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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931 BANK 0F MONTREAL ISSUES HON. L. MACAU'LAY STRONG ANNUAL STATEMENT OPENED HIGHWAY Bank Had Total Assets off $794, (Continued ffrom Page 1) I 53,33 -Excss sses c $7,-Macaulay took the opportunity ta 192,604 - Savings Deposits Con- express lais appreciation ta the wo- tinue to Provide Reassuring Total. men wba bad played se, important a part in this program. If the men EDITORIAL NOTES RVI i o i- e lt with indications off mark- did nat watch their laurels the wo- vynat i o n im e strength and reflecting ability mnen were gomng ta take the lead,le Russell Keiley doesn't waste words under exceptianal conditions ta said, and the men would then have in bis philosaphy off business successi mamntain its usual liquid position, Ita ffllow. How much better would whe h sysit s irke inAmitonM anager rorm the Bank off Mantreal annual state- it be f or the men totak datg when he says it is hnked ~~~ il ment makes its appearance at a mostofteidainlncofthwo n -Backbone--~Concentratiofl. , . , f opportune time. Shareholders have and retain the lead. When God of Civic G orvt. ? grown accustamed ta recognize the made the world, the speaker add Leap year is just around the cor- a traditional strength off the Bank's hie rested, and when hie made man nerand t'snot oo erlyto jrnPposition. This year, however, sa he rested again, but when hie made ner.and t'snot oo erlyta jinPy different interests have been women neither Qod nor man had ta the conclusion that it would be a System of Businesslike 1 ooking f orward ta the appearance off rested since. gaod year for tbiflgs to a o Municipal Management the report that its sbawing will have The Minister then turned bis with leaps and bounds. a special significance in every part thopghts ta the development off the j Explained in Detail f or off the country. road pragram off Ontario. The bis- ilokasi ikpoueshave The presentation off the statement tory off every country, hie said, was just ause oricmplait whn it as jin easily understandable form--else- ritten around its transportation justcaus forcompain whe it as 1 - ,where in this issue--will, tbereff re, impravements. As a country gets bee fond hatthemidle en et Wtiqinterest growing and attract wide attention and will greater it bas better methads off mare than double off the consumer's Council-ivîanager" form off muni- greatly facilitate a proper under- transportation As Canada grew dollar as compared with what the cpai governnient bemng one off the standing off many off its features. the railways united the east and tbe prouces bck n te farmrecive m iopcs ai canverbation arnong Total assets, as was ta be expected west, the motor car came, and a producerstne business menreitve. 1 ma. ,,under the conditions, are dawn mare elastic system off transporta- Pro te onglit ff riesdon Iunrthe Business Men A s aspe s a somewhat fram the previaus year. tion wvas needed, and the highway Fromthe ong istof pizasd campadr ghaBuin e cMenauces Thstran in maintaining its usual was started. Many did not realize ated ta Bowmnanville and Newcastle bring about the necessary change insrnglqi positon is able ta re- just bow important the highway was Hig Scool, a shwn n rpors ff ovenmet. n Bwmavile. Sa port a total off cuickly available re- but if by some means every highway' I-Iih Shoos, s sownin epots o goerlmen inBowianill. 0sources equal ta 58.111,C'off alI liabil- was closedl for one day that woul the comenceent eerciss i otner s ctes l and town s in bini ities ta, the public and cash in vaubts bring ta the public the realization off issue, bath these inunicipalities are bas een itead towat an ve creas- and Central Gald Reserve equivalent this great aid ta modemn hf e. The ta ~ ~ ~ ~ a eco ede fohaie a nnber arred adpt vin te pan ta 1.64% ,ýoff public liabilities. closing of the bighways would be the manob ic spiried fr angnros hichhasbeaendoutsnged lan Te On e offthe satisfactory ffeatures is means off the country going back to man pulicspiite an geero Statesînan s eeraulocions.i The a very large increase in the holdings where it was 30 years aga. mmnded citizens in their midst. Sttsnno eea cain.Thaeoff high class securities, such as gov- For this reason bie stated people latest data obtainable shows ta erniment and municipal issues. It should not kick at having ta pay foi Wit te Bacstok a Bwmn-there are now 425 towns and cities wiîî ikeîy occasion some surprise good highways. It is good for busi- With he Back ow e to mn workng under thîs systern and that under unfavorable conditions ness and the country ta build high- ville paved highway o opnt while i is admitted thata few cuitent boans bave held equal ta the ways and those who beneffit should traffic many Cartwright people are towfls bad given up the systein a figures off last year, while savings be willing ta pay.the price. High- main Bwmnvll tei mrkt-number of new towns and cities depasits continue to mnake a most ways made visiting, marketing and What o%; arle uinma .t adoptmng it keeps the numiber ever satisffactary sbowing. business easier. Ing town.Waar o nM. increasing. Sa popular is this sys Profits for the year, as bad been A by-product off the good road Merchant, ta let these very prosper- tem gettîng in the United States anticipated, are below the level off system ;vas the tourist trafl'îc. This ous citizens know you are in busi- that rural municipalities are now the past few years. They were, how- xndustry, as it might be called, was nesadare offeing values that angetea swlla h r ever, ample ta take care off the reg- now the third argest iin the Domin- nessand doptng e pannasentreasthe ur- dividend ta shareholders and, ion off Canada. Last year three and cannot be duplicated? Sa that citizens may have same affter permitting off the provision for a haîf million cars entered this idea off the duties off a manager un- Dominion Govemnment taxes and a country f rom the United States, each About the best attended and most der this system we are publisbing reservation for bank premises. weme car staying an average off 7 days. enjayable entertainments are those the bylaw passed by the city councîl sufficient ta allow off a futher con- Each person in these cars spent an in wbich local children tk part. off Niagara Falls, Ontario, autlîning tribution ta profit and boss account. average off $5 per day during their the duties off the city-manager: They did nat, bowevem. permit off stay which means that each persan The annual Public School cners Wbereas under and by virtue off any bonus ta shareholders. spent the sum off $35 in Canada. so tItis month are semving an added '*The Cty off Niagara Falls Act, Profits for the yeam were $5.386.- that the colossal sum off approxim- purpose, beside the sheer delight and 1922," any Council off the City off 379. equal ta 7.18% an the cocmbined aMey 123 million dollars was spent pleasure off seeing little tats and the Niagara Falls holding office affter capital, rest and undivided pois by tourists here. By prudent ex- the 3ist day off December, 1922, is as compared with $6.519,031 i h tension off the systeni Mr. Macaulay youth off our town perform, in that empowered ta define the duties off previaus year. Prom these, pay- saw this industry as the first in the the teachers have decided ta donate the City Manager. ments made were dividends ta share- Dominion in a very f ew years. a share off the proceeds off these con- Theref are the Municipal Clerk off holders off $4.320.000; provision for Ontario, lhe said. wvas dotted witb certs ta relief funds. the Corporation off the City off Niag- taxes Dominion Government off vistas off beauty and that tourists iin _____ara Falls enacts as ffolows: $610000; reservation for bank prem- searcl off these scenes weme paying ises off $300,000: beaving a balance wel and those who laid the higli- The measure of one's wealth is nat 1. The City Manager shail be the off $156,379. which brauglit profit ways were eaping the profits. It the amount off lis income tax, but chfexctveolce fthe Cor- o and boss ta be carried forward up ta was pbainly shown that the amount cneoyporation and, subject tatecnra $1,103.426. sient by tourists heme vas in excess the number off things hie cn aioYo and responisîbility ta h Mayor 1-o the total amount spent on the and does enjoy. The mian wba does and Cauncîl, shail have general sup- Tribulation worketh patience; and 'Provincial Highway system. notlie msi, wo s bre byred-ervision, oversîght, and contrai off patience, experience; and exper- Tuining ta the depression lie flo bie msic wh isbard b red-ail departments and officiais off tbe ience, hope. That is the arder. You ch'racterized it as just a stop ta Ing, who cares nothing for art, wba Municipality. and ail officiais off the cannot put patience and experience take aur breath and getting read y disikes travel, wha is flot interest- Municipality having statutory or into a parenthesis, and. amittinr( for the next era off expansion. He ed in phibanthropy, wha lacks bob- legal cluties ta perlorin shail carry them, bring hope out off tribulation. lauded the work of the Hon. Gea. S.. bies, is a poor man. thaugh hie i out such duties under the supervîs- -Alexander Maclaren. Henry under whose guidance the manytims a illonaie. Meion and control off tne City Manager. many tues millionaie. he L2.For greater certainty, but nat ___________________________________ young men and womnen who can 1Sot restrîct the generality off the hardby drive themselves ta bed when foregoing sections off this by-law, an interestlng book is waiting ta beI the City Manager shal: read. wha isten breathlessly ta the (a> Take cognizance off all cor- radio programme, who are thrilled respandence and communications ta the Corporation other than those off- by the sunrise, who have so many ofliciais having legal or statutary lnteresting tasks ta do with their duties ta, perfform min connection wîth lesure that they hamdby know wbere sueh utesiafnt se that tley are (b) Having camplete contrai off off avarice. ail City purchasmng wtb power ta buy up ta $20u.00 wthaut first be- A petition, prepared by tbe Pra- îng passed by the Council. No pur- vincial Women's Christian Temper- chases ta be made or arders gîven mnc Unon or irclaton hrogh-for gaods in any department witb- anc Unon or irclaton hrogh-out proper requisitian ta and writ- î out the province, is being handbed in ten order fram the City Manager. his distrct by the Bowmanville (c) Recommend ta the City ranch and is being circulated toalal Catincil such public works and in- Provements in method, equîpment, hurches and womens associations. etc. as may ini his opinion be neces- T'he petition was read in some off the sary from time ta turne. hurches an Sunday and has been (d) Study the variaus needs and ead and signed at several women's .interests off the Corporation witb a view ta suggesting sucb action as will neetings. The ultimate destination tend ta promate greater econamy :J the petition is Premier Oea. S. and eficiency off the service and wel Fenry and bis governinent. It asks bemng off the City and citizens. tor theeliinaionof he norous (e> Attend abb meetings off the or theelmintin 0 th eormusCouncil and Commîttees with the vvaste due ta the traMlc in alcoholic rigbt and consent off the chair ta everages.' The govenment is ask- speak but nat ta vote thereat. >dtagattstate xtnof (f) Carry out and enforce ail or- ýhei poersandtowrdsthein-ders, restrictions and by-baws off the hei poemsandtowmdsthein-Coundil. -rease off trade and genemal well be- <g> Supervise ail departments off rug. If in years past more temper- the City and abI propemty, warks un- tnce people bad vated for principle Provements, roads, streets and pub- lic places cantrolled by the City. nstead of party there would be no (b) Prepare specifications ffor .eed now for circulating sucb peti- and recommend the awarding off al ans. Booze and polities are real contracts and for that Purpose ta som friends now and are as in- caîl for tenders for wark, materials,A La g e cto of S supplies, impravements or miachinery ýparable as Siamese twins. or other things which may be baw- ffubby purclased or required for the SIGNS OF BTTER TIMES use off the Corporation, and repart S e i l y P i e o (1) Inspect and report ta theSp ca y Pr ed f A Liberal Banquet in Durham Council upon Municipal warks beingAt hitas -o an tmetemnyu 'ounty. carried an.AtCrsms-o n tieth mnyu (J) Act as a member ex officia know will be thoroughly pleased with gifts More men are getting their hair on abI boards tbe members offwlc ortes. fneroessp .il. fatre1i at the pumping stations just uyfI i 13,tau.stfO.As te~ue o hlrna t, but they have ceased saylng 'Oh M tC1l, zii wiiiorii iiil- tiiutuforlimotunsl ai liartis it tilit t l , it 1 , t ayiiig r,.gain gal1on wlll be enaugh." onny 10 claitus of whicjh tir Solicitbor for- Thie women report a graduali mi- 1h, .. Exrrti(rs .shilt lion avi.notiri. I _ >vmet n hequbly ! r dge ifNoemitr, 1931. da Dvetent lnttefloamari ofbridghior No, mbpra »31 Izes. Nabody has won a five andi LAWRENCE C. MASON, uâJ o's o 1-cnt-tor lap sadeln eek. 4.3Bawmanvile, Ontario. -cen-stre Imp had In eek. ~ Soicitor for the said Executors. present system off bighways, the f in- est on the North Amnerican Contin- ent, had been laid. There were pessimists, hie added. who always saw everything gaing backwards. Tliere lad always been people off that kind but they were s0 smaîl in number and spmead out across the country 50 tbinlY that they were nat worth warrying about. Canada bad the saine people, the same farins, the sanie industr~ies and the saine resources that it lias dur- ing the periods off its greatest pros- perity and these saine Canadians are mamching fforward fron progress to pragress. Look ta the future and you wiil see progress and by look- ing inta the future we inay go for- ward prudently and progressively tawamds that goal off achievement which is Canada's birthright and beritage. The Minister. owing to a cabinet meeting, was fforced ta leave at the close off bis address. Miss EvelYn Ruddick off Toronto, Mrs. Ken Cav- eriy and Mm. Ernest Wilson rendered vocal ntîmbers, whiie Mrs. Albert Cale af Bawmlanviile acconiPanied Mrs. Caveriy. bifYa h Others iwha spake bifya h request off the Warden included: Mr. T. A. Dustan. Reeve G. F. Annis. Reeve N. Grýel, Editar Oea. W.%- James,5 Mayor M. J. Elliatt, Mr- ea Rayner. Rev. J. R. Bick, Rev. J. M. Wýhyte, F. Wý. Bawen, M.P., A. Fel- lowes off the Dept. off Highways, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and Ex-Mayor F. L. Mason off Oshawa. The cebebratiari closed with a dance at the Badminton Club in Bawmanville wvhere George Wade and his Canluskei's povided the music. Several hundred attended this affair and bad a most enjoyable tume. What Shall We Give?7 WHATis mare acceptable toachild, a relative cr an cmplcyce, than money? In the form of a Savings Account, it will endure froin Christmas ta, Christmas and can bc added ta thraugh' aut the ycar. Give a Batik Bock this Christmas. A special seasonal gift caver wilI be provided. Fcr Customers who tteîrd rcyn::ý-:z nîevfor Christmas gifts, we prot'îJe etcil our hanches a special cheque in Christmas colours. Tbe Royal Bank of Canada Bowmanville Branch - -L G. Heflrey, Manager t c t ri n c ei ti ci lu a] Ir ni ti b( SE $4.50 $6.75 MAKE IDEAL GIFTS .ggest WEATERS - SCARVES - HATS KENWOOD KIMONAS What lady would not welcome one of these as a gift. Made from high class Kenwood blanket cloth. Ail One Price-13.50 nd women in eiderdown. :rydermnan, Lumited Fire Lif e C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE .INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Farmn and Hause Sales a Speclalty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-tf ELMER WILBUR AUCTIONEER Farm Stock Sales a Specialty Also Furniture. Phone Oshawa 1648r24. Terms Moderate. 39-tf TED JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer For Durham, Ontario, Victoria and Peterboro Counties I specialize in Pure Breci Live Stock, General Farmn Stock and Impie- ments and Furniture Sales. Sales conducted anywbere - None too large or too small - Terms moderate. Phone or write Port Perry 38, for dates. 35-26t* FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any bour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Ecjuipment Ambulance and Invalid Ca r C-aîl Phones 10 or 34 Assistants,9 or 392,0 BOWMANIITLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Successors to Alan M. Williams Klindness - Courtesy - Servi-Private Ambulance ý Phone: Office 58; Resîdence 523 or 58 DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging SunworthY Wall Paper at specwa prices. Get Your orders in early. Estiniates glven free. Geo. Pritchard nhoue 489 Over statesman Olfte Have Your Eyez Examined COnsuIt Our Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL -- Latest Methoda - Moder nstruments - R.M. Mitchell & CGý DruggaIsta - Optometriat Phono 92 ~Ik an d Woolen Robes r Early Shoppers Moires, satins, and a f ew fine woolens, in solid color, and novelty designs. Some full silk lined; others half-lined - and every one a splendid value. Cl 96 at sh as bal wit Up, yel pro pri, ton PAGE TWO Business Director LEGAL m. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary bloney to blan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, T;u.wmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary solicitor for Bank off Montreal ,oney to Loati. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Phowmnvll Ontario. Poes: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanville - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron. ta University. Graduate off the Royal College off Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St.. Bowmanvifle. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate off Royal Dental College, Toron to. Office: King Street East, Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray EcuiDment in Office. INSURANCE À i -, i i 1 1 a

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