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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TO THECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1931 "LET YOUR DOLLARS FREE PUBLICITY SERVECANAD" ISSame people believe they are en- SLOGAN FOR LOAN titled ta free space in a newspaper "Let your dollars serve Canada" ta baost same pet hobby or philan- is the slogan for the appeal which thropie endeavar of theirs. Ta ex- the omiionGovmnmet hs lun-plain just why f ree publicity is nat the Domtao rarise 0.00.00 "aupr- given we will campare a newspaper mae th e e 1anami0,and financia- With any other business. It is in the welf are of Canada", as it is aptly first place a retail business dealing put in the officiai circular cantain- direct with the public. It has haw- ing details of the 1931 National Ser- ever no great variety of things ta vice Loan. seil other than advertising, sub- The offering of this considerable sciptians, and printing. On those amont f bndstoinvstos i on ithree things the paper is expected af the motiprtn fnnca un- ta pay its way. Subscriptians alone dertakings this cauntry lias ever wit do nat and neyer have made a pro- nessd, ertinl sice he ar aysfit for a weekiy newspaper. There- when Victary Bonds were offered in fri ean o defsn n large amounts and readily subscribed printing ta pay the wages and other ta save the country f rom foreign ag - running expenses. gresion.When a persan enters a newspaper Naw the necessity lias arisen of affice in an endeavour ta get free savmng the country f ram ecanomic pubiicity it is the equivaient af that consequences of an extrardinary samne peýsan walking ino a grocery character, and that the public wiîî store and asking for his groceries respnd iîththesaie prmptessfree, or ta a shoe store and expect- is as unquestioned as when Canada rng the praprietar ta hand out free staod an the verge of a cataclysin in af charge a pair of shoes. It amounts the darkest days af the Great War. ta the saine thlng. Therefore it is Owin to orl-wid coditinsoniy lagicai and fair that if the pub- economic prablems are conf ronting1 ihrdenoastemrcn ot Canada, which require the public ta suPPIY lis needs free, or societies ta respond with the samne pramptness give lin a free ticket ta their chick- and in the saine measure as when en dinners, concerts or bazaars, but Canada faced the darkest days of lie expects ta pay his way like ever the reatWar Tha iswhy heather citizen, then lie has a perfect theseat Wafr. That is why th right ta decline ta give away sPace paeetapa.o fnsi en free 0f charge in lis newspaper. One 0f the impartaint features of this issue is that the public wli e-EDTRA NO S ceive a little mare than 5 percent DTRA NOE on their investment. The banda are The response ta the Natianal ser- being issued ta mature at the end vice Loan shows in no uncertain a! five years, accarding ta the wish- manner that Canadians not oniy os of the investars. The f ive year have money but have unbounded bonds are priced at 991'2 and the faith in this great Dominion. ten year matumity at 99. Bath clas- ses cao be obtained in denomina- Teachers in many tawns and citiesc tions af $500 and $1.000, but the throughout the province have sliown five year issue can also be abtained a cammendable spirit in ca-operat- ini $100 lots, which wiîî appeal ta ing with the relief committee of peaple 0f madest means. the ir municipaiitY by vluntariîys The interest dates are Ma 9St.gv'ing a percentage of their salariesb My1 ta eifwakdrn tecmn and Navember lSth., 1931. Fully reg- oeie okdrngtecmn istered bonds of larger denommna- itr tians runining up ta as high as 1ti .$100,000 are aiso abtainable with Some editors are advocating the interest payable on these direct school teachers reading newspapers lto the holder by Goveroment cheque. tdair suis a us pge fthdr e Ail the banks in Canada and their diysue adtsgtchl r n branch offices are authorized ta interested in1 cument events. If this accept subsciptions as weîî as al Polacy was followed the comning gen-S recognized bond dealers thraughout eration wouid flot base their stand- the Dominion. ards o! living on what they get out c General feeling in well-informed o? the comic strips and sport pages k financial circles is that there wiîîl s heed tdal aeut epneon tlie part o!f elr amnti the investing public ta make this train ercesmeng kicking about i issue a great success. There is pro- tinsrie ig curtailed. If found confidence among bankers Pbusse watelsecnyo x e i and other leaders in the realm of bse htes anYjepc?1h finance, that Cnaadians cao be de- The saine argument applies ta citi- g( pended upan ta back up their count- zens wha do most of their buying dý ry wth their money when cal î out of town and compiain when inW made for their assistance, an emergency they shOP at a local Tha thre s alare aoun ofstore and find fault because the money awaiting favouhable opar- mrhn os' ar ag s tunity far investment in some higi- Srmn.hi Ciass'security, sudh as a Governinent PfCoprt sastt fmda 1 bond pravides, is unquestioned. The wIf se enaer s te ofCanad as jG publie liave savings in the variaus tumed teaer and isahaded for gî banks aggregating upwards of $1,- beter thescoTe aedrsonadepfres-r an500. so $9000,000 etoalaprxmthe s'on and despondency that las been wi anigure fase o!$49.000.000oe tieepidemic for manths is being dissi- fr( figurs 0fat hey le a re w iclagast pated and in its place las corne a tei show teehaebic atr ispiaong offeeling that things are an the mend. foi praauned abts ! tri taneoNo doubt abaut it, for oniy this week rai the heaithlest signs passible for an a fariner camne inoa ur Office ta pay Pig country ta, exhibit. his subscriptian and peeied off a $50 er' Besides this source o! purcliasing bhfo a htmd h dtrk power, lit is stated an good autliarity biaggr. gad htmdeteedtrk that trust campanles hld a substan- sagr a dei tial reservair a! funds wlilch wouid What is Bowmanville daing ta get va] corme Into service in connection witl its share of the new industries coam- Mt Just mucl an Offerng as the Damin- ing ta this country? Something like sn ion of Canada Is maklng tîraugli the 200 United States industries have if Departinent o! Finance at Ottawa. establislied brandli factories in Can- pli These are encouraging factors ada during the past year. They toi ,which ought ta crown the offering wth success If the public at large second the efforts of financiai or- ganizations of the country. ON GOING TO CHLTRCH Some go ta churdli mereiy froin habit. It was a tradition In the fan-- iiY. Others go because the minister mon, entirely in the music, entirely In the rituai. They seek the atmos- phere o! peace. They seek rest and Cam! art for their tired and some- times disappointed, discauraged souls. They want reassurance, again and again, that there are things in the world mare important than ina- niey grubbing, pleasure, competition, business. They grope for contact witl some Power greater than tlcm- selves. They seek renewals o? strength and fath. The cdurci ser- vice whldl funishes ail thls, whicl certalnly, though Iintangibly, lif ts the sPirit-this ls the dhurch service that ministers most. Place your order now and be ready for old Man Winter came here because af the Canadian tariff against United States gaods, and they brauglit with them wark and wages and purchasing power for Canadians. It is predicted that mare U. S. f actories than ever will came ta Canada with the Britishi Preference Tariff in farce. Wake up Bawmanville and get busy! in making a Thanksgiving appeal ta the peaple of the United States ta suppart their local relief con- munity welfare campaign, President Hoover made this comment which every seriaus ninded and public spirited citizen migît ponder over: -No gavermental action, no econ- onic doctrine, no economic plan or praject can replace that God-im- posed responsibility of the individ- ual man and woman ta their neigli- bars." Paying relief maney through yaur taxes doesn't stir the milk of human kindness in many hearts. The Barrie Advance calîs atten- tion ta municipalities getting relief in this way: Mast a? the tawns and cties are trying ta get ahl the money they cao from the Governent for relief purpases. 0f course the tawns and cities will have ta raise dollar for dollar received. Provided this meney is wisely spent. it may be gaad business, but nunicipalities are going ta be ioaded with debentures that are gaing ta be burdensome in the future. The town that can get alang with the least barrowing now will be the lest town to live la some years hence. Canada and the United States ex- pressed mutuai good wvill at a ban-j quet held in Ottawa recently. The Canadian Government dined visit- ing United States Senatars wlo were making a study a! the effects a? the sales tax. Acting Prime Minister Sir Gleorge Perley said: "If the United States and the British Common- wealth a! Nations hald together, pull together and wark together, we can accamplish almost anything we please for the peace, harmony and happiness o? the world." There's a large statement and, if it's true, something more-an inconceivably large responsibility. It won't be long now, in fact nunicipal nominations are already taking place wlere elections are held in December. An agitation is afoot in some places ta do without elections this year as an economy neasure, but we agree wîith the Stratford Beacon when it says: A civic election is a good thing for a community. It serves the purpose o! :eeping before the people the nec- essity for wholesome self-govern- nent. If theme have been abuses~ nhrougn tne year, if Iflere las been idifference or wrongly-directed en- rgy, the civic voting day is the op- *otunity for the ratepayer to voice his disapproval. An election is a aood investment, and it wauld be a angerous move to start doing away with that institution on the ground bat we could save a f ew dollars. Theme is stili room foir the man of lumble origin ta hld tle reins of )ower. Italian Foreign Minister zrandi, who la now in Amemica, is ust one mare hard-working boy wlo 'ew ta geatness out o! simple sur- îundings. He takes lis place along itl Ramsay MacDonald, wlo rose rnm utter poverty ta Prime Minis- r a! Britain; with Lloyd George, omer Premier, wlo was an oplan aised by a cobbler; with Premier erre Laval, who was once a butcl- 's boy; witli Aristide Briand, best- nown statesman a? Europe, wlia be- an as a poverty waif; with Presi- ant Thomas Masaryk o! Czechosla- akia and Italian Premier Benito lussolini, bath a! wlam were black- miths' sans. Plainly the poor boy, l e is a warker, las a waiting lce. Statecraft needs hlm at its )P. [for the BUY LEHIGH VALLEIY ANTHRACITE The Coal That SatisRes J. A. HOLGATE & SON BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE 153 BOWMANVILLE Business D irectory I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Mloney to lban on Famin and Town property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvlle. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitar, Natary olcitor for Bank of Montreal U4oney ta Loaxi. Phane 91ý Bawmanville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Ofces: Bleakley Block, Street. Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phanes: Office 102; Hause 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments Bownianville - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688: House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Flonor graduate ini Dentistry, Toron- Io University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgens af On- ario. Office: King St.. Bowmanvilie. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson (iraduate of Royal Dental Coilege. Tal'ronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmianville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. INSURANCE Fire Life C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Parm and House Sales a Speclalty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O.' Phone 383r3. 1-tf ELMER WILBUR AUCTIONEER Farm Stock~ Sales a Speciaity Also Furniture. Phone Oshawa 1648r24. Terms Moderate. 39-tf TED JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer For Durham, Ontario, Victoria and Peterboro Counties I specialize in Pure Bred Live Stock, General Farm Stock and Imple- ments and Furniture Sales. Sales conducted anywhere - None too large or taa amail - Terms moderate. Phone or write Port Perry 38, for dates. 35-26t* FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Call Pliones 10 or 34, Assistants, 592 or 392, BOWMAMVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Successors ta Alan M. Wilhams KIndness - Caurtesy - Service Private Ambulance Phone: office 58; Residence 523 or 58 DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunwarthy Wall Paper at speciaj prices. Get yaur arders in early. Estimates given free. Geo. Pritchard Mhoue 489 Over Statesman Offle - -*%»O Have Your Eyes Examlned Cansuit aur Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL - Latest Methods - -Modern Instruments - R.M. Mitchell & Co. Druigist - Optometrista Phone 92 The DOMINION of CANADA 1931 NATIONAL SERVICE LOAN $150,000,000 57 Bonds 5-Year Bonds-Maturing November 15, 1936-price 994 lO-Year Bonds-Maturing November 15, 1941-price 99 ZHE BANK 0F MONTREAL, at any of frs Branches throughout the Dominion, is prepared to execute, wit ho ut charge, purchases of bonds in the above issue. Full details and information wiII be gladly furnished at any office of the Bank. BANK 0FMONTREAL Ettablishod 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $750,000,000 Bowmanville Branch. F. O. McILVEEN, Manager. While eports are being published daily ail over the Dominion of trees and flowers budding out for the sec- ond tine this year, no reports ather than fruit trees have been received f ram Bowmanville until Mr. F. N. Stevens came inta aur office an Mon- day and announced that lis Japon- ica rose bush lad budded for the second time this year. There were amaund 100 buds le stated, aithougli the bush lad fiawered very heavily. Mm. Stevens alsa las a peadli tmee that is budding out again and le exPects that a few more warmm days will see this tree in blossan. Durham Oid Boys' Club a! Tam- onto meets to-nigît (Tlursday) at the Women's Art Association Hall, 23 Prince Arthur St.. as guests o! Mr. and Mrs. R. W. King. The population a! Durham Cou.nty has increased 1166 over a period a! 10 years according ta the latest re- Port f rom the Dominion Statician. This lealthy growth is represented in a steady growth in practicaUly aUl municipalities forming the caunty. Ignorance is the nigît of thet mind, but a niglit withaut moon ar1 star.-Confucius. Support a local industry employ- ing local men. Eat Crean o! Barley. Miss Eunice Sleightholm, Whitby, recently spent a Sunday with hem uncie, Mr. Alex. Sieightholin, Bow- manville, and while lere rendered two very pleasing salas at the 0v- ening service o! the Boys' Training School. A team o! Junior Farmer Judgos fmom Durham CountY were awarded Jeffrey Bull Tmophy for .ludging at the Royal Winter Faim. The Dur- liam tearn made 4838 out a! a pas- sible 6000 points. Boys!I Dress Up. Special Sale oF Boys' and Youtk's Suits In sizes ranging from 28 to 32, inî serviceable tweeds and worsteds: Suits, i-egular plice $9.50, 2 pair' of trousers, On, Sale ...........................$5.95 Suits, regulai' price $12.50, very fine quality, Z X 1i pair trouseî's, On Sale at. . ........ $7.75 ~~ A VERY SPECIAL LINE 0F SUITS 'rIn small sizes to fit the public sehool boy, 2 pairs pants ...................... $4.75 Other Suits, ail good values, on sale. . .. $4.75 to $12.35 I Sale of Overcoats Continues This Week. - Another shipment of Men's Ail Wool Work Socks On Sale at 4 Pair for $1.00 SANDHAM FUR CO, 0f Tor'onto, will have a representative at Couch, John- ston & Cryderman's on Friday onfly. He will bring with him a shipment of the latest styled fur coats and furs. Many Bowmanville people are weaî'ing Sandham Fuî's and know the quality and service behind these garments. THE GUARANTEE Couch, Johnston & Cryderman stands behind ev- ery coat or fur purchased from the Sandham Company. They offeî' you an unconditional guarantee of satisfac- tion. You cannot buy wrong. ONE DAY ONLY - FRIDAY, NOV. 27th. Coucli Joknston & Crydermnan LIMTED PAGE TWO 1 1

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