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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATEBMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd. 1931 PAGE BEVE!4 PROTECT YOUR HOME J. H. Vance, Peterboro, wil town shortly. If you desire windows or doors flxed up ~Chamberlain weather strir leave your order at The State office and It will receive promI tention. I SENSATIONAL - ST, THE OPPORTU To Secure Royal DINN THE LOVE] FREE! Every Lady Patron Gt ABS9 Corne Every Tuesda Collect This S D innerwi Starting Tuesday ang ROYAL B( Monday, Tuesday, Chas. Farrell - "E Show Starts HaIF F Kandy Kisses, in 2-lb. I Cream Goods These two go wellt goods are baked a combination. Creain Pufs - C CHRISTMAS CA Are arrlving daily ai next week. Drop in the selection is go0o W. P. PHRONE 3 Mrs. Young i Be Sure Theu YOU'II knoiw the marke The Spartoi s equlppeà wth ai or varn-mu tubes ai only tound ln a Spi every dlemand and Demnonat.r5tlon zg HARR) King- Street East (Opp' EHAND-PAINTED LOCAL and OTHERWISE BIRTHS THE CHURCHES be in HITA IT GIBSON-At Oshawa Hospital, on N Mr. Raymond Cole, Windsor, 10 vember 3th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Ele.r The Salvation Army - Captain cyour I will bold a sale of Hand-Painted cently vsited bis father, Mr. Wk. C. Gibson, a daughter. Bursey, Lieutenant Hargreaves. Ser- Swth China and Pictures, aiso decorated Cole. MORTLOCK-Izi Bowmanvllle, on Sat- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sun- ippig, andessuiabl forXma prsens, r. eo. ice Toont, iecetlyday, November 28th, 1931, to Mr. and day School at 2.30 p. m. ppln, cndls, ultbleforXma piosats r. eo.Ric, Trono, ecetlyMrs. B. H. Mortlock (nee Kathleen L. esmn ver Turdayan ~visited bis brothers, Messrs. Harry Gibbs), a daugiter-Joan Alice. St. John's Anglican Church--Sec- an .F Rc._____e_____ nd Suinday in Advent: 1Holy Com- Ptmnevr hrsa n Frlday inD-adC .-c. munion il a. m.; Sunday School itat- cember at my home on Horsey St. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rogers were inD A HS23p.m;EeigPyr7p.. 47-1 Ethel Morris. 48-tf Toronto last week attending the f un- EA Hme.0 R ;Ectr i prea. 7p.m eral of lber sister, Mrs. J. Dunn, 82 GOARD-In Oakwood, Nov. 24th, 1931, Thst ars Uited Cbrch -R .A M. r.nnd . T. Bull and two ROINS ON-In 7Clarke, oar 25 S. Kerr, M. A., Minhster. Sunday FARTLING - EXTRAORDINARY children, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fletch- Robert J. W. Robinson, agd 66 years. services: il a. m.-"A Faith that NIT 0 ALIF TMEer, Toronto, were recent guests of Internient Newtonville (emetcry. caused Surprise"; 2.30 p. m.-Sun- Mr.andMrs Rot. reefied. DUNN-In Toronto. Wednesday, Nov. day Scbool and Adult Bible Class; JNIT OFA LIE TME M. ad Ms. Rbt.Greefied. 25th, 1931, Julia E. Wilcox, widow off the 7 p. m.-'Tbe Three Hundred Men 1 Stffodshie o EngandMr. Chas. Brittain, Montreal, Que., Mae James Dunn, aged 821 years. For- that Lapped." Midweek service on Staffordahire of Englandwas in town last week caliing on hiC. merly of B1owmanvillIe Nv 7 91Thrdyeeigat8p .Acr couins Ms. . Hdd, Ms. William Thompson, beloved husband oi dial welcome to ail. W. Foster and Mrs. J. W. Alexander the late Sarah Hlooey. in his Sth year. and oid friends. nterred at Newtonville. "UNN"FROFC Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ra of McOWELL-ln Toronto, Nov. 28th. UNN FROFC Buikeon ae stying ith heir19311, Franklin Metcalfe McDowell (Tor- - BuËkton re sayig wih thionto General Trusts). in his 76h year. mhe Acton Free Press makes these daughter. Mrs. Walter Cochrane, Interment in Bowmanville Cemetery. sage remarlis in regard to candidates Bowmanviile, who bas been under HARE-On Thursday, Nov. 26th, 1931. running for office: the doctor's care. aI Toronto General Hospital, Louis Hare, "The passing of the annual muni- bcloved husband off Ruby Rundie off Dar- A very successful euchre party was lington. Interment Stouffvlle Cemetery. cipal lection by-law last week -, held in the Cox Motor Sales sbow TRLLL-At WellesleY IHospital, Tor- brmngs to mind the fact that this roons on Friday evening when Mrs. onto, on Sunday, Nov. 291h, 1931, Mar- month wil see the nominations for Ceci Mutton and Mr. Floyd Mutton garet Williams, widow orfte late John the various offices of the municipal- IER WR E wre te pize inn's: ruil and mother off Mr. Lorne Truil, ity. It often seems a queer state of ýL ET R P~(ATRE r. tnd prs winle Osborne, Intrernt rllBryn Gond ar- airs iat the term should be used LYBTS ATENAudrey and Norman, Mr. Jim Rus- lington. _,,running for Reevo, or Council- FREE ! FREE ! sell, St. Catherines, spent the week- STEEN--On Frlday, Nov. 2711i, 1931, lors, etc." Why should any individ- ets ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a tnhlc fTi etedwt r n Ms vrt bre residcnce of her daughter, Mrs. ual who is capable of fulfilling these ýes ne Pec o Ti St ndwthMr adMr. veet . ortTaylor, 50 LyalI Avenue, Toronto,poion beepce o ru fr ;OLUTELY FREE Osborne, Wellington Street. Isabella Brown, belovedl wiffe or hielaiepotmit bas always appru oar Mrs R.Johsto, Cark, clle ']John Steen, in her 90th year (lateocr e" t a las perd andWedesdy NghtandMrs R.Johsto, Cai-e, aild DntolaPark). Interment Bond Hea)d wrong conception to us. Men who tyan ensa ih an on Mrs. J. H. Werry on Wednesday Cemetery. 'Newcastle. are successful in business or other et, 2 Pices omplte.while returning from Toronto where - -= activitios will usuaily carry the saine Women's Institute Convention. qualities into public office. Theso Mr. W. Fisher, Bowman House, payers want te admninister their af- 'ae G F ihswisbos to announce tbat hie is now fairs. The more fair way would WednesdayervDec.s 8or 9, 1931 sseem to be that the electors would A WenesayDec 8 9,131 nd ew ear Diners FailyTRI ITYseeli out these men and assure their .parties a specialty. Phono 55. eeto nteronitrss a 49-2 UNIED C URCH ther than anticipatmng candidates to . TH EA TR E Miss Helen Argue is to take part bog and argue for the support of in a musical programn sponsored by Minster voters. If you've admired the work OWMANVILLE .he Oshawa, Port Hope and Bow- E. F. ARMSTRONG, B3. A., B. D. of an individual on a public body, Wedesdy, ec.7 -8 -9 anville Music Study Clubs in St. Organlat be just as free with your praise as Weneda, ec 7- -9Marks Parish Hall, Port Hope, te- FRANCIS SU7rTON, Mus. Bac. with your criticism. If you would ARTBREAK" - Madge Evans night (Thursday). bave your town or country run suc- Mi-.andMrs.A. . Crwfotb, Sundy, ecemer th. cessfully, induce successful indivld- at 700 'Clck ighly.Mr.andMrs A. . Cawfrth Suday Deembr 6là. uals to perform their citizenship du- at7.0 'Cok lgtl.Grace and Eleanor, Strathroy, were Il a. m.-"Te Demoeracy or R- ties. Don't wait for tbem to run -guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris li-on?"fro#c. tsupt h iiest and other f rioncs bei-e over the QuarreoficT.e PISkarde Quartai. ns t *woekend and attended the Hlgb Anthemn: "Spirit Imniortal' verdi.eboten"adsurthi School Commencement Exercises on 2.30 P. m.-Sunday Sehool election. Every communlty needs Fridy niht.Ciaffes ffor ail ages - Good muic. the best it can produce for tbe pro- Frid and lghthe des"is6.45 p. m-Song Service Per administration of its affairs. Core ad se te omeios "Mss Bring Set.h Parker's Hymn Book and Seek these mon out and make sure -Susan's Fortune" and 'Tourists Ac- help sing the old songs. tbey are placed in nomination. r c ~ u~commodated" in Trinity school room 7 P. m.-"«Shelterlng Manhood", Friendsbips are a fine thinig, but re- ric e S a leon Tuesday, Dec. 8tb, at 8.15 p. m. The Rotarians and their ffriendsar under auspices of W. A. A roal ev- cordialiy lnvited to our guest nigh. member it is nlot always a friendly Solo: Mr. Rosa strike. act te place an unqualified man in a 2 bs 1e ening of ploasure is promised to all Rotary Double Quarte-Dr. C. W. public position ho cannot f111 with ots on]y, wblle they last 2ls 5 who attend. Admission 25c. Siemon, M. S. Dale, F. O. Melv.een, credit. These are days when careful ____________Scoch___h wa Geo. Chase, T. S. Holgate, C. H. A vry uccssfl coth ngbtwas Žiason, D. R. Miorrison, W. R. Strîke. administration is necossary in ail af- beld in celebrattion of St. Andrew's -Life la For Service', fai and wben the sorvices of out- Day in St. Andrew's Church on Mon- -0 Paradlae". standing mon are essential te keep day night. A very large audience 8 P. m.-The Friendly Ffreslde Roui-. the communlty to the fore-front. sand Cool W eath'er was present and a splendid program ConlSearlyland brllg everyone you cn Make sure such candidates are -un", rendredby oca andoutidetalnt.the aged and the atranger. You are cor: o office and forge t the idea of your Scotch refreshments were served at lally lnvlîed to worshlp at Trinlty vote being sucb a large item to be together and whon the creamed the close. United. sougbt after. Your vote is merely no botterThere have been a number of com- __________________your voice. Your utterances wltb t Corbett's thore 15n bte plaints of shoplifting in Bowman- ________________ this volce are iudged in a wlde cii-cIe. ville lately and one merchant set the__________________ right example last Saturday wben _______________ Mr. W. H. Woods, Gordon and ressn BoUls - Cream Squares ho had the offenders arrested. This Dorothy, Miss Eleanor Currie, and will probably be an example to those Mr. and Mrs. Robt. D. Woods, Tor- _______wbo are addictod te this contempt- U lCS h l onto, spont Sunday witb Mr. and ible practice. '.I5 Mrs. Geo. W. James. 1NDIES AND CHOCOLATES Jacki Miller, Barber, bas bit on a ~~____________ rather unusual plan te belp out the Lnd those will bo on display early needy. On Monday next f rom 9 a. i Wanted -i and ake yor seletions hile n. to 6 p. ni. ho is throwing open bis WNE ml hs fdaes and mao you soletionswhllebarber sbop to the unemployed and fl e tANE -Smlcet0frar, those unfortunate mon who cannot C nc r walnut prefferred. Reply in wrlting 10 I. afford a haircut winll e given on H. M. Drawer B., ]3ownianville. 49-1 free of charge. OPERA HOUSE FARM WANTED TO RENT-25 to 50 -~Jack Rice, the 1-year old son of acres, near sehool. Send ffull Information and relit expected to Henry van de Belt, footsteps of his fathor when it comtes CO R BETT tCbasico, ris f oullowingAtthe hrsa adFrdy A A.2PND WANTS OR 9- A Roa itrFairhi Toronto Jack Write James uiloFeTd, R. R. BOWMANVILLE won 2 firsts, 1 second and a thurd 7.45 p. m. 1 Clarke, Ont., or phone 1540. 46-3' with bis Black Spanish and 2 sec- -- onds in pigeons. Uhrssb coo hi r LPHOLSTERI NG-Furniture upholat- - Mrs. W. Marjoram reoelved word eig locoe a osadisd ___________________________ last woek that Brigadier and Mis. 150 Volees. body upholstering. J. A. Fry, Scugog Ai-chie Laymnan, wbo bave had St.___________hon___ . 3-t charge of Salvation Army work at Toy Shop by Juniors Honoulufor eveal yars arenowWANTEO AT ONCE-Young ladies off A nnounces - Hoouufrsvrleasaenw good education ia enter the Training stationed at San Francisco, Calif. Physical Traiia and Pyranild School for Nurses at Bowmanville Hos- Mrs. Layman is a daugbter of the Buldngad Dubfls. pital. Apply to the Superlntendeîit. The Re-Opening of her late Henry Meader of tis town. 4____________ 1 The ladies of St. Pauls Women's Annual Presentation or Pise&. POSITION WANTED - Middle aged HAIR DRESSING Association held a most succossful wornan wants position as housekeeper in bazaar and tes on fridaY afternoon. a amanl family. Best off references. Ap- PA L REach bootb was attractively decorat- py".M"Dae ,Bwavie PARLORod and the articles sold well. The Resei-ved seat sale opens at Mit- 47-2w th rarofsupper served by the ladies was as icboil's Drug Store on Monday, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED in te rer ofusual quite up to the standard and December l4th, at noon. -For Bowmanville and district. to re- wa hrogn Jydb alwepresent the «"Old Reliable Fonthili Nur- Cowas thororghry enjoyod by aU who ADMISSION 35e series." A splendid opening for the right Cowa's arbe Shp psticpate. Iman, with exclusive territory rights. 1 For full infformation, write Stone & Wei- Bowmianville W. Claude Ives, wbo recently pur- lington, Toronto 2. 4- chased the stock of the Elite Shoe 4- Store and who is staging a monster Part of proceedb for Relief Work SPECIAL 15-day stock clearing sale, bad s most successful fl-st weok. Ho is________________ Articles For Sale Shmo n acl$.0 full page advertisemont in The FOR SALE-New single garage. Ap- This week and noxt. Statesman last week. The sale con- pyA .Aenty hn 7rl 5t Phono 742 for Appolntment. tinues this week with another groat FRSL-tc f ha ta list of unusual values in footwear. R VF d Apl OR J SAL-Sa offwheasR . 6 - Ton mon f rom Bowmanville will THEATRE FOR Savlle-PrbedTolose 1e0 __________________go te the northern road building FRSL-ube oluegee camps next week accoi-ding te a lt- MEMBER 0F ffrom prlze-winnlng stock, Pither sex, ter eceied foin.the orono auhl)rlce $1.50 each. Apply Archie Thomp- oritios. Major Hamilton of OshawasoRR.5 wanle Pnei9. willi bo in Bowmanville on Saturday Pi________ 49- to supervise the medical inspection r fg rnA19rT -1 ered lm.Hocame as the "H RT ilguest of Nelson's Store and he made"TE RA" t ~' C. i I. . ~4 a great impression on the klddies as Fradt.on Dlnoerag o r Ithey f led past him after receiving Free onanothr aefo LAUNDRY WAN TED Y C L I ] t.hei- bag of candies. Mr. Nelson's _______________AI____ kindi of laundry work done, prompt- osit Stven' T~d)effort in brlnglng Santa to Bowman- îy, satiifa'ctoriîy and ai reasonable price. mithoevns'57 Bomanvfl ville brougbt hundreda of people in- t j writePpont o019e.Box il, or saili Mm. Phne57 Bwmnvne te town te shop durlng the after- Bowmavlesoe ellAflvlUO W. Marjoram. King Utret Uai, BDow- no00n. ed to SUPPlY yostr Christmas needa. flm5fvllle. Pb"*e 4M CEDAR CHESTS Give them to brides; give them to f astidious house- keepers; give them to young girls who are plan- ning their hope chests. This is an exceptional val- ue, large size 37", from $9.75 Up ALADDIN LAMPS Illuminated vase, parch- ment shade, new style, be- ing this week at $12.50 Radio and Boudoir Lamps as low as $2.50. No home Smoker. is complete without a We have them in many styles and priced from $1.95 up ~ Watch our window next week for CHILDREN'S TOYS AND FURNTIURE A small deposit will keep any article for Christrnas delivery. NORTHCUTT & SMITH (Successors to Alan M. Williams) FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS West of Bowman Houa. Phones 58 or 523 Bowmanvlle Heinz Demonstrator H ere on S atu rd ay MARK THESE ITEMS ON YOUR LIST Hyla Orange Pekoe Tea ............ 50e lb. F1ry's Cocoa, % s . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . cl Chrlstie's Soda Wafers ............10c pkg. Good Nippy Old Cheese ............. 20e IL Amber Honey ............. 5 lb. pal 35e Clover Honey ...5 L pail 40e Canned Tomiatoes, large tin ......... 3 for 25e FRUITS FOR CHRISTMAS Seeded Raisins ............. 15e pkg. Australian Seediess Raisins....... 2 Ibs. 25e Australian Currants ............15eclb. Spanisb Valencia Raisins ................. 22e lb. Fancy Sultanas ........................ 20c lb. Glazed Cherries, % -lb...................... 20e Mixed Peel, eut ....................... ..20e lb. Citron Peel .ý.................. ......... 30e lb. Almonds, 'h -lb ...........................20ec W alnuts, 1/-lb . . ... . ... .. ... 30e HARR YALLIN, GrocerI PHONE 186 BOWMBANVILE ot. DO YOUIR Nothlng la gainod by puttina- off tisat delightf ut duty oC Christmas shopping. Do ht now while selectIons are complote and stores are net crowdod. PRACTICAL A» USFPUL GIFTS If lt's sensible gifts you're looklng for you'l i f d a big varlety of attractive goodeanai over our store- and marked ulowxi to the new 10w prices. RICE & CO. Hardware OPPOSITE P8OS O CE ROWMANVLK mlý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMW;VMLE, THMSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931 PAGE a"Ex

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