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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 1

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itrn ttma With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Acivance - ,.,- -- k%. iC 5e a Copy IN. 49; RUSSELL T. KELLEY SPOKE ON A. B. C. 0F BUSINESS LIFE Rotary Club and Guests EnJoyed Address of Optimism by Fresident of Hamilton Ad'vertisers' Agency. Friday was guest day at the Ho- tarY Club and many of its members took the opportunity of demonstrat- ing a very valuable asset in business by bringmng their associates in the same prof ession or business to the friendiness of the luncheon table.1 Those who were fortunate enough, , or otherwise, to have no opposition,1 brought their friends and ins ail close to 70 enjoyed an enjoyable and proi fitable bour and a half together ini addition to bearing a very approp-: riate address by Russell T. Kelley,j President of the Hamilton Advertis- ers' Agency, and a former District Governor of Rotary. Mr. Kelley was remembered by most of those pres- ent from bis appearance here wben the Business Men's Association held its At Home at the Training School Jlast spring. Many of the kindly sug- 'gestions brought by Mr. Kelley to that meetng are now inculcated in the business spirit of this town. to the mutual benefit o! merchant and customer. Ater the toast to the King and President Geo. W. James had wel- comed the local guests. as well as these Oshawa Rotarians, J. G. Leth- bridge, S. J. Collacutt, Leo. Gray E. Pattinson and A. B. Creighiton, Past President Tom Holgateitoue the speaker. The theme o! Mr. Kelley's address was "The A. B. C. of Business." The A. B. and C. the speaker classified as 'Ambition'. 'Backbone' and 'Con- centration.' The application o! these three attributes brought about a successful business or prof essional man. After two years o! depressed times there is going to be considerableI business for everyone who goes after it, the speaker asserted. Fi!ty per cent o! the people of this country are in need of something and are in the market for things today. In 1920 the per capita amount on de- posit in the banks was $58, whlle today it bad reached the amazing smm of $200 per person. They have the money, lots of it and are in need o! really useful thlngs. Al that was needed was the application of the A. B. C. o! business and the people would again start to spend. Speak- lng of gold, the speaker stated that (Continued on page 8) >PROGRAM COMPLETED FOR LEGION CHARITY CONCERT ON DECEMBER llth. Local Artisa Wiil Assist Legioin Band i Splendid Program. A splendid program o! fi! teen numnbers will feature the Criarxty Concert now being arranged uncier the auspices of the Bowmanvsile Branch o! the Canadian Legion. Tis concert which takes place in the Opera House on Friday, Decem- ber llth la mn aid o! the Poppy Fund and the Community Welare Com- maittee. The money donated through the silver collection on that evenmng goes towards the relief of the needy tis wmnter. Mayor M. J. Elliott has acceded to the request that'he act as chairman on this occasion in the absence 0f President R. M. Cotton, who !rom Christie Street Hospital, is looking to, the concert to be ai great success. The Mayor and the Legion Executive are appealing to citizens to be generous in their of!- fering on this occasion. There is to be no charge for admission but a sil- ver collection will be taken and di- '~vided between the two causes men- tioned above. The program arrang- ed f or that evening is as f!ollows: The Programn Band - Overture ernntoa Chairmans iiik Mayor Elliott Harinonizers alquartette - -Little Jack Ilorner'- - A. MeIGregor, E. L'oonbes, 1). Williams, WV. (,arruth- ers. 013and - - - -The Stein Song" SSolo - -The Floral Dance" - .Mrs. 11i. M. Fos te r Reading - "The Model Sermon"~ - Mrs. Win. Adams. ,kt3and - -My Hiero' - from "Chocolate Soldier. Dance (A) - Direction Miss E. Peardlon Male Quartette - "The End of the Cob- ble8tonefRond- Dance (B3) - Direc-tion Miss E. Peardon Band - Theres a Long, Long Tira il" Solo " The Old Refrain' - Mrs. Alex. Colville. Band - Seremade - -Sweet Dreame" Solo - The Tolers- - Mr. il. J. Knight Band - - "The Maple Lear" God Save The King. CHRISTMAS MAIL Large Audiences 'Witness Annual Commencement Exercises at B.HIIS. Sparkling Programs Feature Annual Event-Prizes Were Presented and John Jury Delivered Vale- dictory Address. The annual Commencement Ex- worthwhile look oniy at the f ailures ercises of Bowmanville High School and forget that the majority turn were held in the school assembly out to be successes. hall on Thursday and Friday nights To show tliat education does pay wth large nuxnbers of citizens f rom Dr. Bonnycastie stated lie could town and surrounding country in name men, prommnent in every walk attendance. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, of life in the Dominion and many Chairman of the Hliglu School Board, widely known outside of this Domin- presided over the exercises, and one ion, who were graduates of Bowman- noticeable thing was that the pro- ville High Scliool. That should be gram startecl sharp on time at 8.16 sufficient to make one believe that p. m. Previous to the rise of the higher education pays. curtain the sehool orchestra, under Many say it ta flot worthwhile, for Mr. R. W. Scott, played several sel- ail the best of the scholars leave ections. The f irst item on the pro- town, and even if they do, the coun- gram on the f irst evenmng was the 1 try stili bas them, and we are proud address of the chairmnan, Dr. Bonny- to clauin them as graduates of our castle. high school. H-owever, if one was to Chairman's Acldress go over the list of prominent busi- I could flot let this occasion pass ness and professional men in Bow- without reference to the great loss manville today they would be able tis board has sustained in the death to name 25 of them who graduated o! the late W. B. Coucli, the speaker f rom the High School here and stated. He was a member of this whose education in that school has Board since the inception of the won for them respected places in board and for the past 25 years was their own community where char- its capable and courteous chairman. acter building is infinitely more Also the Board had sustained a great difficuit than it is in a strange city. loss in the removal o! Rev. D, W. In conclusion the chairman con- Best, who had lef t Bowmanville, but gratulated the students who were the speaker believed that the places to be awarded their diplomas and of these two men had been ably f ill- also all o! those who had made a ed by Mr. M. G. V. Grould and Mr. success of the past year in school. Fred Knox, the new members o! the The chairman then presented the Board, over which the speaker deem- following with Commercial diplo- ed it a great privilege to preside. mas: Marion Allun. Helen Argue, The chairman, having been a Edward Bagneli, Leah Bell, Novelda member o! the board for the past Berry, Rena Caverly. Stanley Dunn. 25 years, compared the school o! Frances Harvie, Muriel Henderson, that time with the school o! the Nellie Kirkton, Winnie Lancaster, present day. At that time there Helen McDonald, Leola Miller, Mur- were but 4 teachers and 80 pupils, iel Moore, Violet Nichols, Elsie Rowe, iwhile today there were 9 teachers Eileen Todd. and 209 pupils at the school. Two Miss Elmnor Sykes received the years ago the Commercial course gold medal for the senior girls' was added to the curriculum and championship at the Interschool had proved very successful. Meet, and Bradley Honeyman was This increase in teachers and awarded the Strathcona medal for facilities had cost a lot of money and the best shot in the school. the chairman stated that it was The athletic prizes were present- plainly seen that the facilities and ed by Mr. M. G. V. Gould to: Boys' services could not be increased over senior medal-H. Colmer; boys' jun- 100 per cent without additlonal cost. ior medal-Boyd Slemon; girls' sen- With the great expense of runnlng for medal-Evelyn Minns: girls' jun- a hlgh school one mlght ask, Does ior medal-F. Courtice. Education Pay? Is it worthwhile? Speclal medal presented by Mr. Are the students becoming better W. L. Paterson and Mr. C. J. Scott to citizens for this blgher education, the student Who contributed most to The speaker tbought the answer the rugby team. 40% rugby and was undoubtedly in the affirmative. 60% academic, was presented to Bifi Many of those wbo point to school Ingram. expenditures and say it is flot (Contlnued on page 11) Santa Claus VViII Pay Officiai Visit To BowmanviIIe Saturday Dec. I 2th Parade, I-uge Christrnas Tree and Good Time for Kiddies is Being Sponsor- ed by Bowmanville Busi- ness Men'a Association. A parade, Christmas tree, a baud, pounds and pounds o! candy. and good old rolllcking Santa Claus binm- self are to be f eatures o! the official visit to Bowmanville o! tbe Christ- mas Spirit on Saturday, DecemberI l2tb, under the auspices o! the Bowmnanville Business Men's Assoc- iation. Plans f or tis important event were outlined at a meeting o! the directors o! the Association i the council rooîn n Monday nigbt. Wbile the arrangements o! the de- talla were lef t in the banda o! a committee composed o! W. P. Cor- bett, chairman, T. W. Cawker, M. S. Dale, J. R. Moore and Geo W. James, the general program will provide for the arrival o! the .iolly old !ellow on Saturday a!ternoon, Dec. l2tb. A giant Christmas tree, brilliantly ligbted, will be erected on the Cox Motor Sales lot and at this point Sauta wîll receive an official wel- come anti the !reedom o! the town f rom His Worsip Mayor M. J. El- liott. Previous to the welcome Sau- ta will enter the town in state, prob- ably led by the Canadian Legion Band. On bis arrival at the tree be will be welcomed and then he wilU proceed ta distribute hundreds o! pounds o! candy and nuts to tbe children o! Bowmanville and sur- rounding country, ail o! whom are cordially invited te attend tis in- teresting event on tbat afternoon. Next week's Statesman wilU contain aîl the details o! Santa Claus' offic- ial visit ta Bowmanvllle. The Association is also planning ta approacb the chlldren wlth a vlew ta havlng groupa o! carol singera parade aroUnd the town slnging the old famillar carois during the f ew days be!ore Christmas. If is expecf- cd that the chlldren wlll enter heartlly int o this Idea and that the Spirif o! Christmas Wil be deman- strated i Bowmanvlile this year as If bas neyer been celebrated bef are. DECEMBER B. T. S. MUSICALE December Musicale o! the Boys' Training School will be held I Fer- guson Hall on Tuesday, December 8th, at 7.30 P. m. Mr. Leonard Rlch- er, Supervisor o! Music in Oshawa Scbools, Conductor a! the Oshawa Masaed Choira and Organiat o! King Street United Churcb, will conduct a program by the Oshawa Coleglate Orchestra o! whlch he la also con- ducter. Ail music lavera o! Bow- manville and communlty are cord- lally invited te attend thia musicale. HERE DECEMBER 12th. ,J. II% Santa Claus Who la paying bis official annual visit ta Bowmanville under Bowrnan- ville Business Men's Association aus- pices on Saturday. December l2th. Below we publish bis message ta, the cindren of Bowmanvile, Clarke, Darllngton and Cartwright: My Dear Cblldren: I have juat received an i- vitat ion from the Bowmanvllle Business Men's Association ta came ta Bowmanvllle on Sat- urday afternoon, December 12, and I shaîl be glad ta meet every chibd ln West Durham on that day. As T do not know the exact tume I will arrive you must watch next week's Statesman for f ull particubars. T am bringing hall a ton a! candy wtb me to share Up among fthc kiddies at the giant Christmas Tree on Cox Mater Sales' lot on King Street. Be sure and be there f0 see me. Goodbye until then. c Santa. T. B. Gilcbrisf. the energetlc Clothing Store proprietor, announces i a f ull page advertisement an page 3 o! a shopping event whIch la goig te prove Most papubar among the men folk a! tins community, and the womnen, too, wha buy for the male members o! their famlly. He bas listed and at unusually 10w prices gi! ta that would warm fthc heart o! any man. There la a reason wby Mr. Gllcbrist makes such a succesa o! bis business and that reason la, he knowa fthe value a! advertising. back- cd up by genuine values andi rosi aervioe inhi bs store. TO HONOR LEADER Mitchell F. Hepburn Leader o! the Provincial Liberal Party, who will be tendered a ban- quet at the Community Hall in New- castle, by Durham County Liberais on Tuesday, December 8tb. cc cE m il DURHAM LIBERALS I WILL HONOR MR. t MITCHELL HEPBURN V Provincial Liberal Leader To BeN Gucat o! Honor at Banquet atC Newcastle on Thesday. Mitchell F. Hepburn, M. P. forf West Elgin, and Provmncial Lie9 Leader, will be thc honored guest and chie! speaker at the Liberal or- ganization meeting and get-together banquet to be beld i the Commun- ity Hall, Newcastle, an Tuesday, De- cember 8th, at 6.45 p. m. Mr. Hepburn was firsf electeci te Federal Parliament in 1926 and was re-elected i 1930 with a greafly i- crcased majarify. The Liberal leadert ia a very force! ul and magnetic speaker. Other speakers wiil include W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. for Durham Counfy; W. A. Fraser, M. P. for Northumber- land County; aud Hon. Nelson Par- huament, Tarante, Provincial Organ- izer for the Liberal Party. There will be a liinited number o! tickets for fis banquet which are already in great dema'id. Par those who plan te attend thc suggestion is made that the tickets be Procured af once from the foilowing: Baw-, manvilc-Mrs. H. Burke, J. J. Gray, Lawrence C. Mason; Newcastle-Mr. Harry Dudley; orono-Mrs. o. Roph; Darlingtan-Silas Wllams, Hampton, Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Court ice, Melbourne Wight, Provi- dence; Manvers--Mr. William Mor- tan, Mrs. Richard Wright; Cart- wrigbt-Mr. Fred Philp, Mrs. Luther MauntJoy. A good orchestra will bc in at- tendance af the banquet, wbich Promises te be anc o! the most sparkling events a! ifs kind hinfthc bistory of the Durhams County Llb- cmal Association. GOLDEN WEDDING ColwUll-Barrett 1881 - 1931 Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Cobwill f orm- crly o! Darlington Township, cele- brated their 5Otb wcdding anniver- sary on Monday, November 23rd, at their home, 247 Boon Ave., Toronto, in the !orm o! a reception. The din- init room was dccorated un gold and wbite, and a beautiful three-story wedding cake adorned the centre o! the table. About 75 guests callojcý during the a!tcrnoon and evcning. Mis. J. Cbeyne (nec Maggie Robin- son) o! Brooklin, Ont., the brides- maid o! fi! ty years ago, was pe~:; alsa Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and daughter, Miss Irene Bragg. old neighbors o!f thc family. One o! the mast interesting feat- ures o! the evening was fthe christen- ing o! their grand-daughter, Barbara Anu Harda, and their two sons, Tom and Harold, and bis wife Ella May. Rcv. J. R. Real, forînerly o! Orono, per!ormcd the ceremony. They received numerous personal gifts. Among thema was a profusion o! mums and roses; a beautiful con- sole set o! black and gold f rom the Rcbekab Lodge o! whicb their dau- gbters are members; and a purse a! gald f rom the f amily. Mr. and Mrs. Colwill bave ciglit cbibdren, six sons and two daugbters, aIl belng present on fthc occasion. DON'T FEED TRANSIENTS Alderman T. H. Lockhart, Chair- man o! Relief. states thaf citizens sbauld refuse ta f eed transients wha cali at their h6mea for food. Most a! these men wba waut work are now hinfthc north country and those wbo cannat go and wba remain' a transient probbem are being careti for by the proper authorities. Any man who calis at fthc home for any- tbhig toecaf should be directed te fthc Police Station wherc he will be cared for. Citizens shoulti not be- lieve mca wha tell theai that the police have refuacti themn a meal. Try Bowmanvillc stores firat. Bowmanviile stores will be open Sall day Wednesday during December. SThe regular monthly meeting o! thec Wamen'a Hospital Auxlblary wlil be hebtIn he icNurses' Residence on FrIday. Dec. 4th, at 3.30 p. m. Hoi BON In the twilight o! the f irst reallY cold day o! the f ail o! 193 1, Wedues- Lay last, West Durbam's new 14- aile stretch of paved bigbway fromn bowmanvilie ta blackstociL was otuc- ially opened by Hion. Leopold Mac- auiay. Minister o! Highways for tne Province o! Optario. The ceremony vas schedule,,e o start Sharp at 4 o'clock but a delay was caused ow- ing to a misunderstanding. It was originally planned that the Minister should meet at the Town Hallin 3owmanville and proceed with the procession o! Business Men to the scene o! the opening a short distance north of Enniskillen wbere the two seven-mile stretches o! pavement built by different companies met. Owing to the lateness the min- ister proceeded straight to Hamp- ton only to !mnd that the Business Mfen were patiently waitmng for bsm in Bowmauville. A !urther delay was niecessitated wbile the Bowman- ville people drove out to Hampton. Tbe procession then moved on to Enniskillen and by that time, 5 'clock, it was semi-dark and a bit- ter cold wind was blowing, bearing with it tis winter's !irst f all o! snow swept across the bh wbere the ceremony was t0 be per!ormed. WVarden Geo. Hooton, o! the United Counties, teok onily a short time te, intrduce Hon. Mr. Macaulay who mounted the rear bumper o! bis of!- ficial car, Ontario No. 10, and con- gratulated the Unitedl Counties on the splendid road system it bad and also, in the new road that it had ac- quired. Invlting the ladies present, of whom there were many, t0 come forward and get a piece o! ribbon, the Minister o! Higbways then f orm- ally cut the ribbon and declared the new highway open. The Canadian Legion Band, under the direction o! Bandmaster Robt. Lowens, played two numbers. whicb proved plenty in the Storm that was raging. About a hundred cars followed the Higbway Minister to the end o! the pavement at Blackstock and back again te Hlampton, where the next item o! celebration was scbeduled to take place. Splendid Banquet The United Church at Hampton was the setting for the banquet that !ollowed the officiai openlng o! the road. At the bead table were seat- ed Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Mr. Geo. Greer, Counties Road Superintend- ent. Warclen Geo. H-ooton, Mayor and Mrs. Milton J. Elliott, Reeve and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Reeve and Mrs. Geo. F. Annis. Reeve and Mrs. N. Green o! Cartwright, Reeve G.ordon Parker o! Alnwick. Mr. Fred W. Bowen, M. P.. and Mrs. Bowen. and Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P ., and others. The ladies o! Hampton Women's Institute attended the tables that literally groaned under the weight o! a moat appetizing banquet whicb the 180 guesta tboroughly enjoyed. Immediately aiter the banquet the toast to he King was duly honored and a lengthy program o! speeches was commenced. Warden Hooton In explaining the cause o! the gathering the Warden stated that it was to celebrate the opening o! the new higbway. Last year Northum- berland got its share o! pavement and this year Durham County re- ceived its share. Despite the depres- sion the Counties Council had seen fit to go ahead witb uts pavlng pro- gram and in doing s0 got the work done at a very 10w price, and in ad- dition helped a great many unem- ployed. Reeves W. H. Carruthers and Gor- don Parker, member o! the Counties Road Commission, explained tbe de- tala in conuection with the letting o! contracts; and the type o! road laid, wbile Geo. Greer, County Road Superintendent, thanked the resi- dents along the new road for their co-operation during the laying o! what be called the best piece o! road in the United Counties. Hon. L. Macaulay When the Warden introduced the principal speaker o! the evening. Hon. Leopold Macaulay, the audi- ence rose and sang "For He's a Jolly i Good Fellow." Tis was the minis- 1 ter's blrthday, he acquainted bis 1 hearers in bis opening remarks, and there was no place he wopld rather be than i these counties on that day. No parb o! the Dominion had a better background than these 'Un- ited Counties, the pioncera o! Upper Canada and the pace setters for the Province o! Ontario. He was pleased in addition to meet an old college chum, Rev. J. R. Blck, pas- tor of the Hampton circuit. Mr. <Contlnued on Page 2) Wm. Pkiliips, Tyrone, Wins Seat in ýThe Ontario Older Boys' Parliament PRESIDED AT BANQUET 1 Fred Cowan of Newcastle Bows to Tyrone Boy by 53 Majority - Less Than Half of Those Entitîed to Vote Exercise Their Fran- chise- By a majority o! 53 votes Bill Phillipa o! Tyrone won the West Durham seat in the Older Boys' Parllamentary Elections on Safur- day. The vote was in a sense dis- appointing. ta the effect that out o! a total .of 587 voters only 263 exer- cised their franchise. In Kirby and « . .. . . Haydon not one voter turned out te the palls, while in many other sub- -M divisions the vote was very light. Some o! the remarkable facts o! thc election are, f irstly. the solid sup- port o! Fred Cowan in bis home vil- lage o! Newcastle where be polled 49 to 0 votes wlth three votera not voting. Tu bis home seat Bill Phil- lips received a 35 ta 4 plurallty. Tu Warden Geo. H Hooton Hampton, Eldad and Zion Philiips .,f the United Counties o! Nortbumn- took a 100% vote. wbile in addition ta Newcastle, Newtonvile went sol- berland and Durham, who directed idly for Cowau. the ceremonies at the openmng o! the Alex McGregor o! Bowmanvllle new Bowmanvile Blackstock high- was returning officer for the riding. way on Wednesday, November 25th. John James, Boys' Wark Secretary _______-for the ridmng, stated i explaining the small vote that many o! the vot- TRINITY W. M. S. ers had nat been ta Sunday achool for some tume and in thaf way were The afternoon Auxillary o! Trmn- not inif uil touch wlfh the election ity W. M. S. met in the achool room1 news. Other places where there are on Tuesday, wif h the president, Mrs. no Trail Rangera or Tuxis Baya the F. A. Poster, in the chair. Meeting election was not as wel advertised opened witb singing "Onward Chris- as if mlght have been. In tis ine tian Soldiers", !oilowed by prayer by Mr. James suggcsted that- Zhe best Mrs. T. G. Mason. Minutes o! last way ta bring thc election forcibly te meeting were rend by Secrefary Mrs. the attention a! thase entitbed te F. M. Cryderman. Aiter the rail caîl vote was by the means o! au indlvid- Mrs, B. M. Warnlca presided during ual letter te, each boy entltlcd te vote thc electian a! officers whlcb reaulfed Just previous te Uthe electian. as follows: Hon. President-Mrs. Place Na. o! Bill Fe (Rev.) E. F. Armstrong; President- Voters Phillps Cawan Mrs. G. L. Wagar; lat Vlce-Mrs. p. BowmaS.flile 143 38 il A. Poster; 2nd Vice-Mrs. (Dr.) C. Newcastle 52 0 49 W. Sbemnon; Secretary-Mrs, Prajk Newtonville 20 0 18 M. Cryderman; Treasurer-Mrs. A. Kendal 28 3 9 E. McCready; Car. Sec.-Mrs. Robt. Orolia 48 12 2 Stocker; Fin. Secc-Mrs. B. M. War- Klrby il 0 O nica; Asst.-Mrs. T. 0. Masn; Tyrone 44 35 4 Strangera' Sec.-Miss Peters; Ams.Salem il 1i 4 -Mrs. S. M. Tale, Mrs, H. W. Pasl- Haydon il O 0 fer and Mrs. Ela Strike, Literature' Hamiptonl 29 14 0 Sec.-Mrs. J. E. ElUiott; Monthly Eldad si 12 0 SeC.-Mrs. W. C. Fergusan; Supply Zian 17 8 0 Sec.-Mrs. W. C. Washington; Press Ebenezer 36 il 2 Sec.-Mra. W. B. Pailard; Tcmp. Maple Grave 15 0 1 Secc-Mrs. Rabt. H. Warder; Mite Bbackstack 16 5 1 Box Sec.-Mrs. M. A. Balsan, A'estf Neafleten 17 0 0 Mrs. W. O. Sauch: Planist-Mrs. H. Cadmus 21 2 2 W. Poster; SuPt. Alice Jackso~Mia- Burketoii il 2 0 sion Band-Mrs. W. C. Ives;-, ut. Enniskilen 26 15 2 Mrs. H. W. Poster; Supt. Sparling - - - Mission Band-Mrs. C. j. Saisie; Tota.le 587 158 105 Ast.-Mra. B. M. Warnica. Majoirity for Dii Phlllps--5S. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE CONTINUES TO GIVE MILK TO SCHOOLS n. Leopold Macaulay Opened wmanviIle -Blackstocic HigIiway Fourteen Mile Stretch Opened in Mild Snow Storm -Banquet at Hampton Followed Opening Func- tion-Minister of Highways Chief Speaker. k I I WIU Donate Usual Christmas Gift Money to Relief of Needy Bowmanville Women's Institute held a very lnteresting meeting ln the S. 0. E. Hall on Friday after- noon, the president, Mrs. F. C. Col- mer, presiding. It was declded to supply milk to a number o! school hildren during the winter montha as in former years. That instead of the usual exchange o! Christmas gifts at next meeting each member will contribute 25e and it will be glv- en to relief work. The roll cail was answered by a number of recipes for salads that sounded very appetlzlng. Echoes from the Central Ontario Women's Institute Convention were given by Mrs. W. B. Pollard, the del- egate, and Mrs. A. E. Wrenn. Both spoke highly o! the gathering. Pull report will be given at next meet- ing. Among the honors coming to bhis district were: Mrs. J. R. Cooper, )rono, District President, was elect- ed to the Federated Board; Mrs. RP. robnston, Newtonville. had a blrth- lay during the convention and was pleasingly surprised by having it re- cognized, and several other items bhat were pleasing to the members. Mfrs. Fred Baker. wbo was the con- vener o! the group in charge o! the program, took the chair and the fol- .owlng prograra was given: Piano solo, Audrey Prout; vocal solo, Mrs. A. Colville, "That Wonderful Mother of Mine"; reading. "Levinsky's Wed- iing" by Mrs. Wm. Adams, which loses none o! Its interest and hum- or as given by tis lady, Miss Prout and Mrs. Colviile eacb f avored wlth another solo, whlch were much ap- preciated. Mrs. Baker gave a very interesting and instructive paper on 'Eating for Beauty and Efficiency," whlcb ail enjoyed. By request the old favorite bymn "Unto the hilas do Ilift Up my longlng eyes", was sung, tbis being one o! the favorites at the Convention in Toronto. Refresh- ments were served and a social hall- hour enjoyed at the close. Next meeting to be held on December 30, in charge o! group 1, Mrs. E. R. Bounsall convener. COMING EVENTS Shaw's Sehool Concert Tueaday, Dec. 22nd. Rteserve the date. Euchre Party wiD be held at the Cox Motor Sales show rooms. Ring St., Bowmanvllle, to-nlght, Thurs- day. December Srd, at 8 p. m. sharp. Admission 25c. Splial prizea. Christmas Tree and Concert at Shaw's School wlll be held op Tues- day, Dec. 22nd. at 8 p. m. Good program, of cboruses, drills, dialog- ues, recitations, etc. Admission M5 and 15c. 49-2 Saturday, Dec. 5th, at 3.30 p. m there wlll be a sale of home cooklng, ai ternoon tea and a table of usefl and fancy articles in St. johna Par- ish Hall under auspices of the wo- men'a Guild. Tea 25c. The regular meeting of the Home and School Club Will be held in Cen- tral Public School on Wedneaday, December 9tb. at 8 p. m. Mr. a. LU Wagar wlll address the meeting. Mrs. Keïanedy convener. ReSerVé MondaY, Dec. l4th, 8 p=m for a Euchre i the S. O. E. Hall. price 25c, under auspices of the Lad- ies' Auxlliary te the Leglon. At 10.30 the d1raw wlll be made by Mayor El- liott for a 3-storey Christmas cake. 1As this is for relief work a good re- sponse is anticipated. 49-2 The Salvation Army Home League wiil bold their Sale o! Work and Home Cooking on Flriday, Dec llth. at 3 o'clock. The sale to be opened by Mrs. Brigadier Ritchie, Divisional Home League Secretary. Corne and choose your Christmas gifts from the variety of articles that wifl be offer- ed. The first meeting o! the 1931-32 season o! the Men's Canadian Club will be held at the Balmoral Hotel on Monday, December 7th, at 7.15 P. m. Speaker: Colonel David Car- negie bas been invlted to apeak on "The Disarmament Con! erence"- which is te be held in Genleva pcb- ruary 2nd, 1932. During the war he was chairman o! inventions Com- mlttee Of Munitions design. He la the author o! a technlcal study on liquld steel. Women's Association o! Týrlnty United Church wil present two cern- edies in the school room on Tues- day, Dec. 8th, at 8.15 p. in., imder direction o! Mrs. F. H. Moody. The !lrst is entltled "Miss Susan'a For- tune" by six ladies. Corne and mse how the bass o! a fortune can turn mlserY into happiness. The second, "Tourista Acconondate<j" by eleven ladies, showlng how to, make money on the aide. Came and have a good laugh. Tickets 25c. CHISTMAS EDITION The annual Christmaa Shop- ping Edition - 0 Tetae 1 I

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