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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 5

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PAON PM THE CANADIAN STATSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEU33ER 3rd, 1931 k WALKER'S THREE BIG BARGAIN DAYS I Xmas Suggestions Silken gifts for lier LOVEY NW VETS ND AILOED EST BLOME LUSTROUS RAYON BED SPREADS Each in Transparent package. A high quaity Spread and a very suitable gif t suggestion. This attractive Rayon Spread, measuring about 80 x 100 inches, has bright lustrous finish in sev- eral floral and modernistie de- signs, with scalloped edges all round. In colors of rose, gold, blue or ivory. Each in transpar- ent package. Usual $5.00 quality. DURING THREE BIG 2n DAYS, each$35 GIRLS' SMART PYJAMAS Note the value and corne early! Pyjamas of firm sof t Flannel- ette, tuck-in and regular style. with fancy flannelette and plain contrasting colored trimmings. Peach, blue and pinli, in sizes 6 to 16. DURING THREF, BIG DAYS, per suit . 9 NEW, FASHIONABLE GENUINE LEATHER PURSES A Christmsas Value that will help you "stretch" your dollar. Genuine Leather Purses, very smart new designs in back-strap style; some with motifs and con- trasting colored leather trim- mings; moire linings, zipper in- ner compartment, coin purses and mirrors. Colors of black and brown. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each $2.89 FRENCH SILK HANDKERCHIEFS Men's breast-pocket Handker- chef s of French Silk Crepe, hand rolled edges; in gif t box, 69 each69 WOMEN'S LINED CAPE GLOVES A practical gif t suggestion. Ex- tra value at aur 10w price. Women's fleece lined Nappa Gloves, two domes. heavy sof t fleece lining; sizes 61/4 to 7 14, in colors of tan and brown. An unusual value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, - per pair$ "WINTERETTES" (or Overbloomers) It's the newest fashion for ont- door wear durimg cold weather A new style Bloomer (Winter- ettes) worn when extra warmth is needed. A pullover Bloomer for skating, outdoor sports wear, etc. Swiss style r, made of cotton and rayon. in Pink shade oniy. Wide elastic waist band. Stand- ard. medium, and large sizes. A useful gift and note our intro- ductory price DURINO THREE BIG DAYS. 9 per pair.49 LINEN DAMAS K TABLE CLOTHS 72 x 108 Inches, Fine Quality. A beautiful, large cloth at a verY 10w price. See these. Not the size-2 yards wide x 3 yards long, of pure Irish Linen, f ully bleached. with a lustrous f inish. Several attractive floral patterns f rom which to choose. Makes a very acceptable gif t and one that is practical. A usual $6.50 value. Note your saving DURING THREE BIG $42 DAYS, each$42 WOVEN BQRDERED 'KERCHIEFS Men's woven border Handker- chief s, of fine sof t finish Egyptian yarn. Woven borders in wide variety. q8 and ,2 inch hems. Good value at 30c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each19 MEN'S TIES New f or Christmsas, are these beautifui Woven Ties. Only high class Sillis are used in the manufacture of these de- sirable Ties. The patterns are new and are very beautiful. mostly in the softer shades of blue, burg- andy, nut brown, myrtle, etc. Neckwear such as this is usually sold at $1.00. See these! You will be pleased with the Ties and the saving. Each Tnc in special gif t box. Opportunity for you! DURING THREE BIG 9 DAYS. each6 c MEN'S MUFFLERS Men's Rayon Muffler Squares- copies of designs made to sel at twice the price! Blue, brown. black and white, burgandy, etc. $1.50 value. DURINCI THREE BIG DAYS, each 98 GOOD GLOVES FÙ>R GIFTS Be sure to see these-You'll be surprised at the great value. Fine skmn Gloves specially Pur- chased for Christmas Three Big Days Event. Several fancy de- signs and cuttings, 1-dome style, f awn, mode, brown and black with white trimming. Sizes 6/ to 7 14~. DURING 3 15 BIG DAYS, per pair $15 MEN'S TIES Far better than any Tic you ever saw at titis price. These new four-in-hand Derby shaped Ties are ail cut on the large '"doar-shaped" pattern, with Pure wool lining. A partic- ularly attractive assortment of Swlss importations are featured in this line in predominating col- or eff ects of blue, mauve and brown. Also attractive crew pat- terns and small swivel designs. Each tic in Xxnas box. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, great 4e value at. each49 hb \ and sflk tO w- 4 th. .l.f ma"Io, . "rie* Z ,h .~ Matin MUR ois. a- 8, I9 ', % ..d 10. ' 2' ryfor t... 1. -Ou vyle« prie ,1 I " p .p q ,my BIG VAYU,69c 6h 9 itfo of C- w . .ttoLPr f K."d atiIty. Udm. .5 I... StUC Pickld BISE ity .ck.InviodPure sj if 015 <gaj latoco:oFa of ..... . Srbm elàW Wit.or a olo lie n-a als G11 S k d . ad BiNO a; J.Duok n A wm "dd frnt wiçh'0 vhiG wd carott d . DAV, Pi .31 EXTRA LARGE BATH TOWELS A great mill clearing lot gives You this worthwhile saving Extra large heavy napped White Turkish Bath Towel, 24 x 456inches. fancy stripes of Blue, Plnk, Gold Lavender and Green. Note the size, see the Towels at Our Store, and se- cure a good supply DURING THREE BIG DAYS ea. 35e 3 FOR $1.00 CHRISTMAS GIFT CUSHIONS Exceptionaily attractive, in quai- ity, colors an& shapes. In co-operation with one of Canada's largcst Cushion Manu- facturers, we feature these beau- tiful new cushions. Four models -Mellon. Round, Fancy Square and Fancy Hceart shapes; elabor- ately puffcd and cordcd; allover Rayon Satins in rose, gold, reseda and bIne. Both plain and brocad- ed or in combination plain and brocaded satins. All f illcd with dlean new fuf y kapok. DTJRING THREE BIG DAYS, each $1.95 BOYS, LEATHER HELMETS The boys wiil like these Chromelafnid Leather Hel- met with new style adjustable goggles; llght and darl< Brown Cape skifs. Warmly lined with dovetine flannel; triple stitch- ing throughout. Sizes 6% to 71/4 for agis 6 to 14 yrs. Reg. $1.29. OURING THREE BIG DAYS, each .......79 BLOOMERS A beautiful and comfortable set -the Bloomer lias V-yoke at waist Uine and linees, with elastie at back of waist and linees, giving comfort with siender appearance. Heavy quality run-resistant ray- on, embroidered in contrasting colors. Sizes, small, medium and large. White, flesh, maize and sprig green. Each set in Xmas box, per set$19 BRASSIERE & BLOOMER SET Popular Brassiere and Bloomner Set. Emnbroidered motifs add great attractiveness. The design throughout, f rom the new-style knee to the narrow hemstitched shoulder straps, is youthful. Flesh, peach, maize and white; small, mediumn and large. Boxed for Xmas, per set CHILD REN'S VESTS AND BLOOMERS A dainty set for Children and Misses, a heavy weight, fine knit, run-resistant rayon. French ap- pliqued motifs on vest and bloom- er add to the charus of this set, which is made in sizes f rom 7 to 14 years, in colors, flesh, white, peacli, and mnaize. Boxed smngly for Xmas gifts, per set$14 LUXURIOUS NEW PYJAMAS Practical two-piece Pyjama for women. The quality of material, workmanship and finish are con- spicuously good. It is made for the susail, medium and large f ig- ure, in three beautiful color com- binations of Vanilla with Amer- ican Beauty, Flame with Black, and Sand with Brown. Specially boxed for Xmas, each .$. ...... MISSES' PYJAMAS Misses' Pyjamas of high-qual- ity run-resistant rayon. The neck line and appliqued colored blocks on front of Blouse make this gar- ment particularly smart. Vanilla with American Beauty, Vanilla with Royal Blue, Flesh with Sprig Green. 10-12-14 years. Each Pyjama in Xrnas $19 box, each .. "MICKEY-MOUSE" PYJAMAS A smart novelty two-piece Py- jama for children in color cous- binations of white with navy, white with brown. and sunni with brown. "Mickey Mouse" embroid- ery on waist. Sizes 4-6-8 years. Each set in Xmas box. $~1 Anl each .T GIFT LINGERIE SETS Daintily boxed for C3hristms Bloomers and Vests of run-re- sistant Rayon, fine weave. heavy weight. Made with lace motifs on vest and bloomer. Flesh, peach, sprig green, and maize; smail, mediumi and large. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, 98 per set98 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ - a SET Tailored Vest and Bloomer Setý made of medlum-weight, run-re- sistant rayon, specially priced to corne within the buymng power of the average purse. Daintily trin- med wth applicaued motifs. Wbite maize, flesh, peacli and green. Sizes are smail, medium and large. Each set in fancy Xmas box. Quality and youthful smnart- ness for,98 per set98 PANTY MMD BRASSIERLE SET Loose-knee Panty with band at waist, buttoning at aide, timrmed with wide insertion of ecru lace. Brassiere back is stralght and 10w with trimming to *match Panty. White, maize, f lesh, sprlg green; smal. medium, large. Boxed for Xmas, .â per set-T VEST ANI) BLOOMER SET Vest and Bloomer Set made of sof t, dull rayon. The Bloomer has double, set-in gusset. Both Bloomer and Vest are trimmed with attractive crepe-de-chene motif. Made in shades of ffesh. white, nile, peach and niaize; in small, medium and large sizes. Neatly boxed- for Xmas. An ex- cellent value at our 10w price, per set 14 NEW "SHI»DESIGN PYJAMA FOR GIRLLS Sailing into drearniand will be a pleasant voyage for thç child wearmng this Pyjama, wth sbiP exnbroidered on blouse. Trous- ers have deep V-yoke and wide legs, color combinations. Vanilla with Brown, Flesh with Blue, Light Blue wlth Dark Blue. Sizs 10 to 14 years; gift boxed, each.... $19 MISSES' FINE PYJAMAS Misses' Pyjamas, sof t, mediumu weight, run-resistant rayon. Deep V-yoked elastic backed walst. Ini- serted gare on the wlde legs. Col- or combinations: Vanilla with American Beauty, Flame wth Black, Sand with Brown. 8-10- 12-14 years. Xmas $ 4 boxed, each BUSSES' VEST AND BLOOMER SET Misses' Vest and Bloomer Set, run-resistant rayon, wit.h ap- plique bow knot. Maize, fleali, white, peach. 6-14 years. Xmas boxed. 8 per set .. 8 PANTY AN» BRASSIIERE SET Panty closes at aide wlth but- tons, ecru lace trlm. Brassiere with lace insert. Sprlg green, fleali. white. 12-14-16 years. Xmas boxed, per set.. $1.39 Pay Cash and Your Favorite Shopping Centre dbservation-activity of both eyes an$jt ears.-Horace Manin. AU!. Ayre's (Hampton) Champion Cheviot Lamb at the Royal Winter pair~ in Toronto was sold last week to the T. Eaton Co. at a record price of $1.00 per pound, bringing in $95. This sum, as was mentioned in our last issue, was donated by Mr. Ayre to the Star Santa Claus Fund. A picture of the lamb with Mr. Ayr's twin sons appeared in the illustrat- ed page of The Star on Saturday night. Warden Geo. H. Hooton of the United Counties was the guest of the people of Cavan on December 2nd, at a banquet in the Community Hall at Millbrook. Among the speakers were Hon. Leopold Macaulay, F. W. Bowen, M.P., W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Fred McArthur, M.P.P., and R. C. Muir. With the coming of winter and light f alla of snow the picket fences along the highway erected to keep the snow f rom lnterfering with nu- toi- traffic have been placed in posi- tion for the wlnter. Lovely Chinaware - in~ each CHINAARE package of QuzIc'c. Q UAKCER OATS marked «"OHINAWARE" 1024 NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Continued from page 12) noted further down ln this report. Father McGuire expressed lis ap- preciation of the honor confcrred un him in asking hini to act as a judge in this contest, spokc of lus interest in amateur drainatics and ofcreci some hclpfnl suggestions on speech making. To speak with effective- ness one must have an idea or con- %action or theme: lie must be able ta express huaseif clearly and in- telligîbly and he mnst bc able la iun- press lis hearers. An entircly new feature of the Commencement, introduccuj thas year by Principal Coync. was the show- ing of a set of astronomical slides. These were educational and ver-y in- teresting. The slides, thrown on the scrcen by the hall's big projecting lantern, were explained by Mr. Coyne. They showed how linge tele- scopes and photograpliy had enabi- cd manklnd to learn much of thc size and movements o! the sun, moon and planets and their relative distances f rom the earth. Students of the Middle School gave a dramatic presentation of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice which is on their literature curricu- lum this year. Tliey staged in all ciglit scenes. coverlng ail the prin- cipal episodes 0f the comedy. Stel- lar actors were Fred Cowan as Shy- lock and Florence Spencer as Portia. Walter Blackburn and Edwin Han- cock ably took roles of Antonio and Bassanlo. Others cleverly acting their parts were: Loreen Batty, An- nabelle Hendry, Irene Brereton, Dor- othy Trenwlth, Dorothy Bonathan and Hubert Anderson. Chairman Dudley climaxed the presentation of awards and prizes with the awardlng of graduation1 diplomas to Arthur Lockhart, Ruby Shaw and William Rowland. The concluding item of the pro- grain was an interesting impromptu valcdictory address by the chief prize wnner, the saine Arthur Lock- hart, after which every one rose and siang the National Anthem. Following is a list of those receiv- ing prizes, with other particulars in regard thereto: Principal Coyne's Prizes: (a)- Medals to June Brown and Jean Riekard as f irst and second prof ic- iency prizes in Formi 1; (b>-Basket- baîl prize, medal to Wan. Brunt; (c) -Basebaîl prize, medal ta Wm. Brunt; (d) -Note book prize for gen- eral appearance and neatness throughout the terni, medal to Aud- rey Jaynes; îe)-Attendance prize. medal-Rnby Shaw. Miss Switzer's Prizes: $6 for hlgh- est standing in Forus Il-Edwin Hancock: $4 for second hlghest standing in Formn II-Hubert Ander- son; presented by Principal Coyne. Basebaîl Shield to winning school team of season-Walter Blackburn and team, by the donor, Mrs. B. Moise. Athletic Shleld, sterling silver on ebony back, for hlghest standing in the eight feature athîctie competi- tion, conducted on the C. S. E. T. basis-Jack Kinibal by reversion, highest aggregate credits havlng been made by Wm. Brui-t, hlgh man and winner of the Rogers' silver cup last year, presented by the donor. Rev. W. P. Rogers, pastor of the Un- ited Church. Mrs. Fallis' prize for Lower Sehool Engllsh, a complete and well bound edition 0f W. H. Drummnond'a poems -Edwin Hancock, presented by Miss Hlattie Mason who noted with pro- priety the fact that Edwin, showing sucli prof iciency in English through- ont the year was at this annual event very aptly the winner of the public speaking prize. Public Speaking Prizes: lst, $10- Edwin Hancock, by Mrs. J. A. Butler; 2nd, $5-Loreen Batty, by Mrs. H. W. Dudley; 3rd, $2-Jean Rickard, by Mr. C. T. Batty. Canadian History Prise, $5.00 in books-Arthur Lockhart, presented on behaîf of Rev. Oco. Mason, Pres- ident of the Men's Canadian Club, *Bownianville. The set consisted of Raîpli Connor's newest historical novel, The Rock and The River; Chas. 0. D. Roberts' Around the Camp Fire, and French Canadian Stories by French. Middlc Sehool Mathematics prize, fountain pen-Arthur Lockhart, by W. H. Anderson, presented by Hub- ert Anderson. Llbrary Board Essay prize. books to the value of $5.00-lst, Lorine Batty; 2nd, Annabelle Hendry; pre- sented by Rev. J. Scott Howard, 1member of the Board. Wllmot Gold Medal-Arthur Lock- hart, for highest standing, matric- ulation class, presented by Rev. F. H. Mason on behalf of Mrs. D. J. Gal- braith and other members of the f amily of the late Samuel Wilmot. Thos. Montague Matriculation Scholarshlp for boys, $125-Arthur Lockhart, presented on behalf of the B. 0f E. by Rev. P. H. Mason. Thos. Montague Matriculation Scholarshlp for girls, $125-Ruby Shaw, by Mrs. W. P. Rogers, for the B. of E. Poster prizes by the B. of E.-lst, Gertrude Bonathan; 2nd, Evelyn AI- 'lin; 3rd, Audrey Bonathan. Now you cati positively Identify your favorite D. L. & W. Scranton Anthracite (bard coal) before you burn lt. It's trade-marked (tinted blue), for your protection. Order from your Dear NOW- and know what 'blue ceai' conifort nuan FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE BY: SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD., WALKER'S SOAP Thtis extra-value Soap Ws always popular. Walker's Big Beauty Soap con- tains f ull four ounces of good quality, in lilac and rose. A reg- ular 10c cake. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, 5 each 5 GIFT BRACES Men's Art Silk and Lisle Cross- back Braces, strong elastic web, light fancy patterns. In Xmnas box. Regular 75c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per pair 47c Bu y for Less 1 1

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