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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1931, p. 8

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PAGE IORT THE CANADIAN STATES3MAN, BOWMMqVILLE, TRURSDAYNOVEMBER 26, 1931 'p 'i KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 IBOVWMANVILLE Ij~ r What will it be To-day? That query may be a familiar one, but when we use It it's backed by gasoline and ofls that positively cannot be beaten for quality and 10w prices. Naturally there ia no use buying inferior grades ... you don't like them; we don't Uke to hande them. Regardless of the job we are ready and equipped to undertake the repairing or overhauling of any mnake of car. And incidentaUly satisfactory work Includes a reas- onable pri ce. Let us prove it. WEST END GARAGE 14. D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmanville f - _____________________ 'p OULTRY MAKES HENS L.AY MORE PRAT F00 CO.P0FCANADA. LTD., GUELPH, OT 6E3LUE COIXL'U "C>t N E: UVICDOAL Lt cornes from seams that have been rnined for over 70 years in the best pure Scranton An- thracite (hard coal) fields that have yet been dis- covered. You may have been buying this quality coal for years, but you could neyer be sure ;f al-i- ways getting this coal until now. At last a harrnless blue dye has been dis- covered which color-rnarks every piece of "blue coal," and does not affect the burning qualities in any way. Now you don't have to burn coal to test it. Just look over the load before it cornes into your cellar. If it's blue-marked, you know that it is the D. L. & W. Cornpany's f arous Scran- ton Anthracite (hard coal), and that it is positive- iIy guaranteed. We can absolutely recommend "blue coal" and stand ready at any tirne to carry out this guarantee. Place your order now and know what "blue coal" comfort means. The Color Guarantees the Quality WOOD FOR FUEL - LOWER IN PRICE If you prefer wood for fuel we want you to be sure and see us first. We have in stock the fin- est fuel wood available and the price is lower than usual. This wood should be seen to be fully appreciated. Try a load. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Ca. Ltd. (FORMERLY McCLELLAN & L3.) INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY TEAM HAS ORGANIZED Intermed.iate Hockey enfbusiasfs got the preliminary arrangements f or the season off their cbests on Tbursday night when fhey held their organizat ion meeting, elected ofc- ers and generally discussed the pos- sibilities of a bigger and better hoc- key wmnter for Bowmanville. The election of officers resulted in the following faking over the con- fr01 of fthe club for the season: Hon- orary President s-M. G. V. Gould, Peter Lambros and Mayor M. J. El- lioft; President-F. 0. Mcllveen, manager of the Bank of Montreal; Vice President-G. A. Edmondstone; Secrefary-Treasurer-S. R. James; Coach and Manager-W. A. Edger; Trainers-"Scofty" Wright and Gor- don Cowle. Practically the same players are available this year as played lasf season, while three new men were also mentioned and will be given a fryouf in the near future. Topping, Barnes and Bartholemew are the newcomers. Now thaf thaf part of the ar- rangements are completed and the club is enfered in the O. H. A. al that is necessary is a kindly weath- erman to bring along some snappy cold weatber thaf will produce plen- ty of ice in Normn Taylor's empor- ium on King Street. Norm is back in town and ail prepared tri go abead wben Jack Frost gets here on bis belated annual visit. 1ST BOWMANVILLE PACK WOLF CUBS L. C. Wilcocks Cubmasfer. Robt. McLeod Asst. Cubmaster. ' Meet Central Public School - Tuesdays at 7 p. m.1 The Pack beld ifs weekly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. l7th, with 25 in affendance. Tbe meeting opened wît h the Grand Howl, followed by a discussion of cub affairs. Work was then proceeded wifh. Signalling and physîcal work was taken by the 1sf and 2nd star cubs. The new mem- bers of the pack were tested on t beir tenderfoot and three succeeded in passing. They wîll be received into tbe pack at its next meeting. Games and ail sports were dîspcnsed xitb for the evening and the pack dis- missed. S. IST. BOWMANVILLE TROOP BOY SCOUTS Terry, Scoutmaster Ned Rehder Asst. Scoutmiaster Meet at Central Public School Wedaesdays at 7 p. m. The 1sf Bowmanville Troop hield is regular meeting on Wednesday exeiiiing under the supervision of ,scoutnîafiter S. Terry and Assistant .jcoutinaster Ned Rehder. Mr. C. E. Relhduir and Mr~. C. H-. Mason assist- ed in the passing of test.ý. The foi- 10wig Scouts passed First Cias.s i t:Claie Alliîî, Alired Milîson, Jack Honeyînan, Fredi Neale, How- ard McLauphlin. EdwardHopr. Freeborne Colvilie, Edward Milîsoni. l-irvcy Kig. Edxtalrd Millisui andi llow aid McLaughîlin passed pi ts of, Proficeeicy Badges. Thebcfollowng boys passed Kings Scout Pruficiency Badges. Ciare AI- lin. Ralph Aines, Freeborne Colvilie, Cliffurd Hall. Jack Honeyînan. Ed- warrl Hooper. Afred Mlison, Law- eneRehder. This xas mne of the largest and most enthuîsiastic meetings of the year. Mr~. Mason congratulated the boys on their splendid achievements in Scouting and reminded tbem that tbev would be able f0 make greaf progress this coming winfer. HOCKEY BUSINESS MEN MET JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM Memibers of the Junior Hockey Club met wvth representativeS f rom the Business Men's Association in thie Council Room on Monday niglit to dscuss the feasability of the lat- ter organization controlliflg junior hockey tlus commng winter. As a mnatter of fact, notlung very concrete was done as the business men were unabie to say to what extent they wshed to become connected with the club or what rights they would want to exercise in the event of the Jun- i ors agreeing to let the organization manage themn. 'Ihe players, however, seemed very favorable to the suggestion and an- other meeting has been called for Monclay. In the meantimie the Busi- ness Men representatives will ineet the executive of that body and dis- cuss f ully the agreement that shal exist between the two parties. It is f elt by the business men that they caii be of heip to the juniors and at the samne tîme be sponsorinig a f ine sport in the town. In the past the oiiiiculty bas always been f0 make the year a financial as well as a ma- terial success and Jack Gunn bas had to keep digging down into bis own pocket to keep things above water andi even then the club bad a deficit at the close of last season exceeding $200. The Business Men propose, by in- terest in the club, to have larger turnouts f0 the games and perhaps what is mosf important of ail to pro- vide transportation for out of town games. This bas aiways been the fly in the soup and bas accounted more for the deficits of the past few years than anything else. Could this ex- pense be elimmnated by the business men guaranteeing to put their cars at the disposal of the team for their out of town games there is no reas- on in the world why the team can- flot finish the season uncrippied by financial worries. The fimer details of the agreement have yet to be worked ouf, but it should be fo the benef if of both the hockey team and the business men f0 sponsor the sport in Bowmanvîlle. November 7tb. 1931 To Mrs. I. R. Bragg, Bowmanville: Just a line f0 acknowledge your splendid gifts f0 the people of this district. The car of produce, fruit and clothing, also several cases of sealed preserved fruit and pickles, arrived in fine condition and was well distribufed f0 over 200 families. Your name was on several lots of preservs and I am taking this time fo let you know how much your gen- erosity is appreciated. The Board at Marquis United Church passed a resolution of thanks and asked me f0 forward if. We plan f0 distribute the preserves to the sick and poor people around. W. Lloyd, Pastor Marquis and Tuxford United Church, Sask. Mr. T. H. Lockhart: Kindly extend my thanks f0 the people of BowmanviIle and vicinify for the fruit and vegetables 1 have received from the car sent to this district wbich was greatly apprecia- f ed by me. The Moose Jaw Times says: Marquis and Tuxford and North Tuxford are fhe laf est points in Sout h Saskatchewan f0 receive a carload of fruit, vegetables and pre- serves f rom the people of Old On- tario. On Friday a large refriger- ator car confaining 24,000 lbs. of produce was spotfed at the siding in Marquis and was the centre of much interesf during the affernoon f0 the People. Two-tbirds of the car was disfribufed at Marquis and one- third af Tuxford. The distributing took place on Monday in the Unit ed Church. the car being billed thru to Rev. W. Lloyd, the pastor. H. B. Lawrence, Marquis, Sask. Persian Balm-the perfect aid f0 beauf y. Essenfial f0 real femînine distinction. Resuits always in t he highesf expression of beaufy. Ifs use keeps the hands always sof f and ffawlessly white. Indispensable f0 the whole family. Imparfs added charnir f0 the mother. Serves the father as a hair fixative and cooling sbaving lotion, and protects the ten- der skin 0f the child. Persian BaIm is the true toilet requisif e. PAINS No matter how severe, you can always bave immediate relief: Aspirin always stops pain quckly. It does it without any ill effects. Harmless to the heart; harmiess tu anybody. But i aiways brings relief. Why suffer? ASPIRIN TRADE MARK REG, «MADE [N CANADA" CHULD needf REGULATI NG? CASTORIA WILL DO MI When your child necds regulating, remnember (bis: the organs of babies and children are delicate. Little bowels muîst ib gently urged--never forced. That's why Castoria is used by so rnany doctors and inothers. It is specia Iiy mnade for ch il<ire n's a il- mients; <'<fltajfls noharsh, harmful dJriîgs, no n a ren tis. You ica n sa felY give it to oîi infants for colic 1pains. 'Yct it is an eqîially effective regulator for <l(lrr <lildrcn. The next tinme yoîir ehîi li as a little cold or fever, <r a (igvstix c upset, give hini the hclp) of Castoria, the childrcn's own renmedy. (jenuine Castoria ai- ways has the name: "MADE IN CANADA" Mare Letters of Appreciatian From ,Western Citizens Rev. E. F. Armnstrong, pastor of Trinity United Cburch. bas received the foiloxing leffer f rom ftbe Rural Municipality of Marquis, No. 191, dafed Nov. l2tb, 1931: The Council of this Municipality, on behaîf of their ratepayers, xvsb f0 convey f0 your cburcb and the people of Bowmanville and district, their thanks and sîncere apprecia- tion for their generous gif t of a car of fruit, vegetables and clotbing re- ceived af Marquis for distribution. The contents of this car were re- ceived in excellent shape and as far as possible were disfributed equîtably among the most needy. Assuring you also of our ow personal appreciation 0f the gàener- osity and self-sacrifice shown by your people. Signed on behaî1f of the Rural Municîpality 0f Mrus, No. 19 1. J. E. Knox, F. E. Hlurd, Reeve. Sec'y.-Treasurer. In The Statesman 0f last week we notice the Edifor writes, that the goose dinner served at the new Unit- ed Churcb. Newtonville, was the best of t he season, but also the worst managed affair. And yet we feel sure if the edifor had been able f0 follow the congregation througb the year since the 22nd of last Novem- ber (when fheir cburcb was burned) and watched the systemafîc way fhey bave planned and played up f0 every emergency. be would bave to admit that if they failed in their plans f or serving the public af their supper. if was really the only mis- take fhey had made in the year. If is only fair f0 the congregation fo say. that wbile tbey expected a good attendance at their supper, say six or seven hundred, when if came fo caring for 1500 or 1600 people. tbings were complicafed f0 some ex- tent, and as the Scotchman would say, "We ha' our duts' if the editor bimself would have made any better showing, unless he biad called in the services of Chief Venton or Provin- cial Police Smith. However. we are glad the editor bad a good dinner and we hiope that be and ahl our other friends wîll forget their griev- ances of 1931 and corne back next faîl, and xve will try and plan foi' every emergency and hope to see the editor coîne in smiling at the first table. It iînîght be îîîferesting f0 know thai, the proceeds of the sup- per aiiounited to $550.00. wîfh abun- dance 0f provisions lef t. and seventy f ive or, more people sat down f0 a good dinneir the following day. Sînce the openiiig services of the new church, Nov. Lst. the treasury of the Bsuilding Fund bas been enriched f0 the extent of $1,100.00, and Rex'. Wallace aînd his congregation are iusfly proud of tbeiî' beautiful new~ church. v.hich is the? product of a uinted effort by a unitel people. Eitor's Not- We refutse to argue witb the dear lady xvho sent in the above write-up as she is perfectly rit t. Oui comment last week was lîkecd (o the hole in the douglinut whàie xwe nverio'jked the doughniut itý:elf. Truly Newtonville United Cburch have accomplished a gi'eat task. We'il be witli yout next year foi the fowl suppeî'. LovelySkin Vegetable PilLa »id What Creans Couldn't "I find (writes Missý E. T. Clapham) that Carters Little l.iver Mil will do more to keep the comnplexion clear and the skia f ree from blemnishes than ail the face creams I1 have used." Dr. Carters Little Liver Pilla are 0o ordinary Laxative. Tbey are ALL VEGETABLE and bave a definitt, valuabie îoniîc action upon the liver. They end Constipation, -Inidîgeson, Biaoa>es, Headache, AciditY. Ail dru«mts. 2c and M Wtedpackag. ORONO (Prom The News, Nov. l9th.) Mrs. (Dr.) Demaray. Detroit, Mîch., is visiting ber parents here, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stutf. Mayor J. B. Moat, Oakville, and Mrs. Moat spent a day or fwo at ber brother's, Mr. R. .Z. Hall. Miss Sanderson of the University of Toronto spent the weekend witb ber frîend, Miss Neilie King, princi- pal of Continuation schooi. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milîson and daugbfer, Miss Margaret, returned last week irom an enjoyabie vîsit f0 Cleveland, 0., their former home. Rev. B. R. Strangways, B. A., Mrs. Strangways and ber mother. Mrs. Gray, Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. W. J. Inch, Wesfon, were visitors at the bomne of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bill- ings recentiy. Miss Cassie Hallett spent a week witb ber brother, Mr. James Hallett, af Toronto. Miss Margaret Brown is visiting at Mr. James Dickson's and other friends in fown. Mr. J. H. Allen Harper and Mrs. J. A. Harper, Toronto, were recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allen. Mr. John Milison and f rîend, Mr. Tom Sykes, Toronto, spent the week- end af the borne of the former's fa- ther, Mr. H. A. Milîson. ' We congrafulate John Grady in obtaining honors af the Entrance examination. His name was inad- verfentiy omîtted in the honor roll. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Jackson, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Smitb and attended the services at Newfonville. Mr. 0. A. Gamsby, popular man- ager of baseball and hockey organ- izations, entertained a party of Port Hope friends af a duck dinner at bis home here, Tuesday, the occasion being the celebration of bis 68tb birfbday. Many happy returns of the day, Caspar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Best, wbo spent a week or more witb friends at Orono and Newfonville, have re- turned home f0 Thornbury. Tbey bad a very enjoyable visif and ex- pecf f0 return again next year. Mr. William E. Armstrong returu- ed Wednesday f rom the General Hospital, having suffciently recov- ered f rom an operation of fbree weeks ago f0, continue thbe regaining of bealth af home. Mr. Luthber Barrabaîl, Antiocb section, bas rented the Mrs. T. M. Gibson farm af east subway, New- castle, f or a termi of f ive years. He 's now doing f ail ploughing on the Place. Mr. Barrabaîl and f amily, wbo have fenanted the soutb Coaf- ham farm the pasf few years, will remove f0 Newcastle in the spring. Capt. J. C. Gamey and Mr. Arthur Manning aftended the Legion ban- quet af the Balmoral Hotel, Bow- manville, on Remembrance Day and report a very enjoyable time. Messrs. F. W. Bowen, M.P., W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mayor Elliott of Bowman- ville, and Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle were among the principal speakers. The announcement 0f the sudden death af San Diego, Calif.. on Mon- day, Nov. 9th, of Mr. James T. Mor- rison, a one time resident bere and manager of Orono cheese facfory, was learned with much regret by bis many friends bere. He is survived by bis widow, a former Orono young lady, Minnie Hall, daughfer of the late Daniel Hall, and two sons. The cbeapness of Mother Graves' Wormn Exterminator puts if witbin reacb of ail, and if can be got af any druggisf 's. NE WTON VILLE SHREDDED E'RH EAT WITH ALL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT CANADIAN SI4REDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. W ODSPHOSPHODINE. *Tones a-d r,-iorates the neryvouq sytern makes n«w Miio in oi veins. Used for Nerioui Debiiy Mental and Brain l4'ort% tlespndency.Loss of tnegy. Palpitation oW <h 'ît -iline Memor-,. Pritce $2 pee box.; f foi 959 Sold by alidruggists, or mailed in plami. pkg. on recipt of pri<e New' pasnphlit mail", 'ree.TII WOOD M%'D01INE CO.ZOfONYO.ON0 :ook's RegulatIng Compound A s,,,fe iable regnlm ,nedene. Sold in tbree de. qrýýeeof strugth- . , il SNold. 3 No. 3, $5 per bol Sod ilal druggistâ, or sent. Mprepaid un reoeipt of price. .ieePamphlet. Address: . THE COOK MeDICINE CO., lieY.OTCnrci'iid Quality Groceries Mon arch Pastry FIoun: 24 lb. bag .......................... 70c 7 lb. bag ........................... 25c Hyla Orange Pekoe Tea............... 50c lb. Lux............................ 3 for 25c Selox, the Speed Soap............. 2 for 25c Aunt Jernima Pancake Flour.............. 18c 40 oz. Jar Peanut Butter ................. 35c White Cooking Beans ................. 4c lb. Macaroniî........................ 2 lbs. 15c Good new CrOI) Cooking Figs........... 1Oc lb. Griffin's Seedless Raisins............. 15c pkg. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Raisins .................. 2 lbs. 25c Currants................... 15c lb. Cut Mixed Peel............... 20c lb. Lemon and Orange Peel....... 20c lb. Citron Peel................. 30c lb. Scalded Cream and Poultry HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE We French clean and presa lady'. drues, FOR gown, suit, or long coat. or teflt's suit or Smail extra charge for pleatig $ SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. W. Toronto BOWMANVILLE AGENTS THE SMART SHOP Phone 633 Cowan Rlock Ad%-LClean, Dependabie Hard IW COAL that is one of the best produced. THE GENUINE SEMET SOLVAY COKE PROMPT OBLIGING SERVICE HENRY LATHROPE Phone 520J or 520W Bowmanville M" fý 1

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