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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1931, p. 7

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Over thirtY young people of St. jobn's Church JourneYed to Port liope on Wednesday to attend the p)eanery of Northumnberland and D)urhamn A. Y. P. A. rally and ban- quet. The gathering was held in St. john's Church, Port Hope. andi tfr speaker was Rev. Canon Arm- strong of Toronto. The Host A. Y. P. A. presenteti a demonstration pro- gram. BAZAAR and SUPPER St. Paul's School Roomn Novemnber 27th. Fancywork - Aprons - Hankies Groceteria - Miscellaneous Booths MENU Spiced Beef Dresseti Ham Scalloped Potatoes Peas anti Carrots Pickles anti Jellies Rolîs, Bread andi Butter Apple or Pumpkin Pie Cheese, Cake, Tea. Bazaar opens at 3.30 p. m. Supper f rom 5 p. m. - Price 50c. Why Pastuerize ? Medical Health Officer of Orange, N. J., states: "Between 1914-1919 there were f jvc epidemics of Scarlet Fever in Orange. Al of these outbreaks were controiled by the pasteuriz- ation of the milk supplies. In- vestigation of each case having revealed the source of injection." For Safe Milk and Cream Telephone 446 or 703. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES, Proprietor. CIETS 0F.j Pick out the gifts YOu want Plan. It's easy and econon Here are the things girls walx ections early, and avoid the lnk straps on a nationallY known new wnist watcb. $20-00 LOCAL and OTHERWISL .viss Emeine Willam, Toroto, Wecinesday, Dcme nh~ Ms il. Armstronlg, Oshawa, been set apart as a day of National spent the weekenti Wit r Prayer.Mrs. Sîi. Little. Mryr. R .Cx ootrcnl Mr. andi Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Mr. R. I. Coxnt, r.ntdMm.,tlYCatharines, spent the weekcncl with visietibisparnts Mr ani Ms. is mother, Mrs. H. S. Freemian. C rh as. . LwiTelri Tralibe Officer LDonald Brown and Mrs Ja. A Lari, TedfrdisMr MacKay, Arnprior, were weekend visiting Mrs. J. N. Lawrie and other guests of the f ormers parents, Mr. 1 f rientis r.EH.Bo . Mrs. B. Read, Oshawa, spent a few iCatiMl. E, . BrnM. C .Rs tiays with lier tiaughter, Mrs. Har- recentîy attenieci the annual re- oldi Wakelin. union andi banquet of the 156th Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Joli, Newcastle, Battalion a rcvle spent Sna ih r.adMs s w. B. Pollarti, Mrs. W. L. Il Smyth OBrien. Buttery andi Mn. A. Wrenn ai-e at- Mr. anti Mrs. Clair Reati, Newcas- tendiîng the Women's Iistitute Con- tle, spent tie weekend with Mr. anti vention in Toronto this week. Mr. Harod Mrs. Tho. Caget ! The Rotary Club lias accepteti an 2.3 Mr.andMrs Ths. raihea ofinvitation to attend Trinmty United Cainpbellforti were Suntiay guesti 0f Churcli at the evenîng service on 6.4 Mr. anti Mrs. M. W. Tanilyn. Decemiber 6th, when Rev. E. F. Arn- Mr. J. W. Fair of Listowel was strong wilî preach a special sermon71 guest of Rev. E. F. Armstrong at Mr .anti Mrs. W. C. Ashton an- Trinity Patrsonage on Tuestiay. nounce the engagement oif their only Rev. R. P. Bowles, Nestleton. con- daughter, Florence Elizabeth Mabel, ducteti the funeral service of Mr~.1. to John Douglas Cole, younger son R. Bowles. who dieti in his home in o! Mr. anti Mrs. T. J. T. Cole, Beth- Toronto on Nov. 12, ageti 72 years. estia, the miarriage to take place Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch, Xeton, Saturtiay, December twelfth. came down Wednestiay to witiiCss Traflil Oficer J. M. Hînchîiffe, Co the opening cereinonie: tof tlýe nec, who hias beeni attacheti to Bowmian- Bowmianý lle-Bl-,ckstock highway. ville for the past two years, lias been Mr. anti Mrs. Percy Sproule, Can- transferreti to Port Credit. anti bis- nington, Mr. anti Mrs. Lorne Plum- place tere lias been taken by Trafc - mer and Miss Florence Laugher. Oilicer Eti. Purvis o! Port Credit. Port Hope, were weekend guests of Traffic Officer Doug. Wilson o! Port Mr. andi Mrs. N.S. Plummner. Hope wbo lbas o! ten taken Traffic Mrs. G. E. Reamani anti taughter Oflicer Hînchliff es work here bas Elaine were in Toronto Fritiay even- been transferreti to Brantfordi. Bv ing attentiing a recital given by the Th euametnofheAieS pupils of Frank Converse Smith. JTcesonguissimeeting o Teice c IMiss Elaîne played a violîn selection. JaUnit Mission anti o! in tyeS Ptublic School Concert on Deceni- sUnîtetoi Church a hfeltnothe ber l7th and l8th. te be as big as Metinol ooenMondayaftenoand . tia.cncs. ti fc Pr o! priees . prayer by Mis. W. C. Ives; scrîpture P folk acset.Profpoed lesson was reati by Jean Runtile;R to go to the Community Welfare sentence prayers were offereti by Committee. f ive girls; ail repeatmng the Lords C Men have been levelling the groundis at the public school in reati- rayer anti the story was tolti by di mness for the erection of the open air Mrs. Ives; collection was taken by M skating anti hockey rink whichi the Eleanor Johnston; secretary ant I Rotary Club will again look ater- treasurer gave their reports anti the E, if winter lever comes. Wateh Tower wvas gîven by Irene Mrs. A. Taylor anti Mr. and Mrs. Jones anti Vetia Purtiy. A reatiingS Albin Clemen.s attendeti the Royal was given by Ruth James anti Mrs.T Fair Fritiay. Mrs. Taylor is speni- D J. Chambers tolti a story. S ing some holitinys with hier daugh- Mr.S. T. Cawker anti sons, Mr.C ter, Mrs. S. Hughson. anti son. Mr. Elmer Cawker, Port Perry anti Mr.N Clarke Taylor. Toronto. anti Mr. Geo. Cawker, Toronto, wereA guests o! the formners brother, Mr. Mrs. W. J. Hentierson spent the C. M. Cawker on Suntiay. Mr. S. T. weekenti with Mr. anti Mrs. Orville Cawker is in bis 88th. year anti bas J. Hentierson, Toronto. They mot- been nearly blinti for sometime but oreti to Hamilton on Suntiay ant ihas bad the cataracts removeti from visiteti Miss Muriel Hentierson who bis eyes anti is now able to see. The is attending Normal Scbool there. two brothers are the oiy members Mr. Norman Philp, Montreal, Mr. le! t of a large family anti they badti Fred Veale, Nestleton, Mr. Oswalti a wontierful reunion. Mr. anti Mrs. McGill, Janetville, Mr. anti Mrs. C. M. Cawker celebrateti their 62nti. Ross, Mrs. Hughi McCullougb, Linti- wedtiing anniversary last week anti say, anti Mrs. James Nasmith, were Mr. anti Mrs. S. T. Cawker are look- ail in Oshawa on Friday attentiing ing forward to celebrating their 66th. the funeral o! the late Mrs. A. C. annîversary bel ore mnany months. Haskiil. For the f irst nine months o! this Al. A. Ayre, Hampton, weil known year the nusnber o! head o! byve sheep breeder. was awarded the prize stock going througb our Canadian for champion Cheviot wetber lamb stock yards is considerably highert at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Ayre than f or the same perioti of last bias offereti the lamb for sale andi year. For instance, cattle number the proceetis will bectionatedt t The 582,602 as compareti with 454,320 a Star Santa Claus Funti. A picture year ago. Hogs are 1,141,054, against o! the champion lamb appeareti in 1,026,910 in 1930, anti for tbe nine 1Tuestiay's Star. months sbeep nunibereti 360,432 - compareti with 306,183 for the niine Imonths in 1930. Calves numbereti - 232,843 for 1931, against 241,106 for 1930, which is the only cas show- ing a decrease. JEW E LERYRegular meeting o! Bowmanville Women's Institute will be held i n JEW E LERYthe S. 0. E. hall on Friday, Nov. 27, at 3 p. m. Program in charge o! group 6. t t give, and pay on our Credit nil cal. Just leave a smali depasit. TOWNSHIP TREASURERS' SALE nt to bc given. Make yeur sel- 0F LAND FOR ABREARS e late shoppers' rush. 0F TAXES Noieis ho,-ohv iven that tire it of A wrist watch to Wear with sport clothes. $10.0 The slcnder strap watch, modern anti smart. $1 5.00 Girl or woman-she's sure to love a diamonti ring. $50.00 A wrist watch that is as gooti as it is attractive. 1 $37.50 Pearls are the choicest o! al jewels. Matcheti. $5.()( J. R. Moore, Jeweller Phone 463 M rs. Young Announces-- The Re-Opening of her HAIR DRESSING PARLOR in the rear of I Cowan's Barber Shop BowxnSnviIIe SPECIAL Shampoo anrd Marcel $1.00 Thais week anid next. Phone 742 for AppOIftmnlZt. of taxes in tire Townsilp of East Wiitby liras been prepared and is belng pub- lisired In an advertisement in tire On- tario Gaze tte upon tire 3rd, ltir, 17tir and 21 daYs of October. Copies of sucir ist of advertlsernent rnay becirad upon application to me. on default of payment of taxes as shown on tire said irst on or irefore Saturday, tire 9tir day of January, 1932, at 10 o'ciock in tire morning, I shafi' t tire sald irour at Westrnount Scirooi proceed to oeil by public auction tire said lands, or sucir portions tirereof as shah hae necessarY 10 îay sucir arrears. togetirer witirtire charges tirereon. ind A. J. HOWOEN, Treasurer, Township Bast Whibty. 46-4 Notice to Creditors' IN THE ESTATE 0F Pollire Grace Clemens, late of the Town of Bowmarr. ville , in t he C ounty of Durham, Widow, Decea sed. Al persons havlng dlaimis against the estate of Pole Graonu Clemns, above nanîed, V.ho O led on or abiouit t he 2nid da !Mrh 1931, a re hereiry notifi-d to send t0etihe undersigneul Solicitor for 1Ifla:îke Courtice andi George Annis, Ex- ecrîitors, on or Irfore the 28fl i ay 0' Deca nier, 1 931, full parti culars of tr tirr cIa ims I nimeisîl ily af fr thre sa id 28t11 uhiy ofi4-Ii,.,nihr, 1931, threassete of 1hv wie :s l iili I - uistribut d ano igs t tIe liir n itlfîd tlIter,-to, irivig re gard ('11v1Y tocI:ins ro fuel, htir, Soluitor for tir'.luo shaithiI in liru(e no t ie. lla te i at t f n.în ile fh i s 2611h lauy of Novu.nbr, 1939.a LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bowrn anvile, Ontario. 1 ' Solicitor for the sard Executors. Scotch Concert To celebrate St. Andrew's Nîght NOVEMBER 3Oth. at 8 p. m. St. Andrew's Presbyteran Sunday School Room Locai Scotch Talent assisted by Miss Roy Misses McNab Mr. Geo. C. ROY and others. Adnmsson 25c. scotch Refreshmenta at close. TRINITY UNITED CHUIRCH Minstr E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B. D. Organist FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. Sunday, November 29th. 1a. m.-Rev. Dr. Huestis of the Lord's Day Allance will preach. So.: 2%rs. 1). J. charniers Attwood .30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool classts for ev"ýr> holy - l;ood tnusic. .45 p. m.-Song Service Corne tb erjoy tie ai. i hy nuis p. m.-ev. Cha.rin Moon A native of Korea, wiii preach and illuotLrittvihis subject wvih lantern slides. lie wil be dressed in his li io ctu n. anid NWl i1je5 V (l tions on R orea lu .arcura Solo: Miss Clio And--rson Au tii : u.-H0. o eial, tihe NMes- sengere." Jau -Sfands hie nu t at tir. con flux of 't ernitv ,oe and bring your friends. You wilt receive a hearty welcome. THE CHURCHES The Salvatioîl Armny - Captain Bursey anti Lieut. Hargreaves. Ser- ices at 11 a. m. anti 7 p. m. Suntiay School at 2.30 p. m. St. Antirew«s Presbyterian Cburcb; Sunday services at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Preacher at both services-Rev. H. R. Williamss, B. A., o! Millbrook. St. Johnl's Anglican Church-Rev. C.R. Spencer, Rector. AUvent Sun- lay: Holy Communion 8 a. m.; elorning Frayer il a. m.; Sunday School anti Bible Class 2.30 p. mi.; ivening Prayer 7 p. mi. St. Paul's Uniteti Church-Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., Minister. il a. m.- The Test of Character; 2.30 p. m.- Suntiay Scbool anti Atult Bible Class; 7 p. m.-Religion Matie Easy. M4itweek service Thurstiay at 8 p. m. A~ cordiial welcome to all. BIRTHS ALLDREAD-ln Bownianvrile '%HosPi- ti..%Ion(lay, Nov. 23rd,19 f31, te Ir. anid Mrs. D. R. AIdread. a son. VAN DYK E-At tlowmanville IlosPi- tal, on Saturday. Nov. 213t. 1931, t0 Mr. andl lra. i. Eurl Vant)yke, <ne \villa B.ishoîu) a jauughter (Aletu tazel). MARRIAGES moN.rGoMERY..F<tLSON-At thre aoice,;Protestaunt,' rion-stuoker, single. WVrite .lanres Gusîi. co luFred Todd. IL. . 1 Carke, Unt., or phone 1540. 46-3' UPHOLSTERING-Furritire upholat- ering; aiso closed car tops and Inside body upirolstering. J. A. Fry, Scugog9 St, Bowrnanviîîe. Phrone 536. 35-tf WANTED AT ONCE-Yourrg ladies of goGo( eductutialirta enter the Training Scirool for Nurses at Boîvmanvilie i-ias- pintl. Apply te thre Superintendent. 46-3w V POSITION WANTED - Middle aigedl %vorî,an warnts position as housekeepuer in au ,mail famniiy. Best of references. A1î- îuIy -S . %." Draiier B, llowrnatrînIe. 47-2w FOR SALE-Sligirtly usod warn air Fornace ru farst lass shape. Cheap) for uîuick sale. \%Vill arrange for installaition if desirt il Phono 66.. Gison Mianu- facturriria Co. Ltui.. Guelph. 47-2 WANTED--\uiN cr115. r iiitl haîycashi for sriali conifortairle house with orne or two acres of lind an or adjoirning Baw- inanvrlîe. (ive fuil particulars of size. condilion of hou se biuldings andl landl aindt lo\es:t pine, f0 B. S. Iraîver B. ifowmarîvilIe. 47 -2' LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -For Itow niatnvillt aind district, 10 re- tresraf the -Ol e'iable Fonthili Nrîr- series.- A spîendit ojuunifîg for tire right naan.- w ith xelusive terrifory rlghts. For fu informartiou, Write Stone & Wel- l ingtorn, Toronto 2. 48-4 weeks w-e have hîýli)eul many deserving men shake tire elackis of unernploy- ment anud erJoyý a iig sfeaty iieekîy in- come by makinue t tposible for bhem lu ulitriuteWafns Famotrs Homne anud Farti Neessii~s u ustabîisheRutrraul users. We irai, ofle rnarhy robue avait- able. Cr-,dit turnisireu riutht party. tifetime opportunily. Appîy quickly J.. R. Watkins Co, 749 Craig Ws, Mon- treal, Que. Dep. R-79. 47-2 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-New single garage. Ap- py A. F. Abernethy. Phone 477r21. 5f PIGS FOR SALE-15 pags, 7 îveeks olut; aiso sorne about 80 lus. Phone tlfuri3. 4S-1- FOR SALE-A iloistrin iruif, one year and seven morîtis obil; also stack of oat sbr.-w. W. L. Barbon, Bowmanvilie. 48-1w United Cîrurcir Parsonage, Blackstock. GAS STOVE FOR SALE-In e xcellent O)nt., on Saturîay, November 213t, 1931. condition, 4-irole gas range ivith ow by 11ev. F. W. Na wýeII 13. A., B. D., Riva oveni, also coal annex. birgain at $1000. ,Ityrtle Ferguson of Enniskrhlen. daugh- Appîy John James, Phone 35, Boivran- ter of Mr. Wlirert Ferguson and tire ville. 48.-V fate lîrs. Ferguson. 10 Mervin Bruce Montgorflry of Elulau, son of Mrs. FOR SALE-Heavy draft geding, good Montgomery and tire late %Ir. W. H. îorker and fast walker, or woutd ex- lî%ontgornery. change for heavy draft 2 year olu fillIy. For price and pariculars Phone Boxv- manvile 13r2.46-3 DEATHSmaile33. SEPARATORS FOR SALE-Two sec- PHILP-At Port Hope Ilospital, Noî ond-hand Deerlng anul DeLaval Crearn 23rd, 1931, Samuel E. Philp. in Sepflir5tors. L, R. Wood, 'rcM-Dcerlng iis 7th year. agent, tiio doors ,eqt o! tire old stand. BEVAN-At Port Hopue, Nov. 21, 1931, Kirig St., Bowmanville. 46-3 MayBevanr, daugiter of the late James FOR SALE-ne 6-triho Console Mode' W. andI Sarah BevaOn. Radio with tubes, Iess batteries $13.00: TIMMINS-In Sutton West, on Friday, and one 6-tube table model Radio witl Novernier 2Otir, 1931, Arthur Timmitis, tubres, less iratteries, wîîh separate ageul 84 years. F'ather etf Mrs. W. lxi speaker $10.00. Aîpîy G. L. Hall, Bow- 1hl, l3owmanville. manville. Phrone 258- 48-2 IDOIDGE-In Oshrawa, on Friday. Nov. _________________ I oth, 1931. Miss Elizabeth Dolige, in irer 73ru1 year. Interred in Hampton Cern- T e ,tery on Monday.T Le :1_ IN MEMORIAM McKEE-If loing memory of John McKee who departed this Ille Nov. 28th. 1930. Serene he lived; And as the shadowa camne In sulent peace pasaed to that fairer land. Dear la his memory; honored his fair My lte ericheil his monument to stand. --Sadly niissed by his Wlfe. THEATRE MEMBER 0F3 THURS.- FRI. - SAT. NOVEMBER 26 - 27 - 28 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. M. "WATERLOO BRIDGE"Y Myra-Giri of the Nght-Hauflt- mng Waterloo Bridge .. . Beauty's lasi stand... grasping desper- ately at 111e ... until love rides in on the wheels of glory .. . a great emotional love dramia, with Mae Clarke, Kent Douglass, Doris Lloyd, Enid Bennett Made f rom Robert E. Sherwood's gripping story -Where Lonesomie Ladies Stroil." MON. - TUES. - WED. NOV. 30 - DEC. 1 - 2 Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. Take the whole family to sec "SIDE SHOW"p With Winnie Lghtner, Charles Butterworth, Evalyn Knapp, Donald Cook, Guy Klbbee. Funiiier than a three ring circus. Winnie and Charlie will give you more real laughs than you've had in a month of Sundays. THURS. - FR!I.- SAT. DECEMBER 3 4 - 5 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. mn. 0 Henry's romantic bad man-A price on his head; the arrniy on his trail: a womafl in bis heart! "THE CISCO KID"P Wlth Warner Baxter and Edmund Lowe, Conchita Montenegro, Nora Lane. Complete 52-Plece Set of China Dinnerware Free. Witoh next week's Stateumnffor parftculars. ilSet on display in Foyer of Theatre veniences. Phone 488. 46-tf HOUSE TO RENT-7 roorns, ail rmod- ern conveniences. very central, posass- on Dec. le. Appiy G. S.. Drawer B, Bowrnanville. 45-tf FOR RENT - Two or three pleasant rooms en King Street, for light bouse- 'eeping. Apply 10 Box 373, Bowman- ville, or phone 125. 48-tf HOUSE TO RENT - On Temperance St., Bowrnanvilîe, 6 moorne, fresirly dec- orated, hardwooul floors, conveniences. Apply to WlIIard Caldwell, 76 Elgin St. E., Oshawa. Phone 2867W. 48-tf FOR SERVICE FOR SERVICE - Pureirred Yorksirire Boar. James E. Gibson. Lot 21, Con. 1. l)arlington, formerîy with T. J. CDole, Maple Grove. 48-1' LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kirîdu of Iaundry work done prompt- ly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prie. Write Post Office Box 12, or calI Mm W. Marjoram. King Street East, Bow- manville. Phione 47&. Save 20 to 30 Per Cent at This Big Sale of Bowinanville Oum ,î 1 -r THE CANADIAN STATMIAN, ]BOWmAi<VIL, THURSDAY, NOVEIIBER 26, 1931 q si 1 DOG LOST--Collie, brown and white, short taau, answers to the name of Bus- ter. Rewprd for return te G. R. Coll- cott, phone 139r6. 45-tf CjOW STRAYED-From Lot 10, Con. 6, Darlngton, on Nov. flir. a grey coWN. Firider îlease noify Sid. Hoar, R. R. 6, i3owrnanviiîe, or phone lglrli1. 47 -3 MONEV FOUND - In BiowmanviiiC. Fitider mary hav, same ly roving pro- t,,rty anl ndwlg ,XueSaa irqurire at S tatesman 0111 ,BowinI.unî 11h 47-tf Wanted m !IL

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