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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1931, p. 4

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TH AA I 'A TKiemAMN i yiu m v1r.,~. TUSA.NVEBR2,13 PAGE POUR RADIO FANS ATTENTION Experimental Station V. E. 9. G. W. Bowmanville, Ont. Novembtir 4tb. 1931 Dear Sir: WiUi you kindly post tbe following in your radio colun V. E. 9. G. W . owned and openated by Gooderbam & Worts, Ltd. is bo- cated at Bowmanville, Ont., Canada. The stuation operates dailY froin 1 P. M. to 10 P. M. on 11,810 Kcs, 25.40 Meters. Station annouincemnîts are inade every fifteen minutes. We are in- terested in eceiving reports on long distance reception as well as those witbin a radius of sixty miles freim Bowmanville wbo depend on the grouîîd ave for reception. The first reception zone. froin 1 p. ni. tilI 4 p. ni.. shoulci le aM a dis- tance approxirnately 1400 miles f rom Bowmanville. the night Zone area should lie approzinately 7000 miles. on tests the station bas been re- ported as being received on thePc ific Coast f romn 4.30 p. nm. t p proximately 7 1p. ni. at loud speaker strengtb. W. A. Shane, Chie! Engineer. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Following report covens tbe work of the Acting Public Healtb Nurse during the month of October 1931: Homes visited, 76; Individuals visited 108; Visits to: Prenatal cases 3, Post natal cases 4, Aduts 42, In- fants 28, Pre-sebool 22, Scbool 27; Acute communicable diseases, 2 (Chickenpox); Communicable skin disease, 2; Miscellaneous visits, 4; Social Welfare visits, 2. Infant Welfare Conferences beld, 5; total attendance, 63; infants, 46; pre-school, 17. ScheoolReport Visits to school, 21; Classroom In- spections, 4; Pupils inspected, 126;, Treatments, 13, Dental defects ter- minated, 3: Exclusions, 5. Dr. W. H. Birks, M.O.H., gave the reaction test for Diphtbenia Toxoid to 36 pupils. and one dose of Diph- theria Toxold to 74 pupils. Respectfully submitted by A. G. Martyn. HOAR TRANSPORT COMPANY ACQUIRES LARKE TRANSPORT BUSINESS 0F OSHAWA Tlie Hoar Transport Company, of which Mr. Everett V. Hoar of Bow- manville is president, bas acquired tbe assets of the Larke Transport of Oshawa and the sale is immediately effective. Speakiiig of the merger, Mr. Hoar stated. *The taking over of the Larke Transport Company busi- ness will enable us to provide a much greater service to the patrons of liotb former' organizations. The new company will serve witb 120 trucks and \ill practically cover Ontario, partiiularly on No. 2 Higbway lie- tween Windsor and Belleville." Mr. H. T. Hoar. a brother of the presi- cient. and also a Durham boy, is secretary-treasurer. Head office of the cornpany is locatecl at 4044 Ox- ford Street, Toronto. WEDDING Fort-Crabb Tbe marriage took place at the Baptist Church, Simcoe, on Wednes- day, November l8tb, of Dorothy May, younger daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Crabb. of Simcoe, and Mr. Arthur' Ernest Fort. only son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fort, of Simcoe. Rev. F. H. Wentworth per- formed tbe ceremony in tbe pres- ence of a large gatbering of f riends and relatives. The bride, wbo was given in mar- niage by ber father. was gowned in ivory satin and carried a bridaI bou- quet of sweet peas, baby's breath and Jobanna Hill roses. She was at- tended by ber sister, Miss Helen Crabb, who wore lavender satin. Mr. Arthur West, of Dundas, was groomsman. and Mr. J. M. Crabb and Mr. Robet Cross, usbers. Mfter the ceremony a reception was beld at the home of the brides Parents. Later Mr. and Mrs. Fort lef t on a motor trip to the United States. the bride travelling in a grey tweed ensemble. On their return tbey will liye in Simnco The bride is a sister of Mr. H. Lyall Crabb. Manager o! the Walker Stores in Bowmanville. Dominion of Canada National Service Loan A SOUND INVESTMENT is off ered the Canadian public in the new Dominion of Canada 5%o National Service Loan. 5-year Bonds at $991/4 to yield 5.18% 1-year Bonds at $99 to yield 5.14% Further information will be supplied and subseriptions received at this Bank. TheRoal iBanik of Caixada Bowmanville Branch L G. Helkey, Manager 1344 «The gaiue of your te/e phone is just what you make it.' H1 0W nucb is a min- ute worth? Nobody can say, for it may be worth everything. Your telephonegives you many extra minutes for living every day. Its value can- flot be measured in dol- lars, for it is wvorth what- ever ie is worth. More delicious More nourishing Quzlcîc Q>UAK'ER OATS 000km ln 21/ mintes rthe watcr bolita 92 worded and bnief address, expressedi the tbanks of the club for the very fine program presented by Mn. Hutchinson and bis Toronto antists, also Mrs. Moî'rison. President James lassed the vote <mn to the guest art- ists and the gailherimig then adjourn- ed. Many wvent on to, the dance in the Badminton Club, bringing to, a close a very enjoyable and success- f ui ladies' night. "THE PERFECT HUSBAND" BT 31RS. M. C. RINGLAND AT ROTARLY LADIES' NIGHT (Continued f rom page 1) band, if sucb a tbing really existed, altbougb the speaker seemned very mnucb to doubt it. Husbands, she said, were like gardens, occasionaily needed raking oven, and that was ber duty that evening. Can per- fection be put into words, sbe asked? one cannot describe a perfect flow- er, a perfect building, and if such a tbing as a perfect busband %vas available and existed, the surprise would be so great tbat one would be indeed wordless in that connection. It is a question. sbe said. whetber therc is sucb a thing or, person as a perfect busband. or~ a perfect if e for that matter. Anyxvay. the wo- men would not enjoy havmng a bus- bandi îith a halo adorning bis brow. It would craînp his style, she thougbt. The speaker gave seven attrîbutes of wbat she called the perfect bus- band and a.sked the ladies present that if theii' husbands fulfiiled these attributes to bring bui forward at the close of ber address as she would lie more than pleased fo meet bim. Needless to say. no one was brought forward. Tbe first attribute of the perfect busband was that be can dress with- out asking 'Wbere's my- ?" He lef t bis things wbere bie knew where to find tbem, and anyway if bis wif e put bis tbings away they would probably lie just wbere sbe had put them year in and year out. Secondly, the perfect husband al- ways noticed and appreciated the little tbings and be is generous about tbeîn. If bis wmfe bad a new dress or a new bat he noticed mt and com- plimented ber on ber choice or on the suitability of it to ber personal- ity. Not only that, but be vas gen- erous in these matters and did flot always criticize ber expemiditures on things that were dear to the beart of a womian and meant lîttle to a man. Tbîrdly, a man sbould accept wo- mien's peculiarities of temperament witbout trying to understand tbem. That does not need any explanation. The fourtb attribute of this un- known entity in life was that he was courteous and considerate, more like a f riend than a busband. That piece of pbilosopby the speaker ex- piained at length, and if ber re- marks sunk deep enougb into tbe beads of ber bearens there are go- ing to lie very many happy homes in Bowssanville. Tbe f ifth duty of the perfect bus- band is to lie a domestic diplomat, amiable and good natured. He was to control bis temper and under- stand a woman's temper. He sbould observe the danger signals and read- ily recognize wben be returns home at nigbt wbetber this had been one of those days in wbicb everytbing bad gone backwards for his wife. In addition be sbould understand cbild- ren and if punisbed by thein mo- ther he sbould bear both sides of the story before sbowing sympatby 1 to the cbild. The next duty for tbis semi-beav- enly comrnodity, the perfect bus- band, was to bave a hobby which he sbould pursue entbusiastically. A man would be the dullest person in the world without a hobby and the speaker found that a hobby kept a man full of lufe. Lastly, the perfect home-maker of the male species did not take bis business cares and worries home witb him. He realized that bis wife may bave had troubles, too, during the day, so be forgets business, keeps bis trouble to bimself. and spends bis evenings as a pleasant compan- ion to bis wif e. 1 But, a big but, internuptedth course of Mrs. RingIand's addi'ess at this point, as she completed ber scbedule of duties for this super- human maie and turned ber at- tention on ber own sex. A man's success, sbe said, was said to lie 3 parts ability, 2 parts luck, and 5 parts tbe rigbt wife wlîich placed some responsîbility on tbe wossen's shouiders. Th perfect wife was also a domestie diplomat at aIl times and she eased the strain of borne and social life for bei' busband as a good -stenographer or private secretar y did for ber employer. Mns. Ringland's attnibutes of the perfect wife were, first, that she cherishes the qualities of youtb even if sbe can't retain ber Youthful looks, and she cberished the qualities of cbarm, entbusiasrn and an alert mmnd. In addition she was a good companion. She was to be flot only a good wife but a good mother and should lie contented and satisfied with ber lot. The second attnibute of the per- fect wife was to know that value of silence. HI-ene the audience laughed for some quite unaPparent reason). She was a good listener and did not argue. She was able aiso to keep a secret, keep ber family affairs to It is Easy to Order New Dominion Loan Bonds by Mail BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ORATORICAL CONTEST (Continued froin page 1) growth of civilization in the world lromi the early tisses to the modern era in wich we now liye. Perhaps the address containing the most philosophy and the one wbich showed its speaker as morc of an elocutionist than an orator was that by Margaret Scott on -Prohibi- tion." Miss Scott did nmore than give .iust an address on ber subject but she sbowed very clearly ber keen mnterest in it and bier desire to see establisiiec in Canada that on whîch she spoke. Donald Hardstone spoke of "The Mancburian Dispute," a bard sub- ject but one of Up to date import. 1e bowever bad flot meiorized bis subject as v.ell as iiost of the speak- ers and wble lie bad a good grasp of tuie funclaniental points in the sub- .îect he ivas forgetful and often lie- camne lostni s îvbereabouts. M\(ay Freenan of Maple Grove chose a subject tbat lias been imuch ni the public mind of late, tbat of "Thomas Alva Edison." Tbe hf e of this greatest of ail inventors wvas told very fully by Miss Freeman and perbaps tbat was tbe only criticism one could give of ber address tbat sbe went too deep into detai. How- ever, bier address sbowed a remark- able arnount of study and prepara- tion and it could bardly bave con- tained more data of tbe great bene- factor's 111e. Tbe final addmess was that on [Tbe Chinese-Japanese Situation" by Murray Butler of Newcastle. Just why any boy would choose sucb a remarkably intricate subi ect on whicb to speak, unless it was of its ivorld wide interest at tbe present time. is bard to tell. It recjuired much study to place it before an audience in as concise a manner as dmd the speaker, and hie showed a remarkable knowledge of the facts leading up to the present controver- sy that is now engaging tbe minds of the world's represen t at ives at tbe League of Nations Assembly. The judges in the contest were Mrs. Geo. Mason, Mrs. M. G. V. Gould and Rev. C. R. Spencer. Between the speeches and bel ore and after tbe program the following rendered vocal and instrumental nummhers: Piano solo by Miss Phyllis Cballis; vocal solo by Miss Elamne Reaman, accompanied by Miss Joyce Luxton; Piano solos by George Wer- ry and Charlie Cawker. It is only necessary to mail your instructions to ius-stating the -1m1niînt vou wis.h to invest and whether voti (esire 5-year or ILi-vear bonds. \\'e iii attend to aIl details. Particulars of the nem, Bonds tire as follows,: Due Nox'cîrber l5th Price Yield 5-yenr 5% ]tonds ...... 1936 ....... 99.25 ...... 5-17%r 10»ye4ir 5% B*onids ...1941 .....99.00 ......5.12%, Plus Accru(ýd Intercst) Half-yearly interest payable May lSth and Novemiber lSth at any brtînch ini Canada of aîîv Chartered Bank. Principal payable in ten Çanadian cities. Denominations. 5-year Bonds, Z,100, ',500, 81,000(. lO-year Bonds, $500, 81,000. Ail Bonds max be re¶itered as to, principal, and, excepting $100 Bonds, nmay lbc fiil11vregistered. If you pre fer it, orders may be telephoned or telcgraplîcd et our ex pense. Askfor telephond EL gin 4321, Toronto (charges to be reversed). 3C) King Street JVest Toronto Telepizone.' EL.gin .4J21 If you can but give ta the fainting soul at your door a cup of water f rom the wells of trutb, it shal flash back on you the radiance o! God. As you save, so shaîl you lie saved.--Conway. For treatrnent of caked bags ln cows, on garget, use Douglas' Egypt- ian Liniment-the quick, sure rem- edy. Saves tisse and expense. Pre.- vents blernished stock. To Astbma Suferers. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma Rernedy cornes like a belping band ta a sinking swim- mer. It gives new if e and hope- sôrnething be bas corne ta believe impossible. Its benefit is too evi- dent to lie questioned-it is its ovin best argument-Its own best adver- tisernent. if you sufer f rom as- thnxa get this ttrne-tried remedy and find help like thousands o! others. Eveny careful and observant rnoth- er knows when ber cbiid suifera f rom worsss. She also knows that If some remedy lie not speedily applied rnuch barm will resuit to the infant. The best application that can lie got is Miller's Worm Powders. TheY drive worms f rom tbe systern and set Up stimulating and soothmng ef- fects, s0 that the chld's progres thereafter is painless and satisfylng. GOVERNMENT 0F THE DOMINION OF CANADA National Service Loan The Minister o/ Finance off ers for public subscription $15 0e000e000 Dominion of Canada 5 % Bonds J3ea ring interestJrom l5th November, 1931, and ojJered in two matur- ities (the choice of wbich is optional witb the subscriber) asfollows: 5 YEAR 5%7 BONDS, DUE 15th NOVEMBER, 1936 10 YEAR 5%/ BONDS, DUE 15th NOVEMBER, 1941 Principal payable without charge, in lawfui money of Canada, at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, Saint John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victoria. 1Interest pîyable baif.yeariy, 1 5th May and 1 5th November, in lwu oe of Canada, without charge, at any branch ini Canada of any Charee ak Denominations: 5 YEAR BONDS $100, $ 500 and $ 1,000 10 YEAR BONDS $500 and $1,000 The proceeds of this loan will be used to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada The Loan is autborized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. Bearer bonds with coupons will be issued in de- nominations of $100, $500 and $1,000 in the case of tbe 5-year bonds and in denominations of $500 and $ 1,000 in the case of the 10year bonds. These bonds rnay be registered as to principal. Fully registercd lbond-,îhe interest on which is pay- able diýcct tutle owne:r hy Governiment cheque, wili be issued in denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $100.000. Pending preparation of the engraved definitive bonds, bearer i ntenim certificates in denomi nations of $100 (for the5-year bonds only), $500, $1,000,$10,000 and $100,000, will be delivered on ail allotments on subscriptions to tbis loan. Registration as to pincipal,or asto both principal and interest, wiII be effectcd when the i nterim certificaces are exchanged for definitive bonds, on or about the ist AMarch, 1932. Wood, Gundy & Company Lim.Lited NI. ISSUE PRICE: 54erB nd,9> and accrued intercst 10 Year Bonds, 99 and accrued iinterest Payrnent to be made in jull at tine of application Subscription lists tw the foregoing wilI open on 23rd November, 1931, and wili close on or before 12th l)cn",193~ 1, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Subscriptions wili be r' d ,i nd receipts issued by any brancb in Canada of any Ch,înîered Iiark and by recognized Dealers. Jntri;:t ( citificaies w.ili bc deli'.ered through the bank or dealer designated by the subscriur in t!ie applic. aLion, upon surrender of the receipt. Let Your Dollars Serve Canada!I DFPARI\NIENTOF FINANCE., Ottaîwa, 2,3r(. November, 1931 -4« a>- Canada's crdit abroad will be measured by the succcss of the new Dominion Loan as indicaling the confidence of Canadians in their men countrv. TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1931 rrlzv rarJATITAtJ STATFSMAN. BOWMANVILLE,

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