Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 3

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'i.M CfAAflTAN RTATBOMAN. BOWMANVHJLE. PAGE THRE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931 GILCHRIST MAKES STARTLING PRICE REDUCTIONS SALE STARTS DEC. 3rd. -£AMD MEN'S & BOYS' M ~wi~'~FURNISHINGS MilCLQTHING QilloiSALE ENDS DEC. 24thi. You May Save Many Dollars Durîng Thîis Great December Sale Men 1s Suits Ail the leading makes represented in this sale of Suits, including Soc- iety Brand, Tailor Craft, Cam- bridge; navy blues, pin stripes, tweeds and worsteds; at the fol- lowing bargain prices: Regular $20.0.0 Suits, i 4 Xmas Sale Price .... IF14.5 Regular $25.00 Suits, 194 Xmas Sale Price ..194 Regular $30.00 Suits, 217 Xmas Sale Price ..217 Regular $35.00 Suits,249 Xmas Sale Price .... $2 .9 Every Suit in store on sale with the exception of Tuxedo Suits. STORE OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON IN DECEMBER Gent 1s Furnisluings PERRINS GLOVES $2.95 MEN'S LEATHER sale, pigsklu, deersklu, goatsklu, lUned and unliled, a splendid car or street glove, regularly worth $3.75, Xnmsb Sle Price . $2%p.95 MEN'S CAPE LINED GLOVES $1.49 A brown and grey cape lUned glove, splendid quallty, XmsSale Price $ 1.49 MEN'S WOOLLEN GLOVES Beautiful cuality ail wool gloves, ln ligbt and dark shades and mottled colors, as f ollows: 39c 49c Regular 50c, Xmas Sale Price Regular 75c, Xmas Sale Price Regular $1.00, Xmas Sale Price Begular $1.50, Xmas Sale Price Cowhide strap, fancy grip buckie, place for monogram, lu Xmaa boxes, a speclal purchase, and prlced at only 1n eaeh ..... ... 1 0 MEN'S SCARFS 95c A reai quality Scarf, fibre .11k, a limited quantlty 5 at, each. ,, .... 95 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS At $1.69 In this lot you wll flud values up to $2.00, Tooke & Arrow make, with 2 collars to match, a reai Xmas gft at a bargain. MEN'S NECKWEAR FOR GIFTS 69c 5 dozen Ties in this lot, values to, $ 1.00 eaeh, boxed separately, Xmas Sale Price,6c each69 MEN'S GIFT TIES 50c 5 dozen Tics, boxed separately, a real gif t, your ~ l choice, each50 MEN'S HEAVY RAINCOATS M en' s Overcoats Men's Work Clothes HANSON BRAND SOX Ail wool quality, reg. 35e each, alce ý4 PAIR $1.00 PENMAN'S HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR Shirts snd Drawers, ail sizes, reg. $1.50, Xmaa Sale Prime eaeh 98C FLEECE UNDERWEAR reg. $1.00, Xmas Sale Price, each 69eC SOX AiU wool heavy rlbbed worsted Socks, brown, black, heather, reg. 50c, Xma 39 Sale Price, each....39 or$10 3 PAIR$10 WORK SHIRTS 79C Heavy quality tweed, shades of fawu and grey, also light and dark bine chambray shirts, reg. $1.00, Xma.s79 Sale Price79 2 FOR $1.50 WORK SHIRTS Ail other Work Shirts in store. value to, 31.50, Xmas Sale Price, each --.-$1. 19 -HEADLIGHT OVERALLS $1.85 Reg. $2.50 quality, blue, bine stripe, black, wlth bib, and aiso Smocks te match,, 18 Xum Sale Price, each-$18 HEADLIGHT COYMBINATION OVERALLS $3.45 This ls the regular $4.50 qualtY, khal anidarwk blue, Xmaa Sale Price , $3.45 OVERALLS $1.49 A speclal black Overail, heavy quallty, and reg. 2.00, Itl Xmas Sale "rce, eachY HEAVY EAR BAND CAPS $1.19 Grey and blue chinchilla heavy tweed effects, reg. $1.50, 1i Xmas Sale Price, $1 9 MEN'S BATH ROBES At $2.98 A heavy quality robe, wlth match- Ing cord and tassel, colora grey, fawn, biue, red, boxed separately, aIl sizes, 36 to 44, an ideal Xmas gif t, a special purchase enables us to seli this gown at $2 8 only, each$ .9 MEN'S SWEATER COATS Men'. fine ail wool worsted Swea- ter Coats, for wear Inside coat, shades of grey, fawn, heather, lncludlng Aberley's famous 202 Une, reg. values $5.00, $ r Xrnas Sale price $.95. 69ce oniy speedster style, rw shade, heavily lined, thoroughly 9 e wterproof, $ 9 98 Xmas Sale Price $49 Boys' Department CHILDREN'S HATS Smart styles, beavy f elt, half price. for winter wear, fawn, blue, and brown shades; regular $1.25; Xmnas Sale63 Price .63 SWEATER BARGAIN Boys' Pullovers, V-neck, crew- neck Sweaters, 4 ycars to 16 years. In this line you will find pure wool quality, mostly Aberley make, plain and fancy shades, ail styles including button neck with coller; values to $1.85, fl Xmnas Sale Price, each .98 BOYS' GOLF HOSE 69c 3 dozen to choose from, aIl wool, mostly English make, ail klnds, sizes and patterns, reg. price up to $1.25,69 Xmnas Sale Prlce6 c CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS $4.98 2 only Coats, 2 years and 4 years, beavy quality navy blue chin- chilla, beavy polo lining, guards haîf beit modtl, regular price $7.50, Xmas $4.9 Sale Priceq"9 BOYS' MITTS Boys' Leather Mtts, lined, regular 75c for,..,>59 Boys' leather Mitts, lined f ur top, reg. $1.25, Xmas98 Sale Price98 BOYS' STOCKINGS 3 Pair $1.00 Black wool sizes 6 % te Xmas Sale Price . worsted Stockings, 10, reg. price 50c, 3 PAIR $1.00 I STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL CHRISTMASI Croup 3 MEN'S OVERCOATS $21 .50 Fancy tweeds and worsteds, and navy blues, -Il new nod- els, regular values to $30.00, XmsSaL' .rc ......$21.50 Group 4 MEN'S OVERCOATS $24.75 ThE, finest va lues and makes ebtahnable, in aIl the leading shades and models, reg. prices $:32.50 and $35. Xmas Sale PricE $24. 75 MEN'S UNDERWEAR GREATLY REDUCED Men'. Combination Underwear,1 Penman's, Wataon's, Stanfield's, Hatchway, at the following re- ductions for this sale: Xmnas Sale. Regular $2.00, xmas Sale. Regular $2.50, Xmas Sae Reglar $3.00, XmaaSsale 9jf $1.59 $1.98 $2.39 MEN'S SILK DRESING GOWN $6.98 3 oniy, faucY brocaded gOwns, reg. $10.00 and $11.00 Xm aePrice.. $ .98 1MOLESKIN TROUSERS $1.95 H e v q alt go d wearlg pants formerly 33.50, a speclal purchase enables us to clear 19 them for enly - $.9 MEN'S ODD VESTS At $1.95 Ea. H e q aty. dark patterns. ateny ..... ....$1.95 WORK TROUSERS At $1.19' PliMn blue heavy denlm, "Haugh Brand", reg. $1.50 and $1.65 quai- lty, Xmas Sale Prlce.......$1 9 MEN'S PULLOVERS Meu's Pullovers lu plan- shadea fawu, blue, green, etc., V-neck, pure all wool quallty, reg. value $3.00, Xmas sale Prc ... $1 .98 HEAVY SWEATER COATS 1 Aberley qualty, ail wool, Jumbo knit, shades of royal and white, black and white, sand and brown, etc., formerly $6.50, $495 Xmas Sale Price, each .4-t9 50 pair men's separate suit trous- ers, fine worsteds and tweeds, shades blue, pin stripe, brown, fawn, grey; values te $5; t Ar Xmas Sale Price ...YJ-% 25 mens separate suit trousers, grey herrlngbone tweed effects, heavy quality, splendid appearlng and wearing cuality, values worth $3.00, Xmas Sale Price.. - $1.95 Hosiery 15 dozen Men's Fine Bocks, travellers' samp- les, wiii make Ideal glf ta for hhm, no two pair alike, purchased at a big reduction, whlch we pesa on te yen, reg. values 31.00, 31.25 and $1.50, cashmeres, s11k and wool, ail wool, wlth reinforced heel and toe of Uin- en thread, which guarantees extra 79 wear, Xmas Sale Price ... ... 9 2 PAIR FOR 31.50 10 dozen pair Bocks, sllk and wool, ail wool, and cashmere, ail hades and patters, reg. value 75,50 Xraa Sale Price, each ..... 0 2 PAIR FOR 95o Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal PRICES REACH A Phone 61 NEW LOW LEVEL DURING THIS SALE Bowmanville - 4 BUY 'HIS' GIFT NOW AT THESE .BARGAIN PRICES GILCHRIST'S CLOTHING STORE i m 1 .9

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