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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 12

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TEE CANADIA2N STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931 SALEM Pastor A. M. Wootton conducted the afternoon service on Sunday and delivered a fine sermon Salem friends of Mr. W. Stewart. Tyrone. were yen' sorry to learn that he had fallen f rom his wagon in town last Baturday momning and broke several ribs and received a bad shaking Up. He is still under the doctor's care. Sale oF TABLE LAMPS LESS THAN COST Art Pottery bases. hand decor- ateci, Parchinent shades. lamps complete: Regular $1900. $25 Sale Price $25 Regular $1750. Sale rice$11.59 Sale Price$76 Regular $119.00$7.6 Sale Price y.4 Regular $9,00. Sale Price$39 Regular $5.00.$3 0 Sale Price$31 CHRISTMAS CARDS 3 for 5c - to - 25e each Including Made in Canada Series andi Rapbael Tucks Royal Eng- lisb cards. Boxed Assortment 12 Cards for 50c. Personal Greetings dards - Plull lime of Christmas Tags - Seals Ribbons and Decoratians. je W. JEWELL Big 20 Booketore Bùwma nylile1 Why Pastuerize ? Medical Health Offlcer of Orange, N. J., states: "Between 1914-1919 there were five epidemics of Scarlet FeverI Orange. Al of these outbreaks were controiled by the pasteuriz- ation of the milk supplies. In- vestigation of each case baving revealed the source of infection." For Safe Milk and Cream Telephone 446 or 703. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES, Froprietor. We hope for a speedy recovery... Sorry to report that Mr. James Mc- Donald suffered a stroke some days ago and is stiil in a very weak con- dition, Mrs. R. W. Conklln and Miss Mildred, Kingsville, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Collacott and family Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Doidge visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper. Orono, on Sun- day and attended the evening ser- vice in Pazk St. Church and enjoy- ed the fine discourse of Rev. W. J. H. Smyth Several of the children f rom this community paid a visit to Nelson's store. Bowmanville, last Saturday where Santa Claus paid a friendly cali and distributed nuts and candies among the littie tots, much to their delight Lest we forget. there are dates and dates, but be sure to get Dec. .2nd f irmly f ixed in your mind as the evening set apart for Salem School Concert, as announced before, and plan to be present. OBITUARY Mrs. J. C. Truil, Toronto There passed to rest in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday, Nov. 29th, following serious injuries re- ceived by a fail on Friday. Margaret Williams, widow of the late John C. Trull. Deceased was the eldest dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Church Street, Bowman- ville, where she was born and lived until ber marriage to Mr. Trull who predeceased her about thirteen montbs ago. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from the Trul Undertaking Parlors, service being conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. J. Couiter. of Danforth United Church. of whicb she was a member and an active worker in the Ladies' Aid. W. M. S. and W. C. T. U. The inter- ment took place in the family plot in Trull's Burying Ground, South Darlington. She leaves to mourn ber passing. one son. Mr. Lorne Truil, Toronto: one daughter, Mrs. R. Ab- ernetby, Guelph; and four grand- children; also one sister. Miss Em- eline Williams, Bowmanville. SERVICE On Ail Makes of Radios Reasonable Prices Work Fully Guaranteed Tubes Tested. National Radio Service 421 Louisa Street Phone 3186M - Oshawa Your tilit List Gifts for every member of the family in our complete display of choice articles. FOR MOTER- Ya rdley's. Hu dn ut's, Seventeen. Daîcrose, Cutex, Jasmnine Toiletries - Leather Goods - Chocolates - Station- ery - Toilet Sets- Etc. FOR FATHER- Fountain Pens- Desk Sets Flashlights - Cigars- Tobac- cos - Shavlng Sets - docks Etc. Do your shopping early and he.ip some little girl win a prize. GOOD NEWS Saturday anly we are going ta give away Double Coupons with every purchase made in our store. Every little girl under 12 years of age should be in aur DOLL CON- TEST. When in need of Drugs Qulckly Phone 78 Jury & Loveli mhen we test eyes It is donc Properly ~The Newcastle Independent* THURSDAY, DECEMBE R3rd, 1931 NEWCASTLE Mr. Wilbur Graham, Bank of Montreal, Iroquois, was home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gra- ham, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Connel and daugh- ter and Mr. and Mrs. Melvifle Jones, Omemee. were weekend guests of Mr. W. C. Backburn and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dudley, Miss Dunreatb, and Mr. Gea. Walton vis- ited in Toronto Sunday, the former with relatives and the latter with Miss Minnie Pearce. Mrs. Clarence Allin returned on Saturday f rom Toronto where she had been visiting relatives and at- tendmng the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Allin motored up after ber. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, De- cember 6th, Second Sunday in Ad- vent: il a. m.-Morning Frayer and Holy Communion; 2 p. m.--Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evening Frayer. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibson have received the sad news of the death in England of their little grand- daughter, the four mantbs old dau- ghter of Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Gibson, born in Owen Sound on August 4th, some time after their arrival bere f rom India. Dr. Lemay, who formerly carried on a dental practice here until forc- ed to relinquisb it on account of a breakdown in bealth. was in town on Tuesday, calling on his confrere. Dr. Stacey. Friends were pleased to note that following a prolonged iii- ness he is now greatly improved. Miss Hilda Rowland, teacher of Agriculture at the Lake Shore school was instrumental in securing the1 services of Prof. J. Buchanan, Dir- ector of Extension. O.A.C., Guelph, as chief speaker at a community gatberîng in the school bouse last Wednesday evening. Residents of the section, sbowing their interest in the work of their teacher and anx- ious to hear such an agricultural authority as Prof. Buchanan, turned out in large numbers and crowded the scbool room to capacity. Prof. Buchanan delighted the gathering with a graphic description of the O. A. College and grounds and out- lined the many lines of work and re- search carried on there. He then toucbed instructively on a number of agricultural topics of vital inter- est to his hearers. Mr. Clarence Al- lin was presenit and introduced the speaker. Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Mrs. J. T. Brown, with Mrs. C. A. Cowan as accompanist, were down f rom Newcastle and favored with vocal duets. Durham County Liberal Associa- tion is arranging for a monster rally and banquet at Newcastle Commun- ity Hall on Tuesday, Dec. Sth. at 7 p.m. Mr. Mitchell F. Hepburn, new Liberal leader for Ontario, will be the guest speaker. Tickets are 75c each and as the seating capacity is llmited you are advised to make your reservations early. IN THE DlM and 25 YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Nov. 28, 1906 Wednesday evening, Nov. 2lst. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cam- eron, Zion, was the scene of an in- teresting event when bis sister, Lot- tie Pearl, was united in marriage to ,Chas. N. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury hasve returned f rom an enjoyable trip with the Canadian Ticket Agents Mr. Fred Graham held a success- HIGH SOHOOL COMMENCEMENT fui barn-raismng bee Monday week - wiien he aticleci a 22-foot addaition to Hall Filled te CapaeitY - Enter- bus olci barn in order to accommo- taining Program - Frizes te Val- date bis mncreasmng herds. A Lndsay ue of $350 Awarded to 15 Students dealer supplieci and hauled the tan- ber and lumoer. Under the direct- Higb Scbool teachers and students in of Joe Martinel, veteran barn were in the spotligbt at the com- tramer and builder, Kendal, the new mencement exercises in the Comn- acidition is now nearly completed. munity Hall on Friday evening, Mr. Win. E. Bem-an is agaîn able to Nov. 2tb. But they were not the get around with the help af a cane only ones to dlaimi attention, as and was out on Saturday paying bis members of the Board of Education taxes after being conimeci. to thle and otber citizens also took parts in house for two weeks witb a very tbis annual event, niarking the sev- lame back. He received bis injury enty-tbird year of the Newcastle when an old apple tree which he was Higb School. cligging out by the roots suddenly Rev. W. P. Rogers, B. A., of the toppled over on him. Mr. J. E. W. United Churcb conducted the open- Pilp, who bad gone up to the or- ing devotional exercises, after wbich' chard for a basket of apples, was the followed the address of the chair- first to see him and render assist- mnan, Major H. W. Dudley, Who ex- ance. tended a welcome ta the crowds of Friends and relatives bere were people present and expressed bis shocked to learn of the grievous ac- pleasure in seeing the hall 50 comn- cident wbich befeli Miss Joy Love- pletely filled. kin last week at the Royal Wmnter The presentation of prizes. be- Fair, Toronto. Miss Lovekmn, wbo ginning in the early stages of the bas frequently visited ber cousins, program witb Pr'incipal Coyne pre- F. B. and C. R. Lavekin. f ell an the senting handsome medals ta lead- steps 0f ane af tbe buildings and ing students of Faim I and conclud- broke some bonies in bath shoulders ing near the end with tbe presenta- and otberwise injured herself. She is tion oif the Wilmot Gold Medal, was now mn bospital and ber case is con- interspersed witb an attractive pro- sidered ta, be very seriaus. Miss grain of inusic. drainatics, oratory Lavekin visited ber cousins at Kil- and ather features. colmnan and Atlas Fruit Farm but a That there are inany of the bigb short time ago. scbool students musically inclined and with saine training by compet- cnt teachers was clearly evidenced UNITED CHURCH by the number wha contributed in- -- strumental numbers during the ev- Unitedi Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ening. The first af these was a piano ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Dec. 6th: duet by Ruth Holmes and Neta Allin. 11 a. m.-Marning Worsbip; 2.30 p. Other musical numnbers at varions m.-Sunday Scbool: 7 p. m.-Even- intervals. al Weill eceived and ap- ing Service. Rev. Thos. Wallace, preciated, were twa harmonica solos Newtanville, is excbanging pdIlpits by Newcastle's queen of mouthorgan with the pastor and will preach at artists, Rasa Cowan, with piano ac- bath cburcb services. companimient by Miss Masoni; piano Mrs. J. C. Hancock's group of the solos by June Brown, Olive Jaynes, W. A. held a social and financially Bessie Blackburn and Jean Rickard, profitable tea in the Sunday scbool all between scenes. witb the curtain hall f rom 4 to 6 last Wednesday af- down. in tbe course of the presenta- ternoon. tion of 'rhe Merchant of Venice; ai- The Pastor, Rev. W. P. Rogers, is so a very pretty xylphone solo by in Toronto this Tbursday and Fri- Gladys Pallard wîth piano accom- day attending meetings of the Fin- paniment by Miss Mason, and just ance Committee of the United bef ore tbe last act in tbe play, a vo- Churcb of Canada. ical duet by Miss Switzer and ber Rev. Walter E. Milîson, D.D. brotber, Mr. Switzer of Wbitby, ac- Evangelism and Social Service Dept.. eompanied by Mrs. L. M. Fisber. United Cburcb of Canada, gave twa Tbeir two numbers were, There is a robust and informative addresses in Garden. and Come Sing to Me, the the United Church last Sunday. He latter an encore in respanse ta de- wvas a guest wbile bere of bis cous- ligbted and sustained applause. Miss in.s. Miss O. Warren and Mrs. F. W. Switzer's voice, a rich soprano, Cowan. blending so sweetly with tbe pure tenor of ber brother, was a revela- Flowers bave an expi ession of tion to the many in the audience countenance as much as men or ani- wba had neyer before beard bier sîng mals. Same seem to smile; some in public. Their singing was a star bave a sad expression; some are feature of the programn. pensive and diffdent; athers again The Public Speaking contest, in- are plain, bonest and upright, like augurated three years ago with the the broadfaced sunflower and the hearty approval of the Board af Ed- bollyhock.-Henry Ward Beecher. ucation and the Principal by Mrs. Dignity of position adds ta dig- ýJ. A. Butler, brougbt out six contest- nity of character, as well as to dig- ants, wha were given a chaice of nity of carniage. Give us a proud' about ten subjects tbe day before. position and we are impelled to act Thus while the speeches were not up ta it.-Bovee. exactly impromptu, neither bad tbey been long in the preparation. Leen Batty and June Brown DITATPATeacb spoke on a day at teCnd 1 DITA NT PA T i an National Exhibition, Toronto; Annabelle Hendry on The Woods in 50 YEAES AGO rary; Edwin Hancack on An Ontario Fruit Farm. describing what be saw and telling of bis impressions on a From The Statesman, Nov. 25, 1881 visit ta a fruit farm in the Niagara Only four weeks ta the shortest -__ __________ day of 1881. Frost scaled the ground an Mon- day nigbt. A western hog ate a $2000 rolof buis the other aay. Na wonder park 1 J, K~. Galbraith, barrister, base ns tio purchased the brick bouse andi bait1 Association at Mobie, iiîa. re-j e-LUL;Quuiiu Darlington: Ernest J. Bennett isj ei y ondb .T ae o 1 going ta Saskatoon, N. W. T.where, jams .orhyshoseri.aa he wîll carry on photograpbing bus- JamTesaNosdwor thersedran away mess. Telephone from Oshawa fTusa adsctedasav bas been put into Darlington sta- and Mr. N on the bîghway. Mr. N's tion and the bouses of Geo. Pearce, injuries we are pleased ta relate were Casey Truil, Samuel Eversan, andj not seriaus. Jno. Trull. On Monday last a very painful ac- cident bappened ta Stephen Edger, Courtice: W. McAdobas sold bis anoemployee of Bittaun Bras. kîllîng interest in the butter factory to T and packing plant of town. Brennanci Howard Caurtice, son'l ibioughth te struggles of a hog be of Councillor W. E. Caurtice, wil was about ta despatcb, the knife teacb in S. S. No. 8 next year wbich he beld was brought into con- Geo. Annis' new barn 44 x 110 feet,1 tact wîth bis face inflîcting an ugly hip roof, covered witb galvanized, gash extending f rom bis lef t eye shîngles is now complete. across bis nase. His eyelasb was cut Sauina: The remains of the late' a lîttie and be came near lasîng bis Mrs. Stephen Washington of Tor- eye. onto were interred at Zion Fniday Tbe skating and curling rink is B. G. Stevens is building a new appraacbing completion and is a stable and driving shed Silas magnificent building, put together Williams had a bec taking down a wth great care and having every barn Friday Walter Vice bas modemn convenience for such a purcbased tbe Hooper property and place. will make a stable out oif the bouse. A society for the purpose of ad- J. G. Langmaid and J. G. Burns vancing the study of modern lang- were rabbit bunting near Janetville. uages bas been started at the Uni- Enfield: Sîlas Werry and f amily versity of Toronto, the prime mover bave moved into the bouse recently being aur esteemed f rlend, John vacated by Jas. Ashton W. Avery Squair, who was elected tbe f irst bad a colt f ail into a well 60 f eet president. deep. About 20 neigbbors assisted Kirby: Our village is the same, un- hîm and landed the animal out alive altered in every respect, as when I but badly stiffened The beef ring last wrote you, save the old M. E. wound up business for the year witb Churcb structure bas been torn an oyster supper when about 150 dawn and taken ta Orono, there ta peopl repaired into a dwelling bouse. peopl atteded.Orono: This week an agent of tbe Maple Grove: Mr. and Mrs. W. United Workmen bas succeeded in Hocken and famiiy have moved ta getting the required number ta start Mrs. P. Tyler's f armn Sunday, No a lodge here. One oif aur citizens vember 1lth, some persans gat into is credited with being possessed oif the hall, cburch and public scbool. nerve enaugb ta attempt to tbrash Tbey broke the church window and bis wif e. Shame. ransacked thlngs in the hall and Leskard: It was decideci at a pub- schooi and also took about $3.00 in lic meeting to make an effaort ta missionary money. Na trace oif tbem build sidewalks tbrough the village. bas yet been found. $28 bas been subscribed and $25 bas Enniskillen: Miss Rose, teacher, been granted by council. sa that our bas been angaged until micsummer. citizens will soon rejoice in a city Pieased ta hear that Miss Rose is luxury. giving sucb goad satisfaction as she Tyrone: Donaldi Fraser, one of aur is the f îrst lady teacher we bave had noted village blacksmitbs, bas re- in oui, academy Rev. and Mrs. T. cently very mucb lmproved the ap- Snowdein repart a gooci time attend- pearance oif bis dwelllng bouse with îng atiniversary at Cambray. twa beautiful glossy coats of paint. Bawmanville Elcctiic Light camp- On Wednesday evenlng, the 9th anry hereby announcas that they are inst., the many friends oif Mr. and now gixing an ail nigbt electrlc ser- Mrs. S. Vanstane. Tyrone, met at vice betwacn 4 P. m. and 8 a. m. the family residence for the purpose Also that ail flat rates will shortly of showing Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone be cancelled and a meter rata sub- the esteem in wblch they are helci stituted. by their fcllow citîzens andi express- To desponci is ta be ungrateful be- îng their regret that they are oblig- foreband. Be nat laoking for evil. ed ta leave the vlclnity. Mrs. Van- 0f tan thau drainest the galtof fear stone was presented wth a beauti- wblle evil Is passing by tby dwell-i ful album and Mr. Vanstone wth a ing.-Tupper. pair of gold spectacles. BABY GRAND Hb. sj.atstm end .vîbig ditrctGad inll, udeyBoa iai Value in this- 9 -Tube *PHILCOl MADE IN CANADA BALANcED SUPERHETERQDYNE 3 MODELS We belleve the Philco 9 - tube lin* ollers lrmiter value by àr thon any other radio on the me t. No other madio .xcept the. Philco 11 - tube ce. touch It ln performnance or surpass It la or lower ln price than most 7 end 8 tube setg. Any ont of these thue. modaesIo worthy of à place of honor la tkLBoom home. LOWBOY A bamilMedelm --* Pi.~.S1950 Read These Featuresa0 4-POINT TONE CONTROL 1WO 45 POWER TUBES NEW ELECTRO-DYNAtAC SPLAME LONG DISTANCE SWITCH HAND RUBBED FNSH W. J. CHALLIS Phone 290 for Demonstration HIGHBY b * * S à than, VW I arn proud to be a Can- adian. The contest judges were: Rev. James F. McGuire, B. A., of St. Joseph's R. C. Cburch, Bowmanville and St. John's, Newcastle, with the clergyman's idea of effective address; Mr. G. L. Wagar, M. A., of Bowman- ville H. S., witb the view point of a member of the teaching profession; and Mr. M. G. V. Qould, B. A.. LL. D., bringing to bear on the contest a barri.ster's conception of oratorical eloquence. Mfter long and careful deliberation the judges' spokesman, Rev. J. F. McGuire made bis f irst public ap- pearance before a Newcastle audi- ence and in a neat speech announced bis and his colleagues' decisions, as (Contlnued on page 5) NOTICE The Reeve. Clerk and Constable are given autbority to order Fire Engines fram other places to attend f ires i.n the Village 0f Newcastle and that payment only will be made when ordered by above. Village of Newcastle. W. F. Riekard, Reeve. H. C. Bonathan, Clerk. John Garrod, Constable. CHALLIS' Special Radio Show Beginning noon, Saturday, Dec. 5th, and continuing for one week, there will be at my show roorns a very special and complete showing of al the models of the famous Philco Radios, in 5, 7, 9 and il tube models, Console and Baby Grand cabinets, ranging in price from $55.00 to $229.50 Complete A particular feature of this showing will be the following RARE BARGAINS IN CONSOLE ELECTRIC RADIOS 1 New DeForest Crossley-$65. 1 Supertone King--$50. 1 $350 Silver Marshall-$65. 1 Nearly New Victor-$65. Also several splendid Battery Sets, ranging from $10.00 to $35-00 BUY A RADIO AS A FAMILY GIFT You are invited to corne in ýand look these Radios over, at showriooms next west of skating rink, King Street East. W. J. Challis Philco Dealer - Bowmanville Phone 290W or 290J STOP!I LOOK!I LISTEN I GQOD NEWS Your gasoline and oil costs you Iess at Garton's Service Station and Garage. We buy our oils by the carload and the saving effected we pass on to you. Imperiai 3 Star Gasoline........ 26c Gai. Ethyl Premier Gasoline......... 28c Gai. Tax Included MARVELUBE QILS Oul by the quart .................. 30c For Oul Change .............. 25c quart Consuit us for our price in barrel lots. It will save you rnoney. G arton's Garage King Street Phone 412 Bowmanville 1 Christmas Suggestions Hot Water Botties Thermos Botties Fountain Puis Fine Note Paper Safety Razors Razor Strops Lather Brushes Shavlng Sets Ladies' Toilet Sets Bath Powder Bath SaIts Perf urne Compacts Hair Brush Mlitary Brushes Mlimrrs These articles are priced 80 you can buy them and feel satlsfied. They are real values. Kersiake 's THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Rb A elip "MVIFT irv

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