvillc har ihst Oif i arn ies tise southern portion of tise higisway, newly wed, by Miks Florence Oliver,- On Friday evening, Oct. 30tb, f nom tise west will comne at 10 a. ni., (Continued on page 4) Tiseare ises coupncaiys ptrons fiEcery ilbeh was presented witis a diamond ring and two otiser members o! th ise Tymnity Unitedi Ciurcis Choir elected 2.20 p. m. and Il p. ni. I ~--spocans Wednesday last tisat tiseCxMor Sales show rocne, l as a token of esteeni in which ise Mss Downey anti Miss Evelyn Oke. tise following oflicers for tise comang Mails f rom tise eat arrive isere at 1 1Co MJo was belti by bis feilow workers. The At tise close o! tise prograinitise year: Presient-M. S. Dale; First 10 a. ni. anti 7.30 p. ni. BALMY WEATHER spoons are 110W avallable ith-ywilSret cam-A"e n rdyNv Neill an t an ad ress te Mr. Sute- prn .- tss at A ie C . Se o; T e s rr Mr 2f o ;fr m T r n t93 i; a t. Dnaealee ee sci vlu1 fa.!teen tiays' selling event htwl Are tisecnes wiso yap antywî MaenAgt"niUccop. store at a;aryModerratNonhtiseand1 the . . Mr- T.o . S app. n GI. ai xe) ti y a hs" ie tls you, an ti ne eclipse sything O its kin t een elti ortsdn a s rycama l _ -cosen w ll be C. L. ebussy. Ts Osaa GWS lnetruhsfl ntisstOwn, To tisssok Fn o h asaecaPe o ilcneeare Mrs. SitsFruo Mh n Tisas.Sta le on . siaw,0OIO6ES gan7 isau. isfmlpage atver-Ivs b s ati i m ny ew ns .6p ally. tu. ntisemetwl rov Iport sape- ______________ tisAs ale.tock My . that a wbic A Tse taesm n0Ofiel M.57 a i . Iv~ Ae et il po e bs wod e b oe h a Wbch lla ls eo bein clwti a es ewdn ai omng ey wek in!ornled tise editor that ise 7 1 .m DiyecptSn. Ang thtisimporetvntorae s tisearindispsai A WeL true. hol, tie ci ab ersin adMs P a Ssen ger tr in ta ru npbwison T o r-sa itisevlautif Stnberslareonexa te tetsaltacatte nde sudgh e ar was a passenger on tise firat G.T.R. ana ii !SnaCaso a- ______________ eoIe ws i wlec foegae Fora iad uck ligeti. HA»-.PAIpqTP» onto anti Oshsawa on Oct. 27. 185. COLLACUI-, COACH LUNE 8 oUrtilacykafternnoon.sNov.928tis, at 3M.J u c i s l o Ye ,a ot f m n Me was Just 8 months aoti at tise Leave wmTIME TABLE litegf o vr o n ilntrtis e pames iat ad tAi wi nd heyogrt av epor esio ti m e a n d h is zn ot e r b r o u g t h* o wmon v lîe L e a v e B o w m a n v lI .l te 1gu tftu rfo r l kev e ry b o y a n ti g irl A n al e O f a n d P t A i e a n t b i s n i c t i s e b r u g l i h l t a ( W Oe t b o u ld > ( E n t b o u n d î B o w m a n v î î e a n t i d i s t r i c t . A s a n D i r e c t o r a n o t i H o n o l r a y T r e a s u r e r e o ! w Ail l b e l e v e t t is a t u a n M u n u s u a l o p p o r -B t y u a r n t i e y t e f n h e IU l s o i a s l e!H ai p atd Oshsawa for tise day, retu nIng tise .10 a. m. 9.20 a. n. ativance sample o! tissgift was sent T ronta o taverInClub anti a wellthe tunlty awalC ina andts YOO. Mn.o ec Baie niglit ta Toronto. For 47 10.50 a. mi. 11.60 a. ln, ta Tise Statesmnan office on Tuesday knawn Durisarn County boy, wiso you ta Compare bie PrIces wt t-Tnt n h os ern adeslal o ra pe yers Mr. Stapleton ws a faltful .0 p. an. w 8.05 p. s oigtab Wrh ovdd h at.t frth ade 1 . 5 P m 3 . 6 . n . e s s h l p s i t v e t h tv e i n v i e s P i a e bu r t s l i t y e v el A n Y t i cu r a a s o d oat n G.TR. empiyee andiwuasuperan.. 8.60 p. m.7.05p. while brnging yur children for th sNlI t pragram at tise Rotary Club oefth rtstoppoi'tlntiesfo Anti ar setti'--- rackt nuateti 20 yearsago. 2.2 a. M. (midnwgt) 9.45 p. M., eent. ers on Prday. savng o! tise year. Lest tieyre askecî ta give a bit. Etisci M rris. 7T 1 Il.

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