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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADI&N STATESMAN, BONWMAIqVI=L. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1921 1E3LUECA ~0NE UV CXIAL It cornes from searns that have been mined f or oveî' 70 years i the best p)ure Scranton An- thracite (bard coal) fields that have yet been dis- c overed. You may have been buying this quality jcoal for years, but you could never be sure of ai- ways getting this coal until now. At last a harrniess blue dye bas been dis- covered which color-marks every piece of "blue coal," and does not affect the burning qualities in any way. Now you don't bave to humn coal to test it. Just look over the load before it cornes into your cellar. If it's blue-rnarked, you know that it is tbe D. L. & W. Company's famous Scran- ton Anthracite (bard coal), and tbat it is positive- ly guarar+eed. We can absolutely recornmend "blue coa." and stand ready at any time to carry out tbis guarantee. Place your order now and know what "blue coal" comfort means. The Color Guarantees the Quality WOOD FOR FUEL - LOWER IN PRICE If you prefer -wood for fuel we want you to be sure andi see us fir,,st. We have in stock the fin- est fuel wood available and the price is lower than usuai. This wood should be seen to be fully appreciated. Try a load. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. (FORMERLY McCLELLAN & CO.) KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 BOWMANVyIjE What will it be To-day ? That query may be a familiar one, but when we use It it's backed by gasoline and oils that posltively cannot be beaten for quality and low prices. Naturally there ls no use buying inferior grades . .. you don't like them; we don't ike to handle theni. Eegardless of the job we are ready and equipped to undertake the repairing or overhauling of any make of car. And incidentally satisfaetory work includes a reas- onable price. Let us prove it. WEST END GARAGE H. D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmanville I~TrjLdaEPkham s Vpgp.tC -t ' 'ur s alwayasrkand tools to ws(iksitîsal, for- thosc' who will- SimpIy Can't Go Tonigh t H Cr t na r i da tiscctr'%iigri.; lsu, uiaril rtke uI . iriet M.IusWorns Powders attaek -ori-s 1n the stomach and intestines at once, and no worm cao cone is contact %witb. thern and live. Tbey .îlso correct the unisealthy conditions ns tise digestive organs that invite anti encourage worms, setting Up reactions tisat are most beneficial to tise growth o! tise child. They have attested their power in hundreds o! -cases and at alI times are thorougis- ly trustworthy. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ORONO ANNUAL MEETING HELD (From The News, Nov. 26th.) C. Rehder and J. H. H. Jury of Mr. John Buckley was home from Bowmnanville Elected- Honorary O.A. C., Guelph, over the weekend. Vice Presidents. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Awde and _______young son visited over Sunday at his H. Fulford, Port Hope, was re- Iathier's, Mr. C. F. Awde. à eleced resientof te Cildrn's Mr .James"and Miss Viola Gil.filla SectdPiet of the ieiCountes ofroronto spent tnie weekend with Aid Sceyo h ntdCute their parents here. of Durham and Northumberland, at Mrs. A. Baldwin and grandson, the annual meeting which wvas held Toronto, are visitors of thse Misses at the Shelter building, Port Hope, Waddell. on Monday afternoon. Nov. 23rd. Mvr. Burke Foster and sister, Mrs. Reports on the year's work were W. Underwood , Toronto, visiteci Mrs. subnsitted xvhich showed that the Jas. Hunter. socicty has enjoyed a successful M.E .Sih obre a year and that there is no cessation Maeî r flsne oribatne, Bas of the great humanitanian work that of ComImerce is being done. Mr. Arthur- Bell, who has been a The report of the Superintendent. resident of Weston district thse past Rev. Dr. James T. Daley, was sub- three years, is employed with Mr. mitted and it showed in detail the Wvalter Sherwin. work that is being done. The treas- Mr. John E. Armstrong returned urer's statement was presented bY home Friday f rom a two îî-loitrns> W. L. Badley, showing that a suc- tr~ip to tise western p.rovinces anai tiie cessful financial year was enjoyed. coast, representing tLhe Cook CO.. A number of members of the society Toronito. were present from out of town. Mr. and Mrs. James Moifatt and Opening prayer was offered by Miss Freecia Wîison aLteilueu tiie JRev. T. E. Meldrum, pastor of the luneral at Franklin, Sunclay, of tne IPort Hope Baptist Church. The late Richard Vance, a Ille-long resi- fPresident welcomed the members dent of Manvers. and in his introductory remarks Mrs. L. buckleY, delegate f romn Or- pointed out that work of the past Oflo Women's institute, and Mis. Jas year has been successf ni and was R. Cooper, Federation representative due in a large extent to the indefat- Irom thse District of West ijurlsain, igable labors of the superintendent. atteflded the Institute convention Many needed improvements have held in the Royal York Hotel, Tor- been made at thse Shelter, both in- onto, Nov. 24 to 27. Mrs. Cooper was side and out. elected a member of the FederaLed Board. Officers Elected Mrs. J. Mulliganl le! t this week foir The following offiScers were elected: Owen Sound to spend tne winter Hon. President-The Warden ex- with hier sister. Mrs. Mulligan spent Ofllcio. the past few weeks in Peterooro and Hon. Vice Presidents--C. Rehder. vicinity also visîting old friends in J. H H. ury BowanviIe.the Starkville section, guest at Mr. J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S H.H-uy omnil.S G. HalloweUl's. President-Harold Fuiford, Port A number of the miembeis of Wol- Hope.-eD.TS. verhampton, Lodge, S. O. E., visited lst Vice President-Rv r .S Cobourg Lodge Saturday week. Five Boyle, Cobourg. candidlates were initiated durmng thse 2nd Vice President-Mrs. iF. H. evening, thse work being taken by the Philp. Port Hope. degree team of Orono Lodge who Treasurer-W. L. Badley. Port were highly complimented on their Hope. work. The concert Thursday evenîng for Secretary and Local Supt.-Rev. the Blind Institute was fairly well Dr. James T. Daley. Port Hope. attended and netted $43.66. Bowmanvilie people on the Board Mr. Fred MacDonald, Melford, o! Management include: Mrs. L. A. Sask., visited hîs brother, Mr. H. G. W. Tole, Mrs. J. A. Mcçlellan, Mrs. MacDonald, the first o! thse weelc, C. W. Slemon and Mrs. C. E. Rehder. later accompanying his brother and Mrs. J. R. Cooper of Orono and Mrs. Messrs. O. W. Rolpis and E. E. Pat- J. R. Fisher of Newcastle were also terson to Wellingtons where they at- elected to, the Board. tended Masomc Lodge, the occasion being thse official vîsît o! thse D. D. NESTETONG. M. NEST ETONTise marriage took place in Graf- ____ ton Saturday Oif Miss Dorothy John- (Received too late for last week> ston and Mr. Ralph Stutt, son Of Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Stutt, Orono, Sorrr to learn Mr. John Mountioy Rev. Anidrew McLachlan ofllciatimg. is flot improving very rapîdly. Mr. and Mrs. Stutt and daugisters Miss Lottie Brown, Toronto, re- were present at tise ceremony. A.!. cently visited her mother, Mrs. ter a honeymoon trip to Detroit the Brown. happy Young couple will reside lin Mrs. Joe Taylor and family and Graf ton. Mitr. John Samelis recently visited Orono, Women's Institute Novemn- friends in Janetville. ber meeting was well attended. An Mr. Lorne Thompson and Mr. iflteresting program Was given in Donald Thompson were weekend which short papers on the subj ect of visitors in Port Perry. Legisiature were read by several of Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian the members. Another înteresting Church purpose quilting two quilts. feature o! thse program was thse roll o aid the western needy. cail-Hat speeches. Musical nuan- Mr. John Hooey and Mr. Roy and. bers were well gaven by Miss Eileen Burney, and a number oif others Riddell and Master Carman White. vent to Bowmanviile Friday to hear A Surprise was given the members Rev. Mr. Brown, the Presbyterian when Mr. O. A. Gamsby came in and tioderator, speak on mnissions. sang a solo in that style which is ail Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Mr. his own. Mrs. Rowe gave a spien- Vm. Lamb, and Mr. and Mrs. Her- did reading. '"Thanksgiving"' and man Samells motored to Lindsay on had to reply to an encore. Arrange- Sunday week and heard Rev. Mr. ments were made for quiltîng on Fni- Brown. They also cailed on Oak- day afternoon, Nov. 27th. A dainty wood friends. lunch was served and the usual soc- ial hall hour was enjoyed. Over one hundred persons attend- DARLINGTON ed League meeting in Park Cisurcis Monday evening. The program was Report of S. S. No. 3, Darlington, in charge of! the president and con- or Novemnber: sîsted o! scrîpture lesson by Miss V-Annie Kush 66. Hazel Wood; reading entitled "Cour- Sr. IV-May Stormns 69, Grace age by Miss Betty Rowe; recitation I'ul 68. by Samn Keane; piano duet by Misses Sr. III-*Hazel Troul 75, Berniece Kathleen Stark and Eileen Riddell; .oberts 71, Hazel Flint 67, Helen vocal duet, Mrs. Wood and Miss undle 66. Maurice Morphy 65, Lou- Marion Barrabali; musical flamber e Foley 65, Elsie Flint 64, Sammy by Colin Taylor and Bill Brown; JanCamp 62.,j-Hazel Roberts 58. vocal duet by Miss Mary and Neil Jr. III-Ver. Gibson 70, Arthur, Wood. Ail were reeeived with hearty Vorsythe 61, jEddie Forsythc 53. appiause. Thse special feature o! tihe Sr. II-*Jeani Metcalf 80. Peggy evening was a visît fr-om two candi- ýinnioan 70. dates for the Older Boys, Parliainent, Sr. I-*E%,eline Gibsoni 80, 'Marie Mr. Fred Covano0f Newcastle and ýoberts 75. Gordon Troîl 74, Viola Mr. William phjillips, Tyrone. A few loberts 72. Milton Storms 65. iiitr-oduetor'y WOrcs were giveîi by S.Pr. Mdin Metcaif 81,.1M1». Murra', Btitiej of Newcastle and Goidun Metcaif 81. Lo'iie Forsythe Mî'11. King of Tyrolle. Tl'ie expression GlrnnPr. eAlf \5. clfad*e-"0cf'ci hY aillwas tisat tisey were two .Jr.Pr. h inMc'talf od K's f tht ii5osdt cpab)le candidates ever eti Power equal MleBonk. hear d b', htyO'în 1Peoiple of Park Donaldi , t'af SamnY Bonk. '-St reet Chîreh. arion Erîsest. Frîday ruigi't aftht' KýUnuîîîteInI * Honoiîr5 t 1Fa:i te on total: .OE Wn' V'yot1ninnen cf thle tisstand for per cn-it. village pas e a fatwull dîn iser to Mi,. Ruby 'M. llragg, teacher. rom Lytie.acc.u.asat tte Bankt - _____ - Cosneî Me.110o t ,îes 111) his ;Ilew WE)IGdutie.'IL tIr. COI!soune 1Ijraîseh .A 1%'EIDINGsp)lendid Cben kon d.nervast:t- fuUxl ses-riata "ailvy cjec0j ted Davcy3Mr 1arrrrng.in10Isor Qishoe, patteon, andtiMi. 0O. A Ga1]ss be acte 1as toast A Channinsg eveîst took place nat m-aster. Slsort ' acle ei( Marr reasidence, Kirhy, on Satur- bv, Dr. Sayas e~r~ .R mues up) the skin and rna;kEýs ît vel- and pains. i ht-y stop themn 5 on ty soft in texture. Cooling,' ce- i p ahing, ît is delightful to tise. Nev- ceaves a vestige o! stîckîîsess. lo- luable foir hands. faice, and as a N c fixative. Wooderftilly soothîngfe il protective. Especially recom- mded in cases o! roughness or po afing caused by weather condi- ,.. ,but M5. Worrî 1 1 ý ' KBANK OF MONTREI,-AL. Established 1817 c4 presentation, in easily understandable form. of the Bank's ANNUAL STATEMENT 3lst October, 1931 LIABIL I! S Li.BiLiTiEs TO TH,,E PUBLIC Deposits P.yable on demand ,ýnd after notice. Notes cf thse Banik in Circula-.ion Payable on dcmand. Letters csf Credit Outstandin- Financial respOnsibilities rndertaker tn ber5lf of customers for com- mercial transactions tsce "-e vi'eog iontn xi in 'Re;ources"). Other Liabilities . . . . . Items rhîch do nof s re undert- l'e f- 's eidings. Total Liabilities to the Public LIABILITIFS TO THE SHAREJ-OLDERS Capital, Surplus and Undividcd Profits & Resers'es for Dividc-nds . . . . Týis mounst represenhs the 'harcboldtrs'iterest in the Bank, over n-hz-h lzabilues bto te public î.ske precedence. Total Liabilities. . . . $669,047,251.38 0 38,028,37'0.50 8,943,524.05 2,311,583.19 . . $718,330,729.12 $ 76,192,604.84 . . . $794,523,333.96 RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has Cash in its Vaults ansd in thse Central Gold Reserve. Notes osf and Cheques on Other Batnks Pot ah/e in cash on presentaton. Moncy on Deposit with Other Banks . Goverrnent & Other Bonds ansd Debentures Gi/r edge Securities the majorù-y of which mature a: Stocks . . Railway and Industrial and othesockr at or belon' markeî vdu& Sectiredl'y bonds, stocks and other rzegoiable seurities of gr' val ue than the loans and repreoenting moncys qusckly -v-il"bt-id no disurbing effect on conditions mn Canada. Cail Loans in Canada Payable on demand and secured by bonds and stocks 'gnrms Pui" ai current quotations than the Mans. TOTAL 0F QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCEi (equal t0 58.11% of ail Liabilities f0 tthe Public) Odier I.oauis . . . . To maniufactusrm, farmers, mercis anad o*Me% ma,> litent wilh Sound banking. Bank Preinises . . . . . . . Tbree properties only are carried in the nms fholifing onaas the stock and bonds of these companies aire ereyovne btheB and appear on the books as ,$Z.00 in eacb Ca,-.411i oder of iM, Bank's premises, the value of whrch large/y eumede $14,50o,o00, sp. pear under ibis beadng. Real Estate and Mortgages on Real Estate = A *ed * tbe course of the Bank's business and in procest of being x Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit- Represenus liabilities of customers on acco uni of Leisers of Credit iss-ad l'y the Bank for their accouni. Other Assets flot included in Maiag Total.Assets of $83,625,914.91 35,794,511.20 a 22,270,311.79 0 0 236,433,817.82 * 1,785,228.94 * 28,252,802.06 9,243,921.73 * $417,406,508.45 * 34.8,525,148.48 14,500,000.00 1,735,466.32 8,943,524.05 the Foregoing . . 3,412,686.66 . * . . $794,523,333.96 f0 meet payment ofLiabiuises to t&e Public of leaving an excess of Assels over Liabilii to Mie Public of 718,330,729.12 $76,192,604-84 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for the year ending 3 1 t October, 1931 Dividc'.ds paid or payable ro Sharcholders Provis:c,n for Taxes, Dominion Covernment Rescrvrruon for Banik Premnises $4,320,000.00 610,00000 300,000.00 Balance of Profit and Los% Accounr, 3pst Octobe, 1930 Balance of Profit and Los. carried forward CH-ARLES B. GORDON, Pheudent $5,386,379.57 $ 156,379 57 9i4t .4 > W. A. BOG, JACKSON DODDS, Joint General .¶lsnagers The strcngth of a bank is dete,-mined b7 its history, its policy, its management Sand the extent of its resources. For 114 years the Bank of Mon ircal has been in the' forcfront of Canadian finance. J LAINPACIFIC REDUCES &ES FOR CHRISTMAS nnounceinent has beeis made by SCanadian Pacifie to tIse elleeýt it reduced fare tickets will bc ilable to the general public to bic thei sto sisit ielatives aîsd cnds drîring the ap)proaclsiog ristmas season. These ceturoi tic- s will l:e sold at rate o!f.sing'le 'e an5d oneqcuiarter, goocl for tra- going Decenîbex' 23r1. 24t1s, and s., %ith retuu-n limit Deceinher h. Sîmilacly for New Ycars, go- t rip can bho matie Deccruher 3Otls, ý.Jaîsunry Ist. ceturnin't not lat- than January 4th, 1932. 3pecial rcduced faces will also ho hable foi away-fcom-hoine Tea- ,rs anti Studeists, tirkets heiis' ted to cover tise cîtire vacations Io cope with iiiticilsated beavy til due to tise lriiig holitlav per- tîsîs ycar, the Canadiais Pacifie rois a isuiner of extra trains for conveisience of lus patron:s. in- lation concerîsing wisich svill ho se hands o! its Agents sbrirtly. ýchîld shouid be allowed to su!- an hour f rom Wornss wlsen spt relief cari be got iin a simple strong remedy-Mother Graves' nm Exterminator. We French dlean and press lad?.s dres, F O R gowi'i, suit, or long coat, or gent's suit or F 0 Rovercoat. SmaIl extra charge for pleating. $ SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. W. Toronto BOWMIANVILLE AGENTS THE SMART SHOP 1phone 633 Cowan BloCk Clean, Dependabie Hard COAL that is one of the best Produceil. THIE GENUINE SEMET SOLVAY COKE. PROMPT OBLIGING SERVICE HENRY LATHRQPE Phone 520J or 520W Bowinanvlle t1 - a,- - Caff Loans outside'of Canada THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931

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