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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 8

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PAGE KIGET THE CANADIAI4 STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1931 YOU HAVE EYES BUT CAN YOU SEE? Merely to have eyes is flot suf- ficient today-you must have un- incumbered vision, if you want f0 be successful. Many people think they can see, but when emergency arises or danger is imminent, and the eYes must send messages to the bramn with lightning-like speed they f ail to function properly and the result is disaster. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 Office Hours: 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. WEDNESDAY each week Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. RUSSELL T. KELLEY SPOKE ON THE A. B. C. OF MODERN BUSINESS çContinued fromn page 1) it is estimated that Canada alone will produce 55 million dollars' worth of gold next year whîci was a great aid ta, the return of prosperous tuîîes. The rise in the price o! wieat had an amazing effect on the coun- try, for a rise o! 1 cent a bushel meant $2.500.000 more money for the western farmer to spend. There is going to be plenty o! business if the business man is willing ta take off his coat and go after it. Taking iùs subject in its three parts he likened Ambition to memi- bers of a football team. Those who dîd not make the team the year be- f ore often did not try the next year. Those who had made the teain thought themselves so good that they waîted for the teamn to corne after theni the nextyear and fis did not always happen. This was how it wvas in business. If the business man did not have a real good year last ycar there was no reason wly he should lay down on the job and not try to make a good year this year, and the man who made a success last year need not think that he can resf on his laurels this year f or business will flot corne wthout going after it. Then a person must have Back- bone. If he saw that lis staff or a clerk wvas not of value ta him. it was not good business to be sof t hearted and refain such employees. but to get rid of hlm and get some one in his place who was wortiwhile. 1 Then in Concentration, the speak-1 SPINACH CELERY CARROTS BUTTER SUNNYFIELD LANfQUET BRAND-VERY SPECIAL PRICE FWWOUR98-LB. BA. LARD AUSTRALIAN SULTANA TENDER TEXAS 511M, dRISP BUNCIIES 49C 2 Ibn. 23C Bunch i Oc NATIVE LQUART l GROWN 6 BASKET15 EXTRA WEEK-END SPECIALS OUR OWN SILVERBROOR BRAND PASTEURIZED CREAMERY 20-lb. pal RAISINS AYLMER GREEN LABEY. lb. 23c 2 Ibn. 49rà S24 lb. bag 49C m $1]L,79 LARGE GRADED AND CLEANED lb.. 25C 400oz. jar 28C LOINS CNYWET Ail P O HAM .qs ,îVIîîEORUTIIAIOne lb. f12 ~C BUTTS %WELL TRIMMED Pie - CHOICE CUTS OF TENDER A & P SELECTED BEEF U t C E Q Porterhouue o igi.2 Oâ&tbSTS~Prime nb lb. 1S Fresh Dai13 Deliveries tb Ail Stores. Prepared for V.our Table at No Extra COOL, * U M FidESII nY Till 10 FANC L iLF POINT CO TI tNTI( iF}mu1oeo:e l-OZ . STEAKS lB. 2 îS ER LASAR ]FLOUNDIERS FRSII lb. 12o FILLETS FRE M l. IL40 [LECGS BOUGIIT AT IfIGIIEST MARKET PRICES9 AT ALL A & P STORES IN EXCIIANGF FOR_ MERCHANDISE OR CASH. Grocery fMnager: P. WlUnz. IMeat Manager* . Mecoy. We DeUver-Extra Charge 10o King Street Phione No. 83 nowsnanville ME THEGRAT ATLANTIC& PACIFIC TEA C. 1' ~~LIMITED 0F CNADA___________ er stated that he could see no suc- cess for any person who could nio concentrate on the business .thýat was in hand. If business was to be had it could only be had by concen- tration. Goîng further along on the sub- ject of policy in business the speak- er added that in a town the size of Bowmanville iA was absolutely nec- essary tînt oppositions in business be f riendly. The idea was to be all for one and one f or al. not only in business, but in aff airs that are of Canada. No business could be conducted successfully and satisfactorily unless the transaction meant a profit for both those taking part in fhe trans- action. In the past few years Can- ada had been buying millions of dol- lars wortl of goods from ftle U. . while the U. S. lad not cared muchý about buying anything f rom Canada. The States had been primarily i thinking of expansion o! exporta wth the result that it is equipped today to supply as much for export as for its own people and the export trade is now gone. Today it is the feeling of the big business men that Canada does not have to wait for the United States to pick Up in bu;iness but that Ca- ada is going to lead the way back f0 prosperity. The money was here, crowds larg- er than ever before were attencling fie various sporting events. It was, ticrefore the wisest plan not to hold back any longer but do needful buy- ing right now. As an illustration of what spend- ing does for the country thespeaker gave a littie poemn that very aptly showed the dollar starting with the The death occurred Saturday rac nîornmng, November 28mb, of Franx- Walnu lin Metcaile Mciiowell of i9 Femncie Avenue, Toronto, a weilî liown lig- ure mn the legai circles or tne city. Boin in Plertn on Nov. 28, 1855, lie was the son o! the late ktev. LJavid Creighton McDowell, a proineint clergyman of lhs day ana one-trne Presioent olflhc Bay or Quinte con- ference 0f fhe Mctirodisc Chur-ci 'The late Mr. MclJoweil was educat- Teleph ecd at Victoria College, wnien if was Walnu located at Cobourg, and subsequent- A Cecý ly atfcnded Osgoode Hall. So In the early eîglitîcslhe movecd f0 Smoke Western Canada, where lie ,vas a contractor on the buildling ot the Card ' Canadian Pacifîc Railway, and it, was while le was assisting in thce construction o! Canadas first trans- , . continental raîlway thnt Sitting Bull and his Sioux warriors fled across the border f ollowmng the massacre of General Custer and lis troops. - They struck their camp on the hills wiich overlookcd the valley in whîch the construction camp was located. At the conclusion of the raîlway construction work, fhe late Mr. Mc- Dowell returned East and scttled at Bowmanville where hie married Sar- k ah Davey, daughter of the laf e John Davey, a well known Justice o! the- Peace of Clarke township, who pre- F. deceased hlm twelve years ago. In 1930 Mr. McDowell moved to F aa Toronto, where le became identified' wtl the law f i-n o! Mulock, Millar, Crowthei & Montgomery. SomneF years ago the late Mr. McDowell .oined the Toron ta General Trusts King Street Corporation staff. His deatî loi- lowed a fal rom a ladder in the vault. wlien lie suffered a fractured skull and laccrations of the brain. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. T. C.I Nichollsof Uxbridlg;a brother Dr.j OCE a son, F. E. D. McDowell, publicity_______ represenfative o! the CanadianNa tional Railways, Toronto.___ The funeral was held at Miles'i Another step towards efflecting co- Undertaking Parlons. 30 St. Clair openation befween the Business Avenue West, Toronto, on Monday, Mens Association and the Junior interment being made in Bowînan-1 Hockey Club was fakeni on Moniday ville Cemetery. wiere Rev. Major J. nîglit. wlen the Junior players and B. Grimshaw.% conducted tic service. entiusiasts ta the number o! about Deceased lad been a member o! 35 met the sports cominitfce o! tic Florence Nightingale Lodge, 100.oF. Business Menis Association in the No. 66, for ovcir 50 ycars, and mcem- Cotincil Rooin to talk over the pros- bers o! this society conducted fIe pects for fhe coming season. Jusf Oddfellows' service at the grave previaus fo the meeting the matter whicl was in charge of Noble Grand liad corne before fie Business Mens Harold Foster and Cliaplain T. H. directorate and Dr. J. C. Dcx itt lad Lockhart. PaIlbearers were A. Mit- been placcd at the iead o! a coin- cll, C. A. Joinsfon, Rev. . .W. iniitfee composed o! Mel. Dale, Cecil Bunner, Geo. W. Janies, John Miller- Dudley and President T. A. Dustan and Kenneth Foster. ta foster plans ta carry on the Juzi- Relatives accompanying thiere lors f lis year. mains to Bownianville included Mr. Orme Gainsby, tie old reliable Or- and Mrs. F. E. D. McDoivcll, Mr. F. ono spoltsnîan, was on hand and as-~ W. Hodson, Toronto; Mrs. T. C. sured Bownîanvillc thînt le would be Niciolîs and tîree children. MI,,. unable to enter an Orono tcam in Philip Lapp, Miss Veda Niciolîs and tic O. IH A. serIes this ycar but fiat Mr Lyman Nichulîs, Uxbridge; Mr. le wouîld thnaw lis Suppurt and e!- and Mrs. Rd. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. foits behind the Bowmianville team John Br'own. Oronio. and would place lis last ycar's play- crs althfe aisposmil o! thc local team. -- Orme lad also gotten Up a peti- tion whîcl was signed by the Port faimer and affer going a complete Hope, Cobourg, Bownanville and cîrcle came back to lmm and started Whifby clubs, asking thc O. H. A. at all over again. thir executîve ineeting to place In conclusion he urged lis learers Oshawa in another gruup. This was not ta be knockcrs. A knock at the donc in view of the fact thaf Osi- town was a knock at ones self, for awa lias a population equal to tînt the town was tic people wlo lived o! alf other towns to select onec in It. Enci and eveny man and wo- junior team from while thc remain- k man forîned a link in the dham and ing four lad four feams to pick f nomc for fie strengtf !tînt cdai we this saine number. If was also fet f siould sink aIl differences of opin- thaf if would be fa thc best lnterestI ion and get oiîr coats off and go f0 o! hockey ln this district to have I work. Fînally le urged everyone Oshiawa ouf o! the group. It placedP present to remember thaf it shauld fie other teams in a position of ai- r be man's sincere endeavour to serve Most certain defeaf in the sernes1 ls fellow man. which fended f0 lessen inferest and Rot arian Frank Mellveen moved a gate receipfs. Oshawa if is under-u learty vote o!fianks ta fie speaker sfood la quite wllling fa, be left ouf for his fine addreas and cxpressed a o!fie group for they feel also tintV hope fiat lie would again corne and If f hey have sf ronger oppositionE address some organi.zafîon ln fie their gate receipta wlll materlally in-E town in the near future. crease and the flnanclng of the team wîll flot be as liard as in. other ondi Class tests: Douglas Blunt- years. In addition to fiese poit tKim's Game and Fîre Lighfing; Rus- dues flot scem ifair f0 tic other lus sdICandler-Kima SGante; Tommny wlien Oshawa lias six or eiglit wecks Gatdhell-Kim's Gaie; William on fhe antifîcial ice and are in mid- Janres-Kim's Game and Compass; season f orin by tic fime fhe otier Bert Joinston-Kima' Game, Coin- clubs gef their f irst outing on fie pass, Fîre Lighting; Jack Parker- ice. Tic O. H. A. executive met on Kim's Game; Fred Neaie-Kim's Tuesday to arrange the groupîngs Gamc and Conipass; Clarence Wîti- and ficir !indings arc publislied eridge-Kim's Game; Eric Swindells clsewhere in fis issue. -Kani's Game and Comipass. Tic Business Men wcre unable ipi) Mn. Tcrry expressed bis pleasure until Monday nîgittef0 ind a man ithe large nuînber o! Scouts wio wio would iandle tic juniors tri tic passcd tests and said le hoped f0 capacîty o! manager. Tic Business sec an even langer îîumber at ftle Men have praîîîîsed tIre support o! ncxf meeting, and rcquestcd fhe Pa- cars for- transportation so fIat tIc trol Leaders f0 lay ouf fie work for job will flot be as oncrous as if liasi the next week. been ta Jack Gunn in flie past fcw- ___ years. However, tic searci will bc kcpt up anîd a inairager will probably W OLF CUB NEWS be founir rtire near future. If is O audytr s trCb likcly tînaf Gardon Ciartran will Oneîd a f0tchoe o tictarCub- coac tictca agan fls yar. master, L. C. Wmlcocks, which was Tic players who lave entered enjoycd f0 tic full. During fie af- their nines for a fryouf an tic Jun- ternoon fie Cubs cngaged iîr various ion team tuis ycar are: Geo. Walfoni, actîvities and sports. Clarlie 0. Jairrieon, XV. Bagnell. W. Mut-C ton. L. Gunin. C. Oke. M. Oke, E. Churcill, Clane Wakelin and Law- BagnllF. uttn. W Haely H.rence Wîlcocks succeedcd in passing BagnllF. Mtto, W.Hatly, ticir message tests. Theodore Lam- Bîckell. E. Homne, J. Cullcy, A. Dun- brose passed in signalling, being flic lop, G. Sutton. F. Smith, R. W11 fîrsf Cub fa do so. lianrs. Geo. VernIe, C. Osborne, J. Attergl mtighe o Pickrd nd . Hat fontBow a ur cubs. Dotnald Venfon, Jimmie ville and this district. and Neal. Clark and PaulISynions, were inveat- Winters. Mercer and Taniblyn from cd by tic cubniaster and took ticir Orono. Pl-, in flic circle. Two Points of fihe cubt code were pfirficularly cm- BOY SCOUT NEWS pl&sizcd f0 miii fhe Pack, -Thc Cub I must always give in to tic old Wolf Tic First Bowmanville Troop met and flot f0 himself" and "to do a on Wedncsday. November 25f h. un- good turn evcry day.' We hearily der tic supervision o! Scoutmnasfer welcomne tiem into our pack and S. S. Terry. Owing f0 the absence wish f hem cevery succesa. o! Assistant Scoutmaster Ned Rci- der, Mr. Tcrry was assisfed by Mnr. A tlmid person is frightened be- Lloyd S. Young o!f the Ontario Zone fore a danger, a coward during fie Scouts, and Instrucfor o!f tle Firaf time, and a courageous person a!fter- Newcastle Wolf Cub Pack, who is at wards.-Riclfen. present engaged in organlzlng For Bunns and Scalds.-Dr. Thom- Tnoops in Orono and Ncwcaste as' Eclecfnlc 011 will take fhe fine ouf Tic meeting opened with i u-of a bunn or scald. If should be at ualrouine aferwhici Ralpi Ames hand In every kitchen so thnt if rMay and Clifford Hall were presentedl be avallable at any time. There la wifh Cyclist's Proficiency Badges, nu preparaf ion required. Just apply Donald Pugi passed is Finsf Class the o11 fo the burn or scald and the Bank Account Test, pain wlll abate and In n shorit tme The fullowing Scouts passed Sec- cease altogether. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Have yop otten wondered why A & P Fruit and Vegetables Mr always su tempting-tbe fruit &lM, fun flavorcd and naturally ripened? Let us tell you the secret. Fresh deUlveries are made once a day-and sometimes ofiener-to &U A & P Stores. Simple, lsnt lt? A & P Fruit and Vegetables look FRESH-becauso THEY ARE FRLESHI NEW SHIPMENT 0F FANCY FLORIDA PINVEAPPL ORANGES2 oe MEDIUM SIZE FLORIDAS GRAPEFRUIT 4 foÇ2C CELERY HEARTS 2 Bwcl23c SANANAS LARGE RIPE31h21 y AM Raspberry or JAM Strawberisy FRESII CUTS OF YOUNG ROASTING Mrs. Matthew Spinks, Blackstock .After a brief illness there passed away at her late residence. Black- stock, one of Cartwright's highy re- spected cîtizens in the person of Mrs. Matthew Spinks, aged 75 years. De- ceased was born in Darlington town- ship, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gay. In 1880 she was married to the late Matthew Spinks who predeceased her six years ago. Their married 111e was spent on their farmn at Purpie Hill, until twelve years ago when they retired to liye in Blackstock. leaving their only son Russell to carry on the farming op- erations. The late Mis. Spmnks was a confirmed member of St. John's Anglican Church which she attend- ed faithfully and well. She was also a member of the Women's Auxiliary of which she was an interested and willing helper. With her quiet. un- assurning and loveable disposition she forrned for herseif a large circle of friends. The f uneral was held on Tuesday, October 27th, conducted by her rec- tor, Dr. C. E. Whittaker, assisted by a former rector, Rev. P. G. Powell, of Uxbridge, and the remains were laid to rest in St. John's Cemetery. The pail bearers were Messrs. Ira ArgueI E. Darcy, Fred Willan, John Rowe of Whitby, Jas. Shunk, Seagrave, and Ed. Fice, Oshawa. Arnong the floral tributes were two beautiful pillows from the fam- nly, one of white mums and one of Amierican Beauty roses. also a spray from the Women's Auxiliary. Le! t to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother, are two daugh- ters and one son, Mrs. E. Darcy, Mrs. Ira Argue and Mr. Russell Spinks; also three sisters and one brother, Mrs. John Hare, Midland, Mrs. Fred Nichols and Mrs. John Flce, Oshawa, and Mr. Wm. Gay, Hampton. Among those from. a distance who were present at the f unerai were: Mrs. Wm. SPinks, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock and Mrs. M. Weldon, Uxbridge; Mrs. Jas. Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Cook, Lind- say; Mrs. James Hall, Little Britain; MIr. and Mrs. J. Rowe, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. James Shunk. Seagrave; M4rs. John Hare and daughter of Midland; Mr. Wm. Gay, Hampton; tirs. Fred Nichols a- :d Mrs. John Fice, Oshawa. Frank M. McDowell, Toronto 1 PAGE XIGIrr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECKNIBER 3rd, 1931

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