v Tm C IUIISIIMDRU IHINTS FOR HOUSEBODIES I Wrtten for The Statesman by Jessie Allen Brown er aeboe to eigh peope who pretend ta be bared by Christmfas. I arn sure it is jusi at pretence and the sorriesi Scrooge af them ail laves Chrstmnas at the bt- tam of bis beari. Wbo wouidn'tr bave the Christmas camplex? Mys- teoos wisperings, bright wrap- pings, and a gay festive spirit sur-1 iounding us.1 Christmnas is the chiidren's day.t Let them bave as mucli hand in the1 doing of things as passible. It isi not the expensive presents that wiUl be rernembered lu afLer years, but the traditions wicb each f arniy bas1 f or its very own.1 Let the chiidren do the decrat-g lug. It may nai conform ta yourj idea af ariistic standard,. But what1 matter! Let them look over the tree decaratiails and decide what can be used and wbat must be discarded. There will not be much discarded. Not nearly as much as if you dld ih yourseif. They treasure every sparkiing ornament. What joy tbey will bave in handiing tbem. If you need new ornaments, let tbe cbildren do the buying. Have them do it eariy 50 that they can take pienty of turne ta choose. If there is more than one chlld, whatever you do give each one an equai amount of money ta spend. Wat a ime they wil bave camparing their treasures. The tree wiil mean mare ta them than ever, and tbey will bave one more tradi- tion forrned. Al tbrough the year they wiii look forward ta buying tbe oramenis for the t-ce. SScotch Cake or Shorthread 1 lb. (4 cups) pastry flour, % lb. Ltter, /4 lb. (-/ cup) brawn sugar. Cream butter tboraughly and add sugar graduaiiy, beating until a very fine texture and cream in colaur. Add sifted ffour and mix thoraughiy. Do not add the flour ail ai once. Turn on a floured board and knead, ,working lu as much flour as passible. Mauld ia desîred shape. Prick witb a fork and bake in a mode-ste aven of 300 degrees. I geL best re- suts by turning tbe baking pan up- side down and baking on tbe bottom of it. In addition ta this precaution, I put two layers of brown paper un- der tbe short bread. This ailows it ta bake very slowly witbaut bumning an the battam. Some people prefer granulated sugar, Personaily, I think that brown sugar makes the nicesi ffavaured sbartbread. Christmas Shortbread Use the above recipe, but add 1 cup glace cherries (red and green), cut lu pleces, and 1/2 cup almands biancbed and shredded ta the mix- ture before kneadlng ht. Rail and cut wibh a very smail cookie cuiter, preferably a stax-sbaped one. Mack Mincemeat 1 cup molasses, pluch of sali, 1/ cup water, 2 cups cbopped appie, 2 tabiespoons butter, 1/4 cup vinegar, 1 beaten egg, 1 teaspoon each cinna- mon, claves and nutmeg, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cracker i-oUed, 1 cup raisins. Mix the ingredients and cook un- tii thick. Makes two pies and is preferred by rnany to the richer mmncemeat. Salted Almonds Blanch airnonds by covering with boillng water and letting stand a f ew moments untfl the skins are loasen- ed and wiil came off easily. MeIt a litile butter in a disb. I usuafly use a pie plate and about twa teaspoans of butter. Caver the bottom of tbe pan with almmnds, being careful ta bave anly one layer of alrnonds. Put ini a slow aven until the aixnonds are a golden brawn. stimrng occas- ionaily. Sbake sait ta taste over tbem wbiie hot. Keep tightly cov- ered in a tin box. Spieed Nuis Use either blanched almonds or walnuts. Beat together just enough ta mix them, the white of one egg and 2 tabiespoons water. Dip the nuis in ibis and drain. Sift togetber one and a hall cups confectioner's sugar, two tablespoons carnstarch, one-quarter teaspoons eacb of cinna- mon and ginger. RaIl the nuts in the spiced sugar, Spread on a Lin s0 tbat tbey will ot tauch one another, and bake in a maderate aven until they are crisp and a light brown. Christmas Candies Childi-en Can Make - Fruit Bala Put 1/2 lb. dates. 'A lb. raisins, 3 figs, 1/ cup nuts through the food chopper. Shape into baîls and rall in cacoanut or ground nuts. If tbe children ta eat these candies are very smaii. the nuts may be omit- ted, in the ground mixture. Any mixture of dried fruit may be used, sornetirnes I add prunes and a few draps of lemon juice. I wauid flot be wlthout ibis type of candy at Christmas time, because the smafler cbiidren can eat it ta their hearts content. and one neyer bas ta say 'na.' Most mathers bate ta say 'fia' at Christmnas time. Orange Delight Soak two ounces of gelatine in a hall cupful of water for 5 minutes. Bring a cupful of sugar and a cupful of water ta a bail. add the softened gelatine, and caok for 20 minutes, stirring occasionaliy. Add bal! a cupfui af orange juice, and a table- SPOOI3 of leman juice. Pour ia a shaiiaw pan wet with water. Let stand over night. CuL In cubes and rail in powdered sugar. A lake is tbe landscape's mosi beautiful and expressive f eature. It is the eartb's eye; iooking into which the beboider measures the depth of of bis own nature. The fuvatile trees next tbe shore are the siender eyelasbes wbich fringe It, and the wooded bis and ciiffs around are uts overbanging braws.-Thoreau. THE CALL 0F THE OL) HOME 3ood-bye, you grim old clty, I'm go- ing home ta live, Hame ta the little village whlch bas more than you ta zive. ['m done witb crowded pavements and towerlng buildings grey And ligbts that blink ai hunger and men too tlred ta play. Yours are the haunts of beartache and loneliness and greed; Tbe bome tawn, thougb a small town bas aU that bunians need; I'm going back ta friendsb.ip, green f ields and skies of blue, And manY a wortb-wbule pleasure wblcb God denles you. Turne was the city called us-the youthful and the strong: "Come here where f ashion reignetb; 'tis bere that you belong. The liLtle towns are bopeless-the litile towns are slow AUl the great world is doing the city's f irsita oknow. "Here faine and fortune wait yaull" and, wantmng La be wise And cager ta be clever, I yielded ta your lies; But ail yau bad ta give me were bur- dens for my back And naw I know the borne tawn bas much tbe cities lack. Goad-bye, you grirn old city! The borne tawn's caliing me; Its f olks are wise as yours are and just as smart ta see. Your books taday are Lheir books- tbeir girls like yaurs are dressed Tbey know as soan as you know what's newest and wbat's best. They ride like yau in matai-s; they sing tbe self-same sangs, Ail that yau have to boast of, save parnp, ta them beiongs, But they have kept life's sweetness, they go serene La sleep, And they bave breath and beauty you had but couldfl't keep. I've heard the ald tawn cail me: 'Carne back, yau wandering son Corne back ta fields of claver, corne back ta i-ad and gun! Corne back ta fish and rabblts, ta partridge and ta quail; Came back ta bealth and freedarn, where joy is nat for sale. I feed yau and I'11 house yau; I'il give you neighbars true, Tbe sangs of birds at marnlng and blassamis sweet wlth dew; A dag ta be yaur cornrade; a liue that's gaad ta byve, A playgrauni for yaur childien the city cannai give."1 I've bad my fing at fortune and now I've faced about, Thraugh lonely baurs and idle I'vt sat and tbaught tbings out; I'm dane wlth ligbts of splendr- I'rn siclt of rush and strain, I'm gaing ta byve and neighbor wl ; wbolesorne folk againi I've beard tbe borne tawn cail me and golng back I arn Where there is more contentmefl . and less af pride and sbam; I'm beadlng for the borne tawn, m] 11f e ta stai-t anew, 1Where tbere Is less of beai-tache anc more of frlendshlp true. My, won't she love And te, tblnk YOU ua one of these delght- buy mch wonderfui fui gfts! articles at these low .................... ...'.,. Gifts That 'WÎiI Please Her You know it's not so difficuit after ail in choosing gifts foir your Mother, Daughter, Sister or Sweetheart if you go to the right store. Many are finding The Smart Shop solves their gift problems with ease and satisfaction. GftLnee YVe Find GiFts Foraam&s Lady GreatVariey of ift Hs....... .............. $1.00 up Boxed H ...............co .es ........................ 39c to 75c Scarfs, modernistie and in great variety, special at........ $1.95 Ladies' Kimonas, a most appreciated it.... $2.95 to $4.95 Children's Iderdowfl Kimonas, warm and comfy, ....... $.95 Genuine Leather Purses, priced very reasonable,. . $1.29 to $4.50 Fancy Silk Umbrellas, a practical gift.......... $2.00 to $5.00 Kid Gloves, in ýail the new styles, wonderful values at...... $2.25 Suede Gloves, in contrastiflg color schemes, at only....... $2.25 Towel and Face Cloth Sets, make acceptable gifts at...... $1.25 Sweaters and Pullovers, matched colorings, at........... $2.WO Leather and Leatherette Skating Coats, black and brown, $10.00 and $4.75 ONLY 6 LADIES' WINTER COATS LEFT Ti7isyear's stock, fur trimmed, sizes up to 46, priced for quick learan ce, as low as............................... $6.00 THE SMART SHQP Cowan Block Geo. R. Mason, Manager 1 LEGION BAND) CONCERT (Contiflued f rom page 1) The next band numnber was the populai- aid refrain "There's a Long Long Trail," after which Mrs. Hu- bei-t M. Poster, in ber usual exceed- ingly pleasiflg style, sang a vocal solo, "The Floral Dance" wblch i-e- ceived an encore.ý The band f ollowed again with a Serenade "Sweet DreamS" and tihe Maie Quartette rendered two more nunibers that received an even greater reception than their f irst numbers. Their number this tixne was "The End of thse Cobbiestone Road." The Mapie Leaf by the band, the readlng of a letter frorn Mr. Cot- ton, and the singlng of the National Anthemn brought a very entertaining program to a close. Mrs. C. H. Dud- ley was the accompanist for Mrs. A. Colvilie and Mr. H. J. Knigbt, wbile Mrs. C. J. Smale accornpanied for the dancing and Miss Helen Argue for Mrs. Hubert Poster. Great pi-aise is due Bandinaster R. J. Lowens for the patient and painstaking efforts he has shown in directing and training the younger members of the band. It is truly rernarkable the talent be bas de- veloped and the effciency and skil they have shown ini the short time the band bas been organized. The members of the band are: Bandinaster-Robt. J. Lowens; cor- nets-Bruce K. Berry, Gilbert Jones, Walter Woalley and Walter Evans; trombones-Bili Shotter, A. Fletch- er; snare drum-Tbos. Bennett; bass drum-Wm. Tait; baritones- 1A. W. Pckard, Sam Glanville; bass -Willred Carruthers, Lou Rowe, Nelson Jackm-an; alto horns-BRobt. Greenfleld, J. Abernetby and H. Foster; clarinet-Dick Wlddicombe. RAILWAit TE TABLE Effective November 22nd, 1931 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST Train Time No. 8- 1.00 a. m.-Dlly, fiag. No. 10- 9.11 a. m.-Flxcept Sunday. No. 36- 2.00 p. m.-Except Sunday. No. 18-10.38 p. m.-Datiy. GOINO WEST No. 7- 5.33 a. m.-Daily, flag. No. 35- 6.32 p. m.-Except Sunday; stops to let off passengers fromn Ottawa and mast. No. 39- 7.02 p. m.-Except Sunday. Nos.10 and 39 just operate between IToronto and Belleville. tNos. 7, 8 and 36 operate between To- ronto and Ottawa. No. 18 operates between Toronto and Montreal. tCANADIAN PACIFC AL Y GOING EAST 9.40 a. mi. Daily. 3.00 p. m. Dally except Sunday. 12.20 rnldnlght. Daily. GOING WEST 6.57 a. mi. Dally. 3.00 p. Mi. DalIy. .16 p. ni. Daily except Sunday. COLLACUTT COACH LUNES TIME TABLE Leave Bowmianvllle Leave Bowmanvillls (Westbound) (Enstboufld) 8.10 a. mi. 9.20 a. m. 10.50 a. m. 11.50 a. m. 1.50 P. M. 8.05 P. M. 6.20 p. m. 5.05 p. i 8.50 P. nM. 7.06 P: .:m 12.20 a. mn. (midnlght) 9.45 p. mi. IREKS PRETTY THINGS Per urnilzers ...... $1.00 Up Dustlug Powders ... 25e up Compacts ...... c. 00 u Per urnes ..... 25e ai> Toile; Waters .... . 50c up Stationery .......25e Up Kodaks and Cameras 98e up Tollet Sets by-Hudnut, Yard- ley, Daicrase, Colgate and Coty FOR THE GENTLEMAN WRO LIXES USEFUL THINGS Cigar, Xmas wrap ...50o up Desk Sets ........... $4.95 up Fountain Pens ......98o up Rails Razors ...... $6.95 up Gillette Raai-s .... 98e Up Cigarette Ligliters .. 35c up Tobaccas .............90o p Cigarettes, Xmas wrap. .60o up 01f t Sets by - Julian Sale, Yardiey, Waadbury and Wil- liamis. FOR EVERYBODY - Smlles 'n Ohuckies Candies Now 50c lb. JURY &LQVELL Every Cent spent ai Our store means a Vote for some littRe girl lu REXALL DOLL CONTEST When We Test Eyes hIs 1 Done Properiy ahd tMe A P i aga&n ready wl/h the' cli oceL t 0lfoodi for jour (hritmafca£t/ 1 FProm the North, South, East and West-even front the - far-off lands of the Orient-A & P has collected the j most tempting dehicacies and ail the familhar staple ~. f foods to make your holiday dinner complete-and, bes$ )f ail the prîc"s are the lowe-t in veirs tvw)cpl A BUGI--! i;-OàJ -î'UUR OWN SILVERBROOK BRAND SUNNYFIEL» PSTURZEI) CJRAmmRY, la. Sic S OR BEST SHORTE11MG - SLARD 20-M.* »*"2 PI1IL9e MA~DE I'ROM PURE WINTER WMAT e LOUR Asl ' & :4 .65c SEV ERY rGG GUARANTEED »o PU VELIT 4EX LTRAS 48 "Tim-8. 43 - AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY j A eSIEV6 TINS 4 a On All Bends cf A& PNetar Tea BOJîDEI JIZBLENDED ,-- ~~BLE I!L U b. d49e INDIA lb IF YOU ARE PLANNING FOR A INDIA d b.49c "i ~URKEY "FA&mouOR «AGEK b àa iat:ý,e of the low A & P hoidgyprice by laing your order - 9 ~d guaranted, or course. SLE AVE YOLUR ORDER NOW AT ANY A & P FOOD STORE HOLIEDA y NEW STCE ISUGGESTlIN 4E T' EDIUNI LARGE EXTRA LARGE 24b. PBas ing - 3ranes DZ. 1 0 OZ. 5e OZ. 930 A & P HOME-MADE STYLE StANGERINES S Do%. 290 MINCEMEAT 2 lb.. 23o - REDV FOR KITCIIEN OR TABLE USE STNB KAR VA . 5.QUALITY I'RESH YUGRATN mîmAa]&'jN DATES 2 Pkigm FI35e SICING SUGAR 3 'be. 19o PORK il COCOANUT DESICOAmD l.l~ ut~b 2 oine Afy Wghtlb q SCISCO TIN 3 *& 71. Loin and Rib Chopa lb. 1. le YO?'G u MATDFRESHL'y CHOPPED YOLA M B LEGS lb. TEDKIDNEY SUBIT 2 ibm. 25, FANCY MACHINE-SLICED SMOKED BEFFATITYEHý WC p=cNEW STOCK FANCY RED SPRING Baton,/z,,, %PgeSALMON w l. TM Pakg Bacon /iibb P.amealed Da.k ,LICDIb. ,* e BYTHE lb. 1,70 SEAKS.......... 0 COICE TIEND1 7 A & P B1w!' PEESOE "rilme RIb lb. 1,50 Haddie F!lets lb.13' - R os iriOn SeD akNor lb. 210 Eggs Bought at Hghest Market Prices at AU A & P Store sIvl o st~ b 9 in Exchange for Merchandise. Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Groccry Manager: P. William,1 ver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 Bowmanville 11 Ç' B - * ealaTAf UiAPflUUW urwimANan..LETHUBJBDAYO DECEMBER17, 1931 /1 PAoeM . You r Git List 'js ~, .,.- FOR THE LADY' WHO 1